Shadows follow. Mist swirls. At last...the smell of mortal life oozes through the open window. So stupidly brave. He thinks he can kill me...I’ve already died. He doesn’t have a chance.
So small...shaking at the knees, jumping at creaks...running from shadows. So terribly lost. Ha. He’s never going back. I step from the shadows, twisting my image, presenting myself as a terrified innocent child. I reach for his hand. I feel his heart melting as he takes it. Placing my small finger tips on his palm...slowly, I meet his gaze. His weak. Hardly worth the effort...But...It will have to do. I focus in, pulling his thoughts, ripping his mind, burning him from the inside. He screams in pain, twisting, squirming, trying desperately to escape.’s too late. Slowly sinking to his knees...the last thing he hears, my voice, echoing through his everlasting nightmare.