Chapter 57: Tears of Blood

Chapter 57: Tears of Blood

A Chapter by Shin

                        Back in Gen-Exis, Zin begins to remember when he was younger, one night he began to walk at night when unexpectedly Emma came walking towards him and asked. “Hey cutie, wanna have some fun?”

            “Uhh… How much?” Zin asked

            “I’m not a prostitute, what’s your name?” Emma asked.

            “Zin…” He replied.

            “I’m Emma, how old are you?” Emma asked.

            “Thirty, you?” Zin asked.

            “I’m older than what you might think, well, shall we?” Emma asked extending her hand.

            “Yeah…” Zin said and took her hand, he then noticed she had a matrimony ring on her finger, he asked. “Are you married?”

            “Yeah, so?” Emma asked with a smile.

            “Wouldn’t your husband get jealous?” Zin asked.

            “Don’t worry about it; we’re… not together right now.” Emma said.

            “Alright.” Zin left along with Emma.

                        They reached a motel where they got inside and entered their room, Zin took his shirt off, Emma got on top of him and began kissing him on his neck with a lot of enthusiasm, then bit him and began sucking his blood. Zin got startled and tried pushing her away, but she was too strong, he then kicked her back and jumped through the window, luckily it was just the second floor window, he ran and ran away as far as he could through the cold night until he collapsed in an alleyway. Zin fell unconscious for the rest of the night, when he woke up in the morning he felt slightly dizzy, he stood up in the darkness of the alleyway and noticed how all his senses were somehow heightened, he then punched the wall next to him and cracked it.

            “What happened to me?” Zin asked himself.

            “Good question.” A familiar female voice said.

                        Zin looked behind him and saw Emma dressed completely in black holding a motorcycle helmet.

            “What did you do to me?” Zin asked.

            “I assume you don’t watch many movies do you, you’re a vampire now, just like me and many others around the world.” Emma said.

            “Vampires? That’s a myth.” Zin remarked with a scoff.

            “What’s your logic in feeling so strong and those small fangs of yours?” Emma asked.

                        Zin felt his fangs using his tongue.

            “So, you wanna test them little powers you got now?” Emma asked.

            “I can’t, I have to go back home and make sure my little brother is safe.” Zin responded.

            “You’re going to walk there in broad daylight?” Emma asked.

            “Are you telling me that I can’t resist sunlight?” Zin asked.

            “Not just that, you’re also allergic to garlic, silver and other kinds of weaknesses.” Emma answered.

            “What about you?” Zin asked.

            “I’m a day walker, I have none of those weaknesses, but you’re different, you’re just an offspring, another weakness you posses is that you don’t have Demon Force like us.” Emma explained.

            “If you’re a day walker, why are you carrying that helmet and dressed in that suit?” Zin questioned.

            “I brought these for you.” Emma said throwing his the helmet and unzipping her suit, she was dressed underneath with dark blue jeans and a red tank top.

                        Zin caught the suit and helmet and put them on.

            “Now you can walk around.” Emma said.

            “Can’t I do something to be a day walker like you?” Zin asked.

            “Yes, but you have to agree to something first.” Emma said.

            “What’s that?” Zin asked.

                        Emma smirked and replied. “I will come back for you one day, and when that day arrives, I want you to be my servant, it’s the main reason why I turned you.”

            “Why me? Of all people, why me?” Zin asked.

            “It’s not that you’re special or the chosen one, I just happened to chose you, it’s as simple as that.” Emma said. “Do you agree or not?”

            “……Alright.” Zin nodded.

                        Back to the present.

            “Come to think about it, I haven’t aged since then, and it’s been sixteen years since that day.” Zin said. “Time changes people, and people change times… I sure have changed a lot since then.”

                        Krade appears behind Zin and says. “Zin Diekaz.”

                        Zin turns around with a shocked expression and asks. “Do you need me for something master Krade?”

            “My Intel informed me some time ago that you were snooping around the archives and hacking into security systems, what do you have to say about this matter?” Krade asks.

            “……I guess I can’t hide it anymore huh… I’ve been investigating because I really care about this corporation and its employees, but I can’t understand why a man of your power would want to destroy the world with the complete termination plan.” Zin says.

            “Looks like you know too much for your own good, but at the same time you don’t know much, I don’t have to tell you that the information you read is classified, and only the elders and I have access to it, I also don’t think I have to tell you that what you did is considered an act of treason and is punished by death.” Krade says.

            “What will you do then?” Zin asks.

            “I can’t let anyone outside the elders get hold of that kind of information and I’m also planning on using your death to send Sylvia after Kuzan, he knows too much for his own good as well and must be silenced.” Krade explains.

            “Are you going to kill me personally or just try to execute me with your lackeys?” Zin asks.

            “I don’t need any of my soldiers to do it, I can do it myself.” Krade walks towards Zin.

            “Not to be smug, but do you really think I’m that weak?” Zin asks staring at Krade.

            “You’re so oblivious to my power.” Krade says.

            “I felt those power surges that you let out from time to time, but are you sure all that Spirit Force isn’t just for show?” Zin asks unsheathing his Lemurian sword and getting on his guard.

            “You’ll see, all that you have is close to half of my power.” Krade says unsheathing his Soul Eater.

                        Zin bursts in Demon Force and rapidly begins s assault, Krade easily blocks and counters, Zin disappears, Krade bursts in wind, Zin appears behind him struggling not to get blown away by the strong wind. Krade walks towards Zin, Zin explodes in Demon Force and charges towards Krade once again, but Krade pierces him in his stomach with an ice stalagmite that appears under Zin. The ice stalagmite melts and Zin falls on the floor, Zin’s wounds begin to regenerate, he stands up and faces Krade again.

            “Not bad, but you’re not my match.” Krade says.

                        Flames begin to surround Krade, Zin readies himself again, Krade waits for his move, Zin attacks once again, Krade easily blocks and evades all of Zin’s attacks and then pierces him in his heart with his sword, Zin smiles and says. “You think something like that will kill me?”

            “No? Well, this should do it.” Krade says completely freezing Zin and pulling out his sword out from Zin, thus shattering his body into pieces.

                        Krade sheathes his sword and leaves. Meanwhile back at Toshi Kaze Nami Lloyd and Yumi walk towards the party, they all stare at them with shocked expressions also noticing their torn up clothes.

            “That was quite a fight.” Kyoshi comments.

            “Definitely.” Judai says.

            “You guys saw?” Lloyd asks.

            “Yeah, you guys didn’t notice because you were too into your fight.” Kirisu explains.

            “We also saw how great that ended too.” Kazumi says winking at Lloyd.

            “Shut up Kazumi.” Yumi says annoyed.

            “But you really did go all out; we were even going to interfere when we saw Yumi thrust her big whip-sword like that into you Lloyd.” Seshiro says.

            “And what stopped ya?” Lloyd asks.

            “Zieg and Jiro told us not to interfere since you can regenerate at a very high speed in your demon form.” Hisana says.

            “Damn dude, didn’t know you could fight like that.” Kirisu says amazed.

            “And I didn’t know Yumi could fight the way she did.” Lloyd says looking at Yumi.

            “Yeah, she’s grown strong.” Kyoshi says.

            “Are we done with the learning and hugging yet?” Shizuru asks annoyed.

            “Thank God someone said something, I was about to throw up.” Mayumi comments.

            “Guys, I have something important to tell you as well…” Seshiro says with a sad expression.

                        Tesshu lowers his head.

            “What is it Seshi?” Lloyd asks.

            “We’ve suffered another loss…” Seshiro says.

            “Did someone… die?” Kazumi asks.

            “……Shou…” Seshiro says then covering his face with one hand.

                        The whole party makes a sad expression, with exception of those who didn’t know who Shou was.

            “But how?” Kyoshi asks.

            “He was killed in Gen-Exis.” Hisana replies.

            “Gen-Exis troops or someone more specific?” Kirisu asks.

            “Krade Wyven, Gen-Exis Corporations owner did it personally.” Hisana answers.

            “Krade huh…” Kirisu says looking down to the ground.

            “Colonel Kirisu Nit-Mazu of Gen-Exis Corporation, I just remembered.” Seshiro says looking at Kirisu with a serious expression.

                        The entire party looks at Kirisu with shocked expressions.

            “Is that… true”? Kazumi says stepping away slightly from Kirisu.

                        Kirisu takes a deep breath and says. “Yes, Seshiro is right; I am a colonel in Gen-Exis, though you could say off duty for a while.”

            “Are you a spy?” Seshiro asks.

            “No…” Kirisu replies hesitantly.

            “You lie human!” Shizuru shouts.

            “He’s not lying.” Judai says.

            “How do you know?” Shizuru asks angrily.

            “I can read his mind, remember?” Judai asks with a sarcastic look.

            “I’m sorry I hid it from you guys, the truth is that I haven’t been on duty for about a little over two years, but almost a year ago I was called by the Gen-Exis branch leader, codename Xak, of course, I didn’t go despite my family wanting me back.” Kirisu says.

            “Your family?” Kazumi asks.

            “Remember Jin and Naty? Jin is actually the Gen-Exis army general Redhizer and Natalie is his lover, she’s the brigadier general. My adoptive mother is Sylvia, the lieutenant general, and my adoptive father is Zin, the major general.” Kirisu explains.

            “If it’s all in the past and you still have family in Gen-Exis, the question is, where are your loyalties now?” Amarth asks.

            “I’m not in Gen-Exis side that’s for sure, but my family is still my family, and you guys are part of it as well, that’s all I can say.” Kirisu says.

            “What about your family?” Hisana asks.

            “They were all on the side of Gen-Exis, but for a while now they’ve been suspicious of some of Gen-Exis methods of doing things, they’re trying to somehow dominate the company, but there’s been no luck at all.” Kirisu explains.

            “One thing I do say, it can’t be done by using politics, force is the only option, and not the easiest one.” Seshiro says.

            “What do you mean?” Yumi asks.

            “I felt Krade Wyven’s Spirit Force back in Vakidor, you guys wouldn’t believe the amount, I’ve never felt anything like it, and his elders, they’re very powerful as well, except for one of them, he has no power whatsoever.”

            “You must mean Axon; he was assigned because of his influence in politics around the world.” Hisana says.

            “Lexon, Xak, Xixis and Krade are the threat.” Seshiro says.

            “Lexon…” Shizuru says to herself.

            “Look at what Xixis did to me.” Hisana shows some of the cuts that Xixis inflicted on her, then taking out her Altergun and showing the cracked blade. “Even the switching mechanism is faulty.”

            “Can’t you repair it somehow?” Kazumi asks.

            “Only in Gen-Exis that I know of.” Hisana answers.

            “Venart could fix it, he can also upgrade it, but it would take some time.” Judai says.

            “Then I’m going to get on it right now, I’m going to see if my friend can give me a little help.” Hisana says.

            “Friend?” Aureana asks confused.

                        Hisana begins to concentrate Spirit Force around her body, she then says in a low tone. “Maxwell, I need your help.”

                        Maxwell suddenly appears between the party holding his guitar.

            “Seriously, you call me just when I’m in the middle of my practice sessions.” Maxwell says.

            “Dude!” Kyoshi walks towards Maxwell and observes his guitar with enthusiasm. “That looks like a GIO-16ANEZ!”

            “Nice eye boy, but no, it looks like one, but it’s actually a custom made GMP, in Metalium.” Maxwell says.

            “Wait, who made it?” Hisana asks.

            “I did of course, I am the heavy metal God, I can control any kind of metals, I can even repair of create them.” Maxwell explains. “So what did you call me for?”

            “I had some plans, but now that I know you can repair any kind of metal, can you help me with my broken Altergun?” Hisana asks handing her Altergun at Maxwell.

            “Huh? This? ” Maxwell looks at the Altergun. “Yeah, no problem, I’ll even make it better than before, much better, I’ll use the strongest metal ever, Metalium.” Maxwell says.

                        Maxwell begins to concentrate a strange sky blue energy into the Altergun, a silver liquid suddenly covers the weapon whole, after a few seconds the liquid disappears, Hisana’s Altergun completely changed. Now looking like a custom-made mechanical sword.

            “Uhh… I think you just messed up my Altergun Maxwell.” Hisana says taking the Altergun and looking at it warily.

            “No, it’s much better, give it to me, I’ll show you how to use it.” Maxwell takes the Altergun and begins to switch it to gun mode, the blade liquefies as the mechanical parts function and finally molds into a gun.

            “Whoa! That’s awesome!” Lloyd says.

            “Wait till you get a load of this.” Maxwell says.

                        The Altergun begins to switch again with the mechanism and the Metalium liquid and turns into a spear. Maxwell then switches it again and turns it into a double bladed spear, then switches it once again, but only this time into twin swords, then twin guns and finally into a bigger sword. Hisana stares at the Altergun shocked, Maxwell smirks and says. “It has other forms, but I’ll let you do the discovering.”

                        Maxwell throws the Altergun at Hisana, she catches it and tries to switch it, but nothing happens.

            “Um, Maxwell, it’s not working.” Hisana says.

            “Oh, I forgot, you need my power to control the Metalium liquid, the power over metals.” Maxwell says.

            “And how can I use that?” Hisana asks.

            “Come here.” Maxwell says beckoning her with his hand.

                        Hisana comes close; Maxwell abruptly surprises her again thrusting his hand into her chest. The party tries to help Hisana, but an invisible barrier doesn’t let them through, Metalium liquid covers Hisana whole, he then retracts his hand, all the liquid then flows into her wound and seals it.

            “I can’t believe you did that again.” Hisana says.

            “What the hell man! Why did you do that?” Lloyd asks.

            “I just like surprising people.” Maxwell says.

            “You scared us.” Kazumi says.

            “Who the hell are you exactly anyways, and I think I’m asking for everyone here.” Lloyd says.

            “He’s the heavy metal God of the world of Nocturna, it’s a parallel dimension to ours, he got us out from that place by making a pact with Hisana.” Yumi says.

            “I think you just lost me.” Lloyd says.

            “I’ll explain later.” Yumi says.

            “You now have the power over Metalium liquid, I think it’s time you learned how to use my power Hisana, and by that I mean Ethereal Force.” Maxwell says.

            “Ethereal Force?” Hisana asks.

            “Yeah, the power of a spirit.” Maxwell responds.

            “I think you should all train, for what I know, many of you have discovered new powers within yourselves.” Judai says. “And I mean Kirisu, Kazumi, Seshiro, and Hisana, maybe Shizuru as well.”

            “Not me, it’s too risky to use my powers.” Shizuru says.

            “Alright then, Lloyd, you help Seshiro out with his Demon Force, he’s new to it, I’ll be helping Kirisu, Maxwell will show Hisana.” Judai says.

            “What about me?” Kazumi asks.

            “Oh I forgot, sorry, you’ll be under me as well, Mystic Force is very similar to Mana Force yet so different.” Judai says.

            “What about the rest of us?” Amarth asks.

            “You guys will help in the training; I think our trainees will need outside sparring partners.” Judai says. “And yes, you all have to, you guys don’t know that you’re facing a stronger power than you might think, Gen-Exis has something up their sleeves, I can sense it.”

            “I’ll be with you guys in a minute; I have to do something real quick first.” Kyoshi says taking out the key Venart gave him.

                        Kyoshi walks towards the wind temple’s entrance and lifts the key upward; gray colored energy surrounds the key.

            “I finally have it, now I can enter the phoenix temple no problem.” Kyoshi says.

                        As everyone begins to train, Faye, accompanied by Lucien and Astrid walk to an unknown forest, as they walk many energy lasers coming from within the forest attacks the party. Faye raises her arm and blocks all of the lasers, repelling them back and provoking a big explosion, unexpectedly many sparks of energy surround the party, the sparks turn into many human size pixies.

            “Queen Faye, is it really you?” A pixie asks.

            “Who else could reject all of your attacks in one shot?” Faye asks.

                        All the pixies kneel down.

            “Your highness, we have been waiting for your return… It seems that the fairy queen Titania and the spirits seal did not have enough strength to seal your powers.” The pixie says.

            “About that, we will go out and cause discord in all humanity, we have to force the fairies and spirits to come out again, then we will destroy them. My power has grown exponentially since I was sealed in that wretched egg.” Faye says.

            “You have your army now Faye, time for you help me open the seal in the dark temple in the Euranian continent.” Lucien says.

            “The darkness temple? That would take a lot of time, it has one of the most powerful magic locks ever made, even stronger than the one in the phoenix temple, no magic key can open it.” The pixie remarks.

            “But it is possible right?” Astrid asks.

            “Yes, but like I said, it would easily take a month and a half.” The pixie says.

            “Then get on it, we want to have it open as soon as possible, it seems Gen-Exis is plotting something very soon, I’ve noticed many troops are beginning to mobilize throughout the countries it has conquered.” Astrid says.

            “They’re not the only ones on the move, it seems the Satsume’s have something planned as well, more specifically the high priest, Jony.” Lucien says.

            “If they all make a move, even the Elves and humans will have no other choice but to participate, and I’ve also noticed some very strong Spirit Forces around, easily as powerful as us, in some cases, slightly more.” Astrid says.

            “That’s why I want to make the first move, and I also want you to help Faye mobilize her army.” Lucien says.

            “What about your arm?” Astrid asks.

            “I know a way to restore it, but for that I must have access to the dark temple.” Lucien says.

            “I want you to gather the rest of the army; we’re going to begin our plans.” Faye says.

            “Yes your highness.” The pixie says and leaves.

                        Meanwhile, Satoshi and Keisuro are walking the streets of Britannica.

            “Where are we going?”  Keisuro asks.

            “We must first obtain the power of a thousand men.” Satoshi replies.

            “Alright.” Keisuro says.

                        Back at the party, Seshiro walks towards Kyoshi holding Shou’s spear.

            “Kyoshi, I forgot to give you this, Shou told me to give it to you.” Seshiro says handing Kyoshi Shou’s spear.

            “The Hokuro… He once told me he couldn’t part with it because it was a lead to his memory… I’m guessing he was finally able to recover it, I’m glad.” Kyoshi says with a lowered head.

                        Kyoshi began concentrating Spirit Force and exploded in black flames using the spear.

            “When I was little my dad taught me to use spears since it’s a primary weapon used by dragon knights, secondary being a longsword.” Kyoshi says.

            “Good, then it won’t be a problem for you to use it.” Seshiro says. “Anyways, come on Kyo, I gotta go train and you’re helping the others.”

                        Seshiro and Kyoshi joins the others, Hisana and Maxwell are standing on another area slightly far away from the party.

            “It’s pretty easy to use my Ethereal Force, all you have to do is give all of your Spirit Force to me and I in exchange lend you mine completely, now the tricky part is controlling my Ethereal Force, it’s three times stronger than Spirit Force, so you won’t be able to use a high amount for now.” Maxwell says.

            “I’m guessing I have a time limit as to how long I can use Ethereal Force.” Hisana says.

            “Not just a time limit, also a limit of how much Ethereal Force you can use, your body can’t use too much right now, that’s why I’m going to teach you how to use high amounts without exhausting your body to dangerous levels.” Maxwell says.

            “Okay, I’m ready then, let’s start.” Hisana says.

                        As Maxwell and Hisana trains, Zieg, Jiro, Lloyd and Seshiro are in another area.

            “You said you have a demon form right Seshi?” Lloyd asks.

            “Yeah, but I’m not sure how I transformed all of a sudden.” Seshiro says.

            “Don’t worry; it’s not hard now that you have already been in that form.” Jiro says.

            “Just do what I do.” Zieg says abruptly transforming.

            “Uhh… Zieg, that doesn’t really help much.” Lloyd says.

                        Jiro smacks him behind his head.

            “You first have to concentrate Spirit Force, but don’t let it out of your body, just release it within, it will trigger your inner hidden energy, in other words, implode instead of explode.” Jiro explains.

            “Doesn’t sound hard at all.” Seshiro says.

                        Seshiro begins to release his Spirit Force; all of a sudden his hair begins to switch from black to crimson red repeatedly along with his eyes, shifting from pitch black to sky blue.

            “You’re doing it dude, keep it up.” Lloyd says.

                        Seshiro keeps accumulating Spirit Force, his hair begins to grow long in a spiky fashion as before, he then explodes in Soul Force and stays in his transformation.

            “You did it.” Zieg says.

            “Huh? It wasn’t as hard as I thought.”

            “You’re pretty good controlling your energy, I’d say a little too good, no normal person can transform in just one try.” Jiro says.

            “Yeah, I’ve always been great controlling my energy.” Seshiro says. “But wow, now that I have the chance to really feel this power, it’s just unbelievable, it’s almost four times stronger than Spirit Force.”

            “That’s why you have to train, because in a fight, your demon form won’t last long, right now, five to ten minutes tops.” Jiro says.

            “I can’t just imagine how strong I would get using Soul Blazer.” Seshiro thinks to himself.

                        Aureana walks towards Seshiro and makes a surprised expression.

            “Wow, little Seshiro, is that really you? You look different, and your power is far beyond what you had before.” Aureana says.

            “Yeah.” Seshiro nods.

            “Let’s not lose time, come on, all of us against Seshiro, no transformations, so shift back Zieg.” Jiro says.

                        Zieg reverts back to his human form and they all begin to attack Seshiro. In another corner Judai is with Kirisu and Kazumi.

            “I’ll help you first Kazumi, from what I know your race has what’s called a Feral state, it duplicates your current Mystic Force and enhances all your physical attributes and senses.” Judai says. “You have to reach that form, but in order to do that, you have to blank your mind for a second and concentrate all your Mystic Force to the max.”

            “How do you that? You’re not from my race or anything.” Kazumi asks.

            “I’ve trained many beings to high levels, humans, dragons, Elves, feral’s and even Satsume’s.” Judai says. “Just go practice blanking your mind and reaching your peak with your Mystic Force, I’ll be with you in a second.”

            “Alright.”  Kazumi says walking slightly away.

            “Your turn.” Judai says.

            “Well I don’t know how to start.” Kirisu says in a sarcastic way.

            “Hey, don’t get smart with me, I can read your mind you know, you better cut your little silly jokes and smugness.” Judai says.

            “What does that have to do with me using my angel form?” Kirisu asks.

            “Haven’t you guesses why you haven’t been able to transform?” Judai asks.

            “Why?” Kirisu asks.

            “Because in order to use Michael’s power, you have to stop the negative thoughts, especially your haughty attitude, it just makes it hard to use your power.” Judai says.

            “How do you know that anyway?” Kirisu asks.

            “Michael is within you, and I’m just saying what I read in his sub consciousness.” Judai replies.

            “Really?” Kirisu asks.

            “Of course, basically, for you to use Michael’s power, you have to shift your negative thoughts and become pure, well, only when you’re going to transform.” Judai says.

            “So how do I transform?” Kirisu asks.

            “Think about Kazumi, the feelings you have for her, they’re all positive feelings, forget about all the negative ones, just keep thinking about her and concentrate your Spirit Force in a matter that doesn’t explode from you, just gently letting it go little by little.” Judai says.

            “I’ll give a try, but it’s easier said than done not thinking negative stuff.” Kirisu says.

            “Just shut up and look at Kazumi, remember all the things you feel for her and concentrate your Spirit Force like I told you.” Judai says.

            “Alright, alright, geez.” Kirisu says.

                        Kirisu begins to accumulate Spirit Force as looks at Kazumi; he closes his eyes and begins to feel all the emotions he has for her, he keeps accumulating Spirit Force until he hears a gentle voice, he opens his eyes and notices he’s in an empty dark room.

            “Huh? Where am I?” Kirisu asks himself.

            “This is your sub consciousness Kirisu.” The same gentle voice says.

            “Who are you? Where are you?” Kirisu asks as he looks around trying to find the source of the voice.

            “I’m right here.” The gentle voice says.

                        Kirisu looks back and sees himself, but with longer hair, shaped cross eyes and shining white wings dressed in robes with cross designs.

            “I am Michael, the arch angel dwelling within you.” Michael says.

            “But how are you inside me?” Kirisu asks.

            “It began with heaven’s war, a friend that fell from the graces of heaven because he refused to take a side, his name is Zephyrus, I aided in his escape from hell, but as we escaped problems surged and I was obligated to open the door to limbo in order to escape. All of Zephyrus’s brother along with him and I fell into limbo and then ended falling on earth, that’s where we all separated and ended up inside different people.” Michael explains.

            “Why did that happen?” Kirisu asks.

            “God works in mysterious ways, it is something that had to happen, there is always a purpose in his ways.” Michael says.

            “You know why I’m here right?” Kirisu asks.

            “You wish to use my power.” Michael answers.

            “Will you help me?” Kirisu asks.

            “Yes, but only pure thoughts can surface my power, the power of the divine, the holy, negative thoughts unbalance my powers and become off limits.” Michael says.

            “I know I’m not a perfect person, but I’m not bad.” Kirisu says.

            “I know you have the potential to use my power, so I will help you as I said, every time you wish aid of my strength, you already know what to do.” Michael says with a warm smile.

            “Yeah.” Kirisu nods.

                        Kirisu closes his eyes and opens them once again only to be bursting in Divine Force, Judai and Kazumi speechless, Kirisu looking identical as to how Michael looked in his sub consciousness.

            “You did.” Judai says.

            “Yeah, looks like it.” Kirisu says smiling.

            “Kirisu, you even looked changed somehow, I don’t know how to explain it.” Kazumi says.

            “This form makes Kirisu pure minded, so it’s logical that he looks so serene.” Judai says.

            “I’m thinking I have to train to keep this form for a while.” Kirisu says.

            “You do, but don’t worry, you’re not the only one here in similar training, the others as well are training as hard as you.” Judai says.

            “What about you Kazumi? Did you have any luck with your Feral state?” Kirisu asks.

            “No, I’ve been trying, but still no luck.” Kazumi says.

            “It’s okay, the Feral state can take a while to learn, Kazumi, after you’ve learned to change to your Feral state I will help you take even further your mage powers.” Judai says.

            “Thank you!” Kazumi says slightly jumping up excited.

            “Let’s keep on with the training shall we.” Judai says.

                        Meanwhile Hisana and Maxwell are fighting against one another, Maxwell easily blocking all of her attacks, Hisana jumps over Maxwell making a vertical slash. Maxwell side steps and hits her on her stomach with his guitar throwing her away, Hisana recovers in midair and lands on her feet.

            “You’ve controlled yourself pretty good.” Maxwell says.

            “Yeah, I can release more Ethereal Force.” Hisana says bursting in Ethereal Force.

            “Great.” Maxwell says charging towards her.

                        Back to Seshiro and the guys, they are all still fighting Seshiro, Seshiro blocks all of their attacks swiftly, he kicks Lloyd away and with the dull side of his zweihänder he hits Zieg throwing him away. Jiro appears on top of Seshiro, but Seshiro evades his vertical slash then tackling him very hard, Jiro makes many back flips and stands next to Zieg and Lloyd.

            “You’ve gotten pretty good.” Lloyd says.

            “We’re not fighting to our full capabilities, but let’s transform anyway.” Jiro says.

            “Hehe, transform.” Zieg says.

                        Lloyd, Zieg and Jiro all explode in Demon Force instantly transforming, Seshiro widens his eyes in surprise and readies himself.

            “Don’t hold back Seshiro, we’re very dangerous in this form.” Jiro says.

            “Alright.” Seshiro nods.

                        They all charge at Seshiro, Mayumi looks at everyone with a bored expression sitting down on some rubble.

            “Now I don’t know what I’m doing here.” Mayumi says.

                        Shizuru walks towards her and sits next to Mayumi.

            “I can see you’re just as bored as I am.” Shizuru says.

            “Yeah.” Mayumi says uninterested in the subject.

            “I never thought Lloyd would have a sister, another Satsume hybrid.” Shizuru comments.

            “None of your business, but yeah.” Mayumi says.

            “You don’t talk much do you?” Shizuru asks.

            “No, not really.” Mayumi says, she looks at the sky and then says. “It’s going to snow.”

            “Huh?” Shizuru looks up to the gray colored sky. “Looks like it, but it can easily be rain, not snow.”

            “You forget there’s Elven blood in me; I can feel nature all around me constantly, it’s like a weather broadcast inside your mind.” Mayumi says.

            “Whoa, that’s awesome.” Shizuru says.

            “I can feel everything that has to do with this stupid planet… It’s annoying.” Mayumi remarks.

            “I thought Elves loved nature.” Shizuru comments.

            “You seem to forget I’m only half Elf.” Mayumi says.

            “You have more of a Satsume attitude than Elves, you even look Satsume.” Shizuru says.

            “Yeah.” Mayumi says.

                        Back to Judai, Kirisu is practicing with his sword in his angel form while Kazumi is with Judai still trying to reach her Feral state.

            “I’ve been here for hours Judai, and I’m still not able to change.” Kazumi says.

            “Calm down, I’ve been telling you over and over again to blank your mind, you are raising you Mystic Force to the max, but you still have to blank your mind.” Judai says.

            “Don’t you have a tip on how to do it?” Kazumi asks.

                        Judai sighs and says. “Alright, I remember I had a student like you, he couldn’t transform no matter what he did, but one day he did it.” Judai says.

            “How did he do it?” Kazumi asks.

            “Wait up; I’m getting to that part, anyways, e told me he simply imagined a white empty room and then forgot that the empty room exists, and that’s how he did it.” Judai explains.

            “Only that?” Kazumi asks.

            “It might help, I didn’t tell you before because I thought you would make it.” Judai replies.

            “I’ll give it a try then.” Kazumi says closing her eyes and bursting in Mystic Force.

                        She begins to imagine a white empty room and makes it fade inside her mind. All of a sudden Kazumi’s hair and tail spikes up wildly, her fangs and claws more visible than before and yells uncontrollably, she attacks Judai, he evades barely, Kirisu disappears and appears next to Kazumi, but she jumps on him trying to bite him.

            “What’s wrong Kazumi!” Kirisu asks.

            “Ahhh!” Kazumi keeps yelling like a wild beast.

                        Judai pulls her up, but Kazumi cuts his chest with her claws and kicks him very hard on his chest throwing him away. Kazumi turns her attention to Kirisu and charges at him, Kirisu disappears once again and appears behind her, she notices Kirisu in a flash, but Kirisu knocks her out by hitting her very hard on her head with the hilt of his sword.

            “The hard part is over, at least she knows how to transform now, but now she must control her Feral state.” Judai says.

            “What happened to her?” Kirisu asks worried.

            “Since she has never reached her most natural state, the feral within her took control, her instincts to be more exact, she has to learn to take over her instincts and use that form to the max.” Judai says.

            “I guess we’ll have to wait now.” Kirisu says.

            “I’ll wait for her, you keep on training.” Judai says.

            “Okay.” Kirisu nods.

                        A while passes by, it begins to snow slightly, Aureana goes to the helicopter and takes out a few coats, they all go inside the wind temple to wait for the snow to cease.

            “It’s starting to snow even more by the minute.” Aureana says.

            “We gonna have ta wait.” Tesshu says.

            “We’re going after Gavin right?” Mikae asks.

            “Yeah.” Tesshu responds.

            “What are you all going to do after this?” Shiemi asks the party.

            “Shizuru, Amarth and I will go to the phoenix temple.” Kyoshi says.

            “I have to follow Satoshi and Keisuro.” Seshiro says.

            “I don’t know yet.” Hisana says.

            “I gotta track down Lucien.” Yumi says.

            “I’ll go with you, Faye is with him.” Kazumi says.

            “I’ll just help Kazumi and Yumi.” Kirisu says.

            “Well, I still have a score to settle with Harayoshi, I’m guessing Zieg and Jiro will come with me.” Lloyd says.

            “Nah, we’ll just go our own way.” Jiro says.

            “Huh? Why?” Lloyd asks.

            “It’s just that Zieg and I have something to do first, we’ve felt the ignis fatuus, someone has it, and we have to destroy it before something bad happens.” Jiro says.

            “Ignis fatuus?” Lloyd asks.

            “It’s like a spirit light of some sort, the light it emits attracts demons, and someone is using it to summon demons.” Zieg says.

            “Wait a minute, that confirms it, Zero told me that there was a chance of another summoner since the kambios that we fought long ago were supposedly summoned by him, he told me that the fake Zero told him so.” Seshiro says.

            “The question is who.” Jiro says.

            “You got me.” Seshiro says.

            “That’s why we’re going to look for it.” Zieg says.

            “Count me in.” Mayumi says.

            “Mayumi? What’s the sudden interest?” Jiro asks.
            “I have nothing to do, might as well do something; I have nothing else to do.” Mayumi says.

            “Alright, anyways, we have to leave right now because those kinds of matters can’t be delayed if you know what I mean.” Jiro says.

            “Yeah, let’s go.” Zieg says.

            “Under the snow? With what ship?” Lloyd asks.

            “You forget we can fly.” Jiro says.

            “Oh, the superman thing.” Lloyd says.

                        Zieg, Jiro and Mayumi leave.

            “I have to do the same soon.” Tesshu says.

            “Nobody asked me what I’m going to do.” Aureana says jokingly.

            “Haha, well, what are you gonna do?” Seshiro asks.

            “I have to go back to Lemuria.” Aurena answers.

            “That was obvious.” Seshiro says with a smile.

            “Would you excuse me for a while, I’m going to take a walk outside; can you lend me a coat?” Hisana asks Aureana.

            “Sure.” Aureana hands over a coat.

            “It’s freezing out there girl.” Rick says.

            “What I wouldn’t do for a cup of coffee right now.” The helicopter pilot says.

            “I have some in my ship, but it’s a little too far away.” Rick says.

                        Hisana leaves the wind temple; Seshiro puts on a coat and goes after her. Seshiro catches up to Hisana.

            “Something wrong Seshiro?” Hisana asks.

            “No, not really, I just wanted to know if you really didn’t have anything to do.” Seshiro replies.

            “I have to do many things, but I chose not to.” Hisana says.

            “Like what?” Seshiro asks.

            “Like swearing revenge on Saigo and Hiruka, and even Morgana.” Hisana answers.

            “Why don’t you want revenge?” Seshiro asks.

            “You misunderstand, I want revenge, but thanks to them I’m here, with everyone, I would’ve never met any of you if it weren’t for them.” Hisana explains.

            “I understand what you mean, but what if by chance you were given the opportunity to fight them, would you settle things?” Seshiro asks.

            “Yes, I would… I tried washing away my problems by forgetting them, but I can’t… I can’t even cry them away even if I wanted to.” Hisana says.

            “Sometimes… we wish to cry… but tears will not heal all wounds… we have no choice… the only one is only… to fight.” Seshiro says.

            “You really sounded poetic there for a minute.” Hisana says.

            “Yeah, I can get like that sometimes.” Seshiro says smiling. “Oh, I forgot.”

                        Seshiro concentrates energy in his right arm and materializes an ice crystal on his hand.

            “Hey, that’s-” Hisana is cut off my Seshiro. “Yeah, it’s the source of my ice power; I just concentrated everything I had of it.”

            “What are you going to do with it?” Hisana asks.

            “I’m going to give it to you.” Seshiro says.

            “No, I can’t accept it; you’ve worked hard to make it as strong as it is.” Hisana says.

            “I won’t take no for an answer Hisana, I have no use for it anymore, I want you to have it.” Seshiro says.

            “Seshiro…” Hisana reaches out for the ice crystal.

                        The ice crystal begins freezing her once she touches it and begins gradually freezing her until it stops all of a sudden and fades away.

            “Now your ice powers are almost doubled.” Seshiro says with a smile.

                        Hisana stares at Seshiro, he does the same, both of them come close and kiss each other in the mouth gently. After a few seconds they stop, Hisana calmly looks at Seshiro without blushing.

            “I’m sorry.” Seshiro says.

            “You don’t have to be sorry, I’m grateful for your feelings.” Hisana says.

            “Really?” Seshiro asks.

            “I wouldn’t have kissed you back if I felt otherwise.” Hisana says. “We’ve been friends for over a year, I’ve grown fond of you.” Hisana says.

            “I’ve liked you ever since I saw you for the first time running through the track back in high school.” Seshiro says.

                        Hisana smiles slightly.

            “You’re not the blushing type are you?” Seshiro asks with a cheerful expression.

            “No, not really, nor am I the type to hold hands and kiss all the time.” Hisana says.

            “How about hugs?” Seshiro asks.

            “Neither, but remember, I’ve never been in a relationship before, I’ve been too busy fighting.” Hisana says.

            “Just like I have.” Seshiro says.

            “But don’t worry about it; I never said I won’t try to do all that with you.” Hisana says with a slight smile.

                        Seshiro smiles and hugs Hisana, he kisses her and says. “I wasn’t worrying.”

            “Me neither.” Hisana says.

                        They kiss again, Aureana looks at them from afar and grins.

© 2011 Shin

My Review

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aww this was a sweet chapter, i can finally see kirisu's annoying haughty attitude vanishing good good, seshi is awesome, he fits perfectly with hisana, wonder what happens next, keep it up man

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 13, 2011
Last Updated on February 21, 2011

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin