![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by AngelTime past by quickly, and soon the seasons changed. The leaves began their annual color change, and the temperature grew cooler. And just like the weather, I too was changing. Ever since that day under the oak tree, Adam and I became really close friends. We were always together, whether alone or with the rest of the gang: Josué, Tyre', and Jaq. It felt so good to be around friends...especially Adam. It was like we understood each other in ways others couldn't understand. There were a few times when we were apart: the nights my father didn't have a date, and the one time in September when he vanished all day, wouldn't answer any of my texts or calls, but returned the next day...But overall things were going great. However, I failed to realize that everything I thought I knew was about to be shattered....
My alarm went off as usual for a Wednesday morning. It was October, my favorite month besides my birth month of May. Also, this day was special, because it was Adam's twenty-first birthday. I took especial care getting ready that morning, one because it was a nice fall day, and two because I really wanted to make the day perfect for Adam. It sounds stupid and girly, but Adam is a great friend and he deserves to have his day as perfect as possible. After my shower, I put on a pair of chocolate brown corduroy pants and my favorite fall shirt--a crimson knit top with long sleeves and a large v-neck. I brushed my hair straight down my back and used a crimson headband to keep it back. The final touch was a dash of red eyeshadow before bounding down stairs. My father was already in the kitchen, working on breakfast. I smiled at the scene. He's been trying so hard. First he helped me with the dishes...now he can do them like a pro. He's begun to help with laundry and can iron his own things. Then came a few burnt dinners...and now this. I'm so proud of him.... "So what's the specialty, Chef?" I asked jokingly. My father turned and grin at me, and then faked a French accent. "Mon masterpiece de la resistance. Oh la la. Wee, you vill love zit, no?" I laughed because he was so funny. And it turned out he was right, it was a masterpiece. My father had conquered cereal. I was so proud. "So, what's up today, Re?" "Classes, then meet up with everybody at lunch to celebrate Adam's birthday, more classes, and then I'm coming home to make a surprise dinner for Adam." My dad smiled widely and tried to hide it as he took a sip of coffee. He had approved of Adam ever since he met him a few days after the oak tree incident. And whenever the whole crew came over for either study group or movie night (we alternated between their apartment and mine), Dad always enjoyed their company. Also, my father kept trying to hint at something growing between me and Adam, but I kept dismissing it. We're just friends...honest... "Well, I don't have a date tonight, but I have a new case that's starting to need alot more attention...so you can enjoy the dinner without interruption." "Thanks, Dad."
We finished breakfast and I helped my father with the dishes. Then he rushed off to work, and I went back upstairs. I grabbed my knapsack and notebook, then carefully tucked in the box that contained Adam's present. I picked up my phone and iPod, then hurried on to school. I got out out of my car, slung my sack over my shoulder, and was about to head up to my building when suddenly I was approached by a large, dark male. Great...Avery...thought he had forgotten about me... "Hey, doll!" called Lucas when he saw me. "Oh, hi Lucas," I said, keeping my voice as flat and emotionless as possible to discourage him. "How ya going, girl? I just wanted to see you outside the stadium. Your cheers have been a great help. I know you miss me when games are over..." I rolled my eyes and resisted the urge to vomit. So he honestly thinks I go to games just to watch him? How narcissistic. He doesn't know me at all. "So why are you here so early? Did you come to see me during my daily morning jog? Wanted to see my muscles flexing, huh?" he said with a slippery wink. My stomach churned and I got the impression that he was a snake. "I'm trying to go to class, Lucas," I said rather testy. He looked surprised, "Class? Naw, naw. You should just blow it off and come with me. I normally take a nap after my runs, and I need a fine a*s b***h to relax some of my...'tension'...what do you say?" My eyes glowed green as I was filled with such a feeling of pure anger...I wanted to rip his throat out. "Lucas," I said as icy as the coming winter, "as much as that offer might entice some other poor girl, I must refuse." Then I turned on my heel, and stomped off to class. That...that...bloody b*****d! How dare he? My music saved the life of everyone in my class, and I spent the time until lunch trying to get my eyes back to being brown.
"Hey, Re!" As soon as I walked into the cafeteria, Adam caught up with me. That broke my mood, and I smiled. "Hey, Adam," I replied. He came up to hug me as usual, but stopped when he looked at me. "What's the matter? You're eyes are still flecked with green," he said concerned. I cursed under my breath...Besides allowing my new friends to call me by my nickname, I had also told them about my strange eyes and how they change with emotions. "I'm fine, really...just got annoyed before class is all. Now where is everybody?" Before he could ask, I herded him to the table where the group was waiting. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!" They hollered when we got to the table. Tyre' had brought her homemade brownies, and the twins were grinning devilishly. "Guys...you didn't have to do all this for me...what happened to our tradition of just ignoring it?" said Adam with a slight chuckle. "It was Re's idea," said Jaq, almost accusingly...most likely because he didn't think of it first. I know how to handle him... "But everyone helped with it, especially Jaq. I couldn't have done it without him," I said with a smile. That brightened his mood considerably, and everything was right again. "Well, thank you all. Re, this is great," Adam said, and for some reason the look in his eyes made me blush. Then, thankfully, it was present time. Tyre' pulled a gift bag from under her seat and pushed it towards Adam, "Here, open mine first." Her grin made us all suspicious...Adam opened it and pulled out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. "Um...thanks?" he said, blushing deep red. He looks cute that way.... Tyre' smirked again, "It's for whenever you eventually get laid." I thought Adam was going to fall out from embarrassment, but Josué came to the rescue. "Here, Adam, open mine next." His gift turned out to be the latest version of a Zelda video game. Adam, being the adorable little nerd that he was, gave Josué a hug and smiled like a kid on Christmas. Then came time for Jaq's gift, which was a new calculator that was a replacement for the one Adam had lost a few weeks earlier. "It's your turn now, Re," said Jaq. "Yeah, hun, what did you get our buddy here?" questioned Tyre'. "Better hurry up and give it to him before they start a guessing war over what it is," joked Josué. I blushed and reached into my knapsack for the gift box. "Now, don't laugh you guys...it's just something that I saw a few weeks ago and it just seemed to fit," I said sheepishly. "I'm sure whatever it is will be great," said Adam encouragingly. I smiled and handed him the box. He opened it and then started staring. Nestled inside the box was a figurine about the size of Adam's hand. The base was made to look like a slab of stone. On top of that was a grey timberwolf, all alone and gazing wistfully into the distance. "It's pretty," said Tyre' with a shifty glance. Josué also stared at it, "It's so...Adam." Jaq just was silent, something I didn't think was possible. Adam stared at the figurine and gently caressed it with a finger. "How?" he asked softly. "Well, remember that day we were assigned lab partners, and I said we were the wolves? It was because wolves are my favorite animals...and you remind me of one. You have this inner strength that helps you through whatever obstacle comes at you in life; you are very determined, and once you get something in your head you won't let it go; you're loyal and protective, especially of your friends and cousins; smart, kind, friendly...and that wistful look reminded me of the way you looked whenever you talked about your family..." Adam looked at me, unshed tears glistening in his eyes, and he hugged me. It felt slightly different from his normal, carefree hugs, and I hugged him back. "Hey, get a room!" called Tyre', and everything dissolved back to normal, or so I thought...
I smelled Rena's scent as soon as I got onto campus, and I followed the scent, in hopes of catching a glimpse of her to hold me off till later that day. It was strange...ever since that day she cried on my chest and I cried in return, we were always together. Well, almost always. I'd see her in the classes we had together, then lunch with the gang, and then occasionally after school...either at my place or at her's...Meeting her father was both exciting and scary. I wanted so badly to impress him, and he seemed to like me. At least, his scent was friendly. Those times when I was at her home, I could see the affection between the two of them, and I realized again that they were all each other had... As much as I hated the thought of coming around, I couldn't get enough of Rena. It was like I was slowly becoming addicted to her. Every moment with her wasn't long enough, and so I anxiously wanted more. I approached the area where she was I saw that football player....Avery.... come over to her. Of course, his repulsive odor could be smelled by anyone. I made sure to stay in the shadows as I overheard their conversation. I'm just listening. Just being a good friend. At least, that's what I told myself. Until I heard what Avery said about her. I growled under my breath....That no down slimy insect. I had half the mind to attack him right here and now, but I didn't want to scare Re off....I went off to class, my emotions still raging. I decided that unless Rena said something, I'd pretend the whole thing ever happened. That is, if she's okay. I really need to see her again...
Except for that inconvenience that morning, everything afterwards was just perfect. Out of all the gifts I had ever received, before and after the curse, Rena's gift was the most heartfelt and touching. It was like she had looked into my very soul and found this to represent it. And, the most amazing part, is that she doesn't even know WHAT I truly am... It was close back in September, when I changed and Rena didn't know. It killed me when I returned that I had missed all her texts and calls. It had hurt me so much to see her worry like that about me...but it was something I had to live with. Soon, I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore, so what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her...At least, that's what I'm betting on....that figurine means she knows me more than I know myself...but she can't know the real truth.... I tried to just go back to enjoying the 'party' everybody worked so hard on....when something made me look up. I glanced over to Rena. She was sitting very tensely, her scent...which I was starting to get used to...was at full blast, and her eyes were back to a bright green. "Re? What's the matter?" I asked, concerned. Everybody heard the concern in my voice and looked up as well, ready to help if they could. "Lucas..." Rena spat out venomously...I'd never heard her speak like that before. "What about Avery?" My senses were all haywire, trying to figure out what was wrong...I could see the football jock hanging around a table full of cheerleaders, cocking a grin and the girls fawning over him....and then I remembered. "He's a b*****d," spat Rena. Then...she told us what he said about her....and I started seeing red. "That jerk..." said an angry Tyre'. "Arrogant b*****d," agreed Jaq. "I'd like to punch him," said the normally peaceful Josué. I felt the wolf inside me start to rage once again. It drowned out every thought...every emotion was fine tuned towards attack...Does he not take a hint? She rejected him on the very first day, and yet he tries again? The fool! I'll teach him...no one messes with my girl....I guess Rena noticed my demeanor, because I heard her voice ask softly, "Adam?" "Stay here," I growled. I'd never spoken that way to her before, and I saw a pained look in her eyes, but I was too deeply under the influence of my temper...and there was no stopping me.
"Hey Avery!" I called out, stomping up to the a*****e. He looked up from his adoring minions, expecting another fan, but his eyes narrowed when he saw me. "Wade..." he acknowledged, somewhat. We were best friends when we were kids, but from the moment in third grade when he first picked up a football...I knew our friendship was over. He became the jock, and I was the nerd...and so began our eternal rivalry. And it got worse after my family died.... I marched up right too him. Sure, he was muscular and tall, but I was just as tall as him and, yeah I may not have been as fit as him, I knew how to use my body as a weapon....being a wolf for so long taught you a few things. "Avery, I got a bone to pick with you." He smirked, "Oh really? I'm so scared...the nerd wants to pick a bone with me." As stupid as that sounded, everybody at the table started laughing anyway. Damn followers. No backbone, none of them. I looked at him, and the fury in my eyes shone through. "Why the hell are you still bothering Rena?" He seemed to look confused, "Who?" Oh that's right. He never remembers anyones name... "The new girl, Avery, the new girl." That jogged his memory. "Oh, you mean dollface...why do you care if I talk to her? If a girl likes me, it'd be a shame to refuse to indulge her desires..." Soon as he said it, the girls of the table just melted. I growled even louder, "Rena is my friend. Mine. Now back the hell off or you'll have to deal with me." Lucas smiled that dirty grin he wore whenever he was about to kick somebody's a*s. "So, you wanna fight, huh? Now noble. How do you know you're so-called friend even wants to be bothered with you? What if she's being nice to you just out of pity. You know she wants me, and that's why you're so pissed. Tell me I'm right, and I'll go easy on you." That's when the cage my inner wolf was in burst, and my rage flowed through my veins. I moved quicker than a normal person my weight would have, because although I was in my human form, my mind was total wolf. This surprised Lucas, and he tried to block. The thing was, he only knew how to fight based off of football moves...he was no match for my animal instincts. I managed to knock him over, and before he could get up I was about to go for the throat, when a voice caught my attention. "Adam! Stop!" Immediately, my rage died...and fear replaced its presence. Oh s**t...did Rena just see that? Oh no...this is a disaster! Without a further thought, I turned tail and ran out the cafeteria.
I avoided my last two classes...I said it was because I had to calm down, but the truth was I couldn't face Rena. I didn't want to look in her eyes and see fear or disappointment. I instead spent the time in the oak tree that me and her had sat under the second day I knew her. I just sat there, thinking. About how stupid I was for nearly causing a fight in the cafeteria. I pulled out my cell phone to see if Josué was around. "Hey Adam. Are you ok?" "I feel like an idiot. I haven't lost my temper in ages...you know that. Why the hell would I do that in front of Rena? She must hate me..." "Actually, no. She was worried about you the whole time. When you ran out, she was going to follow, but we convinced her you needed time to cool off. Your presents are safe, Jaq is heading to take them the apartment. Do you need anything?" I thought about it, and honestly all I wanted was to go to my room and hold that figurine again. "Nah, I'm good. I'll be headed home soon anyway." "Okay, take care." I hung up with him, and just as I was about to put my phone up, it beeped. I had a text message from Rena. "Hi. I know you're probably still upset over earlier...but I missed you in class. I want to invite you to dinner at my house tonight...it was supposed to be for your birthday, but now it's sorta supposed to be a thing to help you calm down. See you at my house around 8? Love Re." I reread the message, just in case I was I was dreaming. She had missed me in class...and wasn't even mad that I'd blown a fuse? That girl is just incredible.
I made it home about an hour later, wanting to avoid a lecture from Jaq about my temper. Luckily, I missed him, so I was alone in the house. My cousins would be heading to work after school, so I'd only have to worry about Tyre' before I headed to Rena's house. I wondered if her father would be there...or if it would be just us? Stop it...like that'd ever happen. Especially after today. I bet it's a farewell dinner...I shook my head trying to dislodge the negative thoughts from my mind. I went to my room and found my presents on my bed. I opened the box and pulled out Rena's figurine again. It was so perfect for me.....and again I marveled over how well she knew and understood me. I was studying it so hard that I didn't notice when Tyre' came to my door. "Hey Adam?" I looked up at her, slightly annoyed that she didn't knock. "What's up, Ty?" "Um, I'm going out on a date in a few minutes...and I was just wondering.....are you gonna be ok running out tonight?" I looked at her confused..."Don't tell me you forgot. Adam, it's the full moon again." My eyes grew as large as dinner plates. WHAT THE HELL?!? How did I miss that? Normally I felt the pull in my blood, but all I felt was Rena. I realized, when I looked at the time, that I had no time to cancel. I was forced to blow off her party. F**k.....she'll never forgive me... I decided that if she asked, I'd lie and say that I was still upset and didn't want to upset her....I hated lying to her, but I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Sighing, I walked out onto the balcony and watched the sun sink. And once again, when the moon rose, I ran off towards the woods.....not knowing what was about to happen.
I was running back home after my destined time, and I caught a whiff of Rena's scent on the breeze. Normally, I smelled it from the eastern end when I went out...but it was coming from a different direction. You were thinking about her the entire time you were gone....maybe you just confused yourself...I didn't pay much attention to it after that, and continued on home. I made it to the back garden, and was approaching the patio door, when I heard a noise. Thinking it was Tyre', Josué, or Jaq, I didn't worry. Until I stepped from behind a bush , and right there, in full view from the moon's light, I stood face to face with Rena. Oh....s**t..... © 2011 Angel |
Added on May 13, 2011 Last Updated on May 13, 2011 Author![]() AngelStatesville, NCAboutI am a 19 year-old girl who's firey and outspoked. I say almost anything that's on my mind and I'm not afraid to defend myself, others, or what I believe is right. I am cool, calm, and collected. I en.. more..Writing