Chapter 62: Hammer Time

Chapter 62: Hammer Time

A Chapter by Shin

                        Meanwhile, in Xordania, Zieg, Jiro and Mayumi are walking the streets looking around.

            “What are we doing here exactly? Aren’t we supposed to be looking for the Ignis Fatuus?” Mayumi asks without emotion.

            “We are, but we can’t trace it so easily.” Jiro says as he walks suddenly hitting his head against a sign. “Oww!”

            “Sorry man, sorry!” A man standing on a ladder next to the sign says.

            “Okay, okay.” Jiro says.

            “You’ve been getting hit all the way here by a lot of things, like that baseball that came out of nowhere, or when you slipped on a Twinkie and fell off a bridge, or when a whole toolbox fell off a building and landed on you, what gives?” Mayumi asks.

            “I’m just unlucky, is all.” Jiro replies.

                        Zieg walking ahead is suddenly mesmerized by a small shiny red ball on a shelf, he gets close and touches it slightly, the ball rolls across the table and falls on a bucket, the bucket pulls the rope, making the bell fall on the table. The table tilts making a big iron pot jump high into the air and fall on Jiro’s head.

            “Damn.” Mayumi says looking at Jiro.

                        Jiro stands up and slaps Zieg behind his head.

            “You did that on purpose didn’t you?” Jiro asks.

            “Uhh, no…” Zieg says.

                        Jiro sighs and shakes his head.

            “Just don’t touch anything.” Jiro says.

            “Alright, alright, I won’t.” Zieg says.

            “You guys are retarded; I can’t believe I’m hanging out with you guys again.” Mayumi comments.

            “Because we’re funny?” Zieg asks.

            “Nah, I just think she has nothing better to do.” Jiro remarks.

            “I have an idea; maybe the queen has something that can help us.” Mayumi says.

            “What gives you that idea?” Jiro asks.

            “I know what she means! The Onassis family always collects many kinds of strange magical artifacts, maybe there’s one that can help us track down the Ignis Fatuus.” Zieg explains.

            “Hmm, worth the shot.” Jiro says nodding.

            “A headless horseman killed my husband! I’m telling the truth!” An old woman shouts, the people around her laughing.

            “Yeah right, you’re just a crazy old woman.” A man says.

            “Were you even married?” Another man asks mockingly.

            “Just ignore her, she’s obviously gone senile.” A woman comments.

            “Please! Believe me! Don’t go near Sleepy Hollow forest!” The old woman says.

            “What the hell?” Jiro says.

            “Sounds interesting.” Mayumi comments.

            “You’re still into dark occult stuff like that?” Zeig asks.

            “It helps kill time.” Mayumi answers casually.

                        All of a sudden the royal carriage appears surrounded by the royal guards, the old woman runs towards the carriage and tries to stop it, Onassis hears the old woman.

            “Stop.” Onassis says to the driver.

                        Onassis then looks outside, the royal guards hold the old woman.

            “Let her go, she’s just an old lady for Christ sake, what seems to be the problem madam?” Onassis asks.

            “My husband was killed by the headless horseman!”

            “You mean the one of the rumors that rests in Sleepy Hollow forest?” Onassis asks.

            “Yes!” The old woman replies.

                        Zieg, Jiro and Mayumi walk towards the carriage; the royal guards stop them from getting any closer.

            “You cannot pass.” The guard says.

            “I understand that, but we want to ask the queen something very important.” Jiro says.

            “Ask me what exactly?” Onassis asks.

            “From what we know, you keep a collection of rare magical items, is it true?” Jiro asks.

            “What is it to you?” Onassis asks.

            “We were wondering if you had a Spirit Tracker of some sort.” Zieg remarks.

                        Onassis observes Zieg, noticing his long ear and off color of hair.

            “Oh my, you’re a-” Onassis is cut off by Jiro. “Yes he is, may we have a private audience?”

            “Alright then, guards, escort the old madam to her house and see to it that she’s properly treated and then I want you to take care of her husband’s burial.” Onassis orders.

            “Yes your majesty!” The guards say.

                        Onassis and the party are escorted to the castle by the guards, in the castle they meet in the throne chamber.

            “Why did you let us in so easily? We could’ve been hired to kill you.” Mayumi says coldly.

            “Elves are peaceful creatures, that is why I trust you to do no harm.” Onassis says.

            “Still your highness, there are more beings with leaf form ears as well, or someone could’ve shape shifted into one.” Jiro explains.

            “I felt the Mana Force from him as well as I can see he has the same hair color as the Venart family.” Onassis says.

            “How did you know all that?” Mayumi asks.

            “I knew Faris Venart, well, more like my ancestor did, but I retain all of the Onassis’s memories, so I know much more than you think.” Onassis says.

            “Faris was my grandmother.’ Zieg says.

            “I see, so, why do you need my Spirit Tracker?” Onassis asks.

            “We need to find a certain item, many lives depend on it.” Jiro replies.

            “Very well, I’ll let you use it, in exchange for you to check the rumors about the headless horseman, if by chance the rumors are real; I want you to eliminate the problem.” Onassis says.

            “Deal.” Jiro says.

            “Finally, something interesting.” Mayumi says.

            “He was supposedly spotted in the Sleepy Hollow forest near the city, in there is a village, he was buried in the graveyard outside of the church, I think you should start there.” Onassis says.

            “Will do.” Jiro says.

                        The party leaves the castle, heading out of the city and reaching the entrance of the Sleepy Hollow forest.

            “So this is it huh.” Jiro says.

            “Yeah, let’s hurry in and get this over with.” Mayumi says walking ahead.

            “She really is into this kind of stuff, right Zieg?” Jiro asks. “Zieg?”

                        Zieg is poking a small frog with a stick next to the entrance as he laughs uncontrollably. “Hahahahaha.”

            “D****t Zieg, you never listen to what I have to say.” Jiro says slapping Zieg behind his head again.

            “Oww.” Zieg says rubbing behind his head.

            “Let’s get moving before Mayumi gets lost.” Jiro says.

                        Zieg and Jiro head into the forest, meanwhile, Seshiro and Hisana are back in Lemuria city, inside a military base.

            “I’m pretty sure Satoshi is headed here, I remember he mentioned once a relation between Lemuria and his book, like something to do with more energy concentrating here.” Seshiro says.

            “But you felt his Spirit Force heading towards this direction right?” Hisana asks.

            “Yeah, I did, that’s why I came here in the first place.” Seshiro answers.

            “I think he’s still far off, he won’t be reaching Lemuria for some time, so we can relax a bit.” Hisana says.

            “You’re right.” Seshiro says.

            “Where’s Aureana anyways? I haven’t seen her today.” Hisana asks.

            “I’m not sure either, I saw her this morning, but then she just disappeared.” Seshiro replies.

            “And why are we staying in this military base?” Hisana asks.

            “Aureana insisted, for our safety, but I kinda want to go back to my apartment, I miss it.” Seshiro remarks.

            “I was thinking just that, and right now, I’m heading back to my apartment, this base brings me back some bitter memories.” Hisana comments.

            “I understand, if you want I can go with you.” Seshiro says.

            “No, it’s okay, I’ll go by myself, I need to have some time alone to think things over.” Hisana says.

            “Sure, take care.” Seshiro says kissing Hisana.

            “I’ll be back later.” Hisana says leaving the base.

                        After some time, Hisana arrives at her old apartment building, she looks around remembering the sight, she then looks up to the dull gray cloudy sky, she breathes in as she opens it the door and enters the building, once inside her apartment she looks around, noticing everything is still in its place, still clean without a smudge of dust.

            “Looks like they still send the old maid to clean up, thank God I’ve been paying for the service the whole time I was gone.” Hisana thinks to herself.

                        Hisana throws her bag on the couch, walks into the bathroom and begins taking her clothes off; she enters the tub and begins taking a shower. As she rubbes her skin with a loofa she begins to lose herself in thought. “It’s already been over a year, actually, close to two years… Now that Gen-Exis knows that I’m still alive, they will hunt me down… Even Seshiro and the rest… I’m going to have to put a stop to them, but that means I’ll have to face Morgana again, she’s strong, but…”

                        Hisana turns the water off, puts on a towel and goes to her room; she opens the closet door and puts on her old Aiden Unit uniform, and then the custom cloak over it.

            “Good thing I had it restored… It’ll help me get in quicker; I’m going back and put a stop to this…” Hisana says swiftly leaving her room, taking out her Altergun from the bag and leaving.

                        Hisana rushes out her apartment complex and jumps up to the building, jumping from building to building at an incredible speed, not even one person walking around noticing her. She keeps up the pace until she stops jumping; she looks around the high building she’s at.

            “It can’t be…”

                        Hisana rapidly ducks as a sledgehammer flies right above her barely missing the top of her head and landing on the ledge of the building shattering it into pieces. Hisana notices an Aiden Unit member dressed in a custom cloak, he widens his smile as he opens the palm of his right hand and the sledgehammer comes flying towards him, Hisana side flips evading the sledgehammer and the Aiden Unit member catches it.

            “Remember me?” He asks.

            “How could I?” Hisana asks.

            “Heh.” He smirks.

            “I’m going to finish what you started, Saigo.” Hisana says removing her hood.

            “We’ll see about that.” Saigo says removing his hood as well.

            “I’m guessing you were sent here to follow us.” Hisana says.

            “Brilliant as always, but it’s not only you, but some other strong people, though you might know them by chance, we were divided to take on everyone separately.” Saigo explains.

            “Anyone would say that Krade has something up his sleeve, trying to take out every single strong person around simultaneously.” Hisana says.

            “Maybe, I don’t really know anything about that; I’m just a loyal soldier.” Saigo says.

            “Pfft, yeah right.” Hisana scoffs.

            “Oh, and there is one little thing, Xixis doesn’t want me finishing you since she has some plans for you, she just wants me to beat you up and take you to her. Right now, she’s plotting something very interesting, but I’ll have to let her plans down, because I kill you here and now.” Saigo says staring at Hisana viciously.

            “Bring it on.” Hisana says taking out her Altergun.

            “Hehe, alright.” Saigo says readying himself.

                        Saigo takes off his cloak and throws it aside, Hisana does the same, both stare at each other fiercely. Saigo charges in rapidly spinning his sledgehammer and jumping in the air, quickly falling down with a vertical attack. Hisana side flips as she shoot him with her gun mode, Saigo lets out some Spirit Force making the bullets stop and fall on the floor, he then makes a horizontal strike which Hisana evades back flipping and jumping in the air. Saigo disappears and appears above her swiftly hitting her very hard with a vertical hit making her fall hard on the floor, cracking it slightly. Hisana coughs and stands up, Saigo comes from above very fast making a downward strike, but Hisana jumps to the side barely evading it.

            “Haha, what’s wrong Hisana? You’re not keeping up with me anymore, is this how you plan to kill me?” Saigo asks mockingly.

            “…Looks like he took a Spirit Shot before fighting me…” Hisana thinks to herself.

            “I don’t feel like fighting you anymore, you’re so boring, but I’m still going to kill you.” Saigo says walking towards Hisana.

            “I’ll have to use my fill power on this one…” Hisana keeps thinking.

            “What? You’re going to wait for your death nice and easy?” Saigo asks as he gets closer to Hisana.

                        Saigo leans back his sledgehammer and swiftly swings it downward on Hisana, Hisana bursts in Spirit Force pushing Saigo back, Hisana jumps towards him and grabs ahold of his Sledgehammer, then swings rotating around it like a pole and finally jumping off firing her Altergun many times. Saigo once again releases some Spirit Force to stop the bullets; they fall on the ground, he jumps towards Hisana, Hisana forms her Altergun into twin guns and shoots away, Saigo evades dashing side by side and finally trying to hit her with an upward attack. Hisana concentrates Spirit Force under her feet and jumps higher, then facing down shooting as she rotates repeatedly falling down. Saigo throws his sledgehammer upward, Hisana forms her twin guns into a shield, the impact stops her from rotating, she falls down on the floor safely. The sledgehammer falls and lands between Saigo and Hisana, Saigo appears next to the sledgehammer in an instant, Hisana forms her usual sword mode.

            “Nice moves as always, looks like you got a little more weapons than before with that Altergun, but it won’t do you any good.” Saigo says.

            “……” Hisana remains calm staring sharply at Saigo.

                        Meanwhile Zieg, Jiro and Mayumi are still wandering the Sleepy Hollow woods.

            “We’ve been walking for a while now and it won’t be long before nightfall, so we better pick the pace.” Jiro says.

            “There’s no hurry, we can wait for nightfall to see if the headless horseman is real or not, that’s what we came to confirm anyway.” Mayumi says.

            “Yeah, headless, headless.” Zieg says nodding and looking around.

            “Not that I’m afraid of a ghost or anything, but I’m not really in the mood for it, and it isn’t my job to be hunting for ghost anyways.” Jiro says.

            “P***y.” Mayumi mumbles.

            “I heard that.” Jiro says.

            “So? You’re my father to give me a spanking?” Mayumi asks.

            “No, but I can probably give you one anyways.” Jiro replies.

            “I’d like to see you try; actually, I’m begging you.” Mayumi looks at Jiro coldly.

            “Your look doesn’t scare me Mayumi, I’ve seen worse, like Beelzebub, now he can really scare you with a look.” Jiro comments.

            “Too bad he ain’t here, why am I wasting my time talking to you anyways?” Mayumi asks herself.

            “…… We should really duel after this is over.” Jiro says.

            “Any day, anytime, anywhere.” Mayumi says.

            “Look!” Zieg points directly ahead towards a rundown village, every house pale white with dark brown roofs, dirt roads, some farms, a tower, a church with a graveyard and a few carriages.

            “I can’t believe these kinds of places still exist.” Jiro says.

            “Maybe they leave it like this for touristic purposes.” Zieg comments.

            “Doubt it, some people just like the boondocks.” Mayumi states.

            “Let’s check it out.” Zieg says walking ahead.

            “Wait up; we have to go to the church, oh and Zieg, look like a human for God’s sake, they’re going to get freaked out.” Jiro says.

            “Okay, okay.” Zeig says as his ears turn human, his eyes and hair turn black.

                        They all walk towards the church; the priest is outside speaking with a group of people.

            “Uhh, excuse me; we came here by Queen Onassis’s request to investigate some rumors about the headless horseman.” Jiro says without entering the church.

            “You shouldn’t be talking about such things in public young ones, why don’t you come inside?” The priest suggests.

            “Uhh, we’d rather not…” Jiro answers.

            “The house of God is the safes place in the world, don’t be shy now.” The priest says.

            “No, really, can we discuss this at the inn?” Jiro asks.

            “Um, sure, I’ll be there in a while, you just wait for me, I have some things to do first.” The priest answers.

                        The party heads to the inn.

            “Still can’t stand church?” Mayumi asks.

            “Yeah, Zieg and I still get that burn when we go in; our powers seem to weaken in those kinds of places, even if a little.” Jiro replies.

            “Wonder when he’ll be here.” Mayumi says sitting down on a bed.

            “We’ll just have to wait.” Zieg says lying on one of the beds.

                        As the party waits for the priest, Hisana and Saigo are still fighting, Saigo attacking head on, Hisana side flips evading his attack, his sledgehammer shatters the floor, she then does a three sixty turn swiftly cutting his left arm, leaving a big wound. Saigo kicks Hisana, sending her flying off the building, but she wall runs up the building as she charges her Spirit Force and lands on Saigo. Saigo side steps and head butts Hisana, hitting her head very hard, she falls on the floor, Saigo lifts up his sledgehammer and attacks with a downward attack. Hisana rolls over and kicks his feet, making him trip and fall as well. Both stand up, Saigo takes out a full syringe of Spirit Shot out of his vest and injects himself directly in the heart.

            “Ugghhhh… You should’ve brought your… medication.” Saigo says as his smile widens.

            “I can’t believe you’re still addicted to those after all these years…” Hisana says.

            “I bet you’re dying for one, it’s been ages, hasn’t it?” Saigo asks taking out another syringe and showing her.

            “I was never addicted to them…” Hisana says.

            “Ha, I won’t let you take it away this time.” Saigo says hiding it in his vest again.

                        Saigo bursts in Spirit Force, it’s so strong the building begins to shake and crack, all the people run out of the building, Saigo and Hisana resume their fight, jumping from building to building as they fight. Hisana jumps to the electric poles evading Saigo’s fierce attacks, but Saigo concentrates Spirit Force into his sledgehammer and jumps down to the street, hitting the middle of the road very hard creating a shockwave that breaks the streets, cars and part of the buildings. The cars explode, Hisana jumps to a taller building, Saigo appears behind her, Hisana forms her shield again with her Altergun receiving Saigo’s full blow, Hisana then forms a spear and pierces Saigo’s right leg and punches him under his jaw. Saigo backs off slightly, but Hisana lifts his sledgehammer and hits him very hard on his stomach sending him flying and falling very hard on the ground. His Spirit Shot falls off his vest and lands near the ledge of the building, Hisana throws the sledgehammer to the side and jumps towards him, he kicks her on the stomach sending her to the ledge of the building. Hisana notices his Spirit Shot, Saigo goes towards his sledgehammer and grabs it.

            “I hardly even feel your attacks.” Saigo says as he walks towards Hisana.

                        Hisana stands up and turns around, Saigo notices his Spirit Shot in her hands.

            “What? How did you?” Saigo asks in disbelief.

            “This is the end Saigo…” Hisana says.

            “Wait, you don’t know what effect it can have on you since you haven’t had a shot in a while.” Saigo says.

            “Let’s find out.” Hisana injects herself in her heart as Saigo charges towards her hastily trying to avoid her injecting herself. Hisana bursts in massive Spirit Force throwing Saigo away, Hisana’s smile and eyes widen giving a psychotic expression.

            “Damn! She’s gone battle high!” Saigo says readying himself.

                        Hisana instantly disappears from Saigo’s sight and appears in front of him forming double swords with her Altergun, Saigo jumps back evading her attack by a paper thin margin. Saigo then attacks her with a horizontal swing, but Hisana front flip as she forms a big wide and long sword combining her double swords and attacks with a vertical slash. Saigo tilts his head quickly, her slash barely scratching his neck; she lands on the ground and turns around swiftly laughing uncontrollably and attacking Saigo with a horizontal slash, Saigo jumps back, but from her slash comes out an energy slash made out of ice. Saigo jumps in the air evading her attack, but Hisana raises her sword and hits the ground making giant stalagmites of ice come up from the ground trying to hit Saigo in midair. Saigo bursts in Spirit Force, the ice breaks upon touching him, but Hisana appears above him kicking him down towards the ice stalagmites, Saigo throws his sledgehammer down, shattering every ice stalagmite, he lands on the floor safely and looks up, noticing Hisana is no longer in midair, he looks around and still doesn’t see her anywhere.

            “Huh? Where the hell are you?” Saigo shouts angrily.

                        Hisana appears once again, this time behind him wielding double spears and attacking like a maniac, Saigo grabs his sledgehammer and blocks both her spears. Hisana forms them into her normal sword mode, kicks Saigo on his stomach and then jumps up hitting him on his face with her knee. Saigo falls on the floor, Hisana grabs his sledgehammer, raises it up, she looks at Saigo with psychotic eyes.

            “No! Stop!” Saigo shouts.

                        Hisana hits Saigo very hard on his stomach with his own sledgehammer, breaking all his ribs, he coughs blood, Hisana lifts him up and throws him in the air, she jumps right after him and hits him again with his sledgehammer sending him even higher up. Hisana disappears and appears above him, hitting him downwards, Saigo falls very hard on the floor, unable to move, Hisana throws the sledgehammer at Saigo, it hits his back, breaking it, Hisana forms her big sword again and lands on him, thrusting her sword into Saigo’s heart through his back, running it down even deeper, killing him instantly.

            “Hahahahaha!” Hisana laughs uncontrollably bursting n Spirit Force.

                        Seshiro suddenly arrives; Hisana notices him and attacks him.

            “Huh? Hisana wait!” Seshiro says taking out his sword and blocking hers. “Snap out of it! What’s gotten into you?”

                        Hisana keeps on laughing, but Seshiro turns into his demon form and in a flash knocks her out with the hilt of his sword. After a while, Hisana wakes up, she holds her head.

            “What a headache…”  Hisana says.

            “Sorry I hit you, but you were going crazy.” Seshiro says.

            “Seshiro? How’d you know I was here?” Hisana asks.

            “I felt your Spirit Force from afar.” Seshiro says.

            “…… I see.” Hisana nods.

            “Quite a mess you left there.” Seshiro comments.

                        Hisana looks at Saigo’s dead body.

            “He was sent by Gen-Exis to kill me, he said they were after other strong ones, I’m assuming some of our friends.” Hisana explains.

            “They can take care of their selves, that doesn’t worry me at all.” Seshiro says.

            “I know…” Hisana says standing up from the floor.

            “Looks like you were planning on leaving without telling me huh.” Seshiro says.

            “I’m sorry.” Hisana says lowering her head.

            “It’s alright; I understand you still have things to finish.” Seshiro comments.

            “Thanks for understanding… but I’ll be back after I finish.” Hisana says.

            “Sure, I just want you to promise me you’ll survive and come back.” Seshiro says.

            “I promise…”  Hisana says.

                        They kiss each other, Seshiro then hands over Hisana’s custom cloak.

            “I believe this is yours, saw two of them, just assuming.” Seshiro says.

            “Yeah, it is, thanks.” Hisana says putting it on. “This is it; I’m leaving, take care.”

            “You too.” Seshiro smiles.

                        Hisana leaves, Seshiro then looks towards the city and shakes his head. Back with Jiro’s party, the priest arrives.

            “You sure took your sweet time huh reverend.’ Mayumi comments.

            “I’m terribly sorry, I had many things to attend to, now how may I help you?” The priest asks.

            “Well, for starters, we’d like to know if the rumors are true.” Jiro says.

            “People believe too much in evil, in dark times they forget about the Lord almighty who is always protecting them.” The priest says.

            “That didn’t really answer my question father.” Jiro says.

                        The priest lets out a sigh and replies.   “I’m afraid they might be true, we’ve had to bury some very dear people to us recently.”

            “Does it appear every night?” Mayumi asks.

            “Yes, but if we maintain ourselves in doors, it will go away eventually.” The priest answers.

            “That’s not good enough.” Zieg says.

            “Very true Zieg, so around what times does it appear?” Jiro asks.

                        The priest checks his wrist watch and answers. “About now.”

            “Now you tell us?” Jiro asks.

                        A scream can be heard from the outside; the party jumps out through the window and notices the headless horseman attacking a young boy around his teens. In a flash Jiro grabs the boy and takes him out of the way as Zieg and Mayumi appear behind the headless horseman making a diagonal slash, their swords covered in energy. Their attacks pass right through the headless horseman; the horseman attacks with a horizontal slash, but Zieg and Mayumi disappear from his sight and appear next to Jiro.

            “We can’t hurt him…” Mayumi says.

            “He is a ghost after all… I knew this was going to be annoying.” Jiro says shaking his head.

                        Some red light shines from the forest, the horseman leaves immediately into the woods.

            “What are we going to do?” Mayumi asks.

            “That red light, I felt Demon Force…” Jiro says.

            “Felt like a familiar demon.” Zieg states.

            “Yeah, it felt like a… Hantu Kubor.” Jiro says.

            “Hantu Kubor?” Mayumi asks.

            “It’s a demon, though more like an evil spirit, they like to possess people and drive them insane. It has the power to possess people or animals and kill their souls to become the creature or being that it possessed.” Jiro explains.

            “So you’re saying it’s possible for it to control some ghost?” Mayumi asks.

            “Exactly.” Jiro nods. “But there are a few types of those kinds of demons, this one is actually a graveyard type.” Jiro further explains, he then looks at the boy and asks. “Who’re you kid? And what were you doing outside at this time?”

            “The name’s Ian Depp sir and I was just curious.” He replies.

            “I bet you heard the saying that curiosity killed that cat.” Jiro says.

            “Yes sir.” Ian nods.

            “Ian, do you know the woods well?” Jiro asks.

            “Yes sir.’ Ian nods again.

            “Good, and you don’t have to keep calling me sir.” Jiro says.

            “Alright, do you wanna go now?” Ian asks.

            “That’s be great.” Jiro answers.

            “What are we going to do about that stupid horseman?” Mayumi asks.

            “Nothing, once we take out the Hantu Kubor the ghost will disappear.” Zieg replies.

            “Sounds too easy.” Mayumi says.

            “Let’s just go finish this.” Jiro says.

                        The party begins to head into the forest, Ian showing them the way, protected between the party members. Ian then begins a conversation.

            “Who are you people exactly?” Ian asks.

            “No one important.” Mayumi replies.

            “But you guys were amazing back there, I don’t know how you did it, but you guys saved me like in a second, I didn’t even see you.” Ian says.

            “It’s nothing.” Jiro says.

            “What’s wrong with him? He seems weird.” Ian says pointing at Zieg.

            “Huh? Me?” Zieg asks.

            “He’s just a special guy.” Jiro says.

            “Yeah, very special…” Mayumi says sarcastically with a scoff.

            “Hey, you make me sound retarded.” Zieg says annoyed.

            “Sometimes you can be retarded, laughing alone, repeating things, getting lost in your own little world, that last one is mostly all the time.” Mayumi remarks.

            “Good thing he can fight.” Jiro comments.

            “Hey! Leave him alone! You guys said he was special! So don’t tease him like that!” Ian says.

            “Thanks Ian.” Zieg says with a smile.

                        Jiro stops walking, the rest of the party stops as well.

            “Get ready.” Jiro says.

                        Everyone unsheathes their swords.

            “Stand behind me Ian.” Zieg says.

                        Out of the forest many small black demons with claws attack at once, coming from all sides, Ian widening his eyes afraid, when all of a sudden they all fall into pieces.

            “Huh? What happened?” Ian asks confused.

            “We just sliced them.” Mayumi says.

            “But I didn’t see anything.” Ian says.

            “Of course not, you can’t see how fast we are, so we appear immobile to you, but the truth is we killed them.” Jiro explains.

            “That’s awesome!” Ian says excited.   “What else can you do?”

            “We shouldn’t be demonstrating any of our powers to you.” Jiro says.

                        Zieg raises his sword and makes a vertical slash, unleashing a giant wind blade of fire through the road, it reaches a great distance.

            “Zieg!” Jiro says slapping behind his head again.

            “Oww, I just wanted to show him a little, can’t use any Mana Force or he’ll faint.” Zieg says.

            “Idiot, you’re just alerting that demon we’re here, now we have to hurry up or he’ll escape.” Mayumi says.

            “I knew that.” Zieg says.

            “Yeah right!” Jiro says angrily.

            “No, really, I knew, he already knows we’re here, that’s why he sent those demons, and I just killed more demons on their way here, that Hantu Kubor is south-west form here, not even a few miles away, we can get there fast.” Zieg explains.

            “…… I thought I was the calculating one.” Jiro says.

            “Looks like there’s a new sheriff in town.” Mayumi says sheathing her sword.

            “I always wanted to be a detective you know; catching bad guys can’t be that difficult can it?” Zieg asks.

            “Shut up Zieg, I curse your Asperger for being so attentive to details.” Jiro says annoyed.

            “We should hurry up, or we’ll lose him.” Mayumi says leaping into the forest.

            “Ian, hop on my back.” Zieg says.

                        Jiro goes after Mayumi, Zieg then runs after Jiro, Ian seeing everything move at an impossible speed, Zieg suddenly stops, noticing Jiro lying on the ground.

            “Don’t tell me you tripped.” Zieg says.

            “I did… Just keep going.” Jiro says standing up.

                        Zieg shrugs his shoulders and keeps on moving; as he keeps running he sees a Spirit Force burst from the distance.

            “Mayumi.” Zieg says as he disappears and appears in a shrine in between the woods. The he sees Mayumi trying to slash the horseman, but the horseman attacks head on. Mayumi backs off, Jiro appears next to Mayumi.

            “You get off now Ian.” Zieg says.

                        Ian gets off, Zieg then says. “Tcitpur dlisoh.”

                        Mana Force surrounds Ian, protecting him from any harm.

            “Where the demon you were talking about?” Mayumi asks.

            “The Hantu Kubor should be here.” Jiro says.

            “But I can’t feel his Demon Force.” Zieg says.

            “That’s weird, I can’t either.” Jiro says.

                        The horseman attacks the party, the party jumps out of his path, Zieg then says as he lands. “Distract him! I’m going to seal him.”

            “Should’ve done that from the beginning.” Mayumi says.

            “But Zieg, that spell takes time and I’m not even sure it’ll work against a ghost.” Jiro says.

            “Seals work on anything weaker than you, that’s what dad said.” Zieg says.

            “Alright then, it’s worth the shot… Mayumi and I will distract him while you prepare the seal.” Jiro says.

                        Mayumi and Jiro charge towards the horseman, the horseman attacks relentlessly, while Zieg begins to concentrate Mana Force as he chants in whispers. The horseman unable to touch Jiro and Mayumi charges towards Ian, the horseman attacks, but the Mana Force surrounding Ian protects him from the attacks. Jiro then jumps up in midair and unleashes water wind blades that crush the ground under the horseman; the horseman falls into the huge hole while Mayumi concentrates Mana Force in her sword and makes a diagonal slash which unleashes a huge slash of energy. The slash covers a very wide radius hitting the horseman directly, the area explodes, Jiro appears next to Mayumi with Ian, the horseman comes out of the hole unharmed walking towards the party.

            “Lesi lovi.” Zieg says.

                        Elven runic symbols begin to appear around the horseman, the horseman tries to move, but it’s paralyzed. The runic symbols begin to spin around the horseman very quickly until the horseman is no longer visible.

            “About time he finished.” Mayumi says.

            “It wasn’t that long.” Jiro says.

                        All of a sudden a scream can be heard from the village.

            “What now?” Mayumi asks.

            “We have to hurry! My parents might be in danger!” Ian says running ahead towards the village.

                        Mayumi sighs, Jiro looks at Zieg, Zieg shrugs his shoulders, they all disappear all of a sudden. In the village a big group of those small demons from before attacks the villagers, all the villagers run around trying to escape, but the demons don’t let them escape. The party appears saving some of the villagers from the small demons, all the small demons form a big group and attacks the party at the same time.

            “Retards.” Mayumi says.

                        As the demons charge and attack, the party simply unsheathes their swords making a horizontal slash, all the demons fall on the ground sliced in half and turn to ashes.

            “Looks like the little Hantu’s are all dead, now we just need to find and kill the Hantu Kubor.” Zieg says.

            “No need.” A rough voice says.

                        A big shadow appears before the party, the shadow takes form of a giant Hantu, but with yellow eyes, a wide smile showing all his sharp teeth and long arms with claws.

            “You sealed the horseman, and killed my slaves, pity.” Hantu Kubor says.

            “It’s your turn now.” Mayumi says.

            “I clearly am no match for any of you, so it would be foolish for me to challenge you, but I have an offer to make.” Hantu Kubor says.

            “I don’t want to hear it.” Jiro says.

            “Let him talk, it might be interesting.” Zieg says.

            “Join me and together we can bring the conception of the underworld on earth.” Hantu Kubor says.

            “You think a demon as weak as you can actually bring so many demons from hell?” Jiro asks.

            “Not happening.” Zieg says.

            “But together we can make it happen, a world where only our kind reigns would be glorious to the dark one.” Hantu Kubor says.

            “Not interested.” Jiro says.

            “Besides, the dark one doesn’t even care.” Zieg says.

            “Please, reconsider my offer.” Hantu Kubor says.

                        Ian arrives, Hantu Kubor looks at Ian, his eyes shine brightly, Ian becomes hypnotized, the party looks back at Ian, the Hantu Kubor turns back into his shadow form and enters Ian’s body.

            “D****t we should’ve killed him when we had the chance.” Mayumi says.

                        Ian’s eyes shine yellow, his nails grow in a black color, his skin becomes pale and bursts in Demon Force.

            “Hahaha! What about now? You can’t hurt me now that I’m in this human’s body.” Hantu Kubor says in unison with Ian’s voice.

            “Then we’re going to have to force you out.” Jiro says.

            “You won’t be able to resist superior Demon Force.” Zieg says.

            “Which one of you will transform?” Mayumi asks.

            “We don’t have to transform to use Demon Force exactly, at least not us.” Zieg says.

                        Zieg disappears and appears behind Hantu Kubor, Jiro charges in and grabs ahold of him, Zieg does the same from behind, and they release Demon Force from their bodies. Hantu Kubor begins to yell until he comes out of Ian’s body through the mouth, Mayumi jumps towards him and passes by unsheathing her sword and landing on the ground. Hantu Kubor then falls on the ground in pieces and turns to ash. Ian falls on the ground as well.

            “What… happened?” Ian asks.

            “We did it, we killed every demon and that headless guy won’t be coming back.” Zeig responds.

            “Hehehe, awesome!” Ian says.

            “Time to go now that everyone’s safe and there are no more demons or ghosts.” Mayumi says.

            “Yeah.” Jiro nods.

            “Bye, bye kid.” Jiro says as he walks away.

                        Mayumi waves her hand slightly as she leaves.

            “Thanks Zieg, you really are special.” Ian says with a smile.

            “Here, take this.” Zeig says taking out an Elven necklace with a runic symbol and handing it to Ian.

            “What’s this?” Ian asks.

            “It’s an Elven necklace.” Zieg reverts back to his normal self. “With this, you can enter Alfhiem, city of Elves…”

            “Elves? Really?” Ian asks.

                        Zieg nods.

            “Can I learn magic and stuff like that?” Ian asks.

            “Yes you can, there’s an academy for mages in Alfhiem.” Zieg replies.

            “But how do I get there?” Ian asks.

            “If you really wish to get there, just hold the necklace and wish for it, you’ll be guided by it.” Zieg answers.

            “Awesome!” Ian says excited.

            “Remember this, only you can enter because you have the necklace, they will not let anyone else enter without one.” Zieg says. “Well, I’m leaving, take care.”

            “Bye!” Ian says.

                        Zieg disappears from Ian’s sight, after a few hours the party is back in Xordania castle. There they meet with Queen Onsassis once again.

            “I see, so it was the work of a demon.” Onassis says. “Okay, you can use my Spirit Tracker.”

                        Onassis stands up and takes them to a room behind her throne, full of artifacts and old things in general, right in the middle is the almost the exact same mechanism that Venart has in his house.

            “Good, now, time to check it out.” Jiro says.

                        Jiro stands up on a small platform while Zieg concentrates Mana Force into the mechanism, there a hologram of Terra appears. Jiro concentrates until a flashing dot appears in the Rodika continent.

            “So it’s around Evergray…” Mayumi says.

            “Looks like it.” Jiro says.

            “Alright, time to leave and thanks for letting us use your Spirit Tracker.” Zieg says.

            “Thanks for saving my people, take care.” Onassis says as the party leaves the castle.

© 2011 Shin

My Review

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very good chap, good way to detail an adventure for all three of them, it was interesting seeing something regarding the headless horseman, hisana versus saigo fight was awesome, i loved her battle hight state and that she powned Saigo ruthlessly, he deserve that death damn it lol, is it me of is the chap tittle kinda of a pun? lol it's fitting still, keep it up man.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 15, 2011
Last Updated on June 22, 2011

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin