BREATH OF TENACITYA Screenplay by FirenFADE IN: INT. LOCKERS' ROOM - NIGHT Lights are hard lit around the room. A swing door is pushed open and we see BRUCE (22), a young man, shirtless with boxing gloves worn, entering with wild anger and quick steps as he reaches onto a corner where lockers are set. BRUCE (punches a locker) DAMN IIIT! He sits down on a set bench, hands covering his lowered sad head. The door is pushed again: an older man enters, COACH DAN (52), Bruce's coach. COACH DAN (approaching Bruce) Bruce! Bruce, calm down. It's not the end of the world. BRUCE (stands up) It's not about this, Coach-" COACH DAN (with a sharp tone) It's NOT about winning, Bruce. The young man gazes at the coach, anger overtaking him. Dan's eyes do not set off him either, though calmness fills his face. Bruce throws himself on the bench again. He breaths with a scent of sorrow. COACH DAN (CONT'D) You still have another chance. It's not over. If you win the next one, you'll still qualify for the Championship. So why are you sad? Bruce shakes his head. He takes the towel off him. Dan raises his head in expectation, fearing where this will go. BRUCE I lost the match. I was rubbed hard on the ground in front of others, didn't you see? I was humiliated! After all this practice and that's how I end up? I lost. I lost because... because the bloody manager stepped in! That's why! I could've won! I could've, damn it! Until this bloody fu-" COACH DAN Watch your tongue, Bruce. BRUCE Oh you're on his side?! COACH DAN Don't curse. True warriors have self-control. BRUCE Oh spare me the 'self-control' lecture. That didn't help me in the match at all! COACH DAN (his voice now raised) And that's why you lost. Bruce does not reply. His face now grows remorseful, taking a moment of silence to bear it. INT. LOCKERS' ROOM - MOMENTS LATER We see Bruce packing his bag, and his coach behind him on the far bench, pondering towards a side. Bruce sits by the bench again, breathing slowly. Bruce looks at the coach, reluctant to say something. BRUCE I'm... I'm sorry, Coach. Dan sits still, not moving. BRUCE (CONT'D) I... I really am. (he breathes with tremble) It's just that... It's been my dream... My chance... Dan does not move, only staring at a far side. Bruce gets up, carrying his bag. Bruce looks at Dan with eyes watering wide towards him. BRUCE (CONT'D) I just showed you how unworthy I am for this, I know... (with a weeping tone) I'm sorry... Coach Dan looks at him, awaiting Bruce's next word. As Bruce gets up and walks away, he throws behind him his pair of fighting gloves. The Coach watches them fall on ground in defeat. We hear the swing door opening and closing. On the way through a hallway, a faint sound of loud cheers suddenly come in. A group of fellows, wearing same or similar outfits, suddenly charge in Bruce's way, singing and celebrating on a man, TEIGAN (25), Bruce's opponent. As Bruce tries hard and fast to move past the blocking group, Teigan calls Bruce's name. Bruce stops, closing his eyes in shame. He afterwards turns. Both stand facing each other now. With a good silent moment between them, Teigan offers his hand to Bruce, grinning. Reluctant for a moment, Bruce looks at him. TEIGAN You did well on that match back there. You were real good. Bruce, with no more hesitation, accepts his handshake, with a grin returned. BRUCE Thank you. And you were more. Good luck for your upcoming Championship. They both smile patting each other. Promptly, Bruce timidly leaves. As he does so, amongst the group whispers arise. A man's voice is well-heard. GROUP MEMBER (loudly whispering) He did knock him clean, though. Little laughters come from within the group by Bruce's back, causing him to lower his head in surrender to his sadness. INT. SWIMMING POOL - NEXT MORNING We see a sleeping pool with not a single individual present. Suddenly a figure comes in with a bag. Bruce puts his bag on a nearby steep chair and sits by it. He takes away a small paper, putting a hand to cover his face (and emotions). Bruce, warming up, steps forth to jump. A beep occurs within his bag, interrupting him. He walks and checks. His phone shakes in texts coming from his sister:- 'Hey Bruce, you there? You're not answering our calls. Please call back as soon as you can.' After staring at the phone for a while, he sets it aside, his face as solemn as ever and his eyes carried heavy with bags of stress. Bruce jumps straight on water, swimming swiftly on and forth. Taking his head off water after a couple of rounds, we see Bruce taking long breaths. A breath cuts, as he notices something: in front of him, we see pictures on walls. Pictures of swimmers holding Olympic trophies. He observes them, his mind wandering far. Momentarily, a sound of wet steps occur from behind him. He, nevertheless, does not bother looking at its source, keeping himself on his own mind's flow. Afterwards, two legs come in front of Bruce, this time interrupting his daydream. Bruce looks at the owner of them. BRUCE Oh, hello, coach. Dan stands, hands folded and calm as always. COACH DAN (after a moment of silence) So, what's your plan? Bruce's face twists in confusion. BRUCE What... do you mean? COACH DAN Your plan, after giving up? Bruce looks down in embarrassment. COACH DAN (CONT'D) (staring at a side, thinking) You've always been the childish one, stating "I never throw in the towel! That's just the beginning of what I have!" ever since I started training you. Bruce stays as he is. COACH DAN (CONT'D) You lost matches and matches, and not cared about it nonetheless. I lent you advises like a mentor, and you took it with no pride, but modesty. You showed determination as you pursued your dream for the Martial Arts, and even against all odds, you kept the soft side of goodness in you. And here you are, despite your hard work, fleeing from your opportunities, all because you lost your first ever match to a big audience, including those who you hoped to prove worthy... Bruce hinders in pain, not moving physically, but in emotion. COACH DAN (CONT'D) ...especially your family. Bruce suddenly gets off water. He moves rapidly towards his bag, taking a towel. COACH DAN (CONT'D) It's your family, isn't it? Bruce (pretentiously) looks into the bag, hiding his face. COACH DAN (CONT'D) ...Or is it your ego? Bruce freezes. Then he slowly turns. BRUCE (wet eyes pointing at him) What, exactly, do you want me to say? I threw in the towel, I'm weak, I'm not a man, and I'm not worthy. Alright? You have it all. COACH DAN (smiling) That's not what I'm here for. Both gaze at each other, with no comprehension connected. COACH DAN (CONT'D) Get in the water. BRUCE What? COACH DAN Get in the water. BRUCE Why? COACH DAN Do as I say. BRUCE But why? Dan eyes him, forcing Bruce to agree; the young man takes off the towel and gradually gets in the pool. COACH DAN Now close your eyes. Confused for a moment, Bruce reluctantly does so. COACH DAN (CONT'D) Take a deep breath, and put yourself underwater... for as long as your breath may take. He opens his eyes, hesitating what is going on, but momentarily does so. He dives in. All is silent around him. He hears nothing but the noise of the silent pool. Bubbles start picking a bit off his mouth. They gradually increase. All of a sudden, a hand holds control of Bruce's head, pushing it down further. Bruce loses his breaths out of shock as he grabs hold of the arm, trying to set it off. He battles, and battles, and battles, moving on all his sides wildly, caring for nothing but to get up. At the last peak of breath, and with all strength left, Bruce takes control of the hand, raising himself up as well as the hand away. Dan is seen pushed back hard, and Bruce is half-out of the pool, coughing out water. BRUCE ...Why did you do this?! COACH DAN (gets up, neatly and calmly) For you to think. BRUCE ...What? COACH DAN For your sake, Bruce. If words of advice won't work on you, then indeed actions speak louder than words. If you truly cared about your family and your own well-being, you wouldn't have threw in the towel. BRUCE How is this related to what you did?! COACH DAN Did you think of anything else in your life, other than that oxygen? Bruce is silent, dominated. COACH DAN (CONT'D) If you didn't want to breath as bad, you would've died. Once a man or woman flee from fear of walking to a dream, they die on the inside, simply because of foul reasons, like ego and greed. If you want it as bad as you wanna breath, then you'll get it. And when you, you'll be more alive. You will live forever on history, just like the greats. ...Now that's your dream, isn't it? No reply nor any more talk comes between them for a while. The Coach turns, and leaves. Meanwhile, Bruce slowly carries himself up and walks to his bag. He takes the towel on and unzips his bag only to be in a state of surprise. His fighting gloves are suddenly in the bag, back from when he threw them in the Lockers' Room. He gradually breaths rapidly, momentum filling his lungs. He looks back at where Dan left. BRUCE Hey, Coach! He grabs his bag and runs off to follow him. CUT TO: INT. BOXING ARENA - NIGHT, WEEKS LATER The audience fill the sounds of the arena. Within the ring, the COMMENTATOR stands in the middle with two fighters in each corner, both with a group of team around them. COMMENTATOR (with a microphone) Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight is among the nights of the last qualifying matches for the start of the Lightweight Championship! The crowd cheer louder. COMMENTATOR (CONT'D) With us tonight, are warriors who will clash on fire for this night! On the left side, from the cities of Polland coming as a hungry leopard, Leopold Kuban! The cheers are aroused. COMMENTATOR (CONT'D) On my right, from the near state of California, inheritor of the Chinese art of Kung Fu, Bruce Lee! After a moment of preparation, all is out of the covered ring, except for LEOPOLD (23) and Bruce. Both set their positions. The cheerful crowd grow calm. As the ring DINGS comes, the audience mostly stand up in energy, screaming. Bruce and Leopold go in circles, cautious. Leopold charges like a real leopard, with great swiftness. To the surprise of Bruce, Leopold gives two quick kicks on Bruce's waist. Bruce steps back, breathing in fear. He notices, on the back of the chain wall, Dan, standing tall, nodding in faith, and right beside him is a young lady with two old couple, watching with wide smiles and encouragement drawn on their faces, Bruce's family. His sister raises a quick thumbs up. Bruce rises, looks at his opponent, and in a moment of position, he charges, jumping with a swift turn, only to lend to his opponent a three-sixty kick. CUT TO BLACK We hear the ring, with the crowd cheering 'Bruce Lee' in victory. FADE OUT. R.I.P Bruce LEE THE END THis story is inspired by a true event SPOKEN IN SPEECH
© 2019 Firen |
Added on June 23, 2019 Last Updated on June 23, 2019 Tags: film, motivational, screenplay, boxing, sports |