Broken Promises

Broken Promises

A Poem by wizzawiz

In a long line of broken promises

This was to be the last

I wouldn’t sacrifice myself in the church of you any more:

Everyone could see that I’d given too much already.

It was time for someone to lay themselves on the alter at my feet for a change.


Freedom and independence had become an essential part of everyday life,

And you were increasingly becoming a major obstacle,;

Consistently getting in the way of what should have been;

Turning what could have been destiny into ifs, buts, maybes,

And a mass of wasted opportunities:

We both knew that wasn’t right.


But while the sun seemed to shine eternally on your glorious face,

How could I possibly expect you to burst the bubble you’d inflated for yourself to live in?

Your little world dusted with silver and gold;

All the thunder clouds passed on to me.

Now there’s a break in the clouds;

A rainbow fighting its way down to the ground on some mission to make things better;

To arm me with what I need to continue.


Not a blade or a pistol;

That would surely be far too obvious;

But a sharp mind, a quick wit and a pair of firmly planted feet to stand on;

Flexibility and elasticity to bend,

Never breaking,

And ultimately to bounce back, stronger than before

With a well placed flick in your eye,

Just to get the point across that you still haven’t beaten me.

And it turns out I’m pretty good at bursting bubbles…


© 2011 wizzawiz

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A very powerful, intelligent write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

If promises can’t be kept before the commitment is in place then it better to be free.
Excellent write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 19, 2011
Last Updated on January 19, 2011
Tags: victory, break up, relationship, inspiration, win, success



Newcastle, North East, United Kingdom

A 24 year-old writing, editing, proofreading, poetry-writing, chatty, giggler with a keen interest in sports and all things gluten-free. When 'poeming' I tend to focus on my own genre of 'tweenage ang.. more..

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