![]() Angeline LoomisA Story by Katie Ann Nichols![]() Angeline goes looking for her father and brother in the mountains of California in 1869.![]() “I would like to dip my feet in the Pacific Ocean when I get to California.” Angeline thought to herself as she finished packing the large green trunk. A long trip lay ahead of her. California was several thousand miles from where she was in Rhode Island. Angeline prayed that her father and brother were fine and that by the time she got to California there would be some word back from them. There had not been word from them in several months and it was unlike her father to not send several letters out at once. It took them roughly about a week for them to travel from their claim to the town of Bodega. Angeline finished up her packing, locking the large green trunk’s three locks, checking each one to make sure that it had locked. She turned to the carpet bag which lay open on top of the bed. The purse lay on top with the money she had saved and had also borrowed from her mother. She had not felt good about taking from her mother and knew that she would pay her back when she returned home. Angeline placed the key in the purse and tucked it in-between some books and a change of clothes along with the gun she found in her brother’s room. She looked around her room one last time to see if anything was left out of her packing, before she worked on her hair. Seating herself at her vanity she peered at her reflection. The lantern held little light as she did not want anyone to know that she was awake. Its light cast shadows across her face revealing her tired state because of the lack of sleep from the night before. Her long light brown hair lay over her shoulder, the braid was a bit unkempt with pieces sticking out from the little sleep that she had managed and it would be an easy fix. As she went to work on re-braiding her hair, she thought about the last time she had seen her father and brother. They both had looked tired but were happy to be home with their family. They had brought home several gold nuggets. Billy had told her about how beautiful it was in California. that when he was by the California coast, he could imagine himself being the only human alive surrounded by Mother Nature in all her glory. Angeline’s father only talked about the gold that they had found, how that someday soon he would send for his wife and three other children. Billy had stated gold was becoming scarce and it was not the right time to move. Only a small town had been established but that was miles away, only gold miners and a few prostitutes could be found there. Not much else was out there. Most men were still sleeping in tents and only a scarce few lived in houses that they had made. The men and women would fight like animals over a claim. They would even kill each other over some gold. Admiring her handy work. Angeline made sure that she had gathered all her hair into the braid before forming it in to a bun. After several attempts, she was satisfied that it would not come undone; then she picked up the bonnet that matched her brown pleated cotton dress. Placing the bonnet over the bun, she slowly stood still fixing it till it was perfect. Turning away from the mirror, she opened the door and peered out so she could listen for sounds of anyone in the house who might be stirred. She knew if her mother woke she would not be going to California and a swift punishment would be dealt to her for even thinking about leaving to find her father and brother, even though her mother wanted to go herself. Angeline turned away from the door and focused her attention on her lantern, which she promptly blew out. The room grew dark but she could still make out the shapes of everything that lay around her. Turning towards the trunk, she stooped to grasp the handle. Upon pulling the trunk she found that it was heavier then she thought, but nevertheless had managed to drag it from her room onto the long carpet that ran the length of the hallway. She was glad that the rug had not been cleaned the day before as it softened the sounds that the large trunk was making. She quickly realized there was no practical way for her to make it down the stairs without creating more ruckus. Angeline let out a frustrated sigh as she pulled the heavy trunk down the hall, realizing she had over packed. It was too late for her to unpack and prioritize the things that she had packed. Several books were thrown on top of her neatly packed clothes. They had been thrown in last minute so she could keep herself entertained on the train. Two out of style dresses, mother and her used to clean the house. Another pair of dresses where packed that where more modern. One was a ball gown and the other just an everyday dress. A knife and a gun where in there too. She had raided her brother’s room when everyone was out of the house for some of his mining clothes. She only happened upon them when she was looking for things to take with her, but it was a good find in her book. She had she saved up for some boots that men used for hiking but they had fit her feet well. She took every step with ears pealed for any movement other then the scraping of the green chest on the floor as she moved down the hall. All at once she heard the floorboards let out a squeal. she froze, not daring to breathe as the footsteps grew ever closer to the door. The door opened and her younger brother peaked out blinking away the sleep in his eye. She let out a sighed. “Angeline! What on earth are you doing?” Her brother whispered “Go back to sleep George, I’m going to California to find Father and Billy.” She waited for her him to protest. She couldn’t make out the expression on his face. But she knew when he picked up the other end of her chest that he wanted her to go. They made it to the front door with no other family members waking. Angeline unlocked the door and the first raise of the early morning sun where peaking over the tall building of the small city that they called home. She turned to George and gave him a quick hug. “Take care of yourself and please find Papa and Billy.” Angeline thought that he looked like he might cry but decided that it was just being awake so early and the suns raze hitting his face. “Tell mother I will write to her and I will be fine.” She smiled. “Have her read my letter that’s in my room when she wakes.” “I will. Angeline turns towards the Maine road to wait for the carriage to the station. She places the trunk down and sat upon it. She could hear the clopping of the horse’s hooves on the cobble stones but they were further away. Angeline went to reach for her carpet bag but found that she had forgotten it in the rush to leave the house. She panicked because knowing that if she did not have it that the trip was over. She would have to knock on the door and wake the rest of the house. Her mother would scold her before sending her back to bed. She rushed to the door fearing the worst as she was about to knock on the door it opened and her brother stepped out. She hugged him taking him off guard. He pulled out of her grasp and handed her a small parcel “What’s this?” She took the parcel and realized that he had packed her food for her journey. “It’s food for your trip.” She smiled at how kind it was of her brother to do this for her out of kindness. “Thank you, so much Georgie. I thought that the trip would be ruined. I left my carpet bag in my room it has the money for the trip. Can you fetch it for me?” She looked at him pleadingly. She knew that he would he was a good little brother. “Sure, I’ll be right back in a second.” She rushed back to her trunk as she heard a carriage coming down her street. She had asked one to come at this time to take her to the train station. She flagged the carriage down the horses whinnied as the man pulled on the rains and came to a standstill. “Are you the young lady going to the train station?” He said as he hoped off the carriage and walked towards her. He stood at least a foot over her and she was short of an inch under her father whom stood at 6’. “Yes sir, I am. This is my only baggage. I’m waiting for my brother to bring out my other bag.” Angeline moved out of his way as he lent over to pick up her trunk. It’s quite heave. She said this as he stooped to pick it up and was stunned as he picked it up with like effort. She herd running behind her and turned to see her brother rushing out. “I got your bag Angeline. I thought that I missed you.” He hugged her. She could see that it had distressed him. “Be careful. Find Papa and Billy and bring them home. “ “Don’t worry, I will and I’ll be back before you know it.” She stepped into the carriage as the man opened the door for her. When she was seated he closed the door behind and jumped on top and pulled the rains. She peered out at her childhood home and how the light had made it look very sad to see her go. She waved to her brother. She would miss them but she was going on an adventure that she was sure to be exciting. She waved at her brother and pulled herself away from the window sitting back into the seat and sighed she was on her way. She pulled her watch from her skirt and peered at the time on the small clock read 7:24 she had twenty more minutes to make it before the train left. Angeline decided to take those few minutes to the station for some needed rest as she had not slept much. As the thought of sheer dread of being caught leaving had kept her awake. She knew now that she was not out of the deep end yet as her mother could wake and by chance happen to look in her room to find her gone and find the letter left for her on the her pillow. She hoped that she would be underway before then, as she knew that she would rush to the station in the hopes of finding her there as soon as she had found the letter stating that she had gone. © 2016 Katie Ann NicholsAuthor's Note
Added on November 19, 2016 Last Updated on November 19, 2016 Tags: romance, adventure, western, historical Author![]() Katie Ann NicholsChester, CTAboutI have Began writing when i moved to England and attended school over there for four years be fore coming back to America. I used to write a lot of Fanfiction but have moved on to writing my own story.. more..Writing