A Poem by Wondering Mind
i let go and floated
you see, in the sea
if you’re alive, you float
if you just relax and let go
so I wondered
did Jack let go of life
and died
the door Rose was on you see
could hold two people
even more
so, did Jack die twice?
© 2023 Wondering Mind
Honest, I knew this was about Titanic, as it was my niece's favourite movie and I must have watched it while babysitting a squillion times.
Poetically, twice does work better than a squillion, but that is indeed my answer to your question. 😊
I do love the idea of just floating in the sea and letting go... While I'm on holiday I might add. Just to the right of the map, is the North Sea and if you take a sharp left, it becomes the ARCTIC OCEAN!!!
I didn't shout that, its just how we spell it here! Just offshore, there are oilrigs warning staff at all times to wear safety gear, as they wouldn't last ten seconds in that water, while on the beach, mother's are stripping kids down to shorts or pants and throwing them in, saying "oh stop moaning, ya big Jessie!" 😊
Posted 1 Year Ago
3 Reviews
Added on April 15, 2023
Last Updated on April 15, 2023