![]() Chapter 59: Birth of the DragoonA Chapter by Shin“Humph, not bad.” Jaye says rapidly heading in and making a diagonal slash. Kyoshi easily evades, Jaye makes a horizontal slash, but Kyoshi blocks and counters cutting slightly his chest, Jaye backs away. “I guess I have no other choice then.” Jaye comments reaching inside a small pouch on his waist. “What are you talking about?” Kyoshi asks. Jaye takes out a small red crystal and breaks it, the whole area surrounding them begins to heat up, the temperature rise rapidly, the trees begin to burst in fire when all of a sudden Jaye bursts in holy flames. Kyoshi widens his eyes in disbelief; Amarth begins to wake up by Jaye’s sudden outburst. “Holy… flames?” Amarth says in disbelief. “Thank God you’re finally up!” Shizuru says relieved. “Why aren’t you helping Kyoshi?” Amarth asks. “Now that you’re up I am, it’s just that I was saving you first, you were almost killed by Jaye.” Shizuru explains. “Huh?” Amarth raises his head swiftly feeling another energy close by. “What?” Shizuru asks. “Jump!” Amarth shouts jumping up in the air along with Shizuru, when all of a sudden the ground below them blows up into pieces by a dark energy. “Who the hell did that?” Shizuru asks angrily. “I’d wager it would be that funny looking guy standing right over there.” Amarth says looking north of where Jaye and Kyoshi are. There they see Lester, the diabolic clown sent by Rupert Apollo laughing like crazy. Jaye and Kyoshi look towards his direction, Jaye then asks. “Were you sent by Rupert as well?” “Bingo!” Lester says. “I don’t need any help, but you can have a little fun with the others.” Jaye says. “Sure, sure, whatever you say.” Lester begins to walk towards Amarth and Shizuru with his head low as if he is disappointed. “Oh well… Any of you strong enough to take on silly old me? Or maybe both of you?” Amarth and Shizuru land on the ground. “Shizuru, Kyoshi is in serious danger, Jaye has holy flames and his Spirit Force has risen exponentially, can you take care of Krusty for me?” Amarth asks. “Yeah, but what are you planning to do?” Shizuru asks. “I’m going to help Kyoshi, I promised Reik I would always protect him no matter what.” Amarth replies. “Hey, you’re not planning on dying on us are you?” Shizuru asks warily. “Hell no, there’s a movie I’m planning to watch this weekend, I’m not gonna die until I see it, so rest assured I’m going to survive this.” Amarth says with a smile. “Typical, just keep Kyo safe.” Shizuru says. “Sure thing.” Amarth nods. Kyoshi charges towards Jaye, then unleashing a slash with black flames, Jaye parries the black fire slash with his own holy flame covered slash. Jaye in an instant appears next to Kyoshi and slashes his ribs, Kyoshi jumps back and begins to feel numb, Jaye jumps towards him with his sword covered in holy flames, Kyoshi looks up and closes his eyes waiting for the slash. As Jaye connects his attack, Kyoshi blocks and pushes him back without using his black flames and kicks him sending him flying, then jumping up in midair towards Jaye as he takes out his spear and covers it with black flames and lands on Jaye piercing his left shoulder. Jaye looks up to Kyoshi’s face surprised to see Kyoshi smiling with widen eyes. “I’ve been expecting this side of you… Kyo.” Jaye says excited. Jaye bursts in holy flames; Kyoshi bursting in black flames at the same time, Jaye kicks Kyoshi on his stomach, Kyoshi jumps back taking out his shotgun guitar, Jaye stands up, but Kyoshi laughing like a complete psycho begins to fire at Jaye running towards him. Jaye begins to evade and repels Kyoshi’s shotgun guitar with his sword, Kyoshi uses his spear once again rotating it very swiftly with one hand and pierces Jaye again, but this time in his rib. Jaye backs off, but Kyoshi keeps charging in without wasting time shooting at Jaye making a very excited face, Jaye jumps up evading Kyoshi’s gunfire and thinks to himself. “He’s more dangerous than I thought… It seems when he gets like this his combat ability doubles allowing for high intense combat… No matter, I’m still using only half of my power.” Meanwhile, Lester is in front of Amarth and Shizuru. “Looks like Kyo’s gone battle high again.” Shizuru comments. “I noticed, but it won’t be enough, I can feel Jaye holding back a great power inside him.” Amarth remarks. “The you should go now.” Shizuru says. “I will.” Amarth says quickly flying away towards Kyoshi’s direction. “So I’m left with a little girl.” Lester says to himself. “Who the hell are exactly?” Shizuru asks. “My name is Lester and I’m quite the party man for this show.” Lester answers. “I thought clowns were supposed to be in circuses.” Shizuru says. “I am in one. Haven’t you noticed the freak show going on over there and I’m stuck with entertaining little girls?” Lester asks sarcastically as he bounces around Shizuru. “Yeah, that… I’ll join in the show then.” Shizuru says drawing her daggers. “Great!” Lester says excited. Shizuru without wasting time attacks Lester, cutting him all over his body repeatedly ending by stabbing him with both daggers in his heart at the same time. Lester steps back seriously injured and falls on the ground on his back, Shizuru walks towards him and removes her daggers from his chest. She looks at her dagger and notices a brown thick liquid that isn’t blood; she licks it to taste it. “Huh? Chocolate?” Shizuru says shocked. She looks back at Lester, his smile widens as he opens his eyes, rapidly jumping up comically. “Ta-da!” Lester widens his arms and legs trying to surprise Shizuru. “Sorry, but I’m not surprised, I can expect anything from a stupid clown.” Shizuru says. “Ohhhh really? How about this?” Lester spins around very fast and creates more Lesters. “Let’s just get on with this.” Shizuru says annoyed. All the Lester’s jump at Shizuru quickly trying to hit her, but Shizuru easily evades and kicks one of them, then catching one of them and punching him in the face. She then swings him around and throws him on top of the other, another one of them comes falling fom above, Shizuru back flips and jumps in midair rapidly grabbing a hold of his back and falling down solid on the ground thus breaking his neck. The last one laughs snapping his finger making the rest disappear. “Bravo! Didn’t think you would have it you… little girl.” Lester says clapping his hands. “Nothing to it.” Shizuru chuckles. “Wait till you get a load of this!” Lester says reaching into his pocket, somehow taking out a big flamethrower. “Whoa…” Shizuru says staring in shock. “Hahahaha!” Lester laughs uncontrollably and begins to spray flames at Shizuru. Shizuru begins to dodge the flames; she then begins to concentrate Spirit Force as she explodes in flames and says. “Soul Fire.” Covered in wild flames Shizuru charges in as she evades the flamethrower and jumps over Lester swiftly stabbing his back with her daggers. Lester hits her face with his elbow; Shizuru backs off and evades his flamethrower yet again, Shizuru then concentrates all the fire around her body on a single dagger rapidly jumping and throwing it in front of Lester’s feet causing a big explosion, Shizuru lands on the ground waiting for the smoke and flames to clear when all of a sudden she hears a bell-like sound and notices Lester coming out of the smoke and flames unharmed riding a tricycle. “What in the name of all that is holy?” Shizuru says surprised with wide eyes. Back with the others, Jaye dodges all of Kyoshi’s fierce attacks and cuts him on his right leg, but Kyoshi does not even flinch still attacking like a maniac without signs of slowing down. “Damn, he doesn’t feel anything while he’s like this.” Jaye thinks to himself. “Okay, this is it, you fall now!” Jaye bursts in Spirit Force as holy flames consume everything around him, he says. “Infinite Blaze.” Everything around them bursts in holy flames consuming everything, Jaye then says as he slides his index and middle finger on his sword making it ignite with holy flames into an even longer sword. “Heat Saber.” Kyoshi evades all of the holy flames in the area, he jumps up trying to escape the flames, but Jaye jumps up in midair unleashing many slashes, Kyoshi evades every single attack, but Jaye’s slashes let out many small balls of fire homing towards Kyoshi making them explode right on him. Kyoshi falls on the holy flames, as the flames begin to consume him; Amarth comes flying in quickly grabbing Kyoshi with his mouth and flying to a safe place. Amarth looks at Kyoshi who is unconscious, Jaye lands on the ground and looks at Amarth. “Not gonna lie, dick move.” Amarth says. “You think you’re funny don’t you? Well you’re nothing but a stupid dragon, nothing more.” Jaye says. “Now, I’m going to kill you and make Kyo suffer.” “I won’t let you do anything.” “And what are you going to do? Surely even you know you stand no chance against me.” Jaye comments. “True, I don’t, but I can.” Amarth says. “Tch, yeah right.” Jaye scoffs. Amarth faces Jaye and stares at him seriously; he lowers his head and sighs. “You’ll see just how powerful a dragon can truly be.” Amarth says as he begins to accumulate Mystic Force all over his body. Meanwhile, back with Shizuru, Lester gets off his tricycle laughing and throws it to the side. “Did you like my little show?” Lester asks. “How the heck did you survive that?” Shizuru asks. “Nothing to it little girl, the host can’t be harmed if there’s more to the spectacle!” Lester says excited. “Right…” Shizuru shakes her head. “I’m such a great clown that I can even do…” Lester disappears from sight and appears next to her stuffing a pie on her face. “This to you! Hahahaha!” Shizuru kicks Lester on his face with a roundhouse kick and wipes her face. “You a*****e!” Shizuru says angrily still wiping her face. “Hahahaha!” Lester keeps on laughing and then begins to run around in a ridiculous manner. “Oh, you are so dead.” Shizuru says very pissed off. Lester still running begins to drop a bunch of toy mines all over the ground, Shizuru backs away slightly, but steps on one by accident. “Oh crap.” Shizuru says sighing. Lester points at her still laughing and says. “Now you’re dead.” “The hell I am!” Shizuru jumps very high up in the air and looks down noticing the toy mine didn’t go off. “What? A dud? No wonder… toy mines, I can’t believe I fell for that one…” “Hahaha.” Lester laughs. Shizuru lands between the toy mine field and picks up her dagger off the ground; Lester begins to put on a blindfold. “Seriously? What the hell is he planning now?” Shizuru thinks to herself. Lester then takes out a pair of knives and begins to throw them at Shizuru and the toy mines making them explode and Shizuru barely evade. “Huh? The toy mines really work? …D****t no wonder, the first was a dud to make me fall in a false sense of security, damn trickster.” Shizuru thinks to herself. Lester keeps on throwing knives repeatedly one after the other provoking more explosion, Shizuru barely evading trying to concentrate Spirit Force, but Lester hits her with one of his knives on her thigh, then making a toy mine under Shizuru explode. Shizuru falls on another toy mine and that one explodes as well, Lester then jumps up in the air and throws many more knives making the rest of the toy mines around Shizuru explode. Lester lands on the ground and removes his blindfold. “Hahahaha! Take that!” Lester says as he begins to dance ridiculously. Amidst the explosion now dust, Shizuru coughs blood and is seriously injured with some burn marks around her limbs, she stands up, her expression that of anger. “…… I’m really going to kill you.” Shizuru says to herself. Shizuru walks out of the smoke screen, Lester widens his eyes in surprise. “I can’t believe you survived that explosion.” Lester says. “It’s my turn.” Shizuru says staring at Lester with a cold expression. Shizuru bursts in wild flames as before while her Spirit Force begins to surge, her Spirit Force’s pressure can be seen in the air pulling down Lester to the ground slightly. Shizuru instantly disappears and appears right in front of Lester grabbing a hold of his shirt and punching him very hard on his face many times, then leaning her fist back and saying as she accumulates all of her Spirit Force and flames in that single fist. “Nova Flare.” Shizuru punches Lester letting out a huge beam of fire that covers Lester’s body whole sending him flying away through the flame beam, the attack destroying on the way the ground and all of its surroundings along with Lester then exploding in massive proportions. “… That should be the end of him…” Shizuru says panting heavily. As this happens, Amarth is still accumulating Mystic Force, making the earth tremble, all of a sudden the ground where Amarth is standing blows up into pieces and a bunch of dust covers the area, covering Amarth whole. “I wonder what you’re up to.” Jaye says. Electricity begins to appear around the dust as it begins to clear, unexpectedly a burst of powerful Mystic Force surges and clears the dust instantly revealing a human with short black hair and blue eyes dressed in dragon scale armor, the man walks towards Kyoshi and picks up his longsword. “What the hell happened to you? You are that dragon aren’t you?” Jaye asks shocked. “Heh, of course.” Amarth says with a smirk brandishing Kyoshi’s longsword. “It can’t be, your powers, they’ve increased dramatically, you’re as powerful as Kyoshi in his insane side.” Jaye says. “Yeah, but unlike him, I can control myself, that makes me more dangerous.” Amarth remarks. “Doesn’t matter, you’re still weaker than me.” Jaye states. “How about you try me.” Amarth says. “Your call.” Jaye says. Amarth instantly disappears and appears behind Jaye making a vertical slash, but Jaye blocks easily and counters, Amarth blocks and counters as well, Jaye then bursts in holy flames pushing Amarth back. “Not bad, but not enough little dragon.” Jaye says mockingly. Amarth makes many back flips and lands on the ground, he stands up casually with a smile, he then covers his left fist with blue flames. “Huh? Ha, already using your mystical flames, so typical of a dragon.” Jaye says. “Better than using normal flames against your holy flames.” Amarth says. “Obviously.” Jaye says. “Speaking of holy flames, how did you obtain them? That I know of, only Jony Chronic has them.” Amarth asks. “None of your business.” Jaye replies. “Okay, whatever then.” Amarth shrugs his shoulders. “Quit stalling and fight.” Jaye says. “As you wish.” Amarth says brandishing Kyoshi’s sword towards Jaye. Jaye quickly charges in and attacks, Amarth blocks all of Jaye’s attacks and counters, but Jaye evades and tries cutting Amarth, Amarth unharmed thanks to his armor attacks and slashes Jaye’s chest. Jaye jumps back and looks at his wound, then looking towards Amarth. “Nice armor, but it can easily be pierced by holy flames.” Jaye says covering his sword in holy flames once again. Amarth rushes in and evades Jaye’s horizontal slash bending down, then making an upward slash cutting Jaye’s chest once again, then making Jaye fall by kicking his legs and then trying to pierce his chest as he’s on the ground. Jaye rapidly rolls to the side and jumps up, then making a diagonal slash which Amarth blocks and counters cutting Jaye’s stomach; Jaye begins to get angry and explodes in holy flames. Jaye in an instant slashes Amarth repeatedly all over his body, Amarth stands his ground and attacks Jaye, but Jaye once again slashes Amarth many times in an inhuman speed. Amarth jumps back and says. “Dragon Heart.” Amarth leaks mystical flames, the flames take form of his dragon from, he unleashes it towards Jaye, Jaye begins to jump back swiftly, but the dragon keeps going after him fiercely, Jaye begins to form a dragon made out of holy flames and unleashes it towards Amarth’s attack and consumes it. Amart’s attack appears behind Jaye and jumps on him burning him and exploding in mystical flames, Jaye consumes the attack by surrounding it with his own holy flames, he looks at Kyoshi and says. “You see, easily overpowered.” “Not quite.” Amarth says bursting in Mystic Force and mystical flames at the same time, Amarth’s eyes begin to turn slit. “So you still had an ace in the hole huh.” Jaye says. Amarth stands up as his wounds begin to heal gradually and his armor to repair. Shizuru observes them from afar and begins to walk towards them, but a thick strong with many colors hits the ground in front of Shizuru blocking her path, she looks to her left and sees a slightly injured Lester holding the colorful string, he pulls it back and cuts Shizuru’s ribs. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, you’re not going anywhere; the show is far from over.” Lester says. “…… I hate clowns.” Shizuru comments. Lester begins to swing is trick string swiftly at Shizuru, Shizuru evades and begins to cut pieces of his strong with her daggers as she gets close to him. Lester then cuts her a few times on her arms and legs, but Shizuru closes in and cuts most of his string, he then kicks her away, then taking out of his pocket a big toy plastic water gun. Shizuru tilts her head confused, but he fires a big water laser that easily cuts the ground open, Shizuru widens her eyes and begins to dodge desperately, he keeps on firing like crazy, Shizuru jumps near him and throws a huge fireball, but a mirror appears in front of Lester reflecting the fireball back at Shizuru, she cuts it in half and throw many smaller fireballs all around him, but many mirrors appear around him reflecting them back at Shizuru. Shizuru cuts all the fireballs at a great speed, but Lester keeps on firing with his water gun, she keeps on evading the water laser, she ten accumulates Spirit Force and the area around the air begins to turn red, she then says. “Sky Fire.” Many flame waves begin to appear out of thin air and attack Lester, the mirror appear yet again, but are unable to reflect the flame waves. Shizuru rushes in towards Lester, but he turns to her and fires even more water laser, she keeps evading, the flame waves heat the mirror in extreme high degrees and melts them rapidly hitting Lester, covering him in flames. Lester jumps up in midair, but the flame waves keep going after him, Shizuru takes advantage and slices his water gun in two, Lester grabs her by her hands and electrocutes her with a gadget in the palm of his hands and throws her at her own flame waves, the flame waves consume Shizuru, Lester laughs and lands on the ground. Shizuru lands on the ground as well, but covered in flames. “A Satsume’s flames cannot hurt them, because they were born with the element, just in case you’re wondering.” Shizuru explains. “How annoying you’ve become.” Lester says. “But it’s not over yet, how about this!” Lester draws a deck of cards and smirks. “What now?” Shizuru sighs. Lester charges at her as he throws cards at her, one of the cards cuts her left cheek; she begins to dodge the sharp cards, Lester keeps on throwing cards without pause, but Shizuru makes a fire shield in front of her, the cards burn before reaching her. Lester smiles and takes out a metal-made card deck and throws them at her, passing through the fire shield with ease, Shizuru side steps evading a pack of card and deflect others, Lester closes in with his cards and jumps in the air, throwing hundreds of metal cards at once. Shizuru jumps towards him, a few cards piercing her all over; she punches him on his stomach and pulls him down falling along with him very hard on the ground. Both stand up, Shizuru without wasting time pierces his heart with both daggers at once and makes him burst in flames from within, he widens his eyes, Shizuru removes her daggers, he breathes heavily. “You die now.” Shizuru says. “May I have this dance M’lady?” Lester says bowing slightly spreading his arms as many rubber balls fall on the ground, he looks up at Shizuru and smiles. The rubber balls explode, Shizuru flies away very injured by the explosion and falls on the ground, blood coming out from her limbs and other parts of her body, some chocolate falls on her, she licks it and says. “Sweet victory.” Back with Amarth and Jaye, Jaye smiles and says. “Unbelievable, you’re powerful indeed, we’re closely matched, but I’m guessing this is your last power up.” “You guessed right, but you can’t get stronger than what you are now either.” Amarth remarks. “Humph, let us finish this fight.” Jaye says. Jaye charges in towards Amarth and attacks yet again, but Amarth blocks easily and cuts Jaye on his arm, then disappearing quickly and cutting his back, Jaye gasps and attacks, but Amarth easily blocks and cuts his leg slightly. Jaye bursts in holy flames and assaults Amarth, but Amarth moves too quickly and parries Jaye easily then slashing him with his sword covered in mystical flames. Jaye keeps on attacking, Amarth jumping and side stepping at extreme speeds and cutting Jaye all over. “How the hell can you fight like this well?” Jaye asks angrily. “I’m more experienced than you because I’m much older.” Amarth replies calmly. Kyoshi wakes up and is very injured, he looks towards Amarth and Jaye. “Huh? Is that… Amarth? …It is him, it’s the same spirit wavelength, but what happened to his body?” Kyoshi asks himself. “Crap… I can barely move.” Amarth and Jaye keep fighting, but Amarth has the upper hand, Jaye keeps struggling and says. “Infinite Blaze.” Holy flames surround Jaye and all of his surroundings, fire pillars begin to rush out of the ground under Amarth, but Amarth evades, the fire pillars keep appearing all over, giving Amarth a hard time to dodge, barely evading Amarth bursts in Mystic Force and says. “Unholy Chaos.” The ground begins to shake wildly and Amarth instantly disappears and appears in front of Jaye punching him upward towards the air, jumping after him Amarth cuts his back passing by him and then coming down and slashing him again, the disappearing and appearing on Jaye’s side cutting him again and again in different sides then making Jaye blow up in mystical flames. Amarth without losing time grabs Jaye’s foot and throws him downward, making a giant pillar of mystical flames come upward and strike Jaye. Jaye still amidst the attack he bursts in holy flames consuming Amarth’s mystical flames, he lands on the ground injured, Amart readies himself and says. “Angel of Fate.” “Another attack?” Jaye braces himself. Amarth pierces Jaye in his chest in seconds and removes his sword, then swinging his sword to the side removing the blood off the sword; Jaye widens his eyes and blows up once again in mystical flames. Jaye falls on his knees on the ground coughing blood and panting heavily. “He… did it…” Kyoshi says surprised. “Ugghhh…” Jaye keeps coughing blood. “A normal person would’ve been dead by now, you’re lucky you’re a Satsume, and not just that, you’re alive because the holy flames consumed most of my mystical flames inside your body.” Amarth explains. “I’m not finishing just yet…” Jaye says. “Hm?” Amarth looks at Jaye. Jaye raises his left hand and makes the very same pillars made of holy flames appear under Amarth, Amarth side steps Jaye makes another pillar appear under Amarth, Amarth evades again. Jaye grabs his sword from the ground and attacks, Amarth easily blocks, another pillar appears under both of them, just as Amarth is evading, Jaye hold him by his armor and the flames consume part of Amarth’s armor. Jaye covers his sword in holy flames and pierces Amarth’s heart instantly. Amarth gasps widening his slit blue eyes, he let's go of his sword, it falls on the ground; Jaye retrieves his sword and backs away dripping a lot of blood. “No!” Kyoshi yells. Amarth looks back at Kyoshi and smiles slightly, then closing his eyes and falling to the ground as well, lifeless. Kyoshi barely stands up and runs towards Amarth, shedding tears as he does, Kyoshi reaches him and picks up his head shedding even more tears and holding him tightly and screaming in sadness. “Amarth! Don't leave me! What am I going to do without you?” Kyoshi shouts. “Ugghhh… He…” Jaye looks at his deep wounds. “Ughh…” Jaye begins to retreat very wounded; Kyoshi unable to follow very injured just mourns Amarth. After a few minutes Amarth's body begins to shine in a bright purple warm light, becoming simply a purple fog; suddenly his voice can be heard. “Kyoshi… Don't cry, don't be sad my friend, for I am not dead.” “What? Amarth!” Kyoshi says surprised and wiping his tears. “I will always be alive… in your heart…” Amarth’s voice says. “My heart?” Kyoshi asks. “Yes, I will always protect you from harm... Heh, literally.” Amarth’s voice says in a joking manner. “Literally?” Kyoshi asks. “The time for my soul has come to leave to heaven… I leave you all the power of my might and body to you… The power to control dragons, the power of the dragoon… I look forward to see you in the afterlife… too bad I couldn’t watch that movie this weekend.” Amarth’s voice says jokingly yet again. The purple fog surrounds Kyoshi and becomes and shining silver armor, Shou’s spear fades into the armor, the armor bursts in wild black flames afterwards. “Whoa…” Kyoshi says surprised. “Kyo…” Shizuru calls from afar. Kyoshi noticed Shizuru lying on the ground from the distance and hurries towards her. “Shizuru…” Kyoshi says grabbing a hold of her on the ground. “Amarth… did he…?” Shizuru asks. “Yeah…” Kyoshi nods with a sad expression. “What’s that armor? I can feel Amarth’s presence from within.” Shizuru asks. “Before he left to heaven he left me with his powers, it turned into this armor…” Kyoshi says. “It’s been decades since a dragoon was born.” Shizuru says. “I know… but I already miss the guy.” Kyoshi says. “I know how you feel… I miss him too.” Shizuru says hugging Kyoshi. “We have to go before anyone finds us here.” Kyoshi says. “Yeah, but you’ll have to help me up.” Shizuru says. “Okay.” Kyoshi nods as he helps Shizuru up and lifts her up by her legs and back and leaving. Meanwhile Gavin is somewhere in a city biting a person in an alleyway, the person has fangs, apparently a vampire. “Ugghh.” The vampire gasps. Gavin lets go of him, the vampire falls on the ground. “Now rise and become like me.” Gavin says. The vampire begins to twitch and shiver, he then stands up at Gavin’s command. “Good, now I want you to search for vampires and infect them as well.” Gavin orders. The vampire leaves and Gavin grins, as Tesshu and his party a dropped off on a roof of a tall building in Britannica. “Thanks yo, if ya evar need some help, just holla.” Tesshu says. “Sure, I hope you guys catch Gavin, he has to be stopped at all costs.” Seshiro says. “Yeah, we’re off then.” Shiemi says getting off the helicopter along with Mikae. “This isn’t goodbye.” Seshiro says. “Just go do your thing Seshi, I got this s**t.” Tesshu says. Seshiro nods and the helicopter leaves, Tesshu and his party leave into the building. Meanwhile, Darko and Emma are in the same city as Gavin searching for him. “I can feel his Demon Force; he’s somewhere in this city, but it’s hard to find his exact location.” Darko says. “I noticed his Demon Force has been somehow dividing, like if there were more Gavin’s.” Emma remarks. “Looks like every vampire he infects becomes part of him, so the vampire’s energy becomes his own.” Darko comments. “That’s pretty troublesome if we want to find him.” Emma says. “Tell me about it.” Darko sighs. All of a sudden the same vampire Gavin infected a while ago attacks Darko and Emma, both of them easily evade by back flipping. Darko in seconds snaps his neck, but the vampire doesn’t die and keeps attacking, Emma slices it into pieces with her knife, all the limbs on the ground begin to connect with Demon Force slowly, Darko uses his Demon Force to blow up the remaining limbs into dust. “They’re pretty tenacious.” Emma comments, “Gavin must be harder to kill obviously.” Darko says. “I can feel more vampires with Gavin’s power appearing.” Emma says. “No matter how many we kill, they keep spreading like wild fire it seems.” Darko states. In Quadimor Faye appears with an army of human size pixies. “It’s time to take what’s rightfully mine.” Faye says staring at the city. Astrid appears behind her. “You again.” Faye says without looking back. “You should be in the dark temple, remember, attacking in this instant is not the best idea, Gen-Exis has a base here and they will notify the attack and send reinforcements, we should wait until they mobilize their army for the next war, and that is sooner than you think.” Astrid says. “I know that, I’m just making my own plans, this is where my old kingdom was, I plan to take it back by force soon.” Faye says. “Then we better get back before Gen-Exis troops spot us.” Astrid says. “……” Faye disappears along with her army. “If she keeps this up she’s going to ruin Lucien’s plans, I won’t let that happen.” Astrid thinks. Astrid leaves Quadimor, meanwhile, Harayoshi and Raven are inside the Gen-Exis base, Harayoshi removes the bandages from his body, Lexon brings a new custom collar. “This one will let you reach your full power.” Lexon says. “Krade approves this?” Raven asks. “Of course.” Lexon answers. “Then why carry one then?” Raven asks. “Krade wants to keep tabs on his son for security purposes.” Lexon replies. “……” Harayoshi finishes removing the bandages. “I would like know who did this to him, no normal human could possibly do this much harm, I would like to experiment with him.” Lexon says. “He’s-” Raven is cut off by Harayoshi. “I already killed him.” “Hmm? So where’s his body? I want to extract it.” Lexon asks. “There’s nothing left of him, I obliterated him completely.” Harayoshi answers. “Such a shame, I hope this serves as experience for the next time you battle such an opponent, do you know any information regarding this subject?” Lexon asks. “No.” Harayoshi answers. “I don’t believe you, why did you leave the base then without authorization? Was it not to fight this person?” Lexon asks. “No, I left because I felt like it and just encountered the guy by chance; I wanted to relieve stress and fought him.” Harayoshi says widening his eyes excited. “Alright, say I do believe you, I wonder if you father will.” Lexon comments. “……” Harayoshi looks away. “In the meantime, I want you to leave the infirmary and remain in your quarters, I take my leave, my lab is still under construction.” Lexon says as he leaves. “Harayoshi…” Raven says. Harayoshi makes an upset expression and slams the wall next to him breaking it. “Why are you so upset?” Raven asks. “So many things I’m upset for…” Harayoshi says angrily. “Like living trapped in this place? Not finishing your fight against your brother? Feeling so controlled?” Raven asks getting close to Harayoshi. “……” Harayoshi clenches his fist. Raven closes in and tries to kiss Harayoshi, but he removes his face, she makes a sad expression and begins to leave, Harayoshi stops her by holding her arm and pulls her throwing her on the infirmary bed. “Ahh!” Raven shouts out of surprise and blushes. “Harayoshi!” Harayoshi rips his shirt off and gets on top of her and rips her shirt as well, leaving her with only her bra, Raven embraces him and they begin to kiss each other. As the events take place, in the helipad of Gen-Exis base where Krade normally visits Xixis is looking at the distance. Xak comes from behind with his hands in his pockets and stands next to her. “What’s on your mind?” Xak asks. “I’m planning.” Xixis replies. “Planning what exactly?” Xak asks. “Haven’t you felt many energies rising all over? I don’t mean mediocre ones, I mean very strong ones.” Xixis asks. “Yeah, so?” Xak asks. “I’m guessing something very big is going to happen, and I’m making my own plans for that time.” Xixis explains. “Planning on deserting Gen-Exis?” Xak asks. “Now that the elder project is concluded, I’m strong enough to build my own empire.” Xixis responds. “The elder project huh.” Xak says sighing. “Why didn’t you take part of it? Is it your blood refusing such a thing?” Xixis asks looking at Xak waiting for his respond. “I don’t know, but bringing back the last subject, I’m pretty damn sure that I’m loyal all the way no matter what you or anyone else decides.” Xak answers. “I won’t show mercy if you stand in my way when the time comes.” Xixis says. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Xak says with a smirk. © 2011 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on March 19, 2011 Last Updated on April 23, 2011 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing