![]() EpilogueA Chapter by AngelTime continued on after that, but everything was much brighter now that I had my Adam. We officially began dating the night of the Fall Dance, much to the displease of Lucas Avery. The following day, Saturday, Adam drove over to my place and we broke the news to my father. To be honest, he took it alot better than I expected most fathers to react. Sure, he did drill Adam with a million questions like only a lawyer can, but Adam passed the test... He gave us his blessing, and we took off from there. After that, we started taking more classes together, because not only did we have the excuse of being in the same major, but we couldn't get enough of each other. I guess after that month apart, we refused to be apart whenever possible. I began spending a few nights a week at his apartment, and occasionally he spent the night at my apartment. It was safe to say we were pretty much inseparable. But we weren't the only ones: Josué and his Damien were together when they could, taking some classes together...but the age difference kept getting in the way, but then Damien started working Saturday classes and summer sessions to be in the same grade as Josué; Jaq, after the dance, lost the red head to some other nerdy guy, but love came his way again--in the form of a pretty, short, dark-haired girl named Julie Snow; Tyre', being who she was, still kept changing boyfriends...but eventually came to one that made her give up her ways, and for the second time, we thought a miracle had happened.
Soon, much sooner than we all realized, graduation was approaching. So did also the graduate school rush...we were all busy applying and getting responses....and the sad realization that soon we'd be all off in different directions. Jaq and Julie decided to stay in Pembroke to go for their masters; Josué and Damien (who was graduating ahead of schedule to be with him) planned to go to Duke for their studies; Tyre' was split between following her guy and her passion, and soon decided to go to Duke as well (so that Josué could keep an eye on her, and plus she thought the guys would be cuter). For the first time since I had met Adam...I felt my heart torn in two. Adam loved Pembroke, he loved North Carolina in general....but I had to admit I was a little homesick. I had been accepted back to University of Colorado, but then I'd also been accepted to University of Arizona....and then best offer was a full scholarship to the Columbus School of Law plus a paid internship with the NCIS headquarters in Washington, D.C. However...I was willing to give that all up if Adam decided to stay. He'd been really quiet about grad school...I guess because he had thought he'd be a wolf by now, so deciding on one was hard to do. However, one night a few weeks before graduation, Adam decided to surprise me....
Every day that I spent with Rena was a new sensation, and I was always yearning for even more. Her smile tugged my heart, her eyes made me tingle, and her kisses...they took my breath away. However, I still wanted more. I guess it's just male instinct...or maybe I'm still thinking like an animal...but whenever I'm around her I feel like...like...I'm going to burst. I was happy that everyone else seemed to find their happiness as well. Josué, Jaq...even Tyre'...all found love as well. Things seemed to be falling into place after me and Rena got together. It was funny, after we started dating, Avery stopped coming around. Sure, he'd try to talk to her if he caught her alone, but since we were nearly always together, he stopped harassing her. Then, during the last homegame of the season, Avery fell the wrong way in a dogpile and broke his leg. Since he wasn't able to play anymore, the whole glamor he had seemed to fade...at least, the girls stopped following him and he was left alone. He dropped out after that...not that we missed him, but to not have to worry about him being around was relief...
When graduation grew nearer, I had a rough time. I had always thought I'd be a wolf by this point, so graduation and grad school wasn't something I had exactly planned for. Looking at all the brochures were tiring, and I was at the end of my rope, growing frustrated at myself for not having done this earlier. Josué, as always, took pity on me and helped as best he could. "So where are you going?" I asked one afternoon, about two months before graduation. We were both done with classes, and he didn't have to work that day. Damien was still in class, Jaq was off with Julie somewhere, and I think Tyre' was shopping...so we were all alone in the apartment. Rena was helping her father at work, since she started working there part time to help his overworked secretary. "Well, me and Damien are both heading to Duke. They have a kick-a*s English department," he replied, looking up from his newspaper, "Have you found anything yet?" I sighed, "No, I don't like any of these schools. They're all too...I don't know...over done." "Over done?" he questioned, folding up his paper and coming over to the table to sit with me, "How so?" "It's hard to explain...it's just, since I'm human now, I still think like a wolf, and all of these places seem like...places not for me. Does that make sense?" "Your instincts don't agree with the places, that makes perfect sense." I put my head in my hands..."I want something...unique. What is Rena doing?" Suddenly, Josué looked shaken. "Um, she's still looking." I raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?" He just shrugged and got real quiet. "Josué..." He tried to look away but I made him look at me. "Okay, okay....geez....I'll tell you. She got accepted to three places but not sure what to do yet." "Where?" "Colorado, Arizona, and uh...Washington, D.C. But she didn't say anything in case you wanted to stay in state." So she wanted me to decide where to go...she's giving up her own passion for my own.... Then, an idea crept into my mind...and I started smiling a grin that was positively unholy. "Oh no..." said Josué when he caught my look. Oh...yes....
Working for my father wasn't too hard, but his poor secretary was overworked. With all the cases Dad had been assigned, Lisa had no time to get things straight. It wasn't hard, I'd been cleaning up after my father for years, so it was something I was used to. Something I wasn't used to...that $12 an hour....not that I'm complaining.... I smiled as I got to my car after work. I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Adam, "Hey love. I'm off work." I got in the car and he replied back. "Yay! How was it?" "Eh, same old same old. Three injuries and one civil. I'm wiped out." "Come to the apartment. I'll have a surprise for you." I was confused...why would he be surprising me? It wasn't our anniversary...my birthday wasn't until a week before graduation, which was still about three weeks off....so what could it be?
I drove over to the apartment in no time, the path very familiar by now. I didn't even stop to change, so I still wore my work clothes...a green skirt that ended at my calves and a white dress shirt. I brushed a strand of hair that had worked it's way loose from my ponytail out of my face as I walked up to the door and saw a sign that said "Your surprise awaits...." I chuckled softly, How sweet, wonder what he's up too? Josué had told me about the afternoon him and Adam had talked about schools and that Adam wasn't sure what to do...but he swore he didn't tell him about where I'd been accepted too. I walked in since the door was unlocked, didn't even need my key, and found the place to be dark. This is very similar to the night I found out about Adam's little secret....I took a few more steps and heard the song we'd dance to playing softly in the background. Sweet...but where is he? As if answering my thoughts, I saw Adam walk in from the patio. "Hello love," he said as he walked up and kissed me. I surrendered to the kiss easily, and after a few minutes finally came up for air. "I missed you too, how was your day after school?" I asked, noticing he wasn't letting me go...not that I wanted him to. "It was okay...lonely while you were at work, but it gave me time to plan this." "And what is 'this' exactly?" I asked suspiciously. He grinned and led me to the patio. He slid open the door, and I stepped out, seeing that he had set up a table right near the rose bushes. "Oh Adam..." It was gorgeous. A little table, two chairs, some candles, and he even had dinner! "It's wonderful..did you do all of this alone?" He smiled, "Well, Josué helped with the table and chairs...and Jaq's girlfriend Julie mentioned the candles...and Tyre' bought the frozen chicken alfredo...but I heated it!" I smiled back and told him it was amazing, and he held out a chair for me.
After making sure she was seated, I sat down across from Rena. She seemed really happy at what I had done, and I hoped it would soften her up to what I had to reveal....I'm suck a sneak for keeping it from her, but it was necessary.... "So, tell me about your day," I said. So we began chatting and eating, really having a great time....but then we always did. Just seeing her as she talked, her face changing with each emotion...I could never get enough of it. I realized that I was staring, but then she was used to that by now. I can't help it...I still can't believe she chose to give her love to me.
After a while, we were finishing up dinner, and I decided now was the time. "So, um...Rena...have you given more thought to grad school?" She blushed and looked down, "Well...I didn't want to say, but I've been accepted to a few places but I don't know where to go yet." "Ah," I looked around, "so what's preventing you from deciding?" She raised her head and her brown eyes twinkled like the stars, "To be honest...I don't want to pick anything just yet. I want to see what you want to do and where you want to go, and I'll go from there." "You want to follow me, don't you?" She looked away again and sighed. "Rena, what is it?" She looked at me and she seemed sad. "Adam, I love you. Whenever I'm with you, I feel like I belong. But, this state isn't my home. I didn't want to stay...but I know you love your home state, so I was going to see where you wanted to go so I could go with you. I want you to be happy." It nearly broke my heart to see how upset she was...not at me, but at her apparent selfishness of wanting to do something different. She wants me happy, and she'd give up everything in order for that to happen.... I moved and placed one of my hands over hers. "Love, please look at me." She did, and I could see that she was scared of what I was going to say. "I understand you want me happy, but I want you happy as well. Josué told me about where you got accepted...and I'm proud of your achievements...but remember I said I had a surprise for you?"
I sat there and was worried about what on earth he had in store for me. I had a feeling that Josué had told...but Adam never said a thing about it. I wonder why? I nodded and Adam let go of my hand. "Well, I know how much you want me to be happy, and I want you happy as well...and the only way we'll be happy if we're together...so, I went and...you're gonna kill me...but...I got this." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a thick, unmarked envelop. "Adam, what's this?" "Just open it..." I looked at him curiously, and then turned my attention back to the packet. I carefully opened it, making certain I didn't rip anything I wasn't supposed to. I pulled out two sheets of paper that had an interesting seal at the top. It looked French...and I began to read. "Félicitations! Welcome to the University of Paris! You're application has been approved and...." I stopped. What the....is this real? I re-read it, and then checked the other page. Both papers was an acceptance letter to the University of Paris...for me and for Adam. "Adam...how?"
He smiled at me and I could see he had known about this for a while. "After Josué told me about how you wanted to follow, and I realized that every school I looked at didn't feel right...I thought why not do something different?" I looked at him, "Different? What do you mean?" "Well, even though you broke the spell and I'm human, I still think like a wolf." "Understandable," I replied. He probably always will think like an animal...and I love him for that. "So then, I found this website that talked about studying law in Paris and it hit me....the sights, the fact we'll be together...and plus..." Then he looked down, slightly embarrassed. "What is it, love?" He looked really nervous and then, all of a sudden, he got up. "Adam?" And then, he came over to me and took my hand again. "I thought it'd be a nice place to spend our honeymoon."
After everything that we had been through, I knew I couldn't spend another minute without Rena. While I was applying to University of Paris for the both of us, I realized that it would be a new beginning for us. I had some money put away, and with Josué I had found the perfect ring. "H-honeymoon?" Rena stuttered. I knelt down to one knee and gazed into her beautiful brown eyes, which were beginning to get flecks of green. "Rena, I love you, and during all this time I realized I'd never be complete without you. I know it was wrong to go behind your back, but I applied to University of Paris for the both of us. But...I want us to go together with no questions. Rena Isabelle Montgomery....will you marry me?" I reached into my pocket and pulled out the box containing the ring. I opened it and presented it to her.
The box was crushed velvet, colored like crystallized violets. Nestled inside was the ring that Josué helped me pick out. It was a sterling silver band, topped by three princess cut diamonds. I stared at her, wondering what was going on in her head. Her eyes kept going back and forth really fast, changing between brown and green and brown again. I was starting to panic....for the second time I bared my heart and soul to her, and I was held captive as I awaited her answer...
I was sitting in shock, surprised at what Adam had asked. He wants to marry me? Me? But....but....why me? Yes, I love him...and he loves me...but marriage? And going to school in Paris? What if I mess things up? What if he meets some French girl and leaves me? Then I realized how stupid that was. He's not going to leave me. He loves me. Why the hell am I even arguing? I looked down at him kneeling, and I smiled. "Yes." He blinked..."What did you say?" I smiled again, "I said yes, Adam. Yes." He started yelling and jumped up and grabbed me up into his arms, bridal-style, and spun me around. Then I kissed him, and it was more passionate than usual. It was so unreal, but I lost all thought as I just was filled with the thought of HIM. Finally, he put me down and we just stood there staring at each other. "I love you." "I love you too," he said huskily, something I wasn't used to hearing. He slipped the ring onto my finger, and it sparkled in the moonlight. "It's beautiful," I said in admiration. "Yes, it is. But you are gorgeous," Adam responded, his eyes dark. I looked back at him, and I could feel the attraction between. Before I could say anything, he kissed me again, deeply and passionately. I clutched at his shirt and felt him pulling me closer. When we finally stopped, his eyes were dark and heavy, but then again...even our breathing was heavy. "Rena, you made me so happy." I smiled, "Vous êtes les bienvenus. You're welcome," I whispered. "Rena, you know French?" I smirked, "My mother taught it to me right before she died." "What other secrets have you been keeping from me?" he teased. For some reason, I felt the devilish side of me come out. "You're about to find out..." Then I kissed him again, a real mind-blowing kiss, deeper than anything before...
And so our fairy tale began......
The End © 2011 Angel |
Added on May 13, 2011 Last Updated on May 13, 2011 Author![]() AngelStatesville, NCAboutI am a 19 year-old girl who's firey and outspoked. I say almost anything that's on my mind and I'm not afraid to defend myself, others, or what I believe is right. I am cool, calm, and collected. I en.. more..Writing