3 birds with one stone (and then some)
A Story by Auralia
life: boring as usual for 16 year old aribella Thatcher. That is, until her old neighbor's three grandsons barge in her life and make life ..well........enjoyable of sorts 
“ But mom,” I protested, “ I really need an increase on my allowance. I saw these pair of shoes that I abso-tively positively need to have, and since you won’t get me them…” “ Don’t use guilt on me young lady,” she cautioned, “ and besides, you already have more than enough shoes to last you a lifetime.” I sighed. This conversation was pointless. Obviously, like always I would lose the fight and have to open my lousy refrigerator for a carton of Ben & Jerry’s chocolate ice-cream to cheer me up. I turned to leave but mom called me back. “ Honey, how about this? A 17-year old girl shouldn’t stay cooped up in the house in winter. Go get a job. You’ll have some experience. Start with something easy so you’ll know what to do.” “ Great,” I said in a false tone, “ what do you have in mind?” Her whole face brightened when I agreed with her. You see, mom and I don’t share the same traits. There’s her with her whole peppy, cheery, optimistic self, and me, with my art of sarcasticness. I always tell myself that 9 months of being in her womb should’ve done something to my attitude, but… “ Soooo?” I waited for her to answer. She thought for a minute then said, “ Well, you could always …” ********** I can’t believe I listened to her. That’s so me. I always listen to her. Not that she was strict or anything ( with her petite self, short pixie-cut hair, and light as a chime voice she couldn’t hurt a fly) but she could be pretty firm when she wanted to be. So, my genius of a mother had suggested for me to shovel our neighbors’ snow. You see, my neighbor is FULL of old people. Literally. I am like the only teenager on my block. But on the bright side, during Halloween they sure give away ALOT of money. (emphasis on the alot.) So here I was, shoveling the old folks’ homes. Our house was a bright pink while all the other were a dull shade of brown. To the left of us lives Mr. Tom, an old guy who lives by himself, but is the jolliest guy I know. Heck, he probably beats good ol’ Santa Claus on the nice list. Did I mention he was rich? So today he gave me $60 for shoveling his snow and I had taken it happily. Who wouldn’t. Certainly not me, a 17-year old girl who had dreams of someday making her own fashion designs. So I need all the money I can get my hands on. Hey, you got to start somewhere right? The house in front of his was Mrs.Smithly’s, and old lady who has a kidney problem. She kept to herself but was nice when spoken to. My hands were cold and numb from the cold but I reallyyyy needed the money, I had to deal. I walked up her porch and took out my paper which had everything I was going to say about my current situation with her in a pink gel pen. Compliments of having a mom who was too nice for her own good. As soon as I heard the door open, I looked down at my paper and started reading in a monotone. “ Good afternoon, Mrs. Smithly Umm, I’m supposed to apologize about the little accident involving your pet fish, Guppers, and how sorry I am for what I did to make him move on to the after fish life or fish heaven. Whichever suits you. I just want to say that I didn’t mean to make him fall in a bathtub full of bubbles. But, come on, he had it coming because he lived in a bowl on top of the bathroom sink. So I just wanna offer you a free snow shoveling thing or whatever. Are you up for it?” After I finished, I heard a deep throat being cleared in front of me. Either Mrs. Smithly had some serious after effects of her medicine, making her voice deep, or I’m dreaming. I looked up. Neither. I had expected Mrs. Smithly to stare down at me with glassy eyes because I had mentioned her loving fish, or to yell at me. I had even half-expected her to call the police at seeing the murderer of her Guppers. But what I didn’t expect was 3 very tall, very handsome guys about my age staring down at me with amused expressions. Holy Mother of Guppers!
© 2010 Auralia
Author's Note
this is my first story on this website. so if i made any mistakes or anything, please don't hesitate to tell me. and of course, if you like, do the same! thnx for reading. <3333
Was this a journal or an actual story? Either way I don't think it would sell big or anything. As to the style I liked it. It seems the story was actually happening. The only thing I would recommend is using more professional language. It makes the appeal better and makes the work more sophisticated. I am looking foward to more of your works in the future. good writing.
Posted 14 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on July 29, 2010
Last Updated on July 29, 2010