As a loved one passes from life to death, we feel sorrow! It is words received from an Angel that as one lives on Earth, each act of love is remembered by another jewel placed in Heaven's Crown.
This poem is my interpretation of the verses in scripture that tell us that after death, we shall receive a crown of glory!
Heaven’s Crown
While taking a stroll of remembrance last night,
I was blessed with a wondrous Heavenly sight--
Startled, and perplexed I was of what was above,
Until skies brilliantly sparkled with God's love.
Stars twinkled, and an angel of God spoke to me,
"Do not grieve for the person you search to see.
Ones absent from life are in God's care e'remore,
No longer recognized in humanly form as before.
The glow that you see shining on ever bright
Are jewels in Heaven's Crown emitting love light.
Gems illuminate supreme love mankind did show,
As deeds of kindness to others one did bestow.
There are beautiful stones set in crowns of majesty
In recognition of unselfish acts shown to humanity.
Each time a kindness is extended to one in need,
Another jewel is added as love does intercede.
Countless are gems, various colors and hues rare,
To commemorate gifts given from a spirit of care.
Your beloved are tucked now 'neath safe wings--
Hope of happiness, vision of tomorrow, joy rings.
Ever keep alive the message received in this walk.
Memory of this night as with an angel you did talk.
Remember well my words spoken with love to you.
Do not grieve, acts of love shall receive their due.
Someday you'll stroll together with loved ones again,
Released from earthly form you relate to as "human".
You shall then glow too with dazzling Heavenly love,
Gifted to you also by God, Omnipotent Father above!
Leave now, and be of good cheer in what you see.
Know that your loved ones absent have been set free,
Dwelling now in eternal bliss without sorrow and pain,
Joined with others, singing a glorious musical refrain--
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb!”
I Corinthians 15:55 NIV
"Where O death is your victory?
Where, o death, is your sting?”
Sheila Bowyer Kline
My Review
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Once again you bring such inspiration to your work... I really enjoyed the interpretation...
It is rubies, emeralds, sapphires, in crowns lovely,
In recognition of unselfish acts shown to humanity.
Each time a kindness is extended to another soul,
A jewel is placed aside as Heaven's joy is extolled!
a very interesting verse to reward good doing with jewels for when in heaven they have no value except recognition for good deeds... just how a simple gesture of praise on earth should be.
this is amazing, thank you for such an encouraging message.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thank you!! I pray it may continue to encourage us during times of grief in our lives!! We are lov.. read moreThank you!! I pray it may continue to encourage us during times of grief in our lives!! We are loved.......
Sheila, what can I say about this beautiful write that would be of worth. One of these days your tears too shall be wiped away. Those who mourn will be comforted. Your written word brought me a visual of what is to come and where we all are striving to be. Bless you dear and my God dry your tears and give you strength and comfort. Beautiful, all I can say is beautiful.
I like this idea of what you see as the jewels of the afterlife. It's beautiful. The rhythm is very consistent and the lexicon just flows so smoothly and beams such a beautiful light. Very well written. You definitely have a talent.
You paint such a beautiful etheral picture of what heaven will be like. I'm not sure the good book itself describes it so beautifully. Hope reigns eternal and so does life those who believe. Thank you for this glorious picture of heaven. I can't wait to go, too!
It nice to think of the warmth and light that are awaiting us some day and that those who have travel afar will be with us once again. The scripture and the love are very present with this poem of praise.
SHelia your poems are becoming your own form of ministry. Every poem I read from you is either reminding me or educating me on the Lord. I enjoy all of your material. What a blessing to have you on this site.
Someday you'll stroll together with loved ones again,
Released from earthly form you relate to as "human".
You shall then glow too with dazzling Heavenly love,
Gifted to you also by God, Omnipotent Father above!
It is lines like this I use to help me get through the days when I am alone.
I am a Poetess of Multiplicity who also enjoys genealogy research, current events, folk ballads and Irish/Celtic music, and I am a grand lover of dogs!
I strive to live by the philosophy o.. more..