![]() Chapter 3 We steal a cowA Chapter by A.L.Exley"This is a bad idea, even to me," Kari said. That was saying something, she was the most reckless of the three of us. Our horses walked slowly through the forest, beneath the bright green canopy of the white birch tree's. The grey sky was darkening as the sun sets. My horse, Fagr, nickered with nervousness. "It'll be alright. After all, I was just named the best drengr in the clan." I lean down and pat Fagr's fuzzy neck. "But going into enemy land? That is as dangerous as you could get. I don't want to get killed over a cow." Jerrik said. His dusty brown hair fluttered in the breeze. He didn't resemble his sister much, but they were always together. The three of us had been inseparable since birth. "After all we've been through? This is nothing!" I squeeze Fagr's sides with my legs to ride ahead of them. Our horses are different shades of golden tan, with a stocky build and fuzzy main. Not the fastest or highest jumpers, but they had a sure footing across the rocky landscape, and good for plowing through mountains of snow in the winter. I had my sword attached to Fagr's saddle, Kari had her bow over her shoulder and knife at her belt, and Jerrik had his spear strapped behind him, and ax at his side. Unfortunately, the only armor we possessed was our leather clothing, which only provided so much protection. We couldn't risk wearing our metal armor since that would slow us down and make noise. Kari and Jerrik grow more nervous as we made our way through the forest. Once we reached the clearing, we would officially be in Skalavik territory, which was illegal to cross unless invited. I started seeing their settlement through the trees. The little houses huddled together are much like our own. The Skalaviks were larger in numbers, but much weaker. They settled on the poorer side of the land, so were willing to try anything to get a little extra food or farming land. This led to all sorts of skirmishes between us and them. Lucky for us, the animal pens stretched out to the woods behind the houses, so we don't have to get too close. We climb off our horses and wrap their reins around some nearby trees. The tall grasses of the clearing brushed my legs as we walked. We ducked below the wooden fence and surveyed the land. My cow was standing in the middle of the field, grazing peacefully. There appeared to be no one else around. "Perhaps one of us should go around to the camp, and cause a sort of distraction." Jerrik whispered. "Then, while their drengr are busy-" "Or we could just sneak in their and take her." I say, climbing through the fence. "Wait! Or, yeah, that works too." Kari and Jerrik reluctantly followed me. I walked over to our cow and grabbed her rope. She looked at me with watery eyes and mooed. I don't speak cow, but she seemed annoyed by me tugging on her rope. Her ears flopped around, swatted away flies. I tugged harder, but her huge, brown body refused to move. "Any one got any food on them?" I ask. I picked up a handful of grass and waved it at her, but she showed no interest. Jerrik reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of carrots. Kari raised her eyebrow. "You have carrots in your pocket? Why?" Jerrik shrugged. "I have no idea." "Good enough." I grab the carrots and wave them under the cow's noise. She doesn't hesitate to step forwards. "There you go, good girl," I encouraged. Just in time, too. A couple of men were walking toward the pen, and would spot us in the tall grass if we didn't move quickly. We came to the fence, and I cursed. There was no gate. How are we suppose to get her over? I took a wild shot in the dark, and crawled beneath the fence. On the other side I turned and held up the carrots. I stumbled back as the cow jumped the fence. Jerrik and Kari smiled as they climbed back over. "Good thing she likes those." Jerrik said, patting her flank. I heard shouts from the field. The men had seen the cow jump, and were running towards us. "Time to go." I frantically tied the cows ropes to Fagr's saddle, and jumped onto her back. She tossed her head as I yanked on her reins. Kari and Jerrik were right behind me as we took off into the woods. Our victory is short lived. Hooves rumbled in the forest ahead of us. We quickly veered right. But with the cow tied behind me, I could not go fast enough. "You two go ahead." I said, drawing my sword. "We are not leaving you back here!" Jerrik grips his ax. Kari notched an arrow into her bow. I shook my head at their stupidity. I was dead, and they were going to be too if they didn't leave. But I admit, it was good to have them with me. The Hilmir of the Skalavik's trotted up. I groaned; we weren't just spotted, we were spotted by the Chieftain. He was completely bald, with dark, tiny eyes. He smiled cruelly as his men surround us. There were about ten, and only three of us. "Well, I thought thievery was above the noble Freki clan." He said. His drengr snickered. "You stole her from us first." I quipped. The Chieftain's small eyes studied me. "Release the cow, and we'll let you live." I glance around. Just a few feet away, was a low-hanging branch of a tree. It was just low enough, that I might be able to reach it if I stood up on Fagr's back. "How about no. Must we always be fighting? I do not know how you feel, but I sure am tired of it." I say as I causally direct Fagr to stand beneath the branch. The Chieftain's eyes narrow. "Ralph Ulfson's daughter. I should have known." He laughs. "You are well-known around these parts, for your great hero-ism. Almost as well great as your father." His grin drops to a sneer. "Of course, that is not saying much." "I would watch where your tongue trends, before I cut it off." I threaten. Hilmir Skalavik draws his sword with a sharp hiss. "You dare threaten me, girl!" He rages. "Ja, I do. However, I realize now that was not my smartest move. I fear I have over-stayed my welcome." I only had a second to stand up on the saddle and grab the tree branch. My hands wrap around the rough bark, and I pulled myself up. Arrows whizzed passed me with a hiss. My arms strain. Curse it! I forgot my sword. This plan is starting to backfire. Below me, Jerrik and Kari fought the other drengr all by themselves. They needed to distract the drengr and lead them away while I returned the cow. But now, I was stuck, and they were surrounded. I reached into my pockets in a desperate attempt to find something. I still had the carrots Jerrik gave me to lure the cow. I was about to throw them aside when I realized I had a clear shot of the horses flank from here. I smiled as I broke off a piece of carrot, and chucked it at one of the horses. It spooked, kicking it's back legs and bolting. It's rider failing to get it under control. Before anyone else could react, I pegged another horse. It reared is terror. Even from where I was I could see the whites of it's frightened eyes. Metal clanked loudly as they continued to fight. After hitting one more horse, Kari and Jerrik had enough room to escape. They charged off through the woods with the other warriors hot on their heels. But that is where my luck ends. The hilmir sticks around, watching the trees about him. He knew I was up their. I slowly move through the tree, careful not to shake the branch to loudly. Fagr waits calmly as I position myself above her. I am almost their, when the branches snap beneath me, and I fall. Fagr is spooked by the sound, and shuffles away, just out of my reach. My body hits the ground with a loud thud. My forehead throbs painfully from the impact. I struggle to push myself off the ground, but my aching bones make my movements slow. I feel the coldness of a metal blade at my throat, and looked up to she the Chieftain smiling down at me cruelly. "Not bad." The hilmir says. "But I guess you are not as great as the rumors say." "I am greater." I look up at him bravely as his sword pokes my throat. He smirks. "Tell that to my sword." Just before he swings, a voice shouts; "Stop!" Oh, Odin's eye. My stomach twists into a knock. I wish that sword had gone through me. I knew the owner of that gruff voice, and I'd rather fight hilmir Skalavik. I hear horses clomp through the brush behind me. I do not dare turn around. "Release the girl." Bjarni says. The chieftain glares at him, then slowly pulls back his sword, seeing he is out numbered. I drag my feet over to Bjarni's group of Warriors, not meeting his eyes. "Quite bold of you. Sending thieves to our land." The chieftain taunts. "I did not send them. This girl and her friends acted alone, without my consent." Bjarni's words are sharp with authority. "My people are weak. We cannot just let you take the cow." Bjarni gritted his teeth. "Name your price." The chieftain thought a moment. "Give us access to the lake." "Done." Bjarni pulled on his horses reins, and we trekked back home. © 2018 A.L.Exley |
Added on August 3, 2016 Last Updated on December 18, 2018 Author |