A Reviewer's Remise

A Reviewer's Remise

A Poem by WriterSki7

This is prose, not true poetry. It came to me when reflecting on the reviews I give to so many people.


Review. Tis a sweet melody to most here on Writerscafe. We all seek the common recognition and praise for our work, but when is it -dare I say it- justified? I have read a thousand works here, eager to leave my thoughts and praises for some, eager to leave critique on others. However, what gives justice to the words I speak? By whose authority do I tell people what to fix and what to keep? I find myself struggleng with the fact that there are so many good writers here on our esteemed Writerscafe, and yet so many of them need improvement. But who am I to be the one to tell them that? I look at the reviews of others and recognise they give nothing but praise. Am I supposed to tell people what is wrong or right with their work? Should I? I claim to be superior to nobody. I am naught but a set of words on a screen, happily coming together in a set order by the destining of this thing you call a soul. But what gives it purpose? What gives it merit? What about my words is so significant that it must be written down? And then, why should anybody read them? A thousand laments for the man who wakes and discovers this truth!


Regardless, I write because I write. I review because I know, or moreso fathom to know; what it's like not to be reviewed. My will is shallow; my soul is meek. But for some reason, it still holds taunt. I review on no authority, I write for no one's merit. And somewhere along the way, my soul will fade. Insignificant.




© 2010 WriterSki7

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... it's a very thought-provoking write ... my thoughts? ... i'd like to start from scratch ... and start by talking about life ... what's the most important thing? ... human rights ... for me it definitely is ... what is the biggest challenge in a multi-cultural setting? ... offending someone unintentionally ... what is poetry? ... it's a finger print of the soul ... what does it celebrate the most? ... the freedom of expression ... what is the one competence that poets ought to have? ... being able to be respectful all the time and not being disrespectful especially when it comes to choice of words ... between verbal and non-verbal communication, what is significantly more potent? ... non-verbal communication ... we always communicate more through the tone of our writing than through the choice of words ... what is the potential harm of leaving a positive comment? ... the poet is reassured and will take more risks and experiment more ... is that really harmful? ... i don't think so ... what is the challenge? ... we must not validate something that we do not believe in ... and here i'm referring to ethics and they are universal ... and not morality which is subjective ... having said that ... i have a very clear understanding of the word "review" ... it is a second look ... in a review ... i view again ... what i see ... and let the poet know what i saw ... then it is for them to decide whether what i saw is more or less or equivalent to what they meant to show me ... when i chance upon a value or principle being spoken of that i don't agree with ... i make sure that i don't validate it ... for instance ... if someone is talking about committing suicide ... something that i do not agree with ... i may notice grammatical inaccuracies or find the potential for recommending structural enhancements ... but what becomes more important for me even then ... is to not validate the idea ... and i don't ... similarly ... if i come across a write that has some minor grammar issues or potential for structural enhancements ... but has the music of life in it ... then i validate it ... i think communication was never a victim of grammar and structure ... and there are many of us here for whom english is not the first language ... besides ... is it really possible to fix someone's grammar by giving feedback on one or two or three or even ten pieces? ... i don't think so ... is it possible to change someone's thought process and get them to structure poems differently by giving feedback on one or two or three or even ten pieces? ... i don't think so ... i am too small an entity in the universe of verse and i have a long way to go as a human being ... it's enough to get my human rights song right ... and if i manage to accomplish that ... it's enough for me to validate ethical thoughts and actions ... when i'm done with that ... and become an expert ... as also become the expert in saying things in such a manner that the choice of words as well as the tone of my words has no potential to hurt anyone ... who by the way ... might be in another corner of the world ... suffering from severe depression or oppression ... then i'll critique a poem ... i'm a long way from that right now ... anyhow ... this is an amazingly enriching write ... it educates me about another perspective ... and i am indebted for the opportunity to express my thoughts ... god bless ... and thanks again ... (serah) ...

... p.s. ... the knowledge of grammar and structure comes from extensive reading ... there are enough writers here in the cafe who are great at grammar and structure ... and those who are not pretty much know who to read ... still ... if i really feel the need ... then i'll recommend a particular poet to a poet who is not good at grammar and structuring ... rather than talk down to them ... that is a far more non-threatening way to critique ... and when i have done so ... it has always worked ...

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


"This is prose, not true poetry. It came to me when reflecting on the reviews I give to so many people." I say it at the top, Kandy ;)
Albiet I question whether you saw it with your eyes closed . . .
(Mild humor, no hard feelings)

Posted 14 Years Ago

I believe in this poem 100% with my eyes closed. It is very true that many people only review to praise. And to answer your question, I say yes, you should tell people what's wrong with their writing. It helps the writer become a better writer, and the reviewer a better reviewer. It's called constructive criticism. By the way, the structure of your poem should be changed to resemble that of a poem, unless you meant it to be a letter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow this piece was very true and meaningful. I know kind of what you're feeling.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very true. I think as fellow writers we should be able to comment on others writing... what we liked about it, or didn't like, maybe a few pointers or suggestions, but I don't think its our place to do a full out critique unless we're asked to do so. I've had some people comment some really ugly things before. For example, I posted a poem once on the topic of loving life, embracing it because it goes all too fast. Someone commented that that was a stupid topic becuase its too common so it shouldn't have been posted. Really? Would you like to know why I wrote that poem? I wrote it because my three year old has cancer. Its relevant to ME. Anyway, long story short. As a reviewer, we need to be respectful of other people's work. Comment, but don't over do it becuase we DON'T have the authority. We are not someone's English teacher, we're their peers. End of story.

Anyway, sorry for my little rant. Nice thought though!

Posted 14 Years Ago

True true

Posted 14 Years Ago

Writing is a constant battle to find peace with your mind and heart. Few writers can make a living with books and poetry. I like Writerscafe for the great wisdom and willingness to help other writers. I have been on other sites. Negative and competition is more important then a good story or poem. I love to read and I'm thankful when I have opportunity to real good stories and poetry.. Praise isn't a bad thing. When I was in school. A teacher told me you write crazy. Do something else. Make me read more and write more. The true people who love the word. Want a million minds writing and create. No-one is exactly the same. That is why we need new writers and to know the old one's who left great knowledge for us to learn. You made me think this afternoon. A real goal of a writer.

Posted 14 Years Ago

well thought out write here......

I was 'reviewed' last year on this site and I was surprised at how brutal the 'review' was. It ended a friendship here but I just didnt think that my write was so bad as to comment on it as harshly as someone here did.....the sad part was i need counsel and correction, but harsh words and ridicule only hurt-not help.

nice original write here. it made me think.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I agree at some point, poetry is an art and the beauty of it is always in the eyes of the beholder and open to interpretation. Thank you for your view on the subject.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thats the whole point, you have hit the nail on the head hon! Who can say what is right or wrong? lol
What is good for one person, isn't for another
Its a catch 22 really!
Thats the price of creativity (and sites such as this lmao)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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64 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 12, 2010
Last Updated on May 12, 2010



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