![]() The Not Very Much Bodacious BearA Story by witinspiration![]() A story I wrote in the seventh grade, so like, two years ago. Excuse it's...immaturity, i guess. :P ..Also, excuse any spelling mistakes.![]() The bear stopped suddenly, turned, and glared. Unfortunately, he saw me looking in his direction. That bear-even if it was a cuddly, and stuffed, toy...who was alive-was a surprisingly menacing thing. He blinked, covering beady red eyes only for a moment. His legs twitched, making his whole body move towards me. I didn't think it would end this way; me standing in Toys 'R' Us, about to be demolished by a two feet tall, fake animal, who went by the name of Mr. Teddy. My twelve years of living would soon end...or I'd be scarred for life. Either way, I should start running.
I ran through the toy truck and dolls isles. I passed the box of rubber balls, and turned into the board gam isle. I stopped, looked down, and there he was. Mr. Teddy. His head was facing upward at a forty-five degree angle, those eyes as evil as ever. Slowly, his mouth that looked stitched together began to open.
"Hello, Danny." Mr. Teddy quietly said. "How are you today?" He tried to ask sincerely, but I saw through it. I didn't answer. His furry lips curled into a smile. "Come on Danny. Just because I'm going to destroy all Teddy Bears," he paused, and then turned away from me. "And anyone who gets in my way, of course," I was sure an evil grin was firmly held on his face. "Doesn't mean you and I can't be like two peas in a pot."
"Never will I be your friend!" I said loudly. "I'm too old for teddy bears." Mr. Teddy turned to face me, with a mean look on his face.
"That hurts, Danny, that hurts. But, let me tell you this. If we were friends, I'd tell you my plan."
"I already know your plan." I said.
"What!" Mr. Teddy said angrily. "Who told you!?!"
"You did." I replied.
"What?!? When?!?"
"Just now. You said that you're going to destroy all teddy bears."
"Oh." A worried look crossed his face. "Well then, did I tell you why?"
"No." I said. He smirked.
"Another time, then. But, it doesn't matter anyways, because you have gotten in my way, so I'm going to have to destroy you."
"Destroy me?" I said jokingly. "How do you plan to-" my sentence remained unfinished as my eyes became transfixed on the pendulum Mr. Teddy had begun swinging in front of me.
"Well Danny," he said. "Not so talkative now, are you?" Mr. Teddy began to laugh viciously.
I awoke sitting in a gaint oven. Mr. Teddy was watching me eerily outside of it.
"Oh, you're awake." Mr. Teddy said.
"It appears I am." I replied.
"That was an interesting response. Anyways, right now, you are becoming a life-sized cookie. I am going to cook you a bit first, than pour batter all over you, cook you till your dead, and then put you outside for hte birds to eat." I grimaced. That would fall under the category of excruciatingly painful. Ouch.
"Isn't there some other way to destroy me so I'm still alive at the end of it?" I asked.
"I suppose, but," he sighed. "I never get to have any fun." He stuck his lower lip out. Pouting is not a good look for a teddy bear.
"Oh, you get to have lots of fun. I mean, you get to destroy a bunch of teddy bears, and that should be lots of fun, right?"
"I suppose," he smiled, genuinely it seemed. "I suppose I can let you live."
"Thanks." I thought for a moment. "You know, you really aren't that bad of a teddy bear."
"Thanks, Danny, that means alot." Suddenly he seemed uncomfortable with the conversation. "Anyways...so, I can still destroy the teddy bears right?"
"Whatever you want to do, Mr. Teddy."
"Please, call me Bill."
"Okay...whatever you want to do, Bill."
"Good. And would you mind if you didn't remember this at all?" Mr. Teddy asked.
"Be better if I didn't." I replied.
"Good. Then, I'd like to say goodbye, Danny. Have a nice life." He said kindly.
"What? Goodbye? What do you mean good-" but before I could finish my sentence, again my eyes were transfixed on his pendulum.
I opened my eyes, and appeared to be outside of Toys 'R' Us. Hmm...why can't I remember where I had been? Why am I here now?: Will these questions never be answered? Do I like cheese? What am I saying! Of course I like cheese! Duh!
I turned to walk into Toys 'R' Us, but stopped when I saw a strange looking teddy bear staring at me. He mouthed, 'go away'. Slowly I turned and walked away. But, if I had stayed, I would have seen the look of sadness on that bear's face from losing something that had become so dear to him in a very short period of time.
As I was walking away, a picture popped up in my head of that bear smiling...strange. © 2008 witinspiration |
Added on October 26, 2008 Author![]() witinspirationOakville, Ontario, CanadaAboutI'm not a very good writer. I mean, I'm not aspiring to be one or anything. I just felt like writing a poem, which turned into a few poems, which hopefully will turn into me developing my heart. En.. more..Writing