![]() Chapter 9A Chapter by AngelThe colors...the lights...the sounds...it was all so overwhelming. I walked into the gym complex, and again I was assaulted with the thought that it was very reminiscent of a high school prom. I mean look at this place. Cheap decorations, a punch bowl, everybody in pairs except me of course....and look at the theme. "Tale as old as time".....how much more Disney can you get? I walked around, scooping out the floor, seeing all the gorgeous gowns and pretty girls....and searching constantly for Adam. As I continued to make my way around the gym, I saw Avery and one of the head cheerleaders going at it, looking as if they were about to suck each other's faces off...and I felt my stomach turn. Oh Goddess, why can't they just get a room already? In order to ease my stomach, I went over to the punch bowl. Soon as I made it over, however, Avery caught up with me. Apparently, while he was snogging the other chick, he opened an eye and saw me and dropped her like a bad test grade. "Damn doll. You clean up nice..." He looked me up and down with a leer that sent chills down my spine. He's eyeing me like a piece of meat...and he's the dog that wants it....he sickens me... That was it. I had enough. "Look, Lucas. I have done nothing but reject you, time and time again...yet you keep coming. Get it through your dumbass head...I'M NOT INTERESTED!" The fury was sudden, a swift flash of green before turning back brown, and the response was just as quick. "NOBODY rejects Lucas Avery," he spat from between clenched teeth. "I believe I just did," I said coldly, and began to walk off. As I pasted, he grabbed my arm, and by reflex the cup of punch in my other had flew up and splashed him straight in the face. He started sputtering and let go, and I stormed off. I'm sick of this. I'm sick of Avery...I'm sick of this stupid dance...I'm sick of looking like an idiot.
I ran outside, and let the cold weather wash over me like water. I had always loved cold weather, but suddenly it seemed bitter and lonesome. I walked until I reached the little quad area, not too far from the gym, but far enough. There was a courtyard here, and I collapsed into a bench next to one of the Japanese maple trees. Glazing towards the sky, I looked at the stars. I remembered the time my father and I sat on the roof of our old house and showed me all the constellations....and that led to a memory of when I was hanging out with Adam and I pointed them out as well. That made me sad again. Goddess, where is he? Is he even going to show up? What if he's changed again? My heart grew heavy, and I realized how cold it was...I don't care what form he's in...I just want him to show up...I miss him. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm, and hung my head down...trying hard to fight back tears. After a few minutes, I heard a twig snap behind me. I sighed. Goddess, please. That better not be Avery, or some couple trying to get freaky, or I swear I'm going to be homicidal... I turned around to face whoever was disturbing my solitude, and out of the shadows came a figure in a royal blue tuxedo. "Rena?"
When we arrived to the dance, my friends quickly abandoned me for their dates. I tried to be happy for them, but I was pretty distracted. I started moving through the crowd, trying to catch a whiff of Rena's scent...but with all the hair spray and cheap perfumes in the room, finding it was more difficult than I realize. Plus, after being away from it for so long...I was ashamed to admit that I could hardly remember her scent to begin with. As I looked around, I found my friends periodically. Josué looked good in his black tux, and I saw that Damien was also in a black tuxedo. Well, great minds think alike...but wouldn't dressing alike be a bit...twee? Then as I moved around more, I saw Jaq...in that awful white suit of his, dancing with a pretty redhead in a green mermaid-style dress with no back. Looks like Jaq wasn't kidding about having a date. How nice for him.... I moved around more, and over by the windows I saw Tyre' making out with what I guessed was her date...a dude wearing a button-down shirt and some slacks. So she picked the guy, huh? She might have claimed to be bi, but secretly, I think deep down she's all about the guys. Especially what they come equipped with.
I was about to give up looking, decide she didn't come after all, and was wondering where I'd live as a wolf, when a commotion caught the corner of my eye. I saw Avery...that buttwipe....drenched in punch. He was complaining about it to his blonde girlfriend, but she didn't look too sympathetic. I slinked over to listen in, in case something interesting was to be had. "The nerve of that girl. Who does she think she is? Rejecting me like she had a choice! And then she threw punch on me! That dollface needs to get over herself." I chuckled at how bad he looked, and thanked whoever gave him a piece of his own medicine...when it hit me. He said dollface....that's what he called Rena. She must be here. But where? Soon as I thought about her, the recognition of her scent came back, and I could smell that it wasn't too old. Like a moth to the flame, I was drawn to it. I followed it, past the doors, and up the path to the quad courtyard. I had to find her, all my senses were on high alert. Then, suddenly, the scent grew stronger, and I looked up. Sitting on a bench, looking lost and alone, was my beautiful Rena. I tired to walk up to her quietly, but like an idiot I stepped on a twig. S**t... At the noise, she turned around, and my heart nearly stopped. I stepped out of the shadows and presented myself. "Rena?" I asked softly...to see if she'd speak to me.
As soon as he spoke my name, I felt my heart leap and my knees went weak. I stood up quickly and walked quickly to him. "Adam? Is that really you?" He smiled and looked at me, and I started blushing. "Rena...you look..stunning." I blushed even harder, "T-th-thanks. Y-y-you look great also." Great. You're stuttering again? I thought you broke that nervous habit in fourth grade...snap out of it! He looked at me and ran a hand through my hair. "I missed you so much." "I missed you too, Adam." We walked back to the courtyard and sat at the bench. Adam grew nervous and clammed up, and I started twisting my hands together. "Look I have to tell--" "There's something I wanted to--" We both spoke at the same time, and then we started blushing again. "You first," he said, but I shook my head. "You wanted to go first. Please, I want to hear it." Adam sighed and nodded.
I don't know if it was the way the moonlight lit up her hair, or the way the dress was cut to show off her figure, or just the sheer joy of seeing her once more...but she seemed more gorgeous than I remembered. Just being around her was a rush, and her scent and her beauty were intoxicating. When I found out she missed me too...it was like a healing ointment to my heart, removing all the hurt of thinking she'd forget me. I got nervous trying to talk to her, but she told me to go first. I sighed and nodded, it was for the best. "Well, you already know I'm a werewolf...but I wasn't always this way. I told you about my parents and little sister...how they died?" Rena nodded and continued to watch me. I nearly got lost in her brown eyes again, but I realized I had to tell her everything and I needed to focus. I took a deep breath, and plunged in. "After they died, I turned into a real brat. I was horrible." I hung my head in shame. Then I felt Rena's cool and light touch on my cheek. "You were hardly more than a kid, and your parents were gone. It was kind of natural, Adam." Her words were soothing, but I kept going. "I was really bad. Josué and Jaq, and their parents, had taken me in...but I was rude and ungrateful. Totally uncalled for, but they put up with me. Then one stormy night, when I was fifteen, an old woman came to the door. It was raining really hard, and she only wanted to spend a night getting dry, but I turned her away. Then it turned out she was a young woman, and a magickal being. It might have been the Goddess herself, I'm not sure. But she placed a curse on me, to become a werewolf every full moon. Unless I could change my ways. If I didn't, I'd be forced to remain a wolf forever. And that's why I had to get you to come to the dance tonight. This is my last night as a human. I changed from being a brat...but I haven't found anyone to love me. And I just wanted to say that...meeting you was the best thing that could have ever happened to me....and I love you. I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me?" The moment seemed endless, poised on the edge of something unnameable, waiting on the woman he had given his heart to. Those lovely eyes were wide, and they searched his with an intensity he rarely saw in her, a need that was as deep as his own. Adam didn't flinch; for the first time that he could remember, he let someone-Rena-look into him without reservation.
Listening to Adam's story, I felt my heart weep for him. He's been through so much...losing his family, feeling the guilt....then being cursed on top of it....I wish I could help him more... Then came the part at the end. When he finished his speech...I was in shock. Adam...Adam loves me? It was a revelation, my father hinted...and there had been signs....but he was truly in love with me. I felt my heart swell for him, and nearly burst. He wanted forgiveness, but I was about to give him even more. "Adam," I said gently, my brown eyes searching his own. I took his hands into mine, and continued to look at him. "Adam, there's no need to forgive you. You did nothing wrong. But what you have done, I thank you for. I was adrift in my own loneliness. I didn't admit it, but I was alone in the darkness I had used to protect myself. But you saw through all of that. You, despite your own worries, cared only for me. You pulled me out of the darkness into the moonlight with you. For the first time, I felt like I wasn't alone. Adam, there's something you need to know. The time when you were away, all I did was think of you. I retreated into myself, because without you I'd forgotten how to make it on my own. I needed you back. Not because of any pity or need to hear an apology from you....but because I realized something. I love you Adam. I have from the moment we met...I just didn't admit it to myself until you sent that poem. Why else do you think I'd drag myself out of the house in this ridiculous outfit to see you. I love you, and I never want you to leave again." Although I was smiling, tears were streaming out of my eyes like a faucet had been turned on...I bared my heart and soul, and I prayed Adam would take me back.
Rena's words flowed over me like I had jumped into the ocean, but I wasn't drowning. I was lifted up by my own joy and relief. She doesn't hate me! She wants me! She...loves me....SHE LOVES ME!!! Her smile was so sweet and the tears added to her beauty. I smiled back and removed one of my hands to wipe away her tears. "Rena, I promise you, I'll never leave you again...I don't think I could survive without you." Then she put her head on my chest, and my arms went around her protectively. It was like the day at the oak tree, only better. We hugged for a long time, and then I remembered we were outside and it was cold. "Do you want to dance?" She looked up at me and smiled, "Sure. Besides, I want to see how Avery took my little war move." I started laughing, "Oh he was drenched when I saw him, believe me." I was so happy to have Rena, that even Avery couldn't knock me out of my good mood. We returned to the gym, and I went up to the DJ and asked for a song. Then, me and Rena hit the dance floor.
All my life, despite how much I had let music flood me and move me, I had never danced. I had been too scared too, for one. Also, I had nobody to dance with. Now, everything had changed. Dancing with Adam wasn't really dancing, it was more like floating on air. I was vaguely aware of Lucas Avery and his little s****y girlfriend, but at the moment, even THEY couldn't bother me. We continued our dance...a mix of a waltz and ballroom and whatever else we were doing to stay close to each other. I saw Josué in the crowd around us, and he was smiling and applauding, as was his boyfriend Damien. Tyre' took a breath of air from her own date and waved and gave me a thumbs up. Even Jaq, despite our differences, gave me a kind smile. It was pure heaven, but it was about to get even better.
I saw my friends as we past by in our dance, and they were all encouraging, but I was dizzy with the rush of being in love with Rena...and knowing she loved me in return. The song was drawing to a close and we happened to be by the window, and looking over us was the Harvest Moon. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Rena remarked, but I smiled. "Not as beautiful as you, my dear." She blushed so delightfully, and I couldn't help be feel something in me stir. Our faces grew closer, and then....our lips met. I felt like I was filled with electricity, the connection was so strong. I forgot I needed air, I forgot there were other people cheering when they saw us, I was lost in Rena. She put her arms around my neck, and deepened the kiss. I pulled her closer, reveling in the way her mouth opened to me, the way her hands were sliding under my jacket to clutch at the fabric of my shirt. Yes, yes, yes was all I could think, stunned triumph mixing with relief and the indescribable bliss of Rena, willing, in his arms. It felt right, it felt perfect-- I felt as though I'd been hungry for this forever, and my heart beat hard, the pain subsumed by joy as that hunger was finally fed. Don't let this moment end....
I was shaking by the time the kiss ended, but then so was he, and Adam pressed my back against the wall, aligning us more closely. He wanted close....He wanted no more doubt, no more pretending. Nothing but the two of us, as it should be. I smiled up at him, "May I say something?" "Sure thing, dear." I blushed, and told him what was on my mind. "Sometimes, it's hard to believe when something you want with all your heart suddenly comes true. Especially when you never thought you'd actually get it." He smiled back. I lowered my head and brushed his lips with my own. "I do love you," I murmured, the words whispering across his skin. "And if you have the courage to say it, I can't do any less."
That did it. I lifted her off her feet, until her head was above my own, and leaned up to kiss her hard, sealing the truth between us. The joy of earlier was eclipsed by this ecstacy, and I knew that whatever else happened, I had this one perfect moment. Just then, the clock struck twelve midnight....and nothing happened. "Adam, what is it?" Rena asked when she saw me looking surprised. "It's just that, I was supposed to turn into a wolf forever when it became midnight." Just then, my friends came over to congratulate me. Josué caught the end of my sentence and laughed. "Adam, you did it! The spell is broken. You're free!" Jaq was patting me on the back and Tyre' came over to Rena. "Hun, thank you. We were all hoping for Adam to have a happy ending, and I'm glad to have you in the group. I never doubted for a second." Jaq humphed. "Okay, maybe a little. But not for long," she finished with a smile. Rena smiled back and looked at everyone. "I want to thank you all for welcoming me into your little circle. I never had friends before, but if I ever had to start over, I'd chose you guys in a heartbeat. Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Then she turned around and gave me another kiss, even sweeter than the one before, and I took it in hungrily. When we finished, I looked at Rena and smiled. "You know, we're going to have to tell your father, right?" She smiled and her eyes twinkled, "I have a feeling he already knew..." © 2011 Angel |
Added on May 13, 2011 Last Updated on May 13, 2011 Author![]() AngelStatesville, NCAboutI am a 19 year-old girl who's firey and outspoked. I say almost anything that's on my mind and I'm not afraid to defend myself, others, or what I believe is right. I am cool, calm, and collected. I en.. more..Writing