This is so beautifully written and displayed. He died for all that believe in Him and accept Him as their Savior. How I wish that more lost people would turn to Him. Valentine
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
well Kathie the time is near,we are at tribulations door,the world I d starts in jan 16
10 Years Ago
Explain yourself please. Kathie
10 Years Ago
the world is at it`s end,the rapture could be this year scholars are saying on the blood moons .. read morethe world is at it`s end,the rapture could be this year scholars are saying on the blood moons
this is a fifty year jubilee year the united nations is meeting soon on global warming which is crap
but it will give them power ,the national id is already passed buy bush in 08, but the states rejected it ,but it will take affect in jan of 16 this is the start of the mark of the beast I predict 12 years at most, based on perry stone,irving baxter,john hagee and many other end time prophets
10 Years Ago
"Only God All Mighty knows for sure. My pastor is saying pretty much the same thing. kathie
10 Years Ago
well be smart, pack your bags
10 Years Ago
I think we will be going up to meet Him in just what we are wearing.
10 Years Ago
you know what I mean,you be ready and I will stick my neck out and say it will be this year
10 Years Ago
I am ready and have been for some time. I just want everyone else to hurry and get ready too. Kathie
I would imagine a man with a perfect and unconditional love for all his children would make the ultimate sacrifice to die for our sins, which Jesus did...and be thankful by living a morally righteous life..great poem Ron...
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
thank you fran,glad it wasn`t me
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just ask, golden glove boxer years ago,us army veteran ,a contractor is how i make my living,
i am an amateur writer.. been here since june of 2013,couldn`t write then,still can`t.but who cares
i .. more..