Depression is such a pervasive and sinister emotion. Though it is part of human nature to feel down sometimes, we should not let negative emotions and feelings predominate our lives. Depression can kill motivation and dreams, and, in many cases, it even leads to suicide.
But we got to see the beauty of life and nature, the sunshine, flowers, rivers, birds, and the diverse flow of humanity. Let us see life from a fresh perspective daily, and not allow small problems, disagreements, arguments, desires become major issues that can lead to depression. Love conquers all and heals everything. However, if we have in our life toxic and negative people or situations that can be a source of depression, the best thing is to get away from such people or situations. We are in charge of who or what we allow in our mind and heart, in our life; but in the same way, we also got to learn to be a source of positive energy for others. Some things, people or situations can be a source of depression or a source of happiness and bliss. Our primary aim on this Earth is to live as happily and blissfully as we can. Nobody or nothing has the right to deny us our peace of mind and peace of heart, to the point of making us despise our life, which is so delicate and precious.
Honesty and complete importance envelop your writing. I feel it. The sense of loneliness, sorrow, anger, desire, and yet, nothing. There is a point in which you simply don't feel anything at all. It ends up becoming you. It's almost like the presence of silence. It never fully leaves you. It makes you think, and wallow in the depths of your thoughts. I really admire this poem, and you were able to deliver it was such beauty that I marvel at your technique. Thank you for sharing!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I am happy to hear that you liked this poem.. Thanks a lot for your kind words.. :)
I've had depression most of my life. I remember how I would take a walk, which helped me shake off the heavy dark feelings. But as soon as I would finish my walk, within a half hour, I felt depressed again. You have captured this persistence like nobody I've ever seen (and many people write about depression on this website). You are remarkable to capture the strongest points in so few words. Especially that last line, which says it all! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
I love how you called the thing an "it", "it hugged me so tightly". "It" gives the piece a sense of mystery and curiosity. Overall, great word choice, great piece :)
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you so much Elizabeth :) So glad you liked it :)