![]() Chapter 63: Ending EvolutionA Chapter by Shin Meanwhile, Jony Chronic
walks up to the top of the Phoenix temple along with Jay and his remaining Last
Union soldiers. “It’s time to reveal ourselves to
the world and bring down Gen-Exis.” Jony Chronic says as he walks towards an
altar and places a fancy red vase with black designs on it. “Rise!” The vase begins to shine
as holy flames rise upwards towards the sky from the vase forming what seems
like a floating fortress on top of the Phoenix temple. “Rupert, you should go towards
Gen-Exis and unleash the elemental beast, do everything to defeat Krade, I’ll
be there after I claim the full power of the holy flames.” Jony Chronic says. “As you wish my lord.” Rupert says
disappearing. “Now, I want all of you to stay put
while I reclaim my power.” Jony Chronic says. “You must be joking if you think I’m
going to let you have that much power.” Jaye comments. Jony Chronic widens his
eyes and looks back. “What did you say?” Jony Chronic asks. “You heard me.” Jaye says. “You’re betraying me? That’s
impossible; I have complete control over you.” Jony Chronic says. “You lost your control over me some
time ago.” Jaye says as he walks towards Jony. “The fact is that you’ve been
losing control over us gradually, first with that Satoshi guy, then Kraven, and
now me.” “Coral, kill him.” Jony Chronic orders. “Sorry Jony, I can’t, I’m no longer
under your control either.” Coral says. “What?” Jony Chronic asks in
disbelief. “Coral, you may have your freedom, I
grant you it, you may go.” Jaye says. “Thanks…” Coral says as she leaves. “Don’t you dare go anywhere! Without
me, you cannot live; you constantly need me to keep you in check with my holy
flames and phoenix ashes, which includes you as well, Jaye.” Jony explains. “I can take away from you right now,
those powers, and you won’t be able to do anything because you’re not a better
fighter than me.” Jaye says. “We’ll see about that!” Jaye says
quickly throwing a giant fireball made of holy flames at Jaye, but Jaye jumps
over it, landing behind Jony and thrusting him through his heart with his
longsword. “You see? Too easy.” Jaye says
removing his sword. Jony gasps and falls on
the ground, Jaye takes some ashes from the vase and begins absorbing Jony’s
holy flames into the ashes. The ashes ignite in holy flames, Jaye concentrates
Spirit Force into the holy flames and crystalizes it into a fire crystal, the
fire crystal begins to burn his arm, gradually taking his whole arm, but it
fades away. “Finally, I have the holy flames…”
Jaye says looking at his arm. “I know I don’t have much time, and
I don’t care, I already lived once, and that’s enough for me.” Coral says as
she leaves. Jaye shrugs his
shoulders and looks up to the floating fortress surrounded by holy flames. “This is where I will begin
everything.” Jaye says smiling. Meanwhile, Tesshu’s
party arrives in an abandoned warehouse; they notice a lot of rust on the non-operating
machines, a lot of cobweb on the corners of the ceilings and empty crates, and
water spots around the floors. “Are you sure they’re here?” Mikae
asks. “Yeah, I felt his Demon Force.”
Shiemi replies. “They’re here, they are just
hiding.” Tesshu says looking around. They walk through the
warehouse until they hear some movement around them, the party stops walking;
all of a sudden some vampires jump out of nowhere attacking the party. The
whole party unsheathes their swords and in a flash cuts them into pieces, but
they begin to regenerate slowly using Demon Force, the party swiftly begins to
make hand seals and unleash a wave of fire at the regenerating vampires thus
burning them to ashes. “Works every time.” Tesshu says. “Yeah, but we can’t keep using
Jutsu’s like this, it’s going to drain us before we even reach the guy.” Shiemi
says. “But we have to keep using them; otherwise we’re going to end up wasting
more energy just fighting them without the Jutsu’s.” Mikae states. “Look, at least we now know we’re
definitely close.” Shiemi says. “Let’s keep on looking then.” Tesshu
says. The party keeps on
searching; meanwhile, Zero and Luna are sitting down in front of a grave with
rocks on it, Krystal’s twin kodachi on the rocks. “Zero, we’ve been here for for a
long time, I think it’s time we get moving…” Luna says. “I know… I just can’t bear leaving
Krystal here… It’s all Zelcius’s fault…” Zero says staring at the grave. “I’m just a sad about this, but we
really have to get a move on.” Luna says. “You’re right; I need to get a
grip.” Zero says standing up and taking his sword. “Where to this time?” Luna asks. Zero sniffs and replies.
“Vakidor.” “Okay, let’s go.” Luna says. Zero and Luna head
towards Vakidor. As they exit the Ross woods, Tesshu and his party find an
underground entrance inside the warehouse. “Is is me or do I feel a familiar
Demon Force?” Tesshu asks. “No, I feel it too.” Shiemi answers. “It’s Darko and that chick that’s
always with him.” Mikae says. “They’re inside.” Shiemi says. “Then we’ve hit the jackpot, Gavin
must be inside.” Tesshu comments. “In we go.” Mikae says. The party heads inside,
walking down some stairs, it’s even darker than the first floor, the party
sparks fire from a kunai to use them as candles and begins to explore the
cellar. As they walk they find more staircases leading down. “Damn, just how deep does this go?”
Tesshu asks. “I don’t know, but I can feel more
Demon Force below.” Shiemi remarks. “Let’s get to the bottom of this.”
Mikae says. “In another occasion, I would
decline.” Shiemi states. “Didn’t think you were such a
scaredy-cat Shiemi.” Miake comments. “I just have a bad feeling about
it.” Shiemi says. “Alright, let’s go.” Tesshu says
walking down the stairs along with the party, as they head down they spot a
group of vampires looking towards them. “Again?” Mikae sighs. The vampires all attack
at once, the party quickly evades, the vampires then unleash Demon Force energy
balls, the party barely dodges and pass by them, rapidly chopping them up, but
unexpectedly, the vampires begin to regenerate much faster. “What the crap dog?” Tesshu asks. “Maybe these guys are more advanced
than the others because they’re probably older ones he transformed.” Shiemi
says. “Could be… but we have to hurry up
and kill them!” Mikae says. Mikae throws some
kunai’s at one of the regenerating vampires slowing its regeneration slightly
and then throwing a black knife making it explode. Shiemi cuts one of them in
even more pieces and throws some liquid on it making it melt. Tesshu jumps
towards the already regenerated vampire, the vampire scrapes his right ribcage
with his claws, but Tesshu slices its head off and catches it, then stabbing a
black knife in it and throwing it to its body making it blow up. Mikae finishes
off the last few with a fire wave jutsu. “I thought we agreed in not to use
ay Jutsu’s.” Shiemi comments. Mikae shrugs her
shoulder. “How come Darko didn’t fight these
guys on his way?” Tesshu asks annoyed. “Don’t know, he must’ve slipped by
them somehow.” Mikae says. “Damn… let’s keep goin’.” Tesshu
says. Back with Zero and Luna,
they walk into Vakidor city. “Huh? What the the?” Zero says
noticing something. “What?” Luna asks. “I smell something so familiar…”
Zero says. “What? Zelcius? Your brother?” Luna
asks. “No… another Kaizer…” “What? It can’t be! You, your
brother and Zelcius are the last!” Luna says surprised. “I thought so too…” Zero says. “Where’d it come from?” Luna asks. “South-west.” Zero repies. “Let’s go check it out then.” Luna
says. Zero and Luna hurry
south-west of the city in hopes to finding the scent; they walk for a while
until they find a factory heavily guarded by Gen-Exis troops. “Didn’t think it would be that easy,
but did security have to be this tight?” Luna asks annoyed. “Anyways, do you
really think that Kaizer is here? Doesn’t look like it to me.” “I can smell it, but it’s a weird
smell, almost as if-” Zero cuts himself off. “As if?” Luna asks. “Come on, I don’t want to waste any
more time.” Zero says heading ahead. “At least finish your sentence
d****t.” Luna says annoyed heading behind him. Zero and Luna cross the
street and hides behind a tank near the factory. “It’s not going to be easy to get
in.” Luna says. “Whoa, did you figure that out all
by yourself?” Zero asks sarcastically. “Shut up! I was just saying geez.”
Luna says angrily. “I have an idea.” Zero says looking
around and noticing an energy generator next to the factory. Zero heads towards the
plant quietly and observes it. “Humph…” Zero places his hand on the
machine and begins to absorb electricity, high amounts pass through Zero’s arm
until the machine begins to malfunction and shuts down. Zero removes his arm
and exhales deeply. “What’s wrong?” Luna asks. “A Kaizer can absorb high amount of
electricity, but there’s a limit, that machine had a little too much.” Zero
explains. The lights in the
factory turn off, all the soldiers spread around trying to figure it out, while
Zero and Luna jump over the high fence and hide behind the factory, the
soldiers then run outside towards the energy generator. Zero and Luna take the
opportunity to infiltrate the factory, the factory is all dark and they can’t
see anything until the emergency lights turn on, Zero and Luna shocked to what
they are seeing. “Oh no…” Luna says with a sad
expression. “It can’t be…” Zero says in
disbelief. They see hundreds of
human sized capsules holding inside what seems as Krystal clones, all the
capsules connected to a main generator via pipes. “What the hell is going on here?”
Luna asks. Zero walks up to a
monitor, Luna stands next to him and begins to tinker with the computer,
opening up a document. “…… It says here she was mass
produced quickly after the extraction of DNA samples from the original, and
used unorthodox methods to make them grow, in order to match the originals age
and that they are all brain dead…” Luna says with watery eyes. Zero grits his teeth,
staring at the monitor with furious eyes and clenching his fists. “This is a Kaizer production; we
harvest them in order to drain all the electricity we want since Kaizer’s a
more handy than nuclear power plants, in the long run we’ll be supplying
electricity for everyone in the world.” A familiar voice explains. Zero and Luna look at
the second floor balcony noticing Xak. “You’re a Kaizer…” Zero says staring
at him. “Yes I am, I finally get to meet a
pure breed that’s not tainted.” Xak says “You’re half Kaizer aren’t you?”
Zero asks. “Very assertive.” Xak says. “You have a familiar scent, so
familiar I even know who your father is.” Zero remarks. “Really? Enlighten me.” Xak says. “You father was my master, Drake.”
Zero explains. “I don’t care really, I never met
him anyways.” Xak says. “Why are you siding with Gen-Exis?”
Zero asks. “Why not?” Xak asks. “Why not? Just look at this, what
they’ve done to our people, isn’t this reason enough to hate them?” Zero asks. “You mean, your people, don’t go
confusing me with others like you.” Xak says. “……” Zero stares at Xak with a
serious expression. “I’ll see to it that this place is destroyed.” “You can try.” Xak says. Zero takes out his sword
and swings it diagonally against one of the machines in the room; Xak suddenly
appears besides Zero stopping his sword with his bare hand. “Nice try.” Xak comments. “How’d you get here so fast? That’s
impossible.” Zero says shocked. “Humph…” Xak disappears with a
fluorescent blue energy swiftly appearing behind Luna and knocking her out with
a chop of his hand. Zero looks towards Xak,
Luna lying on the ground in front of his feet. “I’ll have no one interfering, and I
won’t let you destroy this place either.” Xak says. “How the hell is he moving so fast?”
Zero thinks to himself. The same blue
fluorescent energy appears again, Zero noticing the blue energy making a ring
around Xak, Xak disappears and appears behind Zero hitting his spine with a
punch covered in purple electricity. Zero jumps back, noticing the purple
electricity surrounding Xak. “What an odd color…” Zero says. “I know right, the head of the
science branch modified my powers.” Xak explains. “Your movements aren’t normal
either.” Zero states. “Of course not, took you that long
to figure that out?” Xak asks. “I’m still figuring it out.” Zero
says. “Well, don’t disappoint me,
Lightning Phoenix.” Xak comments with a smirk. “So you know who I am.” Zero says. “Yeah, your reputation precedes you;
I just hope you can live up to the legend, you’ve become even more famous than
your father.” Xak says. “How do you know my father?” Zero
asks. “Let’s just say I had a little visit
from Zelcius very recently.” Xak says. “Don’t do this; I don’t think your
father would approve of what you’re doing.” Zero says. “Who cares? Because I don’t.” Xak
says. “Alright then, let’s dance.” Zero
says readying himself. Zero and Xak walk around
in circles looking at each other calmly, Xak quickly swaps out a big handgun
and shoots at Zero a giant lightning arc, Zero slaps it away with his left
hand. Zero swiftly charges in and makes a diagonal slash; Xak disappears with
the blue circle and appears next to Zero tackling him, throwing Zero against
the monitor, destroying it. Zero stands up cleaning off some dust from his
shoulders. “I thought you would put up a better
fight than this.” Xak says. “Nice, but I learned some tricks on
my way here, hope you enjoy them.” Zero says making a lightning bomb and
throwing it towards Xak. Xak smacks it away, but
it blows up in his face. “Stupid.” Zero says, charging in as
the dust clears. Zero makes a vertical
slash, but misses, noticing Xak is no longer there, Xak appears next to Zero
hitting his face with the handle of his gun and then kicking Zero’s stomach and
finally hitting his back with his elbow making Zero fall on the ground. Zero
jumps up, Xak disappears again with his blue circle, Zero bursts in Spirit
Force, Xak appears behind Zero making a roundhouse kick, but Zero ducks quickly
turning around and punching his genitals very hard, Xak bends down in pain as
Zero punches him up with an uppercut sending him flying up to the second floor
balcony and jumping after him. Xak side steps evading Zero’s upward slash, the
slash cleaves the wall and ceiling in half. Xak wipes off blood dripping from
his mouth and says staring at Zero with a sharp look. “You’re not as bad as I
thought, the moment you burst in Spirit Force your abilities went sky high.” Zero begins to walk
towards him; Xak shoots a bullet that transforms into a water lance, Zero
places his hand in front of him forming a wide lightning shield, blocking it,
Xak then forms a short sword with his gun, actually being an Altergun. “Just to be fair, I’ll let you on my
ability, not that it’ll affect the battle anyway, what I use are portals, the portals
obviously transport my body to any physical space I want in less than a second,
of course, it’s also the work of the elder of the science branch.” Xak
explains. “Thanks for the tip.” Zero says. Meanwhile, Tesshu’s
party arrives at the last floor; in the room they only see a big iron door. “Alright yo, I’m assuming this is
the last floor, since I feel Demon Force behind that door.” Tesshu says. “You ready?” Shiemi asks. “Can we think this over?” Mikae
asks. “Hell no n***a.” Tesshu answers. “We
gonna kick some a*s.” Tesshu says throwing a bunch of black knives at the door,
blowing it up into pieces. The party steps in and
notices Darko and Emma slightly wounded in front of Gavin. “……”
Gavin looks at the party and says. “Well, well, more pray.” “You guys shouldn’t have come.” Emma
says. “That’s right, this is our
business.” Darko says. “Yo shut up whities, I got this
s**t.” Tesshu says walking in along with Shiemi and Mikae. “I’m tired of fighting in this hole,
how about a change of scenery?” Gavin asks making his Demon Force rise upward
in a giant wave breaking all the concrete upward, then rising up to the surface
very fast using his Demon Force. The party begins to jumps up and wall run,
while Darko and Emma float up. Everyone arrives in the top floor inside the
warehouse, difference being the giant hole in the ceiling. “Much better.” Gavin says. Groups of vampires begin
to appear, surrounding the party. “Bad guys always use lackeys to get
the job done huh.” Emma says. “It’s tradition.” Darko comments. “Damn, I hate these guys, they’re
persistent.” Mikae says. “Yo, my gang and I will take care of
these losers; you guys kick that sorry loser’s a*s.” Tesshu says. “It was my intention from the
beginning.” Darko says. “Tesshu, are you sure? I mean, when
we got here they looked like they were losing.” Mikae whispers. “If they lose, we come in and finish
him, but we gotta take care of these suckas first.” Tesshu says readying
himself. As Tesshu’s party fights
off the vampires, Darko and Emma face Gavin once again. Gavin looks up at the
pale sky and says. “It’s almost nightfall…” “What of it?” Darko asks. “Today, as night falls, by the end
of midnight, this whole city will be crawling with parasitic vampires like me.”
Gavin explains. “It won’t happen if we kill you
first.” Emma says. “What makes you think that?” Gavin
asks. “Every vampire that’s become like
you share the same Demon Force wavelength as you, meaning that they are all
linked to you… basically, you fall and they all go down with you.” Darko
explains. “Clever.” Gavin claps. “But knowing
that won’t do you any good, because you’re both going to die.” Darko and Emma rush
towards Gavin, Emma quickly goes in, trying to cut Gavin with her knife, Gavin
easy side steps evading her attack, Darko jumps over him making a front flip
and kicking his back, Emma swiftly back flipping and attacking him with her
knife once again. Gavin stops her arm as he grabs it, Darko with his long claws
attacks Gavin, Gavin catches his arm with his remaining hand and clashes them
together. Both of them hitting against each other very hard, Gavin then slams
them both against a wall and then against a big wooden crate, shattering it,
then spreading his arms, his Demon Force comes from under the ground forming
into spikes, Darko and Emma jump up evading the spikes. Emma then covers her
knife with Demon Force and throws it towards Gavin; Gavin slaps it away, but
the Demon Force in the knife forms into a big hand and grabs a hold of Gavin,
squeezing him tightly, Darko and Emma land on the ground. “Good one Emma.” Darko says. “Yeah, let’s finish him.” Emma says. “Hahahaha.” Gavin laughs out loud.
“Is this your limit? Pathetic… you’re a shame to our race.” “Cut the bluffs, you’re finished.”
Darko says. “You call this a bluff?” Gavin asks
with a smirk. Darko notices Gavin’s
Demon Force taking over Emma’s, Darko and Emma rush in, but Gavin forms spikes
and unleashes them, Darko and Emma evade swiftly, Gavin tries to grab Darko,
but Emma charges towards Gavin. Gavin dodges and grabs Emma by her arms,
squeezing her tightly and biting her neck, his eyes shining blood red, Darko
slices Gavin’s head off, Emma falls on the ground, Gavin’s headless body walks
towards his head, grabbing it and placing it back where it was, Demon Force sticks
them together and regenerates. Darko rushes towards Emma, he holds his wife
tightly, her eyes turning vacant and stained. “Emma! Emma! Answer me!” Darko says
desperately. “She will be my slave forever.” Gavin
says. “Never…” Darko says raising his
right hand over her, his claws extending even longer. “I love you.” Emma says in a loud whisper. “Saying you love me, makes things
harder at best my love. Your words won’t change anything…” Darko says as he
closes his eyes and thrusting his claws into her heart, thus killing her before
she completely transforms. Darko looks up to Gavin
with hatred; Gavin crosses his arms and shrugs his shoulders, Darko grabs
Emma’s knife and begins to walk towards Gavin. “You won’t be able to defeat me, not
alone you won’t.” Gavin says. “You’re right, but I’m here
muthafucka!” Tesshu says appearing next to Darko. “Sorry for ya loss, n****s
kept us busy, Shiemi and Mikae are still holding them off.” “It’s alright; I don’t blame anyone
for her death except for him.” Darko says. Darko
and Tesshu walk towards Gavin, Gavin waits for them, Tesshu disappears from his
sight, Darko rushes in, Gavin blocks Darko’s attack with a Demon Force shield,
Tesshu appears behind Gavin attacking, but Gavin extends his Demon Force shield
around his body, also blocking Tesshu’s attack. Darko covers his knife in Demon
Force and cracks the shield open, Darko stabs Gavin’s heart, but Gavin grabs
Darko’s throat and snaps it, throwing Darko away, Tesshu appears in front of
Gavin and slices him in half, Gavin regenerates with his Demon Force and pushes
Tesshu away, Darko stands up and fixes
his neck. “I thought ya were goner fer sho.”
Tesshu says. “It’ll take more than that to kill
me.” Darko says. Gavin rushes towards
Darko and grabs him, Tesshu slices his arms off, but they regenerate, Darko
head-butts Gavin and kicks his chest, Gavin falls on the ground, Tesshu pierces
his heart with his sword. Gavin grabs Tesshu with his Demon Force arm and
removes Tesshu’s sword from his chest, he walks towards Tesshu to impale him,
but Darko gets in the way and receives the attack, then thrusting his arm
through Gavin’s heart, his hand on Gavin’s back. Gavin takes out Tesshu’s sword
through Darko’s side and slices him in many pieces, and finally uses his Demon
Force to compress Darko’s body into dust; Gavin looks at the remaining of
Darko’s arm and removes it, throwing it on the ground. “F**k!” Tesshu says angrily. “Ha, weak fool.” Gavin says as his
chest regenerates. Tesshu looks at Gavin
with hatred, remembering he is the one responsible for his parent’s death, he
begins to make some hand seals and begins to get buff, meanwhile Zero keeps
fighting. Xak begins to teleport
through the blue portals, but this time, Zero is able to see the portals more
clearly, Xak disappears completely, Zero looks around trying to spot him, a
blue portal appears in front of Zero, Zero backs off, a big purple lightning
bolt comes from the portal, Zero jumps evading it. A portal appears above Zero,
another lightning bolt comes striking down from it, Zero throws his sword
upwards, the lightning bolt hitting Zero’s sword. Zero then catches it and
lands on the ground, a portal appears under him, he falls into it and exits
through another portal on the second floor, Xak waiting for him and slashing
Zero’s chest quickly, Zero falls on the ground, Xak makes a vertical slash,
Zero rolls to the side jumping up with a flip and kicking Xak on his face
making Xak fall on the first floor. Zero looks around swiftly and spots the
electricity generator absorbing the electricity from the hundreds of Krystal’s
and goes towards it. Zero places his hands on it and begins to absorb all that
electricity, Zero’s muscles expand and his Spirit Force bursts sky high, making
the whole factory shake and crack, Xak appears behind him through a portal,
Zero disappears instantly and appears behind Xak, Xak turns around and blocks
Zero’s diagonal slash, Zero disappears again, Xak teleports with his portal,
Zero completely seeing Xak’s movements and portals grabs Xak before he
completely goes in the portal and smashes him against the wall. Xak widens his
eyes in surprise and makes a portal under him, he sinks in and appears farther
away on the same floor, Zero unleashes a giant lightning bolt towards Xak, he
makes a portal in front of it, the lightning bolt goes in, the portal disappears
and appears behind Zero, his lightning bolt coming out at Zero, Zero makes a
back flip and falls into the portal, Zero appears on the other end in front of
Xak, catching him by surprise, then speedily grabbing Xak and holding him in
front of the lightning bolt. The lightning bolt hits Xak directly, Zero pushes
him on the ground and raises his sword to finish him off, Xak once again
teleports using his portals and makes many portals around Zero, every portal
unleashes big lightning bolts, Zero jumps up evading every bolt, the bolts
under him explode, Zero disappearing in midair and appearing on the opposite
side, Xak appears attacking him with his Altergun, both clash swords,
disappearing and appearing as fast as lightning, they keep clashing swords as
they run around, still moving in ultra-high speed. Zero jumps up in midair
spinning around like a spintop, throwing many, many lightning bombs all over,
Xak covers his Altergun in lightning and swiftly throws it in between of all
the bombs, the electricity in the Altergun hits every lightning bomb disabling
them. Xak looks towards Zero and notices electricity surging from his body,
lightning from all the machinery begins to strike him multiple times
repeatedly, his Spirit Force rising even more than before, the ground cracks,
electricity comes out from the ground and surrounds the factory. “What is that?” Xak asks himself. “Indignation!” Zero shouts. Hundreds of lightning
bolts from the machines on the seconds floor begins to strike the ground all
around making a prison, Xak notices a huge black cloud above Zero, a lot of
thunder can be heard when suddenly the black cloud spreads to the sides and a
huge ball made out of electricity begins to descend as more lightning bolts
strike it, making it even bigger and more powerful. Zero falls down and looks
at Xak, he then says. “Let’s finish this before that big ball comes down.” “You think you have me trapped in
here? I can always teleport my way out.” Xak says. “You won’t, if you’re a real Kaizer,
which I’m pretty sure you are, you’d stand and fight me with honor, I know you
can’t resist the challenge.” Zero says with a grin. “You’re right, the challenge is…
accepted.” Xak says taking his Altergun from the ground. “We better hurry up, we don’t have
much time.” Zero says. Luna wakes up and stands
up from the ground, she notices the lightning prison and is unable to pass
through. “Zero!” Luna calls. “Stay right there Luna, this’ll be
over quick.” Zero says. Luna backs off, letting
them finish their battle; both of them look at each other and ready their
weapons, they clash swords fiercely, looking at each other as sparks fly around
them and their electricity runs through their swords. Xak parries Zero’s sword
to the side and puts his hand on Zero’s face slamming him against the ground,
draining electricity, Zero punches Xak on his stomach repeatedly until Xak
backs off, Zero stands up and tackles Xak, Xak holds his ground and slashes
Zero’s chest horizontally spurting blood all over him. Zero makes a diagonal
slash, Xak blocks with one hand and punches Zero’s face very hard sending Zero
back on the ground, he then jumps in the air and falls down trying to stomp
Zero’s face, but Zero blocks his foot with his hand and punches his testicles,
Xak grunts slightly, Zero kicks his foot and makes him fall down, Xak stands up
rapidly and they proceed to punch each other’s face repeatedly, Xak punches
Zero’s rib cage, Zero feels a sting, but then goes in and makes an uppercut
sending Xak back. The huge lightning ball already above them, Zero grabs Xak
and throws him up towards the ball, Xak teleports before landing on the attack,
but Zero in a flash grabs him as he exits a portal next to Zero, Zero quickly
jumping towards the ball still holding Xak, Xak makes a portal in front of Zero,
Zero throws Xak into the portal, he then summons his sword with his hand and
flips over the ball batting it to the ground, the ball falls down at an amazing
speed, Xak appears on the ground, he looks up noticing the lightning ball
already landing on him. Xak receives the full attack, massive amount of
electricity ripping him inside his body, he yells in pain until he falls on the
floor and remains immobile, his body bleeding all over the place, the lightning
prison disappears as Zero walks towards Xak. “Ha… ha… ha…” Xak laughs almost
unable to. “What’s so funny?” Zero asks. “All my power… and still… you could
beat… me…” Xak answers. Luna stands next to
Zero. “You fought with honor; I never
caught your name though.” Zero says. “Xak…” He replies. “That your real name?” Zero asks. “No……” Xak replies. “Well? I should know and remember
the name of a mighty Kaizer I fought.” Zero says waiting for Xak’s answer. “Lysander…” He replies. “Zero, is he going to live?” Luna
asks. “No, he’s dying slowly, in a short
time he’ll die, there’s nothing I can do about it.” Zero replies. “It doesn’t matter… anymore… I
accept… death… with open arms…” Lysander says. “……” Luna makes a sad expression. “Any final words?” Zero asks. “Zelcius… he is… at the old… Cravestone
castle…” Lysander says drawing his final breath. Zero closes Lysander’s
eyes and lowers his head for a moment of silence, he then stands up and walks
towards one of the capsules where the Krystal clones are. Zero stares at her
for a second, clenching his fists, Luna then says. “I’m sorry, but every single
one of them is brain dead…” Zero grits his teeth and
in a rage of anger begins to smash the machines, angrily punching and kicking
them, destroying each one until the life support machines stop functioning and
the Krystal clones die. Zero falls on his knees, crying in anger, he punches
the floor very hard, shattering it, Luna bends down next to him and places her
arm around Zero. “She died again… I couldn’t even
save her this time either…” Zero says. “I know, but there’s nothing you
could’ve done… it’s not your fault…” Luna says holding his face and gently
turning it towards her. “Zero…” Luna kisses Zero on his mouth softly. “……” Zero lowers his head and stands
up, she stares at him blushing. “I’m going to Cravestone castle.” “Where is it located?” Luna asks
standing up. “North of Vakidor, before the Ross
woods, it’s abandoned.” Zero answers. “……Let’s go.” Luna says. Zero nods and leaves
along with Luna, back with Tesshu, Gavin stares at him with amazement. “Third gate, opened.” Tesshu says as
more hair start to grow around his body, already almost seven feet tall with a
bulk body, his face looking slightly deformed. Tesshu still making hand seals
says. “Fourth gate, opened.” He
fully transforms into a werewolf, Gavin chuckles and says. “A werewolf, isn’t
this quite ironic, didn’t think any of you were still around, demons like you
are not common around here anymore.” “Grrr… you’re… dead!” Tesshu says
quickly attacking Gavin, Gavin side steps, Tesshu looks back, Gavin smirks,
then widens his eyes as he notices Tesshu holding his whole right arm in his
hand. “When did you?” Gavin asks. Tesshu throws his arm
right back at Gavin, Gavin puts it back, regenerating once again. “This call for my full power.” Gavin
says as Demon Force accumulates around his body and enters through his mouth, bat
wings begin to sprout from his back, his claws and fangs further grow and his
muscles expand a lot. Both
of them begin to charge towards each other, Gavin is much faster and cuts
Tesshu’s chest repeatedly, then grabbing ahold of him from behind and flying
upward, then falling down crashing Tesshu’s head against the ground very hard.
Tesshu stands up and tries to attack Gavin, but Gavin easily cuts him up again
and throws him away with a simple tackle, Shiemi and Mikae finish off the last
remaining vampires with a jutsu, then appearing in front of Gavin, trying to
slice him in pieces, but Gavin grabs both of them by their throats and slam them
against each other, knocking them out easily, he then throws them on the ground
and prepares to finish them off, but Tesshu runs swiftly and jumps on Gavin.
Gavin punches Tesshu many times on his face and throws him to the side. “You’re annoying me.” Gavin says as
he walks towards Tesshu. Tesshu lying on the
ground looks up to the night sky, noticing the full moon shining brightly, his
eyes begin to turn red, Demon Force start to leak from Tesshu’s body, Gavin
widens his eyes, quickly disappearing and appearing on top of Tesshu making a
downward slash with his claws surrounded in Demon Force, but Tesshu stops his
hand, grabbing it and squeezing it. Tesshu bites his hand and chews it, Gavin
yells in pain as Tesshu rips his arm right off, Gavin jumps back, Tesshu eats
Gavin’s arm. Gavin’s Demon Force takes form of his missing arm and regenerates,
forming back his arm. “Has he gone berserk?” Gavin asks
himself, then looking up to the sky, noticing the full moon. “I have to finish
him quickly, his powers are too great.” Tesshu
leaps towards Gavin like a savage animal, roaring, Gavin punches him very hard
on the face, grabs ahold of his hind legs and slams him against a big steel
pillar. Tesshu without care, leaps towards him again, trying to bite him, Gavin
punches him repeatedly, then piercing him with his Demon Force spikes, Tesshu
bites Gavin’s shoulder, trying to rip out whatever it can, Gavin pushes him
back and shape his Demon Force into hands, trying to grab Tesshu, Tesshu bursts
in Demon Force and rushes towards Gavin, Gavin grabs him and slams him on a
wall, both keep slamming each other against walls, columns, and big wooden
crates. “Ughh! My Demon Force! It’s
depleting too fast! I can’t keep letting him hurt me; otherwise my regeneration
will keep eating away at my Demon Force.” Gavin thinks to himself. Tesshu
buries his claws into Gavin’s back, sinking in even deeper, Gavin keeps
thrusting Tesshu’s big body with his spikes, but to no avail, Tesshu not
feeling even a scratch of them. Gavin kicks Tesshu away and begins to concentrate
Demon Force around himself, creating the same shield as before, Tesshu attacks
the shield viciously, Gavin breathes heavily, taking a short break and staring
at Tesshu furiously. “I’ll get you, you stupid dog.”
Gavin says out loud. Tesshu
keeps struggling trying to break the shield. “You’re the only werewolf I’ve seen
with this much strength… it’s unbelievable what you flea bags can manage.”
Gavin keeps on ranting, still out of breath. Tesshu
cracks the shield, Gavin widens his eyes, Tesshu then finishes in destroying
the shield and leaps on Gavin, Gavin tries to throw him away, but is out of
energy, Tesshu begins to eat him away, Gavin yelling in pain as Tesshu keeps
ripping him apart, chewing like crazy. Gavin uses his remaining Demon Force to
cover Tesshu whole, trying to squeeze him to death, but Tesshu keeps on eating
him piece by piece, Gavin losing his strength and closing his eyes, fainting in
the horrible pain, Tesshu finishes eating him alive until all of a sudden, the
Demon Force squeezes him so tightly that he howls in pain and falls on the
ground, unable to move and faints as well. © 2011 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on June 22, 2011 Last Updated on July 26, 2011 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing