Chapter 56: Old Wind

Chapter 56: Old Wind

A Chapter by Shin

                        In the middle of the explosion that Ushima and Shou caused, the smoke disperses and Krade stands from the rubble with only part of his clothes ripped.

            “What a waste.” Krade says as he turns around and walks away, many Gen-Exis soldiers along with Redhizer come out to see the commotion.

            “Krade…” Redhizer says amazed.

            “I wasn’t you to repair this whole facility immediately.”

            “That can take a roughly a few weeks and it’ll cost a lot money.” Redhizer says.

            “I don’t care how long or how much money it takes, speak with elder Xixis, she’ll take care of everything.” Krade says walking away.

            “Damn it… he survived that explosion and came out unscathed… He’s stronger than I thought, and that colossal Spirit Force, it’s the same one released some time ago… So it was him after all… Unbelievable.” Redhizer thinks to himself.

                        As this happens, Zelcius and Kuzan are somewhere unknown; Kuzan digs a big black book with straps out of the ground. Zelcius observes as Kuzan does so, his face tattoo begins to radiate, Kuzan laughs and says. “At last, the time has come when I need this book again.”

            “What is that book? I feel a tremendous power within it.” Zelcius asks.

            “This is where I got my mystical tattoo from, I never had the power to use anything other than this, but now that I’m a demon, I can do so much more.” Kuzan says.

            “So there was more to you than meets the eye.” Zelcius says.

            “Let me try this…” Kuzan says as he opens the book and begins to read a random page. “Four of the seven scrolls of God, the first four beasts of the apocalypse, conquest, war, famine and death, come forth from within that seal, I command you!”

                        Unexpectedly their surroundings turn red with gray clouds and mist, Zelcius tries to walk away, but a horseman appears in front of him with a black cloak holding a large sword, his horse of fiery red color, another horseman appears in front of Kuzan also dressed in a black cloak wielding a scythe, his horse very pale. Two other horsemen appears on their sides dressed in black cloaks as well, one holding a weight scale, his horse as black as night, and the last carries a bow, and has a crown upon his head, his horse in a white color. None of their faces can be seen from the darkness in their hoods, the one with the scythe speaks out to Kuzan. “How darest thee, a demon most foul summon us, God’s holy servants.”

            “I want you to serve me, now bow to my command.” Kuzan says.

            “No Kuzan, you aren’t able to, they are too powerful to control, no demon can control them, and that includes the prince of darkness himself.” Zelcius says.

            “Nay, listen to your most disgraceful comrade.” The horseman with the balance says.

            “Only divine power doth control us, only ones of the highest hierarchies.” The horseman with the sword says.

            “Dost are appalling to us, we take our leave and never summon us again.” The horseman with the bow says.

                        All the horsemen disappear and their surroundings turn back to normal, Zelcius shakes his head.

            “So basically, I need divine power to control them.” Kuzan says, then looking at Zelcius.

            “Do not look at me that way; it is out of my power to summon an angel.” Zelcius says.

            “There must be a way to summon an angel in this book, I just need to check.” Kuzan says.

            “Don’t drag me into your little games, leave me out of this, I will not help you.” Zelcius says.

            “Don’t worry; I’m fine on my own.” Kuzan says with a smirk.

                        Meanwhile, Seshiro wakes up in a helicopter.

            “Huh? Where are we?” Seshiro asks.

            “Seshiro, you’re alright.” Hisana says.

            “We in a helicopter yo.” Tesshu replies.

            “You slept for a while.” Shiemi says.

            “What are we doing here? What happened to Satoshi?” Seshiro asks.

            “He left along with Keisuro, and someone you know helped us.” Hisana answers.

            “Someone I know?” Seshiro asks confused.

            “You already forgot about me, Seshiro.” Aureana says.

                        Seshiro looks back with a surprised expression to hear this voice.

            “Aureana!” Seshiro says shocked.

            “Long time no see.” Aureana smiles.

            “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Lemuria?” Seshiro asks.

            “Yeah, but I had some business in Vakidor, I didn’t expect to find you there.” Aureana responds.

            “Did they tell you about Satoshi?” Seshiro asks.

            “Yes, he’s alive… unfortunately… The hero of Lemuria…” Aureana says.

            “Unfortunately? What do you mean?” Seshiro asks.

            “I say this because he’s caused destruction in some regions of Asrael, Quadimor, Britanicca and now Vakidor… that’s why we were called from Lemuria in the first place.” Aureana explains.

            “Why would he do this?” Seshiro asks.

            “We still don’t know exactly, but he’s been babbling on about something regarding Ancelot.” Aureana answers.

            “Ancelot? The Lemurian legend about the chosen one and power of the planet of some sort? Isn’t that just a fairytale?” Seshiro asks.

            “Well, yes, as far as we know… Your friends told me what you were doing in Vakidor, I guess you’re now an ex-soldier of Gen-Exis Corporation, it has a ring to it.” Aureana says with a cheerful expression.

            “Yeah, I guess.” Seshiro says.

            “Sorry to interrupt, but we still don’t know who exactly are you, how do you know each other?” Hisana asks.

            “Tell her, Seshiro.” Aureana says smiling.

            “Well, Aureana and Satoshi were comrades in training under Aureana’s father.” Seshiro says.

            “That still doesn’t say much on how you know each other.” Mikae says.

            “She’s like my aunt or something, when I lived with Satoshi she used to visit from time to time.” Seshiro explains.

            “Were you jealous Hisana?” Mikae says tting Hisana with her elbow.

            “Why would I be jealous? Seshiro and I are just friends.

            “Oh really now? You look good together; why not give it a try?” Aureana asks closely at Hisana.

            “Aureana! Stop bothering Hisana, we’re just friends, that’s all.” Seshiro says annoyed.

            “It’s alright Seshiro, I pay no mind to those kinds of comments.” Hisana says.

                        Seshiro then feels some familiar Spirit Forces.

            “You felt it too?” Hisana asks.

            “Yeah, it’s everyone, but what are they doing here?” Seshiro asks puzzled.

            “Who are you talking about?” Aureana asks.

            “Our friends, what’s below us?” Seshiro asks.

            “Uhh… Toshi Kaze Nami.” Aureana replies.

            “Can you lower the helicopter down there?” Seshiro asks.

            “Yeah… sure.” Aureana nods. “Hey, lower the helicopter down there.”

                        The helicopter lands, Seshiro, Hisana and Tesshu’s party hops out of the helicopter, Aureana follows them. Seshiro then sees the party from afar and runs towards them.

            “Hey! Is that Seshiro and Hisana?” Kazumi asks.

            “What the hell is going on? Why is everyone suddenly appearing here?” Shizuru asks.

            “Probably fate.” Judai comments.

            “More like coincidence.” Kirisu says.

            “Shush shorty, from now on you speak when I tell you to, remember you’re my student now.” Judai says.

            “Damn…” Kirisu says.

            “Guys!” Seshiro says. “What are you doing here?”

            “We could ask the same thing Seshi.” Kyoshi says.

                        Seshiro stops and looks at Lloyd surprised and then looks at Yusuke’s body.

            “Lloyd… Your eye… Looks like I’m missing something, mind telling me what’s going on?” Seshiro asks.

            “Umm… Well, it started with me leaving you guys because Zieg and Jiro here told me about my past, me being born with a demon inside named Zephyrus, one of the wind demons. They told me that Boreas was trying to use us again, so Zieg and Jiro came to us, then gave me half of my sealed power, I couldn’t bring myself to get you in this and get hurt because of me, so I came alone, letting you guys think I betrayed you. Afterwards we encountered the person with Boreas inside; it was none other than my twin brother.”

            “Okay, wait, you lost me, twin brother?” Seshiro asks shocked.

            “Yeah, apparently I have a twin brother which I didn’t know exist; he’s the one responsible for my left eye, but to add to my bad luck, he has Boreas inside, the strongest of the wind demon brothers.” Lloyd replies.

            “I got some news as well.” Seshiro states.

            “What?” Lloyd asks.

            “I’m not a real person so to speak.” Seshiro says.

            “Seshiro…” Hisana says.

            “Apparently I’m a genetically engineered life form; made from demons and other races, I have no such thing as a biological father and mother… just a specimen of the Omega project conducted in Gen-Exis Corporation.” Seshiro says.

            “What? You’re joking right? Hahaha, that’s a good one Seshi, damn you’re original.” Lloyd says disbelievingly.

            “Yeah, don’t play jokes like that man.” Kyoshi says.

            “You’re watching too many movies Seshiro.” Kazumi says giggling.

                        Seshiro and Hisana stare at the party with a serious expression.

            “I guess you really are serious huh.” Yumi says.

            “I believed your story; I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt at least.” Seshiro says.

            “True.” Amarth nods.

            “Damn man, I’m sorry to hear that, well, at least you’re still the old Seshi I know, even if you were created that way.” Lloyd says.

            “He’s right.” Hisana says.

            “You got yourself some good friend little Seshiro.” Aureana says crossing her arms.

            “Whoa! Nice, who’s your friend Seshi? She’s hot.” Lloyd asks winking at Aureana.

            “She’s old enough to be your aunt Lloyd… Anyways, she’s a very good friend of mine, like an aunt to me.” Seshiro says.

            “It’s alright; I’m into MILFs as well.” Lloyd says with a smirk.

                        Yumi rolls her eyes, walks away, and sits down near the party.

            “You said you have a twin brother, but was his name Harayoshi by any chance?” Hisana asks.

                        Lloyd, Zieg, Jiro and Mayumi look at Hisana with a surprised expression, Mayumi being the exception.

            “How do you know about him? Do you know him?” Jiro asks.

            “Yeah… I found it weird when I met Lloyd, to look exactly like Harayoshi, his same face, but when I got to know him… they are completely different people.” Hisana says.

            “Tell me about it, first five minutes with Shin I already noticed that.” Mayumi remarks.

            “And who are you?” Seshiro asks.

            “That’s Mayumi, my half Elven sister, oh and Yusuke was my father, things I didn’t know of.” Lloyd explains.

            “But what happened to him?” Seshiro asks.

            “He fought with a guy; he technically killed himself to kill him…” Lloyd says.

            “And him?” Hisana asks pointing at Judai.

            “Judai the crimson eye, at your service, and no, I didn’t make that title up, I’m called crimson eye because I can see the pureness of people.” Judai says.

            “Pureness?” Seshiro asks.

            “Hisana watch out! He can see through your clothes!” Kazumi shouts.

                        Hisana frowns, but doesn’t cover up.

            “If he can see though my clothes, I don’t really care, I’m not ashamed of my body one bit.” Hisana says.

            “Oh well…” Seshiro shrugs his shoulders.

                        Lloyd notices Tesshu behind Seshiro.

            “Is that the ni-” Lloyd is cut off by Seshiro’s narrow look.

            “You were gonna say the ‘n’ word didn’t ya!” Tesshu says annoyed.

            “No, I was gonna say ninja.” Lloyd says.

            “What I wanna know is how she knows about Harayoshi exactly.” Jiro says pointing at Hisana.

            “I grew up with him, sort to speak.” Hisana says.

            “Grew up?” Jiro raises his eyebrow.

            “Yeah…” Hisana nods.

            “I want to know all about it.” Zieg says.

            “Alright then… He told me how he was found… I guess I’ll start from there.” Hisana begins to narrate his story.

                        One cold morning, Demon Force began to surge inside a grave that had a Jian sword struck in. The grave blew up while a group of soldiers in a bus saw this, they got out and went to the grave’s direction, there they found a baby staring at them inside the small hole.

            “What the hell is a baby doing here?” The soldier asked himself.

            “I don’t know… but are ya thinking what I’m thinking?” The other soldier asked.

            “Take him with us to Iralia, good idea.” The soldier replied.

            “Look at the little guy, he ain’t even crying, he’s just lookin’ at us with that killer face.” The other soldier said.

            “Who gives a f**k? Let’s just take him and that sword.” The soldier says taking the baby while the other soldier took the sword.

                        The soldiers picked up the baby and left to the bus, the bus drove for hours until they reached the docks, there they transported many children into a big ship headed towards Asrael. After the ship reached Asrael all the children were transported to a very big rebel base, one being constantly attacked by Gen-Exis soldiers during the war. Roughly eight years passed by and that same baby was now a child soldier known as the “Black haired demon.” He was using the same Jian that was found along with him, he was fighting some Gen-Exis soldiers on the battlefield along with a very young Hisana, she was using a short sword and a shotgun strapped on her back. Both of them were fighting Gen-Exis troops with other child soldiers dressed in desert clothing, turbans and other clothing to hide from the sun and the sand. Surprisingly on the front lines was a girl much older than them, she was none other than the present Xixis, she simply made a slash and chopped every soldier into pieces, easily killing over twenty soldiers per slash.

            “Captain Morgana!” Young Hisana shouted.

            “Move in!” Morgana said as she sliced off a few more soldiers with one slash.

            “Move out!” The black demon shouted swiftly killing off many soldiers with a wind slash.

                             Morgana along with her young troop moved inside one of the Gen-Exis bases and slaughtered every soldier inside, the rebels moved in and took out all the goods inside, then leaving the base and blowing it up with large amounts of C4 around the base. Morgana and her troop left back to the rebel base camp, there the young group along with their leader Morgana, sat down in a corner and rested. The black haired boy sat in a corner lost in thought without even blinking his bright fluorescent eyes, the young Hisana walked close to him and handed him a small bottle with water.

            “Here you go Wind.” Hisana said.

            “……” Wind took the water bottle.

            “Wind’s never the talkative type Hisana, no matter how many times you try he won’t respond, he might be a mute.” A young blonde boy said as he took a sip from his water bottle.

                             Hisana looked at the boy and replied. “I know Stan, I know.”

            “You think he feels lonely?” Stan asked.

            “We’re soldiers, we have no need to feel anything at all Stan.” Hisana said calmly.

            “Haha, yeah, but out of all of us… I still want to think I still have feelings… I really miss my parents…” Stan remarked. “What about you? At least you still have your big sister, Zaphyr.”

            “I don’t feel anything for her and vice-versa, we’re sisters only by blood, but we don’t consider ourselves relatives.” Hisana explained.

            “Nothing at all?” Stan asked.

            “No… I don’t hate her, but I don’t like her either, since before our parents were killed, we rarely spoke, and when we did, it was just the necessary things.” Hisana added.

            “Tomorrow we tell Zaphyr to tell us the outcome of our next battle, depending on her answer we’ll make a move or not, for now get some rest; we wake up at four in the morning.” Morgana said and left to sleep.

                             All the young soldiers left to sleep as well, the next morning many rebel troops stood in front of Zaphyr as they waited for her future reading.

            “Today you shall conquer yet again, though losses are inevitable.” Zaphyr said.

                             The whole rebel army hailed along with the young unit, they all charged out to the front lines against the Gen-Exis army once again. Morgana assembled her unit and began a battle strategy.

            “Alright kids, first we’re going to bypass Gen-Exis army into the main Asrael base while they’re fighting off our army, their colonel is named Travis Verges, and he’s the one pulling the strings.” Morgana explains.

                             Morgana and her unit moved out, they began killing their way through the Gen-Exis army; Morgana easily killed over a hundred soldiers herself, while the rest of her crew kept up with her, Wind and Hisana killed the most out of the unit. Wind then encountered one of the Gen-Exis army commanders, he was using a full automatic machine gun, Hisana shot him with her shotgun, but e was able to evade on time, he then began shooting at her, but Hisana took cover behind some jeeps. Wind took the chance that the commander was distracted and charged in, the commander shot him head on, but Wind used wind pressure under him and evaded the commander’s gunfire, then landing on the commander with his Jian. The commander barely stopped the blade from hitting his heart, but Wind pressed in and his blade began to run through the commander’s heart. Wind leaned his head against the commander’s and said in a low tone of voice. “Shhh, it’s almost over… it’s almost over.”

                             The commander gasped in pain and then closed his eyes slowly and died. Hisana came out of her hiding place and nodded at Wind, they then ran to reach the others. On their way they encountered hundreds of Gen-Exis soldiers in the middle of the dessert, hundreds of rebels appeared behind Morgana’s unit and charged in, Morgana then said as she looked at the distance. “A sandstorm is approaching; we have got to speed up.”

                             Morgana kept easily killing many men with few slashes as her unit dispatched over a hundred soldiers; Stan got under a dead Gen-Exis soldier body and began firing with his sniper rifle, killing most of them with headshots. Hisana stabbed a few and shot another few easily, one of the Gen-Exis soldiers tried to kill Hisana, but Stan managed to kill him clean with a headshot. Stan got up and ran towards the unit, he covered Hisana and other young soldiers with some handguns, Hisana covered him as well, the Gen-Exis army was overrunning the Iralia rebel army. All of a sudden the Gen-Exis soldiers surrounded Morgana and her unit, Zaphyr walked in from in between the Gen-Exis soldiers and said. “You’re a great actor Morgana.”

            “You said I’d be appointed to a very important position in Gen-Exis.” Morgana said.

            “Yes, you will be one of the elders in Gen-Exis, in charge of handling all of Gen-Exis funds in all branches.” Zaphyr said with a smile.

            “You betrayed us Morgana!” Stan shouted angrily.

            “Shut up brat.” Morgana said.

                             The whole unit except for Wind charged towards Morgana, Morgana didn’t move an inch, the whole unit attacked her at once, but Morgana killed the entire unit, except for Wind and Hisana. Stan is the only one on the ground barely alive.

            “Morgana……” Stan said raising his hand, he then dies.

                        Morgana smile widens sinisterly, Hisana sat down next to him and grieved her friend.

            “So those are the two you chose to join Gen-Exis.” Zaphyr said.

            “They’re the best of the unit, this one called Wind, and Hisana Payne, your little sister.” Morgana said.

            “Hisana… You will live to prove right Morgana’s expectations; you will belong to the Altergun specialists, and then move to the Aiden unit. And you, Wind, you will have another name, and will accomplish many things in Gen-Exis, that is all I tell you.” Zaphyr said.

                        All of a sudden, a strong wind began to blow, the sandstorm suddenly assaulted the whole area, no one could see anything, many soldiers begun to fly off due to the very strong wind, Wind separated from everyone on the great dessert, he fell unconscious to wake up after a few hours. He noticed he lost his Jian sword and began to walk, he walked and walked until he found the Gen-Exis main Asrael base in the horizon, he walked towards the base as he saw many dead soldiers from both sides along the way. Some soldiers could suddenly be seen with a higher-ranking officer inside the base, the saw Wind from some cameras, the officer asked. “What did I order you to do?”

            “Um…” The soldier wasn’t sure what to respond.

            “I told you to kill all of the people here including women and children! Don’t you see the rebels use them to try and wake pity on us while they kill us in the first moment we turn our backs to them!” The officer shouted.

            “We did kill them all just as you ordered; but he must’ve somehow survived sir.”

            “Then go out there and kill the little brat, I told you there aren’t supposed to be any survivors! We will win this war or my name isn’t colonel Travis Verges!” The colonel said.

            “Sir!” The soldiers said and left.

                        About twenty soldiers came towards Wind in order to kill him as the colonel watched. One of the soldiers closed up, he said to Wind. “Sorry kiddo, but this is my job.”

                        Wind’s eyes widened and let out a deep yell making the heads of all the guards explode unexpectedly, the colonel was speechless to what he saw, he then though. “What the hell was that? What just happened? …… It doesn’t matter… I guess I’ll have to send more soldiers, but if they’re killed I’m going to have to kill the little brat personally.”

                        The colonel immediately sent out more soldiers before Wind entered the base. As the soldiers rushed towards Wind, Wind saw a long sword lying on the floor next to a corpse, he grabbed the sword and as one of the soldiers approached him, he thrust it throughout the soldiers neck thus killing him. Wind’s pupils turned slit and his iris turned fluorescent bright green as his sclera darkened. The other soldiers stopped in fear of Wind, Wind got in a berserk state and kept walking towards the base with his sword in hand, all the soldiers began to shoot out in fear, but all the bullets were passed by the boys wind power. A very powerful black colored gust of wind sliced all the soldiers into pieces and froze the area around him. Wind then entered the base, as he entered many more soldiers fired at him, but the bullets passed by him once again by his wind, when abruptly the hallway where the soldiers were standing compressed in therefore crushing the soldiers bodies. As the blood dripped and soaked the floor Wind kept walking until he reached the room where the colonel was, the colonel then said to Wind. “I see you’ve killed my men, but now you’re the one who’s going to die!”

                        The colonel took out a caster forty-five Magnum and fired at Wind, but as the magical bullet was about to strike it was suddenly pulverized right in front of Wind’s face.

            “What!? How the hell? Impossible! There’s no way a bullet like that could be destroyed!” The colonel yelled.

                        The colonel fired once more, but only this time the bullet was reflected back at the colonel, as the bullet entered his brain, his body was turned to stone completely. Wind walked towards the stone-made colonel and thrust his sword in the colonel’s head therefore shattering him into hundreds of small pieces. A few days passed, a helicopter could be seen from a distance, it then landed on the main Asrael base’s helipad, Krade Wyven stepped out from the helicopter with some soldiers.

            “The base has been locked down by the security system, do you want me to open it sir?.” The soldier asked.

            “Open it.” Krade said.

                        The soldier walked towards a small terminal and inputted a code, the sealed door opened; they entered the base, then one of the soldiers said to Krade. “Sir, we have confirmed that the boy with high Spirit Force readings that entered the base a few days ago and killed everyone in it including colonel Travis Verges is inside the main office, you should let us handle it before you go in.”

            “Don’t worry, it’s just a boy, now open the door.” Krade said.

                        Krade said no more, the soldier inputted another password in the small terminal next to the main office and entered the dead colonel’s room where the boy was. Wind looked at him sharply in the eyes, Krade then said to the soldiers. “Wait for me in the helipad.”

            “Sir.” The soldiers said and left.

                        Krade began to walk towards Wind, Wind got on his guard, but Krade said. “I can feel your great powers, you can be of use to me, feel my power.”

                        Krade suddenly released his colossal Spirit Force making Wind fall on the ground and unable to move or breathe, the boy’s eyes widened as he tried to reach his longsword, Krade walked towards Wind and asked as he extended his arm. “Will you come with me?”

                        Wind slowly reached the man’s hand, the man stopped releasing his Spirit Force, Wind stood up staring at Krade very shocked. He left with Krade to the Gen-Exis headquarters located in Vakidor. The helicopter landed and they began to head inside the base where many soldiers waited, as Wind walked he began to suffer a headache, his hair grew long, his eyes turned as in his berserk state, his claws, teeth and ears grew pointy and his Demon Force burst wildly along with a very strong wind. The soldiers tried to calm him down, but Wind began massacring many soldiers, Krade walked towards him and hit Wind behind his head so hard it knocked him out, he then said to the remaining soldiers. “I didn’t expect him to do this, call Lexon, I need this boy analyzed and isolated right away.”

            “No need to call me, I’m right here.” Lexon said.

            “You heard what I said.” Krade said.

            “Yes.” Lexon said, he then ordered the soldiers. “Take him to my lab, I was prepared for such a thing, I have a high security room, with walls made of Mortality Stone and also chains made of the same material. By the way Krade, what’s the subject’s name?”

            “I will name him… Harayoshi, and I will also give him my last name.” Krade replied.

            “Harayoshi Wyven, I see…” Lexon said, then left towards his lab.

                        Morgana then appeared along with Hisana who was strained by shackles.

            “What happened to Wind?” Morgana asked.

            “His name is now Harayoshi Wyven, and as for your question, he went berserk for unknown reasons, Lexon is going to analyze him right away.” Krade answered.

            “Can I see him?” Hisana asked.

            “…… You may, Morgana, your code name shall be Xixis, now escort her to the lab.” Krade replied.

            “Yes.” Xixis said.

                        Xixis escorted Hisana to Lexon’s lab as instructed by Krade, Lexon then noticed both of them and asked. “What are you doing here?”

            “Where do you keep Harayoshi? This girl wants to see him.” Xixis said.

            “Who is she to him?” Lexon asked.

            “War buddy.” Xixis responded.

            “Alright, I guess it won’t hurt, he’s in that chamber right there, I’ll only permit you to see him through the small glass inside, it’s dark in there, so I’ll turn on the lights in a minute.” Lexon said.

                        Lexon turned on the lights as he just said, Harayoshi’s round pupils in the darkness turn slit from the light. He had what seemed like a custom made metal helmet, he was dressed with a straight jacket and chained with the Mortality Stone-made chains. Harayoshi looked at Hisana sharply.

            “Is that… really him? Why is he tied up like that?” Hisana asked.

            “Yes, he was tied like that because of an incident that happened not long ago, he’s a danger to everyone here, we’ve had him under psychoanalysis a while ago. I seems like he’s mentally unstable, the shrink in chare told me he has eyes that have absolutely no compassion in them, which he realized that what was living behind that boys eyes was not human.”

            “So what are you going to do with him?” Xixis asked.

            “For the time being, run many tests on him to figure out his unusual source of power, probably keep him locked away with no hope of release until I get results, I’m guessing he does have something in him just like the shrink said.” Lexon explained.

            “Alright, Hisana, time to go to the Altergun specialists unit, move it, I don’t have any more time for you.” Xixis said.

                        They left the laboratory, five years passed by, Harayoshi was now ten years old and somehow  has dark silver-blue long hair and green eyes, but he was still locked in the same room. Krade Wyven appeared in Lexon’s lab with a group of soldiers and asked. “Lexon, did you make the object I requested?”

            “Yes, here.” Lexon said handing Krade a strange custom-made collar.

            “Good, now open the chamber.” Krade said after he took the collar.

                        Lexon opened the door by placing his hand on the small terminal, it read his fingerprints, Lexon then got close to a small device on top of the terminal and it read his ocular form, the door opened, Lexon then said. “Good luck on taming him, last guy that came in here was ripped into pieces, though I know you won’t need any luck, he’s already took a liking to you, you’ve visited him every day since the day of his confinement.”

                        Krade walked into the room with his soldiers and commanded. “Let him loose.”

            “Sir!” The soldiers said, they released him from his chained.

                        The soldiers backed up and Krade walked towards Harayoshi who was lying on the ground staring at Krade with piercing eyes.

            “What do you want… father?”

            “I see you’re as psychotic as ever, always giving people the evil eye. I came here today to make you an offer, I want you in charge of a team called the Aiden unit; they are a special team  that work only for me despite their age, if not you’ll be confined here for the rest of your life, what do you say?” Krade asked.

            “…… Alright.” Harayoshi replied psychotic eyes changes to joyful ones.

                        Krade placed the collar around Harayoshi’s neck and locked it; Lexon came in the room and explained the collar’s funtions.

            “That collar is made with Mortality Stone, once activated it will null all your powers, leaving you as defenseless as an insect, of course, all the Mortality Stone made here in Gen-Exis is artificial and is not as powerful and restraining as the natural one. Anyhow, the collar does not only have artificial Mortality Stone, it also has a very miniature nuclear bomb that I myself engineered, if you try to take it off, it will explode, if your powers reach nine hundred in Force levels then the Mortality Stone will activate and lock your powers temporarily until I reset it back.” Lexon explained. “Oh, and just in case, the Force levels vary, your Spirit Force being around two hundred and switching to Demon Force multiplies it by three, so you should be around six hundred in total by the collar’s limit, if you reach nine hundred by any means, it will activate, the mechanics are rather simple yet complicated for most, just be aware of my warning.” Spontaneous

            “You’ve proved your point Lexon, I take my leave with Harayoshi.” Krade said.

                        They left the laboratory and headed to another room where then showed Harayoshi the team he was going to lead, Krade then said looking at the Aiden unit. “Don’t be fooled by his appearance; don’t let your guard down.”

                        The short black haired kid thought to himself. “I wonder what he meant.” The boy then said.  “Humph, you have a name?”

            “Harayoshi Wyven.” Harayoshi simply replied.

            “I’m Saigo Burrell.” The short haired boy said smugly, he then looked at the rest of the unit and said. “Go on people, tell him your names.”

            “Sezuki Lurie.” The fat boy said.

            “And I’m Yazon, Sezuki’s brother.” The spiky haired boy said.

            “Hmm, Hiruka Rosenberg.” The brown haired girl said.

            “My name is Bridget, but you can call me whatever you want cutie.” The Elven woman said.

            “I hope you remember me, Harayoshi.” Hisana said calmly.

            “Yeah.” Harayoshi nodded.

            “This is your team from now on, and as your weapon, use these.” Krade said handing Harayoshi twin Lemurian swords. “They were made very special, with the power to null special attacks, these swords are called Anamelech and Adramelech, master them.”

                        Harayoshi looked at the swords and nodded, back to the present Hisana is finishing narrating her story.

            “Soon after we were sent on various missions, we were sent to many countries in war at the time, that’s where we witnessed Harayoshi’s brutal massacres, he killed many, we soon began to respect and fear him. A few years after, a few new members joined, Ushima, Reika and Keisuro, an incident made me leave the unit, I was replaced by someone, but I don’t know who exactly.”

            “Damn… what a story.” Amarth says.

            “So you were in Gen-Exis Hisana?” Kazumi asks.

            “Yeah… but I no longer work for them.” Hisana replies.

            “So, what should we do now?” Kyoshi asks.

            “I think we should stay here the night and plan things thoroughly, you know, clear our heads and give Yusuke a proper burial.” Judai says.

            “Yeah, I think we all deserve a break and a moment to mourn our friend Yusuke.” Kyoshi remarks.

                        The entire party nods, Yumi turns around and walks away, Lloyd notices this and follows her.
            “Umm… should we follow them or something?” Kazumi asks.

            “No, let them resolve their problems their selves.” Judai says.

                        After a while walking, Lloyd speaks out to Yumi. “Let me explain myself.”

            “I just wish I understood why… Why I should care?” Yumi says as she walks without looking back at Lloyd. “You already explained yourself, I already know why you did everything, but that doesn’t cut out the fact that I’m going to beat the hell out of you.”

                        Yumi turns around and faces Lloyd.

            “Do you really want to fight that badly?” Lloyd asks.

            “Come at me.” Yumi says without materializing her weapon.

            “Alright.” Lloyd says as he charges head on.

                        Lloyd begins to appear and disappear as he heads towards Yumi in zigzags, he appears right in front of her and does a vertical slash, but Yumi rapidly raises her hand and stops Lloyd’s attack using telekinesis.

            “Huh?” Lloyd widens his eyes in surprise.

                        Yumi tilts her arm to her left and throws Lloyd away, Lloyd recovers in midair and stands his ground, he then thinks to himself. “Psychic powers? Where the hell did she get those?”

                        Yumi begins to walk towards Lloyd and says. “Erase reform.” Her whip-sword materializes in her hand; Lloyd makes a shocked expression and thinks to himself once again. “Now I really don’t know what’s going on, first psychic powers and now materialization powers, what’s next? I’ll have to keep my guard up.”

                        Yumi snaps her fingers with her left hand and unexpectedly many already materialized whip-swords appear around Lloyd, he widens his eyes once again, all the swords charge in, but Lloyd bursts in Demon Force transforming instantly and stops the swords with wind pressure, the ground shakes fiercely. Lloyd then points at Yumi with his index finger and all of Yumi’s whip-swords charge at her, once close she dematerializes them before they hit her; Yumi also makes a shocked look and thinks. “Damn it… He controlled my swords with his wind; he truly did get strong… And that form, it must be his demon form; I’ll take it head on.”

                        Lloyd begins to fly around Yumi at a fast fate, Yumi looks around, but Lloyd is too fast to see, Yumi then says. “Into the Light.”

                        Light begins to emanate from Yumi’s body and covers the area, she begins to search for Lloyd through the blinding light, but Lloyd flies upward out of the screen of light, Yumi points up and light-made lasers charge at him. Lloyd evades all of the attacks easily and flies directly downward towards Yumi hastily rapidly punching her very hard on her face, she falls down on the ground very hard, all the light in the area disappears, Lloyd stands behind her, looking down on her.

            “Are you alright Yumi? I’m sorry I hit you so hard, but you were really trying to hit me as well.” Lloyd says.

                        Yumi still lying down on the ground begins to laugh, her hair commences to darken, black highlights start appearing on her blonde hair.

            “What the hell?” Lloyd tilts his head confused.

                        The black highlights begins to expand and her hair turns completely black, Yumi stands up still laughing and faces Lloyd, her eyes still unchanged.

            “Now it’s on.” Yumi says making her whip-sword materialize in her hand.

            “Looks like I’m not the only one that got strong.” Lloyd comments.

            “Obviously.” Yumi says instantly disappearing and appearing behind Lloyd, Lloyd blocks her diagonal slash without looking back. Yumi detaches her whip-sword and runs quickly around Lloyd, trapping him between her swords small blades, she then pulls and all the pieces of blades around her sword pierces Lloyd’s back and torso, including his left arm and right shoulder. Yumi re-attaches her whip-sword once again, Lloyd falls on the ground bleeding a lot, but to Yumi’s surprise he regenerates completely, he stands up and says. “Not bad, now I know I don’t have to hold back.”

            “Neither do I.” Yumi says staring at Lloyd coldly.

                        Yumi rushes in and attacks Lloyd with a vertical slash, which Lloyd evades by side stepping; her attack shatters the ground creating a huge deep crater. Lloyd raises his sword upward and slashes down creating a huge black wind blade that covers a wide radius, Yumi makes a giant sword made of light and clashes it with Lloyd’s attack. Lloyd charges in at Yumi who is still holding Lloyd’s black wind blade at bay; she explodes in Cosmic Force and expels the black wind blade. Lloyd makes a three sixty turn and unleashes a giant black tornado towards Yumi, she jumps into the tornado and bursts in light fusing their attacks, then making it head towards Lloyd. Lloyd then yells as he prepares a horizontal slash and bursting in Demon Force along with strong outbursts of black wind. “Storm Edge”

                        Lloyd unleashes yet another black tornado, but this time of epic proportions, it clashes against Yumi’s light tornado. Both tornados keeps pushing against one another, Yumi and Lloyd jumps at each other and clash swords in midair, each exploding in their own energies, they exchange slashes and counters each other swiftly. Yumi then blocks Lloyd’s diagonal slash and slides her sword through his and tackles him, Lloyd falls on the ground, Yumi does a three sixty turn and without hesitation rapidly pierces his chest and let’s her sword struck in him, she backs away and sighs in relief.

            “I finally killed you b*****d.” Yumi says breathing heavily while the tornados vanish.

                        Lloyd smirks and grabs Yumi’s whip-sword struck in his chest, he begins to take it out, he stands up, Yumi stares at him shocked, she sees through his chest to the other side and widens her eyes.

            “With a hole like that… and you’re still living?” Yumi says in disbelief.

            “Damn it… you really tried to kill me.” Lloyd says shocked then covering Yumi’s whip-sword and breaking it to pieces.

            “Of course… I want you dead.” Yumi says coldly materializing her whip-sword once again.

            “Then you asked for it.” Lloyd says readying himself.

                        Yumi and Lloyd once again charge at each other, again fighting brutally, Lloyd cuts her slightly various times around her body, then pierces her left shoulder, Yumi gasps and backs away bleeding a lot from her shoulder. Yumi rips a piece of cloth and ties it tightly around her shoulder, Lloyd charges in, Yumi laughs and attacks Lloyd with a diagonal slash, Lloyd blocks, but many materialized whip-swords appear and pierces Lloyd all over his body, Lloyd coughs blood, Yumi then backs off.

            “I doubt you’ll live through that one.” Yumi says.

            “Think again.” Lloyd says disappearing and appearing behind Yumi thrusting her ribs, Yum its him very hard on his face with her elbow, he staggers for a moment while Yumi pulls away from his sword and telepathically begins ripping big boulders out of the earth and throwing them at Lloyd. Lloyd begins to cut them in half one after another as he heads towards Yumi, he makes a vertical slash, but a black barrier of light with gold borders covers her, Lloyd then begins to accumulate black wind on his sword and says. “Wicked Thrust.”

                        Lloyd pierces Yumi’s dark light barrier and thrusts her thigh, Yumi jumps back and grinning she charges at Lloyd jumping through her own dark light barrier and pierces hi on his chest once again, the running her whip-sword down to his stomach and ripping out of him. Lloyd breathes heavily, but regenerates, Yumi without losing time pierces him again and tackles him, Lloyd falls on the ground, Yumi raises her hand and a giant sword made of light falls on Lloyd piercing him again. Lloyd bursts in Demon Force and fully regenerates, he charges towards Yumi in a flash and cuts her various times, then kicking her on the chest sending her flying, then shouting. “Sonic Wind!”

                        Many big black wind blades cut Yumi many times repeatedly; Lloyd then appears under Yumi and kicks her up in midair, then jumping after her and cuts her over and over in a vicious combo and says once again. “Wicked Thrust.”

                        Lloyd bursts in black wind and looks at her face, she’s staring at him waiting for him to finish her, but Lloyd drops his sword and hugs her in midair, Yumi widens her eyes surprised, Lloyd says. “I love you… I would never kill you… I prefer to die… That’s why I’ve been letting you strike me all this time… I deserve it for betraying you.”

                        Yumi pushes him off and materializes her whip-sword, she then explodes in Cosmic Force pierces Lloyd on his stomach, they both fall on the ground. Lloyd smirks and says nodding. “You’ve really gotten strong.”

                        Yumi says without looking at Lloyd. “I hate to admit it… but I think we’re tied.”

                        Yumi pulls out her sword from Lloyd’s stomach, he regenerates and stands up, Lloyt then says. “I’m not perfect; there are a lot of things I wish I never did.”

            “I changed to the worst… A lot of things went into my mind because of you…” Yumi says dematerializing her whip-sword.

            “I never meant to betray you or anyone, but I want to say something to you before I leave.” Lloyd says. “I just want you to know, I found a reason for me to start over, and the reason is you.”

                        Yumi widens her eyes.

            “I’m sorry that I hurt you, it’s something I must live with every day, I wish I can take it all away… but I can’t.” Lloyd turns around and picks up his sword.

                        He then begins to walk away, Yumi lowers her head and closes her eyes, she then yells. “Wait!”

                        Lloyd keeps walking away; Yumi runs after him and hugs him from behind and whispers. “I missed you…”

                        Lloyd turns around and kisses her in her mouth; she squeezes him tightly and keeps kissing him back. Lloyd stops kissing her and asks. “Yumi… I know we’ve been through a lot and I don’t think I have the right to ask, but do you want to be my girlfriend?”

                        Yumi looks away as she thinks, she then smiles and looks back at him and replies with a nod. “Yeah.”

                        They kiss again; Lloyd accumulates wind under his feet and flies along with Yumi towards the party.

            “When did you learn to fly?” Yumi asks.

            “A while ago, after training using my demon form, I learned other neat tricks.” Lloyd replies.

            “I hope they aren’t perverted things like raising the girls’ skirts back in high school.” Yumi says.

            “I would pay to see that, seriously.” Lloyd says.

                        Yumi stares at Lloyd with narrow eyes, Lloyd grins and says. “I’m just kidding…” He then whispers. “I really would.”

            “What?” Yumi asks.

            “No, nothing, haha.” Lloyd laughs nervously.

© 2011 Shin

My Review

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well well awesome chapter, best one you have written and that's saying something considering all of your chapters are awesome, so harayoshi was a nutjob even as a child huh? scary, it's very sweet yumi and lloyd hook up, they look very good together and deserve each other after all that's happened, keep it up man!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 7, 2011
Last Updated on June 28, 2011

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin