Chapter 60: Extiction

Chapter 60: Extiction

A Chapter by Shin

                        Krystal wakes up in an empty cabin and sits on the bed, she looks around, Zero and Luna out of sight.

            “Where are they?” Krystal thinks as she stands up.

                        She looks through the window in search for her friends, but are still nowhere to be seen.

            “…… Luna better not be taking advantage of my Zero.” Krystal says opening the door of the cabin and looking outside, but still unable to see Zero or Luna.

            “B***h, I won’t let you!” Krystal says running out and searching for them, she keeps running as she looks around, she begins to sniff and thinks to herself. “Hmm… Found ya!”

                        Krystal runs through a river bank until she sees both Zero and Luna inside the river, she then noticed their clothes next to a tree; she widens her eyes and shouts. “You w***e!”

            “Huh?” Zero looks to her direction.

            “Hey! Watch your mouth!” Luna shouts back angrily.

            “What the heck are you doing with Zero naked in the river?!” Krystal asks furiously.

            “I’m not naked!” Luna shouts blushing.

            “She’s right, I got boxers and she has a bikini.” Zero explains.

            “And what are you doing there all alone with my Zero?” Krystal asks annoyed.

                        Zero face palms, Luna rolls her eyes as she shakes her head and replies. “First of all we’re just trying to cool down with the sun so hot and all, and secondly, Zero is not yours!”

            “Keep telling yourself that honey.” Krystal says as she begins to take her clothes off.

            “Uhhh… what are you doing?” Zero asks.

            “Obvious, I’m gonna join in.” Krystal answers as she remains with revealing lingerie and walks into the river.

            “Why on earth would you use panties that would stick in between your butt cheeks and a bra that barely covers your b***s? That’s just disgusting! And then I’m the w***e.” Luna says making a face of disgust.

            “Zero seems to like it you big nun.” Krystal says with narrow eyes.

            “Don’t drag me into this please.” Zero says sighing.

            “Who’s the nun? I’m no nun!” Luna says annoyed.

            “Than what are you wearing?” Krystal asks mockingly.

            “Normal black bra and hot pants.” Luna replies.

            “You’re such a nun.” Krystal says smirking.

            “I swear I’m gonna kill you one of these days with my bear hands.” Luna remarks angrily.

            “Calm down geez, whenever both of you are around I can’t think straight with all your bitching.” Zero says.

            “She started it.” Luna says.

            “He prefers me over you, heh.” Krystal comments.

            “See?” Luna says pointing at Krystal.

            “Just stop it you two, she starts the fire, but you keep throwing logs into it.” Zero says.

            “……” Both Luna and Krystal look away pissed off.

            “Hey, I’m sorry, but I’m just not thinking straight, Zelcius once again slipping away from my hands and Krystal getting kidnapped.” Zero says shaking his head.

            “About that, I wanted to say thanks…” Krystal hugs Zero and kisses him on his mouth, Luna widens her eyes, he backs away and says. “Whoa, whoa, I get it, you’re welcome, but please, just…”

            “Shhh…” Krystal shuts his mouth with her fingers. “You don’t have to say anything.”

            “Get away from him! He doesn’t want your stupid kisses.” Luna says containing her angry voice.

            “At least I’m honest with my feelings, unlike you my little princess.” Krystal says.

            “Grr… Who would want a guy like that?” Luna asks pissed off.

            “Cut it out I said! D****t.” Zero says getting out of the river and sitting next to the try.

            “You see what you done did?” Krystal says annoyed.

            “I didn’t do s**t! You started it!” Luna says.

            “I hate my life…” Zero face palms.

                        A few hours later Zero, Luna and Krystal are taking a ride behind a pickup truck, the truck driving through the countryside, Luna then asks out of the blue. “I was meaning to ask you, were you conscious anytime while you were kidnapped?”

            “No… I wasn’t conscious, so I don’t know what they did to me if they managed to do anything.” Krystal responds.

            “……But why would they take you all of a sudden, there has to be a reason.” Zero asks himself.

            “Well, at least I’m unharmed.” Krystal comments.

            “That reminds me, I heard Kuzan was dead, Kirisu supposedly killed him, but I saw him pretty damn alive and with demon powers, how the hell did he manage that? And to be more specific, Abbadon’s powers.” Zero says confused.

            “Not just that, but your brother and even Zaphyr are with Zelcius as well.” Luna says.

            “And Gael.” Krystal says.

            “Yeah, all of them, but what really puzzles me is that Zelcius keeps popping out in places, like at random, I don’t get it at all, it’s almost like if he wants me to follow him, but what I do know is that he’s still summoning demons in certain cities to make the leaders or governors of said city to sell themselves over to Gen-Exis.” Zero says.

            “At first it didn’t seem he was going to random places, but after we met Krystal, he began doing it, you think it has something to do with her?” Luna asks.

            “It could be, when he saw Krystal he was so surprised… Hmm…” Zero begins to ponder.

            “Maybe he planned on visiting random locations knowing we were going to follow him and set us a trap like he did in order to kidnap me.” Krystal says.

            “It could be, but let’s say he did all that just to get you, he failed and he should now be planning to set us in another trap.” Luna says.

            “If he did or not I don’t care, he’s going to pay more than ever, and I already know where he is right now.” Zero says.

            “Where?” Luna asks.

            “He’s heading south, to the Ross Woods, crossing the woods takes us to Vakidor, where the Gen-Exis Corporation main base is located.” Krystal says.

            “Isn’t it risky to follow him into Vakidor then?” Luna asks.

            “Yeah, all we have to do is hurry and ambush him in the Ross Woods.” Zero answers.

            “What if he ambushes us first?” Luna asks.

            “I won’t let that happen again.” Zero replies.

            “So this time I should be taking my revenge on Gael.” Krystal says with eyes filled with hatred.

            “So will I against Zelcius.” Zero says.

            “What about your brother?” Luna asks.

            “……I’ll take revenge on him too for killing my mother and master.” Zero says.

            “………” Luna lowers her head.

            “You don’t have to come Luna.” Zero says. “You can go back to Alfhiem with your father.”

            “No! I’m going too! I promised.” Luna says angrily.

            “You don’t have to make any promises with me; I’m alright on my own.” Zero says.

            “How can you say that after all I’ve been through with you?” Luna asks annoyed.

            “You have nothing to do with this princess; this is only a Kaizer matter.” Zero replies.

            “It has everything to do with me! Zaphyr is there too and she wreaked havoc in Alfhiem under Zelcius’s command!” Luna shouts.

            “You don’t know that.” Zero says.

            “You’re right, I don’t, but all I know is that she’s with Zelcius, and that makes him responsible as well even if indirectly!” Luna shouts once again.

            “…….” Zero closes his eyes and sighs.

            “She’s right Zero, even if I don’t want to admit it, I understand her feelings and I want her to go.” Krystal remarks.

            “Krystal…” Luna says looking at Krystal.

                        Krystal nods at Luna and winks at her.

            “Thanks.” Luna smiles.

                        Meanwhile, Lloyd’s party heads inside Rick’s ship, Rick sets sail towards Britannica, there Yumi and Lloyd are talking to each other in the deck.

            “So, I wanna know exactly what happened to you, how the hell did you end up with the powers you have now?” Lloyd asks.

            “Hmph, well, thing is, it looks like I already had them, but couldn’t use them until recently.” Yumi replies.

            “Okay, so your super strong energy ended up being Cosmic Force? What’s that kind of energy? Where’s it from?” Lloyd questions.

            “I still don’t know, Lucien mentioned something about that our power is from someone who fell from the skies, someone that does not belong in this world.” Yumi answers.

            “Someone who fell from the sky? Like an alien?”

            “I don’t know, but he also said he as well as I are descendants of the Knight of Light.” Yumi responds.

            “The Knight of Light? Isn’t that the hero of Lemuria?” Lloyd asks.

            “Yeah, the one that saved the world along with Onassis the first and a few more people like a thousand years ago.” Yumi says.

            “I’m not really too good in history, what happened? Maybe we can pinpoint a connection or something with you.” Lloyd asks.

            “Okay, he was from Vakidor, that’s something we have in common; his real name was Ethan Schneider, that’s another thing we have in common.” Yumi explains.

            “Yeah, but what happened, who’d he save the world from?” Lloyd asks.

            “From the ruler of the whole world at the time, her name was Soriana, but she was referred as Goddess Soriana.” Yumi replies.

            “Why Goddess? Was she hot?” Lloyd asks with a smirk.

            “I don’t know, probably, there’s no official record of her in the public library or anywhere that I know of, but she was known as a cruel ruler, she later disappeared and nothing else is known up to date.” Yumi explains.

            “So everyone called her a ‘goddess’ even though she was a mean b***h, figures.” Lloyd says shaking his head.

            “Anyways, well, even if the Knight of Light is my ancestor, I still don’t know why Lucien said our powers aren’t from this world.” Yumi says sighing.

            “Maybe he’ll tell you more the next time you meet.” Lloyd says.

            “Yeah.” Yumi nods.

            “But we can probably ask Judai, he’s pretty old I bet, being an Elf and all.” Lloyd comments.

            “Ask me what?” Judai appear behind Lloyd and Yumi.

            “Well, we were gonna-” Lloyd is cut off by Judai. “About Goddess Soriana and Ethan?”

            “Yeah.” Yumi says.

            “In Alfhiem, we do not mention her name.” Judai comments.

            “Why not?” Lloyd asks.

            “It’s forbidden obviously.” Judai replies.

            “Uh, yeah, we kinda got that, we’re asking why exactly?” Yumi asks.

            “I never saw her or the Knight of Light, but my father told me about them, he told me that Soriana gave two special gifts, one to Ethan, and the other to the son of the king of Illios.” Judai explains.

            “Illios? Where the hell is that?” Lloyd asks.

            “Illios turned to Megalis after hundreds of years.” Judai answers.

            “What were the gifts?” Yumi asks curiously.

            “I don’t know, they were special powers of some sort, she gave them out of a fondness or curiosity of both of them.” Judai says.

            “So wait, she had powers as well I’m assuming.” Lloyd remarks.

            “Right, at the time, there were a group of people that served her, her henchmen, they were said to have a beauty out of this world, and each one of them had pure white hair and were so powerful that not one in the world could defeat them.” Judai further explains.

            “Really?” Lloyd asks.

            “Yeah, but my father told me some of them were killed by Ethan and his friends.” Judai nods.

            “Who were Ethan’s friends?” Yumi asks.

            “My father met them once, if recall, he said his friends were Jonathan Constantine, Onassis, Faris and Chad.” Judai responds.

            “Hmm…” Yumi looks away pondering.

            “You know, I have a few special abilities up my sleeves, they say blood runs deep, I can check and see if Ethan’s your ancestor, if you want.” Judai offers.

            “Yeah, please, I wanna know.” Yumi nods.

            “Are you sure? You’ll be seeing far into the past and witness things you shouldn’t see.” Judai asks.

            “I don’t care, do it.” Yumi says determined.

            “Alright, your call.” Judai shrugs his shoulders.

                        Judai grabs Yumi’s head and says. “Yumi, close your eyes and concentrate.”

                        Yumi does as Judai instructs, she begins to see only light until she suddenly begins to see Ethan, a man with spiky black hair, he is dressed in light armor wielding two swords, next to him she sees a man with long black hair dressed in a dark gray cloak, and another man, this one dressed similar, but with short brown hair. She also sees two women, one with jet black hair identical to Onassis twelve and an Elven woman having a very similar appearance to the now Venart, but feminine. Yumi sees Ethan using all the same abilities as her, she sees him in front of a little girl that resembles Yumi, but with glowing gold hair, her hair changes to silver, then black, and finally turns back into gold, both Ethan and the little girl releasing Cosmic Force. Yumi also sees her henchmen, all dressed in black cloaks, all having a beautiful appearance with white hair, their bodies leaking Cosmic Force as well. Judai let’s go of Yumi. Both Yumi and Judai gasp and fall on her knees unable to breathe.

            “Ughhh… Why’d you… stop?” Yumi asks panting.

                        Judai holds his head and says. “Ughh… I can’t believe it… Soriana’s Cosmic Force is so powerful that it disconnected me…”

            “How is that possible? It’s just the past.” Lloyd remarks.

            “That’s what’s strange… even though it happened in the past, her energy can have such an effect in my abilities.” Judai says breathing heavily.

            “So, what’d you see Yumi? Is Ethan your ancestor?” Lloyd asks.

            “Yeah… he definitely is… he can use every single ability and power that I have, but he was much stronger than I am… Even stronger than Lucien…” Yumi replies.

            “So what about Soriana?” Lloyd asks.

            “I don’t know… I was cut off before finding out, all I know is that she and her henchmen had Cosmic Force just as I do, but Soriana is a monster, she had so much Cosmic Force, that every single energy we’ve felt up until now, including ours combined wouldn’t make half of hers.” Yumi remarks.

            “Hahaha, what a joke, you know that’s not possible.” Lloyd laughs.

            “It is possible; I felt it, that’s why Yumi and I fell on our knees, her Cosmic Force had an effect in us as if we were standing in front of her.” Judai explains.

            “Damn, tell me she’s dead or something.” Lloyd says shocked.

            “She has to be, it’s been about a thousand years.” Yumi says standing up.

            “That’s a relief.” Lloyd says sighing with relief.

                        Meanwhile, Kazumi and Kirisu are inside the cabins, both making out.

            “Kazumi, what’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” Kirisu asks.

            “I don’t know, I feel… strange…” Kazumi says embarrassed.

            “Strange how? I don’t get it.” Kirisu asks.

            “I don’t know, just strange… It’s embarrassing.” Kazumi says looking away.

            “Ahh, so you’re hor-” Kazumi cuts off Kirisu covering his mouth with her hands. “Don’t say it like that…”

            “You’ve never felt like that before?” Kirisu asks surprised.

            “No, never, it started since Salem bit me, my powers, my instincts and senses have sharpened.” Kazumi explains without looking at Kirisu directly.

            “And I guess it also got you in heat or something.” Kirisu speculates.

            “Hey! I told you not to say it like that!” Kazumi says annoyed, but embarrassed at the same time.

            “Sorry, sorry, but do you want to… you know…” Kirisu asks gently.

            “I’m confused right now… Let’s just let things happen naturally, okay?” Kazumi says blushing.

            “Sure.” Kirisu nods and smiles warmly at her.

                        They keep kissing and lie on the bed, as Lloyd’s party heads to the Euranian continent, Zero and his party are on their way to the Ross Woods south of Quadimor.

            “We have to lower our energies as much as possible if we want to surprise them.” Zero says as he walks looking everywhere.

            “Yeah.” Luna nods.

            “Okay.” Krystal nods as well.

            “Alright then, let’s keep going.” Zero says running ahead.

                        Zero’s party jumps on the trees and begins jumping from tree to tree very quickly, they keep their pace for a while until Zero stops, both girls stop as well.

            “Are we here?” Luna asks.

            “Yeah, they’re gonna pass through here.” Zero answers.

            “I can tell, I can smell them.” Krystal sniffs, in the distance she smells hundreds of trees, animals, water, grass, the ground, and finally, Zelcius accompanied with Zaphyr and Gael. “Gael is with them.”

            “Yeah, but Jek and Kuzan aren’t.” Zero comments.

            “So it’s a three on three, right?” Luna asks.

            “Knowing how chicken s**t Zelcius thinks and acts, he’ll end up summoning.”

            “What if we attack him before he summons?” Luna asks.

            “From what I’ve observed, he can summon pretty quickly, of course, it depends on how strong the demon is, the weaker it is, the faster he can summon, the stronger, the slower, and normally, he has to chant something to hurry the process in summoning, at least the stronger ones.” Zero explains.

            “Can’t Zelcius smell us here? He is a Kaizer after all.” Luna asks.

            “Yes he can, but it looks like his senses have dulled a little since he reeks of demons smell, so he’ll probably notice us when he’s a lot closer, that’s when we’ll get him by surprise.” Zero explains.

                        As the party lies in wait for their ultimate showdown, Kirisu and Kazumi are lying on the bed under the sheets, with Kazumi lying next to Kirisu with her head under his arm and her arm across his chest. Kirisu takes a puff from his cigarette and says. “Kazumi, that was amazing.”

            “I know…” Kazumi says with a smile.

            “I’m so happy.” Kirisu says smiling as well.

            “It’s perfect; I wish we could just lie here forever.” Kazumi closes her eyes thinking wishfully.

            “So what now?” Kirisu asks.

            “I don’t know, let’s just enjoy this time we have together.” Kazumi replies.

            “Good idea.” Kirisu says, he then thinks to himself. “I so gotta tell Lloyd! This s**t was so cash!”

                        In the main Gen-Exis base, Harayoshi zips his pants up while Raven is covered with sheets from the infirmary.

            “What are you gonna do about your shirt? You ripped it off.” Raven asks.

            “…… I’ll just leave without it.”

            “I wonder what I’m going to do, you ripped all my clothes off.” Raven remarks.

            “I’ll send someone to bring you some.” Harayoshi says as he walks towards the door.

            “You’re leaving so quickly? After we did this?” Raven asks.

            “We haven’t done a thing… I’m out.” Harayoshi says leaving the room.

            “What a prick.” Raven comments with a slight smile.

                        Harayoshi walks through the hallway until he stumbles with Krade.

            “Harayoshi, what happened to your clothes?” Krade asks.

            “I ripped it.” Harayoshi answers.

            “Lexon told me what happened, who did you fight against?” Krade asks.

            “I didn’t know him, he’s dead anyways, no one cares.” Harayoshi responds.

            “Are you telling me the truth?” Krade questions.

            “Have I ever lied to you?” Harayoshi asks.

            “Not that I know of, but there’s always a first time, and I know a thing or two about liars.” Krade answers.

            “……” Harayoshi looks away.

            “I don’t want you to ever do anything again without my permission.” Krade says.

            “Or what?” Harayoshi asks looking at Krade coldly.

                        Krade swiftly grabs Harayoshi by his throat and raises him up, choking him.

            “Ughhh…” Harayoshi struggles trying to remove Krade’s hand, but to no avail.

            “Or I’ll have to kill my only disobedient son.” Krade says.

                        Harayoshi lets out his Demon Force and transforms into his demon form, but still can’t remove Krade’s hand.

            “Sorry to disappoint you, but you’re not stronger than me.” Krade says.

            “Damn…” Harayoshi keeps struggling.

            “Revert back; don’t make me do anything harsh.” Krade says with emotionless eyes.

                        Harayoshi reverts back and calms down, Krade let’s go of him, Harayoshi falls on the floor coughing.

            “Don’t misjudge kindness for weakness, just because you’re my son doesn’t mean you get to do everything you want, remember, your life belongs to me.” Krade says.

            “Alright… father…” Harayoshi says panting.

            “Good, now go get changed and get some rest.” Krade says as he turns around and leaves.

                        Harayoshi stares at him with hate and clenches his fist.

            “Let me take care of him.” A voice says to Harayoshi.

            “Boreas, you again?” Harayoshi says.

            “If you let me take over, I could kill him for you.” Boreas says.

            “Even if you’re at full power, you know that in the human world your powers are restrained, you can’t beat him.” Harayoshi says.

            “Maybe if we can get my brothers to help, we can slay him, and then I’ll control my brothers as I intended to from the beginning.” Boreas suggests.

            “You had your chance and blew it big time; it’s my turn to do things my way.” Harayoshi says.

            “Do whatever you want, but keep your body safe for it shall be mine one day.” Boreas says as his voice faints and disappears entirely.

            “You wish.” Harayoshi says.

                        Back to Zero’s party, they notice Zelcius and his gang approaching.

            “You think we can beat them?” Luna asks.

            “Of course.” Krystal says.

            “Don’t go getting all pessimistic all of a sudden.” Zero says.

            “I know, anyways, you better not get in my way Krystal, or I’ll beat you up as well.” Luna says with a smirk.

            “Pfft, yeah right.” Krystal scoffs. “But just in case, I want you to know that even though you might be a good for nothing stuck up princess w***e, but I guess you’re the closest thing I’ve had as a friend even if I hate you sometimes.” Krystal says.

            “You didn’t have to be that specific, but I feel the same way.” Luna says.

            “Stop with the chit chat, it’s time.” Zero says.

            “At the count of three.” Luna says.

            “Three!” Krystal says as she leaps along with Zero towards Zelcius.

            “Ah d****t!” Luna says annoyed as she leaps behind them.

                        Zero takes out his sword and goes in with a vertical slash against Zelcius, but Zelcius blocks with his gauntlet a split second before Zero chops him in half.

            “Whoa, almost got me, good thing I smelled you a few seconds ago.” Zelcius says mockingly.

            “Grr…” Zero releases his Spirit Force along with electricity, surrounding the entire area.

            “Not bad, but not enough.” Zelcius says pushing Zero away and jumping back.

                        Krystal without hesitation attacks Gael, Gael easily evades and punches Krystal, she falls on the ground, he raises his foot and stomps, but Krystal rolls to the side and jumps up making a slip as she does.

            “I won’t fall for you tricks this time.” Luna says staring at Zaphyr.

                        Zaphyr looks at Zelcius, he nods at her, Zaphyr turns her attention back to Luna.

            “Has no one ever told you that you talk too much little princess?” Zaphyr asks with a sarcastic expression as she walks towards Luna.

            “You take care of her Luna, Krystal has her end, I got Zelcius.” Zero says.

            “It was so obvious it hurts Kaizer boy.” Luna says with a smirk.

            “Right on.” Zero grins.

            “You think you can kill me? Don’t make me laugh; what I want to know is why you’re so bent out in killing me.” Zelcius says.

            “You should know better than anyone, killing my people, my father, my own brother joining your ranks, I have more than plenty of reasons.” Zero says.

            “Your brother? Wait… don’t tell me you’re-!” Zelcius widens his eyes surprised as he cuts himself off.

            “Exactly.” Zero says.

            “But you’re supposed to be dead!” Zelcius shouts very upset. “His blood would be the end of me, that’s what Zaphyr meant, it was you, not Jek! I’ll make sure you die painfully.”

            “Be my guest.” Zero says.

                        Zero attacks Zelcius head on as Krystal keeps attacking Gael fiercely, Gael keeps evading her attacks, he then begins to throw small wind blades towards her with his right hand, Krystal dodges each one and jumps towards him once again. He bursts with wind and blows her away, she lands against a tree, but rapidly recovers, once again charging towards him, she readies her kodachi’s, Gael simple throws more small wind blades, she evades them once again, the small wind blades slicing trees in half easily. Krystal surprises Gael getting ahold of him in a grapple; she slams his head against a tree, then another, and finally grabs him from behind and does a suplex, slamming his head very hard on the ground, breaking his neck. Krystal jumps back up, Gael stands up with his head tilted to the side, he fixes his neck with his hands.

            “Nice, very nice, I underestimated you, I should’ve known better than to underestimate a Kaizer even if you’re still so young.” Gael says clapping his hands.

            “You’ll pay for what you did.” Krystal says bursting in Spirit Force.

            “You keep repeating the same thing over and over, they were just humans, what do you care?” Gael asks.

            “They were my family, a demon would never understand.” Krystal comments.

            “You’re right, I don’t and never will.” Gael says with a wicked smile.

                        Gael rushes in quickly, moving incredibly fast, he head-butts Krystal very hard, she falls on the ground, Gael rapidly throws a punch, Krystal moves to the side quickly, she lifts her body up with one hand and kicks him in the face. Gael surrounds his right arm in a small tornado and throws another punch at Krystal, the small tornado cutting slightly Krystal’s skin, she hits him in the face with roundhouse kick, then stabbing him in his stomach and ripping her sword out through the side, a lot of blood splashes out instantly. Gael’s wound quickly regenerates, he swiftly punches the ground, many wind blades arise from the ground upward and cuts her multiple times, he then charges in and hits her very hard on her face with his knee sending her flying. Krystal lands solid on the ground, Gael walks towards her smiling, Krystal slices a tree horizontally and kicks it towards Gael, he simple cuts it in half with his small wind blades, she then jumps towards another tree and slices it in long pieces, she kicks them all at once, the many sharp logs head towards Gael, he simply slices them again with his wind blades, only this time Krystal appears behind him, Gael turns around throwing a punch, Krystal ducks and hits him very hard under his chin with her head. Gael falls on the ground; Krystal quickly takes one of the sharp logs and pierces his heart, she then jumps on the tip of the log and pressures it down, the sharp log completely sinking in to his heart. Krystal jumps off the log and lands on the ground, Gael laughs, he breaks the log with his left hand and stands up, his wounds regenerate once again.

            “You’ll have to be gorier than that to take down a duke of hell.” Gael says.

            “Oh, don’t you worry; I have something good in store just for you.” Krystal says with a smirk.

            “By all means, don’t hold back.” Gael says.

                        As Gael and Krystal stare at each other, Zaphyr walks towards Luna taking out her Sai’s, Luna form a spear with her bracelet.

            “So we meet yet again huh little princess.” Zaphyr says with a sly expression.

            “Seriously, cut the princess bullshit, it’s getting old.”

            “So this time you make a spear, it won’t do you any good in this fight either.” Zaphyr remarks.

            “Oh just shut the f**k up already and get your dukes up.” Luna says annoyed.

            “Alright, make your move then.” Zaphyr says confidently.

                        Luna concentrates Mana Force on the tip of the spear, she swiftly goes in with a thrust, Zaphyr easily blocks, Luna spins the spear quickly and makes a diagonal slash, Zaphyr easily evades and scrapes Luna’s throat slightly. Luna charges in, Zaphyr throws one of her Sai’s towards Luna, Luna evades and spins while making an horizontal slash barely cutting Zaphyr’s stomach, Zaphyr stabs Luna’s left arm, leaving her Sai stuck in. Luna looks at the Sai and removes it, throwing it to the ground, Zaphyr without losing time makes some front flips evading Luna’s slashes, Zaphyr picks up her Sai still front flipping, quickly side flipping many times and finally jumping up and landing on the ground picking up her second Sai and still evading Luna’s assault. Luna forms two small tomahawks and attacks Zaphyr once again, spinning and slashing away, Zaphyr blocking every hit repeatedly, Luna then jumps over Zaphyr landing low on the ground and making a three sixty degree turn with her right leg spread trying to knock Zaphyr down, but Zaphyr makes a back flip, Luna still making the three sixty degree turn throws one of her tomahawks infused in Mana Force at Zaphyr, Zaphyr barely dodges, the tomahawk hits a tree slicing it in half and exploding in ice, the ice spikes turn back and slightly cuts Zaphyr’s body, Luna jumps backwards making a back flip evading the ice spikes and lands safely on the ground with a grin.

            “Haha, looks like you couldn’t see too far ahead huh.” Luna says mockingly.

            “Grrr… you conceited fool.” Zaphyr says angrily.

            “Was my movements too fast for her to dodge or does she have an interval between how many times she can see the future? Then she has to wait, let’s say five seconds before she can read it again… but I don’t know how many seconds exactly do I have to attack her.” Luna thinks to herself.

            “This isn’t over yet.” Zaphyr says staring angrily at Luna.

            “You’re right; you still have to see in the future the a*s beating I’m gonna give you.” Luna says smiling.

            Please, in your dreams.” Zaphyr says readying herself.

                        Zelcius unleashes a black thunderbolt towards Zero, but Zero covers his sword in lightning as he runs towards Zelcius and bats it back infusing his own lightning in Zelciu’s attack making it even stronger. Zelcius smacks the attack away with his hand and concentrates a ball of black lightning in his hand rapidly throwing it towards Zero, Zero side steps, the black lightning ball blows up leaving a big hole in the groun. Zero grins and says. “Not a good pitcher huh.”

            “We’ll see.” Zelcius says making even more black lightning balls and throwing them towards Zero, Zero jumps towards Zelcius as if he’s diving, he rotates many times in the air grabbing some of the black lightning balls putting some of his lightning in them. He hits Zelcius very hard on his chest, Zelcius falls on the ground, Zero lifts him up by his cloak and drops the lightning balls into his cloak and stabs Zelcius’s right arm with his sword, leaving it struck. Zelcius desperately tries to remove the lightning balls from his cloak, but Zero stomps his left hand, Zelcius stares at Zero with hatred, Zero grins and the lightning balls blow up in Zelcius’s cloak. Zero swiftly removes his sword and then observes Zelcius on the ground, his cloak ripped, leaving Zelcius shirtless with only his gauntlet, pants and boots, Zelcius has a more muscular body than Zero’s, he stands up.

            “You fight just like Drake, with fancy tricky moves, was he your master?” Zelcius asks.

            “Of course.” Zero replies.

            “I knew it, he was always such an annoying sparring partner, but don’t think this is over yet, my warm up is over.”

            “Whatever you say.” Zero says.

                        Zelcius flexes his muscles and snaps his knuckles, he then explodes in black lightning, his Spirit Force making the whole Ross Woods shake. Zelcius begins to walk towards Zero, every step he takes seeming heavy, sparking in electricity, Zero without wasting time runs towards Zelcius and does a diagonal slash, Zelcius catches his sword with his left hand and punches Zero on his stomach sending him flying and crashing against a tree. Zero stands up wiping some blood from his mouth; he stabs his sword in the ground and takes off his jacket placing it on his sword, he then pull back his gloves slightly and raises his fists up.

            “You’re seriously thinking in fighting me hand-to-hand? Ha, what a joke.” Zelcius says scornfully.

            “You’re fighting with your fist, so I’ll do the same, I’m just as good with my fists as I am with my sword, been in a lot of street fights.” Zero says as he walks towards Zelcius.

                        Zelcius and Zero begin to punch each other, Zero easily blocking and countering, Zelcius blocks Zero’s counters and grabs him from behind, Zero starts hitting Zelcius’s stomach with his elbow until Zelcius let’s go of him. Zero then punches his abs repeatedly, Zelcius throws a right jab at Zero, but Zero ducks and hits Zelcius under his jaw with an uppercut throwing him on the ground, Zero jumps up and lands down with his knee facing Zelcius’s head, but Zelcius rolls over to the side and kicks Zero’s face. Zelcius and Zero stand up, Zelcius goes in throwing a series of punches, Zero easily dodges each fist and grabs ahold of Zelcius’s arms and hits his stomach with his knee over and over then throwing him against a tree. Zelcius covers his fists with black lightning and charges at Zero once again, Zero charges his with lightning and both keep hitting each other repeatedly on their face until Zelcius hit’s Zero very hard on his face making Zero stagger, Zelcius punches Zero once again on his face, Zero falls on the ground. Zero kicks Zelcius’s legs making Zelcius trip and fall on the ground, Zero gets on top of him and begins punching Zelcius’s face many times, Zelcius pushes Zero and head-butts him, Zero backs away, Zelcius then tackles him sending Zero against a boulder, Zero’s back breaks the boulder, Zelcius jumps towards Zero, but Zero hits him on his face with a roundhouse kick that sends Zelcius flying, he lands solid on the ground. Zelcius stands up angrily.

            “I’m tired of playing with you.” Zelcius says quickly summoning many demons.

                        The demons attack Zero, but Zelcius begins to chant. “Lord of beginnings and obstacles, patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom, hear my calling o great one with the strength of mighty beasts.”

                        All of a sudden the Eye of Tiamat begins to shine, a portal appears as a man dressed in Hindu clothing appears, he has a porcelain mask in form of an elephant with one tusk, he takes out his axe which the handle is made out of an elephant’s tusk.

            “Ganesha!” Zero says shocked quickly grabbing his sword.

            “Huh? The human world? Why did ya summon me?” Ganesha asks Zelcius.

            “To vanquish this wretched Kaizer from the face of Terra.” Zelcius replies.

            “Hmm, you look like the bad guy to me, I don’t like bad guys.” Ganesha comments.

            “What are you talking about? Annihilate him!” Zelcius commands.

            “Calm down, I don’t take orders from you or anyone, so shut yer trap geezer.” Ganesha says.

            “What?” Zelcius asks in disbelief.

            “Looks like you can’t control a demon like him, he’s too strong.” Zero says with a smirk.

            “A living breathing Kaizer? Now that’s a sight to behold.” Ganesha remarks.

            “Didn’t think you’d go against your summoner.” Zero comments.

            “I’m just leeching off some of his energy, it’s cool brah.” Ganesha says.

            “I can’t unsummon him or I’ll suffer the consequences.” Zelcius thinks to himself, he then shouts. “Kill them!”

                        All the demons begin to attack Zero and Ganesha, Ganesha simply slaps them away while Zero slices and dices them.

            “Need some help?” Ganesha asks Zero.

            “I don’t need help of a demon.” Zero replies fending off the many demons.

            “Deal.” Ganesha says teaming up with Zero as they begin killing all the demons easily.

                        Meanwhile, Gael and Krystal are still fighting, Krystal makes a diagonal slash, Gael side steps and kicks her ribs, he then jumps towards her forming wind swords on both his arms, Krystal jumps up and hit’s him with both her legs in the face at the same time, both fall on the ground hard. He stands up and jumps on her, Krystal lifts her body up with both hand and jumps up making a back flip landing safely on the ground; Gael swiftly appears in front of her making an ‘x’ slash with his wind swords, Krystal backs away, Gael then disappears and appears behind her, Krystal turns around, but Gael rapidly hit’s Krystal’s ribs with his elbow shattering her ribs and then hits her knee with other his elbow also shattering her knee. Krystal jumps back with one leg and falls on the ground.

            “Checkmate, you’re finished.” Gael says with joy as he walks towards Krystal.

            “……” Krystal stares at Gael viciously waiting for him to come closer.

                        Gael rushes and attacks Krystal with a horizontal slash with both wind swords, but Krystal in a flash rushes under him and chops both of his arms off, then jumping over him and slicing his head off and finally slicing his body into pieces. Gael widens his eyes and smiles, his body falls into pieces and turn to ash.

            “Finally… I feel so much better, heh.” Krystal says with relief, she then notices Zero and Ganesha fighting off hundreds of demons. “I better go help him.”

                        Krystal begins to limp as she walks; Zero and Ganesha keep on fighting the hordes of demons, Zero notices Krystal and jumps towards her.

            “Krystal, you shouldn’t move, I noticed you took care of Gael, not an easy feat, I’m proud.” Zero says.

            “Thanks… why is Ganesha helping you?” Krystal asks.

            “I don’t know, he must be bored.” Zero comments.

            “You should go take care of Zelcius, he looks like he wants to get away.” Krystal remarks.

            “I know, he’s in a tight situation, you just killed one of his strongest, and now Ganesha turned on him, plus he has no back-up that I know of, he’s completely cornered.” Zero says.

                        Ganesha keeps on fighting, all the demons keep on jumping at him, suddenly a demon lands a lucky strike on Ganesha’s face, breaking his mask, revealing a small burn mark on his face. Ganesha instantly kill the demon impaling him with his ax, and keeps on fighting, Zero rushes in and helps him, Zelcius staring at the pair with anger.

            “I’m going to have to resort to unsummoning him; he’s becoming a pain…” Zelcius thinks to himself, he then says. “Return to the underworld whence you came!”

                        The Eye of Tiamat shines making the portal once again, pulling Ganesha inside, Zero jumps back, the portal closes, Zelcius falls on one knee, Zaphyr pushes Luna back and rapidly goes to Zelcius’s aid, swiftly disappearing with him.

            “Damn it!” Zero says angrily.

                        Luna jumps to Zero’s side, the demons still attacking, Krystal keeps fending them off, but there are still at least a hundred more left. Zero and Luna help Krystal, they keep killing and killing off demon, quickly reducing their numbers, Zero easily slays many with ease, Krystal cuts one in half and notices with the corner of her eye a demon throwing a spear at Zero, she widens her eyes as the spear heads towards Zero very fast, Krystal jumps in and slices it, but she fails to notice another spear behind the one she just sliced. The spear strikes her chest, Zero turns around and looks as Krystal falls on the ground, he widens his eyes in disbelief, his eyes suddenly turn white as when he witnessed his masters dead body, he goes into a trance which makes him go into a rampage swiftly killing all the demons with tremendous strength and speed very violently. In less than a minute he wipes out all the demon, Luna stares at him in shock, she then shouts. “Stop!”

                        Zero snaps out of his trance and shakes his head, he rapidly goes towards Krystal, he picks her head up, her breathing very faintly.

            “Zero…” Krystal says.

            “Don’t talk; you’ll just make it worse.” Zero says.

            “No, let me… talk, I don’t have… much… time…” Krystal says.

            “Krystal… No…” Luna says as she sheds tears.

            “I did… what I wanted… to do… I can… die… in peace.” Krystal says.

            “Don’t say that! You’re going to live!” Zero says desperately.

            “Haha… no matter what I…did… your heart… belongs… to… Luna…” Krystal says.

            “Stop saying stupid things! You’re going to be fine, just don’t talk!” Zero says transferring Spirit Force into Krystal’s wound.

            “It’s… no use… I… want… to tell you… that… I love… you…” Krystal says.

            “You’re important to me too Krystal, you can’t die on me!” Zero shouts.

            “Kiss… me… I want to… feel… your lips… before… I part… kiss me… like if… you were… kissing… Luna…” Krystal says.

                        Zero looks at Luna, Luna nods at him and turns around. Zero closes in and makes out with Krystal, she hugs him tightly, they keep kissing each other, Zero also hugs her as well, Zero backs away, Krystal smiles and says. “Thanks Luna… for being… my… only… friend…”

                        Luna bends down next to Krystal and hugs her.

            “I’ll always remember you Krystal, you’ll always be in my heart, you’ll always be my best friend no matter what.” Luna says crying.

            “Promise… you’ll… take care… of… Zero… make… him… happy… and tell… him… that… you… really… love him…” Krystal says as she lets out her last breath.

            “Krystal!” Luna and Zero shout at the same time.

© 2011 Shin

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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! i can't have a favorite in this story or else they will die lolz, great chap man, the fights are very detailed and the whole chap like the others was interesting, now what raven sees on harayoshi he is an a*s lol, endign was very sad, i liked krystal she was awesome, keep it up man

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 23, 2011
Last Updated on June 11, 2011

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin