Chapter 64: War

Chapter 64: War

A Chapter by Shin

                        Kuzan appears alone in the light temple, a cold chill constantly in the air; he carries the same book as before, he opens it and begins to read. “O great and high angel of heaven, you who serve as the celestial scribe and voice of God, descend from your throne next to God, Metatron.”

                        The sound of trumpets can be faintly heard from behind the clouds as a very bright light comes from within the clouds and descends, without touching the ground a deep voice comes from the light accompanied with a sound like that of vast waters. “Son of man with the vile stench and insignificant power of demons, you dare call upon my holy name and rebel against me.”

            “Mind teaching me some manners?” Kuzan asks mockingly.

            “You shall witness heaven’s wrath.” Metatron says.

            “Come on then.” Kuzan says.

                        The light dims to reveal an angel dressed in black armor, he has light gray wings, his wings spread, revealing around eight wings, Metatron’s eyes constantly shifting between every color. He begins to float down as Kuzan transforms into his demon form, Metatron lifts his left hand gracefully, flames appear rising up from the ground, Kuzan evades, the rising flames turn into a pillar and expand covering a wide range. Kuzan barely evades and throws an energy made javelin at Metatron, but Metatron covers himself with one of his wings, the javelin shatters. Kuzan swiftly jumps towards Metatron and attacks him with his knife, but Metatron easily grabs ahold of Kuzan’s hand and with his other hand releases a blinding light which begins to consume Kuzan. Kuzan quickly releases his tattoo and makes the other Kuzan, which backs off; the light consumes completely the Kuzan that Metatron has ahold.

            “Crap, my tattoo… he just made it vanish just like that… Better be careful now that I no longer have that option.” Kuzan thinks to himself.

                        Metatron floats towards Kuzan in a graceful manner, Kuzan makes many energy Javelins and throw them towards Meatron, but Metatron spins once and shatters all of them instantly. Kuzan appears above Metatron, Kuzan says. “Abysmal Burst!”

                        Demon Force surrounds Metatron, Metatron without worry in his expression waits for his attack, the Demon Force turns into a sphere that swallows Metatron full and compresses, then blows up sky high, Kuzan lands on the ground observing from the distance after unleashing such a devastating attack.

            “It can’t be over, can it?” Kuzan asks himself.

            “No matter what you do, you cannot harm me.” Metatron says appearing in midair descending with his wings spread. Metatron lands on the ground and stares at Kuzan with no emotion.

            “You’re right, but hey, if you can’t beat them, join them.” Kuzan says.

                        A holy pentagram covering a wide range appears under Metatron and paralyses him.

            “How does a mere human like you know of celestial power?” Metatron asks.

                        Kuzan reveals the book he’s been carrying for a while.

            “Now I understand, Constantine should’ve never made that book in the first place.” Metatron says.

            “Good thing to know is that just as well as demons, when angels cross to the human world, their powers are almost completely sealed due to your power being so great it could cause a catastrophe in the world that could end it as we know.” Kuzan says as he walks towards Metatron, Kuzan takes out a dagger and tries to pierce Metatron’s chest, but the dagger completely bends and breaks. “Looks like there’s no weapon in existence that can end you… Good thing is that the Seal of Metatron drains you enough for me to take your powers for myself.”

            “You cannot contain my power in your body.” Metatron says.

            “Oh yes I can.” Kuzan shows a cross tattoo on his arm. “This new tattoo is sealing Abaddon, and can seal you inside me as well, as you already know; it’s another little celestial spell.”

                        Kuzan places his hand on Metatron’s head and begins to absorb him, as Kuzan absorbs he begins to feel pain, but doesn’t stop absorbing, when he fully finishes, Metatron disappears. Kuzan falls on his knees and yells in pain, he grunts and starts panting, gray angel wings sprout from his back and his pupils turn cross shaped like Kirisu’s in his angel form.

            “Hahaha…… I can feel his power… Abaddon’s is nothing compared to Metatron’s… Hahaha.” Kuzan keeps on laughing like a maniac.

                        Meanwhile Krade is in his office with the remaining three elders present.

            “I’m sorry to inform you that our Kaizer factory was destroyed and Xak was killed.” Xixis says.

            “The remaining security cameras that had an energy back-up spotted the Kaizer that’s been foiling Zelcius’s deeds; he was accompanied by an Elven woman.” Lexon says.

            “For that Kaizer to be able to kill Xak means he’s really stronger than any of us anticipated.” Krade says.

            “Exactly my thought, Xak was largely enhanced, superior to a common Kaizer.” Lexon says.

            “It’s alright; we can get a new military branch elder, no big deal.” Axon says.

            “It will not be easy to replace someone like him, and now, I have to give Redhizer his orders directly.” Krade says as he grabs a walkie-talkie. “Call Redhizer immediately, tell me him to come to the restricted area A and escort him to my office.”

            “What’s the main reason you called us here for?” Axon asks.

            “Axon, I only need you present for protocol reasons, but who I really need to discuss this is with Xixis and Lexon.” Krade says.

            “Alright, I’ll shut up then.” Axon says.

            “As I told you in other meeting we’ve had, first, we must take over Alfhiem, which is crucial, since they will help the humans if they feel threatened.” Krade says.

            “So you’re going to order Redhizer to make an all-out assault at Alfhiem.” Xixis says.

            “Exactly.” Krade says.

            “Good news is that in so little time we extracted an almost indefinite amount of electricity from the Kaizer factory, so the new airborne meccas I’ve prepared beforehand are fully functional.” Lexon explains.

            “Perfect, now all we need to do is supply Redhizer with this new technology and have him carry out the mission.” Krade says.

                        All of a sudden Redhizer comes in escorted by some soldiers.

            “Redhizer, good to see you arrived, sit down, I have a special mission for you, one that will promote you to the military branch elder, replacing Xak.” Krade says.

                        Redhizer widens his eyes in disbelief, as this carries on; Kazumi and Kirisu are walking around the city of Britannica enjoying the sights.

            “We’ve been here for a while now, shouldn’t we be doing something?” Kirisu asks.

            “I think we need the rest, I mean, we’ve been almost nonstop since we finished high school.” Kazumi says.

            “True that.” Kirisu says.

            “Anyways, I think we should go out on a small date, we haven’t done much in a while, so let’s enjoy while we can.” Kazumi says cheerfully.

            “Yeah, you’re right, so, after you my lady.” Kirisu says bowing in front of her while raising his right arm.

            “Haha, cut it out.” Kazumi says.

                        They both walk through the street while Arai, Yazon and Sezuki observe them from a building rooftop.

            “So Kirisu was one of the strong guys around, I expected no less from him…” Arai says.

            “Looks like you know him well.” Sezuki says.

            “Yeah, I do, we kissed once, he was my master in martial arts, but what I want to know, is who that girl he’s with is.” Arai says a little upset.

            “The first part was a little too much information, but I bet that girl is his girlfriend obviously, I mean, they’re holding hands.” Yazon says with a smile.

            “I’m going to take care of her.” Arai says.

            “Jealous?” Yazon asks playfully.

            “You know it.” Arai admits shamelessly.

            “Then Yazon and I will take care of Kirisu.” Sezuki says.

            “Don’t hurt him.” Arai says.

            “Our orders are to eliminate them, so don’t be asking the impossible.” Sezuki says,

            “……” Arai disappears from their view.

            “Haha, she’s pretty feisty that one, let’s get going, she can’t have all the fun by herself.” Yazon says.

            “I want to see just how strong those guys really are.” Sezuki says.

                        Meanwhile, Redhizer is with his army, all readying themselves to attack Alfhiem. Naty walks towards Redhizer.

            “Do you have any idea where mother went?” Redhizer asks.

            “I heard she went after Kuzan for killing our father.” Naty replies.

            “……So the rumors are true, that b*****d Kuzan really killed him, I can’t believe it, Kuzan was never as strong as our father, something is definitely strange.” Redhizer says.

            “That’s all your reaction is after hearing that our father was killed by that scum? I cried for days, I still do…” Naty says upset.

                        Redhizer hugs her and says. “I’m also devastated by his death, but it’s hard for me to express my feelings.”

            “Is it true you’re going into a war against Alfhiem?” Naty asks.

            “Yeah, Krade Wyven gave me the order directly, he told me that if I succeeded I would get promoted to the military branch elder, our goal to take over Gen-Exis and change it to the better is closer than ever.” Redhizer says.

            “Are you worried for mother?”

            “No, she can take care of herself.” Redhizer says.

            “I worried…” Naty says.

            “Kuzan will fall.” Redhizer says.

                        A soldier walks towards Redhizer and Naty.

            “General, everything is in order; we’re awaiting your command.” The soldier says.

                        Redhizer looks at Naty and kisses her, he then says. “Stay here Naty, I need you to keep me informed of anything that happens here, I have an odd feeling something is up.”

            “Alright.” Naty gets back.

            “One more thing, tell Kirisu about mother, even though I believe she can take care of herself, things don’t always go the way you imagine, I want him to be there just in case.” Redhizer says.

            “Okay, take care.” Naty says.

                        Redhizer leaves along with the soldier and enters a floating technological aircraft; they ascend and take off, the whole army in flying mechas flies behind him, thousands in numbers. Back to Zero and Luna, they are headed to the Cravestone castle.

            “This could be your final stand against Zelcius.” Luna comments.

            “I’m aware.” Zero says.

                        Redhizer and his army fly above them, Zero and Luna notice them quickly.

            “Huh? Are they headed into war?” Zero asks himself.

            “War? With who? I mean, it has to be a war, with so many soldiers.” Luna says surprised to see the numbers.

            “They’re flying upward in the sky… the remaining countries that aren’t under Gen-Exis control wouldn’t need such a dramatic strategy.” Zero says.

            “Up to the sky? …… huh? No! It can’t be!” Luna says worried.

            “Indeed, they’re going to attack Alfhiem.” Zero says.

            “Alfhiem has a protective Mana barrier, it won’t be easy for them to penetrate it, and our magical offense is very great, I don’t think they stand a chance.” Luna says.

            “I don’t mean to get your hopes down princess, but don’t forget this is Gen-Exis we’re talking about, they haven’t lost a war as of yet, and I doubt they would jump in to a war they know they can’t win.” Zero explains.

            “Oh no… now I’m worried…” Luna says.

            “You should head to Alfhiem to help them out.” Zero says.

            “What? And leave you here alone to fend off against Zelcius and his gang?” Luna asks annoyed.

            “Now isn’t the time for pointless ranting, just go and help the king, your people depend on you.” Zero says.

                        Luna lowers her head, thinking, she then looks at Zero and hugs him.

            “What the?” Zero is surprised.

            “I’m going, but don’t think you got rid of me, I have something very important to tell you after all this is finished.” Luna says.

            “I think I already know what you want to tell me.” Zero says.

            “Really? What?” Luna asks.

            “Humph, I’m in a hurry.” Zero says freeing himself from her hug.

            “Tell me!” Luna says.

            “Later.” Zero says.

            “Grrrr!” Luna turns around angrily.

                        Zero smirks, grabs her hand and turns her around, he then kisses her in her mouth, making out her. He then backs off; Luna stares at him in shock and touches her lips as she blushes.

            “We’ll talk after this is over.” Zero says as he winks at her, turns around and leaves.

                        Luna smiles joyfully and runs to the opposite direction, heading towards Alfhiem. Meanwhile, Kirisu and Kazumi are still on their date, they leave the restaurant they are in and head to the park, which surprisingly has very few people around.

            “Good, the park is almost empty.” Kirisu says.

            “Why do you say that all of a sudden?” Kazumi asks.

            “I just think it would be more romantic us alone in the park.” Kirisu replies.

            “Haha, yeah.” Kazumi smiles.

            “The food in that restaurant was pretty good.” Kirisu comments.

            “Yeah! It was really good, but it was too expensive, we should go to a cheaper one next time.” Kazumi says.

            “No, I’ll happily pay no problem if it’s with you.” Kirisu says.

                        Kazumi smiles and kisses Kirisu’s cheek.

            “Glad to see you to so lovey dovey.”  Arai says.

                        Kirisu widens his eyes and looks in front of him, noticing Arai, Sezuki and Yazon standing right in front of them.

            “Arai!” Kirisu says surprised.

            “Arai? Who are these people Kirisu?” Kazumi asks.

            “Go on, why don’t you tell her exactly who I am?” Arai says with a grin.

            “……” Kirisu stares at them sharply.

            “I love ultimatums.” Yazon says.

            “Were you guys sent my Gen-Exis?” Kirisu asks.

            “Of course.” Sezuki says. “You should know that much by now colonel Nit-Mazu.”

            “So I’m guessing you aren’t from any regular squad in the military branch, I would know.” Kirisu says.

            “None you would be aware of.” Arai says.

            “What do you care anyways? We came here to take you guys out.” Yazon says.

            “Kazumi, run back to the hotel, tell Lloyd and Yumi, hurry!” Kirisu says.

                        Kazumi starts to run off, Arai rushes in quickly, Kirisu stands in front of her, Sezuki appears behind Kirisu, Kirisu looks back amazed. “How the heck did he get here so quickly? He’s so huge!” Kirisu thinks to himself.

                        Arai jumps over Kirisu and Sezuki, Kirisu tries to stop her, but Sezuki grabs ahold of Kirisu, Kirisu kicks Sezuki under his jaw, but Sezuki doesn’t let go.

            “Haha, you crack me up, with a kick like that, you can’t make Sezuki let go of you.” Yazon says.

                        Kirisu sighs, Kazumi keeps on running until Arai appears from above coming down on Kazumi with a punch covered in Spirit Force, Kazumi rolls over to the side a split second before Arai lands a hit. Arai ends up smashing the ground, leaving a big hole, Kazumi backs away slightly.

            “You won’t get away.” Arai says.

            “What do you want with us?” Kazumi asks.

            “Are deaf? We came here to take you out, direct order from the big guns upstairs.” Arai replies.

            “Why? What have we done to you?” Kazumi asks.

            “None of your business, but I have some personal business with you.” Arai says.

            “With me? I don’t even know you.” Kazumi says.

            “I wouldn’t go as far as saying that you stole my first love, but I am jealous and feel like kicking some kitty cosplayer a*s.” Arai says.

            “Cosplayer? Hey! I’m really a cat girl!” Kazumi says.

            “Tch, I can’t believe he would actually like a delusional type.” Arai says.

            “I’m not delusional! And Kirisu is my boyfriend!” Kazumi says angrily charging at Arai, Arai evades and punches Kazumi on her left rib.

            “Ugghhhh!” Kazumi falls on her knees grunting.

            “I see that all you’re good for is giving hugs and kisses… too bad.” Arai says.

            “You’ll see what I can do!” Kazumi says bursting in Mystic Force, the park trembles as the leaves of the trees fall due to the shaking. Kazumi stands up; energy begins to come out of her body.

            “Whoa, you surprised me, didn’t think you had that kind of energy, but it’s nothing I can’t surpass.” Arai says as she bursts in Spirit Force, matching Kazumi’s.

                        Sezuki lets go of Kirisu, Kirisu is between Yazon and Sezuki.

            “Crap, Arai caught up to Kazumi and now they’re gonna duke it out… I better hurry up with these guys…” Kirisu thinks to himself.

            “Don’t space off.” Sezuki throws a punch, Kirisu ducks and punches his stomach with Spirit Force, Sezuki doesn’t even flinch and grabs Kirisu by his mid body and throws him towards Yazon. Yazon jumps towards Kirisu and kicks, but Kirisu recovers in midair and counters his kick, throwing Yazon hard on the ground. Sezuki appears behind Kirisu again, Kirisu makes a back flip evading his punch, Yazon jumps towards Kirisu once again, this time with a military knife, Kirisu side steps and hits Yazon on his stomach with a kick and takes away his knife. Kirisu stands in a CQC position with the knife, Yazon takes out another knife and both begin to fight in CQC. Both of them are very skilled, none yielding to each other, Sezuki goes in with a knife as well, also using CQC; Kirisu barely blocks all of their attacks and jumps back taking out his gun and shooting at them a magical round. The bullet breaks in midair and throws acid at them, but they evade jumping up and landing farther away from Kirisu, Kirisu uses this opportunity to run towards Kazumi, but Sezuki appears in front of Kirisu once again, Kirisu shoots at him another round point blank, but Sezuki tilts his head slightly evading the bullet and the bullet exploding after a few seconds. Yazon takes out a shotgun and starts firing at Kirisu, Sezuki dodges to the side and from the bushes takes out a bazooka and fires at Kirisu, Kirisu widens his eyes and jumps out of the way. The bazooka’s round explodes, Kirisu fires another magical round towards Sezuki, Kirisu’s bullet enters the bazooka’s hole, Sezuki throws the bazooka towards Kirisu, but before it reaches Kirisu it blows up into ice, spreading at high speed sharp ice particles, everyone takes cover behind trees.

            “I didn’t want to use my powers against them, but looks like I have no other choice.” Kirisu thinks to himself.

                        Meanwhile, Redhizer and his army are already near Alfhiem, Alfhiem in their field of vision.

            “Ready the particle cannons.” Redhizer says.

                        The mechas ready their cannons and fire at Alfhiem, but the attacks fade before touching Alfhiem.

            “Hunph… As I expected from the Elves, they have an invisible force field.” Redhizer says.

            “What do we do sir?” The soldier next to Redhizer asks.

            “We can’t fire the cannons anymore, it’s a waste of energy and it won’t work…” Redhizer says.

            “Redhizer sir, I suggest using the satellite’s laser.” Another soldier says.

            “Good thinking, you’re getting promoted.” Redhizer says. “Call HQ, tell the science department to fire the satellite at the respective coordinates.”

            “Yes sir!” The soldier says.

            “Oh uhh sir, we’re receiving an incoming call from HQ, should I put it through?” The soldier asks.

            “Yes.” Redhizer nods.

                        A screen appears in front of them, Krade is on the screen, he says. “I anticipated you having problems with the force field, but I’ve already sent some special help.”

            “What do you mean?” Redhizer asks.

            “I’ve told a colleague of mine to send one of his to infiltrate Alfhiem, her name is Zaphyr, and she’ll weaken the barrier from inside, because if we don’t, the satellite alone will not do much.” Krade explains.

            “How come you didn’t inform me this beforehand?” Redhizer asks.

            “You’re a good sport aren’t you? You just had to figure it out.” Krade says.

            “……” Redhizer looks at his soldiers and then looks at Krade. “Any other secrets you might want to share?”

            “When the barrier turns visible, the laser will be fired and that’s your cue to charge in, that is all, over and out.” Krade says, the screen disappearing.

            “I guess we’ll have to wait…” Redhizer says.

                        As Redhizer waits for the signal, Neil picks up Luna with his airship and head towards Alfhiem. Arai keeps on attacking Kazumi fiercely; Kazumi dodges every attack with no chance in countering. Arai punches Kazumi quickly on her face, making Kazumi stagger, and punching her on her stomach very hard, then making a roundhouse kick, Kazumi falls on the ground. Arai jumps towards Kazumi, but Kazumi kicks her on her stomach and jumps up from the ground, then kicking Arai under her jaw with a kick. Kazumi again goes for a kick, Arai stops her kick by blocking with her foot and then grabbing Kazumi’s hand and twisting it around, making Kazumi yell in pain.

            “After that burst of energy I thought you would give me at least a few more minutes, is that all you really have?” Arai asks.

            “Ahhh!” Kazumi keeps on yelling in pain.

            “Tch.” Arai keeps on twisting her hand even harder.

                        Kazumi explodes in Mystic Force, Arai lets go of Kazumi and backs off, Kazumi keeps on letting out her Mystic Force.

            “Wow, now that’s an amount I can’t match.” Arai thinks to herself. “This should be interesting.”

                        Kazumi stands up, Arai charges towards Kazumi and attacks without delay; Kazumi easily blocks Arai and kicks her with a somersault, Arai goes in again and attacks with a flurry of punches. Kazumi evades counters, seeing all of Arai’s movements in slow motion, she then hits Arai’s face with her elbow and hits her stomach with her knee, finishing off Arai with a roundhouse kick on her chest.

            “Haha, good, good, looks like you’re not that bad after all.” Arai says with a smile.

            “You laugh like if you could be even stronger than me.” Kazumi says.

            “I can, watch.” Arai says taking out her Spirit Shot and injecting her heart, she gasps and explodes in Spirit Force, far exceeding Kazumi’s Mystic Force. “Hahaha, told you.” Arai stands up.

                        Kazumi widens her eyes to this, back to Kirisu, he begins to materialize his dark spears and covers himself with a dark barrier, swiftly facing the brothers. Sezuki takes out a Gatling gun and begins to fire off like crazy; Kirisu’s barrier hold off the hundreds of rounds, but Yazon equips a box in the Gatling gun with the words “Mana Rounds”. Kirisu rapidly throws his dark spears towards them, Yazon takes out a caster assault rifle and begins to fire explosive magical rounds, Kirisu’s barrier begins to crack. Sezuki begins to fire lightning rounds from his Gatling gun, Kirisu’s barrier breaks, he jumps to evade the bullets and surrounds himself with more barriers, each cracking and shattering once after the other.

            “Crap, what should I do? They have me cornered.” Kirisu thinks to himself.

                        Yazon appears behind Kirisu with the caster assault rifle and shoot off flame rounds, Kirisu jumps up evading the bullets, but Sezuki appears above with a rocket launcher. Sezuki fires straight down, Kirisu materializes many thick layers of his black barriers, the first layers explode into pieces, Kirisu takes the opportunity to shoot off another magical round towards Sezuki. The magical round explodes and makes a mini black hole in midair that sucks off some of Sezuki’s weaponry, Sezuki and Yazon charge towards Kirisu and attacks him again with CQC, but Kirisu manages to block Yazon’s punch, grabbing him and spinning around and slamming him against Sezuki, both falling down on the ground. They stand up swiftly and once again attack him, cornering him, Kirisu’s eyes turn into crosses, he blocks both their fists easily and pushes them back with sheer energy. Meanwhile, Arai is beating up Kazumi, Kazumi tries to go in and attack her, but Arai easily blocks and counters, throwing Kazumi hard on the ground, Kazumi stands up rapidly and runs towards a tree, but Arai grabs and pulls her by her hair and slams her against another tree, then tangling up her hair into her fist shortening the gap between them.

            “Say good night.” Arai says raising her arm and swinging down her fist, Kazumi catches it before the hit lands, she twists her hand, Arai grunting in slight pain and twisting more Kazumi’s hair. Both of them having each other dominated by some way, they then let each other go to resume their fight, Arai rushes towards Kazumi and once again starts punching and kicking her, beating her up to a pulp, Kazumi falls on the ground coughing blood.

            “I’m going to finish this now, there’s no use in fighting someone who can’t fight back evenly, I’ll take you out of your misery.” Arai says.

                        Kazumi closes her eyes and begins to concentrate Mystic Force around her body, she begins to change into her feral form, her eyes turning slit, her fangs and claws growing longer in length, her Mystic Force exploding wildly. Arai widens her eyes in disbelief, Kazumi without wasting time rushes towards Arai and slices her stomach, Arai barely being able to evade, Arai then throws a punch covered in Spirit Force, but Kazumi with quick movement’s ducks and slices her legs and chest, then finally kicking Arai on her stomach, sending her flying back. Arai stands up with a jump and charges towards Kazumi, Kazumi easily evading and countering with multiple cuts, then muttering spells, unleashing ice and lightning magic on Arai, Arai side flips, but Kazumi receives her with a wind burst sending Arai flying again. Kazumi jumps towards her and grabs Arai by her arms, restraining her, chanting another spell in whispers, Kazumi looks into her eyes and smiles, they both explode in midair. Arai falls hard on the ground, Kazumi lands safely on the ground without a scratch, Arai stands up with difficulty.

            “I… underestimated you…” Arai says. “But I’ll definitely kill you…”

                        Meanwhile, Sezuki and Yazon fire at Kirisu with every gun they have, including caster guns, but Kirisu’s barriers block every one of them, the barriers without as much as a scratch on them.

            “This guy suddenly got super strong, what the hell?” Yazon asks surprised.

            “This must be why Krade wants him and the girl dead.” Sezuki says.

            “No kidding, I can feel her power from over here.” Yazon says.

            “I’m not going to beat around the bush; you guys are no match for me with your current power, so let’s avoid any more pointless battle, I beg you.” Kirisu says.

            “He’s right bro; we should get in junkie mode.” Yazon says.

            “Junkie? Ahh right, time to use it I guess.” Sezuki says as he takes out his Spirit Shot along with Yazon, both of them injecting themselves in the heart, they burst in Spirit Force and attack Kirisu in unison. Kirisu blocks both their attacks, Sezuki and Yazon disappear from his sight and appear behind him, both making a roundhouse kick at the same time, Kirisu without turning back ducks and spins in the ground kicking their feet and making them trip, falling on the ground. They stand up, Kirisu punches their faces at the same time, they then try to kick Kirisu, but Kirisu jumps back, dodging their kick, they stand up and jump on him, Sezuki grabs Kirisu from behind. Kirisu doesn’t even budge one bit, Yazon begins punching Kirisu’s abdomen and face, but Kirisu remains motionless like if he wasn’t even feeling their attacks. Yazon then kicks Kirisu on his stomach, Kirisu still not feeling a thing kicks Yazon’s stomach and then jumps up hitting Sezuki under his jaw, making Sezuki let go of him.

            “Do you guys need any more proof that this?” Kirisu asks.

            “Damn man, this guy is a walking concrete wall.” Yazon says.

            “You’re right stranger; we’re no match for you.” Sezuki says.

            “Come on bro, we can’t go back without finishing the mission or they’ll have our heads, you heard Xixis.” Yazon says.

            “Then don’t go back, consider yourselves free from Gen-Exis, I give you my blessing as colonel Nit-Mazu from the military branch.” Kirisu says.

            “You’re colonel Nit-Mazu?” Sezuki asks shocked.

            “Yeah.” Kirisu nods.

            “Then I bow to a skill far greater than my own.” Sezuki says bowing in front of Kirisu.

            “I guess this is the end of our lives as soldiers then… damn, I’ll miss the free haircuts.” Yazon says.

            “Just go.” Kirisu says.

            “What about our comrade?” Sezuki asks.

            “I’ll pardon her life as well, so don’t worry.” Kirisu says.

            “You really are as kind and powerful as the rumors said.” Sezuki says as he turns around and begins to leave, Yazon following him and mumbling. “So anticlimactic.”

                        Kirisu’s eyes turn back, he then heads towards Kazumi’s location. Kazumi jumps towards Arai, Arai concentrates all her Spirit Force into her right hand, she clenches her fist waiting for Kazumi, Kazumi lands in front of Arai, Arai swiftly blocking Kazumi’s attack with her left hand and punching Kazumi’s heart with her right. Kazumi widens her eyes for a moment and coughs blood, Arai grins, but Kazumi backs away, transforming back, she looks at her chest.

            “Huh? Why are you still alive?” Arai asks in disbelief.

            “I don’t know… Maybe you missed my heart…” Kazumi says shocked.

            “No… I’m sure I hit your heart with everything I had…” Arai says still amazed. “You’re definitely one tough nut to crack.”

            “I guess…” Kazumi says.

            “You’re not as weak as I thought… you’re worthy of Kirisu’s love…” Arai says.

            “Kirisu’s love? Don’t tell me you’re-” Kazumi is cut off by Arai. “No use talking about it, anyways, I take my leave…” Arai says disappearing from Kazumi’s view.

                        Kirisu arrives with a worried expression.

            “Kazumi! Are you alright?” Kirisu asks.

            “Yeah, I’m fine.” Kazumi says.

            “Good, where’s Arai?” Kirisu asks.

            “She just left…” Kazumi replies.

            “…… she told you didn’t she?” Kirisu asks.

            “Told me what? That she was in love with you?” Kazumi asks.

            “Yeah…” Kirisu nods nervously.

            “It’s alright Kirisu, that’s all in the past.” Kazumi says with a smile.

            “…… yeah.” Kirisu nods. “You transformed didn’t you?”

            “Yeah…” Kazumi nods.

            “But I thought you didn’t have control over it.” Kirisu says.

            “I could hardly contain myself.” Kazumi says with a smile.

            “At least you’re fine; we should head back to the hotel.” Kirisu says.

            “Okay, let’s go.” Kazumi says.

                        Meanwhile, Neil’s airship arrives near Alfhiem, seeing it from afar along with Gen-Exis army surrounding the whole city.

            “Whoa, look at that.” Neil says surprised.

            “S**t, Zero was right; they’re going to attack Alfhiem.” Luna says.

            “What should we do? They could spot us on their radar.” Neil asks.

            “Just head in, the airships Mana barrier should hold on any of their attacks for a few minutes, enough time for us to get into the city.” Luna says.

            “Good one princess!” Neil says. “Get ready guys, we’re going to head into Alfhiem.”

                        Neil steers the airship above the army, heading towards Alfhiem, Redhizer picks them on his radar.

            “Sir, we’re picking a dirigible of some sort heading towards Alfhiem.” A soldier says.

            “Should we attack sir?” Another soldier asks.

            “No, let them through, it seems they aren’t up to anything suspicious, but keep an eye out, if they do anything at all, take them down.” Redhizer says.

                        Back to the airship.

            “Doesn’t look like they’re going to attack us anytime soon.” Neil says.

            “Just keep it steady and moving until we reach Alfhiem.” Luna says.

            “Roger on that.” Neil says.

                        The airship keeps on moving until they are but a whim away from Alfhiem, the Mana barrier turns visible.

            “The barrier, it’s visible.” A soldier says.

            “All we have to do is wait for the satellite’s laser and that would be our cue to attack full out.” Redhizer says.

                        Up in space, a satellite with the Gen-Exis logo begins to prepare for the attack, it begins to charge up with electricity, some atom particles begin to circulate at a very fast rate until it fires a very big laser down to Terra. The laser separates the clouds and falls on the Alfhiem barrier, it lasts a few minutes.

            “General, the laser doesn’t seem to be enough after all.” A soldier says.

            “Fire the particle cannons.” Redhizer orders.

                        The mechas start firing the particle lasers, still only cracking the barrier slightly.

            “Still not enough.” Another soldier says.

            “Open the hatch.” Redhizer says.

            “What?” The soldier asks.

            “Open it.” Redhizer says in a higher tone of voice.

                        The soldier opens it, Redhizer walks up to the top of the aircraft and begins to concentrate Demon Force.

            “I didn’t want to do this.” Redhizer says.

                        Redhizer still accumulating Demon Force, the poisonous black miasma comes out of his body and heading towards Alfhiem, the miasma covers the skies, every soldier staring in amazement and in fear. Neil and his crew along with Luna also staring in shock.

            “What is that?” Neil asks without taking his sight off the sky.

            “I don’t know, but it’s coming from that guy’s body.” Luna says pointing at Redhizer.

            “I feel Demon Force from his body.” Neil says.

            “Yeah, I know.” Luna says.

                        The black miasma covers the barrier whole and helps the lasers, disintegrating the barrier to nothing. Redhizer and his army charges in head on without hesitation, Neil’s airship lands on Alfhiem, every knight in Alfhiem begins to concentrate Mana Force and fire off many elemental spells at the mechas. The mechas begin firing electricity based blasts as they fly closer towards the city, Luna rapidly gets off and heads towards the castle, the first wave of mechas reach the outer city and start to attack, the Elves take out some of the mechas easily with magic. More mechas keep on arriving, Venart suddenly appears easily blowing them up in pieces with a snap of his fingers, other mechas fire particle beams, Venart stop them with Mana shields, Luna keeps on running and running until she reaches the castle. Luna runs up the stairs past the guards until she reaches the throne room and kicks the door open, there she spots Zaphyr next to the king, Luna quickly fires off a Mana arrow towards her, Zaphyr easily evades, Luna jumps next to the king.

            “Back off b***h.” Luna says.

            “I knew you would come.” Zaphyr says.

            “Zero is on his way to kick your master’s a*s.” Luna says.

            “He will be disappointed I’m afraid.” Zaphyr says.

            “What do you mean by that?” Luna asks.

            “Like I would tell you.” Zaphyr says.

            “I hope you’ve enjoyed life to the fullest, because this is the end of the line.” Luna says.

            “Whatever you say.” Zaphyr says sarcastically.

                        Judai arrives in the throne room.

            “Princess, you’re back.” Judai says surprised.

            “Oh, good, Judai, take care of my father while I kick this b***h’s a*s.” Luna says.

            “Sure.” Judai says appearing next to the king and taking him out of the throne room.

                        Zaphyr takes out her twin Sais and readies herself.

            “Now it’s just you and me.” Luna says as she turns her bracelet into twin Sais as well and takes a similar position as Zaphyr.

© 2011 Shin

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the war begins huh? nice chap man, though kirisu still manages to annoy the crap out of me soemtimes but oh well that's jsut me lol, very good fights, luna vs zaphyr will be awesome i beet, keep up the good work

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 26, 2011
Last Updated on August 23, 2011

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin