![]() The Way of Ignorant Virtue (Part III)A Poem by wuliheron
Childhood's End
*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&* *&We Are All But Mother Nature's Much Beloved Children!&* *&Whose Childhoods Are Never-ending in Neverneverland!&* *&The sum of parts never actually being equal to the whole!&* *&None among us could ever comprehend the big picture!&* *&We Are But Ants Climbing The Empire State Building!&* *&Gravity Reminding Us All Which Way Is Still Down!&* *&The Memory Of God, Lost On The Distant Horizon!&* *&Comforting Orb So Softly Illuminating Our World!&* *&Oblivious, To The Greater World All Around Us!&* *&Oblivious To Whatever Fate May Yet Await Us!&* *&Never-Ending Childhood's End In Never-land!&* *&Ugly Ducklings Are Fated To Become Swans!&* *&Generally Guided By Instinct And Intuition!&* *&The past a Memory the future yet a dream!&* *&Wherein eight dimensions in a singularity!&* *&Blazing lighthouse Beacon in all darkness!&* *&Papa's all encompassing truth guiding me!&* The Undeniable Truth of our consciousness, The Consciousness of life is higher than life! The knowledge of Happiness is higher than happiness, That Is What We Have, To Fight Against! And I shall, I shall fight against it! If only we all wanted it, Everything could be arranged thus immediately. Childhood's End Is Upon Us Yet Again! Let The Celebrations Begin! Somewhere, Over The Rainbow! Lost Deep In Never-Never land! Deep within the Memory of God! Deep in a wonderland Wilderness! Our yellow brick road less Traveled. Let Us Sing All Praises Unto Heaven! Upon Our Mother Earth, Giving Birth! Where Rainbows Still Meet The Earth! Babes Wandering In The Wilderness! Upon a Planet Eternally Lost in Space! Rise Up! Warriors of the Rainbow! Speak That, Which Must Be Spoken! Break The Spell That Must Be Broken! Confirm For Yourself Your Very Own. Journey Upon A Road Less Traveled! Trusting Mama, To Show The Way! Feel The Earth Beneath Your Feet! Know Your Personal Perceptions. Gentle Humor And Compassion! Never Require Any Justification! Gravity's Rainbows So Glorious. Colors Coalescing Unto Infinity! Angelic Choir’s, Ecstatic Praises. Lost Horizons, Lost Then Found! Arise Children of the Universe! Arise, To Reclaim Your Own Birthright! Arise Reclaim Your Own Rightful Heritage! Arise, Reclaiming The Joy In Humanity's Souls! Know What's Still Good For You! Never treat Nature With Disdain. For she Plays Wicked Peek-a-boo! For she can Teach anyone disdain! You May As Well Spit in the Wind. You might as well Shoot your Foot! Wonder, an Undeniable Sign of life. Wonder Beginning of All Curiosity! Valor, Beating Myriad Alternatives! Chivalry Still Going Out of Fashion. Prudence Still the Best Part of Valor! Contentment The Source of Treasure! Learn Who You Are, From Experience! Learn Who All, Might Wish To Become! Learn, How You Can Be All You Can Be! Find Out What Love Might Mean For All! We Are The World, We Are The Children! We Are The Inspirations, Of Great Truth! We Are The Light of One Greater Truth! We Are The Ones Who Make A Brighter Day For You And Me! Find Out What Your Own Humanity Is All About! Discover Your Own Love Which Is Your Birthright! For Childhood's End, Is Upon Us Once Again! Discover love which none really denies! To Love is to be happy within ourselves! To love is the freedom to celebrate again! Come Celebrate With A Rainbow Family! Come Celebrate The Colors Of The Rainbow! The whole remaining greater than its parts! Mama's Children Awakening To One Truth! Rise Up All Yea Warriors of the Rainbow! Rise To The Occasion, Lift Up Your Voices! Friendships come and go but Love Endures! Rise up Speaking your More Glorious Words. Knowing nothing Seldom Knowing Anything! Wild Roses Spring Up From the Tiniest Cracks. Promenading Mama's Boundless Abundance! Death May Yet Be, The Greatest of Blessings! At Long Last the Swan Taking Flight! Flying Higher Than Any Ever Believed Possible! Never Underestimate, Your Own Contribution! Never underestimate Anybody's beating heart! Never underestimate what Love accomplishes! Never underestimate what Humanity achieves! The light within every One of Us will never die! Illuminating the road less traveled for everyone! For A Miracle To Believe In yet abides within all! A miracle which even nonbelievers can Embrace. The miracle of the shared greater context of Truth! The Miracle Of Sharing The Greatest Truth Of All! If You Gots No Sparkle Child Gets Off Your Booty! Get Up And Shake It Because You Just Ain't Living! Embrace Your Joy Once Again For Childhood's End! Embrace the love we alone can ever know is Real! Embrace all the love you know we may yet Share! Embrace the love you know humanity has to give! Forever the Invisible Light Shines All the Brighter! The Brilliant light shining in our sounds of Silence! The Light That Shines Upon The Moon Will Never Die! The dazzling light which even the Blind May Share. The sun Rises Forever never Knowing the Darkness. The Shadows yet Playing Peek-a-boo with everyone. The dazzling beacon which Illuminates All darkness. For shadows are but the Memory of the eternal light. The Spark within us all which can never actually Die! The Wonderment in The Moment to be aware of it all. The love making us all Greater Than any sum of parts. The love we alone can only know for ourselves is Real. The Love Forever Catching Ugly Ducklings By Surprise! The gift of freedom to decide who all desire to become! The love Elevating the Meanest and Lowlest among us! The gift of freedom to decide for ourselves how we feel! The love none could ever corrupt yet we feel like we do. The love no one can deny but everyone frequently does! The love none May Destroy but it often feels like we do! The Gift Of Freedom To Decide Who We Wish To Become! The Love that is as bottomless as the deepest ocean Void. The love that’s every bit as Deep as the Marianas Trench! The love we can never lose but Frequently believe we do. For it is only in Being Surprised that our love may Grow! Wondrous Truth still Shining adoringly Upon the Moon! Wondrous Truth Illuminating all of Our days and nights. Wondrous penumbra of Shadows Dancing on moonlight. Wondrous stars in the heavens always dancing round Us. Wondrous Milky Way Illuminating The Path in Darkness. Wondrous Abundance of Unbound infinity Promenading. Wondrous universal Choir still imploring us to sing along. Wondrous shooting stars abound upon Raising our Gazes! Wondrous Silent music reposing As If a Feather in mid-air! Wondrous silent siren voice Forever Beckoning Me on still! Wondrous shadows Dancing Like Pixies In Pitch Darkness. Wondrous Rock Of Ages Still Defying Unbalanced Gravity! Wondrous rock of Ages eternally illuminates our rainbows! Wondrous Stepping Stones guiding all in deepest darkness. Wondrous willow eternally Rooted in the heart of the truth. Wondrous rock of ages Encouraging all to Learn To Be Still! Wondrous ripples upon Still Waters when there is no wind! Wondrous inspiration lovingly kindling the Eternal Flames. Wondrous Gravity's rainbow holding us in loving embrace! Wondrous Silence forever falling between the falling drops! Wondrous languidly flowing fivers of Fathomless shadows. Wondrous light escaping from shadows on the calmest Fog. Wondrous soft light of the moon Gently Soothing our souls! Wondrous silence yet lingers betwixt the notes of our songs. Wondrous Sparkling Laughter dignifying our humble jokes! Wondrous Pauses Lingering betwixt everyone's dance steps. Wondrous Rainbows Of Beautiful Words Enchant Everyone! Wondrous Father Truth Yet Inspiring Us All to Look Within! Wondrous Mother Of All Remains Forever Full Of Surprises! Wondrous Babbling Brook Enchanting the Flickering Flames. Wondrous Silent Victory always louder than Humble Words. Wondrous Beautiful Words Yet Defying Unbalanced Gravity. Wondrous Rainbows brilliantly Coloring the whole Universe. Wondrous Moon resplendent in the Softest Light of her lover. Wondrous Silent Victory leading to all our Greatest Victories. Wondrous silent Explanation Emerges From the Silent Truth! Wondrous Beauty of Nature Still Enthralling Young and Old. Wondrous Light Of One Truth Illuminates The Entire World! Wondrous Poetry In Motion of Sweeping Panoramic Visions! Wondrous sun rises once again never knowing our darkness! Wondrous Singular Infinity of Great Triumphant Awareness. Wondrous Inner Peace Exultant Upon Each Present Moment. Wondrous Silent Victory, All Must First Present Themselves! Wondrous awareness, yet expanding to infinity and beyond! Forever Ugly Ducklings Following the Most Beautiful of All! Never actually Straying very Far from the path we are all on; Only having but to take a Single Step to get back on the path! Seeking love upon climbing their endless stairway to Heaven. Bumbling along Sometimes become Lost among large crowds! Just begging for love upon our adventurous Way up the stairs! Remember to always honor your Mother and Father's blessings! Never forget, that Love really does makes the universe go round! Remember To Each Forgive Others and Give All The More Easily! Remember To Seldom Underestimate The Contributions We Make! Remember To Never Underestimate What Humanity Accomplishes! We Are The World, We Are The Children! We Make A Brighter Day Just You And Me. We Are The Beacons Lighting The Darkness! Spreading The Light Of The Truth, All Share! Once again Childhood's End is upon us as we Rise to the Occasion! Speak Up Warriors of the Rainbow, and share your beautiful words! Rise Up Warriors of the Rainbow, for childhood's end is never-ending! All of us dancing between our invisible moonbeams, to our silent melody! At long last speak your Beautiful Words, which would finally break the spell! (Arthur C. Clark, Muppets, Grateful Dead, Ray Charles)
Who The F**k Are You?
You hear and you forget, I see and yet I remember, Do myself and understand for myself. But, The Unspeakable Empty Mind, Sees without seeing! Does without doing! Stops Bereft Staying! Gives without giving. Feels Without Feeling. Itches without Itching! Says not Really saying! Sings Without a sound! Goes on without going! Moves without moving. Senses without Sensing! Halts without Stopping! Tolerates Never abiding! Feels beneath all Feeling. Breathes Without Breath! Thinks bereft all Thought. Thinks Beneath Thoughts! Unaware of Unawareness! Senses Beneath Sensation! Bends while standing Tall; Bows down never Bowing. Inhabits without Dwelling! Leaves seldom going away. Moves Without Movement! Moving, Forever Unmoved! Embraces without Rejection. Becomes without Becoming! Spreads Without Spreading. Changing remains the same! Unchanged starts to Change. Influences never influencing. Searches bereft ever Seeking! Expands Without Expansion. Yields without ever budging! Incites without even Inciting! Knows never really knowing! Motivates bereft any motives! Embraces without embracing! Flows Never actually moving. Slows Down without Braking! Expands never really growing. Goes Faster never accelerating. Steers not Touching the wheel! Bending low achieving heights. Explains without Explanations! Elucidates not really Clarifying! Obfuscates without Influencing! Obfuscates without ever Hiding. Questions not asking a Question. Misdirects Without Misdirecting, Illuminates Never shedding light. Begs without ever really Begging! Evades without any Real Evasion. Forgets never even Remembering! Confronts without actually facing. Goes places without ever Leaving. Acquires Without quite acquiring! Distributes without Parceling Out. Provokes without ever Provoking! Entices without offering Anything. Answers Without ever Answering, References without any references! Estimates without Ever estimating! Assesses without Any assessments! Appraises without ever Appraising. Calls out to Everyone with no voice! Disperses without really Dispersing! Stimulates Without ever stimulating! Proclaims without any Proclamation! Embraces without clutching anything! Me, myself, and I may never explain it! For who we become just depends on me! Me thinks, there's One indisputable thing! Something which me, myself, and I may agree upon! Words are the refuge of saints and sinners alike! Claiming to be too good to use their dictionary! Fatuous sales pitch of any aspiring con artists! Sheep following money and forever fighting! The lights are left on when Nobody's Home! Some arguing over who is always arguing! Never actually certain if they're uncertain! Uncertain, as to what uncertainty means! Some panicking, shout the sky is falling. Forever wandering in circles gibbering. Cloudy Muddy Waters, Cannot Hide! The spark within All that cannot die. Everybody is Fighting Battles I Know nothing about! Knowing the Kind of Stupidity, we're all capable of! Knowing the Sad Clowns me, myself, and I can be! Knowing Habits are the end of all real awareness! Knowing the lights are left on if Nobody's home! We try to Avoid any Serious domestic Disputes. Especially when we're the only ones Involved! Especially when there’s no one else to Blame! So I Try To Be Kind To The Spark In Us All! Instead of Constantly Screaming! "Who The F**k Are You!" Beginning of course with knowing myself. Internal Battles are often more surprising! Sometimes we can All Frighten ourselves! Sometimes We All Frighten One Another. Which I Use to Find my Own Way Home! When Life, Just Seems Too Much For Me! When the World Appears So Very Cold! When Nothing, Will Lend Me Comfort. No Matter How Late You're Arriving! No Matter How Far, You May Roam. No Place Sparkles Quite Like Home. No Place Is Ever More Welcoming. There's Just No Place Like Home! When you can't see home plate! Can't See a Forest, in the Tree! Can't See the Tree Bark Even! Can't Find Our Roots, Below! Or See a Forest For the Lorax! So, won't you let me go down; In sweeter Wonderland dreams, And, Rockabye Sweet Baby James. (Supertramp, Talking Heads, James Taylor)
Crusty Old Salts
Ships all float according to the theory of displacement, That is by displacing more Water than their weight! Dump too much weight on any ship in existence, Overload it by a small amount of extra weight! They will always Sink straight to the bottom. Too much of anything is not a Good thing. Whether our Ship takes on water or not! Even in A Totally Airtight Submarine! It will still sink straight to the bottom. Upon anyone adding too much weight. Even a straw might break a camel's back! For Hate Is Such a Terrible Thing to Waste! We takes what we can stands till We can't Stands no More. Experienced sailors know that embracing Hate and anger! Is just taking on more Dead Weight drinking salt water: Your thirst can only grow as your Heart Sinks lower! Overcome bit by bit, by your Own Caustic Weight! Feeling unable to stop ourselves from Drinking, Inevitably anybody will Sink To the Bottom, Confused as to exactly what went wrong! These days many prefer not to think about tomorrow, Being all too well Aware of the state the World is in; The rate at which we're still Destroying the Planet, Few out of the Billions are likely to ever survive. Knowing only a Thirst that keeps on growing! For We Know Not What We’re Fighting For! So eat, drink your saltwater and be merry! Just ignore the man behind the curtains. Just Ignore What All the Fuss Is Over! Just ignore all the lies going around. Comforted that all too soon enough: We will sink straight to the Bottom! At long last, thirst finally quenched, When no one can raise another glass, As death inevitably Decides the issue. Crusty old salts often preferring to die, Frequently going down without a fight, Fighting themselves as well as everyone, Fighting their own desire to fight forever! Disappearing Into The Fathomless Depths. Sooner than stop Drowning in any sorrows. Sooner than Try Talking to any other people. Insistent on sinking all the way to the bottom! Insistent there exist no other viable alternative! Insistent they know what the hell they’re doing. Taking everybody left onboard down with them! Popeye the sailor man, was the famous exception, Just some crusty old salt who worked for a living; Who would bend over backwards to avoid trouble, Seldom worried about what others thought of him! Usually just preferring to Tend to his Own Business. Simple minded enough to still enjoy lending a hand! Was also Kind and Generous to anybody else as well. Often willing to give Others the benefit of any Doubt! Even offering his Enemies an olive branch sometimes. Even if they never gave him any Real Reason to do so! But remained ready and able to Defend those in need! Came To His Friends' Rescue On Many An Occasion! Yet Resisted Drinking Saltwater Whenever Possible! Swearing, That It Made Him Strong To The Finish! Because he also liked to eat a lot of fresh spinach! Fending off scurvy, and saltwater dehydration! (? Cartoons)
Ride the Fractal Dragon
Something in the way she moves, Attracts me like no other lover, Something in the way... she moves me. I don't want to leave her now, You know I believe and how… Wherever she may lead I follow... Knowing dreams really do come true. Because I've been living one all of my life! While the dreamer, at last, awakens, To find himself living the dream. Sometimes for us to go forward, We must first turn, and go back... Illuminating the path beneath us! Surrendering our feet to our path! Finding the ground holding us up! Head in the clouds, rooted to earth! Each step again lighter than the last! So we never become completely lost. Remember for ourselves who we are! Remember Who we Desire to become. Ensuring All might touch one another. Gravity lovingly swaddling Rainbows! Head in the clouds feet on the Ground! Gravity become the source of lightness! Gravity’s Rainbow, A Hidden Treasure! Learning to ride our Celebrated Dragon. Is really no different, Requiring Patience. Requiring courage and a sense of humor; Feet on The Ground Head In The Clouds! A tolerant Disposition is often invaluable. Dragons are famous for driving you Nuts! Dragons are Famous for being inscrutable! For their seriously warped sense of humor. Fractal dragons can Twist everyone's brain! Even Wu Li masters who all study comedy! Resplendent in all the colors of the rainbow! Her sense of humor requires getting used to! Her curiouser designs remaining undeniable! Her long unbridled hair trailing in the breeze! Eyes an open book that’s always clear as mud! Frequently mumbling curiouser and curiouser! Her Curiosity the only thing slowing her down! Searching for the location of the root metaphors. Hidden by the usual eight Curiouser caricatures! Residing beyond our deepest blue event horizon! Beneath any sensation or human comprehension! Eternally Lost somewhere in the memory of God. The only known Keys to the gateway to paradise! Atop the highest mountain peaks in Wonderland, Way Up High, On The Giant Stairway To Heaven. Higher than the greatest of eagles might ever soar! Higher than all the Cloud Nines ever quite ascend! He is a great wizard, with any words and concepts; For whom, even the Tao Te Ching itself has spoken! The Wu Li Master of the Worst Bullshit Fuzzy Logic. But, she is the all powerful Avatar of Mother Nature! She is the Irresistible Force of nature and every other! She is the daughter of mama Nature and father Truth! Whom none with incompatible karma may even meet, Whom none with incompatible karma might ever ride! Whom none with incompatible karma can understand! You'd have a better chance Attempting to fool yourself! For you might as well attempt to try and Defy yourself! Like her mother her sense of humor defies imagination! You Might As Well, Stubbornly Try To Walk On Water! You can as well go ahead and shoot yourself in the foot! For all the good it'll ever do you to fool with the dragon. While, she and the Wu Li master share endless curiosity! Each dependent upon the other to discover any answers! Each Sharing a Frequently Off the Wall Sense Of Humor! Each depending upon the other, to listen with their heart! Both wise enough, to remember to simply forget to forget. Dragons all know everything their Mother Nature Knows! Know the secrets of navigating within the memory of God! While Wu Li Masters comprehend the secrets of the Bagua; The mathematical metaphorical language of the multiverse. The many secrets of how to use the most beautiful of words! How to make the words of the Tao Te Ching speak out loud! How to interpret, any metaphors for the benefit of the world! How to interpret Root Metaphors of the paradox of existence! How to use them to open the gateway to the hidden treasures! Hidden behind the veiled Curtains of the Gateway to paradise! How to bend space and time to ascend the Stairway to Heaven! Knowing paradoxes never really make sense, unless they don't! Knowing shadows remain, but the memory of the Eternal Light. Knowing whatever they might know is what they simply don’t. Desiring to boldly go, where no one sane has ever gone before! Alice Plunges Her Long Neck Below The Blue Event Horizon! With her Wu Li Rider, she creates an Einstein-Rosen bridge! Knowing the only thing they know, is they know nothing, Thus, occupying more than one place at any given time; Whilst, yet occupying more than one time at a place, As the two become one with all of time and space! Dragon and Rider, encircling a singular infinity! Harmonious Elegant And Humble, Simplicity! In infinite diversity, within infinite complexity! Bearing the spark yet within them, still growing! Bearing that which remains, beyond imagination. Hearing the word echoing within the empty void! The future far behind them, the past is the present! The alpha and omega, becoming one and the same! Their future is so bright, they’re all wearing shades! Their present is so compelling, the future is on hold. The present so seldom ever turns out to be the same! Putting the future behind them they relive their past. Embracing their past they leave it behind them again! Seeing the past and future pass before their very eyes! Together they recreate, their personal singular-infinity! Their humble efficiency, appointing greater complexity! The Lost secrets of genuine ignorant wisdom and virtue. The secrets of the most ancient of any roads less traveled. The secrets that we alone, would ever reveal to ourselves. Hidden behind all of heaven's nebulous ethereal curtains. Past the gateways to paradise upon the highest mountain! Where they practice the Fine Arts of anarchistic facilitation! Where they must first ascend, the giant stairway to Heaven. Where both rise above, forbidding clouds upon the horizon! Where any dark shadows are vanquished in the light of day. Sometimes to discover ourselves, we must all ascend higher! To once again allow our feet to rediscover the path we are on. To fake it until you make it baby, upon our road less traveled! To rediscover where it is all might actually fear to go the most. To find our poetry in motion, upon our own road less traveled! To Gaze Upon The Face of God None Can Actually Remember! The Great and All Powerful Wizard of Oz Behind the Curtains! Meanwhile, Wu Li and Alice, Dance On Invisible Moonbeams! Working feverishly they assemble all the pieces of the puzzle! Having to first collect all of the pieces of the key metaphors! Still in the possession of the eight Wonderland caricatures! Seeking the four root metaphors hidden within the eight! Seeking to discover who has their finger on the button! Seeking ignorant bliss, somewhere over the rainbow. Down the rabbit hole upon the yellow brick road! Where Ignorant Virtue, can be its own reward! Lost somewhere inside the memory of God, Climbing the great stairway to Heaven, Beyond the deep blue event horizon, Beyond the gateway to paradise, Atop of the highest peaks of the Great Valley below! (The Beatles, Chinese fairytale, Alice in Wonderland)
Happy Idiots
Ignorant virtue can be its own reward, Bumbling down the road of life less traveled, Clueless as to how to best get from point A to B, To have clueless friends, we must first be clueless; Thus forever Ignorant virtue remains Undeniable! Despite some wackier cartoon logic that applies! While Ignorant Wisdom is childishly knowing! Whenever like Total Idiots we stop watching! Wherever in Hell we may think we're going. (Busy talking on a cellphone or something!) The Foolish Path is not what it used to be! Yet strangely enough remains unchanged! Everything blending into cloudy horizons. In every Direction things all look the same! Where each fork in the road looks the same! Forks Extending out to infinity and beyond! Forks Branching to more forks Ad Infinitum. Forks all blending into Ever Cloudy horizons. No telling, Where In Hell that road could lead. Uncertain how we all got on the road we're on! Uncertain any road has a real beginning or end! Going nowhere from nowhere, as fast as we can! Life in the fast lane, on our fast track to nowhere! Up ahead at every signpost, its the Twilight Zone! Getting off the road altogether is the only way out! Excitement follows great confusion and indecision, We're on the road to nowhere getting nowhere fast! Does anyone know, how far it is until our next exit! Does anybody know the height of the Empire State! Does anyone know Zen and the Art of Motorcycles! The valiant few, attempt to drive from the backseat! Everybody driving in circles talking faster in circles! They all begin to drive faster and talking even faster! They start driving in circles, screaming and shouting! Some stumble out upon their knees, from exhaustion! Life in the fast lane, surely makes you lose your mind! Enough that some ponder if riding in the trunk is safer. Mad enough their Red Queen yells off with their heads. Life in the fast lane to drive Never-ending Armageddon! Life In The Fast Lane pulling over at the Hotel California! Does anybody, have any clue, as to where the hell we are? Does anybody, anywhere ever really know what time it is? Does anybody ever really care? Who is the happy idiot, supposedly in charge around here? Wish you were here, Instead of all of these other sorry clowns bumbling around, Because me, myself, and I enjoy being happy idiots too, And, there is no one alive who is youer than you! (Eagles, Chicago, Talking Heads, Pink Floyd, Dr Seuss)
Sublime Lime Jell-O
Unexplored vistas opening up before me, Possibilities I have seldom considered, Nature's endless wonders calling me, Enticing me to Go outside and play! The Call of the Wild to Investigate! Do I want to soar with the eagles? High within the great wide open; Run Fastest Among the Wolves? Through a Forest of great trees? Or rise up through the canopy! Swinging with Bold monkeys. Gossip with all the Monkeys! While Eating the Sweet Fruit. Pausing to Smell the flowers. Savour a Moment of Silence. The possibilities are endless! Nature can be fantastic fun! I believe I may try them all! But which one do I try first? People must learn to Crawl. Before really trying to Walk! Walk before learning to Run. Run before learning to Jump! Jump before trying To Swing. Swing if we wish to Fly High! But first everybody has to Try! Before joining the Wild Things! Before Doing Any Head Stands. Before Trying Fancy Cartwheels! Before Using, Any Of Your Vital Energy! To Wiggle And Jiggle, Like Lime Jell-O! Get Down All Funky Green and Translucent! Mr. Smooth’s Sweet Talking Cool! Spectacular Depths All Sparkling! Loose and Firm yet Wiggly-jiggly! Hamsters that Laugh Hysterically! Funky monkeys jiggling Tummies. Piddlewiddlediddle in the Middle. Become mellow as well as humble! Become as soft as Pink bubblegum. Sweet as the Freshest of ripe Fruits. Vibrating like the Energizer Bunny! Wavy Gravy as Mr Smooth himself! Topological quantum entanglement. Humming with your own resonance. Feel that which no one Else may Feel. Feel that which there is No Substitute. Deep down in the Core of Your Being. Shimmy Shammy with every Sammy! Seeking the origin of Real Satisfaction. Seeking the origin of True inner Peace. By first embracing feeling any Jiggling. To comprehend the order of all Things. To Learn How to Run, Fly, And Swing! To Learn the Many Secrets of Existence. First Dwell On, Any Stinking Thinking! Meditate Upon The Sublime Lime Jell-O! Source of only the Best in entertainment! Source of humanity's brilliant Inner Glow! Source of the Funkiest of cosmic vibrations! Source of Any Greater Personal Satisfaction! Source of what makes the World Go Around. Source of that which makes Life Worthwhile! Origin of The Cosmic Vibes in Our Universe! Origin of the great Rainbow Fractal Dragon! The blinder Visions of madmen and saints! Hubcaps on any car spinning backwards! Producing inner peace and contentment! Imbibe the delightful sweet Lime Jello! Herein lie any secrets of Wonderland! The tiniest vibrating wiggly-jigglies! Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; They Toil Not neither do they spin. Yet, spread everywhere like weeds! Mold, bacteria, or even cockroaches! Organic perpetual Motion machines! Contextually, Naturally Supernatural! Contractually obligated to their Mama! Chilling Green quanta Jiggle deliciously. Coy about anyone Touching their Diaper! Change Colors and flavors Spontaneously! Constantly playing the game of peek-a-boo! Color Coordinate their cloths by themselves! Capable of effortlessly slinging more Zingers, Knowing Mama Can Play Wicked Peek-a-boo! Yo Mama Makes The Best Sublime Lime Jell-O. Yo Mama Knows all the Moves and then some! Yo Mama Wiggles and Jiggles like nobody else! Yo Mama, can run, jump, fly, swing, and swim! Yo Mama's nose knows how to change diapers! Yogi Berra was coming in, from out in left field, When overnight Yogi instantly became famous, Upon excitedly yelling out at practice one day! 90% of this game is all half-mental head-trips! Great behinds all being of the fruitier variety, (Usually diddling, twiddling, and dawdling) Prefer fruity tootie bananas, in lime Jell-O; Usually, with all the little marshmallows, Making any bullshit, all the more colorful! Brightest green, and yellower flowing crap, Albeit if they happen to be less fussy eaters; Who enjoy scarfing down, their own bullshit! Eagerly wallowing, in their own colorful crap! Never terribly hesitant to wait to procrastinate, Sensually, enjoying the warm feeling spreading, Greedily eating again, whatever they regurgitate! Covered from head to toe with Sublime Lime Jello! Green Jell-O dribbling as they shovel in two fistfuls! Depending upon, just how delightfully any bananas! Just happen to twiddle, widdle, and diddle chilling out in lime Jell-0!
Fruity Tootie Bananas
I Want To Buried Vertically! Upsidedown Under a Fruit Tree! Preferably, A Cloying Fruit! But, Really And Truly Fruity! The Fruity Tootier Rooten Tooten Fruity Fruits! The kind That Occupy a Room, That All Stand Out In a Crowd! Taking Up any Time and Space! Not just any Bland Banana Tree. Bodaciously, Unashamed Fruits! Not just some Overgrown Shrub. Not another fruit Bereft Its Seeds! Not another Hideous ornamental! Preferring to keep it in the Family. Cloned hybrids all being the Same. Clones will often Drone On and on. Yet convinced cloned Incest Is Best! Unless They Happen to Be Plantain. Who Wish nothing to do with Them. Having Seeds that Never Germinate! Too Small for any to Actually Sprout. Too Tiny for anybody to really notice. Worthless seeds unfit for composting! Too Small, for the Birds to even Enjoy. Retired bunches buried Upside-down! Along with all of their Worthless seed. All The Smiles, Becoming Sad Frowns! Unhappy clowns cloned upside-down! Buried upsidedown their smiles frown! Never to jump back on their feet Again. Becoming Worthless like all their seeds! Occasionally an entire clone family tree! Burying one another Wherever they can. Clowns all cloning around Upside-down. Cloning themselves at Every opportunity. Clones buried upside-down all over town. Cloned clowns keeping it all in the Family. Clannish cloned clowns are forever Inbred. Cloned yellow smile painted on their faces! As if they had an actual genetic inheritance! Yet Never germinate in the hot tropical sun! Rotting before they can even hit the ground! Every Last One of Them as Sterile as a Mule. Every last one soon to become soft and limp! As if they could be allergic to the facts of life! As if they were all Catholic Priests and Nuns. As if never learning about the birds and bees! As if never having had an orgasm in their life. Insignificant, Whenever Properly Deep Fried. No redeeming value by any known Standard! Bereft of any real substance like cotton Candy. But, Like straw without any Taste whatsoever. Devoid of any taste like eating wet Cardboard! Definitely Not worth ever writing home about. Nonetheless may ripen fruity Tootier bananas. Possessing only Trivial amounts of Potassium. Wittgenstein forever rolling over in his Grave! Yet Indeterminate in Quantum Superposition. While laughing reciting childhood Limericks. From far out in left field, Yogi Berra yelling! Yet again 90% of this game is half-mental! Thus still attempting to Contribute even after their deaths, To the many Livelier fruity fruits growing on planet earth! Gratuitous fruity Flatulence reserved for Stephen Wright! For Breathing New Death, Into The Totally Meaningless! Socrates reminding me To Be Fruity and multiply fruits! Spread Ignorant Bliss Going All Fruity Tootie Bananas! Sometimes, I’ll even get post cards from The Far Side! Photographs of earth taken from extreme high orbit! Written in saffron yellow crayon, on back! Generations of cloned clowns salute you! Concerned that you might not be alright, Our consensus was to drop you a note! Rather than coming to talk in person! Goodbye and thanks for all the fish! Reassuring to know that As Usual, You're only Out To Lunch again! Me, myself, and I knowingly nod to ourselves upon contemplating, The cloned clown fruits of endless generations after generation... Of the more rooten tooten, homegrown, fruity tootie bananas! (Douglas Adams, Garry Larson)
Sparkling Wonderland
Silent Fireworks, Sparkling Diamonds, Falling Rain, Gentle orb Shimmering Down upon supine waves. Burdens quietly Relinquished in velvet Darkness! That which Yet possesses purpose and direction; Still Escapes Me only to return again and again! Time and tide wait for None in the pouring rain, Upon lost horizons storm clouds keep rolling in. Swollen drops all sag each heavier than The last, Glistening with the Promise Of new life to come! Gravity beckoning all to return home once again. To sleep perchance to dream of days yet to come! Each drop a memory, of Brighter Days in the sun. Yet each drop also a river none may step in twice, Returning home relaying the Warmth Of our sun! Melting amorphously under the tempestuous sea; Luxuriating in the warmth of A Far Greater Truth. Persistence of Awareness lingering in the moment! Never to be Lost forever just fading into the sunset. Never to be lost Forever mere dust before the wind. Never to be lost forever On the Bottom of the ocean. Never To Be Lost On Top Of The Highest Mountain. Unaffected By the Vagaries of Stormy Ocean Waves! Unaffected by greater time's less Forgiving Fortunes! Delightful Silence Dances Between the Falling Drops! Hearkening the Memory of God on the waters of life! Off in the distance A Beacon Of Hope in all darkness. Never failing to lend comfort To All hands lost at sea! Never bored, or dismissive with those all around him! Never failing to Stand Strong, against outrageous Fate. Never failing to Guide All Through the Raging Storms. Dazzling Beacon Yet Penetrates Our Deepest Darkness! Bringing renewed life and Hope to myriad good things! Where aroused the sea passionately embraces her Lover! Standing Firm as of Carved Out of the Rock of Gibraltar; Standing Out Standing Tall upon the shore's Beachhead! Where he eagerly Anticipates every tender loving caress! Waiting for the mud to settle within the eye of the Storm! While Together they embody their own poetry in motion! Awaiting a shared crescendo of divine heavenly thunder! Finding in each other's arms Safe Harbor From the Storm; Waiting Firmly Rooted to the Earth head up in the clouds. As if in gratitude for their wondrous emancipated feeling; Along with the change in weather all eyes turn to Heaven! To see if the sun will yet Shine Through the darkest clouds. To see if the brilliant light may yet penetrate their darkness. To grace them again with Tender Ineffable pleasure and joy. To grace them yet again with the Gift Of Life and awareness! Their private Silent Explanation of the Victory of The Silence; Upon summoning the upward Spiraling Stairway To Heaven! Feeling all the Love Reigning down upon the earth from above, Silent fireworks Sparkle Ceaselessly going off in every direction. Dancing rain upon a tin roof Conjuring Up a Romance just for two, As it is above, so be it below, within A Sparkling Wonderland Of Rain!
Color My World
Inner Peace And Joy Accompany Mama’s Sparkling Laughter, Eternally Echoing out to infinity from beyond the empty void! Where True Happiness is having no desires for myself. When I’m happy just doing whatever it is I’m doing! Perfectly content simply to do a Good day’s Work. Not a care in the world I surrender to the world! No Uncertainties Silly Worries or Distractions! Finding Gratification Simply being who I am! Finding Bliss Acquiescing to what is to come. Shadows Dance Delightfully All Around Me! Darkest of all Darkness still somehow visible. Flickering Invisible Pixies, Without Attitudes. Enticing me ever Onward towards my center. Bewitching Silence Dances between the notes! Each tiniest gesture compels me ever forward! Like a leaf Cast Adrift on the highest of winds; Like the Sun Shinning Through, After A Storm. Like a Newborn Infant before Learning to smile. Like a Wave Gently Reborn yet again mid-ocean! Leaving all my Worldly Cares on the far horizon! Relinquishing All of My Burdens In the Distance! So that I alone may Lay me Down To Sleep again; All my cares Fading becoming lost in the distance, All my Burdens Vanish As If never having existed. All the Problems of the world another Bad Dream! Rejoicing waters of life dance on the gentle breeze! Riding Like the Wind Inside the Great Wide Open! Sailing Past Wooden Ships on the Water Very Free. Still Rejoicing On Rejoining the Land Of the Living! Flying Higher Than the greatest of Eagles ever Soar! Where the moon and her lover find Solitude At Last. Higher Than Any Cloud Nines May Actually Attain! Rainbows Following Them wherever they would go. Dazzling All Who may look upon them Unprepared. Brilliant diamonds All Agleam in luminous sunlight! Heedless of the Exact Destination, that Awaits Them. Their Brilliance proclaiming their Overwhelming Joy. Twinkling stars come to shine down on mother earth! To fall to earth or ascend yet higher unto the heavens. Reveling on discovering their own Glorious freedom; Celebrating their newfound freedom within the void! Expressing their gratitude to the Mother of All Voids! Expressing Gratitude and Amazement for their Grace! Expressing their Simple Joy, in taking part in Creation. Hypnotic Babbling Of A Brook, As The Surf Comes In! The velvet white noise assuages all in complete silence. The cool flowing Breeze softly caresses my entire body. Like the softer silence flowing Unimpeded through me! Like the quiet overhead shade yet gently appeasing me! Music bereft any instruments and songs bereft all lyrics! Languorous Intertwining Shadows Melt on the Horizon. All my surroundings revealed as sheer poetry in motion! Promenading shadow and Silence in each delicious note; Each enjoining me to come Celebrate dancing with them! Enthralling me mother nature dances to her own melody! Her love blossoming out to infinity from beyond eternity! Laughing she continues to dance delightfully cajoling me! Captivating voices of the Universal Choir sing her praises, Luxuriating in their personal freedom on the rock of Ages! Basking in the light of Mama and Papa’s Bountiful Graces! The Naive grace of the Smallest Child dancing delightfully. Dancing just because she can’t help but break out in dance! Only because Dancing Joyfully is what she was born to do! Harmonious Awareness Celebrates everything in existence! Lengthening shadows race the Still Fading Light of the sun. Silence quickly following them, taking the long way home! To sleep to slumber once more perchance dream yet again! To dream of fleeting contours Escaping all Consciousness! To discover In Repose what escapes us in our Daily lives! To embrace what solace yet awaits surrendering to Fate! Who Somehow Remembers, Their Dreams Come True! Who somehow summons the dreamer to dream again! Who commands all of space and time in their dreams! Who would soar higher still than the stars and moon! Who can accept what lies beyond all comprehension; Who could Summon the Weary to Dream Yet Again. Who eagerly accepts what Is to be but Pure Fantasy! Who may embrace what never has made any sense! Whose dreams follow them wherever they may go. Who Still Embraces, What Never Will Make Sense. What Others May Summarily Dismiss As Fiction! Within The Greatest Of All Possible Confidence! Holding It Nearest and Dearest To Their Heart. Knowing Only Their Love, In Such Moments! At long last two Lovers embrace once again! Their common Desire to Please each other! Color my world with hope of loving you. (CSNY, Christopher Cross, Chicago)
This Mortal Coil
Newborn babies always love their mothers, Unconditionally, and with all of their tiny little hearts! Arriving into our world already loving them, Never doubting their love for a single second. Never wondering why they Love her so much. Their love's So Strong they would do anything! Nothing in Heaven and Earth might stop them! None alive could ever replace the love they feel! The question is not whether we have ever loved! Or whether Our own Love is ever strong enough. Or whether Someone else’s love is Strong enough! Or whether our own heart is really strong Enough! Or Whether Our Love's But a Fool's Game We Play. Or whether finding love again is all about letting go; Or whether love is for the young and foolish at heart, Or whether we can ever replace somebody we've lost! Or whether good loving is still the finest thing around! Or whether your love is the biggest scary can of worms. Or whether love is just the result of biological hormones! Or whether love is something we can only get from Jesus. Or whether love demands more than anybody has to give! Or whether love is Something we'll put off for another day! Or whether love is just for the Lucky Few, rich, and famous. Or whether love just depends on being unlucky at gambling. Or whether good Loving Is about making Personal Sacrifices. Or whether love's Forever Much More trouble than its Worth. Or whether love is Just an option some choose to live without! Or whether love is just another Hollywood Fantasynightmare. Or whether love can actually make the whole world go round! Or whether Real Love demands greater personal commitment! Or whether love depends upon, anyone we know giving more. Or Whether We Should Wait Longer, For Old Wounds to Heal. Or whether somebody’s love might ever save the entire world! Or whether our hearts are dreadfully damaged beyond repair! Or whether the Fates are against any of us ever knowing love! Or whether it’s even still possible for us to learn to love again. But when did we become so sad, angry, hateful, and spiteful? Where has our own attitude, taken a nose dive for the worse? When did we lose contentment to simply love and be loved? Love, happiness, and joy are neither created, nor destroyed. Capable of only being rediscovered inside God’s memory! Upon taking a journey down our own road less traveled! Where a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step! Being the masters of our fates the captains of our souls, It matters not how straight the gate or charged the scripture of the scroll! The memory awaits us all on the road less traveled! The One Greater Truth, that defines our existence! But only a rare few could ever see in all its glory! The Naive Child of God Yet Abides Within All! Most thinking of theirs, as merely caricatures! Animals which act up every now and again! Wild beasts which each must learn to tame. Yet the tiniest of all newborn babes know! Without really knowing that they know! Without understanding what it means! Without even really thinking about it, Without a clue as to how they know! Without ever having, to make sense. How we may all still feel yet again! The love we know we have within. The face none actually remembers! That which abides, our foolishness, That which, even blind eyes yet see! The ears of the deaf would still hear! Sometimes, in order to watch a clock! We must all sleep turning out the light! Finding anything else by being unaware! Stop ourselves from beating ourselves up! Prevent ourselves running round in circles! Mindlessly attacking, all that we would love. Screaming and shouting, kicking our own a*s! Ranting and looking for someone else to blame! Forever getting nowhere accomplishing nothing! To sleep, perchance to dream, aye, there's the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Knowing what nightmares we have wrought upon ourselves! (William Henley, Shakespeare)
Foggy Mountain
Fog cascades down the mountain, like a blanket, Exposing pockets of fluff... abandoned in the rush. When the quiet morning hour becomes memorable, My shadow surprises me, by visibly radiating light! Light explodes outward, from within dark shadows! As if my reserved humble shadow leads a Secret Life! As if my Shadow were more than just An Empty Void! As If My Pale Shadow, Had Somehow Been Electrified! As if it were Normally Just too much of a Wall Flower! Whenever I gaze on my shadow cast upon the still fog. Hundreds of rays all dancing like flame or lightening! All thrilled for a chance to dance free of the darkness! But none may see the light around another's shadow. Just as none may see any darkness in another's Soul! For shadows are but Dim memories of greater light! The light within Everyone which cannot really die! Any of my companions could easily lie to the rest. But because we're Honest we bust out Laughing! Enjoying mama's really wicked sense of humor! With incredible eight dimensional punch lines. Surprising reminders of our mortal fallibility, As if she's playing Peek-A-Boo with infants! Or joking, we’re all big babies to someone! Forever reminding all, the Truth remains, The context which decides any content! The silent truth, embraces everything. You can lie to everyone around you, But then who would care about anything you say? If no one cares, what you have to say! Its much better to simply remain silent! Withholding stupid personal comments! Embracing the treasure of golden silence! Laugh politely, at mama's sense of humor! Thank her, for revealing yet another Truth! Compliment her for sharing anything new! Remaining mindful, of papa's greater truth! Whenever mama calls, and papa is our rock! If life's poetry in motion, demands attention! Be attentive, to any echoes within the silence! Search for the darkness in your surroundings. Be not afraid, for all shadows contain the light! But never allow great darkness to swallow you! Seek out any light struggling to escape the dark! Cast all your shadows upon the calm pool of fog! Look for your signs within confronting any truth. Seek Out The Light still attempting to escape you! Discover contentment in our victory of the silence. Learning how to be just as still as the Rock of Ages! Thus discovering the joy in every silent explanation! Discovering for yourself, who you really desire to be, Discovering for yourself your spark within never dies. Take The Way Less Traveled, the way returns the favor! Your feet can shape the path, as the way shapes your feet! For honesty with ourselves remains the greater loving truth! Is the shinning path to untold wonders, upon the yellow brick road! (Ozark National Forest)
Fly Like An Eagle
Flying With The Eagles, Let My Spirit, Carry Me! Rising Above Our World! Soaring Over The Ground! Higher Over the Tall Forest! Higher Than, Any Mountain! Higher Than the Dark Clouds! Higher than Anyone has flown. To Reach for the Sun and Moon! To Gaze Upon, Untold Splendor! Where, Two Lovers Still Embrace. Where Open Sky covers the ocean. Where Open Space Fills Your Soul. Where the Wind Calls to her lover! Where Spirits have room to Dance. The open air, embraces the Mother. Whilst, Baby Peeps Clutch her tight. As if afraid to ever Let her Go again. As if Afraid the Moment Could End! As if afraid she could abandon them! Aware their destiny yet awaits them! Aware of ceaselessly passing seasons! Aware how deeply she loves them all! Aware fear can become the mindkiller! Aware of which way Fowl winds blow. Earth Mother Embraces her peeps back! Aware the peeps must all leave the nest. Or She Must Push Them All Out Herself. Making their leap of faith on thinnest air! In order to become, what God's intended! Triumphant Swan, of every child's dream! Triumphant Swan, of the great wide open! Triumphant in all of our accomplishments! Triumphant we sing praises unto the moon! There Is No Greater Purpose Or Satisfaction! No Greater Power Exists In The Entire Verse! No greater meaning awaits hidden away in any distant valley! Knowing that all any can ever know is they know nothing. Sailing like the wind, through the highest of tree tops! Knowing wonder is the beginning, of all wisdom. Resting comfortably at the end of a long day! Knowing, the world remains far greater, Than any of us, may ever determine, Than anyone might begin to imagine. Much less could hope to comprehend. Much less, could really hope to desire! Gentle laughter, yet echoes in the void! Quietest patter, of tiny scampering feet! Shadows still flickering in all directions! Trailing echoes lost to the far flung void! Following me, as if my personal shadow; Delicious giggles abruptly fade in silence. Memories of a warm sparkle deep inside, Accompanying us all, even in our sleep! Satisfaction, that money just can't buy! To rest perchance to soar high again! To soar into the greatest of heights! I Want To Fly Like An Eagle Let My Spirit Carry Me! Beyond your wildest of dreams! Beyond any ability to imagine! Beyond any ability to fathom! My bones, will find final rest, Facing upward, for eternity, My gaze, as wide as space! Into the great, wide open! Spirit soaring, yet again! Inside the endless void! Of wondrous delights! In untold abundance! (Steve Miller, Serenity)
What A Wonderful World
I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom, for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. I see skies of blue, and clouds of white. The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. The Colors of the Rainbow, so pretty in the sky. Are also on the faces, of people going by. I see friends shaking hands... Saying, "How do you do?" They're really saying, "I love you". I hear babies cry... watch them grow... They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world.
Silent Victory
Those who know their greatest Enemies Know without doubt, Our Greatest Battles Are Always Fought Within; In Judging Others I Too Have Been Judged! Judging Myself to Be All the More Wanting! Judging myself Less worthy than I imagined. Judging myself less Worthy than any desired! Like a Child desiring to become so much more. The Voices Within, None Ever Actually Silences! Gibbering monkeys Clutching onto all our backs. Distractions from What We All still Hold Dearest! Unable To Listen they cannot Hold Conversations. Irritating Mocking Echoes and Flattering Fantasies; Ghosts And Wraiths of Everyone's Past And Future! Insistent upon Bending Our Ears every way they can. Demanding Our Personal Attention all for themselves! All the louder the harder we strive to Drive them Away! Until we Do Something that we have Never Done Before! And in Losing our own minds, We finally Come To our Senses! Following our Own Experiences! We can Nurture more confidence: In the very ground below our feet! In Each Other, as well as ourselves. Elevating Ourselves In The Process! Lifting each other up off the ground! Enjoying Sharing smiles as We do so; Raising ourselves as we Raise Others! Confronting our worst of Nightmares! Learning what it Means To Be content! Learning how to truly live Once Again! Rediscovering, The Zest For Life Again! Within our worlds, both Outside and in. Laughing as we help each other balance! There is no Greater, Possible Satisfaction! No greater Happiness and joy is possible! No Greater Contentment is ever achieved, Than Living Lives Indistinguishable From Dreams! Our dreams reflecting all our true feelings! By living the dream we Create our dreams! By just listening Promote greater Tolerance! By just being ourselves, Discover each other. Inspiring others by choosing to be ourselves. The love we Give becoming the love we take! The love we Get Back, may still live on again! The love we Share multiplying exponentially! Feet shaping Our paths as the path shapes us! Each step sheer harmonious poetry in motion! For the invincible peaceful warrior Lies within! His great truth embraces his own Vulnerability! His greatest love lending his hands to humanity! His greatest joy becoming sheer poetry in motion! His attainment when Great Silence Speaks loudest! His heroic Strength Abides in his personal Integrity! His Weakness Becoming a source of greater Strength! His honor and Integrity in actualizing Ignorant Virtue! His Pride in seldom having any desire or Use For Pride! His Spirituality from his truth of A Miracle To Believe In! His good name is A Princely Jewel Wrapped in filthy rags! His accomplishments Artfully Sowing Peace, Love, and Joy! His Compassion the Awareness That All Can Know Nothing! His sense of Humor in Asking Himself what was the question? His Unbound Sense Of Wonder And Beauty Residing in Nature! His Serenity In Mama Calling and Papa Remaining His Rock of Ages! His Confidence, In Seldom Underestimating Anybody’s Contributions! His willingness to humble himself, Willingness to Confront himself, Willingness to Be truly Honest. Conscious it is Now Or Never! The Future Can Wait Forever! Our Past, Can’t Stop Waiting! No better time for us to begin! No Greater Opportunity Exists! No better way to Command Fate! No matter requires more Attention! No Greater Power in the verse Exists! Try?! There Is No Try...Do Or Do Not!!! Making 90% Of This Game Half-mental! Embracing others we embrace ourselves! Embrace yourself you learn who you are. Know that we All Share the same mother! Know that we're All Still Children of God! Know That All Struggle upon their ascent! Know that you Haven't Lived a single day, Know that no one has ever Known Victory, Until you do something special for another! Just any poor unsuspecting slob you’ve met! Just another clueless fool who knows nothing. Who can't find the words to thank you enough! (Who has no real clue why you are helping them) Who can never, possibly, ever hope to repay you! The sudden familiar expression of comprehension! The sudden surprised looks of humbled recognition! As the Silent Victory of the Truth is Triumphant again! The Silent Truth that leads to ever greater silent victories, Victory residing in paying it forward, until the end of time!
Silent Explanations
If You Cannot Explain Something, So a five year old, can understand it, Then you don't understand it yourself. Confused over what could really matter! Confused, when living life is actually easy! Confused, when life would really be so easy! Confused when embracing any silence is easy! Confused when quiet silence may be deafening! Whenever Silent Explanations All Speak loudest! Explanations, Need seldom take up a lot of Time! Explanations Need Seldom Be Terribly Elaborate! When Silence Says More, Than All Of Our Words! When Silence May Fill A Room, With Significance! When a simple smile, nod, or glance still says it all! Where sounds of Deep Silence echo beating hearts! When silently Holding One another just feels right! When The Sound of Silence Still Rings with Import! If Adding More Merely Detracts from the moment! Great Silence can be revealed as a hidden treasure. The golden silence Treasured by ancient children! The greater Context Deciding All of our content! Never requiring any defend their own Silence, The one Greater truth embodies all integrity. Emancipate yourself, from mental slavery, None but ourselves can free our minds! Have No Fear For Atomic Energy, Cause none of dem, can stoppa the time! We alone have the Power to surrender! We Alone Have the Ability to Accept! Self-Deception, Loathing, and Hate! Know That None Might Do Better! Then To Improve, Upon Thyself! Genuinely, Becoming Yourself! Accepting...Who We All Are! Won’t You Help Me, Sing… These Songs...of Freedom! It’s All I Ever Had…….. REDEMPTION... SONGS! Up is the only direction possible, If down is a complete Abstraction; Down no longer Matters to anyone! Down is no longer anyone's concern. Whenever you can't be sure anymore! When we Inevitably Hit Rock Bottom. When Nothing Remains to hold us up! When We can't Find our Feet anymore! Never seeing The Ground approaching. Never Seeing Those Wanting to help us! Never finding contentment in Anything! Never Recognizing Who we Desire to be! Never recognizing who are True Friends! We Must Look Within To Find the World! We Must Look Within To Find The Truth. We Must Look Within to Find Happiness! We Must Look Within to Find an Answer! We Must Look Within to Find any Hearts! We Must Search Within For One Another! Finding Faith Inside, Discover Our World! Finding others learn more about ourselves! Finding each other become more ourselves! Finding faith within Rediscover Our World! Hearing other voices Listening to Ourselves. By Listening to Others our Voices are Heard. Reaching out to each other we Find Comfort! Reaching Out All Would Inspire Inner Peace! Singing Redemption Songs... Its All I Ever Had... Redemption Songs Of The Silent Explanation. Redemption Songs Keeping Me Free At Heart. Redemption Songs, Singing Of Golden Silence! Singing to myself of Our Love, Lost and found! Singing of Love All Still Share With Our World! Singing of Loved Ones Lost, but never forgotten, Singing of the Love still To Be Realized By us All. Singing of the Great Triumphs of Our Silent truth. Singing of Silent Words the Colors of the Rainbow! Singing All Our Rainbow Words Can Defy Gravity! To Soar with the Eagles, Upon the Greatest Heights! To Swim Free In The Sea with Dolphins and whales! To Wrestle with the Great Apes In their Own Jungle! To Dance with the Gray Wolf Howling At the Moon! To be Comforted by our pets if we happen to be sad! To Comfort All Our Loved Ones Whenever Possible. Merely Requiring our one shared silent explanation. That which every beating heart might always Share! Where Words Become Inadequate, And Redundant! Where nothing is better than just sharing the silence! Where our shared silence is worth its weight in gold! Where Sharing A Silent Moment Together Is Everything! Sometimes Grateful just to be able to share any silence! Sometimes Grateful, just to watch another silent sunrise! Sometimes Grateful, Simply To Share One Another’s Pain! Sometimes Grateful Just To Be Aware That We’re Still Alive! Sometimes Grateful To Feel The Entire Universe Come To Life! Sometimes Grateful For Good Friends Who Share Our Gratitude! Sometimes Grateful To Be Able To Feel Our Own Pain Once Again! Grateful to watch another sunrise, never knowing darkness! Laughing just to hear the sound, of another's laughter again! Love is how the abiding silent Truth is eternally triumphant! Love makes all our gratitude real, for our silent explanations. Forever love's what makes, anything and everything possible! Running, screaming, and shouting only because we feel like it, Doing It Just Because That’s What You Really Feel Like Doing! Doing It, Because It Feels Like The Right Thing For You To Do! Doing It, Without Any Ever Regretting Even A Single Moment! Doing Something Special, To Let Another Know How You Feel! Only deciding for ourselves, may we all be citizens of the world. Embracing The Sister And Brotherhood Of Our Own Humanity! We Would Become The Light Of Our One Shared Greater Truth! When silent explanations become more than enough for anyone! The best things in life, never require any elaborate explanations! Where the tiniest glance, smile, or Gentlest laughter will suffice! Know none has ever lived a day none has ever Known Victory! Until Sharing Silent Explanations, With All Their Loved Ones! Who Can Never Thank Them Enough Or Return Their Favor! Guard your good name as a precious jewel wrapped in rags. The Victory of Our Silent Truth can leave us all Speechless! Do Unto Others As You Wish Them To Do Unto Yourself! Pay it forward playing the only really fun game in town, The only game, that merely requires silent explanation. (Bob Marley)
Weeping Willow
Great Trees Do Not Grow So Easily: Wind, ice, drought, flood, insects, forest fires and disease, Rage Over the Years Taking their Toll! But, the Tallest and Straightest of Trees! Make for the very best lumber and Thus, They're Frequently Cut Down For Timber! Brought Down By Their Very Own Success! But the Hickory Has the Strongest of Woods! So Strong It Will Dull Saw Blades! So Gnarly, Contorted, and Twisted! That They're Very Seldom Harvested. Yet during times of drought the roots will weaken; Until the first storm may easily blow it right over! Its own great strength possesses an Achilles heal! In contrast willows are not really tall nor strong! Neither good for lumber or hard to chop down. But frequently, extremely modest and flexible. With among the deepest of nature's tap roots! They access a hidden treasure trove of water. Endure the longest and hardest of droughts! Hunched over, merely appear to be beaten, Flexible above they bow to the four winds, Deeply rooted they’re all steady as a rock. Pumping water it can survive forest fires, When they are not even good, for shade! Yet, still stands strong when others fall! Thriving in demanding environments! That would likely kill another species. But the Weeping Willow is different! Outlasting many of the trees around! Including other trees crowding it out! Branches wailing away in high winds! Shading it out from the light of the sun! Strangling its roots in the ground below! Crowding out all hope of spreading roots! Making Willows quite rare in comparison! It being so useless they are seldom planted! Often, only being planted as an ornamental! Being modest they never thrive many places. But, may thrive holding river banks together! Some leaning far out over wild Raging rivers. Regularly flooded by ferocious spring storms! Taproots stop them from being washing away! Even if the Ground Vanishes from under them! Preventing long droughts from killing them off. Flexible above all the debris doesn't kill them all, They can take any licking and just keep on going. Their branches break, and keep right on growing. Logs will roll right Over them without hesitating. Never wasting any time holding strong Grudges! Aware the other trees Will all End up down river, Never seeing the use in being Angry and Spiteful! She pumps up water, to share with them anyway. Long leaves showering them in their hour of need, Providing them all With greatly appreciated relief. No matter how mean they might have been to Her! When desperately in need of what water she offers, When the long Summer Droughts hit them hardest! Displaying sympathy for their unavoidable demise. Comforting them aware there's little else she can do, Comforting them all during the worst spring storms. Toddlers fight, kiss boo boos, display charming humor. Sitting in a little Warm Water may Also do the Trick! Swaddling, Cuddling, and Singing often also work! Sometimes just being there and holding someone. Simple Things, Can All Make a Big Difference! As much as anything else Our Gestures Matter. Sometimes tiny gestures may make a difference! Sometimes a gesture makes a world of difference. Because we're All Kids At Heart and kids are great! Some kids will grow up to become the mighty oaks! Others grow up, to become the strongest of hickories! Remembering who it was that gave them all their love. Remembering what it means to be forgiven themselves! Remembering how much they appreciated the kindness! Who it is, they have come to admire the most themselves! That some Unconditionally Bestow their Love upon us all! Who it is that seems to be the Wiser among all of the trees! Who it is that Seems to be the Most Content of all the trees! Never forgetting for a moment what it means to be abused! Nonetheless, Willows Refuse To Hold Any Strong Grudges! Never Forgetting any of her suffering at the hands of others. Yet never allowing hate, anger, and resentment to define her! Weeping willows, are often generous, tolerant, and forgiving! But their flexibility remains firmly rooted in the greater truth!
We’re All Big Babies!
We're All Still Big Babies! Some Of Us, Remaining! Altogether Too Frequently! More So Than Others! Yoda May Have Said. Baby Sitting Is Easy! Easy to Understand. Fun when well done. If They Cry Too Much: Stick them in a little shallow water, And they'll often stop just like that! Change any diapers and feed them, Offer them something they suck on, That won’t ruin or rot all their teeth! Or, might choke them in their sleep. Some like the sound of any singing, Being tone deaf, has its advantages. Personally I Enjoy singing to them! Both our hearts becoming peaceful! Beating hearts syncopate sublimely! Having modest working memories! Possessed of oh so Little tiny brains! Littler ones remain easily distracted! Shiny things like Keys are a Favorite. Without memories everything is new! Bereft memories its all new and shiny! Without memory anything is Exciting! (Even a piece of lint may confuse them) Knowing Less Their Wonder Remains Greatest! And bugs may be endlessly fascinating! Forever confused over coming or going! Just shouting, "Blubbylubblhydblulh!!!" May cause them to forget any demands! When anything strains their tinier brain! Babies, will often fall asleep passing out! Or crap their diapers Wallowing in crap! Because habits also involve our memory! Habits are the End of any self-awareness! The judgment of honesty and compassion! Inspiring more pointless personal bullshit! When our lights are on but no one is home! The ancient Shaman avoided other shaman! Those among them said to walk with nature! Closest of friends of the great Fractal Dragon! Those who mama has plans for and speaks to! Those among them rumored to walk with God! Those who Knew the very patterns of existence! Those who would figuratively but nonchalantly! Lead all of the other shaman around by the Nose! Kiss their boo-boos to prevent them from whining! Say whatever they Wished to hear to shut them up! Or inspire them to all pursue meaningless nonsense! Or foolishly chase their own tails off in some Corner! As if the other shaman were the Smallest of Children; As if they were all merely children Soiling their pants! As if they were all as Obvious as the Biggest of Babies! Rumored to carry out the will of God or mama nature! You take your chances ever trying to hunt them down! For they can't be found Unless they desire to be found! None can go before them without a really good reason; Attempting to do so you may not be heard from again. They cannot be Avoided, Fooled, or taken by surprise! Perceive any Misfortune Coming from furthest away. They are an open book that remains as clear as mud. Seeing right through all the rest of us like children! Knowing sometimes all of our mamas and papas, Can put us all in a time out, Or may even spank you hard, If you refuse to Stop acting up! Hurting Yourself or anyone else! Demanding everybody's attention. Refusing To Play Nice, With Others! Senselessly making more idyll threats. Senselessly whining and making a fuss. Simply refusing to ever listen to Anyone! Simply Screaming and shouting nonstop. Seldom listening to what any others say! Seldom caring in the least about others! We're All Big Babies to somebody else! Often Foolishly acting out childishly! Only to later Ask what can be done! When habits forever bring an End! To any really genuine discussion! To our ability to really respond! To our ability to actually care! By acting without awareness! By acting without our heart! Falling hardest Big Babies can really hurt themselves badly! Throwing their temper tantrums they hurt themselves more. Gravity Remains the Strong Manifestation of All Our Desires! Pulling us down Mama's Love yet remains forever irresistible. Even Big Babies know Gravity Remains the source of lightness! Knowing never knowing how, they have to give a crap to receive!
Often me, myself, and I can't agree, Over how divided we've become again! Who is doing All of the Arguing this time! And Exactly Who Is In Charge around here! Cast Adrift Upon Our Passionate Seas of Life! Castaways on Lost Horizons Bereft all Anchor! Waves Threaten to Swamp their Tiny Life Raft. We All set aside, any metaphysics and Politics! Where All can Agree upon Knowing Nothing. Except the other guy never knows anything! Except that the Others are complete Idiots! Ego not really possessing self-awareness, Whilst Suffering the Slings and Arrows, Of Outrageously, Episodic Misfortunes. Yet Amongst, The Noblest Of Qualities! The highest of any Possible attainments! The greatest of All Possible achievements. Those even damned fools can comprehend! Even those amongst us crapping their pants! Even those totally clueless to what's going on! Even those who stick anything in their mouths! Highly regarded by any in cartoon Wonderland! Well regarded by all upon the stairway to heaven! Endorsed, by even Peter Pan and all the Lost Boys! Which even the duller among us may comprehend! Which the most thoroughly confused can yet grasp; Heralded throughout the entire Known multiverse! The splendor and Glory Abiding Within humanity. (Plausibility Remaining Probable To Some Degree!) Who We Become is All a matter of Perseverance! Within the Usual Peanut Gallery of caricatures! Some of us Yet More Triumphant than others! Standing out In The Midst of Pandemonium! Of sulky profligates remaining anonymous! Of clowns with any lowest lowbrow taste! Of the current peanut gallery's assembly! Of the more unusual motley characters! Clarification a dispersing effervescent luminescence in midair! Accompanying entertaining laughter fades off into the distance… Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care? Mama always said she didn't raise no damned fools! Tell others I worked Hard to become the idiot I am! Watched clocks never Boil or some-such nonsense. I never really could follow everything mama said! Mama always Having a Warped Sense of humor! She Apologized Insisting Styles are here to stay! Whereas Fashions like Ignorance come and go! While nothing Can Beat Genuine authenticity. Nobody can do better than to be themselves! Reckoning whether outside or in Authenticity comes from someplace! Reckoning knowing without Knowing all I really Know is Nothing! Regardless of how pressing any of our immediate consternation! Regardless of whether earth confronts an insidious invasion, Regardless of whatever some damned fools might desire. Regardless of what any other damned fool may say! Regardless of any vocal protests which come up, Any invasion Conspiracy not withstanding! Most May Yet Agree On One Great Truth! Silence is Golden if nobody actually listens! Talking to ourselves without even Listening. Merely confirms that Nobody wants to listen. Like a Blinking Light showing our stereo is on! When nobody Is really using the Damned thing! Just in the Hope some could actually understand! Rather than Blinking like a deer in the Headlights! Hello, hello, hello, hello is there anybody in there? Knowing You're Playing Around With Yourself! Knowing its nothing more than Masturbation. Knowing there really is no point in Talking, Whenever, Nobody’s Actually Listening! However many maybe inside your head! You are What You Is and That’s All it Tis! Bes whatever you may truly desire to bes! Become what you Wish to be perceived as! Always know thyself and Think for thyself! Learn how to Listen well to your own heart. Become Content to be whoever you Become. Become content that none may do you Better. Become content simply to take your next step. Become content bumbling a road less traveled! Take Care of Any Strangers You Find Along The Way! Take care of yourselves and be there For Others. Take Care of one another and always be Happy! Discover joy in Sharing life's greatest adventure! Keep communities small With just a few People! Ensure that all know how to read and write well! Practice the arts and celebrate any Achievements! Keep any weapons you may possess safely secure! Know all your Neighbors but remain independent! Be prepared to deal with all Unforeseen Exigencies, Honor One Another’s Past By Promoting Flexibility. Celebrate our ability to laugh at life more frequently! Celebrate humanity’s enduring Freedom to celebrate. Celebrate the ability to Appreciate your eccentricities! Celebrate the ability to all Laugh together more often! Remember the Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living. Know Thyself The World Would Become Your Home! Know thyself the world can Feel Like They know you. Know thyself the world will Invite You In their Home. Knowing thyself the world can Learn their own Heart! Nothing provides Greater Satisfaction or contentment. Nothing is more Rewarding than to become ourselves. Nothing imparts Superior Insight, virtue, and wisdom! To know your own heart is to know what love is about! To know your heart is to discover greater true freedom! Follow the Silence of Beautiful words as if a siren Voice. Follow your heart witnessing the world following theirs! Knowing thyself is how you can become more Authentic. Only knowing thyself would others become as they wish! But guard your good name as you might a precious jewel! The richest of jewels you can ever have in your possession! Any reputation is like a fire that can be arduous to rebuild! For us to be all that we can be, each heart must first be free! For us to be all we can be each must free their loving hearts! Set your heart free, and it will reward the favor many times. Set your heart free if you want to experience actual freedom! Never underestimate what all humanity may yet accomplish! Never make the mistake of underestimating any contribution! Not when the smallest amongst us could yet move mountains! Not when a miracle to believe in still abides within everything! Forever the way shapes the world as the world shapes the way! For We're All The Children of God, And Citizens Of Our World! Just begging for love on ascending the great Stairway to Heaven! Babes lost in the wilderness of space on their loving mother earth! Dazed and confused on our difficult journey which has just begun! Demoralized and exhausted struggling to ascend the endless stairs! Crying out lost in the wildness beseeching mother nature’s blessing. Who can frequently lose sight of their marvelous mother and father! Who may easily forget all the love and joy in our hearts is a blessing! Who easily Forget that we are the world we are the Children of God! Constrained to encouraging Ourselves as well as each other to think. Constrained to helping each other up instead of doing all the Lifting! When distinctions between our Hearts and brains no longer matter! Knowing we know nothing our Harmony neither acts nor reasons! Being incapable of ever straying far from the path lost and alone!
To Thine Own Self Be True
Shakespeare wrote "To thine own self be true!", Declared Oscar the Grouch, the cockroach. When his acquaintance, Groucho Marx, Thoughtfully touched his chin replying, “At times, I become lost upon pondering,” “How exceedingly fortunate, I have been!” “To learn of my own Wondrous Existence!” “To which neither time nor eternity can ever bring diminution,” “This miraculously everlasting vibrant living soul, was born!” “Even to ponder such a sublime eternal truth, in any depth,” “These are beautiful words, and I lose myself in thought!” “Yet the immortal Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote,” “How do I love thee?” “Let me count the ways.” “I love thee to the depth and breadth and height,” “My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight,” “For the ends of being and ideal Grace.” “I love thee to the level of everyday's,” “Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.” “I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;” “I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.” “I love thee with a passion put to use,” “In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.” “I love thee with a love I seemed to lose,” “With my lost saints, ...I love thee with the breath,” “Smiles, tears, of all my life! ...and, if God choose,” “I shall but love thee better after death!"
When to Hold Them
the gifts that we all still have to offer the world.
Don't Do the White Collar Crime!
Do the White Collar Crime,
you take what they give,
your lesson is learned,
dilemma you've found, Yet the truth remains, you let them steal your soul. (Jim Brown)
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& #This revolution is live baby!# #Welcome to the comedy club!# #That dares not close any doors!# #For Fear they'll be broken down!# #Ripped right Off all of the Hinges!# #Some Clowns Being Hard to Please!# #Some clowns being very demanding!# @#Some Clowns Won’t Take No For An Answer!#@ *Open to Our Public Twenty-four seven!* *Clowns frequently impossible to please!* *Nevertheless we aim to please Zombies!* *The Impossible just takes us a lot longer!* *Rarely closing for pressing Emergencies!* *Rarely closing for any of the Holier days!* *Some acts Being exactly what they seem!* *Some acts catch anyone alive by surprise!* *Some might become Highly Entertaining!* *Whilst others you would be wise to avoid!* *Other Acts not being for the faint of heart!* *Other acts could be extremely Dangerous!* *Other Acts, You Take Your Chances With!* *Where at times righteous Riots Break Out!* *Where at times many Zombies Go Berserk!* *Where at Times zombies are all full of crap!* *When on occasion zombie S**t Hits the fan!* *When clowns insist on Constantly fighting!* *When, some clowns always look for Fights!* *When some clowns fight Over Stupid Crap!* *When they all argue over who’s the biggest!* *Fighting over who is the Biggest Idiot of all!* *Often unaware of who they are fighting for!* *Often Unaware the Fighting is meaningless!* *Sometimes fighting over Complete Bullshit!* *Sometimes They are in the mood for a fight!* *Sometimes shooting Themselves in the foot!* *Prepared to Blame Others for any problems!* *Never bothering learning how to just say no!* *None even learning what it means to be free!* *That Bereft Honesty the word is meaningless!* *Some couldn’t Care Less whatever the reason!* *Some just Enjoy Fighting for whatever reason!* *Many are Young and Full of Piss and Vinegar!* *Foolishly condescending to all fall on their a*s!* *Thinking it makes them all that much stronger!* *Afraid to Surrender The Dirt beneath their feet!* *Afraid to back down a Single Inch on anything!* *Afraid of losing the ground everything rests on!* *Afraid of appearing weak instead of just stupid!* *Afraid of slaying the beasts of their nightmares!* *Ingloriously unaware of the approaching floor!* *Because fact can be stranger than any Fiction!* *Because Reality is often funnier than fiction!* *And it twinkles a hell of a lot more as well!* *Catching any clown yet alive by surprise!* *Making some do a double or triple take!* *Sometimes with their pants still down!* *Only to have Mama Nature spank us!* *~***Twinkle***Twinkle***~* All you beautiful shooting stars... In your sparkling Wonderland! Falling adorably, upon your a*s! Do Not Expect Your Own Mother! To Clean Up After All Your Messes! Viva La Revolution Baby! No radical revolutionary promise! No, conservative State Secrets crap! No swearing it was only an accident! No swearing, it’ll never happen again! No swearing you'll make some amends. No swearing your scout's word of honor! Nor swearing upon the tall stack of Bibles! No attempts to avoid the subject altogether! Nor pleas from your friends backing you up! Nor swearing upon your own mother's grave! Nor swearing that the dog ate your homework! No swearing it wasn't nearly as bad as it sounds. No swearing you’re just a Victim of circumstance! Nor melodramatic sobbing, begging, and pleading! Will ever manage to avoid Mama’s own house rules! Will ever manage to escape her Ruthless Enforcement! While, Hell hath no fury like our Mama Nature scorned! Balance will always be restored whenever harmony is lost! (Gill Scott Heron)
Leading From the Rear
Valor sometimes the better Part of Necessity, Rightfully prudence the better part of valor, Valor Frequently Confused with stupidity! Yet Chivalry forever going out of fashion! Never accepting that they all think alike! Never bothering to look before they leap, Before ripping another Foul smelling fart! The Greatest Behinds Always Stink Alike! Insisting to Themselves better out than in! Then inhaling Deeply of their own Stench! Until the only people ever left in any room! Rush to open all of the doors and windows! Know that guilt Is a Horrible thing to Waste! Proving to anybody their own Unworthiness. A complete waste of anyone's time and effort. Upon those insistent on being Most Unworthy! Refusing to ever Exercise the slightest restraint! Often foolishly attempting to lead from the tear! Yet knowing its impossible to lead from the Rear. They repeatedly persist in making futile attempts. Believing They're Funny Pissing Off Many! Believing any others have inferior senses of humor! Whenever a pile of crap hits the fan especially hard! Forcing those in sealed rooms to Plan Escape routes! Those with Diarrhea of The Mouth may well attempt, To justify all their more Vile and Deplorable behavior. Simply to regurgitate their own popular disapproval! Odiously persisting in torturing all their own Critics! Half of those I've spoken to Online have Confessed, To Be Deeply Suspicious of common dictionaries! Which Only Use The More Popular Definitions! Not that they care merely desiring to argue! Desiring to lead from the Rear arguing! Over who defines the word stupid. And Who is the best example! Who is Stinking up the room! Who might be more offended! Who is the lesser of Offenders! Whose farts are forever Worse! Who is the bigger king of fools! Who is making the bigger Fuss! I never worry too much myself, Not bothering to Dwell Upon it! Preferring not to Waste my time. Or that of anybody else involved! Upon the unworthy great behinds. Upon those who lead from the rear, Those who think their behinds great, Unaware that they are so Predictable; Unaware That They're Full Of Hot Air! Those who believe they're such hot S**t. Those Who Believe They're The Greatest! Sorrow and Outrage are Wasted on them! Just wasted on any of the greatest behinds! Who all tend to stink alike without thinking! Without Ever Having To Utter A Single Word! (Those Who Shall Forever Remain Anonymous)
Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish he'd go away... When I came home last night at three, the man was waiting there for me, But when I looked around the hall, I couldn't see him there at all! Go away, go away, don't you come back any more! Go away, go away, and please don't slam... the door! Last night I saw upon the stair, A little man who wasn't there, He wasn't there again today, Oh, how I wish he'd go away... (Hughes Mearns original poem)
of Us
Tea Party members accuse each other of being commies, The faster they import goods the faster the money all floats to the top,
faster the money all floats to the top, the faster they export
Hardcore Commie Love
went to a communist bookstore,
informed they were fresh out.
No Love for revolutionaries, I visited a Taoist website seeking enlightenment,
they booted me off, for repeating lame jokes! To never participate in anyone’s lowbrow slapstick, Involving no less than billions of amateur comedians, Who seldom, if ever, consider themselves to be funny!
Everybody Wants to Rule the Web
Welcome To Your Life. There's no turning back! Even, While We All Sleep! We Must Always, Find You! Acting On Your Best Behavior! Turn Your Back On Social Media! Everybody Wants To Rule The Web! Its, My Own Design; Its My Own Remorse! Help Me Really Decide! Help Me Make The Most! Of, Freedom And Pleasure! Nothing, Ever Lasts Forever!
Wants to Rule the Web. Holding hands while the Web Comes Crashing Down! When They Do I'll Be Right Behind You! So Glad We Almost Made It, So Sad They Had To Trash It,
Wants to Rule the Web.
Voter Denial
Denial Isn't The Name of A River In Egypt, Unless Somebody Says So, On Reality TV.
A Professional, Mud Wrestling Fan! Where Everything is Just Fake News.
No Proof That I Am a Thief. No Proof Elections Even Matter! No Proof of Anything To Gain! No proof, I ever had sex with that woman! No proof Professional Wrestling’s rigged! And, of course, no proof that I even know what I’m saying! United we stand, divided we fall, right on our collective fat asses!
Common Sense Says
Common sense would have it that common sense, Is in uncommonly short supply these days. Not nearly as common as it once used to be. Not nearly as common as the good old days, Difficult to locate wherever you might roam! Most people claim nobody has any anymore! People Today have almost no common sense! Still despite agreeing its No Longer common! That everyone says its becoming Uncommon. They also insist that Its Only Common Sense! That Common Sense, No Longer Exists! Even if, statistical studies have repeatedly shown, In every way possible Academics could Think of, The only thing common about Common Sense, Is most people agree Nobody Else Has Any, Making Common Sense An Oxymoron! What makes sense to me, personally, Is zombies are just way too common. If they have any common sense at all! If they possess, any sort of sense at all! If they really listen to their own words! Have any Ability to express themselves. It evidently doesn't include most people! Zombies all speaking Private Languages. Seldom bother with the Mindless masses! Frequently complain Nobody ever listens! Never Trusting Even their own dictionary. Seldom understanding what Another says! Ever Distrustful of Everyone's Motivations! Who They Claim Are All Too Often Much Too Common! Because again they have no common Sense! Because common sense is its all Uncommon! If common sense remains impossible to Find! If all common sense is uncommonly common! When uncommon sense Agrees with common. When common sense is common sense Is Rare, When common Sense no longer seems to Exist! May all your Confusion and tears be Replaced. With An Abundance of love, laughter, and Joy! With the light of Truth Shining upon everyone. Ending all Confusion, anger, hate, and disdain! Replacing Suffering With the Light of the Truth. All Conflicts With Inner Peace and Contentment. Take comfort in the Knowledge nobody has ever,
to lie or mislead themselves completely. Protecting their boo boos like any small children; Whenever, becoming totally convinced they are, Not quite yet strong enough, to face the Truth! Thus discovering happiness and acceptance, First In Your Heart, And Then Your Mind. Lao Tzu, once remarked on the situation: What is a good man but a bad man's tutor! Whenever a bad man, is a good one's student! For only the Heart is really capable of listening! While, without the Love of the Truth in your Heart, All the common sense in the world, never did anyone any good! And, what comes around, always goes around and around again! When the pupil is poorly prepared, the master is rudely awakened, Is my tongue in cheek way of saying, reality can slap us in the face! Its only common sense that its usually better to just accept the truth!
Born Clowns
We cannot become what we once were, While remaining true to ourselves. And whenever falling on your a*s! Hurts much more than Getting up, Genuine gratitude can be knowing! For once you avoided falling Down. Managing to help yet another clown, Get back on their own two feet again, Because UP, UP, UP, UP!!!! Is the only direction you can go, In this sad clown's lowbrow comedy club town. Where born Clowns fall on their A*s for a living, Relying upon the ground to stop them every time, Preventing many from sinking out of sight altogether!
*~*“ Superstars ”*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*"Neo-Nazi Barbie met Kinki Kiki Dinki,”*~* *~*“Strutting down a fashion model runway."*~* *~*"Don't you know that you are a superstar!"*~* *~*"Said Liberace, to Jimi on guitar.”*~* *~*“See Kinki Dinki winki at you!"*~* *~*"You sparkle! You beautiful, naughty boy you!”*~* *~*“The entire world becomes Jimi on guitar,”*~* *~*“Whenever they want to sparkle,”*~* *~*“And be beautiful stars too!”*~* *~*“Twinkle, twinkle,”*~* *~*“All you beautiful shining stars, of radiant light!”*~* *~*“The spark that never dies, and never gets old.”*~* *~*“Nothing From Nothing Ain't Nothing In Wonderland!”*~* *~*“Where Everyone Sparkles My Dearest Lovely Boy!”*~*
deja vu all over again!"*~* *~*“Know That We Are All Beautiful!”*~* *~*“Know that we all love you so!”*~*
All of Its Sweetness”*~* *~*“Watch It Jiggle!”*~*
for yourself, that we are all”*~* *~*“And, not least of all”*~* *“Deliciously wiggly-jiggly with delightful sparkling laughter!”*
Pay It Forward Sucker!
The Narwhal Scratched His Lover's Itch, Playing all Around the World in 30 days! Somehow knowing Never really knowing! Somehow Without having to think about it! Everybody Scratches that itch sooner or later! Everyone has to choose how to pay it forward! Darwin was just another Optimist like Murphy! Positive That life had to make some sort of sense! Yet failed to realize Evolution Requires Creativity. We’re all obliged to be more creative than Darwin! What evolution could mean for anyone personally. Whatever It Possibly Meant to our dead ancestors! Ask not what human evolution might do for you! But what could you Enjoy more about evolving? How could Survival mean more to everybody? What might you possibly do to enjoy it more? What is special about survival of the fittest? What makes the Journey its own reward? Pay it forward Sucker or pay the price!
the Surefire Path to Instant Enlightenment! That’s why Goldilocks Murphy, Was always the optimist in my family, That is, after a few drinks, While I required more proof! But Murphy remained steadfastly optimistic, Right up until the pie hit her in the face! The Irish get that way sometimes, A few of us can’t hold their liqueur! So we learned to work on our sense of humor! (Those who shall forever remain anonymous)
Comforting Bullshit
Dwelling upon comforting bullshit, We Ignore Ignorant Wisdom. Worried about abject Failure we dream of Glorious triumphs, Preventing The Unthinkable, From Occurring! But Our Fears Seldom Seem To Disappear, Of, The Unspeakable, Coming To Pass! Because Our More Comforting Bullshit! Always Comes, At An Inflated Price! Toddlers accept the ebb and flow of all bullshit! Nurture good crap by first owning their own; Owning their bullshit they discover comfort, Letting go of more of their personal bullshit.
Perfect Pratfall
Praising The Unworthy Only Confuses Everybody! Showing off valuable treasure just encourages Theft! Strutting your fat a*s around can get your A*s Kicked! In this manner all toddlers address the mindless masses: Encouraging their bellies to swell with delight, Drooling Copiously! Blinking in the Lights! Thus strengthening adult Funny Bones. Ego can never attain the Naive Grace! Of a sillier toddler’s Perfect Pratfall! Egotistical Bullshit out of the Way. Ignorant Virtue, Always Shines!
Bottomless Pit
My Bottomless Pit Is Gravely Ignorant! So I Toss In What Nobody Really Wants! Assuming, Somebody Might Want It Back! Those who Struggle to Find what they want, Find All The F*****g Cuss Words I Throw In!
Unkind Bullshit
Bullshit Is Never Actually Kind; Treating everything like Bullshit! Nor can ignorance be called Kind. And Still Treat Bullshit Impartially! With Wide-Open Hearts And Minds! Lacking all content Ignorance prevails! For the further it moves the more it yields. So toddlers draw upon any Ignorant wisdom, Which like any other Bullshit can never be exhausted!
Experiences like wetting the Bed are quite Common, Yet the Source Of the Spring is seldom well Known. Another Spring Erupts, and Clowns Spring to Life! Yet Deep Within Us Still, Ignorant wisdom prevails: Oops! Chuckles Echoing, all the way to the bathroom.
Simple-Minded Ignorant Fools
Elaborate Bullshit Is Just More Worthless Bullshit, Only the naive are Shocked to discover for themselves. Unwittingly thrust Center Stage from behind the curtain, Ignoring their own Personal Bullshit, Often content to Remain ignorant, Simple-minded Ignorant Fools, Really don't mind dealing with Stupid Bullshit!
Muddy Waters
The Best of Man Is Like Muddy Waters, Which Benefits All Living things contending with none. Flowing into those Lowly Places others disdain, Where Mud Burbles... So, A True Ignoramus! Dwells, Within Bullshit, Ponders any deep do-do! Offering impartial bullshit. Trusting others to Own their personal Bullshit, And To Avoid Pointless Bullshit With a Chuckle. (Muddy Waters was here)
Muddy Waters Deja Vu Amongst the Stars
Who am I? Where am I? What the hell am I doing here! Words Are... Flowing Out... Like Endless... Dia…...Rrhea....
slither while they slip away, right through your fingers.... I Can’t Hear You At All… I Can’t Hear You... At All…... Nothing will ever change my world!
gonna change my world….
of broken light... which dance before me... like a million eyes,
Can’t Hear You At All… I Can’t Hear You… At All…... Everything Sounds...Way Too Familiar... Everything Has a...Very Familiar Stench... Everything Is Composed of Low Entropy… Nothing you say has any damned meaning...
of Laughter, shades of life are ringing, I Can’t Hear You... At All…… I Can’t Hear You... At All…… Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing Penetrates My Thick Brick! Muddy Waters Deja Vu... Amongst the Stars… Om…… Muddy Water... Deja Vu... Amongst the Stars… Om…… (Beatles)
Foolishly fill a cup to the brim and it is easily spilled; Let it get to you and more stupidity is sure to follow! Put all your eggs in one basket they're Easily Broken! Act like you meant to do it people think you're crazy! The wisest toddlers take a Nap before getting cranky!
Best Friends
People let me tell you ‘bout my best friend, He’s a warm hearted person who’ll love me till the end. People let me tell you bout my best friend, He’s a one boy cuddly toy, my up, my down, my pride and joy. People let me tell you ‘bout him he’s so much fun, Whether we’re talkin’ man to man, Or whether we’re talking son to son. Cause he’s my Best Friend. Yes he’s my Best Friend. (Harry Nilsson original lyrics)
Toddler Charm
Embracing your laughter you become Embraced; Laughing easily we may all be Reborn Again, Clearing our heads all else may Become Clear; Nurturing Children All May Become Impartial; Opening your Foolish heart Kids will accept you; Accepting the World kids can accept our Ignorance! Bearing And Nurturing, Creating but Not Owning, Giving without demanding, This, is foolish toddler charm.
into Action
It Is Woman Who Roars Like A Lion!
Cat Is On The Prowl!
To Spring Into Action! (Here... kitty, kitty)
Toys in the Attic
Thirty spokes meet at a nave; Because of the hubs the wheels really spin! Clay is molded into a vase; Because of the hollow we can jam stuff in! Walls are built around a hearth; Because the door's unlocked, we can play inside the house! Thus many assume they can play with anything, Especially, any toys stored away in their attic. (Murphy was here)
Gonzo Is Just Alright With Me!
Gonzo is just alright with me! Gonzo, is just alright with me!
don't care what they may know,
Is Just, Alright, Oh Yeah! Gonzo is just alright with me, Gonzo is just alright, oh yeah! (Doobie Brothers, Sesame Street, original video)
New Destinations
Attention Passengers, Any Lost Stowaways; On Your Trip Everyone Must Be Prepared! To Cast Aside any unnecessary Baggage! To grab your own a*s with both hands! If required under dire circumstances! Pay careful attention to the Captain! Assuming he's Lucid for a moment; If you like listening to Idiots ramble. Depending On Your Religious Beliefs. Your Blood type or Organ Donor cards! Your Date of Birth, And Place Of Origin! Applicable State and Federal Regulations. And Assuming Anyone Survives This Trip! And, Any Negative Publicity It Might Entail. Anything the law Allows Us to get away with! Baring any Stranger Unforeseen Circumstances! Discounts and Ticket Refunds, Will Be Available! Only upon personal request! Everybody can rest assured, Despite any more persistent rumors, to the contrary: New Destinations and New Horizons, yet await us all! No matter what your personal beliefs, or circumstances; Be prepared for your mind to be blown on this spacytrip! The captain suggests you sing a round of Hakuna Matata! But, requests, everybody refrain from dancing in the isles! Reminding All That on the Runway! We're Always on a Road to Nowhere! Leaving Your Burning Bridges Behind! Traveling At High Speed into Oblivion! Where Up is the Only Viable Direction! Down Has Become a Mere Abstraction! All turns remaining strictly prohibited! Take-offs and Landings Being Tricky! When the Road up ahead comes to an Abrupt End! Where everyone can agree that Ignorance Is Bliss!
Salivating Liquid Crystallized Humble Pie
Wayward Drunkard’s Aimless Walk, Bereft the Slightest, Care in the World, Keeling Over Three Sheets to the Wind, Righting Herself She Lists on the Swells! Ominously Her Bow Rises Up Yet Again! Jell-O For Brains an Overcooked Noodle! There’s Simply No Accounting for Taste. Counting Silly Imaginary Numberings! Captivating State Of Benighted Grace! Laughing at each Other’s absurdities; Bumbling down a road less Traveled! Falling into the Ditch once in a while! Falling down we all rise up yet again. Hyperuniform, liquid crystallized pie. Having too much time on your hands. Gravity heats up, while cooling down. Boycott Gravity! Become an astronaut! Boycott gravity for bringing me Down. Oceans of Lubricated laughter flowing. May the Floor always catch you gently. May the road forever rise to Greet You! May your Muse always light your way. May your path be Downhill both ways! Quasi-crystallized Sublime Lime Jell-O! Colorful shapeless Tiny marshmallows! Cylinders flattened into wagon wheels! Spherical cubes of squishy dimensions! Quantized Time Crystal Twilight Zone. Dodecaicosahedrons make Disco Balls! Pythagorean solids scatter to the wind! Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas! Mind-blowing Topological transforms! Inverted Toilets become loopy twisters. Wavy Gravy Soliton Waves, Stand Tall! Particle Man, In Sparkling Wonderland! Globular blobular truncated trapezoids! Broken fuzzy fractal halting continuum! Solitary, quasi-crystallized, semi-fluidic, Fractured Fairytale looking glass mirror! Of no known possible worthwhile value! Membranous stringy sealing wax thingy. Metamorphic temporal phase transitions. Tap dancing a buffalo tattoo in My Brain! Feels like steppin’ into the Twilight Zone! This nightmare feels like I’ve been blown! Lattice dancing within temporal matrices! Lost horizons Change of their own accord. Lost Realities all Down At the Sunset Grill! Lost insights can just as easily be forgotten! Lost horizons found in any Lost and found! Phase transitions Forever metamorphosing! Mountains of Crap In Insane Combinations! Sumptuous repast in my own private Idaho! Liquid Crystallized humble-pie-in-their-face! Lost hourglass of time in infinite dimensions! Time crystals all decide their own time Zones! Lost in spaces that would make Escher Dizzy! Lost Rindler horizons of Blissful Contentment. When crap follows you on the endless horizon. To Infinity and beyond the greatest wide Open. Beyond the Outer Limits lies the Twilight Zone. Speeding up time makes no damned difference, Time alone may bring even gravity to her knees. Where everything can be Deja Vu all over again. Differential Integrals of entangled Decoherence! Clinging memories yet left behind in the mirror. Eternity lending everyone’s past greater weight! Eternity gracing the ticking time bombs of fates! Inexorable Gregorian sub-sect of pie-in-the-face! To boldly go where no clowns have gone before! Inevitable pitiful moaning on the moaning after! Inevitable desire to pull your hair out and shout, Inevitable envious glance at green eggs and ham. Local realities always Favor the shortest distance. Noether Insisted it must possess Superior curves! The Louvre can certify them as all French Curves. Umbraged monstrous moonshine yet conjectures! Occam resolved that a simple razor was required. In which case, it is proof of simplistic complexity! We meet again, at last, the circle is now complete! Any futuristic Instant karma is coming to Getcha! Roaring silence Overwhelms the distant observer! The simplest explanation is all the more tempting! The shortest distance between two points is a line! Some say it is evidence God has a sense of humor. Thermodynamic Relativistic Quantum Mechanics! Taking the long way home Requires greater effort! By virtue of the fact we must choose for ourselves, Capricious fickle fates Rolling Monty Hall’s bones! Goldilocks Murphy describing two sides of a Coin. Local reality is overcrowded with backseat drivers! Insisting the best carpenters make the fewest chips, Knowing perfectly well that nobody knows a thing! Carefully measuring twice prepared to roll any dice. Moonwalking Nonlinear Fuzzy Fractal Probabilities. Reality Bereft All Dreams Is Somebody’s Nightmare! Dreams bereft all reality maybe our worst nightmare. Creamy Dreamy Liquid Fantasy-Nightmare Realities! Realistic Idealists skeptically confronting any bullshit. Idealistic Realists would admit their personal bullshit! Realistic Realists distinguishing all reality from fiction! Idealistic idealists grasp greater truth in all the bullshit! Salivating enticing liquid quasi-crystallized humble pie! Liquid Quasi-Crystallized Humble Pies-On-Their-Faces! Laboring to observe the simulation of a phase transition! Decoherent incoherent quantum states, become classical! Traveling all the way from the big bang to the big crunch, Traveling through all Dimensions, not of sight and sound! Dimensionless dimensions, composed of lowbrow humor! Twilight Zone Squares All Circle on the signpost up ahead! The walls may speak without having to utter a single word. There are those who speak, without uttering a single sound! Those Once Upon a Time Whose Words Were Crystal Clear! Now that you are here, all of our words seem perfectly clear, For once upon a time, we spoke for those who have no voice! Once upon a time there was A Lorax Who Spoke for the trees. Once upon a time we Knew What’s Missing from this picture! Once upon a time hearts that bent the most spoke the loudest! Once upon a time time was something that we could all share! Once upon a time people wanted to hear jokes about the truth! Salivating Eyeing Liquid Crystallized Humble Pie-in-the-Face! Aware what’s missing from this picture is what comes back to haunt you. (They Might Be Giants, Don Henley, 38 Pistol, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Seuss)
Sensational Bullshit
Big bling hurts my Crusty Eyes! Loud music destroys my Tin Ear! Sweets keep Ruining My appetite! Spinning in Place Makes me Dizzy! Too much drama breaking my heart! Thus toddlers inspire louder laughter! Bantering Priceless Bullshit For Laughs! Toddlers ignore bullshit, kiss boo boos, contribute charming humor!
World of Confusion!
Too much Praise and Blame can Cause concern, Inspiring hope and fear, in the Easily Confused, Uncertain which bullshit To Think about next. If somebody is already Confused Enough, Why Praise And Blame Them? Even Toddlers Usually Agree, A Little Too Much Information, Can Lead to a World of Confusion!
Continuous Bullshit
Looked upon, it cannot be seen… Bullshit never survives in the light of day! Listened to but cannot be heard…Gibberish remains utterly meaningless! Clutched but cannot be touched… Worthless bullshit has no substance! Thus fuzzy wuzzy indeterminate bullshit Evades All certainty, Blending Any Clarity into a single Abiding Mystery! In its Rising There is Know-Knowing-Light, In its falling there is Know Darkness. A Continuous thread that defies categorization, Lining what cannot exist. Its form formless, Its image nothing, Its sounds all silent; Follow, it has no back, Confronted it has no face! Attend the present to deal with your past, Thus you grasp the continuity of any bullshit, Which all clowns know is the essence of absurdity.
Astute Agnostic A******s
Agnostic a******s are sometimes so Astute; None other may ever Comprehend them! Because They Make No Damned Sense, I can Only Describe their appearance! Cautious As a lover walking on thin ice, As Indecisive as a tiny Kid in a candy store. Humble As Humble Pie! Slippery as the Wettest Ice! Authentic As Uncut Firewood, An open book, that's clear as Mud! For he who is agnostic enough to Wait for the mud To settle, Seeks to leave the future behind in order to Embrace the past. And, In Their Ignorance Desire Less Than What May Transpire. Empowering their bowels to move effortlessly All By Themselves!
Never Pushy
Empty your bowels completely; Embrace sublime inner peace. This mad, mad, mad world will go on without you. Be content to WAIT, for nature, As usual any especially hard crap, Will all return to the good earth in time. Their return Can Be Peaceful; It is the Gentle Flow of nature, Our own eternal fall and spring! Accepting your awareness you become regular, Whilst Ignoring Hard Crap Invites Sheer Misery! Who accepts Nature's gentle flow becomes grateful. Being Grateful She Becomes Impartial; Being indifferent she becomes Agnostic; Being agnostic she becomes spontaneous; Being spontaneous she never thinks twice about giving a crap! Being one with her sphincter her bowels usually move Easier! While she might be indignant over delays she's Never Pushy!
Mindless Habits
Sometimes my heart leads other times my brain, And occasionally Neither One is actually in charge, Habits being the end of any honesty and compassion, The beginning of absolutely complete total confusion! When the lights are on, but nobody is really listening! Everybody operates to various degrees on Autopilot, Moving from point A to B unaware we are moving! Humans all possessing a variety of safety backups, The mind and brain are a Self-organizing system; We may not be able to live without some habits, Its comforting to know we breath in our sleep! Still generally speaking the fewer the better! Hate being the worst of all possible habits! The most blindly self-destructive to have. The one to be avoided before all others! When All Your Love Takes A Backseat, To Who or Whatever it is You Have Come To Hate, By This And This Alone, May You Be Truly Known! By Who You Hate, And By This Alone! Would Any Really Know Who You Are. While your life can become Hell on earth, High Upon The Great Stairway to Heaven! Darkest Of Dark Comedies That Never End! Where Ugly Ducklings, All Search For Mama! Where I'd rather laugh with the sinners! Than Cry With The Saints! Distinguish Pleasure From Pain! I've, seen all good people, Turn their heads each day, So satisfied I'm on my way; Sometimes, running flat out! Not Bothering, To Look Back! Refusing to face the inevitable! Refusing to ever go there again! Best To Avoid Mindless Bullshit! Habits may make us all unhappy. Habits can bite anybody in the a*s! Habits just God playing peek-a-boo. Human integrity responding to Love! Love providing meaning, for meaning! Love gives meaning to all our emotions! Love Supplies the All Important Context! Love provides any content for our context! Love can explain the origin of our Universe! Love’s amazing grace is beyond all comprehension! Being a metaphor, for who we wish to become! Love, humor, sorrow, and anger in literal order, Each may be greater than any mere sum of parts! Learning to embrace each other for what we have to offer, Each a paradoxical singularly of infinite awareness, Love is why, the action always keeps on happening! Love really is what makes the whole world go round! Love is all you need and all nature has to offer anyone! Love is forever two steps forward and another one back! The surprises just keep coming in our game of peek-a-boo! Ugly Ducklings remain astounded to discover they’re the swan! If ya gots no sparkle child get up and shake your booty! Do the Funky Monkey, Where the Wild Things Dance! Do Something Do Anything because you ain't living! Run in circles Jump Around, but whatever you do! Stop Sitting There Self-destructing Out Of Habit! Stop waiting for crap to merely work itself out! Stop waiting for someone else, to do something, Instead of surrendering to the basic reality of life, Instead of doing, what all hearts know is required! Instead of owning your own feelings and emotions! False words, can infect the souls of the whole world, Poisoning the air, until we can't tell which way is up! Poisoning the very ground we all Walk on and Share! Obscuring sincere emotions with bullshit abstractions. Forever the Journey itself may be our greatest Reward! If we choose to keep walking on the road less traveled! If we choose to boldly go where none have gone before. The path might know our feet as our feet know the way. Gravity yet remains, the source of lightness and heights! The Clueless Ugly Duckling forever becoming the Swan! Falling Down we smile and laugh helping each other Up! The knowledgeable try to learn something new every day. Simply curious about how anything may happen to work, Yet the Wise forever endeavor to somehow learn to forget. Expanding their own Ignorance their knowledge Expands! Forgetting their own habits Bequeath Themselves freedom! In their forgetting somehow managing to grow by attrition! Forgetting, manage to accept the whole world as their home! Occasionally acting extremely childish the older they become! Mindlessly Doing Things only because they think they are fun! Running in circles, while screaming and shouting if they desire, Habits are frequently about Remembering to stay young at heart! Nurturing your own wondrous spark within which can never die. Forever the brilliant spark illuminates the way for Ancient children! The habit drooling idiots keep, is embracing the world as their home! (Yes)
Political Clowns
The Best political Clowns are those none can find; The next best are Widely Loved and Praised; Whilst Anyone Remaining, All Adopt Clown Caricatures! As If Joining In A Circus Parade; Meandering, All Over Downtown. Angry Clowns Dancing All Around! Losing Any Interest In Sad Comedies! The Majority Become, Reliably Gullible! Most Voting for the First Clown in Town, Who merely happens to scream the loudest!
Patriotic Rotten Tomatoes
When your Politics Are No Longer Funny, Stupid Crap Isn't considered Silly anymore; Petty crap can become Less Of A Joke. Any Self-righteous Hypocrisy Blatant, When the patriotic Rotten tomatoes fly! Burying Simple Comedy, Under mountains of Crap, Where the Light Never Shines sports fans!
Gullible Fools
If Anyone Could Distill Down All The Bullshit, Then Everyone Would Profit a Hundredfold! Nonetheless Gullible Fools Would Remain! If Artifice and Profit could be Eradicated, Then a lot of Unnecessary Waste would be eliminated! But Half-assed Remedies merely treat the symptoms! Being Inadequate Used By Themselves. The Gullible Require personal remedies: Embrace your personal Sense of Humor; Embracing Your Own Ignorant Laughter!
Easily Amused
What is the difference between acceptance and denial? What is the difference between beautiful and hideous? What is the difference between Infinity and the Void? The usual clowns are Festive as if attending a party! Or Frolicking about the park on a fine spring day. While my mind still wanders in Ignorant Bliss. A Newborn babe yet to learn how to Smile; Alone bereft any actual aim or purpose! The Zombies have enough to spare! Whereas I, Have Nothing At All! And, my Foolish Heart leads me; Muddy Waters, Eternally Cloudy! Where I’m often dim and confused. Others are always more self-assured! While I remain completely in the dark. Aimless As a Wave, Drifting Out To Sea! Bereft the slightest attachment to anything. Most people are busy getting necessary crap done, Whereas I am often Weird and impractical. I don't share everybody else's concerns, Being so easily amused by nature.
Bullshit Trajectories
Bullshit often follows its own Trajectory, Having no Real Aim or Purpose, Merely Expressing a Mountain of Bullshit! Including anything and everything under the sun! Or Absolutely nothing at all! Bullshit can be Never-ending, Yet express all our Limitations. Beneath any awareness of Being Bombarded with bullshit: Ignorance remains the Source of all the crap in the world! How can we comprehend the origin of our own bullshit? By embracing our Personal sense of humor more often!
Natural Born Clowns
Accept every Joke and you find Inner Peace, Interpret all your jokes and nobody is amused. Dump Your personal crap and Humor Survives! Practice all your jokes and Comedy Can Improve. Obsess over the Best Jokes and Humor Will Suffer. Try too hard to Laugh you'll only confuse Yourself. The better Clowns can always laugh at themselves! Which is why toddlers often laugh at any Cartoon. Being The Fearless Masters Of Ignorant Wisdom; In Hiding All Their Crap, They Receive Credit! Being So Transparent, Their Charm Endures. Seldom Mocking, Or Insulting Anything! And therefore, none is ever offended. The ancients said: Everybody's a natural born clown, When everyone laughs anytime you fall on your a*s!
Humorous Crap
Sometimes dashing for the potty we just don't make it, Still Crap Works Out easily in any rinse. If nature's crap Doesn't Last Worth a S**t! Why the hell does so much Stupid Bullshit? We can laugh hysterically at the punch lines, Stifling our laughter we miss a lot of the jokes, Those who embrace humor accept their own ignorant virtue, While, those who reject their ignorance don't find much funny.
Wannabe Standup
Try to be funny all the time, and all of your Jokes will Fall Flat, Struggle too hard to act funny and People Struggle to laugh! Explain your jokes and any humor can be completely Lost, Force crap on others and Nobody Thinks You’re Funny. Become Arrogant and your sad slapstick cannot last! Wannabe Mockery Stand-up comedy yet Inspires, A good thorough soaking in Rotten Tomatoes; Anything that might improve the comedy!
Absurd Bullshit
There Is A Deep Mystery; Beneath Anyone's Bullshit! Soundless, And Fathomless! Eternally Alone, Unchanging. Yet universal and Amorphous! It coming before mother Nature. Bereft All Content I call it Absurd. Bereft all Sanity I say Its Unlimited, Infinite absurd neverending bullshit. Having too much time on your hands. Infinitely diverse, insane combinations! Flowing away still haunts us to this day! Enabling known Know no known Limits! So the absurdities in life, are Unlimited! And so too am I still infinitely absurd! For I am abstracted from the absurdity of the world, The Absurdity of all life from Nature, Nature from some mysterious bullshit, And nothing from neverending absurdity! (Styx, Star Trek)
Silent But Deadly!
Farts can be silent but deadly! Composure, A Survival Art! As Temptation Yet Builds along with greater pressure; Gullibility is important Knowing Others can be Irate! Yet those who Inherit this common humorous Gift! Know they should Act neither lightly nor hastily! Acting hastily more Rotten Tomatoes could Fly! Casually Failing to Batten Down The Hatches! We Flounder like Ships Flooded With Dung! Still struggling heroically to stop laughing!
Perfect Timing
Perfect timing may never actually be Duplicated! Perfect Execution never wastes an opportunity! Perfectly tying up every single tiny loose end. That is why toddler charm is so enchanting! The naive toddler remains within all of us, Perfectly Content being easily distracted! Surprised the Weak can over the strong; Leading us all around by the Nose with their oh so Perfect Charm. While those who believe they are perfect are always perfectly wrong! If toddler jokes are never Embraced, Nurtured by us All in myriad ways, The Laughter might become louder, Yet their Perfect Timing can be Lost. As the perfection of our naive grace, Can only be unwittingly given away!
Oddly Absurdly Neutral Agnostic Attraction
Becoming Both yet Not quite either one, Embracing Nothing as well as everything! Reborn again with the Newest punch lines! Tossing bullshit being receptive to Bullshit, Aware our ignorance is the source of Fun! Where others seldom do get our Jokes, Often, Becoming Jokes Themselves! The forever strange familiar irony, Of An Oddly Neutral Attraction. Using both the light and the dark, Content to be the same wiseguy I've always been, A rather oddly absurdly neutral agnostic attraction!
Bullshit Artists
Bullshit artists all spouting crap! Cannot succeed every single time. Gullibility is shaped by accepting our ignorance, Not someone's meaningless bullshit! Own your crap, and you give it away, Spout absolute nonsense and gullible clowns follow, Others think you are their friend if you act aloof! Some come on strong, some really weak, And, very Few Will Get Right to the Point. Usually, preferring to Drag Everything Out. Superfluously verbose of the performing arts.
Vigilant Sarcasm
Lowbrow humor is Infamous for endless Sarcasm, Slams repeatedly Hammering home, Only to return to bite People in the a*s! The Blistering Side of Comedy, Where A******s fight over who’s the bigger idiot! Great behinds may yet Stink alike, While Others Revel in kicking them! Sarcasm, Never Does Turn Out Pretty! Conspicuously Objectionable Simulation, Of Pounding One Another, Without Mercy!
Zombie Mockery
Zombies Make a Mockery, of All Mockery. A Meaningless Irksome Worthless Resonance. We avoid mimicking mindless zombie mockery, As just exercising Good common Sense! Aggressive Slapstick, Mimicking Mockery! Always Insisting other Zombies are Dumber! Mindless Sadism Imitating might makes right! The Three Stooges hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!
Ignorant Agnostics
Agnostics come in all shapes and sizes, Which is Why none can Control Them! If Great Ignorance could be Conquered! There Would Be, A Lot Fewer Agnostics. None Really Curious About who they are. But Any Ignorance is Shaped By Fallibility; While Any Shapes Are Soon Lost to the Void. Don't clutch at Weird Ideas about mortal fallibility, Allow your ignorance to Flow gently through you; In the end it feels much better just to Let Her Rip!
Bullshit Management
Who Comprehends People Is Truly Strange! Who Gets Most Punch Lines Is Enlightened! Who Falls Upon Their Butt is a Born Clown! Who Laughs Over Bullshit Still Has Humor! Who's Determined Over Bullshit, Has Drive! Who Desires Bullshit, May Become Wealthy! Who Dodges Bullshit Has Ignorant Wisdom! Who Grasps Bullshit Manages Their Bullshit!
Important Crap
Crap always ebbs and flows stinking up the whole place, Surprisingly messy Stuff when it gets in all the cracks, But my very own personal crap hardly ever Stinks! Nurturing crap that grows on you like a Fungus! Though it hardly ever seems to be worthwhile, Or, to possess any Real meaning. Seemingly totally Inconsequential, My Personal Crap Is more Essential, Of the utmost Paramount importance! My own crap is always more important, Especially When It Won't Work Itself Out!
I Fight Reality!
I Fight Reality, Authority Always Wins! Yeah I Fight Authority, Reality Always Wins! I Been Shoveling Crap Uphill, Ever Since, I Was A Young Kid, And, I Come Out Grinning!!!!!! Yeah, I Fight Reality... Authorities Always Win! I Fight The Authorities, And Reality Always Wins! I Have Come to The Mountain, to Shovel Crap Uphill Again! Yeah I'm Still Fighting Authority And Authority Always Wins! You Gotta Know When To Hold Em, Know When To Fold Em! And, Know When Ya Gotta Either F*****g Duck Or Run! YEAH I FIGHT AUTHORITY, AUTHORITY ALWAYS WINS! Mowing Down All the Damned Weeds, Just As Fast As I Can! The bullshit is endless and ya stick with whatever ya good at! Ya Stick With Whatever Bullshit, Ya Happen To Be Good At! Still Some Of Us Never, Quite, Outgrow Fighting Authority! Pausing Sometimes to Shovel More of the Same Crap Uphill! Whenever idiots think they're some kinda damned comedian! Well, I Fight Authority, And Authority Always Wins! (Johnny Be Good Melloncamp)
Flypaper Wallpaper
Offer sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll to every clown in town, And wannabe Comedians may line up to entertain you. If you share your Ignorant Wisdom with them instead, Every clown for miles around, will Watch Your Back! Knowing which Way More Obnoxious winds blow! Offering ignorant wisdom isn’t exactly glamorous, But, neither is covering your walls with flypaper!
To reduce an obnoxious B*****d's Influence first expand it, To Reduce Their Wallop, First Increase It, To rule over Complete A******s first exalt them! To rob them of their Sadistic Pleasure first bait the trap! This is the not-so-secret way the less Obnoxious overcome the most, Knowing, Instant Karma's Always Gonna Getcha baby!
S**t Happens!
Sometimes resigned to our humble fate, We let crap slide....until way past late! S**t Happens Is The Rule, Eternally... Rolling... Downhill! Sliding Into The Smallest Cracks! Making A Huge... …F*****g Mess! Stinking up the entire neighborhood! Piling Up Into A Mountain Overnight! Attracting Every Damned Fly For Miles! Becoming Our Only Claim To Fame! Even the Animals, Have Left the Zoo! S**t Coming Out, The Damned Sewers! Spouting Crap From Lofty Ivory Towers! Everyone Debating, How To Suck An Egg! Until The Crap...Finally... Hits The Fan! Hesitant, To Ever Wait, To Procrastinate! Dontcha Know S**t Always Be Happenin’? Don’t You Know Murphy Was an Optimist? The simple S**t Leads from the rear! But the s**t just keeps Happening, Sometimes the really messy crap, Sometimes the really Hard crap, But, if You’re not Full of Crap, Then you’re starving to death! While, if you can’t work your s**t out, You’re up s**t creek without a paddle!
Pointless Personal Bullshit
Pointless bullshit is not always easily avoided; And, personal bullshit is not easily surrendered; Thus, pointless personal bullshit has enthralled generation after generation! When intent upon being funny, pointless bullshit can fall flat on its face! Humor may enhance otherwise pointless bullshit and so humor survives! Humor neither acts nor reasons; Love acts, but without our reason; Justice acts only to serve our reason; While bullshit, tries to enforce reason! When ignorant wisdom is lost there remains humor; When humor is lost, there remains love; When love is lost, there remains justice; And when justice is lost, there remains pointless bullshit! Mindless habits and rituals are the end of honesty and compassion, The beginning of total confusion! Belief is a colorful hope or fear, Stepping stone to all calamity! The comedian is guided by humor, not by hope; She's a fruitcake, not a flower! Accepting being dense she easily ignores pointless personal bullshit.
Mean Fairytale Bullies
Mean fairytale Bullies tell only the meanest stories without end! That no one including themselves ever really cares to remember! Gloating as the little kids cry, when the Ugly Duckling dies! Their stories are otherwise tedious and plodding, Confusing any little ones, who whine and pass out! Losing resilience, some bite each other or themselves! Losing their water, devastated toddlers all flee in tears! While everybody else's eyes, glaze over, Accompanied by the smell of fresh crap. Because crap only rolls downhill, in the meanest of Fairy Tales,
sadistic nightmare bullies scare the hell out of themselves! Stupid Bullshit
Ignorance greedily gorges upon itself, Insatiably devouring, its own stupidity. Stupid bullshit inspired by any ignorance, And avoidable crap all too often over nothing!
Humble Acceptance
Despite countless claims to the contrary from wannabe bullshit artists, None has ever managed to beat, whip, or coerce themselves into submission! How can you possibly surrender to yourself without first surrendering to yourself? To quote the immortal Frank Zappa, "You are what you is and that's all that it tis!" While the evidence is most of us do the humble best we can manage! None among us ever Being Prepared to meet all of life's challenges! Humble acceptance of bullshit Is how all punch lines are revealed! Nobody can ever force another to accept what they refuse To See! While rejection may lead to our own worst personal nightmares! Whether some accept it or reject it for agnostics its all the Same! Both love and Ignorance never need agnostics to defend them! For Our Love and Truth Can Speak Louder Than Our Words! Our gratitude may mean more than anything we could own. But whenever mama calls and papa is my rock I remember! Somewhere down the road we all get our own punch line! Everybody always gets their own punch lines in the end! Remembering for ourselves what it means to be human. When there's nobody ever home, but us silly chickens! Lagging behind nevertheless we inevitably catch up! Bumbling and laughing upon the road less traveled! We Discover All The Forks Start To Look The Same. Knowing nothing, harmony neither acts nor reasons, For the few, who humble themselves before all others! Humble acceptance we all share a paradox of existence! Humble acceptance no one sees the complete Big Picture! Humble acceptance sometimes Its Best to remain Ignorant! Humble acceptance our lives don't have to rhyme or reason! Chuckling, we might all inspire greater peace and tranquility! When sparkling laughter might inspire peace in almost anyone! Proving to all that the journey itself can truly become our reward, The silent victory of our silent explanation between bouts of laughter!
Ignorant Jokes
When a Great man discovers Ignorant Jokes, He would Embrace humor wholeheartedly; When a Common Man hears insipid jokes, He may choose to Laugh just Sometimes; When a Mean Man Hears Toddler jokes, They’ll Frequently Laugh Hysterically! Whilst those who seldom laugh at all, Learn nothing about their ignorance! Therefore it is said: Who Understands ignorant humor seems Childish; Who practices Ignorant Humor falls on his butt. Whilst Bumbling all about; In places that others disdain; The finest Copy appears Plain; The sharpest razors are all Dull; The Shallowest pond has depths; The Worthless, Appears Priceless; The Sublime, merely a Distraction; The Clearest Truth, Seems opaque; The Popular Ideal appears Flawed; The Bravest of Heart appear Meek; The timid nature appears reckless; The square perfected has no edge; Music perfected has no melody; Love perfected has no climax; Art perfected has no intent! Only the ignorant can appreciate their own ignorance: It transmits sensation and transcends other knowledge.
Great Behinds
Noteworthy pressure is building, Arousing Fonder pungent thoughts; Sensation hearkens Nostalgic yearning, Over the endless Crap we all put up with. When Everything Bears Feeling and Doing; We Are Endowed With Mindless Ignorance! As I Was Taught, So Too, Must I Also Relay! Great Behinds All Stink Alike Anonymously!
Personal Fiber
Water Overcomes Almost all constipation; Never grasping Anything it Needs no Opening! This is the Benefit of consuming water and fiber, S**t then requires No action! And, there is benefit without Action, Yet few possess the Personal fiber, To do s**t without Doing Squat!
Overblown Egos
Health or education: Which Is more important? Health or possessions: which is more Worthwhile? Profit or Loss: Which is more Troublesome? Overblown Egos can become Overrated, Meddling in everybody else’s Affairs, When Others wish they would stop. Having a Brain Fart toddlers stop, Plopping adorably on their butts, Most charming of overblown egos.
Heavy Crap
Obligingly, The Perfect Crap Would! Leave Everybody Else's Ass Alone! A Lot Of Crap Makes A F*****g Mess! That's Always Harder, To Clean Up! Heavy Crap, Means Varied Things, Tossing Out Stinkier Crap For Fresh. Around here we always Toss It Uphill, The smell's just worse the higher you go, Collective sighs of relief from those down below!
Unsatisfying Crap!
When a nation has a nice sense of humor, Horse's drag manure through their fields. When a nation, loses its sense of humor, Horses bear soldiers down Mainstreet! There is no greater folly than ignoring our own Horseshit! There is no greater Disaster than losing our sense of humor! There Can Be No Greater Sickness, On Earth! Than Buying unsatisfying Crap nobody wants! Poisoning the very ground and Each Other, Feeling Incapable, Of Ever Stopping!
Crappy Experiences
Without taking a single step Outdoors, You already know that loathsome Smell; Without a glance by the light of the moon, You already know the texture of that Crap. The more messy really crappy experiences, The less we Believe we know about crap! Until the urge becomes Overpowering. Streaking past holding their Noses! The Mad Dash for the outhouse! Where everything always works out on in the end.
Nothing Left Undone
The follower of knowledge learns as much as he can every day; Whilst the more Clueless Argue over what everybody knows! Becoming notably senile, over time. Hence Nothing remains Left Undone! Silence Triumphs Over Loud Applause! Trying Not to be Funny We often Succeed! Clueless, to what Doing Nothing still means! If you can't identify that you've identified nothing, Your personal bullshit has become nothing left undone!
Toddling Along
The Toddler does not distinguish between herself and the world; The needs of anyone around her are her own. She is good, to those who are good! She's also good to those who are not so good, Thereby she is always very good! She trusts trustworthy people; And untrustworthy ones alike, Making her always trustworthy! The sage lives in harmony with her world, Her mind, becomes the world's mind! So she nurtures the hearts of all others, Toddling along determined to be just like mama!
Ignoble Right Up to the End!
We enter and leave this world covered in crap, And everyone I know is always full of Crap, Except the dead who no Longer give a crap! Still others hold onto their crap for dear life, To the point where taking a s**t becomes an abstraction! Yet those who partake of a modest diet, Need not Fear Pains in the a*s that often; Nor wear protective garments all the time, Hemorrhoids finding no places to poke out! People can Stop Scratching nearly as often, Stop always searching for nearby toilets, Worrying about their own petty crap, Still ignoble right up to the end!
Silly Seasons!
Overconfidence, inspiring foolishness, Gullibility nurturing every absurdity, As temptation grows overwhelming! While buying into our own stupidity completes the transaction! Thus every artist pays homage to their own gullible stupidity, Over other artists' inferior crap! Playfully Pleading, Ignorance! Unofficially Acknowledged! Chortling Cunning Rascals, Yet Amusing One Another, Reveling in the Silly Seasons!
All Bullshit springs from our own Personal ignorance, Understand that and you understand your own Bullshit. Embrace the right bullshit and you embrace any ignorance, Insist any bullshit is the best and simple humor can't survive. Everything works out in the end, but don't swallow too much! Spout a lot of smack or firm positions, And Nothing Can Ever Save Your A*s! Minor details Always matter with Crap! Limiting what we shove down our throat, What we wolf down becomes very personal, Becoming personal its easier to make mistakes, Nothing's worse, than gagging on your own crap!
Sadistic Mimes
Totally hysterical crap, Can goad audiences until they cry laughing, In turn, prompting them to laugh even harder. However, with infectious jokes it is said, There's only so much anyone can take! After the audience is spent, Chuckles linger slowly fading, Attentions Stray In All Directions. And, those who can never get enough, Sadistic mimes, slaughter with laughter.
Refined S**t
Cultivate your own crap and, surreally, you become your own shittiest joke! Cultivate your family’s crap, and s****y sit-com spin-offs are assured! Cultivate your s**t in public places and crap about you is sure to get around. Cultivate your crap in political ways, and inspire shittier politics! Cultivate your crap long enough, and everything starts to taste s****y! Stop shitting on everything, each other, and yourselves! Better to learn how to laugh at our own humanity! Because too many of us are no longer laughing. Laugh, at every humanly conceivable insanity; Laugh, merely to proclaim the outlandish truth. That the one whose laughter speaks loudest of all, Depends on how refined the S****y Taste of any bullshit artist like me!
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty was an egg, Who was desperate to get laid! But he didn't have sexual parts, For no rooster, had fertilized him! Anguished, he rolled himself right off the counter! Preferring dying a meaningless death, on a floor! To never having a chance, to actually live it up! To being cracked, fried, and summarily eaten! The eleven remaining eggs were all appalled! Upon witnessing, his most ghastly demise! Horrified, in turn each averted their eyes! Only to realize upon raising their gazes! They were still on the breakfast menu! And all too often, life just isn't fair! Fear is the mind killer that destroys! Fear is the little death awaiting us all! Fear is the end of all possible thinking! Eating everybody alive, inside and out! When the real dangers, remain without! Like cancer spreading through the body; Like bacteria, cultured inside rotten eggs, Running around yelling, the sky is falling! Easily avoided, pointless personal bullshit, Or really bad habits growing like a fungus! That should never be allowed to just fester! The kind, that we inevitably come to regret! Usually the sooner its dealt with, the better! For it frequently drives us, to fear the worst! To freeze up, or overreact at the wrong time! Kicking ourselves in the a*s for being stupid! By facing our fears we make them disappear! By listening to our hearts, we overcome them! When our fears can become even worse habits. Our desires may grow like weeds in any lawn! Everyone wants to alleviate, their own desires! Pretending to ease our suffering, like a mother. Reassuring ourselves as if we were two people. Words Are All Bullshit Whenever Money Talks! To those still listening, to their fears and desires. To those never taught, that they can Just Say No! To those, with no love and courage in their heart. To those incapable of communicating with others, Insisting the dictionary is just never good enough; Money can't buy happiness but it sure doesn't hurt! Endlessly ranting, their politics are seldom personal! Pounding upon anyone who just happens to disagree, Knowing it is easy to inspire, enough fears and desires, To discourage many from even trying to save themselves!
Enchanting Clowns
The really spellbinding clowns, Seldom, inspire any mean fairy tales, Zombie mockery only makes them chuckle, And, their sense of humor is out of this world, While their intentions always appear honorable, And their jokes unquestionably from the heart. An enchantingly delightful comedy, That, leaves no stone untouched. For their grace is beyond compare, Beyond mere words, to ever describe, And their love of compassionate humor undeniable. Delightful giggles echoing... rolling across the floor.
Amazing Bullshit Artists!
Those who repeat bullshit tend to believe their own bullshit, Whilst, those who preach never can hear their own bullshit! Stop spouting so much crap all you amazing bullshit artists! You can start by sorting out all your own bullshit! Trust me, it feels great to get rid of all you can find! Own your personal crap all you amazing bullshit artists! Nobody else wants it so you may as well Toss it away! Sharing and learning to be giving just require effort! Requiring neither terrific style nor common sense! When The Worst Crap keeps getting in our way, Most complain there's way too much bullshit, Adding to the usual mess none ever claims!
Nasty Bullshit!
Nasty bullshit should always be avoided, Often coming back to bite people in the a*s. Avoid any of the Nastier Bullshit! For: What comes around goes around, And the less Nasty any crap, Still getting around, the better! For the Less Divided we become, The more united we may all stand, Along with improving everyone's sense of humor! Conquering the world one clown at a time, This comedy Club never closes! Don't worry about your Style, Trust me every Clown fits in, And the punch lines can only improve!
Bullshit Logic
Bullshit logic is just so damned easy, Even bullshit Artists refuse to believe, Just Rejecting their Bullshit Is Bullshit! The only logic bullshit artists Recognize, Built entirely of blue smoke, and mirrors! Hides everything under huge piles of S**t. Wherever The Sun Will Seldom Ever Shine. Safeguarded deep between their a*s cheeks; Ensuring it never vanishes in the light of day!
Bite Me!
There's way too much Bullshit flying around, Which everyone else could surely agree upon, Who refuses to put up with anyone else's crap, As they wouldn't Hesitate to do with their own. Still the only way they can ever accept their crap, Is by everybody accepting all they need do is relax! Trust me the harder we Hold onto all our worst crap! The sooner it all comes back to Bite you hard in the a*s!
Happy Sappy!
When you conquer one clown at a time, Your worst fears can soon be forgotten, Merely, by turning the brat onto, Happy sappy toddler pabulum! Completely meaningless drivel! Never do any harm unto others! Plugging into the b**b tube young and old alike, Often chuckle to themselves, while throwing up!
Lame Bullshit!
Bullshit artists diligently cultivate the finest of arts, Seeking crap enlightenment in their own bullshit! Frequently insisting upon passionately testifying. Most any other Bullshit is always so f*****g lame! Common ordinary bullshit is not a real comparison! Because other bullshit always turns out to be a Fraud! Shadows mocking the Silent Echoes of their reflections! Grossly Distorted nightmarish house of horror Fantasies! Cornucopia of lesser known erotic exotic guilty pleasures. Of unparalleled singularly sublime splendor and majesty! Never to be Imitated personification of divine perfection! In blindingly crystal clear bedazzling celestial Brilliance! Greedily we shovel our personal bullshit down throats,
of one another's much lamer bullshit! Silly Giggles
Silent unspeakable wisdom, Tongues, rooted in cheeks, Amenable refuge for clowns. Painted grins of friendly faces, Conspirators to childish foolishness, Tremendously overwhelming excitement building! Giddy clowns tumble in, grinning inanely, Bumbling obligingly bouncing on butts, Symphony of incredulous amazement! Hearing raucous laughter, clowns runaway, Aware the circus is the only show in town, Silly giggles echo, following me all around.
Resistance is Futile
like Groucho just love to complain,
they Still
have enough of their own!
Never Do That Again!
Dismissing denial, as improbable, Silently denying that’s its impossible, Upon Realizing Denial’s Unthinkable! We plausibly deny our denial again. Embracing denial as implausible, My mother embraces me back: Beckoning me onto her lap, She whispers, in my ear, (Never Do That Again!)
Avoid Any Meaner S**t!
The meanest bullshit denies Denial, Forever Enjoying Strangling itself, Denying Innocence ever existed, We deny our Ignorant humor, Knowing Great Ignorance! Avoid Any Meaner S**t! Trusting, in yourselves, Embrace gentle comedy, Appreciate your humanity. Only the meanest bullshit enforces the compulsion, Brothers and sisters have to be mean to themselves!
Avoid Gloating
Once upon a time people were not so Easily Impressed, With Quite So Many, Bullshit Artists! Sometimes its Really hard to Laugh! When we strangle even easy Jokes! Yet humor can bring us Together! If stupid bullshit drives us apart! The trick is your sense of humor. Avoid gloating over Punchlines!
Starving Zombies
Dealing with bullies always makes me homesick, For the place where I go to Relax; To prepare for the meanest bullies, Practicing the Art of doing nothing! I know it sounds Stupid, But, I Swear That Its True! In order to go to fun places, You have to first Learn How To not Move! Now the laziest Dance Craze of the century! Adored by all Starving Zombies everywhere! Fortunate enough to Shuffle in just in time, To sit still and eat Peacefully at the table.
Obnoxious Clowns
Obnoxious Clowns will all stridently insist! Their comedy is meaningful and Distinctive! No two clowns should ever tell the same Joke; Presumably if comedy is to possess any dignity! Noteworthy clowns should all retain significance! Obnoxious humor may frequently become tedious! But everyone just smiles and nods, Knowing circus Life Can Be Tough! In those epic over-sized clown shoes, Some acts are just very hard to follow, Others you’ll want to Avoid if possible! Rotten tomatoes may be the least of your worries! If confronted by more Obnoxious Clowns. Potty humor, might become More attractive, For avoiding stepping on Clumsy clown shoes. Appreciating good Sarcasm can actually be helpful, But, eventually, all the jokes become just as Obnoxious!
Compassionate Clowns
Compassionate Clowns come to everyone's rescue, Forgetting all about Themselves, in the moment! Only Aware of the Virtue of Ignorant wisdom! Witnesses loudly applaud their compassion! Heroes who think of others as themselves. The heroes of every other clown's story, Dreamers busily living their dreams, Totally caught up, in the moment! The same as the rest of us clowns, Busy bumbling down the road in enormous shoes, Embracing any foolish ignorance, with compassion.
Witless Zingers
Nobody I know can say with a straight face, That They Have Lost All Of Their Wits! Its bad enough to lose your Witty Wits; But To Lose All Our Wittiest Of Wits, Is The Cruelest, Of All Cruel Blows! Never underestimate your own wits. If you still have your Witts, about you! Learn to cope whenever humor Escapes. And always look for the hidden punch lines, Because the witless zingers just keep on coming!
Nobody Home
Murmuring Contentedly, Each word utter gibberish! Merely babbling in our ears. Without any real significance. Whenever our lights are left on, If nobody's home but us chickens!
Miserable Wannabe Comedy!
Bullshit that’s just too good to be true, Frequently really is just more bullshit! But The Worst Bullshit Of All! We only use to Fool Ourselves, Attempting, Wannabe Comedy! Every Wannabe Comic Yells S**t! As the Proverbial S**t Hits the Fan! Wannabe Comedies, May Be Messier! Slinging Crap Just to Clean It Up Again! A Crappy Way to Make A Living They Say! Way Too Much Crap For Any To Bother With! Makes For The Worst Wannabe Comedies Of All!!!
Suck it Up!
Gravity, makes crap roll downhill, Sucking hard on anything with mass, Whistling wildly, at every butt she sees, She inhales, whistling and sucking away, Daydreaming of the hero of all her dreams! She loves to whistle, at every known a*****e, Just begging every shithead for more bullshit! Whistling, she just keeps on greedily sucking! Turning to face uphill, so she can slurp it up! Every a*****e giving her all she could want! Still, all the turned backs discourage many! Upon realizing, forever crap rolls downhill. Pregnant silence overtakes them all at once. Whispers echo softly lost in the far distance! In a lame zerosum game the ground catches. Whenever there's nothing whatsoever to lose, Or, to be gained, from learning how to be still! Crap, always keeps falling from out of the blue! Then rolls atop anybody downhill at the bottom! While the bullshit keeps flying in every direction! Making it hard to tell, which direction remains up! Yet the most interesting things grow out of manure...
F**k Off All You Wannabe F**k Offs!
F**k off because f**k the f**k off! You f*****g got that f*****g yet? My best give a f**k, was broken! F**k off is the best I can manage! F**k off because f**k the f**k off! Is as f*****g good a f*****g answer, Anyfuckingoneisevergonnafuckingget! So f**k off forthwith, all you f**k offs! And f*****g all leave me the f**k alone! Don't let the door hit you on the way out! F*****g know our f*****g comedy-drama! The f*****g one, you f*****g enjoy so much! F*****g following, all the F*****g characters, Was f*****g canceled, by the f*****g network! Its f*****g wannabe comedy was all-fucked-up! The F*****g Piece of S**t was Just all Fucked Up! F*****g horribly in need of f*****g improvement! And I F*****g Want Nothing To F*****g Do With It! Nor any other f*****g circus clown's, f*****g bullshit!
The Art of Denial
People enjoy denying that Denial, Isn't the Name of A River in Egypt, But, rather one of the more Demanding fine arts. Yet, by tradition, it remains quite Indubitably, The Exclusive Art of more Obnoxious Clowns. Repeatedly Swearing They Never deny denial. Protesting there's a Sucker Born every minute! Which is Why Denial remains a Popular word! Doggedly intent on perfecting the art of denial!
A*****e Regrets!
Everybody thinks the other Guy's hot air, Takes up way too much space in the Room! Outrageously Unacceptable deplorable farts! That compel everyone else to vacate the space! Careful to leave some doors and windows open! In case some poor unsuspecting slob, Passes Out accidentally stumbling in! A******s can Regret becoming a******s!
Smooth Cuties
Everybody has an a*****e but not all of us are Complete Buttheads! Sure Stinky bullshit can come out our Mouths like any cow's butt! Still our Reality may Become whatever we care to put out there! Some snails, like to leave long winding wayward Slimy Trails! Others prefer to bounce and roll around in the Stinkier Crap! While tiny infants have The Smoothest of Cute Little Butts! Smooth crappy butts their neighbors often love to Touch! Caution alluring smoothies conceal crap inside diapers!
A*****e Validation
Invalidated a******s Require validation, Being invalidated wherever they may go. Cautious to always Invalidate Themselves. Not to Mention Everyone else in the world! Forever Insisting the other guy is an A*****e! And they can't Approve of validating a******s; Especially a******s eager to validate all a******s. Often the Only thing a******s are able to agree on, Is to never Acknowledge an a*****e validating them. Thus a*****e validation remains a complete Oxymoron, Because a******s won’t agree on the meaning of the word!
Blind Prophets
A******s may Wannabe blind visionaries, Instead of getting into a world of Butt Hurt, Because a******s can't see where they are going, With their heads still firmly stuck up their A*s! The Noxious gases they'll inhale, Induce the wildest cryptic visions! Like those of the Oracles At Delphi, Who proclaimed Socrates a wiseguy, Who alone could still see in the dark!
Quantum Perturbations?
Quantum perturbations inspired mental masturbation, In Einstein's best rubber sheets and underpants! Believing his crap was still solid, And never to be casually dismissed, He persevered for decades masturbating nonstop! But, his wiggly-jigglies steadily got worse, Until, nobody could tell what was what, Or if anything ever became of his efforts!
Quantized Ugly Ducklings
Adorable Quantized Ugly Ducklings, Always so shy, sweet, and innocent, Seldom, looking anyone in the eye! Repeatedly, falling on their butts! Grinning, drooling, total idiots! Shyly, hiding behind the most beautiful, Is sometimes the most hilarious of anyone. The adorable one with sparkling laughter, That magically bridges, any differences, Between all our brothers and sisters. The laughter, at the sheer joy, Of wondrous, novel existence, Of simply being a part of it all, The fountain of love, becoming! The fountain of truer awareness! The greatest of possible journeys! Our greater context of One Truth! Beyond all art, science, or religion! To ever adequately, describe for us. Mama nature herself is shyly hiding. Light that shines within and without! Light casting shadows in greater light! Which never can be seen in all its glory. Shy Quantized Ugly Ducklings Sparkle! Precisely because they are always so shy, They amuse themselves, with peek-a-boo.;
Priceless Comedy
Faint quiet laughter carries across the field. Jubilant toddlers playing hide and seek, Familiar siren song calls to me on the wind. Still foolish enough to merely laugh at any foolishness. Silly enough to tickle plenty of purple people pink! Somehow knowing without knowing, That which none can ever really know: Their gift of grace is merely for sharing. Better Enjoyed Together for its own sake! The Blissful Contentment bumbling along; Eternally Fresh Slapstick Seizes the Moment! Presenting Delightful Gifts to the Entire World! Capable of wrapping people around their little fingers, Touching All Affectionately, while contending with none. Engagingly Flawless Naiveté, Priceless Family Comedy.
Floundering in the waves we raise the anchor, Cast adrift by the still rising storm. Listing side to side and rolling end over end, Turning her wheel into the wind, Eagerly, she springs forward! All step aside as she dances through the waves! Sculpting her own way in the great big world; Fashioning grace out of chaos in the moment. Destination, a safe sheltered port of harbor. Where a cleft in the earth is mother to all, Climbing a mountain on the dark side of the moon. Sudden swelling assembly at the top, Melting languidly into the sunrise, Arouses my blissful contentment. Whereupon, without a warning, The light within, becomes One! Crescendo of the divine thunder, Upward spiraling sublime rapture! (Tom Petty, Pink Floyd)
Burning Down the House!~
hired him, to set fire to more buildings!
House! Velvet Jesus Just Left Chicago… And He’s Bound For New Orleans… Velvet Jesus Just Left Chicago… And He’s Bound For New Orleans… Then Out To California, Through The Burning Forests and The Pines! Take Me With You Velvet Jesus, Velvet Elvis Has Left The Building… Take Me With You Velvet Jesus, Velvet Elvis Has Left The Building…
Don’t Have To Worry… Cause Takin’ Care Of Business Is His
We Be Too Tired to Work!~
Hunched over, nose to the grindstone, Throwing his shoulder to the still spinning wheel! Moses Shouted Out Across the water, Yowsa Boss We Be too tired to work! We be so Tired by the end of the day, We Never Knowd When To Stop! If It Were Easy As Fishin',
Could Be A Musician,
or Mellow...
Are You'll Go Far...
A-Lying... In The Sun….
We're All Self-employed, And, We Be Taking Care of Business,
way! Its All Mine! Taking care of business and working overtime! Mercy… Whooo… All Right… Take good care of my business, When I'm away, every day. You get up every morning, From your Alarm Clock's warning, Take the 8:15 into the city! There's A…Whistle Up Above, And people pushin' people shovin', And the girls, who try to look pretty! And, if your train's on time, You can get to work by nine, And, start your Slaving Job, To Get Your Pay! If You Ever…... Get Annoyed, Look At Me I'm Self-employed, I love to work at nothing all day! And We Be Taking Care of Business, Every Day!
Care of Business... Every Way! Take good care, We be too Tired to Work ourselves Boss, Maybe you could Find Somebody Else Who Need Foodstamps? Velvet Jesus Just Left Chicago, and He’s Bound For New Orleans... (BTO)
Knowing Only The Light
Death may be the blissful silence, betwixt the notes of a melody; When time stretches out, beyond the reach of space to contain. For the greater poetry in motion of our paradox of existence! For the blissful contentment, knowing I still know nothing! For the comfort in knowing, all walk a road less traveled! For the certainty life is ever greater than any can know! What abides beyond the most fanciful of imaginations! What underlies the greatest of insights and awareness. What underscores, any explanations for our existence! What calls out to us, from within the sound of silence! What resides beyond the ability of science to measure. What lies below any expectations and preconceptions. What no great work of art could ever actually convey! What remains beyond the reach, of ancient mysticism! What any of our more Glorious Words, fail to express.
What calls out from within Great Sounds of Silence! What no feeble intellectual concept may ever grasp.
What no amount of experience may prepare us for! What no unexpected fortune may bestow upon us! What lies beyond, all categories, boxes, and labels! What evades even visions, of madmen and saints! What no profound insights, can ever account for! What great science must forever fail to quantify!
What no keen observation, will actually clarify! A singular infinity beyond human conception! An Infinite Diversity In Infinite Combination! All passing before me, lost upon the horizon, Only to return to me yet again as I surrender. That place which even a Wu Li master of space-time, Respects as our fountain spring, the Mother of All! The origin of our spark within, which cannot die! Our Unspeakable Ignorant Wisdom and Virtue! Living well, justly, and beautifully are all one thing, In giving of ourselves we learn how to receive, In forgiving others, we pardon ourselves, In pardoning ourselves learn to live. Learning How To Be Free At Last! Learning How, To Let Go Again, Learning, To Love Once Again! Love Thy Neighbor, As Thyself! Trespass Not Upon One Another! And none, shall trespass upon you! Opening our heart the mind follows. Treat others, better than they deserve. For what comes around, goes around! Ring out the praise of mama and papa! So That All Would Celebrate With You! Sing The Songs Everyone’s Heart Shares! For none shall hold, anything against you! In order to live, we must all learn to accept death and suffering! In order live we must all find greater forgiveness and acceptance. As inevitably, the sun must rise once again, knowing only the light.
Embracing Loving Words
I have but two arms, with which to hold anything, Yet altogether way too often I merely use them for, Clutching Onto Any Hate, Anger, and Vengeance! In spite of being aware, we are all infants to others! Floundering about, still trying the best that we can! Paying It Forward Once Again, How Wonderful to Remember! Reaching Beyond Infinite Skies; To infinity and beyond eternity! To the limits of our imagination! Beyond, mere mortal limitations! Beyond what we believe possible! None is ever denied, their feelings. None is ever denied their thoughts. None is ever denied their own light! None can be denied a chance to love! None may ever pop another’s bubble! None may ever tickle, their own fancy! None may deny the songs in our hearts! None Is Ever Denied Their Own Redemption! Because Hearts, Are What Really Matters! Without a heart you've got nothing except! Entirely more of the same: Nothing That Is! Following our Hearts we all find happiness! Following our Hearts discover the real truth! Following our Hearts all can soar with eagles. Following our Hearts we seldom know defeat! Hearts never comprehending our angry words! Hearts seldom comprehending any hatred at all! Hearts eternally desiring, just to please everyone! Hearts quietly beating away, eternally in the dark! Would only grasp pure poetry in motion in all life! Only See the World, Through the Eyes Of A Child. Without moving Poetry Knowledge is incomplete. Without Awareness any knowledge is impossible! Only hearts know if we are singing or screaming! Each note and word becomes special by singing! Only within the greater context of shared truth! Without the silence of our Truth nothing exists. Without encouraging Love in hearts no music. Beautiful words inspire love in all our hearts! Beautiful words can Sing in their own voice. Never insisting anyone ever listen to them! Let all those desiring Rise to the occasion! Let us begin surrendering to our words! Let us begin by learning to own them! Let those who think to do anything! Let us begin by moving ourselves! Understanding upon embracing, Contentment, keeping us warm! Happiness keeping us all sweet. Laughter preserving humanity, Sorrows keeping us All human, Play keeping everyone Funnier! Failures, keeping us all Creative. Suffering keeping anybody Real, Death still keeping us all Honest! Life still Keeping Everyone going! Anger helping anybody to survive, Successes keeping anyone Growing, Personal struggles keeping us strong, Love keeping everyone forever young! Yeah Though I Walk Through The Shadow Of The Valley, I Shall Fear No Evil For Eternally Thou Abides Within Me! Forever My Feet Know the Way As The Way Knows Myself! Whenever Mama Calls And Papa Remains My Rock Of Ages; Let There Be Peace On Earth and Please Let It Begin With Me! Let Me Sing The Myriad Words, Of Loving Peace To Myself! Let Me Embrace The Loving Metaphors, For The Universe! Let There Be Peace On Earth Within My Beautiful Words! Let There Be Peace On Earth, Within Every Loving Soul! Denying the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune. The most knowledgeable can all still learn something new, Enigmatically wiseguys somehow remember how to forget. The fewer preconceptions, that we might all still clutch onto! The less frequently we all wait for any expectations to be met! For while we insist, that we are not strong enough to go there! Or keep on insisting, that we still prefer to put it off altogether! Claiming that you just don’t have anything left, to give another! Or deny that our own Truth, can actually make a real difference. We encourage ourselves, and each other, to continue to hang on! To even greater hate and anger knowing tomorrow never comes. Knowing by embracing our past we embrace more of the future! Knowing negative feelings may become the worst of our habits! It is in the worst of times we discover who our real friends are, Those who can embrace, their own beautiful voice and words. Those who truly love us with enough charm and good sense, Those always benevolently honest and forthright with us! While our greatest enemy may always be found within. Socrates urged everyone he met to know themselves. To cease fighting, over pointless personal bullshit! Habits are the end of honesty, and compassion; Hatred, anger, and sorrows being overcome, By love, compassion, and understanding! Thus, embracing our own chain reaction! Thus, embracing our own greater context, If we just accept our own beautiful words. If we just surrender, to what is in our heart, If we just give ourselves, permission to love! If we simply embrace, the songs in our hearts. Knowing for ourselves, how to yet distinguish, Pleasure from pain and sorrows from happiness, What none other might really distinguish for any! What we alone, must decide for ourselves are real, What we alone, might ever inspire ourselves to do, What we alone can ever decide to do for ourselves! The steps which only our own two feet, may know! The aberrant path which we alone may ever follow! The poetry in motion that can only be paid forward! The fork in each road lost deep in a memory of God! What no words of wisdom, might ever clarify for us! What no magical wave of a wand, may bestow on us! What no technology might ever make possible for us. What none may ever beg, borrow, barter, or trade for. What we alone would ever know, we grant ourselves! What no all powerful Wizard of Oz can really give us! What the latest and greatest technology can’t produce! What we alone may decide either to accept or to reject! What we alone can ever decide to present to ourselves! What we alone must decide might only be given away! What we alone must decide, to always nurture faith in! The loving patterns built in the very fabric of existence! The loving patterns within, the threads of our existence! The loving patterns all share in the paradox of existence! The loving pattern in the amazing grace all could receive! The love all might perceive, first granting it to themselves. The freedom we can only know is real by living the dream. To know the serenity of inner peace is never a real struggle! To know for ourselves, if we are really singing or screaming. To know for ourselves, whose voice must remain the loudest! Whether our words are those of loving peace within ourselves, Whether we really desire to embrace our loving words yet again; Whether we really desire to give ourselves yet another opportunity, Whether we desire to take the next step and share our love with the world!
Chain Reaction
Crap falls from the Sky and rolls downhill, Whilst the bullshit flies in every Direction! Making it difficult to say which way is Up. And compelling an incendiary chain reaction! Flames Flying, Ignite Dry Tinder! Explosions Going Off Everywhere. Fingers pointing In every Direction! Indignant Protests Fall On Deaf Ears. Millions turning their Heads each day. Casual threats Flying in every direction! Growing hate destroying families today. Hate Is Such A Terrible Thing To Waste! Some Jokes Should Never Be Repeated. Some jokes are just Never very funny! Endless Pointless, Personal Bullshit! Roosters strutting around in Circles! Panicking at their own damned shadows! Torturing the Small-fry half to death! Hens ducking, bobbing, and weaving! Looking for the most challenging fight! Blaming God, fate, and fickle lady luck! Blaming each other, and Mother Nature! Blaming others, while asking forgiveness. But, our crap never stops rolling downhill. Everyday is Rock Bottom if There’s No Up! If nobody wants, what keeps coming round! If no one still wants to hear anymore bullshit! I’m From Missouri Myself The Show-Me State! Where A Chicken Is Still Legally A Walking Vegetable! Because we never did buy anybody’s bullshit! Having all too often, been sold down the river! By our own politicians, and redneck neighbors! Driving their own children, from their churches. Promoting their Libertarian Paradise by The Sea! Stumping for low taxes, from their church pulpit! Fundamentalists all share, the worst social record! Meeting the technical criteria, for a mental disease. The worst rape, child abuse, and abortion statistics! A Church famous for abusing women and children; And, worst suicide, divorce, and alcoholism as well! Existing anywhere within the entire civilized world! Blame everyone else in the world for their problems! Whilst forcing even their own Libertarian politicians! To pass laws, against joining the Mickey Mouse Club! Honesty is such a lonely word, you can’t give it away! You can’t fix stupid but no one ever lost money trying. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks when he’s dying. Jesus can’t save people who refuse to Save themselves. Jesus can’t save people who insist Everybody is insane! Jesus can’t save those who keep demanding to be saved. When studies, done by even the evangelical Bana Group, Indicated those who regularly used their own two hands, In humble service to the welfare of their own community! Lived up to their own personal, religious moral standards! Using their own two hands they remain in touch with God! Proving that crap rolling downhill presents an opportunity! For more than simply getting down on your knees in church! For A Different Kind of Incendiary Chain Reaction Altogether! Acknowledging for ourselves, we are the world, we are children! And becoming vulnerable reaching out to each other is what we do, A good Samaritan helps their own community to become more loving. Knowing their own love, light, and laughter never require any justification!
The Greatest of Works
Each of us is Born helpless into the arms of giants, And rests upon the shoulders of yet more Giants, Who were every bit as mortal as Everyone else! Born every bit as ignorant as the lowest of us! The secret of change is to focus your energy: Not Upon Fighting The Old, But, Upon Building The New! All of us are reaching up through the cracks. Leaping for the Warmth, of the Sun and Stars, Where Living Well is what life is always about! The Zest For Life Itself, Enhancing All Good Things! Knowing the Unexamined life is not worth living! Instead of merely ignorant or just another Dreamer. Become as you may truly wish others to perceive you. Become the Kind of Person you may dream of meeting. And live your life according to your very own Principles. Confident that none might possibly ever hope to do Better, Than To Seek, To Improve Upon Themselves! None does worse than to chase their own tail; Waste their Precious Lives on self-stimulation! Waste their lives simply confusing themselves. Remember That Each Fights Their Own Battle! And do not do unto others what Offends Thee! Beware the more deadly, of anyone’s passions! Rather treat one another with greater kindness, Than you might otherwise believe you deserve. Know that Lifting Up the Lowest Amongst Us! Would Easily Become, Our Greatest Of Works! Knowing only that we eternally know nothing. We could yet Rise Above any and all situations! By simply elevating Ourselves before all others! Finding the Humility to love ourselves properly. For knowledge is the only Good, evil but sheer ignorance, Let those who would move the world first move themselves! Let those who would move first inspire themselves! Bequeathing What All Hold Dearest To Themselves! Our freedom to surrender any hubris in the moment! That which ultimately goes beyond any of our words. In order to receive we must all first learn how to give! In order to be free we must first make our leap of faith! In order to be free we must accept what life has to offer. Freedom is learning to ignore pointless personal bullshit. Freedom is your Birthright to walk the Road less traveled! Freedom is our ability to laugh at the world and ourselves. Freedom is the right to become whosoever we could desire. Mathematical Normalization, Implies A Singular Recursion. That which all words are remarkably inadequate to describe! That which forever inspires ever greater faith in our freedom. That Which Empowers All To Perform The Greatest of Works! That which empowers us to do, more than we believe possible. Empowering All of Humanity to Share One Silent Explanation! Despite instant karma gonna getcha, mama's love is irresistible! For the love of mama's life is the One greater Truth we all share! Socrates, a career soldier who was certainly no stranger to death! He was a peasant and certainly no stranger to outrageous fortune! Caught in the middle by the wealthy trying to exploit the peasants! Pointlessly injuring one another in a mad rush to make more money. Futilely arguing, over who gets to decide what goes in the dictionary! His was a Mad, Mad, Mad World, when he championed True idealism, Peasants all rushing to sell their votes to the wealthy at any opportunity! Socrates used humor to throw a spotlight on the more debased comedies! To exemplify in many cases, how academia and traditions had failed them! For that, he was summarily executed in what had devolved into a lynch mob! Kangaroo courts, in which the wealthy placed their bets, Knowing perfectly well, that the whole game was rigged! Just seeing how much more money they could make on it! Because they had rigged it themselves, from the top down! On who could get anything accomplished in the confusion! On who might still be left standing after all the dust settled! On who had no clue what any others had planned for them! His sense of humor showed, how all the games were rigged! Costing a few money, he was eliminated as soon as possible! Those with the more lowbrow humor all quick with sarcasm! Accused the one man left among them close to God of heresy! The one man who still credited God, for all that he’d achieved! The one man who credited God, for any wisdom he possessed! The one man who credited God, for lending our lives meaning! Of Corrupting Children Claiming Money Was Seldom The Answer! My father was just such a man if never as illustrious as Socrates, A simple man, who'd be the first to tell anyone he wasn't bright! A warrior with a sense of humor who wisely shunned high rank; As being far too political, for the likes of a simple honest warrior! Who grew up admiring heroes from other planets like Yogi Berra; With a clear conscience, win or lose, Yogi always had a good time! Knowing how you play the game makes all the difference in the world! For what benefit it a man, if he gains the world, but loses his soul? Part of a rich peasant culture which still knew the value of honesty, Peasants all too well aware of being casually exploited by everyone! Learn to be still as any straight man or a deer caught in the headlight! Traditions, which are dying out to make way for growth and progress; A way of life the people no longer find to be as useful as making money, Yet, in a few pubs, they still tell jokes on the anniversary of Socrates' death, The valiant few who still insist on leading from the rear are invited to attend! Those few who still remember, gentle humor can be more honorable than pride. Those few who still remember, the value of any great ignorant wisdom and virtue, When my father would always chuckle with that irresistible sparkling laughter of his, Quoting Socrates, and drinking to the health of those accomplishing the greatest of works.
Breathing New Life into Everything
This Is A Truly Tall True Tale From Long, Long Ago! And, In A Land Far, Far, Far Away From Most of Us! Where the Wild Things All Love to Dance in Circles! Where The Great Plains, All Spread Out Before You! Upon their much beloved princess being kidnapped, Some having never experienced actual combat, Thirty Shaolin Monks Resolved To Rescue Her! Trekking deep into the Heart of enemy territory, Seventeen Survived to tell the Tale of her rescue! Seventeen told the story of their Heroic comrades! Breathing new life into the peasants who loved her! Fanning the flames of what love meant to the monks. Breathing New Life into The Love of Their Own Lives! The princess was Much Beloved by the entire Kingdom. Confirming for themselves their love rules the multiverse. Some had been soldiers who became monks to pay for sins! Cultivating any Inner Peace The Way they once had violence! Knowing From Long Experience, You're The Problem Dummy! Know the Sound of One Hand Clapping is Mental Masturbation! The less Busy with the unimportant the more we Can Accomplish! Rise Up Warriors of The Rainbow! And Take Your Rightful Places! Proclaim Your Beautiful Words, Deserve The Beautiful Rainbow! These Are The Days, When The Smallest Contributions Matter! These Are the Days, That Make Heroes Of The Plain Spoken! These Are The Days When All Of Our Stakes Are Highest! These Are The Days All Our Children Depend Upon US! These Are The Days Heaven Will Raise Up The Lowly! If we deal with conflicting issues in communications! Breathing new life into everything we choose to do! Breathe the sparkling air and the air breathes back! Breathing New Life, Into Our Own Dying Planet! Feet Shaping the Earth, As the Earth Shapes Us! Signs everywhere big changes are in the wind! Our fate appears to be to either Sink or swim! It's Senseless rushing in to just sink or swim! Discover What It Still Means To Give And Receive! Cultivate Your Skills By Learning To Be Still! Toiling In Circles, Screaming, and Shouting! Walk the Walk, While Yet Talking the Talk! None Being Perfect, We Share Our Words! None Being Perfect We’re All Born Again! Nobody Without Sin Casting Any Stones! Childhood’s End Is Upon Us Once Again! Humanity Must All Be Reborn Yet Again! Neverending Armageddon Must Implode! Never Underestimate The Human Potential. Never underestimate, what you may become. Never forget the Rainbow follows everywhere! Never forget one greater Truth will always win. What May Rain Down Upon All From On High. What may sweep all the world by Gentle storm! What may make it all work out right in the end! What can best celebrate each new day dawning! What may save our futures for new generations. What can make each new day worthwhile again. Is the one thing everyone has to give one another, Is the one thing that nobody may buy with money, Is love, sweet love, compassion, and understanding. Is mama calling and papa yet being our rock of ages, Is mama’s bountiful love, and wicked sense of humor! Is papa's rock of ages defying even unbalanced gravity! Is nurturing faith in the One Greater Truth of Humanity. Is accepting and embracing our own miracle to believe in! Is acknowledgment that we might know we know nothing, Is awareness, that we are ever greater than we may imagine, Is the comfort in always remaining able to laugh at ourselves. Is Awareness Our Wondrous Surprises, Just Keep On Coming! Spread the message to any seeking light at the end of the tunnel! Spread the message to everyone attentive to the sounds of silence! Follow your hearts never allowing even gods to come between you! So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love! For we are the world, we are the children, of the One greater light of the truth! Dancing delightfully upon invisible moonbeams inside the sounds of silence! No power in the universe could ever destroy, our faith, hope, love, and joy! Childhood's End is upon us once again let our most beautiful words sing! If blooming lost in a desolate desert a rose is still a rose by any other name,
Ugly Ducklings remain astounded to discover they've always been the swan. © 2021 wuliheron |
Added on November 30, 2018 Last Updated on October 26, 2021 Author![]() wuliheronAboutI'm a brain damaged, mentally deranged, hippie dippy raised on Gilligan's Island and Green Acres, but I'm never going back there again! Currently, I'm 11 years into writing a book on Collective Ignora.. more..Writing