![]() Chapter 05: Temple of LightA Chapter by ShinIn Illios, Soriana stands up from her bed and walks outside, there she sees a woman with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with a cut scar on her neck and half her face dressed in rags in front of the castle gate, trying to convince the knights of something, Soriana instantly disappears and appears in front of the woman. “Ugghhh…” The knights lie against the gate for support against the dizziness. The woman falls down on the ground looking up towards Soriana trying to tell her something, but she falls dead. “Who… is… she?” Soriana asks unable to speak correctly. “She was from Quadimor… she said she was very ill and felt that she was about to die… but she wanted to come here to request something… she couldn’t finish though.” The knight says panting. “Take her… to my… chamber…” Soriana says as she disappears. The knights not feeling heavy anymore, they take the woman to Soriana’s chamber and lay her in front of the Goddess. The knights take their leave as Soriana approaches the woman’s corpse. “Humans are so… easy to… heal… even from the… most terrible… illness… if they only… knew they could… easily heal… themselves…” Soriana says as she observes the woman. “I need a vessel… and you… shall be it…” “Why would you need a vessel for?” The Cancer King questions. “Because two… of the High Ones… are no more… I must… do things… myself now…” Soriana replies. Soriana looks at the woman once again; she raises her hand and places it on the woman’s head, Cosmic Force shines from Soriana’s hand, the Cancer King falls on one knee. The whole chamber shines in light, the scars the woman has appears on Soriana’s neck and face, disappearing from the woman and healing in Soriana’s. The shaking from the energy stops after this. Meanwhile, Ethan wakes up on his bed, sweating and looking around. “Who was that woman in my dreams?” Ethan asks himself. “What’s wrong with you? Some of us are trying to sleep.” Jonathan says irritated. “Sorry… I just had a dream…” Ethan explains. “I hope it was a nightmare, because there wouldn’t be any other good reason for you to wake us up like that.” Chad says annoyed. “I said I was sorry…” “It doesn’t matter now, we still have to get up, it’s only a little while till sunrise, so let’s get ready.” Jonathan states. The guys get up and begin to make preparations, after a while, they get out and meet up with the girls. “You know what? I’ve been thinking, we haven’t taken any real breaks, how about we go to a pub and have a few drinks?” Chad asks. “I don’t drink, but I think you should go and relax, all I will do is accompany you.” Faris comments. “And this would be a good chance for you to explain to me some things.” Ethan says looking at Jonathan. “Yeah, but after we take this break, we have to head to the temple of light, we can’t waste any time.” Jonathan says. “I’m up for a few rounds, what about you Ruby?” Onassis asks. “I’m not a big drinker really, but I like a nice dink from time to time.” Ruby answers. “So it’s decided, let’s go! I know a great one near here!” Chad says very eagerly and joyful. The party heads to a nearby pub following Chad, they enter and there are a few men drinking at some tables and some at the bar. Chad rapidly orders a few rounds, the party sits next to him. “Thanks for ordering all these drinks for us Chad.” Ruby says. “What? All these drinks are for me… you guys have to order your own.” Chad says. “Whoa, I didn’t know you drank that much Chad.” Jonathan says. “He’s from Quadimor, I heard they were all heavy drinkers.” Onassis states. “Like Vakidoren people?” Ruby asks. “We drink can hold our drink too.” Ethan says. “Let’s see who the better one is.” Jonathan says with a smirk. “Schnapps, and keep them coming.” Ethan tells the bartender. “Yes sir.” The bartender says. “Comrade.” Chad says raising the glass of liquor towards Ethan. “Gevatter.” Ethan says also raising his glass towards Chad. They begin to drink, Jonathan drinks for a while, but stops drinking and begin to smoke, Onassis is already talking nonsense to Ruby, Ruby is still sober because she isn’t drinking much and Faris is just talking with Ruby. Ethan and Chad keep on drinking for hours until Ethan puts his drink down and says. “You win; any more liquor and I’ll pass out.” “Hahaha, yeah, me too, but I can still drink a few more no problem.” Chad states. “Haha, you’re okay in my book Chad.” Ethan comments. Out of the blue, an attractive woman sits next to Chad and smiles at him. “Are you from around here? I think I’ve seen you before.” The woman asks. “Yes, I am.” Chad nods. “You’re pretty cute, and I see you can hold your drink.” The woman remarks. “You should buy her a drink Chad.” Jonathan whispers to Chad. “Yeah, do you want a… a drink?” Chad asks nervously. “Of course gorgeous.” The woman smiles at Chad. Chad and the woman drink a few drinks. “Hey, do you want to talk somewhere more private?” The woman asks. “Yeah.” Chad replies. “Good.” The woman takes Chad by his hand and takes him upstairs. “Make me proud Chad.” Jonathan mumbles. “Now that we’re finally alone, it’s time you tell me more about that book and sword.” Ethan says. “What do you want to know?” Jonathan asks. “First off, what’s the book for? Why did you make it?” Ethan asks. “The Lex Codex is a book containing demonic and divine spells for my use and advantage, like the Soul Eater, I made it very special, it can’t be destroyed by conventional means. I wanted to be so powerful that I made them, including this amulet.” Jonathan explains. “Amulet?” Ethan asks. “Inside this amulet is a stone of concentrated Demon Force, it has received so much Demon Force for millions of years that it has an unimaginable amount of it. It is a very rare find in hell, I had to go to the last circle of hell to obtain it, I finally found it in lake Cocytus very near to the prince of darkness.” Jonathan explains. “Prince of darkness? Wow, but what does that stone do?” Ethan questions. “It simply corrupts any power and changes its properties, so that means this stone can’t be used without an external source of power.” Jonathan adds. “Can’t you use it alone?” Ethan asks. “No, at least not this stone in particular, not even I know why it doesn’t work, or maybe it does have the potential to work without an external source of energy, but I haven’t figured it out yet, maybe I never will.” Jonathan replies. “Humph…” Ethan stays lost in thought. “Now it’s my turn to ask questions.” Jonathan says. “Shoot.” Ethan says. “What were you planning to do with the dagger?” Jonathan asks. “… The dagger? I wanted to know it was, because I sensed a power similar to us.” Ethan replies. “And where were you headed when we first met? What were you planning?” Jonathan asks. “I was planning to kill Soriana, actually, sacrifice myself to kill her because I knew and still know that I am no match for her.” Ethan answers. “Noble, but you don’t look nor sound like the kind to sacrifice yourself for the wellbeing of humanity.” Jonathan comments. “So tell me, what are your reasons for doing such an act?” “That’s the thing, I have no reason, that’s the reason that I don’t care what happens to me, if I find something that gives meaning to my life, I’ll take it.” Ethan explains. “Sounds to me like you need a girlfriend.” Jonathan states with a wink. “Speaking of a woman, I had a weird dream last night; it had to do with Soriana bestowing power on a young girl.” Ethan says. “From Quadimor?” Jonathan asks. “Yeah, how do you know?” Ethan asks warily. “I had the same dream, seems like we’re connected somehow, so maybe this dream was not a dream at all, might have been something that happened for real, although I haven’t felt any Cosmic Force lately.” Jonathan explains. “You think it has to do with us having the same person giving us powers?” Ethan asks. “It might, but I’m not really sure.” Jonathan says. “I wanted to ask you something.” Ethan says. “Ask away.” Jonathan says. “I heard you weren’t someone I wanted to mess with.” Ethan says coldly. “How so?” Jonathan asks without turning view to Ethan. “Heard you were a quite a tyrant.” Ethan says boldly. “That’s old news, has nothing to do with me now. I’m a changed man.” Jonathan says. “How did that happen?” Ethan questions. “I saw the error of my ways, now I’m going to make things right.” Jonathan replies. “By killing Soriana?” Ethan asks. “Yeah.” Jonathan nods. “…I see, we’re pretty much alike, you and I.” Ethan says. “No, we’re not, you have no purpose in your life, I do.” Jonathan comments. “True, but still, I am trying my best.” “Your intentions aren’t pure, you’re just doing it because it’s what everybody wants, desire must come from oneself, the idea, ideas are powerful, even more so than Goddess Soriana, someone with the desire and the idea can destroy anything, it’s indestructible. If people see your desire and your idea, they make it theirs and enforce it, making it eternal.” Jonathan explains. “So you mean I shouldn’t get in the way of those who can and want, like you.” Ethan says. “Exactly, I’m going to take down Soriana, for all of us, I’m the only one that can, even if I must live again in order to do so, in the end, she will perish.” Jonathan says. “How about we make it a race?” Ethan asks. “…This isn’t a game Ethan, but I accept.” Jonathan smiles. “But before that, you should find a very good reason to fight.” “I’ll think about it.” Ethan says. Jonathan stands up from his chair, Ethan does the same and so does the girls. “We’re out right?” Ruby asks. “No, nature was just calling me, but yeah, we have to go, I’ll go get Chad.” Jonathan says. “Wasn’t he with… um… a Vakidoren chick?” Onassis asks. “Yes, but he’ll be out, trust me.” Jonathan replies. “Alright then.” Onassis says. Jonathan goes upstairs to the second floor, he walks through the hall until he hears some very low moans, Jonathan stops in front of the door where he can hear this noise. “Yep, this is the one…” Jonathan thinks to himself. “Chad, we’re leaving, hope you have fun.” “Wait!” Chad yells from inside the room. The door opens; Chad is covering his lover body with his clothes, Jonathan peaks back and sees the woman under the sheets. “I already finished!” Chad says. “Calm down, take your time, enjoy it.” Jonathan says. “He really did finish.” The woman says. “Alright, then let’s go.” Jonathan says. “Let me put my clothes on first.” Chad says. They go down to the first floor, the party is waiting for them, Ethan drinks one more glass of liquor. “You’re still drinking?” Jonathan asks. “Hey! Me too! One last one!” Chad shouts. Chad and Ethan drink a few more rounds and leaves the bar. “We should avoid Vakidor, last time the High Ones were around, we should head towards Britannica.” Ethan says. “Ethan is right, that’s where we’ll head.” Jonathan says. “Hey Ethan, want to stop in the next bar?” Chad asks. “Sorry Chad, we’re a little tight on schedule, but after the temple, we’ll stop in another bar.” Ethan says. “Another contest?” Chad asks. “No, this time we’ll drink as companions.” Ethan says. “Are you being friendly Ethan? Not like you.” Onassis says. “I’m not being friendly; I just need a drinking buddy afterwards because mine died a long time ago.” Ethan states. “Alright then.” Onassis says. After a week the party reaches Britannica, there they head towards the docks and find no ships. “No ships? This weird.” Chad says. “No kidding.” Ruby comments. “Something is definitely wrong.” Faris says. “I do not sense any High Ones near, it must be something else.” Jonathan remarks. A man with bandages covering many wounds appears out of the blue saying. “White haired men killed everyone in port, women, elders and even children! They left me for dead…” “When was this?” Ethan asks. “A few days ago…” The man replies. “Seems they didn’t want us escaping the continent.” Jonathan says. “Were they after you people?” The man questions. “They are after something we have.” Jonathan answers. “Is it that much of a threat to them?” The man asks. “Yeah! It’s"” Chad is cut off by Jonathan. “It is, we need to get to Nilamis, do you know of anyone that can help us and our cause?” “Why yes, I can, I can take you.” The man responds. “But you’re wounded.” Chad says worried. “I’m not captain, but I happen to have a small ship near these docks, my sons are the one that use it of course.” The man states. “Thank you so much sir!” Onassis says. The party heads to the man’s ship where his sons are, they rapidly depart and head south where Nilamis and the temple of light awaits. Jonathan stands on the deck and sits down against a wood wall, the man passes by and stops. “Something you want to tell me?” Jonathan asks. “No, not really, I’m just bored and have nothing to do.” The man answers. “Why don’t you sit down next to me and chatter for a little bit.” Jonathan suggests. “I’ll take on your offer.” The man sits next to Jonathan. “Are you a man of God?” Jonathan asks. “Why yes, I pray every day when I wake up and before going to sleep.” The man replies. “Do you go to church on Saturdays?” Jonathan asks. “Yes, but why all these questions about the lord?” The man asks. “I just wanted to know,” Jonathan responds. “Do you think God is a cruel b*****d that enjoys to see people suffering? Like all those people that died at the dock for nothing.” “No, I believe God has his own plans for all of us.” The man says. “What would you say or ask to God is you met him in person?” Jonathan asks. “Well, right now I can’t think of anything specific… um… nothing comes to mind, maybe why we were made.” The man says. “That is a pretty good question, but the answer is easy.” Jonathan states. “What’s the answer?” The man questions. “According to what Moses wrote, we’re descendants of Abraham, thus being descendants of Adam, Adam was made to be a gardener, to keep the garden of Eden. This means we’re all meant to work out assess off on this land. But I say he made us because he just could, and that’s it.” Jonathan explains. “I’m not sure about that, but my only concern is believing.” The man says. “What would you think if I told you that I have spoken with him face to face, although I could never see his face because he wore a mask?” Jonathan asks. “I would think you’re a liar and a blasphemer.” The man boldly replies. “Haha, of course, anyone would, I can’t blame you, but I really have met him, he gave me some orders and I can’t disobey him.” Jonathan says. “Let’s say that I believe you, what order did he give you?” The man questions. “First, he gave me the knowledge of Salomon, he wanted Goddess Soriana to give me the powers I have now, he told me that I would never have any children, but that I would live for thousands of years and one day help to destroy her.” Jonathan explains. “I questioned his judgment of course, I’m in this journey because I know I’m going to stop her right now, because living that much is impossible, although I have a hunch he spoke literally and not metaphorically.” Jonathan states. “Where did you meet him?” The man asks. “I had to walk up a big mountain north of Xordania.” Jonathan responds. “How is he like?” The man asks. “I told you I couldn’t see his face, but his eyes are crimson red, he has white long hair and is dressed with a strange armor with fire or lights. For what I’ve noticed he has a type of tattoo on his leg with the name of all humanity.” Jonathan replies. “He sounds like he looks like us… human.” The man remarks. “He has a similar form, but we were made in his image, how we think really, what makes us be us.” Jonathan explains. “Is there any life after death?” The man asks. “I won’t lie to you.” Jonathan says getting up and leaving. “He won’t tell me…” The man says. After almost a month they arrive, skies pale and a very cold temperature receives them. “I hate the cold!” Ruby says angrily. “Figures, you’re a Satsume.” Chad says. “It’s not because of my race, I just not used to it.” “I am, try to survive a winter in Quadimor, you will wish you were never born.” Chad remarks. The party disembarks. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us, don’t expect us, just leave, we’ll find a way to get off this land of ice.” Jonathan says. “You’re welcome and I know you’ll find the way out, I have faith in God.” The man says. “Good, God bless you and your family.” Jonathan says. “Thank you, good bye.” The man says. The party begins to go up the mountain; everyone has fur cloaks because of the cold. “It’s too cold here… not even the motherland is as cruel as Nilamis.” Chad says shivering. “I need to heat up!” Ruby says desperately and bursts in her black flames, a lot of ice melts abruptly. “Hey!” Chad shouts startled. “Instead of bursting in flames you should just emit heat, that way you’ll be fine and we won’t be so cold.” Faris says. “Like this.” Faris begins to emit heat, the ice melt as well, but in a much slower pace. “Ohhh ok, sorry.” Ruby says and begins to do the same. The party keeps on climbing the mountain, they spend hours climbing until thy finally reach the summit. There they see the temple awaiting them. “Wow, this temple is huge.” Ruby says in awe. “It is, but what do we do now?” Chad asks. “Go in of course.” Onassis says. “It’s kind of bright up here, must be the same effect the darkness temple has.” Ruby remarks. “We should move on if we hope to unseal the dagger.” Faris states. “She’s right, let’s get going.” Jonathan nods. “Alright then.” Chad says. They approach the temple and notice ancient runic symbols. “I have no idea what it says.” Onassis says trying to decipher the symbols. “It’s the language of Soriana.” Jonathan says. “She has her own language?” Ruby questions. “Well yeah, it says ‘Good and evil are two sides from the same source’ humph…” Jonathan translates. “It also says that ‘Denial of either side is the denial of one’s own existence’ well whatever that means.” Ethan translates. “Reading these things won’t take us anywhere right now.” Faris comments. “True.” Chad nods. Faris opens the door, forcing it open with her Mana Force. The party walks in and in the center of the big room there is a crystal that shines in various colors, gold, silver and black. “Whoa, that crystal is emitting a whole bunch of energy!” Ruby says shocked. “Cosmic Force…” Ethan says. “Those are colossal amounts.” Jonathan says. “Hand me the dagger, I’m going to remove the seal and transfer that energy back to the dagger.” Faris says. “Wait… if the power goes back to the dagger, the High Ones will quickly catch on and be on their way here.” Ethan says. “Yes, but what other choice do we have?” Jonathan asks. “Just do it.” Ethan sighs. Faris holds the dagger in front and walks slowly towards the crystal as she chants in Ivlesh, little by the little the Cosmic Force the crystal emits begins to enter the dagger. Once she reaches the crystal it’s no longer there. “I finished.” Faris says turning towards the party. “Alright, it’s time to leave.” Ethan says. “Yes, right now.” Jonathan says. As this happened, Skye is in front of Xordania, he feels the Cosmic Force, he closes his eyes, Soriana’s voice says. “Skye, you know where it is now, go.” Skye opens his eyes; he’s right in front of the temple in less than seconds. “I’m already there.” Skye says. “Be cautious, your strength has reduced significantly because you used the Instatel to arrive there.” Soriana says. “I will my Goddess.” Skye says. The party runs out of the temple only to find Skye outside waiting for them. “Oh snap, him again!” Onassis says. “Don’t fret precious, I’m here.” Jonathan says. “I feel better already.” Onassis says sarcastically. “His energy, he doesn’t feel as strong as before.” Ethan states. “He must’ve used a lot of energy to get here so fast, that’s why he has only two thirds of his full power.” Jonathan remarks. “I don’t care, here I go!” Ruby says rapidly running towards him bursting in black flames. Skye disappears and appears in front of Ruby taking her by surprise and materializes a broadsword and slashing away, but Ruby covers swiftly and explodes in black flames thus covering his whole body. He jumps out and is still burning, Onassis takes advantage of this and attacks as well, but Skye doesn’t care about the flames and blocks Onassis’s water pressure lasers with a materialized shield. “My enemies be sealed, by thou will he will be reeled.” Faris chants. Mana Force surrounds Skye and form into chains that bind him, giving the party the upper hand. Ethan rapidly unsheathes his longswords and slashes Skye continuously and finishes it off with a final vertical slash. Skye speedily heals and forcibly breaks the chains and kicks Ethan away, then punching one of the columns, the column breaks, he then kicks it towards the party. Jonathan grabs Chad and jumps over it, Jonathan then throws a weird dark cloud on Skye. Skye disappears and appears in front of Jonathan, punching Chad sending him flying, Jonathan jumps back, Chad stands up, Skye unleashes a beam of energy towards Chad, Jonathan jumps in the way with his hand covered in darkness, but the beam separates to the sides and going behind Jonathan striking directly at Chad, he falls on the ground. “Chad!” Jonathan shouts as he turns back. Skye then appears in front of Jonathan and grabs him by the throat and strangling him. Skye is pierced through his head all of a sudden by one of Onassis’s water pressure lasers, Skye let’s go of Jonathan, Skye is then pierced all over his body in matter of seconds. Faris appears right in front of Skye holding a long staff with a sword edge on the tip and making a horizontal slash. Skye heals and materializes a spear and hits Faris’s head, she falls on the ground. “Ethan! Catch!” Faris throws the dagger to Ethan. Ethan catches the dagger; all of a sudden the dagger transforms into a longsword, Ethan’s Cosmic Force doubles. “What the-?” Ethan asks surprised. Ethan in an instant slashes Skye, Skye’s whole body explodes in pieces in a weird golden energy. Jonathan picks Chad’s head up. “Oh my God!” Onassis yells. “Chad!” Ruby shouts. “Jon… I’m not gonna make it am I?” Chad asks. “I’m not going to lie to you…” Jonathan replies. “I thought so… I just wanted to be like you…” Chad remarks. “Chad, I wish I wasn’t myself, you are a much better man than I am.” Jonathan states. “How…” Chad cuts himself off. “Is there anything you want to know?” Jonathan asks. “How is death like?” Chad asks. “All I can tell you is that death is just a new start…” Jonathan answers. “Thanks…” Chad closes his eyes slowly. “We have to give him a proper burial.” Ethan says. “…Yeah…” Jonathan nods. Jonathan lifts up Chad’s corpse and begins to walk with the party until Ethan and Jonathan stop walking. “What’s wrong?” Faris asks. “S-” Ethan is cut off as the same beggar woman that was with Soriana now dressed in dark brown leather with straps appears between the party, energy in black and silver colors burst out of her, instantly blowing the party members to all directions. Ethan and Jonathan widen their eyes in surprise because they recognize this is the same woman from their dreams. “Ugghh, who the hell is that?” Ruby asks. “I can’t stand up…” “I don’t know, but she has incredible energy.” Onassis says. “I can barely remain on my knees…” Faris says. “Who are you?” Jonathan asks lying on a pillar. “Jonathan, you disappoint me.” The woman says. “Soriana?” Ethan asks being the only one that can stand normally as he holds the sword. “Yes, it is me; my consciousness in the very least, this is merely my temporary vessel.” Soriana explains. “What are you doing here?” Ethan asks. “To retrieve what you hold in your hand.” Soriana replies pointing at Ethan’s new sword. “So you really are afraid of this.” Jonathan remarks. “No, I just want it back, it is part of me, it does not belong to anyone else.” Soriana responds. “Come and take it from my dead hands.” Ethan says readying himself. “Do not make me kill you.” Soriana says. The party stands up and readies themselves. “There’s us to deal with as well.” Ruby says. “Do not waste my time.” Soriana says as the party all attacks at once with their respective powers. Ethan unleashes a blade of light; Soriana stops it with her bare hand and makes it disappear, a water pressure laser appears from above her, Soriana simply looks at it and it disappears as well. Ruby and Faris unleash a unison attack, dark flames and wind, Soriana snaps her finger and it disappears as well, Jonathan concentrates and covers everything in darkness, but Soriana’s Cosmic Force shines from within the darkness and everything becomes as it was. “Surrender to the void.” Soriana says as she appears in front of Ethan, taking the sword from his hand after pushing him back with sheer energy. Soriana then stands back and covers herself in these void powers creating a type of portal where she is sucked in. “Quick!” Jonathan jumps into the portal, the party does the same. They all dematerialize into atoms and particles and reassemble back in Ancelia. “Ughhh…… What just happened?” Onassis asks in a tired tone. “I don’t know, I feel dizzy…” Ethan says. “I have never before experienced such a thing.” Jonathan comments. “It’s a very different method of teleportation than mine…” Faris states. “Where are we anyways?” Onassis asks. “This is Ancelia.” Ethan answers. © 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on September 10, 2011 Last Updated on January 5, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing