![]() Chapter 66: Crimson SkyA Chapter by ShinBack with Lloyd and Yumi in the hotel, Lloyd is watching television while Yumi sharps her balisong sitting on the bed. Lloyd looks towards Yumi and says. “Damn Yumi, calm down.” Yumi looks towards Lloyd and asks. “Don’t I look calm to you?” “No, not really, it looks to me like you’re ready to stab someone to death with it.” Lloyd replies. “I am.” Yumi says. “Who?” Lloyd asks warily. “Don’t worry about whom, I’m just suddenly craving to kill something, that’s all.” Yumi grins. “O…k…” Lloyd turns his view towards the television; he switches some channels with the remote. “How long are we going to be in the honeymoon?” Yumi asks. “What do you mean?” Lloyd asks. “For one, you’ve made me wear all these kinds of lingerie and cosplay and other stuff instead of leaving and do what we’re supposed to be doing right now.” Yumi responds. “I know, but you’re right, we should get going.” Lloyd says. “Good, so should we go now?” Yumi asks. Lloyd leans close to her and asks as he looks at her with a perversely. “How about a few more rounds?” “No.” Yumi rolls her eyes, stands up and puts away her knife. “Fine, let’s get a move on then.” Lloyd stands up and looks down, he sighs. “Can I at least have a cold shower?” “Just hurry up.” Yumi says. After a while, Lloyd and Yumi meet up with Kazumi and Kirisu at the park. “The two lovebirds finally come out of their nest huh.” Kirisu comments with a smile “Haha, yeah.” Lloyd laughs. “What about you guys? Were you in a honeymoon of your own?” “Lloyd!” Kazumi blushes. “Sorry, sorry, hahaha, I guess I hit the mark, right Kirisu.” Lloyd smirks. “I’m not gonna deny it.” Kirisu chuckles. Kazumi hits Kirisu’s shoulder. “Sorry Kazumi, I was just joking.” Kirisu laughs. “Cut the jokes already, we have to get a move on.” Yumi says. “So, what should we do Yumi?” Kazumi asks. “We’re all going to have to split if we’re going to deal with our own stuff.” Yumi answers. “Wait, I don’t have anything right now.” Kirisu says. “But we do.” Yumi says. “I’m obviously going to track down Lucien, Lloyd is after Krade and Kazumi wants to find Faye, you should at least settle things in Gen-Exis, maybe check out your family or something.” “You’re right; I should go get my family out.” Kirisu says. “Before we leave, we’ll have to feel the Force of the person we’re looking for and head to that direction.” Yumi says. “That’s obvious.” Lloyd says. “Well I’m mentioning it just in case someone around here like you says any stupid comments.” Yumi grins. “Funny.” Lloyd says sarcastically. “Haha, well anyways, let’s get a move on.” Yumi says. The party heads towards the city exit and stop, they all begin to feel the energies of the people they are looking for. “Lucien, he’s close.” Yumi says. “Yeah, Faye is close as well.” Faye says. “……” Kirisu makes a confused expression. “What’s wrong Kirisu?” Kazumi asks. “My mother, she’s not in Vakidor, she’s on her way to the south, I don’t know why…” Kirisu responds. “Try to feel where she’s headed, maybe she’s going to meet someone you know or something.” Kazumi says. Kirisu closes his eyes and tries to feel something south of his mother’s location, after a few seconds Kirisu opens his eyes and stares at the party very shocked. “What?” Kazumi asks. “I can’t believe it… Kuzan… he’s… alive…” Kirisu says in disbelief. “What? That can’t be! You killed him…” Kazumi says. “Wait, you said she’s headed towards his direction?” Lloyd asks. “Yes… not only that… his powers… they are way beyond of what they used to be…” Kirisu answers. “Dude! You have to go save your mom right now!” Lloyd says. “Yeah, I am, I have no time to waste.” Kirisu kisses Kazumi and leaves running inside the city again. “Damn… I would’ve helped him if it wasn’t that I have something to take care of.” Lloyd says angrily. “Lloyd, we all have something to do, all we can do is wish him luck.” Yumi says. Kazumi makes a worried expression. “That goes for you too Kazumi, go get Faye, Kirisu can handle his own.” Yumi states. “You’re right, I’m leaving.” Kazumi leaves towards Faye’s direction. “That leaves us.” Yumi says. “I don’t have to feel Krade’s Spirit Force, I know he’s somewhere inside Gen-Exis, and once I’m there cracking skulls, he’ll come find me himself.” Lloyd says. “Yeah.” Yumi nods. “Anyways, I’m leaving.” Lloyd says. Yumi closes in on Lloyd and makes out with him, both hug each other tightly, they stop and look at each other. “I love you Yumi.” Lloyd says. “I… love you too… Come back alive.” Yumi says almost forcing herself to say such things. Lloyd chuckles and leaves, Yumi does the same. Meanwhile, Kyoshi and Shizuru cross the Grand Bridge and stop. “This is it Shizuru, we’re almost there.” Kyoshi says. “Yeah, I know.” Shizuru nods. “I’ll avenge Amarth’s death even if it’s the last thing I do.” Kyoshi says with a determined expression. “No, it won’t be the last thing you do Kyo, you won’t die, I won’t let you, I love you too much to lose you, you’re the only thing left in this world that I treasure.” Shizuru says. Kyoshi looks at her very surprised and smiles warmly at her, hugging her. “I love you Shizuru!” Kyoshi says. “I love you more than money!” Shizuru remarks. “Haha.” Kyoshi smiles. “I’m serious.” Shizuru smiles. Shizuru then feels a familiar Spirit Force all of a sudden, Shizuru backs off from Kyoshi. “What’s wrong Shizuru? Did you feel something or someone?” Kyoshi asks puzzled. “Yeah…” Shizuru answers. “Who?” Kyoshi questions. “Remember Minerva’s murderer?” Shizuru asks. “How could I forget? Lexon, he made me what I am now.” Kyoshi says. “Him… He’s near.” Shizuru says. “Better to kill two birds with one stone, I’ll take care of Jaye while you avenge Minerva and give him a beating for me as well.” Kyoshi says. “I will.” Shizuru nods and makes out with Kyoshi. They take their separate ways, as this happens, Zero runs through the Ross woods towards Cravestone castle, after a while he reaches it. The castle is old and is very dark gray, almost black, the sky is full of dark gray clouds, and thunder can be heard, night is about to fall. “Why do people like Zelcius always have such bad tastes in places?” Zero asks himself. He goes towards the castle entrance and jumps over the huge gates in one leap; he keeps on running until he reaches the front big doors. Zero kicks them open and walks inside, he sees two big staircases that lead up to the floors above in either sides, in front of him is a vast room with old furniture, tables and lamps, there are dark red carpets on the floors. “Definitely bad taste.” Zero says. Zero looks at the stairs and heads to the right flight of stairs, but all of a sudden a demon with a black robe attacks Zero with a scythe, Zero evades and dodges the demon’s second attack. “Sneaky Zelcius, summoning a lesser reaper.” Zero swiftly cleaves the demon in two and runs up the stairs. More lesser reapers keep coming at him, one after another; he keeps running up as she slices them to bits, he then sees a metal gate far up the stairs and knocks it down with a flying kick. The gate falls on one of the reapers, Zero lands on the gate and jumps up evading an attack from behind, he keeps running up until he reaches big wooden doors. Many reapers appear behind Zero; Zero looks over his shoulder and taps the floor with his right foot, as the reapers are reaching Zero’s back, a net of electricity appears and all the reapers fall into pieces once they cross it. “Looks like this is the top, Zelcius is right behind these doors.” Zero thinks to himself. Zero kicks the doors open, he walks up the small staircase and reaches the top of the castle tower. There he sees the sky already nighttime, and notices Zelcius and Jek standing as if they were waiting for him. “You’re finally here.” Zelcius says. “What? You were waiting for me? You’re finally going to man up and face me?” Zero asks. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but no, you’ll be facing your dear brother instead, I have something far more important to do.” Zelcius says. “You think I’m just going to let you go?” Zero asks. “No, but if you want to get me, you’ll have to go through him.” Zelcius says. Zero looks at Jek, Jek stands between Zelcius and Zero. “Come brother, let’s settle things right here and now.” Jek says. “Jek…” Zero takes out his sword. “Good, now Jek, I leave it to you.” Zelcius smirks. “Yes master.” Jek nods. Zelcius jumps off the tower, Zero grits his teeth. “Coward.” Zero says. “He doesn’t need to waste time with you.” Jek takes out his humongous sword. “This is the end brother.” “You’re right; it is the end, for you.” Zero readies himself. “Heh.” Jek chuckles. It begins to rain very hard, Zero and Jek clash swords, their swords covered in lightning, Jek’s red lightning begins to overpower Zero’s yellow lightning. Zero let’s out Spirit Force and pushes Jek back, he repels his sword and tackles Jek, pushing him away a few feet. “Ohh, you got stronger, not bad brother.” Jek says. “I’ll avenge Drake’s death.” Zero says. “Hahaha.” Jek laughs. “Laugh while you still can.” Zero charges towards Jek. “Red Devil!” Jek shouts. Jek raises his sword and stabs it in the floor, red lightning bolts begin to fall on his sword, and from his sword the lightning bolts start to attack Zero, Zero sidesteps many times as he heads towards Jek. As Zero is about to reach Jek, Jek removes his sword and does a three sixty degree turn, swinging his sword fiercely, Zero barely blocks the attack, but it pushes him off the tower, Zero grabs the ledge. Jek quickly tries to stomp Zero’s foot, but Zero shimmies to the side rapidly, Jek keeps trying to stomp his hand, until Zero let’s go and stabs his sword into the wall, then jumping on the sword looking up. Zero jumps up very high and calls his sword with a lightning bolt, it flies up, Zero catches it in midair and makes a diagonal slash at Jek, Jek catches the sword with his demonic hand and throws Zero towards the side, then throwing the sword towards Zero like a javelin. Zero lands and tilts his head to the side evading his swords thrust and swiftly catching it with his hand. “Warm up is over.” Zero says. Zero begins to relax his shoulders and make small hops as if he were warming up for something, Zero then beckons Jek with his left hand. Jek runs towards Zero and jumps up, he points his sword towards Zero, Zero catches the blade’s edge and throws it upward, then jumping up and hitting Jek under his jaw sending him flying and landing on the ground very hard. Zero catches Jek’s sword and jumps towards Jek, pointing down at Jek’s chest, he thrusts the sword into the thick armor and jumps back. Jek laughs and stands up, removing the sword from his chest. “You really are a demon now.” Zero says. “Hahaha.” Jek keeps laughing. Jek disappears from Zero’s view, Zero looks around and doesn’t see Jek anywhere, but all of a sudden Jek appears directly above Zero, coming down with his sword pointing at Zero’s head, Zero without looking covers his head with his sword. Jek makes a flip to the side and attacks Zero with a horizontal slash, Zero jumps over the attack with a flip and lands safely. Zero then charges towards Jek once again. “Haha, Unholy Wrath.” Jek stabs his sword into the floor, charging it with red lightning and Demon Force, as soon as Zero reaches the sword, Jek jumps back and the whole area around the sword explodes along with Zero, breaking part of the tower. Jek smiles, the dust spreads around, Jek then feels Zero’s Spirit Force in midair, Jek rushes towards his sword, grabs it and jumps up, Zero receives him with a downward kick and grabs his leg, pulling him up and grabbing him from behind, they fall down on the tower’s floor, Zero having him in a suplex, Jek’s head hits the floor very hard, Zero jumps back and readies his sword. Jek stands up once again; his helmet cracks and breaks, falling into pieces on the floor, Jek’s long hair falling on his back. “That’s still not enough to kill me.” Jek says. “I’ll find a way, don’t you worry.” Zero says. “Hahaha.” Jek laughs. “What are you waiting for? Let’s dance.” Zero says. Jek begins to run towards Zero, Zero makes a diagonal slash, but Jek tackles Zero, and jumps up and falls down on the floor, breaking it, they land inside a castle room, Zero falls on his back very hard. “So that’s how you want to play huh.” Zero stands up. They clash swords and start pushing each other, Jek repels Zero’s sword and rams him into a wall, breaking it and landing in another room. Zero reverses the ram and rams him into another room, Jek falls on the floor, Zero begins to punch Jek’s face repeatedly, then covering his fists with Spirit Force mixed with lightning. Jek kicks Zero over him, Jek attacks Zero with a vertical slash, but Zero sidesteps, the floor shatters with Jek’s slash, Zero runs towards Jek and jumps up, his legs in the air, kicking Jek’s face with both his feet, sending Jek flying to a wall, again breaking and landing in another room. Zero walks to the next room, Jek receives him with a bunch of red lightning blasts, Zero bats them all with his sword back at Jek covered in his own lightning, Jek explodes in Demon Force, the lightning blasts dissipate as soon as they make contact with the Demon Force. Zero throws his sword at Jek like a boomerang and jumps towards him, Jek catches Zero’s sword with his demonic hand, but Zero lands on Jek with a flying kick, both falling down through the floor into yet another room. Zero grabs both his and Jek’s sword and stabs them at once inside Jek’s armor, Jek coughs a little blood, but smiles, Jek then kicks Zero’s feet, making him trip and fall on the floor as well, Jek stands up and removes both the swords, Zero stands up as well, Jek attacks Zero with both swords simultaneously. Zero back flips to evade Jek’s attacks, he keeps back flipping and evading until he reaches a wall, Jek makes a vertical slash with both swords, Zero sidesteps and punches Jek’s face, then grabbing his arm and twisting it, Jek let’s go of Zero’s sword, it lands on the floor, Zero kicks the handle and the sword jumps up, he catches the sword and pierces Jek’s back, running it through to the side. Jek hits Zero’s face with his elbow, sending Zero flying back. “Crimson Shadow!” Jek once again bursts in red lightning and Demon Force, it surrounds the whole room, everything explodes, they both land on the first floor. They stand up from the floor and clash sword again, Zero jumps over Jek and lands on a giant column, Jek slices the column with a horizontal slash, Zero jumps to the next one, but Jek slices the other one, then slicing the rest with a slash that lets out a wave of Demon Force. “Fight me!” Jek shouts. Zero stabs his sword on the floor and with sheer strength picks up a ten foot statue and slams it on Jek, Jek falls down, Zero picks up his sword rapidly and jumps very high up, then heading down, covering his sword in an enormous lightning bolt, his Spirit Force bursts, it begins to crack the castle’s walls. Jek looks upward and prepares himself to receive Zero with his sword; Jek exploding in a immense amount of Demon Force. Zero in a flash comes down and clashes against Jek’s sword, their forces clash against each other, their lightning struggling to overpower the other, both seem in a tie until all of a sudden Jek’s Soul Reaper begins to crack and finally shatters into pieces, Jek receives Zero’s full blow, Jek falls on the floor, his armor breaks into pieces as well. Jek’s demonic hand reverts into a normal hand and his mark on his right eye disappears, his red eye turns gold again. “Ughhh…” Jek pants. “Jek.” Zero runs towards Jek. “Zero… You freed me from my curse…” Jek says with a smile. “Huh? What happened to you?” Zero asks. “The Soul Reaper took possession of my body… it obeyed Zelcius’s every command… but I was conscious the whole time… I witnessed every horrible thing my body was doing.” Jek explains. “So when I destroyed the sword, you turned back like you used to be.” Zero says. “Exactly… what received your attack was the Soul Reaper and the body the sword had turned me into.” Jek says. “Does that mean you’re not going to die?” Zero asks. “I won’t die, haha. I have to atone for the wrong doings I have caused.” Jek says. “It wasn’t your fault; you don’t have to atone for anything.” Zero states. “Even so, I killed mother with my own hands, and even your master.” Jek states. “That wasn’t you; it was Zelcius who did it, if someone is going to pay, it’s him.” Zero says. “Will you forgive me?” Jek asks. “There is nothing to forgive.” Zero says. They hug each other. “I love you little brother, I’m proud of what you’ve become, the great strength you’ve attained that even surpasses our father, father and mother would be so proud.” Jek says. “Thanks, but I couldn’t kill you, that means we’re both equally strong.” Zero says. “Haha, no, I lost the demonic powers I had, you matched them, which makes you stronger than I.” Jek smiles. “You’re wrong, looks like those powers did a number on your Spirit Force, they are as high as I am.” Zero says. “Huh?” Jek begins to release some Spirit Force. “…You’re right; I’ve had those powers for so long that they enhanced my Spirit Force, I didn’t know it would have such an effect in me.” “Let’s not waste any time, let’s go and kill Zelcius, together, like it’s supposed to be.” Zero smirks. “Hahaha, yeah.” Jek chuckles. The night passes by swiftly, Redhizer still at the war, with no rest, the soldiers in the mechas attack; Redhizer looks at the monumental city from the aircraft. All of a sudden a beeping sound can be heard. “Sir, we’re receiving a transmission from H.Q.” A soldier says. “Put them through.” Redhizer says. A screen appears, Krade is seen in the screen. “Redhizer, things aren’t looking well for you up there it seems.” Krade comments. “No Sir…” Redhizer says. “I’ll give you permission to use the satellites full power and to use the powered canon from our base.” “The cannon? With all due respect Sir, that would put us in danger, we’re in line of fire.” Redhizer says. “I don’t care; do whatever is necessary to win.” Krade says. “……” Redhizer looks down. “Are we clear?” Krade questions. “Yes… Sir…” Redhizer answers. “Good, now get a move on.” Krade says. “Also, I’m sending all the remaining army to the countries we’ve yet to conquer.” “Sir, that is not a good move, they need a general to lead them.” Redhizer says. “I’ve already fixed that situation.” Krade says. Multiple screens appear around the middle screen. “You’ll be leading the whole army simultaneously, after you all, you are a general like no other, you are more than capable.” Krade says. “But if they need my help physically speaking, I won’t be able to help them, plus if they go in without me like that, they’ll lose morale.” Redhizer states. “They’re soldiers, they’re trained to handle themselves alone, all you have to do is give them orders through your screens, they’ll keep morale if they hear your voice.” Krade says. “Ja, mein führer.” Redhizer says. The screen goes off. Meanwhile, Kyoshi hurries his way towards the Phoenix temple; he makes a shortcut through the woods and ends up in a split four direction road. “Alright, left is Silver Edge Dock, right is Evergray, south is the Phoenix temple… I should be able to get there in a flash.” Kyoshi thinks to himself. Kyoshi begins to run south, he notices dragons flying around Evergray, he stops and observes them closely, he notices there are dragon knights riding the dragons, he sees gun fire towards the dragons. The dragons evade while the dragon knights unleash many types of fire attacks downward, many Gen-Exis soldiers run out of Evergray, Kyoshi sees them on the right road, he hides behind a tree. Gen-Exis troops with mechas appear and start a heated battle against the dragon knights and the dragons. “Looks like my people are finally rebelling… Good, next will be Gen-Exis’s fall.” Kyoshi thinks, he then runs south towards the Phoenix temple. As Kyoshi head south, he notices from afar the Phoenix temple, and above it, he sees golden flames covering the top. “What the-” Kyoshi cuts himself off as he stares at this. “What’s going on? I feel tremendous Spirit Force up there… Is it… Jaye?” Kyoshi runs towards the Phoenix temple and uses the key to open the sealed door, the door opens and he rushes up the stairs and finally reaches the roof, he notices the holy flames. He looks up and sees a giant shrine floating on the Phoenix temple surrounded by the holy flames, he steps in the holy flames, he then notices the flames spreading all over his body, the flames fade, he then notices he’s in a vast room inside the floating shrine. The room has various brick columns, the holy flames surround the shrine and some rocks and large boulders float as well. Kyoshi begins to walk forward, after a few second he sees Jaye sitting on a throne with one leg on the seat part, he walks up to him, Jaye smiles. “Do you like my new kingdom Kyo? My newly obtained holy flames are truly beautiful aren’t they? Soon even the mighty Gen-Exis Corporation will cower before me.” Jaye states. “Gen-Exis will soon fall anyways Jaye, and so will you.” Kyoshi says staring at Jaye with a fierce look. “So harsh, I guess this doesn’t make us friends anymore.” Jaye says. “We stopped being friends the second you killed Amarth.” Kyoshi says. “Haha, you’re hurt because I killed a worthless Dragon? Don’t make me laugh.” Jaye says. “Shut up, you die here Jaye and by my hand once again.” Kyoshi says. “And you even admit it now, finally, some decency.” Jaye remarks. “You don’t understand.” Kyoshi says. “What don’t I understand? That you betrayed me? That you killed me? Yes, I believe I do understand, quite well actually.” Jaye says angrily. “Can I at least explain myself?” Kyoshi asks. “What’s done is done, it won’t change the fact that you’re dying here.” Jaye replies. “But-” Kyoshi is cut off by Jaye. “Enough Kyo, it’s time to end this.” Jaye smiles, he uses his index finger to point at one of the floating pillars covered in holy flames, he then points his finger at Kyoshi, the pillar flies towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi unsheathes his sword in a flash and slices the pillar in half. Jaye keeps on throwing even more floating pillars with just the motion of his index finger, Kyoshi keeps on slicing them into bits as he evades. Kyoshi leaps towards Jaye and makes a horizontal slash, but Jaye disappears in holy flames, Kyoshi ends up slashing the throne chair in two, Jaye appears behind Kyoshi, in the center of the room. “Is that all you have Kyo?” Jaye asks mockingly. Kyoshi covers his longsword in black flames, rapidly making a diagonal slash, a black fire blade shoots out of Kyoshi’s sword and towards Jaye, but Jaye smacks it away with his longsword covered in holy flames. “Haven’t you realized that my holy flames are stronger than your black flames?” Jaye asks. “That still doesn’t mean I can’t kill you.” Kyoshi replies. Kyoshi lets out dark flames, his flames head towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi lets out a wave of black flames towards the holy flames while he gets out of their range, escaping the attack. “This is getting so boring Kyo, how about you get insane? Like before, remember?” Jaye asks. “You mean battle high? Is that what you really want?” Kyoshi questions. “Haha, of course, you fight like the ultimate warrior, and I want to kill you while you are in that state.” Jaye responds. “……” Kyoshi charges towards Jaye and makes a cross shaped attack with his longsword, Jaye consumes the attack with holy flames and unsheathes his sword, Kyoshi evades his horizontal slash. Jaye begins to head towards Kyoshi, easily overpowering Kyoshi in swordsmanship, Kyoshi keeps letting out black flame waves trying to hit Jaye, but Jaye keeps on repelling his attacks with holy flames. “Come one Kyo, use it.” Jaye says scornfully. Kyoshi keeps on struggling, trying to land at least a single hit on Jaye, but Jaye easily blocks and counters, Kyoshi resisting the battle high state keeps on dodging. “Boring, you can actually save all that energy for your battle high, this is just pointless battle if you don’t.” Jaye remarks. “You’re right Jaye, right now, I am no match for you, but I won’t give you the battle high, instead, you’ll witness something greater.” Kyoshi states. “Really? How amusing, show me.” Jaye smiles. Kyoshi begins to concentrate black flames around his body, Spirit Forces bursts out of Kyoshi wildly, his black flames expand, covering Kyoshi’s full body. All of a sudden the black flames begin to disappear, when all the fire completely fades, Jaye sees Kyoshi fully equipped with a pure silver armor, shinning very brightly. “Impossible! That damned dragon!” Jaye says shocked. “Yes, he gave me his powers.” Kyoshi says. Jaye swiftly attacks Kyoshi with his holy flame covered sword, making it very big, Kyoshi easily blocks and slices Jaye’s stomach, Jaye covers it in holy flames and attacks once again. Kyoshi blocks again and makes a diagonal slash, Jaye disappears and appears on one of the pillars, he yells. “Holy Abyss!” The holy flames from around the floating fortress come in at once towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi slices the pillar where Jaye is standing and jumps towards him. The holy flames following Kyoshi at a great speed, Jaye smiles and says. “Dead end.” Jaye explodes in holy flames, blocking Kyoshi thus leaving him without exits, black flames bursts in Kyoshi’s hand, forming his spear, he throws it at Jaye like a lance, Jaye disappears leaving Kyoshi trapped. Kyoshi forms a black flame ball around himself, the holy flames completely surround Kyoshi’s black flame fortress, Kyoshi begins to accumulate huge amounts of Spirit Force inside, Jaye stands from a distance chuckling. Suddenly a ray of black flames rise up from the holy flames, the holy flames finish consuming Kyoshi’s black flames whole, Kyoshi appears behind Jaye and stabs him from the back. “Ugghh!” Jaye gasps. Kyoshi removes his sword from Jaye’s back; Jaye falls on the floor and laughs. “What are you laughing at?” Kyoshi questions. “I can’t believe you would be stronger than me even though I have attained this power… The power of the dragoon is truly remarkable.” Jaye answers. “This is where you die Jaye.” Kyoshi comments. “You’re wrong again friend, haha.” Jaye says. “What do you mean?” Kyoshi asks. Jaye reveals the pot containing the Phoenix ashes next to him. “What’s that?” Kyoshi asks. “This is your doom.” Jaye begins to pour the Phoenix ashes on himself. “What are you doing?” Kyoshi asks. “Haha, I’m not even sure myself, what will happen to me is simply unknown.” Jaye replies. Jaye bursts in holy flames, the ashes burn wildly on Jaye’s body, Kyoshi steps back and begins to feel a vast Spirit Force; the holy flames expand completely, covering even the Phoenix temple below and the forest all around almost reaching Evergray except for the cemetery next to the temple. The land shatters, the sky lights in holy flames, everything looking like an immense firestorm, Jaye’s body can’t be seen anywhere, Kyoshi looks everywhere in disbelief. “What just happened? Where is all that power coming from?” Kyoshi asks himself. Out of the blue a concentration of holy flames appears above Kyoshi, the flames form a giant Phoenix, the Phoenix soars through the air gracefully. The flames it emits attacks Kyoshi, Kyoshi rapidly dodges every wave of flames, the Phoenix then descends in front of Kyoshi and forms itself into a humanoid form with wings of fire, Kyoshi observes closely, the humanoid flames dissipate to reveal Jaye. Jaye looks at Kyoshi, his eyes with holy flames, his wings flapping slightly, his silver-blue hair now in flames, amber sparks of fire floating around him, he stands there looking very godlike. “I never expected these results.” Jaye says as he observes his right hand. Kyoshi stares at Jaye very amazed, but shocked at the same time; Jaye’s body begins to light in fire as he dissipates along with the surrounding flames. Kyoshi looks around and when he looks behind him, Jaye appears from the flames easily catching Kyoshi off guard and grabbing his throat. “Not even the dragoon’s power can manage this I see.” Jaye says. Kyoshi takes out his spear and tries to stab Jaye, but Jaye holds Kyoshi’s arm with his remaining hand. Kyoshi explodes in dark flames, Jaye receives the full force of the flames, but seems completely unaffected, he smiles and throws Kyoshi against a pillar, breaking it into pieces. Kyoshi stands up only to receive a giant wave of holy flames on him that throws him off the floating temple, wings of dark flames permit him to fly through the air easily, Jaye chuckles and flies towards Kyoshi with his wings made out of holy flames. Kyoshi evades all the holy flames around the skies, Jaye turns into a giant flame as he heads towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi flies up evading Jaye. Jaye turns back and shoots a spiral flame towards Kyoshi from the tip of his index finger, Kyoshi blocks the attack with a shield of dark flames, but the attack pierces the shield, Kyoshi is already flying out of there. Kyoshi charges towards Jaye, making multiple slashes, Jaye evades every single one of them easily and counters, Kyoshi barely evades every slash, but ends up being hit by the last one, it sends Kyoshi towards the floating temple, making it break completely, leaving only floating platforms around. Kyoshi luckily grabs the ledge of one of the floating platforms, he jumps up and looks towards Jaye, Jaye floats down staring at Kyoshi with a wicked smile. Kyoshi’s armor begins to dim, now being only plain silver. “What the?” Kyoshi says not sure of what is happening. “What? Is your armor giving up on you now?” Jaye asks scornfully. “No way.” Kyoshi says. “Good.” Jaye smiles. Jaye floats down until he is floating in front of Kyoshi, he begins to attack with his sword once again, Kyoshi evades, but all of a sudden Jaye begins to use his wings to attack, swinging them back and forth, right to left very swiftly. Kyoshi surprisingly dodges very easily as he takes out his spear and slashes Jaye’s chest slightly, Jaye backs off surprised. “Ohh, are you finally close to battle high or something?” Jaye asks. “Nope.” Kyoshi answers. “I’ll make you then.” Jaye says quickly spreading his arms open, holy flames from all around come into Jaye in a matter of seconds, he then explodes in holy flames consuming most of the floating platforms, Kyoshi landing on one of the farthest platforms. Jaye appears behind Kyoshi charging in with a diagonal slash, his sword covered in holy flames, the flames so big it makes Jaye look small, Kyoshi blocks with his longsword covered in dark flames, but Jaye’s amount of holy flames is just too much and overpowers Kyoshi’s, Kyoshi receives the full blow and lands on the Phoenix temple. Kyoshi stands up and notices the dragoon armor has become from silver to dark gray. “What is happening to my armor?” Kyoshi asks himself. Jaye lands in front of Kyoshi and makes a horizontal slash towards Kyoshi, the same huge amount of flames come out, Kyoshi flies up to evade this monstrous attack, the wave of holy flames burn down thousands of trees in its path. “Is he getting faster?” Jaye asks himself. Jaye flies up towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi looks towards Jaye, Jaye notices Kyoshi now has dark bags in his eyes and is smirking. “What are you laughing about?” Jaye asks. “I don’t know, but this is looking pretty fun.” Kyoshi replies. “We’ll see just how much fun it’s going to get.” Jaye shouts. “Phoenix Year!” Jaye explodes in holy flames, the flames morph into a phoenix of colossal proportions using the surrounding flames. Jaye heads towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi now cornered backs off and looks for a way of escape around, but the phoenix is just too big, the flames it emits doesn’t let him a nook or cranny for him to pass. “Oh man, if I get hit by him now, I could end up dead.” Kyoshi thinks to himself. As Jaye comes closer, Kyoshi’s armor keeps on getting darker and darker until it turns pitch black, he then smiles wickedly. Seeming as if Kyoshi’s battle high state finally takes over, Kyoshi holds up his sword and accumulates a vast amount of black flames, his Spirit Force explodes enough to make the holy flames waver. Kyoshi waves his sword and leans it backwards and makes an upwards diagonal slash that unleashes a monumental slash of epic proportions of black flames that crash against the phoenix. The flames struggle for a while until Jaye comes out flying out of the phoenix made flames and charges towards Kyoshi as a ball of fire, Kyoshi prepares his slash once again, but Jaye rapidly turn back to his humanoid form with wings and clashes swords with Kyoshi. Jaye chuckles, flames all around begin attacking Kyoshi from his sides and back as Jaye keeps pushing, Kyoshi laughs and parries Jaye’s sword swiftly slicing his chest and stomach in two slashes, letting out black flames at the same time, making the wounds even deeper, Jaye grunts for a moment, but his wounds regenerate instantly. Jaye turns back towards Kyoshi, but Kyoshi is already on him slicing him so many times that the slash lines can be seen all over his body, Jaye stares shocked at Kyoshi. “How?” Jaye manages to ask. Jaye regenerates instantly but fall on the Phoenix temple on his back, Kyoshi comes down with a downward slash that pierces Jaye’s heart, Jaye gasps, Kyoshi removes his sword and swings it to the side, most of the blood falling off. Jaye regenerates once again, but seems too weak to fight, he reverts back to his normal Satsume self, Kyoshi comes back to his senses as the dragoon armor disappears. “How did you get so strong?” Jaye asks. “As I was giving you a beat down I saw how the dragoon armor was absorbing your negative thoughts, so as the battle progressed, the dragoon armor got stronger and I became drunk of negative thoughts, that’s why my battle high took over.” Kyoshi explains. “Ha… Killed again by your battle high, now I know that you didn’t kill me because you wanted to… Haha, I was so stupid…” Jaye says. “It’s okay, at least you finally realized it, I’m sorry for everything…” Kyoshi says lowering his head. “I’m the one that should be sorry for killing your dragon friend and putting you and your girlfriend in danger… I was too blind…” Jaye says. “I forgive you and I’m sure Amarth does as well.” Kyoshi says. “Thanks…” Jaye smiles. “I guess this is goodbye.” Kyoshi says. “Yeah.” Jaye nods, he then closes his eyes. “I’m glad I had you and Scott as best friends… I wish things would’ve ended up differently.” “Me too.” Kyoshi smiles. Jaye begins to become ash and flies away with the wind, all the holy flames fade away to nothing, leaving a lot of destruction behind. Kyoshi looks around and sighs full of relief. Meanwhile, Hisana appears in Finurey, as she crosses the huge city, she feels a familiar presence, Hisana stops walking and heads into an alley, there she jumps up the building and lands on the roof. Hisana looks around and sees no one, she then says. “I know you’re here… Hiruka.” Hiruka appears high above Hisana and lands in front of her. “Clever, as always.” Hiruka says. “Still pretty good hiding your Spirit Force.” Hisana remarks. “How did you feel it? I’m pretty sure it’s not easy to detect me.” Hiruka says. “I’ve been working on my senses for a long time, so it wasn’t that hard.” Hisana answers. “Haha, too bad that won’t help you in this fight.” Hiruka states. “We’ll see about that.” Hisana says. “Yes we will, and seeing you here means that you killed Saigo.” Hiruka says. “Of course.” Hisana says. “What a weakling.” Hiruka comments. “Were you given the same orders as Saigo, beating me up and taking me to Xixis?” Hisana questions. “Not me, only Saigo.” Hiruka responds. “I see.” Hisana says. “This place is too crowded, how about if we fight elsewhere.” “I don’t care about these people.” Hiruka says. “If we fight here, we will be interrupted by the police, we’ll bring too much attention to ourselves, and that means we won’t be able to fight properly.” Hisana explains. “Where will we fight then?” Hiruka asks. “The baseball stadium, no one will interfere with us there.” Hisana answers. “After you.” Hiruka says. Hisana begins to jump from building to building, jumping ahead, leading the way, but keeping her guard up just in case Hiruka decides to attack her from the back. After a while they reach the stadium and enter, they land inside the field, Hisana stares at Hiruka calmly. “Ready or not, here I come!” Hiruka bursts in Spirit Force, diamond axes begin to appear in midair, surrounding Hiruka. Hisana widens her eyes. “Yes… my powers evolved; now I have diamond, heh.” Hiruka smirks. © 2011 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on October 4, 2011 Last Updated on December 23, 2011 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing