![]() Chapter 69: Death JudgeA Chapter by Shin Lloyd smiles and begins
to unleash his energy gradually, the ground breaks, the highway shatters as the
cars stop or crash. He begins to release huge amounts, enough for his aura to
seem visible from miles away. Zieg, Jiro and Mayumi notice. “He’s here.” Zieg says. “Thank God.” Jiro says. “He’s calling someone with his
energy.” Mayumi states. “Krade most likely.” Jiro nods. Lloyd bursts in an
upward wind pressure that blows the cars and surroundings away. Unexpectedly a
man with a custom cloak appears in front of Lloyd. “I’m calling your old man, not you.”
Lloyd comments. The cloaked man takes
off his cloak revealing to be Harayoshi. “You don’t learn.” Harayoshi says. “Good that you’re here though, I
gotta clean my good reputation, I’m gonna kick your a*s.” Lloyd says cockily. “Come.” Harayoshi says as he bursts
in Spirit Force and appears in front of Lloyd with his sword very close to
Lloyd’s face in a vertical manner. Harayoshi makes a surprised expression as he
notices Lloyd holding his sword with his bare hand and with a grin in his face. “What’s wrong? Can’t kill me? Is it
me or have you gotten hell of a lot slower?” Lloyd asks mockingly. “I’m going to erase that smug grin
off your disgusting face.” Harayoshi says bursting in Demon Force instantly
transforming into his demon form and pushing Lloyd back. Lloyd tries to
withstand it and jumps back and unleashing a huge black Sonic Wind, Harayoshi
takes the attack head on, the attack simply breaks his clothes slightly. “You have improved; unleashing an
attack with Demon Force without transforming is something not many can do.”
Harayoshi remarks. “That’s right and after I’m done
with you I’m gonna kill that d****e you call pops.” Lloyd says. “Hahahaha! You kill Krade Wyven?
That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard.” Harayoshi says still laughing. “Laugh while you still can.” Lloyd
says smiling. “Have you seen how powerful I am? He
can easily take on both of us right now in less time you can blink.” Harayoshi
says. “Stop exaggerating, even if he was as strong as you say I’ll
still kick his a*s.” Lloyd says. “You’re so ignorant, I’ll finish you
off before he sees you, it’ll be way worse if he came here.” Harayoshi says. “Just shut the hell up and let’s
fight already!” Lloyd says. “Wise decision.” Harayoshi says. Harayoshi and Lloyd
clash swords, Harayoshi easily pushes him back, Lloyd smirks as he’s being
dominated, Lloyd parries his sword and head-butts Harayoshi very hard.
Harayoshi doesn’t even blink, he grabs Lloyd by his coat and throws him to the
side, Lloyd flips and lands safely on the ground. Harayoshi smiles and appears
in front of Lloyd, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him on the ground
and squeezing his hand, Lloyd doesn’t stop smirking, all of a sudden Demon
Force surges upward wildly from under Lloyd sending both to midair. Lloyd
begins disappearing and appearing all over the place, Harayoshi sees Lloyd’s
every movement and unleashes many black wind blades that destroys even further
the highway and hitting Lloyd and sending him falling solid on the ground. “Where’s your transformation? You
can’t be cocky enough to think you can even match me with your current state.”
Harayoshi says. “True, I’ve been an a*s.” Lloyd
stands up smiling. “But hey, anything’s possible.” “Idiot.” Harayoshi says. Lloyd bursts with Demon
Force once again, this time transforming into his demon form. “That’s more like it.” Harayoshi
remarks. Meanwhile Shizuru
reaches the human shelter, but notices it’s abandoned. “You’re in here somewhere, I can
feel you.” Shizuru thinks to herself, she runs towards the big closed doors and
does a roundhouse kick that breaks it open. She walks inside and
closes her eyes to feel Lexon’s energy; she keeps on walking until she finds a
big white tent in the middle of a big open space. She tries to go in, but a
type of force field doesn’t let her pass, she charges her fist in Spirit Force
and flames and punches the force field, she keeps pressing her fist against it
until it cracks and shatters. Inside the tent, Lexon is looking at a screen
that contains information; he looks at the camera monitor and sees Shizuru. “It’s her; I thought she had died by
now, what is she doing here?” Lexon asks as exits the tent and sees Shizuru
waiting for him. “I assume you’re here to exact revenge for your… shall I say
bloody friend.” “You remember, good.” Shizuru says. “I have a photographic memory.” Lexon
comments. “You’re dead and you don’t even know
it yet.” Shizuru remarks. “It seems I’ll have to resort to
physical violence to end this unfinished business, God I hate getting side
tracked by these silly quarrels, I have more important things at hand.” Lexon states. Shizuru runs towards
Lexon bursting in flames and attacks him, Lexon rapidly dodges and grabs her by
her throat making the flames disappear, Shizuru swiftly hits Lexon’s chest with
her hand in an open palm, he let’s go of her and coughs. “Ugghhh…” Lexon keeps coughing. “What a sissy.” Shizuru says as she
kicks him under his chin and he lands on the ground. Lexon stands up and
says. “You’ve grown considerably stronger and caught me by surprise… That will
not happen again.” “Sure you won’t.” Shizuru says
mockingly. Shizuru again comes near
him and attacks him with a sidekick, Lexon takes out his caster Magnum and hits
her foot away as he fires a round from that close range, Shizuru leans her head
to the side, the bullet barely scraping her left cheek and exploding over
twenty feet away from them. Shizuru rapidly kicks his Magnum away and does a
roundhouse kick which he evades by ducking and rolling towards his gun, he
picks it up and fires again, the round blows into a toxic smoke, Shizuru jumps
high into the air and says. “Blazing Outbreak.” She throws both her daggers downward
surrounded by flames and hit the ground, a beam of fire comes upward sky high
and blows the area all around for a few miles. Lexon swiftly reloads his gun
and shoots the ground in between his feet, a force field appears around him and
protects him from the blast, but still drags him many feet away. Lexon takes
advantage of all the dust and smoke around him to take out a big cylindrical
metal object that has engraved “OPI Shot Flexer” and places it in front of his magnum;
the metal object begins to move into a mechanical manner and bonds with the gun
turning it into a custom Magnum-Shotgun looking weapon. Lexon points his weapon
skyward and fires lasers at Shizuru, she falls down on the ground and begins to
zigzag her way towards Lexon and picking up her twin daggers on her way and
finally reaching him. She jumps over him and turns around rapidly attacking
him, Lexon rolls away on the ground and fires at Shizuru, she blocks with her
dagger and throws her remaining one at him, he catches it with his left hand.
Shizuru quickly sidesteps and kicks his weapon away again; Lexon blocks her
dagger with the one he caught. “You are indeed far stronger than
what you and your friend was combined.” Lexon states. “And your powers haven’t grown since
then.” “I am a human after all.” “You’re about to die.” “I’d suggest you do not kill me, you
do not know the consequences that will bring such an action.” Lexon remarks. “Already begging for your life huh,
this is hilarious.” Shizuru laughs. “I am not begging, simply warning
you.” Lexon says. “I didn’t ask for your damn
warning.” Shizuru says. “Suit yourself.” Lexon says as he
parries her and punches her face, she falls on the ground, he kicks her on the
stomach and stabs both of her hands with her own daggers to the ground. Lexon
then picks up his weapon and points it at her head, she kicks his stomach, he
coughs a bit of blood, a drop falls into Shizuru’s mouth, he points it at her
heart and fires, Lexon widens his eyes and steps back very shocked. Shizuru
removes the daggers from her hands; her wounds heal as she stands up and asks.
“Déjà vu?” “This is… that blood technique!”
Lexon says surprised. “That’s right.” Shizuru smirks. “How?” Lexon asks. “You’re smart aren’t ya? Figure it
out.” Shizuru replies. Lexon holds his chest in
pain, Shizuru stabs him with her daggers and kicks him, he falls on the ground. “This is what you deserve.” Shizuru
says and spits on him. Lexon lies on the
ground, lifeless; Shizuru begins to walk away until all of a sudden she feels a
pulse of Demon Force. “It can’t be!” Shizuru says. She looks back and
notices Lexon’s body leaking Demon Force. The Demon Force begins to lift his
body upward, making him stand up, black fox ears grow on his head, nine black foxtails
grow from his backbone, his nails grow sharp in a black color, he finally opens
his eyes, revealing red slit eyes, he smiles, showing his long fangs. “Not too shabby, looks like you were
good for something after all… I underestimated you, a flaw in my calculations,
but it was my intention to die, all this power within my control thanks to you.”
Lexon says. “I just killed you!” Shizuru says
shocked. “Yes you did, and by that action,
there was a reaction, the nine tailed fox demon activating and reforming my
body into a full demon, I can now control the nine tail fox’s power.” Lexon
explains. “Nine tailed fox?” Shizuru asks. “Yes, I converted the fox into raw
DNA and genetically imported the DNA into myself; I had to die in order for my
genetic structure to finally make the necessary modifications for it to
transform me, but you wouldn’t understand anyways, I’m so happy I’m explaining
this to you to no avail.” Lexon explains joyfully. Shizuru stares at him
still shocked. “You should be honored; I shall be
testing my newly obtained powers on you.” Lexon comments. Lexon rapidly appears in
front of Shizuru, Shizuru jumps back, Lexon is nowhere to be seen, he pulls her
from her hair and throws her away, he then appears next to her, he grabs her by
her leg and slams her against the ground. He left places his foot on her head
and twists it. “Incredible speed.” Lexon states. Shizuru bursts in
flames, but Lexon doesn’t move away. “I can’t even feel your flames,
humph, that reminds me, the fox has flames as well, let me try mine.” Lexon
says as he bursts in red flames and yellow electricity. “Astonishing, flames
and electricity, mightier than a Satsume and a Kaizers.” The flames and electricity
double, covering a wide radius, Shizuru grits her teeth, blood begins to appear
and surround the area. “What is this?” Lexon asks. Shizuru’s eyes become
red as the blood comes in turning into spikes and trying to stab Lexon, Lexon
disappears and appears a mile away. Shizuru stands up, the blood surrounds her,
the blood swiftly heads towards Lexon, Lexon tries to stop it with his
elements, but the blood spreads and reforms into spikes and pierces all over
his body. Lexon disappears again and appears next to Shizuru with his wounds
healed, Shizuru sees him and sidekicks him, he blocks and grabs her foot, the
blood appears under Lexon and pierces his stomach, Shizuru quickly stabs his
heart with both her daggers and does a roundhouse kick to his face. Lexon
explodes all of a sudden, Shizuru jumps away from the explosion and notices he
is nowhere to be seen yet again. She looks around, but feels his Demon Force
all around. “That’s not possible…” Shizuru
thinks to herself. She hears women’s giggles
all over. A female version of Lexon appears behind Shizuru kicking her back and
sending Shizuru to the ground; Shizuru rolls over and jumps up gets ready to
attack her, but she’s kicked again from behind from another female Lexon. While
on the ground, Shizuru sees four more female Lexon’s appearing around her, all
of them laughing. “What the hell is this?” Shizuru
questions. “I’ve divided myself into many, but
it seems the fox’s will made a change of his own, he prefers women hosts.”
Lexon explains. Shizuru stands up and
looks at all six of the female Lexon’s. Meanwhile, Hisana heads through the
desert all covered up in clothes riding a camel, smacking it on its sides with
a whip to hurry it up. While this happens, Redhizer is still on the ship frustrated
because of Krade’s order. “D****t… Sergeant, order H.Q. to
fire the cannon…” Redhizer orders. “Yes sir!” The sergeant makes the
arrangements. Redhizer closes his eyes
and presses his head with his hand. “Are you alright sir?” The sergeant
asks. “Just a headache.” Redhizer
responds. “Order our platoons to disperse, we’re making room for the cannon.” “Yes sir!” In the Gen-Exis
headquarters, a huge hatch on the floor opens, a giant cannon rises out from
the underground pointing to the sky, it aligns itself, then it begins to make
absorption sounds, gears start to rotate very fast. Energy begins to appear
around it engulfing the machine and absorbing all that energy filling what
seems as a charging screen, it reaches full capacity and accumulates all that
energy into the cannons tip and fires a wide laser. The laser reaches Edenia
city instantly breaking the barrier, Redhizer orders the all-out attack, all of
the mechas charge into the city, the Elves easily destroy many mechas. “Krade will have to listen to me!
Put him through!” Redhizer shouts angrily. Krade is put on screen. “We need the other half of our army!
We can’t spare them for a checkmate on the other remaining countries! Send them
to us now!” Redhizer yells. “I gave you your orders, you obey or
else.” Krade says. “Or else? The army obeys me! Not
you! I’ve been their face for years and they look after me! They don’t know
you, you lurk in the shadows, there’s no way you can control them without me!”
Redhizer shouts. “Watch me.” Krade says as the screen
in Redhizer’s ship expands, Krade walks in front of half the army, millions of
soldiers in front of him. Krade’s eyes turn into a spiral shape. “You will all
obey me!” Krade’s Spirit Force
covers all the soldiers; they all fall into Krade’s Bewilder technique. Krade
looks back at Redhizer in the screen. “How!?” Redhizer asks shocked. “Fire the satellite.” Krade says. “What?” Redhizer questions. All of a sudden a blue
light surrounds Redhizer’s ship and a laser comes down almost hitting the ship,
but Redhizer covers the ship in Miasma, protecting it. The laser keeps pushing
against the Miasma, Redhizer concentrates all his Demon Force into it, his eyes
turning slit, but the laser pushes through and destroys the ship. Krade’s face
appears on the screen of every mecha and his voice is heard in every soldier’s
radio. “The enemy has killed Redhizer, you must not let his death be in vain,
destroy the Elves and avenge him.” “Ja, mein führer.” All the soldiers
hail. The soldiers resume the
war. Back with Lloyd and Harayoshi, both are clashing swords at incredible
speeds, Harayoshi unleashes a giant black wind blade horizontally that
stretches covering a great distance, Lloyd is able to dodge. Cries can be heard
from Harayoshi’s sword as he circles it around and Demon Force explodes around
him. “I’ve been dying to use this on
you!” Harayoshi grins. “I remember, bring it on!” Lloyd
says cockily. “Wind Grave.” Harayoshi says as his
Demon Force cover miles in distance and hundreds of thousands of wind blades
come at Lloyd attacking him from all directions. Lloyd begins to move at
impossible speeds evading each and heading towards Harayoshi unleashing two
colossal black wind blades that cover Harayoshi whole, but his Demon Force
protects him. Lloyd comes in punching Harayoshi very hard making him fall on
the ground, all the wind blades still keep coming towards Lloyd surrounding him
once again and attacking him at once, Lloyd bursts in Demon Force keeping the
wind blades at bay, but Harayoshi comes in and stabs Lloyd’s chest. “Hahaha!” Harayoshi laughs
uncontrollably. “Hahaha!” Lloyd laughs as well. Harayoshi gets upset and
removes his sword from Lloyd’s chest running it up breaking his clavicle bone. Lloyd’s
wounds regenerate, he comes in and punches Harayoshi again, Harayoshi makes a
diagonal slash, but Lloyd kicks his sword away and catches his right hand,
grappling his arm and twisting it. “Haha! You won’t dominate me so
easily!” Harayoshi says. “We’ll see about that.” Lloyd
smirks. Lloyd kicks his stomach
without letting go of his hand, twisting it more and breaking it, then pulling
him and punching his elbow inward dislocating Harayoshi’s bone. Harayoshi tries
to punch Lloyd with his left hand, but Lloyd quickly ducks and punches his ribs
shattering them into pieces, then appearing behind him, grabbing his throat in
a chokehold and breaking his neck. Harayoshi falls down, his wounds regenerate
as expected, Lloyd stabs him to the ground, but Harayoshi still stands up as he
picks his sword and removes Lloyd’s and throwing it back to him, Lloyd catches
it. Harayoshi clashes swords with Lloyd once again. “Your little hand-to-hand got the
better of me, I won’t let that happen again.” Harayoshi says. “Oh yeah?” Lloyd smiles as he
removes Harayoshi’s remaining sword from his sheath in his waist and says. “Wind
Blade of Void!” Harayoshi widens his
eyes as a huge wind blade with the power of the void sucking everything in,
Harayoshi is completely sucked in, Lloyd jumps back. Harayoshi begins to feel
how the void consumes him, but Harayoshi’s Demon Force triples unexpectedly,
his face begins to turn into a wolf, his body of a tall humanoid muscular
beast, silver-blue fur appears all over him as his eyes shine black, his claws
and fangs grow even longer, he is able to escape from the void. “Hmm…” Harayoshi looks at Lloyd
sharply. “You forced me into this from.” Harayoshi says as his voice doubles
with Boreas. “……” Lloyd stares at him shocked. “Speechless I see.” Harayoshi
chuckles. “I…” Lloyd takes a few steps back. “Unbelievable, I know, you’re the
first to ever see me in this form.” Harayoshi remarks. Harayoshi is all of a
sudden in front of Lloyd staring down at him, Lloyd jumps back in surprise. “He’s insanely strong; I’ve never
felt so much Demon Force… What the hell am I going to do? I’m not even half his
strength…” Lloyd thinks to himself. “Bow.” Harayoshi says as he bursts
in Demon Force forcing Lloyd to fall on his knees. “Ughhh… I can hardly move…” Lloyd
thinks. “How does it feel to bow to a
superior power?” Harayoshi asks mockingly. “Screw
you!” Lloyd shouts as he explodes in Demon Force and quickly disappears and
appears very far away, but Harayoshi is standing right in front of him. “What
the f**k?” “You really think you can escape
me?” Harayoshi questions. Lloyd once again jumps
back, but at the same time unleashing a humongous black wind blade, Harayoshi
takes it on directly, but it does nothing to him. Harayoshi pierces Lloyd’s
stomach with him right hand and removes it through his ribs leaving Lloyd
bleeding, but Lloyd regenerates and attacks him with a vertical slash, cleaving
Harayoshi in half, but as the blade cut, his wounds regenerate instantly. “No
freaking way that’s possible!” Lloyd yells furiously. “Hahaha!” Harayoshi laughs. As Harayoshi laughs a
huge amount of Demon Force accumulates in his mouth, Lloyd titls his head in
confusion, Harayoshi fires pure Demon Force at Lloyd hitting him directly and
sending him miles away through the wide laser. Lloyd falls on the ground;
Harayoshi is already standing next to him simply looking at a defeated Lloyd,
Lloyd is barely able to get up, he stands on his knees. “Your will to fight has been
surpassed, you’re on your knees again… brother.” Harayoshi says. “F**k my life…” Lloyd says. “Your last words already? Sure, why
not.” Harayoshi says as he charges huge amount of Demon Force into his hand,
them compressing them into a small ball and slamming it against Lloyd’s chest
provoking an explosion of colossal proportions covering miles. After the dust
settles, Harayoshi sees Lloyd on the ground with all his clothes torn and full
of blood, he begins to walk towards him. “Finally dead, I can’t feel a grain
of Force within him.” Harayoshi thinks. Harayoshi keeps walking
towards him until he notices Lloyd’s energy rising. “What?”
Harayoshi shouts in disbelief. Lloyd’s hair turns dark
silver-blue, hos clothes rip even more as his body turns into the same tall
humanoid body Harayoshi has, his face turning into that of a lion, his eyes
silver, black and red, his claws an fangs also growing longer, he stands up
facing Harayoshi. “No!”
Harayoshi yells as he charges towards Lloyd, but Lloyd simply roars and
disappears, appearing in front of Harayoshi and grabbing his face. He slams him
against the ground and drags him on the ground, then throwing him upward and
jumping towards him, piercing Harayoshi’s chest with both his arms and ripping
them outward, the blood splashes everywhere. Harayoshi falls on the ground,
Lloyd lands on him digging him deeper on the ground charging massive amount of
Demon Force on both his hands and slamming them on Harayoshi provoking yet
another substantial explosion covering even more miles. Harayoshi transforms
back into his human form as does Lloyd, Lloyd’s hair losing its black color and
now dark silver-blue like Harayoshi’s. “What the hell… happened? I’m not…
dead?” Lloyd asks. “It seems… not… You beat me…”
Harayoshi responds. “How the… hell?” Lloyd questions. “You transformed into… your ultimate
form… and went berserk…” Harayoshi explains. “I did…?” Lloyd asks. “Yeah… I can hardly… regenerate
anymore…” Harayoshi answers. “I almost can’t…” Lloyd says. “Did
we have to… fight?” “You came to kill… my father… and
settle our… score…” Harayoshi replies. “He killed… our mother…” Lloyd
states. “I don’t care… for her…” Harayoshi
says. “He’s just… using you… He doesn’t
care… for you… He has no… feelings…” Lloyd remarks. “You don’t… know him… don’t say
what… you don’t even know…” Harayoshi says. “Ugghhh…” Harayoshi stands up with
difficulty and begins to walk away. “Where are you… going?” Lloyd asks. “We’ll finish this… another day… I’m
too weak… to kill you now…” Harayoshi answers. Harayoshi walks away
from Lloyd, greatly distancing himself until the ground begins to shake, Lloyd
looks from afar, Harayoshi notices Krade suddenly appearing and walking towards
him. “Father…” Harayoshi calls out for
him. Krade comes very close
to him holding his Soul Eater sword. “I took care of him… father…” Harayoshi
says. “Good, I’m proud of you, but your
powers have grown too close to mine and I can’t let that happen.” Krade says. “What are you… saying…?” Harayoshi
asks. “This.” Krade says piercing
Harayoshi’s stomach with his sword. Harayoshi coughs blood
and looks at his cold emotionless expression. “Why? I’ve been loyal… to you…” “I’m not risking what I’ve worked so
hard to achieve, I can’t let anyone surpass my powers, it has kept me right on
top of everything.” Krade says. “……” Harayoshi stares at him in
disbelief. “It is what it is, son.” Krade says. Harayoshi grabs him by
his shirt and says. “I’m taking you… with me…” “What are you going to do? You have
no more energy in you left.” Krade states. Harayoshi grabs his own
custom collar and breaks it. Krade simply stares, the collar abruptly explodes
a nuclear blast that sends Lloyd flying back. The whole area now a barren
wasteland, Krade is still standing, but with his arm drenched in blood and his
clothes slightly damaged. After the explosion, Harayoshi is on the ground and
Krade in one piece simply staring at him. “You’re lucky I compressed the
explosions power with my Spirit Force, but you won’t live much longer, here you
die a slow painful death.” Krade says as he turns around and disappears. After a few minutes,
Lloyd stands up and walks very slowly towards Harayoshi, he kneels down
breathing heavily and seriously injured. “I know you’re still alive… after
all that… I told you… Krade is no good…” Lloyd comments. “…… I’m dying…” Harayoshi states. “I know… I’ll avenge you as well…”
Lloyd remarks. “Take your eye patch off…” Harayoshi
says. Lloyd removes it showing
his closed eyelids. “For that… I am sorry… But I shall
give it back…” Harayoshi says. “How?” Lloyd asks. All of a sudden Life
Force accumulates on Harayoshi's left eye while touching Lloyd's left eye
socket, a lot of Life Force bursts through Lloyd's eye socket, Harayoshi's left
eye disappears, leaving Lloyd with a green left eye appearing in his empty eye
socket. “How did you do that?” Lloyd asks. “A little trick I learned…”
Harayoshi says. “Now I’ll see… when you avenge me…” “Thanks…” Lloyd says. “I’ve given you my eye and part of
my power with it… You should be much stronger now…” Harayoshi says. “I feel your power running all over
my body.” Lloyd says. “Good… When I die… part of me will
live… inside you…” Harayoshi says. “I will live for both of us…” Lloyd
says. “I know…” Harayoshi closes his
remaining eye and dies. Lloyd stands up and
walks away. Meanwhile, Shizuru is evading the attacks all six of Lexon is
throwing at her, Shizuru grabs one by the arm and throws him to the other, then
kicking one of them in the face and dodging a fireball covered in electricity. She
grabs another from behind snapping his neck, leaving only five more, the dead
one turns to fire and disappears. “They’re not all strong like he was
when he was just one.” Shizuru thinks. One of them charges
towards Shizuru, another Lexon jumps towards her, Shizuru sidesteps evading the
first one and stabbing his heart with her dagger and throwing it towards the
other as it lights in flames. The other passes through the fire, Shizuru leaves
a spike of blood waiting behind the flames, the other Lexon falls right on it,
it dies and turns to flames as well. The three remaining Lexon’s attack at
once, Shizuru jumps over one of them with a front flip and punches his back in
the heart location with her fist covered in Demon Force making it die as well. One
of the Lexon’s kicks Shizuru from behind and the other falls on her back
squashing her against the ground, piercing her right arm with his claws,
grabbing her throat from that angle, and squeezing it. “Each time I kill one of him, the
rest become stronger… crap…” Shizuru thinks. The other Lexon stomps
Shizuru’s remaining arm with his leg, Shizuru then says. “Negative Beast.” Unexpectedly the second
Lexon is swallowed and chewed by a huge skeleton wolf head with horns made of
blood. Lexon jumps out of its way, Shizuru stands up, more of the same beasts
form around her with blood. “Interesting, not even your human
friend could do such a thing.” Lexon comments. Shizuru cleans off the
blood from her mouth. “You’re a real dick.” Shizuru says
annoyed. “I’ve been told.” Lexon smiles
wickedly. “I’m going to bathe in your bloody
blood.” Shizuru states. “I like the fact that you used
bloody.” Lexon chuckles. “Come at me.” Shizuru says. “With pleasure.” Lexon says. “I can’t wait.” Shizuru says. Lexon disappears and
appears in front of her taking her for surprise as he points his gun at her
face and fires, the bullet blows up and covers the area with nitrogen, freezing
solid Shizuru’s beasts. The beasts from again and attack Lexon at once, Lexon
easily dispatches them with more nitrogen rounds as he charges towards Shizuru,
he explodes in Demon Force and says with a smile. “Heaven’s Reaper.” The clouds come together
as they turn gray, everything now looking darker, Shizuru looks up and notices
lightning concentrating into single points all over, then huge scythe shaped
lightning bolts come down at her. Shizuru evades the first waves, but they keep
on after her, as the lightning bolts try to hit her, it shatters the ground,
completely destroying the facility, all the lightning bolts come together and
form a lightning storm that spreads all over the land. Shizuru is devoured by
this storm, after the chaos Lexon sees that Shizuru is still standing, only
completely soaked in blood. “All that blood suits you.” Lexon
says scornfully. “Death Puppet.” Shizuru says. All
the blood on Shizuru falls on the ground and forms into a pool, a figure begins
to form from this pool, it takes the shape of a woman. “Another one of your tricks I see.”
Lexon comments. The
woman has none other than the form of Minerva, Lexon grins, the Minerva figure
charges towards Lexon and begins to fight in close quarters, Minerva slashes
him with claws of blood as Lexon counters using his own claws. Lexon then
smacks her with one of his tails and rips her in half; Shizuru appears behind
Lexon attacking him with her daggers at a great speed. Lexon kicks her, but she
blocks his kick with her own and kicks him back, as he falls back he smacks her
with one of his tails as he did to the blood Minerva. The blood Minerva appears
again, attacking him in the same manner, it rips Lexon’s chest all the way to
his stomach, but he regenerates and rips her in half with both his claws and
turning to Shizuru as he says. “Dark Rend.” The
many Lexon’s appear again, all circling Shizuru and ripping with their claws at
once viciously, making Shizuru’s blood splatter all over them and the ground,
she falls, all the Lexon’s disappear. “I thought you would definitely die
from that one, but Satsumes are much more resilient than I calculated.” Lexon
states. “I’m taking you with me… even if I
have to die for it…” Shizuru says. “Oh please, know your place.” Lexon
says as he attacks her with the finishing blow. The
blood Minerva appears again stopping him and making an horizontal rip, he jumps
back, all the blood enters Shizuru and her wounds heal. Shizuru jumps towards
him kicking his face, he falls on the ground and jumps up with a backflip,
Shizuru then punches him very hard on his stomach and jumps over him, grabbing
him by one of his tails and spinning him in circles. As she spins him with one
hand, she cuts all his tails in one slash with her dagger covered in solid
blood, the dagger having a greater length, Lexon falls on the ground, his tails
regenerate, he stands up angrily and says. “Ravaging Star.” A grid of electric
spheres appears randomly around the area and hides underground, Shizuru jumps
towards Lexon, but one of the electric spheres appears in front of her and paralyzes
her, then an enormous lightning comes from the ground upwards hitting her
directly. Shizuru falls on the ground bloodied again, Lexon walks towards her
as he laughs, she takes a step back and the sphere again paralyzes her and the
enormous lightning bolt strikes again, Lexon appears in front of her and kicks
her to another sphere, the same thing happening repeatedly. “This is it girl, this is your end
as my lab rat, my new powers are even greater that what I had thought.” Lexon
says proudly. “Dread End.” Shizuru says as the
remaining blood covers a mile of the ground, Lexon jumps away from the blood;
the blood comes back towards Shizuru and covers her whole as she closes her
eyes. The blood turns darker until it becomes black and forms into a very tall
black demon looking very much like a shadow, Lexon observes from afar as the
demon appears behind Lexon. Lexon doesn’t notice, the demon grabs his head and
slams it into the ground and raising him up, them slamming him against the
ground again and again until Lexon is covered in blood, he bursts wildly in
Demon Force obligating the shadow to let go of him, the demon slashes Lexon consecutively
leaving him even more bloodied. Lexon
rapidly uses his spheres; they all concentrate into the shadow, all the
lightning bolts strike at once forming a massive shock that makes the demon
disappear. Shizuru is nowhere to be seen, until she appears behind him drenched
in blood once again, he notices her and turns around, she smiles, he frowns, he
looks to the ground and sees blood, he tries to jump up, but the blood has him
trapped. All that blood becomes four walls around him with hundreds of diamond
shaped spaces; he widens his eyes as he explodes in Demon Force, two of the walls
close at once and then the last two, completely dicing him into pieces. All the
pieces fall to the ground and turn into ash, Shizuru loses consciousness after
it. Back in the desert, Hisana appears in front of the Gen-Exis base, she
dismounts the camel and walks towards the base, there Xixis appears in front of
her. “I was waiting for you; I felt your
power, looks like your old pals weren’t able to do the job I gave them… Too
bad.” Xixis says. “Morgana…” Hisana says. “It’s been years since I’ve heard
that name.” Xixis states. “It’ll be the last too; you won’t
get away with everything you’ve done, it’s the same with the rest of the
elders, I’ve felt two of them die already.” Hisana remarks. “I’m not the same as them; don’t
even try to get me more upset than what I already am… I’m going to end your
misery in just a few moments.” Xixis remarks. “Then unsheathe you sword, I’ll
match it!” Hisana says. “Impudent child.” Xixis says
angrily. © 2013 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on December 23, 2011 Last Updated on July 6, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing