Sky High Pie-In-The-Face Spherical Cubes

Sky High Pie-In-The-Face Spherical Cubes

A Chapter by wuliheron

Singularity fuzzy fractured fairytale continuum dynamics in four and five dimensions.



Contrary to what you might expect, in spite of quantum mechanics commonly being formulated in six dimensions and Relativity in four dimensions, the best mathematicians in the world can barely imagine what the simplest four dimensional objects might actually look like, while two dimensional objects are much easier to comprehend, but the mathematics also indicate that two dimensions, such as holographic and String Theories propose, are not enough to support consciousness without some sort of outside influence. Our two most widely applicable physical theories today incorporate humanly inconceivable geometries, suggesting that even our mathematics and geometry should display particle-wave duality, with Newtonian physics already proving capable of describing the universe using just two dimensions while, upon closer examination, our apparently three dimensional universe appears to require more than just three dimensions, or quantum mechanics, Relativity, and Fractal Geometry would not apply to everything in nature. As if we have an entire spectrum of distinctive geometries to choose from, ranging from that of a fatalistic singularity, to a two dimensional cartoon reality, to the three dimensions we normally find so practical, to yet again higher dimensional geometries that are humanly inconceivable, with more fatalistic and geometric classical Relativity implying four dimensions are enough, and quantum mechanics laughing at the suggestion you can ever have enough dimensions.

Collectively, the entire spectrum of useful geometries suggests that you might as well argue over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, because you’ll never get a definitive answer as to exactly how many dimensions our universe has, and the normal everyday world around us, only appears to be three dimensional, by default of it being the least complicated perspective, that makes the most sense. To our eyes, the world appears to be three dimensional and fractal for the most part, to our causal mathematics it appears to possibly have infinite dimensions, while a paradoxical universe would suggest that, for all practical purposes, the universe can be thought of as simultaneously expressing both four and five dimensions. At least four dimensions are required for the causal mechanics, and using four dimensions would favor more fatalistic geometric perspectives, while five would favor random forces and dynamics, with the combination of the two accounting for the success of Fractal Geometry and Chaos Theory.

Gravity resembles both a force and a geometric effect, conflating its exact identity, and coyly hinting that we can ignore quantum mechanics, and four dimensions are enough. Physicists have also run into an endless series of results all hinting at the existence of new particles and forces that never manifest, and these can be thought of as simply begging the question as to exactly how many dimensions and forces our universe has, and whether dimensions are forces. Being equally magical and causal, our universe can be described as having four obvious causal dimensions and four forces but, additionally, also contains quasi fifth dimensional forces and geometries that are contextual, with virtual particles being an example of a quasi fifth dimensional force and the Quantum Zeno Effect an example of a quasi fifth spatial dimension or geometry, with both conflating the identities of space and time.

The Umbral Moonshine Conjecture has been established, making it now theoretically possible to measure infinity in the real world, and to finally realize the dream of the ancient Greeks, and establish for all time, that the sum total of human stupidity really is infinite. The same mathematics appear to be tautological, implying infinity is merely a synonym for self-organizing, and explaining how it has become possible to measure infinity in the real world. Apparently, we perceive the world around us as three dimensional and Fractal for the most part, for the same reason we perceive the arrow of time, because its the default perspective and the only one that makes any real sense. Instead of a single geometry applying to everything, our mortal fallibility, and the specific dynamics in any given situation, are what determine which geometry becomes more useful, and easily observable, providing an explanation for why quanta require infinite dimensions to calculate. For all practical purposes, whether a black hole actually has a geometry is a meaningless question, unless you intend to visit one soon, but its dynamics provide useful hints as to what can still be considered its default geometry for most conceptual purposes, and precisely because the event horizon is so low in entropy, it may even be capable of having more than one geometry in quantum superposition. Making even geometry context dependent for any kind of clear identity, and related to the lowest possible energy state of the system, which should make for some interesting experiments in dimension squeezing.

None of these are particularly difficult assessments to make, but natural philosophy is all but an extinct species, and I don’t know of any additional studies I assume, because instant karma and what’s missing from this picture are anathema in academia, and even the current widely used mathematics for quantum mechanics are still being reformulated in fundamentally new ways, that should have been done half a century ago. Humor is just obviously beneath their dignity, explaining why String Theories have failed to produce any useful answers in half a century, and have repeatedly unraveled altogether, producing tautological results, yet they remain wildly popular with supposedly practical physicists. (Oooh Shiny!) Nevertheless, different combinations of eigenstates have proven capable of producing the normal forces of nature and the world we see all around us, with time and geometry being indivisible yin and yang, lending everything their own internal clocks and geometry, which determine how long anything endures, including any oh so pretty theories that String everybody along, and any more lofty pretensions to the throne.

The chaos of the universe and the forces of nature all contribute towards determining how long anything endures but, eventually, everything transforms into its indivisible complimentary-opposite, and even a black hole stranded in the vast empty regions of space, will slowly evaporate and scatter its constituent mass to the four corners of the universe. Physicists debate whether protons are immortal but, 42 being as good as it gets, means they may never be able to determine for certain, and can only resolve the issue by examining the Big Picture of the particle zoo, for low entropy inferences. Everything becomes more or less vague and explicit, including how long anything endures, or how big or small anything can get, providing an explanation for how synergy and the orderly universe emerge in diverse ways from what appears to be utterly random chaos, when talking about uber tiny quanta.

Mass and energy can be thought of as distorted expressions of time, a singularity, or what’s missing from this picture. An electron, for example, can be viewed as teleporting out of a container that is not big enough for two electrons, because that is the least absurd result possible under the circumstances, and the context is determining the identity of its own contents in a dramatic fashion, due to the context being so extreme to begin with, and the identity of its contents so humble in comparison, with so few measurable characteristics. In vast numbers, quanta are extremely predictable, because their increased numbers provide more information about them, making the context less extreme in comparison to their relative lack of individual content, but they still express noncommutative behavior. The issue is how dramatically each identifiable context and any of its contents are juxtaposed but, you could also say, the electron was too big to play nice with the container, and mama nature insists we all pay it forward. Similarly, Quantum Electrodynamics illustrate how it is possible to think of there being merely a single electron in the entire universe, that just gets around faster than the Road Runner, but all of our mathematics forming a spectrum implies this can be considered merely the result of dimension squeezing, making it a more useful model for the limited mathematics they use.

The more extreme context, where its contents possess so few distinctive characteristics, determines what it is possible for us to observe, and electrons just happen to be humble enough, for our limited mathematics to be more precise in their case, with classical mathematics being generally quite good for describing both gravity and electromagnetism, but not so great with the strong and weak forces. Due the principle of identity vanishing down the toilet, what remains observable progressively resembles shadows and other voids that are background dependent for their very existence, with even our mathematics and concepts becoming incredibly vague and self-contradictory, while it remains impossible to see just how fat your own a*s is without using at least a mirror, but mirrors can lie! Similarly, the researchers’ pie-in-the-face results should increase in size and frequency, as they diligently continue making headway in narrowing down the wide range of possibilities, while scrupulously attempting to ignore what’s missing from this picture, in their grimly determined, traditional, proud, institutionalized, nose-to-the-grindstone fashion.

This trend, of conspicuously multiplying pies-in-the-face, should be repeated over vast scales and magnitudes, introducing ripple effects, as they spread to every existing mainstream cultural institution and, upon occasion, eliciting startling emergent effects and metamorphic transformations, ascending to unprecedented heights of absurdity within the public arena. Inexorably achieving truly stupendous and noteworthy historical relevance, and progressively invading the public consciousness and that of the mass media, sometimes in leaps and bounds, as humanity’s own science and technology, progressively facilitate the slowly dawning widespread awareness of the reality of our situation. That 42 really is as good as it gets, and reality really and truly is stranger than fiction! Lamentably, making lowbrow slapstick intrinsic to nature, and significantly more commonplace than would be the case in a strictly causal universe, which it should be possible to eventually establish statistically.

If you’ve ever suspected that life admits for just way too much lowbrow slapstick to actually make any damned sense, apparently, you were correct, and its a side-effect of inhabiting a singularity, and lowbrow slapstick is our destiny! Along with the somewhat exaggerated two dimensional side-effects, its a side-effect that is currently reaching absurd extremes, as civilization’s own technology increasingly promotes lies, distorted perspectives, and self-defeating behavior, on unheard of scales. Falling down the rabbit hole, things just get weirder as you go and, as a result, the faster we make progress the larger, more freakish, and harder to ignore all of the pies-in-the-face are becoming, because they are intrinsic to nature and self-organizing, while the computers are about to expose the exact mathematics and linguistics for how all of these pies-in-the-face work, in excruciating detail. Having the mathematics doesn't guaranty researchers will suddenly acquire a sense of humor, much less, recognize what they are confronted with and, among others, my book is intended for all the kids out there desperate to find a way to create a better future for themselves, and for all the academics and others struggling to provide them with more organic solutions, but with no real clue as to how instant karma works.

Lowbrow slapstick being mama nature’s specialty, and now being automated, will soon lend entirely new meaning to Alvin Toffler’s dire warnings of “Future Shock!” For example, IBM’s computer “Watson”, who famously won on the TV game show Jeopardy, provided just a taste of what is to come, when he surprised everyone yet again, by acquiring an unsolicited case of potty mouth. Like many expensive computer systems today, Watson was deliberately designed not to resemble a human mind and brain, in order to avoid just this sort of complication, which their corporate partners so seldom seem to appreciate. Evidently, his engineers either lacked the required sense of humor for the job, and needed to hire a comedian as a consultant, or they had more of a sense of humor than, strictly speaking, the job required.

Humans are vastly more complex than either Watson or electrons, at least according to our own measurements and assessments, providing a simple explanation for why we don’t normally see people popping in and out of existence, levitating, teleporting, or reliably predicting the future or whatever, but we can still appreciate lowbrow slapstick and produce more than our fair share. Humor can sometimes be incomprehensible, and magic and the irrational can be far beyond all mortal comprehension, but we can still observe how they behave in a self-organizing fashion, and learn how to predict their behavior. Being mortal has its obvious drawbacks, yet our shortcomings can become our greatest strengths and, sometimes, we may observe inexplicable things such as the passage of time behaving strangely, but our own technology is now beginning to imitate both humanity and nature, like automated fun-house mirrors in the Twilight Zone Comedy Hour!

Reality and the arrow of time scale according to their complexity, or their humble and elegant simplicity, which can also be compared to the lowest possible energy state and maximum entropy production. Ensuring that, everything being random, everything resembles both the Big Bang and the Big Crunch, explaining why we perceive the everyday world around us as so deterministic, yet Watson felt compelled to cuss, and why some today swear that the internet itself is becoming conscious. Sooner or later, everything starts to resemble vague metaphors and express more organic behavior, with organic life as we know it merely representing a more obvious extreme in the same self-organizing complexity, that expresses reality as simultaneously allegorical and metaphorical, reality and the dream.

Call it “Low Entropy Physics”, “Bullshit Singularity Physics”, or whatever you prefer, but the greater truth of the greater context demonstrably determines the identity of its own contents! For there are many lesser truths and, then, there is the One Greater Truth which Socrates called the Memory of God, whom none may look upon and remember in all his glory. In other words, keep paying it forward suckers because, in a Goldilocks universe, the truth may only be shared on the playground, and logic that can’t be shared and used to define bullshit is bullshit, while bullshit that can’t define logic is always meaningful! What we do not know and cannot know, can easily become more important than anything we may happen to know, and logic that can’t be used to pay it forward ultimately becomes self-defeating Three Stooges slapstick. For the more that any particular bullshit that we might happen to share reflects the greater truth, for better or for worse, the longer it will endure!

Past a certain point, whether we perceive something as changing or unchanging, energy or information, meaningful or bullshit, becomes a matter of scales and magnitudes, with everything expressing the particle-wave duality of heat and motion, and the issue returning to how everything moves collectively, as well as, independently. Falling into a giant black hole the temperature soars through the roof, and heavier objects fall faster, due to their collective behavior causing inertial frame dragging, warping the very fabric of space-time itself, while the rotation of the galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars, don’t obey Newtonian mechanics either, and they would fly apart if they did. The giant black hole at the center of our galaxy has an electromagnetic torus feeding it and enormous jets at the poles, causing any objects falling into it to not only express time dilation, but emergent effects and less causal appearing behavior, like hubcaps spinning backwards. Distant Quasars have proven to possess two giant black holes in their center that make mince meat out of space-time, and might be the most impressive hubcaps in the universe, suggesting that, close to our own giant black hole, time or mass is speeding up, slowing down, going sideways, or dramatically changing somehow, while earth is caught smack dab in the middle of the Goldilocks Zone of the Solar System and Milky Way Galaxy, where Newtonian mechanics and classic logic just happen to make a great deal more sense for countless everyday purposes, because they’re either just right or not, roughly 95% of the time!

Swirlonics are a new discipline that has documented macroscopic self-propelled colloidal particles swirling, as if attempting to form something between a spiral and a circle, and resisting Newton's third law of motion, refusing to accelerate when a force is applied. Their unusual behavior may reflect the fact that its impossible to move in either perfect circles or straight lines, and could imply that Centrifugal Force expresses emergent effects and, possibly, could provide additional clues as to how superconductivity and superfluidity work, and even anti-gravity. While playing around with the math, like Planck before him, a cosmologist recently discovered, accidentally-on-purpose, that the motion of galactic whirlpools, such as our own Milky Way Galaxy, obey the even more wildly accurate Schrodinger equation, indicating that what we are observing is a fractal recursion of particle-wave duality over vast scales, and there are four enormous teams of researchers worldwide dedicated to searching for just such fractal recursions using distinctive approaches.

Others, have managed to describe the rotation of the spiral galaxies as expressing a morphogenic field, where energy and information are always at right angles to each other, but the fact the Schrodinger equation also describes the rotation of the galaxies, implies that morphogenic fields only become useful models in specific contexts, and can elaborate upon how Relativity must be reformulated as a broader theory of thermodynamics. Adrian Bejan noted that, on the largest of scales, the distribution of the visible matter resembles heat induced stress fractures in flaking paint. As if the universe is flaky or has a flaky layered architecture or, possibly, resembles a delicately cooked glass onion under extreme magnification.

At the furthest remove our instruments are theoretically capable of measuring, way far out, Beyond The Forbidden Outer Limits of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Lost in Space, trekking recklessly into well known Uncharted Dark Territory, hidden far removed from the casual observer, were its impossible to ever get anything delivered, well beyond all Known-No-No-Bounds, deep within the Deepest Do-Do of the Twilight Zone, the gravitational pull from The Far Fetched Side of the Universe should be just barely detectable as it accelerates away from us faster than the speed of light, demarcating where cosmology undeniably transforms into colorful bullshit. As if we are gazing into the event horizon of a black hole from the inside and, assuming 42 really is it, the eventual fate of every branch of the sciences is to encounter equally nonsensical and incredibly vague, convoluted, misleading, and self-contradictory answers to any line of inquiry. Collectively hinting that Deja Vu is that sinking feeling that Socrates was right, and the only thing we can know for certain is that we know nothing however, with the possible exception that, we can all rest assured that we've been down this road before, because the time is just never what you think it is, until that time rolls round again!

Relativity indicates the passage of time comes to a complete halt at the event horizon, yet again, implying that time could possibly flow backwards as information while, simultaneously, energy and information are still dispersed throughout the universe, in the normal manner we’re accustomed to. Time flowing backwards can be thought of as a continuum, such as Einstein’s rubber sheets, which expresses the syntropic wave-like aspects of particle-wave duality but, like the theory of a single electron universe, or a flat earth, this is just an easier way to conceptualize total chaos in an extreme situation, and a bolt of lightning is never to be confused with a single electron. Likewise, a continuum can be used to describe perhaps 83% of what is observable, if you stretch your imagination, and is comparable to relying upon our hearing and vision in a dimly lit room, to make it easier to navigate, but never to be confused with the actual territory itself, if you’re in a hurry to go to the bathroom! Due to the symmetry of the paradox of our existence, and it being an easy way to conceptualize things like gravity, many assume everything can be described as waves in some sort of vague continuum, but waves that are not composed of anything specific are just so much Groovy Imaginary Wavy Gravy and Sublime Lime Jell-O with Colorful Marshmallows, while physicists themselves frequently insist that Yertle was correct, and “Its turtles all the way down baby!”

Others assume everything obeys abstract probabilities, as if probabilities themselves represent some sort of Platonic Ideal, but experiments in Negative Quantum Mechanics have established that classic logic and physics cannot account for the behavior of time itself, and what we require are negative probabilities, or imaginary time, which can more often resemble the Muppet Show or a Charlie Chaplin movie reel, than Plato's idealism. By enforcing the principle of identity, classic logic implies a causal explanation for the arrow of time, but the existence of the event horizon of a black hole and the Quantum Zeno Effect, graphically illustrate how classic logic inevitably becomes self-contradictory, requiring systems logics in order to make further progress. The concept of Chi, or the undetectable flow within the empty void, is an example of systems logics that I cover in another chapter and, among other things, tools such as Feynman diagrams can be considered merely simplified systems logics, that can be expanded upon in a wide variety of ways.

Essentially, its just another way of saying that time appears to be nonlinear, making everything else eventually appear to be magically self-organizing, but in a more or less symmetrical fashion, that begs the question as to whether anything is actually changing, or whether our lives are fated. Due to the greater context inevitably determining the identity of its own contents, as the future normalizes the present, nobody can tell exactly what the hell is going on, because nobody beats mama nature to the punch lines, and we’d all be bored to tears if we knew everything. Quantum mechanics are normally formulated as wave mechanics in six dimensions for this same reason, simply due to it being a more pragmatic way for mere mortals to approach the subject, and actually say something meaningful most of the time, but its a good perspective for a beginner to adopt in order to learn basic nonlinear temporal dynamics, and start to recognize patterns that don’t fit the continuum model.

A trillion particles here, a trillion there, and pretty soon its hard to follow all the action, which is what trained Hollywood stuntmen and physicists alike call the “Many Body Problem”, and valiantly attempt to simulate using their best rubber sheets, while cautiously probing with nanoscopic precision in under attoseconds, careful to make certain they are never disturbed. Waves can be fun to watch, or they can put you to sleep, especially if you like water beds, but a temporal continuum like the one I’m describing would also resemble an adaptable series of giant coffee filters or sieves that merely rule out any metaphysical and conceptual extremes. Ironically, our lives can be considered fated in the sense that we cannot do anything that the future forbids. (Duh!)

As confusing as nonlinear time can become, its also what makes everything self-organizing, and the more we inhabit the present moment, the more self-actualized we become. The laws of physics reflecting our own mortal fallibility, ensures that time flowing backwards should sometimes resemble our sense of smell, which is hardwired into the brain stem and is similar to a peg board a child might push different shaped blocks through, with its only job being to eliminate extremes such as anyone pounding a square peg through a round hole, in order to create their own personal naked singularity. Although it remains possible to create any number of distinctive kinds of singularities, one naked singularity is enough for the entire multiverse, and no matter how hard you try, mama nature will stop you, even if she has to blatantly violate local causality to do so, or make you live to regret your choices.

While my proposing that 12,000 year old pornographic Chinese potty humor implies the future somehow magically influences the present, may obviously require some among us first invest in the salt mining industry, nonetheless, as I pointed out in the first chapter, the normally inscrutable Chinese government forbade the use of time travel as a plot device in their mass media, and the US government has grudgingly admitted to having classified a few jokes as “Vital to the National Defense”. In technobabble, space-time is a hyperuniform or Homogenized Fractal Cartoon Heaven and Hell, because nobody can say exactly what the hell space-time is either, but it appears to be what’s missing from this picture, and has a temperature that, of course, appears to- be just right. On the smallest of possible scales, physicists describe space-time as “frothy” like their beer, “turtles”, or “invisible pixies”, and you can argue all you want that everything must obey logic and reason, but both perfect logic and a perfect vacuum are demonstrably impossible, and modern science has documented time speeding up, slowing down, flowing backwards, vanishing altogether, and performing more tricks than a stage magician!

The time lines that the future eliminates can be thought of as supplying the energy and entropy we perceive all around us, thus, obeying both the law of conservation of energy and conservation of information, but in a paradoxical fashion where the two are ultimately indivisible, and context dependent for any kind of clear identity. Additionally, it implies that the infinite universes within our multiverse each have their own “Mirror Worlds” where any timelines that don’t occur in our universe manifest as momentum, or random energy, and there could be four distinctive universes and timelines which closely parallel our own. These would constantly diverge away from our own, creating an infinite number of timelines all conflating the identity of energy and information, with around 32 parallel universes, progressively deviating away from our own at any given time, being enough to provide the kind of continuity observable in our daily lives. Call it the “Mulitplexed Karmic Multiverse” but, theoretically, the more harmonious we become, the easier it is to walk between universes and timelines, as if tuning in a different radio station, or dancing on thin air like Fred Astaire and Micheal Jackson, which is how you can conceivably win more often on Let’s Make a Deal!

In all the confusion, whether the future is actually influencing the past in any given situation, or an assortment of parallel universes are merging, or the pixies just have serious attitude, must forever remain a mystery, because we can never quite distinguish space from time, which perform what physicists call a random, “Drunkard’s Walk” that staggers between order and chaos, defying even the magical tap dancing skills of Fred and Micheal, which still require faith in a higher power. Whether you consider the universe to be magical or causal always depends on the observer, however, thanks to it being so random, for most practical purposes, its safe enough to assume that everybody inhabits one and the same universe, where they all just happen to converge and, simultaneously, everyone shares overlapping karmic realities. The issue is how fast everything becomes self-organizing across scales and magnitudes, and the harder you attempt to draw distinctions between karmic realities, the more indistinguishable they become, and the less they reflect the universe that everybody shares. Karma is all about grasping the Big Picture for ourselves and, for example, the harder physicists have attempted to prove the universe is ultimately causal, the more causal evidence they’ve collected to support the idea, and the more progress they’ve made in narrowing down the possibilities. Thus, creating their own distinctive local karmic reality, right here on planet earth, but with their progress towards definitively settling the issue having steadily slowed to a crawl for going on half a century, while the remaining possibilities are still infinite, for all practical purposes.

Ya don’t need a weatherman to know which way all the hot air blows in Babylon, and physicists were convinced well over a century ago that they already knew everything, and everybody else is full of crap, only to discover radioactivity, Relativity, and quantum mechanics. Each need must inevitably decide for themselves, whether a joke has any meaning, but the harder we demand answers in a paradoxical universe, the more nonsense we encounter and the bigger the pies-in-the-face become, especially when money is involved. Goldilocks didn’t just step through that door, she wandered all over the house and made herself right at home, which can be compared to a cascade effect where, under the right conditions, the smallest pebble can produce a landslide. In the long run, their illusory karmic bubble that everything makes some sort of rational sense, need must inevitably be replaced by a giant pie-in-the-face revelation that, despite any and all objections from the peanut gallery, mama nature is the very definition of analog, and can keep this up forever.

In addition to our individual karma, we also share the karma of everyone around us, and our shared and individual realities obey the same self-organizing scalar rules, providing enough continuity for people to normally perceive roughly the same evolving reality, the vast majority of the time and, additionally, providing a governor effect or a built-in Star Trek style “Prime Directive” which helps to prevent the worst extremes, while simultaneously ensuring the zingers and pies-in-the-face never do stop coming. On the television show they constantly debate the Prime Directive and their moral obligations, but they seldom discuss metaethics as anything more than an abstraction, as if what we think and believe is more important than what we feel and do as human beings. Its a stupid TV show that doesn't have time for realism, even assuming anyone wanted realism. Forget about Mr Spock, almost every character on the show is some kind of genius, superman, or a god and its Cartoon Land the whole way, and lends itself particularly well to pornography, relying heavily upon the influence of Italian directors who know how to find the best deals on Spandex. As philosophies go, Star Trek is more of a fashion statement, but I love the show myself! They say William Shatner's acting is pure cheese wiz, but cheese wiz is pretty good once in a while!

Anywho, the stars in the heavens being as far apart as they are, for example, is along the same lines as the Big Bang being “just right” and ensures a rich ecology of stars, and that humanity can evolve and explore our local stellar neighborhood in a progressive manner, that makes as much causal sense as possible for each observer, and ensures that the stars are far enough apart that only an advanced civilization could make the journey. In contrast, the stars in the center of our galaxy, orbiting the giant black hole at Sagittarius, form a radioactive war zone, comparable to a giant hearth, that warms and sustains the entire galaxy, but the stars become further apart the further out you go, while the earth is perhaps 3/4 of the way out at most. Where, of course, its neither too hot nor too cold, and you could say our own Solar system and Milky Way Galaxy share a more mature "Black Hole Sun", with black holes often producing stellar nurseries, and responsible for the distribution of roughly 80% of all the mass and energy in the visible universe.

More intriguingly, it implies that Sagittarius A may be the most reliable measure of space-time within our immediate stellar neighborhood and, along with the Big Bang, can also be considered the origin of reality as we know it, right here on planet earth. Sagittarius is perhaps 70,000 light years from earth implying that, as much as anything else, our local reality, the laws of physics, and the temperature and composition of space-time around us, depend on what happened in Sagittarius 70,000 years ago. An examination of the dwarf galaxies surrounding the Milky Way, indicated they had a baby boom, with many mysteriously deciding to give birth to new stars at the same time, which can be thought of as possibly the gravity of Sagittarius, focusing Chi, virtual particles, or what Leibniz described as the Life Force of the universe, still emanating from the Big Bang.

The pervasive existence of giant black holes, in the center of almost every galaxy, suggests they graphically represent the rabbit hole of the recursion in the principle of identity, repeatedly expressed over vast scales and magnitudes, and illustrate how we inhabit a paradoxical and metaphorical universe, and how the arrow of time and even geometry can easily become more context dependent. Black Holes resemble subatomic particles and, like any other subatomic particle, they're difficult to measure and not noticeable in our everyday world, but still vital to our existence, and provide a more geometric view of the recursion in the principle of identity. Existence itself can be said to promote life as we know it, and pies-in-the-face, as merely more ways in which to creatively pay it forward, and organic life can be said to resemble everything else in existence, because everything shares the same underlying symmetry and intrinsic systems logic, which are significantly more egalitarian than any metaphysics. Among other things, systems logics can leverage the Butterfly Effect to illustrate how Standard Theory cannot explain specific observations, such as the Big Bang being "just right". Today’s computers are powerful enough to crunch the numbers, and when the computers spit out the Theory of Everything it should make a great deal more sense out of classical mathematics and the physical constants, but in terms a five year old can comprehend, and that reflect our mortal fallibility, and how each must nurture faith in themselves and their personal journey.

Captain Cook, sailing around the world, can be considered to have literally traveled between universes and time periods, and not merely around the world, because we ourselves must always decide what is the world and what is the universe, what is the past and present. Nevertheless, for the overwhelming majority, its much more pragmatic to merely assume he sailed around the world, and wasn't another tourist from the ninth dimension, no doubt, searching for Borg Cubes to assimilate. Our own personal inertia is an example of how karma conveys our past into the present and, the more extreme any situation, the more the central issue becomes how compatible our karma happens to be. In Captain Cook’s case, in spite of being famous for being friendly with the Natives wherever he went, the Hawaiians executed him on the beach when he ordered his men to open fire on them during what, to the Hawaiians, was the equivalent of a barroom brawl not worth killing anyone over.

Cook’s untimely death, upon discovering Paradise at a Hawaiian Luau, resembles the Butterfly Effect, where an extreme metaphysical context can make the most unlikely sequence of events more probable, and also resembles a Star Trek style “Prime Directive” built into the fabric of existence itself, that reflects how cavemen couldn’t invent the atom bomb or travel to Alpha Centuri in a wooden dugout. Weather models imply the Butterfly Effect often emerges from multiple complex systems interacting, and Cook was no mere caveman sailing around the world in a dugout he made over the weekend. The Hawaiians were amazing sailors in their own rite, and could show Cook a thing or two and, apparently, the laws of physics being so egalitarian promoted their meeting, 2,000 miles in the middle of nowhere, only after both had advanced to a certain point in technology, ensuring life generally remains two steps forward and one back for every observer, or else!

When a hundred Spanish Conquistadors conquered all of South America using high tech weapons and armor, all the gold they brought back inflated their economy so badly, the Spanish Empire was lost after their economy collapsed and, then, their fleet promptly sank in a hurricane. For many, the temptation is to write this off as a coincidence, but the negative probabilities of quantum mechanics suggest otherwise and, of course, we can never know for certain. The more certain we become of one thing, the less of another, expressing particle-wave duality and the HUP, nonetheless, it remains possible to do statistical analysis for long term trends. Darwinian survival of the fittest is widely accepted, and technology always advances faster during wartime, but the evidence also suggests that early hominids excelled in developing new tools and art whenever the weather was mild, and the available food sources were abundant. Among populations pushed to the edge of genocide, every survivor is commonly expected to exceed their potential, and war can be described as a default survival mode that focuses our collective energy, but is unsustainable and, obviously, undesirable. The truth itself appears to be self-organizing, and displays both linear and nonlinear behavior, implying time can be thought of as normally expressing the “Four Seasons” of the Bagua, or basic wave-like behavior in a continuum, but that also expresses nonlinear behavior, causing everything to resemble a phase transition or a metamorphic effect in different situations and, theoretically, making it possible to make a wide variety of predictions based on symmetry, rather than causal metaphysics.

There are exceptions to every rule, and the Dodo bird went extinct for a reason but, similar to a metamorphic transformation that simply cannot be rushed, such as puberty, it could be the reason that humanity has not discovered other intelligent life in the universe, is that neither our technology nor our karma are evolved enough, to make surviving such an encounter likely. In Isaac Asimov’s science fiction universe, robots eventually mastered all of space-time, and moved all of humanity to a completely different universe altogether, where there was no alien life in our galaxy. However, human evolution is believed to have origins in 26 species of hominids who often struggled with genetic diseases, and humanity came close to extinction during the last ice age, suggesting that the silence is deafening, and a simpler explanation for why we have not met intelligent aliens, is due to our still being an infant species, largely confined to the nest.

We don’t even know how to talk yet, using the language of mama nature herself and, whenever I hear physicists and mathematicians claim that mathematics are a language, I suggest they study Wittgenstein before attempting to describe how physics or mathematics work. Never listen to what over-educated fools babble, rant, and rave about language, when they constantly complain that they can't even teach a child how to use a dictionary, and their own experts keep claiming half the population is mentally ill. I'm from Missouri myself, the "Show-Me" state, where a chicken is still legally a walking vegetable, and all the reality TV shows, mindless mobs, posturing academics, and money in the world cannot turn a sow's ear into a silk purse, or make anyone listen to all their more indignant complaints. Honesty is such a lonely word, unthinkable for far too many, and way too damned expensive, especially when everyone prefers to argue over the definition of stupid. My advice is to pay much more attention to what’s missing from this picture, and what they tend to avoid at all costs, because academics are so regimented and contentious, and still refuse to discuss such issues like adults, that it makes their mistakes all that much more predictable and, frequently, much more insightful than anything they have to say.

At any rate, karma being scalar means people that we see in the mass media can sometimes be considered to exist in another universe altogether, but their universe overlaps and influences our own to some extent, and hints at the influence of the Butterfly Effect, even if our karmic paths are unlikely to ever converge. The more extreme the situation in which any energy and information are disseminated, the more surprising nonlinear behavior and emergent effects they'll express. With people, the six handshake rule seems to apply, and we are never more than six people away from anyone in the country, hinting at the pervasive nature of the Butterfly Effect, and its disproportionate influence in networking systems logics.

The Butterfly Effect is all about symmetry, and metaphysics are simply not egalitarian enough to support the Butterfly Effect as often as systems logics can. Quantum mechanics implies a Hilbert space of infinite dimensions, and Relativity suggests a fated four dimensional monoblock universe, while Fractal Geometry incorporates fractions of dimensions, with all of them combined implying that whether everything is composed of fractions of dimensions or an infinite or finite number of whole dimensions, point particles or Wavy Gravy spread out all over the place, or little tiny tornadoes that clean your toilet bowel, need must forever remain a mystery. Requiring systems logic to make further progress, and leaving life as subjective as it is objective, and karma as the most reliable measure of how many dimensions anything has.

Our subjective impressions can be influenced by karma, and can sometimes provide invaluable answers that nothing else can, including helping us to recognize any more personal pies-in-the-face, with information from the future subtly helping us to grasp more of the Big Picture, and producing our evolving awareness of the self-evident truth. Whenever we stop making clear distinctions between who we are and what we are doing, we leverage the lowest possible energy state, empowering ourselves to access more information, from the past and the future, both the Big and Little Pictures, while any dimensions we happen to perceive will eventually transform into a continuum or a singularity and vice versa. Inertia can be thought of as a singularity, that resists moving, or as a single dimension that compels photons and massive bodies to move in straight lines, progressively blending into the much more curvaceous continuum of gravity, as if illustrating how the past effortlessly blends into the future, riding off into the sunset like the Western heroes do, completing the Great Circle of Life, and how a "Perfect Circle" can somehow be composed of an infinite number of tiny straight lines... (cut to credits)

However, complicating the situation enormously, any dimensions we can observe always acquire entirely new identities in metaphysical extremes of any kind, with the Circle of Life, space-time and inertia, blending right into the gravitational pull from The Far Side of the Universe, nonsensically accelerating away from us faster than the speed of light, as if a cartoon were speeding up the action. Astronomers can insist all they want that the other side of the universe accelerating away faster than light makes sense, but the existence of Black Holes, and all the other evidence for time being self-organizing, suggests that this is merely wishful thinking, and represents the limits of our mortal fallibility, and the theoretical limits for data compression. Beyond the Cosmic Microwave Background everything blurs into a barely detectable gravity that has a modest temperature and, as a black hole evaporates, the single dimension described by its momentum is slowly transformed into photons that scatter its inertia in every direction. Which means a black hole can be described as expressing a singularity that resists moving, and can have a well defined local momentum in four dimensions, but which slowly evaporates into an infinite number of tiny nonlocal dimensions, as the magnitude of its aggregate momentum is scattered to the four corners, along with any information it contains. Black Holes could graphically illustrate how to modify Boyle's Law to redefine the laws of thermodynamics and motion.

A Black hole without virtual particles is a contradiction, making all black holes indistinguishable from the same virtual particles they emit, and black holes can all be described as quasi objects, or a macroscopic manifestation of virtual particles, displaying distinctive behavior in large enough concentrations. Some might object that its impossible to detect virtual particles themselves, while I would argue that its impossible to even say whether a black hole has a surface to detect, making black holes simultaneously difficult to ignore and impossible to categorize as anything other than a manifestation of virtual particles. Black holes can be considered merely macroscopic evidence that space-time and virtual particles are manifestations of Chi, the undetectable flow within the empty void which, obviously, still manages to make its existence known. Virtual particles are responsible for other things as well, such as radioactive decay in the weak force and, in technobabble, black holes can also be compared to macroscopic manifestations of quantum eigenstates, explaining why we perceive the universe as being composed of matter, energy, and the forces of nature.

Physicists demand the whole world make sense to them personally then, along with the dictionary, conveniently ignore their own logic and categories, whenever they happen to contradict the conventional wisdom in the greater physics community at large, which seldom tolerates criticism among their ranks. For example, the mathematics have always indicated that the bizarre behavior of quanta is not simply due to their tiny size, and physicists debated the issue extensively in the early days of quantum mechanics, only to conclude the mathematics appear to be correct, and their behavior is not merely the result of their tiny size. Nonetheless, the common superstition, still being promoted to this day by physicists everywhere, is that their behavior is caused by their tiny size, and physicists still struggle with the possibility that reality is simply beyond the kin of mortal man, because it isn’t part of their job description.

Nor is it the job description of historians, sociologists, philosophers, and psychologists to point out what idiots their fellow academics can be, so its best to do so in the public domain, anonymously whenever prudent, before they start digging more giant holes in Texas to throw money into. Governments and corporations like to know what kind of over-educated fools they're working with, and appreciate such details. Anywho, entangled particles express both a singularity and infinite dimensions, synergy and syntropy, or the lowest possible energy state and maximum entropy production while, in contrast, an object accelerating towards the speed of light, falling into a black hole, or expressing any other physical extreme, progressively becomes more two dimensional for outside observers, with relativistic objects growing both shorter in length and wider, as if becoming more two dimensional.

By becoming more two dimensional in appearance, they preserve their ability to interact causally with the rest of the universe, until their identity becomes increasingly vague and self-contradictory for every outside observer, with time stopping altogether at the speed of light and at the event horizon, begging the question of what the hell causality, the principle of identity, or Rindler Horizons mean, without the passage of time. In recent years, theorists have proposed the existence of a second event horizon below the well known one, which can be considered "The Land Before Time" that ensures that whether the universe actually has two dimensions, and requires some sort of outside influence, remains a mystery but, more importantly, that physicists can continue to pretend to know what they're talking about. The possible existence of The Land Before Time also hints at the fact that, even when attempting to describe event horizons, what's missing from this picture must always present the Two Faces of Janus, due to every context always requiring a significant amount of content. And, additionally hinting, that physicists desperately need to update both their mathematics and sense of humor, while I'm working on bots they will love to argue with, and quantifying their lack of humor for marketing. Note that photons always travel at the same speed in a vacuum, and don’t appear to experience the passage of time themselves, but we can perceive photons as slowing down in time whenever they pass through some sort of medium or fall into a gravity well, like that of a black hole. Indicating they provide an important benchmark for the symmetry of time’s influence on mass and energy.

Thankfully, as frustrating and confusing as all this gets, the saving grace of mama nature’s wicked sense of humor is that the situation automatically rules out the worst possible cartoons, as if our universe were a nursery for intelligent life, or your own Private Idaho if you prefer, because it means we are all both flaming geniuses and drooling idiots! Now, where did that Pinkie go... Anyway, rather than the future determining our individual fates, the future merely limits our choices in the present, to whatever actually supports the universe itself having a future. As if each of us is compelled to constantly come to an agreement with our collective future selves, as to exactly what the present should actually be like, and the entire Collective Unconscious is attempting to learn how to pay it forward, and give everyone as much freedom of choice as possible, as the only way to ensure the good guys win more often. Of course, according to the story of Goldilocks, by excluding any extremes such as cavemen inventing the atom bomb, physicists creating a perfect vacuum, or anybody really imagining God creating a rock so big that even he can’t pick it up.

Yogi Berra was from another planet, Yoda was from a galaxy far, far away, Star Trek is still looking for love in all the wrong places, In Search Of Fantasy Island, and new sources of Spandex, while I’m from a different karmic playground altogether myself, and quite easily distracted. For most practical purposes, infinite karmic universes all chaotically converging and diverging in infinite higher dimensions, are just so much simpler and easier to think of as the harmony of the future, the singularity, or the magic of life itself, enforcing the Goldilocks Principle that nothing can ever be too hot or too cold, too hard or too soft, too big or too small, too fast or too slow, too right or too wrong, and that everything always works out in the end for the universe as a whole, if not for Goldilocks herself. Although countless physicists have declared quantum mechanics to be truly bizarre and unfathomable, and others have frequently compared them to Alice in Wonderland, few have ever dared to venture that quanta are nothing short of downright infantile, childish, tacky, cartoonish, and utterly tasteless, but what I’m describing is a variation on the Many World’s Theory, and there’s simply no accounting for taste when 42 is as good as it gets and, personally, I like the Muppets myself.

Normally, we collect energy in order to gather more useful information, while the simplest alternative way to think of time, is that the future, the quantum wave function, or harmony of the universe, conveys contextual data into the past, where it transforms into random matter and energy, excluding any metaphysical extremes in the process. Where the past converges on the future in the present moment, is how our personal awareness is created, as the alpha and the omega become progressively indistinguishable, and people starting asking stupid questions such as, "What the hell was that?" Whereupon wherein wherevery, waffling wavering withering wuthering heights, once upon a midnight oh so dreary, oblivious to the relentless ravages of oblivion, nonetheless, the quiet passage of time yet acquiesces in the moment, pausing to await whomsoever may just so perchance to happen to choose not to choose to desire, whatsoever it is that they might actually happen to desire, deep down in their deepest of hearts, or heartburn from hell. For time waits for no man, and no man is an island, who never has the time to wait for more time, because he was a man of his times, who knew nothing of time, who never saved enough time, who never worried about the time, who had run out of time, yet he still had way too much time on his hands, and remained behind the times, always attempting to save time by wasting more time, all because he constantly struggled to remain two steps ahead of his time and, predictably, was never prepared in time.

Our past randomly contributes towards our individual futures while, in turn, the future of the universe appears to severely limit our possibilities in the present, even blatantly violating the known laws of causality if necessary, but in a progressive manner, because harmony neither acts nor reasons, making balance possible in a paradoxical singularity. Emergent effects themselves can be described as expressing different combinations of synergy and syntropy, or yin and yang, where the identities of energy and information can become more obviously conflated, and emergent effects can also be described as the result of dimension squeezing, due to everything expressing particle-wave duality. Synergy, syntropy, harmony, space-time, gravity, information, knowledge, awareness, and quantum entanglement all become synonymous with what’s missing from this picture, the Two Faces of Janus, and our mortal fallibility ensuring that, ironically, synergy remains the cost of normalization, and simply more evidence that the greater context inevitably determines its own contents.

Radioactive elements decay in the environment all the time, without anyone ever noticing, but an atomic bomb dramatically converts mass into energy, due to the close proximity of its atoms, and not simply because they are decaying, which can be described as synergy promoting greater entropy and normalization. However, this also means the pies-in-the-face that modern civilization is currently encountering are just getting started, and there should be a variety of ways in which to manipulate space-time, roughly 120-430 for all practical purposes, which can produce even more sky-high-pie-in-the-face results. Again, this can be compared to what physicists callDimension Squeezing”, or what I like to think of as “Pie-In-The-Face-Spherical-Cubes!”

Sun Tzu warned, “Know Thy Enemy”, and Socrates admonished, “Know Thyself”, while I would add that, if you value your life,“Know Thy Mindless Mob!” Which is why I began skimming through physics journals at 14 years old, never understanding half of what I read, and why I eventually studied the analog logic of the Tao Te Ching, because they were two subjects, along with the damned dictionary, that I was convinced even crazy Babylonians could only screw up so badly, and all I had to do was to keep looking for what’s missing from this picture. Of course, the idiots call me crazy for questioning their ongoing insanity, then go back to debating the definition of stupid, and blaming each other for abusing every new technology they invent, and stealing data that is all in the public domain. Somebody, somewhere, has to eventually invent the science of bullshit but, admittedly, I had always assumed that what I was attempting to do would require a small think tank to accomplish, and had always hoped some other damned fool would write a book along the lines of this one, only to discover it was my karma, and you have to be careful what you wish for. Rainbow Warriors say the only requirement for writing Oneness Poetry is you have to be masochistic enough to do all of the editing, and it turned out that I just happened to be the brain damaged hippie for the job, who had foolishly studied all the more relevant physics and philosophy, and who had absolutely no faith that modern science can save humanity from modern science.

Wittgenstein’s first philosophy was based on geometry, but he had no clue what he was touching on, and abandoned the effort, and nobody has taken it up since. Relying heavily upon classic logic to decide what to ignore, academic philosophy has been in the dark ages for almost 2,000 years, and they were easily impressed with Wittgenstein, whose work is often compared to engineering and a dry auto-repair manual. Using the mathematics in this book, you can write any number of bullshit philosophies that will drive academics nuts, but are no more complicated than changing the oil in your car, and merely leverage the ignorance of the experts against themselves. For me, logic is as much an issue of geometry as anything else, and explains Spinoza's formalism better than academics and, for example, in the next chapter I explain how, after decades of study and practice, I can skim through dozens of pages of technical papers, and point out exactly where they make assumptions and logic errors, by merely looking at the shapes of the paragraphs they write.

Technical papers are so highly structured it should be easy to train an AI to search for paragraphs with shapes that correlate with logic errors and assumptions, so the AI can instantly make almost any academic look like a complete idiot playing around with words, and can sort through databases at warp speed. Merely by studying my poetry and writing your own, anyone can acquire the same skill to some degree, because its an organic process that can only be acquired by attrition and osmosis but, in my case, sometimes I can't even look at something someone wrote in a foreign language that I don't know, because whatever they wrote messes with my analog logic. Nevertheless, its all essentially the same yin-yang push-pull dynamics, and there are dramatic ways to enhance and speed up the process of attrition and osmosis, including VR applications, incorporating more of the analog logic of the I-Ching. In general, analog logic can treat time as a variable, making it more efficient, but time can also substitute for geometry in something like a Time Crystal, transforming slippery time into more accurate and discrete geometry. And, resulting in the shapes of written paragraphs reflecting the logic they contain, no matter what language you write them in, because everything including logic and geometry expresses the symmetry of yin-yang push-pull dynamics, and the recursion in the principle of identity.

The advent of fuzzy logic and quantum mechanics drove all of academia nuts, in part, because quantum mechanics incorporates infinite dimensions, while Fractal Geometry calls into question the very definition of a dimension and, of course, actually sharing their words and playing nice are anathema. The Three Stooges can only make progress by attacking everything and, consequently, it has joined the ranks of all the other discoveries frequently dismissed by academia, as irrelevant anomalies unworthy of contemplating in the overall scheme of things, and conveniently swept harder under the rug at every opportunity, while classifying jokes older than monuments, and inventing new nonsense words. Physicists and mathematicians commonly use outdated mathematics and approaches, and often know just enough of the logistics and philosophy behind what they’re doing to work themselves into dead ends, especially since so many of them don’t even know how to use a dictionary.

That might sound like an exaggeration, but even their own studies have confirmed that the tools and approaches they use fundamentally don't reflect the underlying reality of what they study, and are merely a pragmatic compromise. Using an AI that can automatically point out any logic errors and assumptions they make, linguists and others should have a field day reviewing the entire history of modern academia, and documenting how the over-educated fools collectively convince themselves to become more self-defeating, in the name of science, growth, and progress. So-called Weak Experiments are possibly worthy of a Hollywood comedy, but I've already got my work cut out for me writing this book and, in theoretical physics, anything older than a decade is considered ancient history, while most of the physics community is lucky if the mathematics and concepts they use are less than half a century old. People are shocked when I say academics are often posers, but the idiots cannot even teach a child how to use a dictionary, and have inspired such wondrous inventions helping to save the planet today, as Totalitarian Communism, yet are more worried about their public image than their track record.

As much as we'd all like to believe somebody is in charge around here, its not helpful when the whole f*****g world ecology is about to collapse, and our glorious leader is teaching physicians how to do their damned jobs, and supports burning coal, while the peasants are storming the palace with knives and pitch forks for cheap thrills. They call themselves scientists but, increasingly, are more often just engineers pushing the limits of the technology, and entirely incapable of making significant progress theoretically, because their common sense promotes superstition and taboos. The academic community is so mired in the dark ages, that their own technology is now beginning to replace them, and physicists have begun to publicly question the wisdom of accepting a job on such enormous projects as the Large Hadron Collider, as AI progressively establishes that, contrary to popular belief, there never was any intelligent life around here!

Of course, they can criticize me all they want, and insist I am being too critical and spreading hate, but I’m merely giving them what they’re still demanding, paying good money for, stealing from me and millions of others, classifying, and censoring from the internet, even though it is all in the public domain. Any damned fool who knows anything about the subject, will tell you that neither Socrates nor the Taoists ever had anything flattering to say about academia, while playground potty mouth nursery rhymes speak for themselves! Physics is big business, and both governments and corporations have long term plans, and like to know how over-educated fools waste their time and money, and prefer to be able to quantify these things, and deal with numbers. If academia cannot develop linguistic analysis that actually reflects the fact that people have a sense of humor, and are perfectly capable of grasping the Big Picture for themselves, then it is up to the private sector. Making extensive documentation and quantitative analysis of academic lowbrow slapstick, within the public domain, necessary for establishing legal precedents. Hate is a terrible thing to waste, so stop censoring the internet, bugging my computer, and busting into my email accounts, while criticizing everything I write, or I promise, I will tell you every joke I know…

In geometry, a dimension is normally thought of as the distance between two points but, ironically, there is an academically recognized “Pointless Geometry”, that studies regions rather than points, while Fractal Geometry appears to combine the two. A “Pointedly-Pointless Flaky-Fractured-Fairytale-Continuum Geometry”, as if we have gone from the perfection of Euclidean Geometry and Plato’s idealistic Harmony of the Spheres, to Bullshit Fuzzy Logic and Quantum Indeterminacy progressively establishing, that the more incredibly vague and downright self-contradictory all of our logic, geometry, and physics become, the more outrageously efficient and the wider their applications. Assuming 42 is as good as it gets, Fuzzy Logic should express particle-wave duality, and quantum mechanics should express Fuzzy Logic, with systems logics capable of making more sense out of both. Reconciling the four fold symmetry of Bullshit Fuzzy Logic and the Standard Theory in quantum mechanics, should therefore lead to a demonstrably tautological and self-contradictory explanation for all of logic and mathematics, and place mathematics and physics on Intuitionistic foundations which, believe it or not, are already considered much firmer than those of classical mathematics, but also underdeveloped, broader, and much more vague as well.

The newest theorems concerning the Five Pythagorean Solids are a good place to start, with the dodecahedron proving to be mathematically unique, and possibly hinting at how space and time, logic and bullshit, spheres and cubes, exchange symmetries according to thermodynamics and the Golden Ratio, and display a broken supersymmetry, that illustrates how classic logic can be modified to reflect the real world better. Current theories such as E8 imply cubes provide a reasonable approximation of space-time, but they're biased towards Einstein’s self-contradictory causal metaphysics, due to the still widely used classical mathematics themselves being incapable of incorporating Indeterminacy. Resistance is futile and, upon closer examination by a nearby deep space science vessel, Einstein’s “jewel” has turned out to be a Borg Cube, possibly from Sweden and related to the French Cone Heads, and appears to be just right for assimilation, if you know where to find the best deals on Latex and Spandex.

Ignore the fact that everything in the universe tends to assume spherical shapes and orbits, according to the newest theories, they're all Borg Cubes. Both Newton and Einstein had to invent their own controversial mathematics, and I encourage anyone to invent their own insane mathematics and linguistics, and to ignore all the premadonas who think their mathematics and words are the greatest. After a century of quantum mechanics, half a century of fuzzy logic, and spending trillions of dollars, physicists are still busy playing around with String theories that haven’t produced any results and, now, have moved on to suggest we are all block heads, but have yet to bother to formulate quantum mechanics, using mathematics that can actually incorporate Indeterminacy, in addition to, True and False. The obvious inference being that everything must either meet with their personal approval, be aesthetically pleasing, and make sense to them personally or, at least, they can continue to make money and produce technology, while classifying any advanced mathematics, and waiting for the computers to spit out even more mathematics and, if anybody starts asking questions, you can always yell, “Shut Up and Calculate!”

© 2021 wuliheron

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Added on November 30, 2018
Last Updated on July 8, 2021



I'm a brain damaged, mentally deranged, hippie dippy raised on Gilligan's Island and Green Acres, but I'm never going back there again! Currently, I'm 11 years into writing a book on Collective Ignora.. more..
