![]() Chapter 55: Clash at Gen-ExisA Chapter by Shin Meanwhile, Redhizer is
in his office, a soldier comes in with a folder and places it on the desk, the
soldier retreats. Redhizer opens the folder and sees a various pictures with
the computer incident not long ago, all the pictures have a close up with
greater brightness, he notices that the person that provoked the incident was
not Kuba, it was none other than Seshiro. “I knew it…” Redhizer says with a
sharp look. Redhizer stands up with
the folder and leaves his office; meanwhile Darko and Emma arrive at Vakidor,
Emma sighs and says. “Finally here.” “I know they have him.” Darko says. “Is he as strong as you say?” Emma
asks. “He’s plenty strong, anyways; I’m
here for something else as well.” Darko comments. “Ohh, it’s not nice hiding things
from your wife.” Emma says clinging at Darko. “Heh, don’t worry; it’s just some
business with Lexon.” Darko says. “The nerd? Haha.” Emma giggles. “Yeah, but getting inside Gen-Exis
is quite a challenge, even for us.” Darko remarks. “What do you think we should do?”
Emma asks. “Enlisting would take far too long,
the place is heavily guarded and there are cameras everywhere, the best way is
during the night, we’ll enter at that time.” Darko says. “So first we go in at night, find
and kill that guy and then look for the nerd?” Emma asks. “Basically, though things could get
complicated.” Darko answers. “Okay, then, but it’ll be nighttime
in about fifteen minutes.” Emma states. Darko and Emma head to
the base as Tesshu and his party arrives at Vakidor as well. “Mikae, do ya feel their Demon
Force?” Tesshu asks. “Yeah, it’s near, east from here.”
Mikae replies. “Wait a minute, east, that’s where
the Gen-Exis base is, you don’t plan to just barge in do you?” Shou asks. “Don’t worry; we’ve been trained for
stealth infiltrations.” Shiemi comments. “Yeah, you guys do, but I don’t
remember jack s**t about that kind of training.” Shou remarks. “Hey bro, no worries, you’ll be
fine, I promise.” Tesshu says patting Shou on his shoulder. “I guess you’re right, I’ll be fine;
we’ll go in and out with a bang.” Shou says with a grin. “Now ya talkin’ dog.” Tesshu says. The party hastily heads
towards Darko’s direction; he and Emma are standing close to the Gen-Exis
headquarters. “Time to go in.” Emma says staring
at the tall wall. “Yeah.” Darko nods. As Darko and Emma jump
the tall wall inside Gen-Exis, Shiemi notices them and says. “There! They just
jumped up that wall inside!” “Then let’s hurry.” Mikae says
running along with the party. As this happens, Seshiro
is with Hisana in the library sitting down talking; Redhizer walks in the
library accompanied by a small group of soldiers and says to everyone. “I want
everyone outside immediately, except for Private Yamazaki and Payne.” Seshiro and Hisana stare
at each other awkwardly while everyone leaves the library, Redhizer walks up to
Seshiro and throws the folder on the table, all the pictures scatter across the
table. Seshiro and Hisana widen their eyes and looks at Redhizer. “Treason is not tolerated in
Gen-Exis, both your lives end here and now, but before I execute you, I want to
know the reasons why you joined.” Redhizer says. “We-” Hisana is cut off by Seshiro.
“Now that you ask, I’ll tell you.” Redhizer stands there
waiting for Seshiro’s explanation. “I was looking for a man named
Keisuro Yamazaki that is part of Gen-Exis Corporation, Hisana was simply
helping me, but I’m the one responsible.” “I have no soldier with that name.”
Redhizer says. “The computer’s top secret encrypted
archives indicated he’s not from the military branch, he’s from a special unit
under the owners command.” Seshiro explains. “Krade… that Keisuro must belong to
that shady unit roaming around the base…” Redhizer thinks. “Are you covering them?” Seshiro
asks. “None of your business… seize them!”
Redhizer orders. The soldiers point their
weapons at them, Hisana rapidly charges in, one of the soldiers’ fire, Hisana
evades easily, she makes a roundhouse kick and takes the gun away. The other
soldiers fire at her, but Hisana makes many flips and fires at the same time,
neutralizing all the soldiers and finally pointing the gun at Redhizer. “Those moves, only the Altergun
specialists have such slick moves in all Gen-Exis.” Redhizer comments then
turning his view towards Seshiro. “And you, there’s something about you that’s
made me so uncomfortable.” “Likewise.” Seshiro says. “That is because both of you have
the same genetic code I made.” A familiar voice says. Everyone looks behind
them to see Lexon standing in the entrance. “Elder Lexon…” Redhizer says. “I see the failure has returned…
Omega project specimen seven, the last and final survivor, I didn’t think you
would survive the harsh desert of Asrael, I assume someone saved you….” Lexon
says. “Specimen seven? Omega project?”
Seshiro asks confused. Lexon looks at Hisana
and asks. “Funny seeing you here Hisana Payne, I thought you were dead, why did
you leave the Aiden unit?” “…….” Hisana steps back. “What Aiden unit?” Redhizer asks.
“What is Krade hiding from us in the military branch?” “Krade is not hiding anything from
anyone; he just doesn’t believe that anyone besides the elders should know what
he’s up to, soldiers should know their place and do what they are ordered to do
unless they are searching for their premature deaths.” Lexon says. “Are you threatening me?” Redhizer
asks. “Of course I am general, so you’d
best respect your creator and do what you’re told.” Lexon says. “What do you mean with Omega
project?” Seshiro yells. “Oh yes, the Omega project, a
project based on creating the perfect soldier and leader suited to command the
Gen-Exis army under elder Xak’s supervision, one that would have superior
fighting capabilities than any other. Unfortunately, all the specimens in the
Omega project were a complete failure; all had great powers, physically
superior to many races, superior Spirit Force, if it can be called Spirit
Force, which is not. You possess a mix of Spirit, Mystic and Demon Force within
you, I call it Soul Force, but all the specimens couldn’t control or even
harness such a complicated energy. It would take too long, nearly twenty years
or so, I needed quick results, so you were immediately discarded.” Lexon
explains as he walks around the library. “So I’m a…-” Seshiro is cut off by
Lexon. “A genetically engineered life form.” “……” Redhizer lowers his head to
this new information. “So you and Redhizer are brothers in
a matter of speech… I see you’ve harnessed that power well, but I can tell
you’re not capable of you full power, a success in the long run, Redhizer would
defeat you so easily. I’m so curious as to see how far you can go…” Lexon says
as he takes out a small gun with a syringe. “This here is a power stimulant to
awaken any hidden power; I always carry one just in case I find an extraordinary
specimen.” Lexon fires his strange
gun at Seshiro; the syringe hits him, Seshiro takes it off angrily, he begins
to see blurry and falls on the floor on one knee. “What did you do… to me?” Seshiro
asks. “I wish to see how far your power
can go, Redhizer, attack him immediately.” Lexon commands. “If I refuse?” Redhizer asks. “You know that you cannot harm your
creator, right?” Lexon asks. Redhizer unsheathes his
rapier and attacks Lexon, but his body stops before his weapon strikes Lexon,
Lexon smirks, Redhizer widens his eyes. “How?” Redhizer asks. “I genetically programmed you to be
unable to kill or order to kill me.” Lexon says. “Now fight him now or it will
be the end of all you hold dear.” Redhizer lowers his head
once again and looks towards Seshiro, Seshiro’s hair grows swiftly, and spiky,
it turns blood red and his eyes sky blue while his Soul Force begins to burst
wildly out of his body. “What’s happening Seshiro?” Hisana
asks. “Back… Away… Hisana.” Seshiro says. Seshiro stands up facing
Redhizer; they both stare at each other intensely, Seshiro makes an ice made
replica of his zweihänder. Meanwhile, Zin is walking near Lexon’s lab lost in
thought. “Looks like Krade still has Lexon experimenting with classified stuff
that not even the military knows of… He can’t keep us in the dark forever… I
know he’s trying to pull something big, and probably soon…” “Lost in thought?” Emma’s voice is
heard. Zin looks back surprised
and widens his eyes in surprise. “Emma?” Zin says almost gasping. “I’m surprised you still remember my
name.” Emma says with her arms crossed. “How did you get in here? What are you doing here?” Zin asks shocked. “To collect the debt you owe me.”
Emma replies with a smirk. “Debt?” Zin asks. “Yes.” Darko says appearing behind
Zin. “You owe us the power you possess.” “What do you mean? Who are you?” Zin
asks narrowing his eyes. “Don’t try to hide it, you know what
I’m talking about, I seek your servitude or at the least… your power.” Darko
responds. “……” Zin observes Darko, but keeps
his guard up. “So what do you say?” Darko asks. Zin crouches down
slightly and disappears, Darko sidesteps seeing a flash pass by, his neck
reveals a slight cut, Dako smiles and says. “He’s fast.” “Told you.” Emma says. Darko and Emma disappear
as well, in the hallway Zin is running at an inhuman speed, Darko and Emma
appear on his sides; Zin explodes in Demon Force making a hole on the walls on
either sides. Zin rushes through one of the holes, he ends up inside Lexon’s
lab, all the scientists begin to flee the lab, Darko and Emma walk inside and
look around. “What a coincidence ending up in
here.” Emma comments. “I wonder if Lexon is here.” Darko says. As this happens, Redhizer charges towards
Seshiro and attacks with his rapier in a gentleman pose, Seshiro blocks with
his ice-made zweihänder easily and pushes Redhizer away, then disappearing and
appearing behind him in an instant. Redhizer air recovers and lands making a
thrust at Seshiro, but Seshiro side steps and slams Redhizer hard with the dull
side of his sword once again sending him flying. Hisana widens her eyes to see
Seshiro this powerful, Lexon smiles and checks his Force Calculator. “Hmm…
seven hundred fifty, marvelous, splendid, I have no words to this power, but
Redhizer is an equal match… Redhizer, transform into your Samael state now or
he will kill you.” Redhizer air recovers once again and looks
back at Seshiro with red slit eyes, Demon Force along with a black fog surges
from his body. He stands up firmly and turns around, then sheathing his rapier
and unsheathing his Lemurian blade and assuming a different pose. “Excellent…” Lexon looks at Hisana and says. “You’d best
not inhale that black miasma he’s leaking, it’s the most powerful poison in the
entire world, it can kill you in seconds, works like sulfuric acid inside your
body if inhaled.” Hisana backs off and says to Seshiro. “Did
you hear that Seshiro?” “Yeah…” Redhizer begins to walk towards Seshiro with
a calm expression, then charging in, Seshiro stands his ground observing
Redhizer with piercing eyes. Redhizer makes a diagonal slash, Seshiro blocks,
then pushing Redhizer’s sword and unleashing a horizontal strike, which
Redhizer blocks, their energies collide with each other, breaking all their
surroundings. Both stare at each other fiercely, Redhizer’s black miasma begins
to reach Seshiro’s nose, but Seshiro sniffs away. Hisana loads the gun, but
Lexon says. “If you try to interfere the miasma will kill you instantly,
specimen seven is a different case, he’s also a demon, so he can resist it much
more than a human.” “Stop calling him specimen seven.” Hisana says calmly. “Hahaha, I guess you’re right, Seshiro was his name,
yes.” Lexon says while his smile widens. Redhizer tackles Seshiro and slashes his
chest, but Seshiro begins to regenerate, he attacks back. Redhizer blocks and
strikes him again, Seshiro blocks and tackles Redhizer back, Seshiro then
raises his ice-made zweihänder and lets it fall on the floor as he says. “Steel
Chill!” Spikes emerge from the floor and cover the
whole library, freezing everything solid, Redhizer makes an amazed expression
and nods. “Why’d you hold back? That could’ve got me by surprise
and killed me.” Redhizer asks. “That’s the weird thing; I was going to kill you…
Something happened that didn’t let me…” Seshiro answers puzzled. “Yes, that too is my doing, you cannot kill each other
because I programmed your genes as well, wouldn’t want my own creations to
destroy themselves for pity feelings of jealousy or envy.” Redhizer jumps towards Lexon and blows some
black fog at Lexon’s face. Lexon smiles and asks. “Did you really think your
poison would work on me?” Redhizer widens his eyes in disbelief. “When I made you using Samael, I made sure I made an antibody
against that miasma of yours.” The party stares at Lexon; all of a sudden,
one of the scientists from the lab runs towards Lexon and yells. “Lexon! Some
odd people are fighting inside your lab! They’re destroying everything!” “What!?” Lexon says angrily, he then orders. “Redhizer,
lock them up immediately, I’ll be back soon.” Lexon runs along with the scientist,
meanwhile Zin is fighting Emma and Darko at the same time. All of their Demon
Force covering the whole laboratory, Emma uses a long knife and Darko with very
sharp long claws, attacking brutally, while Zin evades and punches Emma on the
face very hard sending her flying. Darko slashes Zin’s right shoulder with his
claws leaving the mark on his clothes, Zin’s Demon Force surges from his body
turning into a hand, then grabbing Darko whole. “Ughh… What power… Hehe… Where’d you get this power? It’s
not possible for a low class vampire to attain the power of the original
lords.” Darko asks. “I hunted and killed some of the original vampires and
sucked their blood…” Zin replies. “Uhh… No wonder…” Darko says with a grin. Emma appears behind Zin and stabs her knife
into Zin’s ribs releasing Darko from his energy. “Careful Emma, fighting him is like fighting two of the
vampire lords at the same time like William was, he’s able to mold his Demon
Force to anything… But with William we were lucky to catch him by surprise.”
Darko says. “Together we can take him.” Emma says. “Suck my blood Emma.” Darko says unleashing more of his
Demon Force and molding it to make a barrier. Emma get’s close and begins to suck Darko’s
blood; suddenly the same amount of Demon Force that Darko is shedding surges
from Emma’s body. Darko disperses the barrier, something then catches his eye,
he notices a big container that reads. “Gavin.” Darko widens his eyes; he tilts his head and
breaks the container with his Demon Force, a lot of smoke coveres the area, it
then disperses and an unconscious man is lying on the floor dressed in a black
tight suit. “You!” Darko says. The man opens his eyes, revealing a blood
color, he stands up and notices everyone, he smiles and says. “I didn’t think
the little prince would still be looking for me after I killed his pitiful
family.” The man says mockingly staring at Darko. “I finally found you… Gavin… I was right assuming Lexon
knew your whereabouts.” Darko says excited. “Curse his name… that Lexon will pay for having me
imprisioned here and using me as guinea pig.” Gavin says angrily. Darko charges at Gavin as his Demon Force
runs wild, Gavin disappears and grabs Darko’s throat and begins to strangle
him. Darko’s Demon Force grabs ahold of Gavin, but it begins to fade away. Emma
rushes in and pushes Darko away from his strangle and stabs him in the head,
Darko breathes heavily and says. “I can’t believe it… He just ate my Demon
Force… literally; he drained me of a great amount… Emma, don’t get close to
him…” “What are we going to do?” Emma
asks. Gavin removes Emma’s
knife from his head and laughs, Zin is speechless to this show. Darko looks at
Zin and says to Emma. “With his power, we can become much stronger… we just
have to suck a little of his blood, then we might be able to take him out.” Unexpectedly Tesshu’s
party appears in the lab. “I got ya motha f***a!” Tesshu says
staring at Darko. “Tesshu wait!” Shiemi says. “Looks like things are complicated
here.” Mikae says. “Chaos, panic and disorder… my work
here is done guys, I’m outta here.” Shou says walking away, but Mikae stops
him. “This is serious Shou! Stop being a
little b***h!” Mikae says anoyed. “You say I’m a b***h like it’s a bad
thing.” Shou says. “Rrrr…” Mikae stares at Shou
annoyed. Tesshu charges towards
Darko, but Gavin stands in his way and pushes him with his Demon Force. “This ain’t with you n***a!” Tesshu
shouts angrily. “Does it look like I care?” Gavin
asks. “Ohh! So you wan’t a piece of me
huh.” Tesshu says as he charges at Gavin with sword on hand and slashing his
arm off clean. Gavin’s right arm falls
on the floor, but his aura connects his arm back, he laughs and says. “I really
got to hand it to Lexon; he improved my powers a lot, but I feel kind of…
hungry.” “Damn son! What the hell was dat
s**t? He just connected his arm right back again.” Tesshu says in disbelief. Gavin smiles and resumes
his fight with Tesshu, Mikae and Shiemi charge in as well, Gavin doesn’t block
or evade any of their attacks, he just takes them head on. Emma joins in as
well and also attacks Gavin, he smiles again and uses his Demon Force to fight
all of them at the same time, creating many hands and attacking everyone at
once. Darko takes this opportunity to head towards Zin, Zin readies himself,
but Darko says. “No need to fight… I need your help against Gavin.” “First you try to kill me and now you ask me for help?”
Zin asks confused. “I wasn’t trying to kill you, just get you on my side…”
Darko answers. “What do you want me to do?” Zin asks. “Let me suck some of your blood… my power will increase
much more.” Darko replies. “…… How am I sure you’re not just pretending to be a good
guy and use that power to turn against me again?” Zin asks. “Because that son of a b***h killed my whole family, I’ve
been looking for him for about fifty years, I just want to kill him and live my
life with my wife.” Darko explains. “Alright, there’s no time to think, hurry and do it.” Zin
nods. Darko rapidly bites Zin and sucks his blood;
meanwhile Emma keeps fighting Gavin along with Tesshu’s party. Gavin then
stands back and let his hands do the job as he says to himself. “These guys are
pretty good; it’s a nice way to test my new powers.” As Gavin fights, he notices a sudden spark on
both extremities of his body, Zin and Darko appear behind him with long claws,
Gavin’s chest rips into two, but his energy again puts him back together. “Hahaha, unbelievable, all these people against me, but
not a dent on me yet.” Gavin comments mockingly. The whole party attacks at once, Gavin
cockily let’s everyone do what they want, all of a sudden he falls on the
ground cut into pieces. Once again his energy puts him back together, he
smiles, but then he twitches and begins to breathe heavily. “Ugghh… Damn… All that regenerating has cost me most of
my energy… I can’t keep fighting them like this… I need to… feed.” Gavin thinks
to himself. The party readies themselves again, but Gavin
turns into a complete smoke of Demon Force and disappears from everyone’s view. “What the?” Shou asks looking around. “He used his Demon Force to somehow vanish, but he’s not
far away, we can get him.” Darko says. “N***a who’s we? You dead! You killed my parents!” Tesshu
shouts readying his sword. “Wait!” Darko says. “I can explain… Back in your ninja
village, I was looking for Gavin, who was there at the time hunting, when I
found him he already killed your mother, he ran away, but in that instant your
father came in and saw me… He chased me, but Gavin got him as well…” “… You lie!” Tesshu shouts. “He’s not… We’ve been searching for Gavin many years, he
killed my husband’s entire family… and he wants revenge.” Emma says. “……” Tesshu keeps glaring at Darko. “I really need to find and kill him… We can deal with
this other matter when I finish… Deal?” Darko asks extending his hand. Tesshu hesitates, but then shakes his hand. “Thanks.” Darko says. “Come on Emma, we have to find him
before he get’s too far.” “Sure hon.” Emma says leaving with Darko. Tesshu sighs and shakes his head. “I don’t know what to do anymore…” Tesshu remarks. “You can’t be here, you all must leave at once, if
Gen-Exis soldiers find you here, you will be executed for sure.” Zin says. “Yeah…” Tesshu nods. “Wait a minute… I can feel Seshiro’s strange Spirit
Force, he’s inside the base, let’s go look for him, he might be in trouble.”
Shou says. “You got it brah.” Tesshu says. The party heads towards
Seshiro’s location, Lexon then appears with his colleague, looks at his wrecked
lab, and asks Zin. “Who did this?” “I don’t know… I fought with some
strange looking people and they escaped.” Zin replies. “Why didn’t you stop them from
destroying my lab?” Lexon asks while his tone of voice heightens. “Sorry sir, but I couldn’t stop
them…” Zin says. “I want you to give me a detailed
description right now!” Lexon says angrily. As Zin begins to explain
Lexon, Tesshu’s party runs through the halls at an incredible speed, then
swiftly reaching Seshiro and Hisana. “Huh? Shou? Tesshu?” Seshiro asks
surprised. “Yo Seshi! What the hell are ya
doing here son?” Tesshu asks making some movements with his hands. “Why are you moving your hands that
much?” Hisana asks curiously. “I bet he learned the hand seals
because of all the gang signs black people use.” Shou comments. “Actually, that’s how I did learn
‘em.” Tesshu says. Miake and Shiemi face
palm and shake their heads. “Anyways, I’m here looking for
Keisuro, but he’s- huh?” Seshiro feels Keisuro’s Spirit Force and says. “Guys!
Keisuro is not far from here! I just felt his Spirit Force! We gotta go!” “That was sudden.” Shou comments. “Let’s pick up my Altergun first.” Hisana
says. The party nods and
begins to leave, but Redhizer stops Seshiro and says. “I’ll let you guys go…
but I want a rematch Yamazaki…” “Yeah.” Seshiro nods and leaves. Redhizer grins; Seshiro
runs past the party very hastily, runs into a warehouse full with gas tanks to
fill all the vehicles, Seshiro stops, and looks around. “I don’t see anyone?” Hisana says. “That b*****d must’ve hidden his
energy… He must be around here somewhere.” Seshiro says looking around. Unexpectedly the lights
turn off, it’s completely pitch black, many clashing sounds can be heard, when
suddenly the lights turn on again revealing many dead ninjas on the floor.
Tesshu, Shiemi and Mikae’s swords all covered in blood, many other ninjas
surround the party, Ushima and Keisuro appear. “Looks like you haven’t lost your
touch Tesshu.” Ushima comments with her arms crossed. “What happened to your hair Seshiro?
I didn’t know you were into punk rock.” Keisuro mocks. “This is the end for you Keisuro.”
Seshiro says staring at Keisuro seriously. “You’re in no position to say those
kinds of things Seshiro, you’re surrounded.” Keisuro says. “He’s right, these ninjas are pretty
tough.” Shiemi comments. “Shinka… I’ve recovered most of my
memories already, not completely, but I still remember something, the most
important thing to me.” Shou says. “What’s that?” Ushima asks
uninterested. “That I love you with all my heart…”
Shou says touching his chest and staring at Ushima. Ushima widens her eyes
and looks away; she smiles slightly and looks at Shou again. “Just now, you made me realize
something…” Ushima says. “That they’re just worthless trash?”
Keisuro asks. “No… that you are!” Ushima hits
Keisuro with her elbow very hard sending him flying, all the ninjas attack the
party, the party fights back. Shiemi and Mikae begins
to cut down some ninjas with their swords, then killing a few others with their
kunais and shurikens, the ninjas also begin to throw these same weapons to the
party. Seshiro and Hisana crash their swords together, most of the hangar
begins to freeze, the nijas have a difficult time to move on the ice, while
Tesshu and Shou kill off other ninjas. Ushima joins them and begins to kill the
ninjas, slightly hesitant, Shou notices this and asks. “Why do you hesitate to
kill them?” “I trained all of them…” Ushima
answers. “But they’re not hesitating trying
to kill you.” Shou remarks killing off a ninja. “I trained them, and taught them
that traitors must be executed… so I’m a traitor right now.” Ushima replies. “Makes sense.” Shou says. The party keeps on
defending, Keisuro looks at Seshiro from afar, Seshiro notices him, Keisuro
then says. “I’ll be waiting for you outside, when you finish, how about we play
a little tag.” “B*****d…” Seshiro says blocking off
one of the ninjas. Keisuro leaves,
unexpectedly a massive amount of Spirit Force begins to shake Gen-Exis
completely, everyone stops fighting. “What the?” Shiemi says with wide
eyes. “What an insane amount of Spirit
Force is that?” Mikae asks shocked. “I’ve never felt anything like it
before.” Hisana comments amazed. “Tell me about it…” Seshiro says. “It’s Krade Wyven…” Ushima says with
a worried expression. “Who the hell is that cracker?”
Tesshu asks. “It’s the Gen-Exis Corporations
owner and most powerful person on the face of this planet.” Ushima answers. Some very quick slashes
come rushing out from the outside to the inside cutting down the whole wall,
the party looks to that direction and faintly sees Krade walking inside
accompanied by his elders, Xak, Lexon, Xixis, and Axon. “You guys have to get out of here if
you don’t want to die!” Ushima shouts. Xixis appears in front
of the party and in a flash unsheathes her longsword, Hisana hastily appears in
front of her and blocks her longsword with her Altergun, the party looks at
them amazed at their speed. Hisana drips blood from her head, both arms and
rib, her Altergun slightly cracked by Xixis longsword, Krade taps the ground
with his foot creating a small shockwave of wind, Xixis disappears and appears
next to Krade. “Get out of here!” Ushima shouts. “But what about you?” Shiemi asks. “…… I’m staying no matter what…
Someone has to buy time.” Ushima responds. “If she’s staying, I’m staying.”
Shou says. “No dog! You can’t! All of us combined
together wouldn’t be able to defeat all of them.” Tesshu says worried. “Yes, someone has to stay behind,
these guys are too strong, they’ll reach us for sure.” Shou says. “Shou, Ushima, you can’t!” Seshiro
yells. “Just go!” Shou shouts angrily. The
party remains silent, Shou then says. “Heads up Seshi.” Shou throws his spear
at Seshiro. “Give that to Kyoshi, he can put it to better use than I.” “Hey! Don’t say that! You’ll give
this to him yourself!” Seshiro says. “Let’s be realictic Seshiro, I’m
doing this for all you, my great friends and of course, for myself, I think I
lived until now for this moment.” Shou says. “I’ll be seeing you next time, then
we’ll talk.” Seshiro says. “You can bet on it.” Shou nods. “Bro, don’t die.” Tesshu says. The party leaves, Ushima
and Shou stay behind, Ushima throws her sword at Shou, he catches it, she then
takes out her scythe and says. “I guess you had to lie to make them leave, you
do know we’re not going to live through this right?” “I know…” Shou nods. Krade and his group
stand firmly in front of Shou and Ushima, Xixis snaps her fingers, all the
ninjas head out after the party. “I always thought you were going to
betray me Ushima, what a waste, I should’ve executed you a long time ago.”
Krade says. “They are of no value scientifically
speaking, I expect that after the intruders have been captured to take them to
my lab. I will use them for a few of my experiments, I take my leave now.”
Lexon says leaving. “Yeah, I’m outta of here.” Axon says
leaving as well. “Krade, let me take them on.” Xixis
says unsheathing her longsword once again, but Krade says. “No, leave them to
me; I haven’t fought in a long time.” “But Krade, they’re not worth your
time.” Xak says. “I’m not going to discuss this with
you, leave at once, both of you.” Krade commands. “Yes…” Xixis and Xak say leaving him
alone. Krade takes out his Soul
Eater sword and looks at its reflection; he then turns his view towards Shou
and Ushima. Shou charges in with sword in hand and attacks swiftly; Krade
blocks easily all of Shou’s attacks, Ushima rushes in with her scythe and
begins to attack in synchronization with Shou. Krade blocks both of them easily
and slices Shou’s stomach barely scratching him, Shou backs up and jumps towards
him, a strong wind pressure blows up from Krade’s body blowing Ushima and Shou
away, they fall on the ground while Krade walks at them calmly. “He’s taking us lightly.” Shou says
annoyed. “He’s not the corporation’s owner
for nothing Shou.” Ushima remarks. Ushima begins doing hand
seals at a fast rate and unexpectedly a cage of lighting surrounds Krade. Krade keeps walking and passes right through
it without the electricity harming him. “Impossible… how could he not be
harmed by that?” Shou asks in disbelief. “His Spirit Force acts as a shield,
my ninjutsu’s are worthless because my amount of Spirit Force is not comparable
with his.” Ushima explains readying herself again. “Then what are we going to do?” Shou
asks. “I’m out of ideas.” Ushima says. Krade
points his sword at them and says. “Earth Shatter.” An earthquake begins to
shake the ground, many giant earth-made spikes surge from the ground, the
ground cracks completely and some parts of the ground rise upward. Shou and
Ushima evade all of the chaos surging from the ground while Krade then says.
“Tidal Devastation.” From inside the ground a
vast amount of water ascends wildly creating a tsunami of giant proportions,
then falling down on Shou and Ushima; they jump high up evading the attack as
well and land of one of the earth-made platforms. “Not bad.” Krade says as he points
down with his index finger, all the land that he raised descended back to its
original position. “We can’t get near of he blows us
away, we can’t get far because he does these massive attacks… now I’m really out of ideas.” Shou says. Ushima looks around and
notices the giant gast tanks around them, she sees Krade walking towards them
and then whispers to Shou. “Did you notice the gas tanks?” “Yeah, so?” Shou says, “Are you thinking what I’m
thinking?” Ushima asks staring at Shou. “… I got the idea, are you sure
it’ll work?” Shou asks. “If it doesn’t kill him, at least
it’ll injure him severely am I right?” “I guess so, and it’ll give our
friends more time before he starts pursuing them.” Shou says. “It’s just a millisecond of pain
Shou.” Ushima says with a smile. Shou looks down as he
closes his eyes; he sheds a tear and says. “Shinka… do you accept me as your
husband, to love me in pain and in sickness, and let death unite us eternally?” “I do.” Ushima says rapidly closing
in and kissing Shou on his mouth. Krade is walking towards
them, once he’s close enough, both Shou and Ushima still kissing make a hand
seal with each other’s remaining hands together unleashing a fire blast towards
all the huge gas containers. Krade stops for a second and the whole area in
that facility blows up, the blast can be seen in the distance, Tesshu frowns in
sadness, but keeps running away with the party. “Shou… Bro…” Tesshu says wiping a
tear from his eye. The hordes of ninjas start catching up with
them. “We have company yo.” Tesshu says as
he runs. “I gotta get my sword!” Seshiro
says. “Where is it?” Mikae asks. “I’ll show you guys, we’re close.”
Hisana says as she runs forward. The party keeps running,
they then reach the old statue finding Seshiro’s zweihänder, Seshiro jumps
towards it hastily and grabs it. The ninjas catch up and begin attacking the
party, Hisana switches her Altergun into close range mode and fights back,
Seshiro blocks and counters the ninjas, while Tesshu, Shiemi, and Mikae make
hand seals in unison. Once they finish their hand seals Spirit Force
accumulates over each ninja and blows up, Hisana and Seshiro run along with
Tesshu and his party. “There are too many!” Seshiro says. “What are we gonna do?” Mikae asks. Hisana notices a
trainrail over some parts of the city and points up. “There.” Hisana says. “It’ll help us
escape faster.” “Good one.” Shiemi comments. The party jumps on the rails,
then jumping on a passing train, they sigh in relief, when many ninjas jumps on
the train all of a sudden. “Damn it!” Tesshu says annoyed. “Looks like Ushima trained them
well.” Shiemi remarks. The ninjas attack
relentlessly, the party fights back on the train, Tesshu begins to kill a few
with his shurikens, while Mikae and Shiemi kills another few with their swords
very quickly. Hisana thrusts one of the ninja’s and switchs her Altergun in
long range mode and shoots a few of them in the head, Seshiro blocks their
kunais and pushes some of them off the train and counters a few coming from
behind and then countering, killing them all with a horizontal slash. Hisana
jumps to the side of the train and breaks the windows, then getting inside, the
ninjas assault her at the same time, but Hisana evades their attacks swiftly
making many back slips and and making a ninja trip by kicking his feet and then
jumping over him making a somersault to another ninja. Hisana makes a side flip
evading the ninjas kunais and firing at them with her Altergun, then switching
it back to close range mode and charging in, she makes a horizontal slash
passing by them at a great speed, they all freeze completely and fall down,
shattering into pieces. Meanwhile Seshiro keeps fending them off, pushing them
off the train as before; Tesshu, Shiemi, and Miake finish the last ones slicing
their heads off, Hisana jumps back up, but Seshiro’s transformation fades away. “Huh? Your transformation… it’s
gone…” Hisana says. “Yeah, I noticed… I doubt I can
transform anytime soon, so I’ll have to make due.” Seshiro says. “What a spectacular show.” Keisuro’s
voice says, he lands in front of the party and looks at Seshiro. “You finally decided to appear huh.”
Seshiro says. “If only you knew who has returned.”
Keisuro comments. “What are you talking about?”
Seshiro asks. “You’ll see.” Keisuro says taking
out his zweihänder and releasing his Spirit Force. The party stares at him
unaffected by it. “Looks like you can finally
withstand it, which means we can fight on par.” Keisuro says. “Guys, let me fight him alone, don’t
worry about me.” Seshiro says to the party. Seshiro readies himself,
Keisuro charges in, Seshiro blocks countering his vertical attack, Keisuro
blocks, and tackles Seshiro. Seshiro stands his ground again, Keisuro jumps at
Seshiro, Seshiro makes a back flip leaning his sword back, his blade begins to
grow longer with ice and then attacks, Keisuro blocks and jumps on the blade,
running on it towards Seshiro and kicking him on his face. Seshiro flies away,
but recovers in midair, he then jumps towards Keisuro and does a three-sixty turn making a horizontal
slash with all his might, Keisuro dodges by a paper thin margin, Seshiro’s sword
breaks part of the train and the rail, making the train lose balance and fall
down. The party jumps off on time, while Seshiro and Keisuro jumps as well down
to the road, they keep fighting, jumping everywhere, blocking and countering
their attacks repeatedly, many cars and people flee of the streets. Police cars
begin to appear; they come out and point with their guns at the party. “Stop right there! Drop your weapons
now or we will open fire!” One of the cops yells. Unexpectedly huge
ice-made spikes thrusts the police cars and explode, a gigantic Spirit Force
begins to shake the ground. Keisuro backs off and grins, then saying. “He’s
finally here.” Satoshi appears walking
slowly out of the explosion towards the party, Seshiro widens his eyes. “The one born of Ancelia, bearing
the cold winter, shall rise from the dead. He shall pursue the planet,
sacrificing the chosen, unleashing Ancelot's strength and govern over the land.
He shall be eternal, bringing promise to Terra with power and grace.” Satoshi
says reading from his book. He looks at Seshiro and Keisuro and says. “I
finally found both of you, I see you’re both about equal in power, one of you
shall come with me, the other shall perish, I need not the both of you.” “Master Satoshi…” Seshiro says
shocked. “I will be your servant… Lord
Satoshi.” Keisuro says. “Good, we shall head towards Lemuria
and obtain the power of Ancelot…” Satoshi says looking up and raising his
hands. “Do you remember Hitomi, Seshiro?”
Keisuro asks. “You see, her real murderer is none other than our master, haha.” Seshiro widens his eyes
and sheds a tear, then asking Satoshi. “Is it true?” “That girl was interfering with my
plans Seshiro, she took you away, a power like yours could not be stripped off
my hands.” Satoshi says. “How could you kill her! You son of
a b***h!” Seshiro charges towards Satoshi, Keisuro lowers his head and smiles,
Satoshi unsheathes his Flamberge in a flash and slashes Seshiro’s chest, then
placing his left hand on Seshiro’s face and exploding his Spirit Force making
Seshiro fly away very injured. “Seshiro!” Hisana shouts. “Hahaha, now, come Keisuro… Ancelot
awaits us, but we still need some preparations before doing anything.” Satoshi
says turning his back on the party and leaving with Keisuro. The party heads towards
Seshiro, he’s on the ground unconscious, some soldiers that are clearly not
from Gen-Exis appears along with a young woman with short brown hair. “Hey, what happened here? Is that…
Seshiro?” The young woman asks. “Who are you? How do you know
Seshiro?” Hisana asks. “My name is Aureana, I’m the
commander of Lemuria’s army, I was dispatched here by the Vakidor police
department as a favor, but I never thought I’d find little Seshiro here…” She
explains. “Can you help us?” Mikae asks. “Yes, come on; let’s get out of here
before the police arrive.” Aureana says. The soldiers help
Seshiro up, the party leaves along with commander Aureana and her soldiers. © 2011 Shin |
1 Review Added on January 20, 2011 Last Updated on June 28, 2011 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing