![]() Chapter 61: The Beginning of the EndA Chapter by Shin Krade sitting in his
throne is thinking to himself, Xixis comes into his chamber and says. “I’m
here, as you requested.” “Yes, I want to ask you something.”
Krade says. “Yes?” Xixis says. “You’re my best tracker, you can
feel energy force from great distances if they’re great, now tell me if I’m
wrong, but I’ve been feeling formidable energies around the world” Krade says. “Yes my lord, you’re absolutely
right, there are roughly around fifteen that’s caught my attention.” “And even though these individuals
may not pose a threat now, for what I’ve been feeling, their powers are growing
fast and may pose a threat soon; right now their levels are around the Aiden
Unit’s levels.” Krade remarks. “Are you suggesting we send the
Aiden Unit to take care of them before they get any stronger?” Xixis asks. “Exactly my thought, but in order to
take care of them in a timely manner, we have to dispatch the Aiden Unit’s
members separately.” Krade nods. “What? But what if they were to be
defeated separately?” Xixis asks. “Each member will take the highest
dose of Spirit Shot, with that, they can overpower those individuals.” Krade
explains. “Isn’t it better to send them as a
team against each person?” Xixis asks. “It would, but I want them
eliminated soon.” Krade replies. “Do you have any plans in mind?”
Xixis asks. “Of course I do, but it’s not of
your concern for now.” Krade answers. “Alright then, I’ll send the Aiden
Unit as you said, though one of the members, Reika, is already out in duty,
I’ll inform her since she might be close to one of them, I’ll call Lexon to
help me pinpoint their exact coordinates and give them to the unit.” Xixis
says. “Good, good, as expected from a
prodigy such as yourself.” Krade comments. “I take my leave.” Xixis says leaving. As Xixis leaves Xak
enters. “You’re here right on time Xak.”
Krade says. “……” Xak waits for Krade to speak
up. “I called you here because I want
you to personally guard a special restricted area, Lexon finished building it,
of course, for security purposes Lexon built this place outside of the base, in
the city outskirts.” Krade explains. “Why send an elder to personally
guard it?” Xak asks. “Because this place is a factory,
this factory is no ordinary one, it’s special, Lexon found a way to make so
much energy that we would no longer need the supply of the governments electric
company, but that’s not the point, the point is that we need all this massive
energy to power up our weapons.” Krade further explains. “But why need all this energy just
to power up weapons all of a sudden?” Xak asks. “I have a plan that I will execute
soon, and I need everything to be ready by then.” Krade says. “I don’t mean to question your
judgment in election, but out of all the elders, why me exactly?” Xak asks. “Lexon is still too busy, Axon is
abroad, and I already gave Xixis a task, plus you’ll find this task of yours
quite peculiar once you enter the factory and see for yourself.” Krade replies. “Alright, I’m on it.” Xak says as he
turns around and leaves. Meanwhile, Lloyd’s party
arrives in Britannica. “You take care now, if you need
another trip, you know who to call.” Rick says. “Sure, thanks, I really appreciate
you helping us all this time.” Yumi says. “Oh, one more thing, what happened
to that cat you had, the one that talked?” Rick asks curiously. “Oh… well, he’s no longer with us.”
Yumi answers. “I see, then take care then, bye.”
Rick says as he pulls out a canteen of liquor. The party walks away
from the harbor. “Hey Yumi, you never told me you had
a talking cat.” Lloyd says. “Yeah, his name was Salem; he helped
us escape from Lucien and Faye, but at the cost of his own life.” Yumi says
with a sad expression. “Damn! Faye? Seriously? What
happened?” Lloyd asks. “Turns out she was the queen of
Pixie’s, she’s a real mean b***h.” Yumi remarks. Kazumi lowers her head. “Sorry Kazumi.” Yumi says. “It’s okay…” Kazumi says. “But wait a minute, how can a
talking cat help you escape fighting against those two?” Lloyd asks shocked. “He was really a cat boy, kinda like
Kazumi, but he could turn into a literal cat.” Yumi replies. “Why do I get the sensation I’ve
been hanging out with Hendrix?” Lloyd asks himself shaking his head and then
shrugging his shoulders. “Oh, one other thing, since I don’t
want to keep any secrets between us I’m just going to tell you, he saw me
naked.” Yumi says casually. “What the f**k?” Lloyd shouts angrily. “Don’t exaggerate, you’re
overreacting, we never did anything, I mean, he didn’t even look like he liked
it.” Yumi says coldly. “That’s not the point, what the f**k were you doing naked in front of
him in the first place?” Lloyd asks angrily. “That’s fucked up.” Kirisu comments. “Hey, I didn’t know at the time he
could turn to human size, I just thought he was a regular cat, well, not
regular since he talked, but you know what I mean, I just came out of the
shower and put my clothes on.” Yumi explains. Lloyd’s left eye
twitches. “He did kiss you before we left
him.” Kazumi says. “Ffffffuuuuuuck!” Lloyd yells,
everyone in the city looks towards him. Yumi looks at Kazumi;
Kazumi shrugs her shoulders and says. “You said no secrets right?” “Just calm down, it’s not like I did
anything with him, and he kissed me, I never kissed him back.” Yumi says. “You know what? F**k it, you’re my
girl now and that happened in the past, so I’m just gonna forget about it.”
Lloyd says annoyed. “You better, because I’ve never
bitched about you feeling up other girls at school, and I heard some rumors
that you took a big group of girls into the abandoned gym and didn’t come out
until the end of the day, you being the only guy.” Yumi says staring at Lloyd
coldly. “You heard that?” Lloyd asks
shocked. “Are you saying it’s true?” Yumi
asks annoyed. “No, no, it’s not true… it’s all
lies.” Lloyd says nervously. “Damn man, you really are a pimp!” Kirisu comments. “F**k you! I didn’t do anything.”
Lloyd shouts. “……” Yumi walks past Lloyd angry. “Look what you did!” Lloyd says
angrily. “Did I say something?” Kirisu asks. “Just like Christopher, big
mouthed.” Kazumi remarks. “Who?” Kirisu asks. Lloyd goes after Yumi
and grabs her arm; Yumi pushes him away and keeps walking. “Come on Yumi! I didn’t do anything
like those rumors say, we were just playing bingo! I swear! We got caught up in
the game!” Lloyd says. “Bingo, yeah right!” Yumi keeps on
walking without looking back. “Okay, okay, that was a lie too, it
wasn’t bingo, it was strip poker.” Lloyd says grabbing her arm again; Yumi
turns around and punches him in the face. “That’s another lie, right?” Yumi
asks. “…… yeah.” Lloyd replies. “Tell me the truth and maybe I’ll
forgive you.” Yumi says staring at Lloyd coldly. “Remember that surprise party the
student council arranged for your birthday?” Lloyd asks. “Yeah.” Yumi nods. “Well, I organized it, so I called
up all those girls to set up the old gym; the guys in that school hate my guts,
so they didn’t want to help me, you do remember that your surprise party was
held there right?” Lloyd asks. “Is that really the truth? You never
did anything weird?” Yumi asks. “Hmm, I might have checked under
some skirts, but I swear that was it!” Lloyd says. Yumi looks away; Lloyd
hugs her and starts kissing her neck, then her cheeks and finally her lips. “Yumi, do you want to do something
crazy?” Lloyd asks. “What? No! Get that out of your
head!” Yumi says annoyed. “I didn’t mean that, look.” Lloyd
points out to a church in front of them. “Huh?” Yumi tilts her head confused. “Would you marry me?” Lloyd asks. “What?” Yumi widens her eyes
surprised. “I’m asking you, we’ve known each
other for about eight to nine years, we don’t have to wait anymore, it’s the
only way we can stay true to ourselves and keep no secrets ever again.” Lloyd
says. “I don’t know what to say…” Yumi
says speechless. “Say yes, and I’ll love you for the
rest of my life, I’ll never look at any other woman again, only you will exist
in my eyes.” Lloyd says. “…… I accept.” Yumi says lowering
her head. Lloyd kisses her and
they hug each other. “I’m going inside, I’m going to make
the arrangements, then we gotta go sign some papers, get some medical
examinations and more legal stuff, it can take a few days before we can set it
up, and I have enough money to pay everything, I think I do at least, if not
I’ll just ask Kyo for a loan, he’s got serious cash on him, plus a few days
will be enough for my mom, your dad and Kazumi’s parents to come, hell, maybe
even Kirisu’s family.” Lloyd says. “Okay.” Yumi nods. Lloyd smirks and runs
into the church, meanwhile, Kyoshi and Shizuru are in Luginum city, both
mourning Amarth’s death. “……” Kyoshi looks out of the window
of the inn. “Kyo, what are we going to do?”
Shizuru asks. “……” Kyoshi sighs. “Kyo?” Shizuru stands up from her
bed and walks next to Kyoshi. “It’s pretty obvious; I’m going to
kill Jaye… again.” Kyoshi says. “We’re still ways off from reaching
Evergray.” Shizuru says. “I know…” Kyoshi says. “Let’s just rest for a few days,
we’ll keep going then.” Shizuru says. A week passes by in a flash,
Lloyd is in a room already dressed to get married, Kirisu is next to him. “Damn man, didn’t think you would
marry.” Kirisu comments. “Why you say that?” Lloyd asks. “You seriously have to ask? I
thought you would be a swinger all your life, not settling down with only one
chick.” Kirisu says. “Things change dude, you would
probably be right if it was me a year ago, but right now, I’m different.” Lloyd
says. “I know, heh, I’ve noticed… oh and
dude, guess what?” Kirisu says. “You banged Kazumi?” Lloyd asks
casually. “How’d you know?” Kirisu asks warily
staring at Lloyd. “I guessed it, though it was a joke,
but dude, for real?” Lloyd asks. “Yeah! It was awesome!” Kirisu says
excited. “About time d****t, here I thought
you were too much of a p***y to start with the initiative.” Lloyd comments. “F**k you!” Kirisu says. “Haha, it was a joke dude, calm
down, geez.” Lloyd says chuckling. “Any who, you ready?” Kirisu asks. “Hell yeah.” Lloyd says. “About time, you take as long as a
girl.” Kirisu remarks. “Hey, hey, I gotta look good for the
bride, go ahead, admit it, I’m sexy.” Lloyd says smugly. “Screw you.” Kirisu says. “You wish.” Lloyd says. Lloyd and Kirisu leave
and head for the church, meanwhile, Kazumi and Yumi are somewhere else, Yumi
already finished with her dress. “You look beautiful Yumi!” Kazumi
says excited. “Thanks.” Yumi says casually. “Aren’t you excited? You’re finally
going to be with the love of your life!” Kazumi says. “You’re so cheesy Kazumi.” Yumi says. “Oh come on! Smile for once! You
hardly ever show any joyful emotions, you’re always so cold and grumpy.” Kazumi
remarks. “It’s just the way I am Kazumi.”
Yumi says. “Oh well, anyways, are we going?”
Kazumi asks. “Yeah, let’s go.” Yumi says. Both leave as well,
headed to the church, Lloyd is already inside waiting for Yumi, inside the
church, sitting in the benches are Lloyd’s mother, Lilly, Kazumi’s parents, Mr.
Trace and Mrs. Lira, Yumi’s father, Arnold, and Christopher. “Dude, is the bride always late?”
Kirisu asks. “You got me; I think it’s a
tradition or something.” Lloyd says shrugging his shoulders. Everyone
in the crowd turns back to look at the entrance, there they see Kazumi and Yumi
coming in, the wedding music starts, Lilly stands next to Lloyd, while Arnold
escorts Yumi to the altar, Kazumi walking behind Yumi throwing flowers to the
side, Kirisu sits down in the front row. “Looks like you finally won her over
huh.” Lilly tells Lloyd. “Haha, well yeah, it wasn’t easy.”
Lloyd comments. “Good, the harder the girl, the
better partner she’ll be.” Lilly says. “Yeah, she’s worth it.” Lloyd says. Yumi
finally stands up in the altar, Lloyd grabs her hand, Arnold closes in on Lloyd
and whispers. “I don’t know what my daughter saw in you, but you must be a
greater man than I thought, so you better take care of her or I’ll give you an
a*s kicking soldier.” “Haha, don’t worry, I think she can
take care of herself better than anyone.” Lloyd says. “Alright, good luck kiddo.” Arnold
says and stands next to Yumi. “We are gathered together on this
beautiful afternoon to share with Yumi and Shinsuke as they exchange vows of
their everlasting love.” The priest says, then continues. “Yumi and Shinsuke,
your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it's
important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual
affection and respect for each other. To truly love another person is to be
willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal
measures of understanding and respect. It is not the words that you will speak
today that will bond you together as one, but the strength of the love and
commitment found deep within your souls… Let us pray…” Everyone lowers their
heads for a minute and raises them once again. “If anyone here has any reasons as
to why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, let him speak now or
forever hold his peace.” The priest says. Everyone remains silent,
the priest then continues. “At this time, I’ll ask you, Shinsuke, and you, Yumi,
to face each other and take each other’s hands. Shinsuke, will you take Yumi to
be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her
friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor
her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times
and bad, in sickness and in health until death do you part?” “I do.” Lloyd says staring at Yumi
with a smile. “Yumi, will you take Shinsuke to be
your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his
friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor
him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times
and bad, in sickness and in health until death do you part?” “I do.” Yumi says staring at Lloyd. Lloyd puts Yumi’s ring
on and vice versa. “Then I now declare you husband and
wife, you may kiss the bride.” The priest says. Lloyd lifts Yumi’s veil
and kisses her, everyone begins to clap, Lloyd and Yumi begin to leave the
church, everyone following them, Yumi throws her bouquet back without looking,
when all of a sudden a demon with black scales cuts the bouquet in half and attacks
Yumi and Lloyd. As the demon jumps towards them, it is cut into many pieces in
a flash; everyone widens their eyes in surprise. “What just happened?” Lilly asks. “What the hell was that?” Arnold
asks. “Just a minor inconvenience.” Kirisu
says. “Nice going Yumi.” Lloyd says. All of a sudden about
ten more of the same kind of demons attack a once, Kazumi quickly draws her
guns and kills them all almost instantly. “Whoa Kazumi, you turned into a
cowgirl or something?” Kirisu asks amazed. “Heh, well, I’m not gonna let them
ruin Lloyd and Yumi’s honey moon.” Kazumi comments. “Kazumi!” Yumi shouts annoyed. “Well good luck bro, you’re going to
need it.” Kirisu remarks. “Definitely!” Christopher says. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Yumi
asks angrily. “Uh nothing, nothing, just saying is
all.” Kirisu says nervously. “Damn Christopher, it sure has been
a long time, we nearly forgot you.” Lloyd says. “How could you forget me man? Come on!”
Christopher asks annoyed. “It was a joke man, just a joke; you
know the Lloyd meister would forget you…” Lloyd says, then whispers to himself.
“I think…” “Cool!” Christopher says. “Anyways, see ya guys tomorrow
then.” Lloyd says opening the door of the limo to Yumi. Yumi gets in; Lloyd goes
in after her and winks at everyone, the limo leaves. “I should get going, I have work
tomorrow.” Lilly says. “And I have some paperwork in the
base, so I’ll be out.” Arnold says. “And we can’t leave our house alone;
the kids in the neighborhood are quite mischievous.” Mr. Trace says. “Take care sweetie.” Mrs. Lira
kisses Kazumi’s cheek. “Bye mom.” Kazumi says. Everyone
leaves, Kirisu and Kazumi still in front of the church. “So what happened? Your parents and
siblings didn’t come.” Kazumi asks. “I’m not sure, I couldn’t contact
them, something must have happened in Gen-Exis.” Kirisu speculates. “You think it could’ve been Seshiro
and Hisana?” Kazumi asks. “Maybe.” Kirisu replies. Kazumi notices the
slashed bouquet and picks it up. “Since no one really caught it and
I’m the first to take it, does it mean I’m getting married next?” Kazumi asks. “Yeah, we are, but we should settle
everything first, once everything is done, I promise you we’ll have a big
wedding.” Kirisu says cheerfully. “I can’t wait; I want it to be so
special.” Kazumi says excited. “It will be, it’s going to be
unforgettable.” Kirisu says. Kazumi giggles,
meanwhile, Lloyd and Yumi arrive at the inn, Lloyd carrying Yumi and placing
her on the bed. “Damn! My back!” Lloyd says rubbing
his lower back. “You make me sound like I’m
overweight.” Yumi says coldly. “Haha, nah, I’m just kidding, I
can’t even feel your weight, with my increased strength and all.” Lloyd says. “……” Yumi looks out of the window
still on the bed. Lloyd scratches his head. “Umm… Ughh… Hmmm…” Lloyd sighs. “Nervous?” Yumi asks. “I just don’t know where to start, I
mean, I’m so used to you hitting me and rejecting me, and now we can actually…
you know…” Lloyd says. “Didn’t think you were the type to
get nervous before doing that sort of thing.” Yumi comments. “No, no, nothing like that, it’s
just that I’m thinking that if I get close you might punch me.” Lloyd says. “Why would I? We’re already
married.” Yumi says. “So… can I… start?” Lloyd asks. Yumi
shrugs her shoulders, but remains with her cold expression, Lloyd gets on the
bed, removes some of her hair that’s covering her neck and begins to kiss it as
he unzips her dress from the back. “I love you Yumi.” Lloyd says
softly. Yumi looks at him and
kisses him, Lloyd pulls down the top of her dress revealing a white bra, Yumi
takes off his vest and begins unbuttoning his shirt. Lloyd unhooks her bra,
both of them lay down on the bed still kissing, Lloyd finishes taking off his
shirt and then removes the rest of her dress leaving her in only white panties
and stocking clipped to her panties. Lloyd keeps feeling up her thighs until he
suddenly grabs something hard and widens his eyes in surprise. “What the hell?” Lloyd says looking
at her right thigh, spotting her balisong sheathed with belt straps. “Why would
you have that in our wedding night?” He asks shocked. “You never know.” Yumi says with a
slight smirk. Lloyd sighs and says.
“That s**t ruined the mood, big time.” “Habits die hard.” Yumi comments. “Would you please take that off, I
don’t think I can continue with that on your thigh, instant boner killer.”
Lloyd says. Yumi removes her
balisong from her leg and throws it on a drawer. “There, happy?” Yumi asks. “My bone doesn’t feel threatened
anymore thank you very much.” Lloyd remarks with a grin. “Now, on to the main
event.” Lloyd once again hops on
the bed, gently getting on top of Yumi, they start kissing again, Yumi starts
unzipping Lloyd’s pants while Lloyd starts removing her panties and bra, Yumi
quickly grabs the blanket and throws it on top. Lloyd throws her panties and
bra on the floor while Yumi throws Lloyd’s pants and boxer on the floor as
well; they passionately keep kissing, Lloyd says. “Yumi, I really love you, and
I’ll always be yours, forever.” “… yeah… me too…” Yumi says nodding. They keep kissing and
doing their thing, meanwhile, Shizuru wakes up under Kyoshi’s left arm lying on
his chest, noticing Kyoshi is still asleep, she stands up and gets out of the
bed naked, rapidly putting on some clothes, Kyoshi wakes up, but still slightly
asleep. “What time is it?” Kyoshi asks. “Time to leave.” Shizuru replies. “I know… but let me rest for a
while, I’m too exhausted.” Kyoshi says. “Alright, I’m going to get something
to eat and check out the city before we go, I’ll be back in a while, want
something?” Shizuru asks. “I just want to sleep.” Kyoshi says
turning to the side and falling asleep quickly. Shizuru leaves the inn,
crosses the street, buys a hotdog and a soda, and goes on for a stroll around
the city. She keeps on walking for a while until all of a sudden a female Aiden
Unit member dressed in a custom cloak stand before Shizuru. “Hmm, you must be one of the
powerful guys that are walking around, it’s no wonder, you’re a Satsume.” She
says. “What the crap? You know, it’s too
hot to be dressing like that in this time of the day.” Shizuru remarks. “A funny one huh.” She comments. “What do you want with me?” Shizuru
asks finishing her soda and throwing the can away. “I came to execute you, so brace
yourself.” She says swiftly jumping towards Shizuru throwing a punch, Shizuru
quickly slaps her hand away and goes in with a punch, but the woman blocks and
kicks Shizuru back. “Not bad.” Shizuru says and asks. “Why
don’t we take this elsewhere?” “What for?” She asks. “It might bring too much attention
and the cops will be here, and judging from your looks, it doesn’t look like
you want to be found out.” Shizuru says. “Okay, let’s do it your way.” She
says, both of them head for the outskirts of town where it’s completely
deserted. “Now we can fight without
interruptions.” Shizuru says. “Good, but too bad this’ll be over
quick.” She says once again charging towards Shizuru. Shizuru makes a back
flip evading her punch, the woman jumps towards Shizuru making a flying kick,
kicking Shizuru’s chest and throwing her back, she falls on the floor. The
woman jumps up and tries to stomp Shizuru, but Shizuru rolls to the side, the
woman keeps stomping repeatedly until Shizuru jumps up and makes a roundhouse
kick, kicking the woman back, the hood revealing her face, it’s none other than
Reika. “I figured you were a Satsume, those
moves gave you out.” Shizuru says. “You’re not bad for a common
Satsume.” Reika remarks. “Common? That means you’re-” Shizuru
is cut off by Reika. “Exactly.” Reika takes off her
cloak, Shizuru looks at her left arm and notices the dragon engraved symbol. “A dragon knight descendant… just
because you’re a little stronger than me in everything doesn’t mean you can
beat me.” Shizuru says. “I’ve been spying on you the past
few days, that man you’re with, I thought he was dead.” Reika comments. “Dead? Could it be… you left him for
dead after stabbing your spear into his chest and kicking him down a cliff to
the raging river?” Shizuru asks seriously. “My, my, looks like he already told
you everything.” Reika says with a smile. “I’m going to pay you back for
that.” Shizuru says taking out her daggers from her back spinning them with her
hands quickly and getting ready to fight. “Such irony we facing off.” Reika
says taking out her spear, spinning it with her right hand and stretching her
left arm opening palm. “Sucks to be you.” Shizuru says. “I don’t understand, they sent me to
fight a supposed great fighter with awesome powers, and here I encounter just a
common Satsume… was there a mistake?” Reika thinks to herself. “I don’t need to hold back with you,
so here goes… Soul Fire.” Shizuru says busting with wild flames, her Spirit
Force increasing exponentially. “Whoa, her powers are equal to mine;
I’m guessing I won’t need to use my Spirit Shot.” Reika thinks. Shizuru starts off
firing a fire wave that takes a wide radius, Reika evades by jumping upward,
Shizuru spins and throws many fire blasts; Reika spins her spear blocking all
of Shizuru’s fire blasts. Reika disappears and appears behind Shizuru, grabbing
her from behind and kicking her up, jumping behind her, Shizuru turns around
catching Reika’s spear with her right hand and kicking Reika back down. Shizuru
lands safely on the ground and throws back Reika’s spear, she catches it. “How very generous.” Reika comments. “Keep your pants up.” Shizuru says. “Tch.” Reika readies herself once
again. Shizuru charges in and
attack, Reika blocks rotating her body and spear swiftly, then jumping up and
hitting Shizuru with a midair roundhouse kick, Shizuru falls on the ground,
Reika attacks, Shizuru raises her legs and jumps up barely evading her spear as
she throws her daggers up and catch them with her feet, swiftly rotating
attacking Reika. Reika blocks all the attacks, Shizuru bends down throwing one
of her daggers upward with her feet as Reika throws up her spear rotating
quickly, hitting Shizuru’s dagger and throwing it towards her, Shizuru catches it,
Reika jumps towards Shizuru and catches her spear. Reika lands in front of
Shizuru ad attacks with her spear, Shizuru keeps doing back flips as Reika
keeps attacking head on, Reika then aims for Shizuru’s legs, but Shizuru jumps up
to the air with a back flip evading her attack. While Shizuru is in midair,
Reika jumps on her, grabbing Shizuru’s head between her legs, pulling back with
a back flip and throwing her, Shizuru falls against a tree very hard. Reika
runs towards her swiftly and attacks, but Shizuru doing capoeira stands up and
attacks Reika, Reika blocks every move with her spear, but Shizuru kicks her
feet making her fall down. Shizuru kicks Reika on her ribs, throwing her some
distance away, Reika stands up bursting in Spirit Force and flames charging
towards Shizuru and making a horizontal strike, Shizuru kicks Reika under her
jaw sending her flying, Reika recovers in midair and lands on the ground with a
back flip, then jumping towards Shizuru making many front flips in midair and
then kicking Shizuru back. “Damn, you really are strong.” Reika says. Shizuru spits some blood
on the ground. “Heh, you too.” Shizuru says. “Do you have more friends as
powerful as you?” Reika asks. “Yeah, each one of them despite not
being Satsume.” Shizuru says and then asks. “How did you know?” “If you win, I’ll tell you
everything.” Reika says. “I’ll try not to kill you
accidentally then.” Shizuru says with a smirk. Shizuru jumps towards
Reika, she spins and makes a roundhouse kick in midair, kicking Reika back, but
Reika stands her ground strikes at Shizuru’s legs, but Shizuru jumps up making
a flip, Reika attacks with her spear, Shizuru blocks each attack, then jumping
while rotating horizontally as she strikes with her daggers spinning many
times. Reika swiftly blocks every attack, but Shizuru ends up landing a kick on
Reika’s face sending her flying and landing solid on the ground. Reika stands
up and runs towards Shizuru, Shizuru readies herself, Reika jumps very high in
the air and makes her spear bursts in flames, she comes down at a fast speed,
Shizuru back flips evading her thrust, but it explodes in flames sending
Shizuru flying and hitting her back against a tree. Shizuru jumps towards Reika,
kicks her twice in the face and makes a back flip in midair kicking Reika under
her jaw, Reika falls down on the ground once again. “Again with the f*****g jaw!” Reika
says annoyed. Shizuru smiles charging
towards Reika, then side flips evading Reika’s horizontal slash, Reika kicks
Shizuru on her stomach twice and then ends with a roundhouse kick. Shizuru
falls back, both of them pant slightly. “How about we end it here?” Reika
asks. “Fine with me.” Shizuru says. Both of them ready
themselves with their weapons covered in flames, a single leaf begins to fall
from a tree, it slowly descends until it falls on the ground, they then charge
at each other running past themselves at cutting each other in a flash, they do
it again, a lot of blood splashing the ground. “A tie…” Reika says. “…… yeah…” Shizuru smirks. They both fall on their
knees, their Spirit Force and flames disappear. “Now you’re going to tell me?”
Shizuru asks. “I said if you won.” Reika says. “……” Shizuru shakes her head. “Hell, I tell ya anyways, I haven’t
had a fight like that in years.” Reika says. “Spill it.” Shizuru says. “I was sent by Gen-Exis, my whole
unit, the Aiden Unit… all I know is that we are supposed to eliminate a future
threat, which is you and your friends, looks like you guys are becoming
dangerously strong.” Reika explains. “Does that mean my friends will be
attacked as well?” Shizuru asks. “Yeah, each of us have direct order
to execute you once by one, the units members each on his own of course, it
would be a faster way.” Reika further explains. “What are you going to do now that
you failed?” Shizuru asks. “We were also told that if we
failed, we’d better not go back, because it would mean death… so I guess I have
no choice but to choose my path.” Reika replies. “You can come with us if you want.”
Shizuru says. “Nah, I’m gonna pass on that, I
wouldn’t want to steal your man.” Reika jests. “Yeah right… but I’m serious.”
Shizuru says. “I know, but it’s still a big no, I
have plans.” Reika says. “Okay then, so I guess I won’t be
seeing you again.” Shizuru says. “Who knows? It’s a small world.”
Reika remarks and begins to walk away. “If this were another life, we would’ve
been good friends.” “Yeah…” Shizuru nods with a smirk. Reika finishes walking
away into the distance, Shizuru lies against a tree and sighs with relief. © 2011 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on June 11, 2011 Last Updated on June 20, 2011 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing