First, let me say I love it. And then food for thought: I love the ending. And also, when I read the word "BRIDGE" > I thought, that's their bridge, thus cross OUR bridge, once steady and strong...? something, was thinking about the foundation of their bridge - once concreted, cemented, (by the best engineers) no cracks in that foundation, the cables, strong, they would never fall. Suspension Bridges. Maybe that's silly: I love this poem, you are a great writer. I see the song writing in the continueing of what is almost like a chorus. I was in this poem, myself, thinking of my past, and it is so relatable in a throw away world. I love the theme, the start, the change in tone...led me to more emotional sadness and then as I hoped, you gave them a chance to begin anew. I take marriage very seriously; the message is quite beautiful. Thank you so much - Oh and lastly sorry: please don't take offense; I have errors in posted poetry now: (too) late for a new start. I love this. Like you said, it is so hard to resist southern Thinkin! Thank you again.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
i am glad you stopped by and i appreciate your compliment,yes this poem will touch many
i gues.. read morei am glad you stopped by and i appreciate your compliment,yes this poem will touch many
i guess i write my poems like a country music song it`s all about true life
10 Years Ago
I love country music, and many genres also. I did miss Blake Shelton's Christmas special thur. nite.. read moreI love country music, and many genres also. I did miss Blake Shelton's Christmas special thur. nite - thought it would be funny.
10 Years Ago
i saw a few minutes of it and it had a lot of humor,not really a fan of country music but the theme .. read morei saw a few minutes of it and it had a lot of humor,not really a fan of country music but the theme of it is just life and my poetry is just about life
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Sometimes the everyday life, routine, family, kids can get in the way of the essence of a relationship it takes alot of work to hold the newness but a life lived is better than a life not lived at all and no matter if the start happens again there will never truly be an end
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
yes you are right,you never erase that moment in time,memories will always haunt you..thank you for .. read moreyes you are right,you never erase that moment in time,memories will always haunt you..thank you for reading my poetry
Even tho this isn't the smoothest piece you've written (I started out expecting something with a peppy little rhythm, but then things went a different way), it's one of my favorite messages of yours. This scenario is so honest & prevalent, not being stated like any person ever really knows just what to do, but conveying the many pros & cons & confusions that go along with such a life story. Never having been married or had kids myself, I've watched this from afar, wondering how couples manage to get the kids up & grown & off on their own, without imploding or killing each other. You've captured this jumble of feelings so well . . . as I imagine it must feel for those in the middle of it.
When love and living become a mere routine, it loses wonder and feeling, becomes a machine like coldness. So sad when love looses it's flavor. You have to add spice to the pot to keep the taste buds longing. So relatable and well expressed, my friend :)
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
thank you for the visit lynn it seems this is the norm in today's society
my husband once told some friends that once you consider divorce as an option you have lost the marriage...i think he was right...if you look at the joining of two lives from the standpoint of "oh well if it doesn't work we can get a divorce" you have already said the marriage has limits in the area of success..still i don't know if my thoughts are valid as we fell in love and got married 3 days later and stayed together and in love until cancer took his life over 25 years later...the poem is well penned and thought provoking...
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
sounds like solid thought`s if you start to think about divorse then it`s really over,and if yo.. read moresounds like solid thought`s if you start to think about divorse then it`s really over,and if you re tried it would be fruitless..thank you for the visit
Yes....what would they learn....this piece is psychological....sentimental....and philosophical all wrapped in one. Yes there is so much divorce after years of marriage. David and I have been married nearly a decade and I find that our love deepens with each passing year. Lovely write.
Great write Ron that i am sure many will be able to relate to. Marriage takes work.. too many people forget that... it doesn't just run along merrily.. you BOTH have to nurture it, water it and prune the weeds!! lol
(Dont know why i went into a plant metaphor but i did lol)
Well written and delivered!
This growing apart happens way to often, it's really sad:(
Professionals say start from the beginning, go back to the
basics, but like anything in life easier said then done:( Thanks
for sharing and b-blessed!
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
thank you for reading james,to many marriages had no foundation to begin with
just ask, golden glove boxer years ago,us army veteran ,a contractor is how i make my living,
i am an amateur writer.. been here since june of 2013,couldn`t write then,still can`t.but who cares
i .. more..