In the Night, he Touched Me…
He slithered,
Slippery between my sheets
Praying on the captivity of my dreams.
Slinking his way towards my resting frame,
His fingers graze along my silken thighs
Thieving liberties I frostily denied.
Those dastardly digits so dastardly close
Stripped of barriers, you subtracted the distractions
Your hand sunk home to that gentle flesh.
Into a horror trance I descended into hell
Sapping immaculacy with each of your gestures
So close, So close you thought to your goal.
Push that hurdle further
Pants cascaded to the earth
Clamping my eyes, a dream, nothing more!
Dawn arrived
You held your station in my bed
Swirled with the dreams you robbed me of.
Horror crept,
Fear coated my actions drastic in my motions
Exposed to the whites of your eyes
The words where there
Air crunching as the cold chill hit my lungs
And with that gasp
My words cried Foul.