Scar's Soliloquy

Scar's Soliloquy

A Poem by Angel

After watching the movie "The Lion King" (I love disney, by the way), I was inspired to write about my favorite character.

Jealousy! Anger! Betrayal!
When the throne is for the highest bidder,
There can be no trust.
Without trust,
There is no family!
Yes, jealousy...
Will drive you


Why did this happen? Who is this creature I’ve become?
The others, they yell at me, curse me,
They say I killed my own brother. But did I?
I have no idea what to believe or who to trust anymore.

I was always the outcast, born looking more like my mother,
As good a queen she was, her fur was her downfall.
My father loved my brother more, this was to be expected
After all, I was only the second born.

Whereas my brother grew strong, I grew intelligent,
“A blessing and a curse” my mother warned.
I should have listened to her,
The more knowledge I gain, the more I lacked in common sense.

Then the day I’ll never forget.
Mufasa, my adored and beloved brother,
I thought all our arguments were sibling bickering…
I was wrong.

“What are you doing here?” he had asked,
I always came to the watering hole at sunrise
Simply to escape from home.
Apparently he was supposed to meet someone there.

I knew the lioness. She was my best friend,
But she loved him. I was fine with that.
I never got in the way of them being together.
Today was another matter.

Mufasa, I tried to explain,
To tell you I wasn’t spying or going to tell.
I was your brother, didn’t you trust me?
Why didn’t you just listen?

A lover’s fury is a terrible thing,
Especially if it’s misjudged.
I never saw the blow coming,
But I did feel the blood.

From then on I was a marked lion, branded,
Nothing would ever be the same.
Mufasa got everything he ever wanted,
I lost my family and my friend.

Over the years, the animosity grew
Twisted became my heart, darkness fed my soul
I found comfort in my knowledge alone
At least IT understood me.

Soon, I was a shadow of my former life,
A being lower than the dirt itself,
A creature hated and despised by all…
Including myself.

Jealousy can cause you to go mad.
I was bitter that he had gone unpunished,
As if my scar was nothing.
It was something.

At first it was just a sign,
A symbol of the injustice I’d been served.
But as my hatred grew, it became more,
It became my madness.

In haunted dreams, it spoke to me.
In silence, it whispered comfort.
I was alone in the world now,
But it promised to stay.

I pondered how to take back control,
To gain some dignity in my life,
But all hopes were crushed the day Mufasa had a son,
Or were they?

Carefully, I bided my time,
Soon I would seek to correct the error made upon me,
And show the world I was better than my brother,
That I had the right to be loved too.

Blinded by fury and pent up rage,
I lashed out, acted violently I admit,
As to specifically what I did exactly,
Now that my insane mind cannot or will not recall.

Suddenly, I was king. It was like Destiny.
I had finally gained what was denied me for so long.
But I was too wrapped up in my own misery,
My own fractured soul refusing to notice the plight of others.

Instead of being the king I wanted to be,
I was the king no one wanted.
I had done nothing to improve myself or my status,
I had only added to the chaos.

My genius could not be denied,
I saw everything as I wished it, not as it was,
No one dared to tell me otherwise,
In a way I wished they had.

Then the brat came home, and ruined everything.
He had grown into his father’s image"
Strong, arrogant, and carefree.
He had never known suffering or torture like I had.

He challenged me, I had to obliged,
Who ever heard of an uncle and nephew fighting?
My heart wasn’t in it though,
But my scar was.

A sudden reversal of fortune,
I found myself back at the bottom, scavenging
But I was even worse off than before,
My followers had heard my lies.

When they finished with me,
Or what was left of me that is,
They left me alone, all alone
But for that blasted scar!

It started talking to me again,
Plotting our revenge,
But I’m tired of all this.
The fall knocked some sense into me.

I felt like Satan, not evil,
But lonely after the fall from grace.
I had lost my paradise like he had,
But I refused to tempt the ones who had replaced me.

Now I wander this lonely path,
A rouge, never welcomed,
Always moving and almost always

This is the life I have been dealt,
And I must face all that I’ve done,
Madness is a more severe punishment,
How I long for death.

Is there no help for this lost soul? No savior to free me?
Is there any balm in Gilead left to spare?
Has all hope vanished for me?
Thoughts like this disturb my dreams and upset my waking hours.

People call me evil, called me wicked,
They are wrong.
I am merely and thoroughly insane,
And the difference is this:

The evil know they are doing wrong and don’t care to stop, but
The insane know they are doing wrong but are unable to stop.

© 2011 Angel

Author's Note

No matter your personal opinion on Scar, tell me what you think of the writing...please.

My Review

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amazing! you could feel every emotion with in the poem. i loved every word. my favorite part was the ending. it was just amazing. As i was reading this i could feel Scar's pain, and i began to feel bad for him. Amazing write, looking forward to reading more!

Posted 13 Years Ago

@Mariah Jane...well, it was odd really. We had just read "Paradise Lost" in my AP English class my senior year of high school, and I got to thinking about how everyone always claim that Satan was evil...but here I was thinking how he was really just an older sibling jealous of his younger siblings...then I thought about how unfair people judge others...myself...and then I watched The Lion King again that night and it just sort of..."clicked". I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow... I really, really like this. This is fantastic. What inspired you to write this? It is brilliant. I like the correlations that you put between Scar and Satan and so many other things! I enjoyed reading this very much.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 13, 2011
Last Updated on May 13, 2011



Statesville, NC

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