![]() Chapter 54: BloodlineA Chapter by Shin Back at the present
Judai finishes retelling the story, the whole party is listening intently. “Poor Krade.” Kazumi says. “…” Lloyd ponders as he adjusts some
bandages around his eye wound. “So he wants to rule the world? So
cliché.” Shizuru scoffs. “I see.” Kirisu also ponders. “……” Yumi is lost in thought. “If you make it a movie, I think you
can actually sell it, it might be a hit.” Amarth remarks. “You’re a funny guy.” Zieg comments. “Not a guy, a dragon.” Amarth corrects
Zieg. “I like your tail.” Zieg says. “Yeah, thanks.” Amarth smiles. “I like your tail.” Zieg says again. “Uhh, yeah, I got you the first
time.” Amarth says walking away from Zieg. “So afterwards he became the king of
Illios and bathed in the Cancer King’s riches, then moving to Vakidor and
founding Gen-Exis Corporation?” Jiro asks. “Exactly.” Judai nods. “What are we going to do? We already
knew Gen-Exis is taking control over everything, but Krade doesn’t sound like a
bad guy, I mean, he wants world peace, let’s let him be.” Kyoshi says. “No, he must be stopped; he’s using
the wrong methods to go about it.” Judai says. “Then what do you propose we do?”
Kirisu asks. “I can see you’re all special in
your own ways, Lloyd, Zieg and Jiro can control their demon forms pretty well,
Mayumi can control that cursed Muramasa without any kind of consequence. Yumi
has her strange dark light powers, Kazumi’s feral state is awakened, Kyoshi is
fine with his battle high and Amarth is fine as well, Shizuru has her little
blood powers under control, but you Kirisu, you need some help with your angel
form, well… Michael.” Judai says. “Damn, this guy knows more than a
fortune teller.” Amarth remarks. “How the hell did you know all that?” “You all thought about your own
powers almost at the same time.” Judai answers. “Angel form Michael?” Kirisu asks. “I know you’re already aware of your
Divine Force, all you need is the proper training to use that form to your
advantage.” Judai answers. “But how? I don’t even know where to
start.” Kirisu says. “If you’re willing, then I can teach
you, I can’t guarantee it, but you’ll at least harness a good chunk of that
power.” Judai says. “I’ll think about it.” Kirisu says
after thinking for a few seconds. “But how did you know the name of that form?” “I’ll tell you if you accept me as
your master.” Judai says. “……We’ll see.” Kirisu says. “Wait a minute, I already know I
have my Feral powers wakened, and we know somewhat about Yumi’s power, though
not too clearly and even about Kyoshi’s battle high and that Lloyd is somehow a
demon, but we didn’t know anything about Shizuru having any blood powers.” “Yeah, I’m curious about that too,
why don’t you tell us about it Shizuru?” “Do you really want to hear yet
another flashback after just hearing one?” Shizuru asks with one eyebrow
lifted. “Hey, at least it’s not a flashback
about what happened fifteen minutes ago.” Amarth comments. “You’ll have to say it sooner or
later, why not now?” Kazumi asks. “Fine…” Shizuru says slightly
annoyed. “Sweet.” Kyoshi says joyfully. “It all started when I met a human
named Minerva a little over a year ago, at the time I was a little more
tolerant towards humans.” Shizuru begins to retell her story. Shizuru escaped from
Evergray, she ran away from a troop of Gen-Exis soldiers, but as she ran the
Gen-Exis troops kept following her and shooting from the distance, Shizuru
evaded all the bullets, but was hit on her thigh. She fell on the ground; the
Gen-Exis soldiers surrounded her and pointed with their guns. “You think you could escape us? Well
now you’re finished, you die here!” A Gen-Exis soldier shouted. As the soldiers prepared
to execute her right out in the far away outskirts, they heard a woman’s voice
ask behind them after she scoffed. “What kind of losers gang up on a girl?” The soldiers turned
around. “Who the hell are you? You’re
butting in Gen-Exis business!” The soldiers said arrogantly. “So let me get this straight, it’s
Gen-Exis’s business to run around shooting at unarmed girls.” The young woman
said sarcastically. “Shut yer hole!” The soldier yelled
angrily. The soldiers fired at
the young woman, she evaded and ran to the side of the troop swiftly kicking a
few soldiers and disarming the others, Shizuru rapidly as well kicked a few of
them and threw them on the ground. The young woman and Shizuru disposed of them
quickly, the young woman then said. “You’re welcome.” “Who are you? Why did you help me?
What’s a human doing here?” Shizuru asked suspiciously. “One question at a time please, I
only have one mouth, my name is Minerva, I was just lending a helping hand to a
fellow woman, it doesn’t matter what color or whatever differences we have if
you’re looking for an ulterior motive. And I was just searching for someone that
has a bounty on their head that supposedly fled to Evergray.” Minerva explained
as she got some bandages out from her bag. “A human bounty? You won’t find a
human that’s not a Gen-Exis soldier in Evergray.” Shizuru stated. “Thanks for the tip, is there any
place in particular you think he might be?” Minerva asked as she dressed
Shizuru’s wound. “Since he’s a human there are not
too many places he can be, actually, probably just one.” Shizuru responded. “Where’s that?” Minerva asked
closely. “The human shelter near the post up
north where the Grand Bridge is, but it’s tightly guarded.” Shizuru replied. “Thanks again for the info; I’ll be
taking my leave.” Minerva said as she began to walk away. “Wait… I still owe you one.” Shizuru
said. “Think nothing of it.” Minerva said
as she kept walking away. “I don’t like owing anyone anything.”
Shizuru said. “A simple thanks can do, but I doubt
Satsume’s would step so low as to thank a human.” Minerva said with a smirk. “……” Shizuru lowered her head. Minerva stopped and
looked back, she then said with a smile. “I got an idea; you can repay your
debt to me by helping me find this loser.” Shizuru looked at her
and answered. “Alright, and then we part our ways human.” “If you’re coming with me, you might
as well call me by my name; it’s annoying to listen to the word human all the time.” Minerva said. “Alright…Minerva.” Shizuru
said. And stood up “And one other thing, can you even
walk?” Minerva asked. “Yeah, though I lost some blood, so
I feel a little dizzy.” Shizuru replied. Minerva walked towards
Shizuru and bent down in front of her, Shizuru asked. “What are you doing?” “I’ll make you feel better in a
minute.” Minerva said as she placed her hand on Shizuru’s thigh. Minerva closed her eyes,
a blood red aura came out of Minerva’s hand, Shizuru’s wound began healing
slightly, Minerva backed off quickly and asked. “Feeling better?” “Yeah… but what did you do?” Shizuru
asked shocked. “It’s a little trick of mine I
stimulated your blood cells, it healed you much faster than usual plus you
regained the blood you lost, which would normally take twenty-four hours.”
Minerva answered. “That power, it’s not within human
capabilities or even other species, where did you learn that?” Shizuru asked. Minerva smiled warmly at
Shizuru and said. “You ask too much, and that reminds me of something very
important I have to ask you.” “What’s that?” Shizuru asked. “Your name.” Minerva responded. “It’s not that important, my name is Shizuru.” She said. “To me it is, it’s a nice name,
though it’s not a common one, I’ve heard very few times in my lifetime.”
Minerva commented. “Yours isn’t common either.” Shizuru commented
as well. “Haha, I guess, we should get
moving, we gotta find this guy quick, I wanna collect my bounty.” Minerva said. They then left towards
the human shelter up north, after a few hours walking; they reached the
shelter, which looked more like a small fortress full of people and guards.
Minerva and Shizuru hid behind some bushes, Shizuru then asked. “How are you
planning to go in?” “Since it’s a human shelter, I’m
guessing they’d let me in no prob.” Minerva said. “What about me?” Shizuru asked. “I dunno, you’d have to sneak in,
though once inside they’ll spot your silver blue hair from miles away, so I
guess you’ll have to use a turban or something.” Minerva said. “Any plans?” Shizuru asked. “Yeah, I’ll distract the guards
while you sneak in from behind, then I’ll reach you afterwards.” Minerva said. “That’s a simple plan.” Shizuru
remarked. “But effective, you’ll see.” Minerva
said. “Get ready, I’m heading in.” Shizuru nodded, Minerva
walked towards the guards, the four guards approached her and one of them
asked. “Are you here for shelter?” “You could say that, yeah.” Minerva
said. Shizuru sneaked around
the guards now blind spot, the one guard in front of Minerva was about to look
back, but Minerva turned his head and kissed him, the other three guards
widened their eyes in surprise. Shizuru walked inside the gate, Minerva backed
away from the guard and said. “I’ll be heading now.” She walked past the
guards and looked back, then said to the guard she just kissed. “Sorry, but
you’re not my type, and you’re a terrible kisser.” Minerva winked and him
and entered the shelter, there she met up with Shizuru which had the turban. “Ok, we’re in, now what? What does
the guy look like anyways?” Shizuru asked. “The guy is indistinguishable, he’s
like very tall, from what I read, six-five, and he has a huge Santa Claus
beard.” Minerva responded. “I’ve been meaning to ask, what did
he do?” Shizuru asked. “He stole some cash somewhere, I
forgot.” Minerva replied. Something suddenly
caught Shizuru’s eye, she then saw that same man Minerva just described and
pointed at him as she said. “Uhh, I think we just found him.” Minerva looked where the
man was, all of a sudden someone pulled Shizuru’s turban, Shizuru and Minerva looked
back to see the guards behind them. “Hey! You’re a Satsume!” The guard
said still holding the turban. “Seize her and her human friend!”
The other guard shouted. “Run!” Minerva yelled at Shizuru. They began to run while
the guards chased them, Minerva was running towards the man she came looking
for and yelled. “I got you Dale! Your bounty is mine!” Dale looked at their
direction and ran away up the stairs at the end of the hallway, Minerva and
Shizuru jumped over the people, they landed far away from them, Minerva swiftly
kicked some barrels lined up the wall, they fell down blocking the path. They
then ran up the stairs after Dale, they kept running up a few floors until they
reached the roof where Dale was cornered. “I’ll make a deal with ya! Let me go
and I’ll give ya some good cash I stole.” Dale said. “Alright.” Minerva said. “Where is
it? Tell me or I’ll turn you in.” “I’ll take you there.” Dale said. “Fair enough, now jump!”Minerva
shouted as she ran towards the ledge and jumped off to a high tree. Dale looked down and
looked back at Shizuru, Shizuru shrugged her shoulder and jumped towards the
tree as well. Dale jumped after her, the guards appeared, but didn’t find them,
so they went back inside. Once down Minerva grabbed Dale’s shirt, looked up to
him, and said. “I don’t care how tall you are, I’ll knock you right the f**k
out if you trick us!” “Hey, hey, calm down babe, it’s near
here.” Dale said. “I’m not your babe Santa, say that
again and I’ll cut your little wiener.” Minerva said annoyed. “Okay, then let’s go already.”
Shizuru said. They all went to a
withered tree where Dale dug and took out a chest, he opened it and it had a
large sum of money. All of a sudden Minerva smacked his head with a piece of
log that knocked him out. “What are you doing?” Shizuru asked. “Hehe, now we got some serious cash,
our bounty and the bonus he was kind enough to lead us to.” Minerva replied. “Whoa, why do you want money so
much?” Shizuru asked. “Honey, money is the most important
thing in the world, without it you can’t even afford to sleep, let alone eat;
it’s obviously your best friend. After you have the cash then you can crash.”
Minerva said as she packed up all the money in her bag. “I get it.” Shizuru smiled. Hours passed by, Minerva
and Shizuru came out of police station in Radingel city with cash on their
hands. “You already paid your debt with me,
you owe me nothing, you even got some cash to boot, what are you planning to do
now?” Minerva asked. “I don’t know, I have nowhere to go
or even a family to go to, I lost my whole family in Evergray.” Shizuru
answered. “Any life goals?” Minerva questioned. “Not really, but getting rich is
probably on my mind right now.” Shizuru said with a smirk. “Now you’re talking.” Minerva
smiled. There was a sudden
silence between them, Shizuru then asked. “What are your plans?” “The next bounty.” Minerva said. “Need any help?” Shizuru asked. Minerva smiled and
replied. “If you’re willing to help a defenseless human like me, then it’s
alright.” “Haha, I have nothing else to do
anyways, I can use some cash too.” Shizuru said. “The next bounty is some guy that
killed some people near Xordania, it’s a pretty far away, but I think we should
investigate in Xordania about him to see if we can find any clues whatsoever.”
Minerva explained. “Road trip.” Shizuru said with a
grin. “Yeah, we’re gonna rock the world
babe.” Minerva said. “I’ll rock it; you’re as flat as a
four year old.” Shizuru jested. “Hey! Hey! I’m an A-cup okay!
There’s nothing wrong with them, I can still make wonders with ‘em, guys don’t
give a s**t how big or small they are, they’ll want you no matter what, horn
dogs.” Minerva said. “Reminds me of penis envy.” Shizuru
remarked, “Don’t start with these nasty
subjects, please.” Minerva said as she began to walk. “What’s your last name?” Shizuru
asked walking behind her. “That was unexpected.” Minerva said.
“Okay, I’m Minerva Spanic, you?” “Shizuru Hikaru.” She replied. “Alright Shizuru, friends no matter
what?” Minerva extended her hand. Shizuru shook her hand
and nodded, both smiled at each other. “No homo.” Minerva said. Both left towards the
train station, there they headed directly to Xordania, after hours waiting on
the train they finally arrived; they got off and walked out of the subway
station. “Finally here, I was tired of
sitting there, my a*s hurts a lot.” Shizuru commented while rubbing her behind. “I know, you’ll get used to it, best
way to travel fast, plus it’s cheap.” Minerva said. They began walking
towards the crime scene, after a while they arrived; Shizuru and Minerva began
asking around about the man. “Excuse me ma’am, but do you know
anything about the man that killed some people on this street not too long
ago?” Minerva asked. “Yes, you mean the man that killed
those poor people around the Park Street; I think his name was Mitchell.” The
old woman said. “Do you know anything about his
whereabouts?” Minerva asked. “Why yes, the last news about him
was that he fled south, Megalis probably.” The old woman replied. “The capital, Masterdam most likely,
thank you for your help, have a good day.” Minerva said. “No problem dear.” The old woman
said and left. Shizuru and Minerva met
after a while near the same street. “Did you find anything?” Minerva
asked. “Yeah, that the guy used to be a
Gen-Exis soldier named Mitchell and that he’s from Masterdam, the capital of
Megalis. What about you?” Shizuru asked back. “I heard he fled to Megalis, which
means that both of us obtained clues to the same place, so we’re heading to
Megalis, but first we’re gonna gonna get something to eat, I’m starving, we
were too long on that train.” Minerva said. “Yeah, let’s go!” Shizuru said
cheerfully. Hey went to the nearest
restaurant which was in the Park Street, both entered, it was a sandwich
restaurant. “Seriously? We’re gonna eat
sandwiches?” Shizuru asked. “Why not? We’re hungry.” Minerva
said. Some guys spotted them
and began looking at both of them from tip to toe, one of them stood up and
walked towards Minerva and asked. “Looking for the man of your dreams?” “Yeah.” Minerva replied with a smile
as she walked towards him and kicked him in the balls, the guy fell on his
knees. The guy’s friends began to laugh; Minerva and Shizuru ordered some
sandwiches and sat on a table. Before Minerva sat down she bent down to tie up
her boots, a guy looked at her butt, Minerva noticed him checking out her rear
and shouted. “What the f**k are you looking at?” The guy looked
elsewhere, Minerva un-wrapped her sandwich and began eating as she stared at
the same guy angrily and said to Shizuru. “I swear, guys can’t resist checking
a girl out for at least five minutes.” “Not the first and last time they’ll
do that.” Shizuru remarked as she took a sip from her soda. “Oh well.” Minerva shrugged her
shoulders. “So now we head to Megalis.” Shizuru
said. “Pretty much.” Minerva said. “Why don’t we take these sandwiches
to go?” Shizuru asked. “And ruin a perfectly good meal? ……
okay.” Minerva answered. Minerva and Shizuru
walked out of the sandwich restaurant, the guys inside followed them outside,
Minerva noticed the guys following them, she kept walking with Shizuru until
they reached outside of the city. Minerva then asked. “Why are you losers
following us?” What seemed like the
leader responded her question. “We’re after your bounty; you have a nice
looking reward on your head, half a million to be exact.” “What are the charges?” Shizuru
asked. “Stealing a certain amount of cash
from a third rate thief she turned in.” One of the guys replied. “Acho.” Minerva sneezed. “Sorry, I’m
allergic to bullshit.” “Well, there was that one time.”
Shizuru said as she stared at Minerva. “Shhh.” Minerva shushed Shizuru.
“You and I are going to have some pep talk later on.” “What are we going to do now?”
Shizuru asked. “Right now…” Minerva counted how
many guys there were with her index finger and said. “Eight, nine, and ten… I
plan to run.” Minerva said quickly running away. Shizuru followed her as
the guys chased after them, as they kept running Minerva and Shizuru reached a
small bridge where some people were bungee jumping. Minerva rapidly pushed a
guy that was about to tie a rope on his ankle and tied her own ankle instead,
Shizuru asked hysterically. “What the hell are you doing?” “I’m jumping.” Minerva simply
answered. “Really?” Shizuru asked
sarcastically. “Yep, just put the damn thing on.”
Minrva said swiftly. “Why can’t you keep your feet on the
ground?” Shizuru asked as she tied the rope on her ankle as well. “Forget about that! Jump!” Minerva
said as she leaped down to the abyss towards a river. Shizuru sighed and
jumped, as they were about to reach the ropes end Minerva yelled. “Shizuru! Cut
the rope!” “With what?” Shizuru asked. “Tsk.” Minerva unsheathed one of her
twin daggers and threw it towards Shizuru’s rope; it sliced it in two and
bounced from one the rocky walls ends then cutting down her own rope. Minerva
caught her dagger in midair, Shizuru and Minerva landed on the water, the guys
on top had amazed expressions. The water’s current brought both of them to
shore, there they got out of the water and began walking away. “Crap, that Dale b*****d must’ve
told on me, what a snitch.” Minerva said angrily. “We lost our take out sandwiches.”
Shizuru said. “Damn it.” Minerva said even more
furious. They walked for a while
until Shizuru said. “I’m hungry.” “Didn’t you just eat a sandwich a
few hours ago?” “Yeah, but a sandwich isn’t going to
make your stomach full.” “Alright, alright, here.” Minerva
took out an apple and cut it in half with one of her daggers, then handed over
the half apple to Shizuru. “Thanks.” Shizuru said as she began
eating the half apple. Shizuru quickly ate her
half apple, but her stomach growled, Minerva smiled almost eating her half
apple and then threw it at Shizuru, Shizuru caught it and asked. “What about
you? Aren’t you going to eat it?” “Nah, my body is not as voluptuous
as yours, I’ll survive.” Minerva said. “Are you trying to imply I’m fat?”
Shizuru asked warily. “No, just compare our b***s, I mean,
don’t you get back pains?” Minerva asked. “Sometimes, they can be a bother.”
Shizuru replied. “I’m happy with mine, no back pains
whatsoever, plus I don’t get as many guys staring at my small b***s all the
time.” Minerva said. “Okay, okay, I get the point,
anyways, thanks… I think we should get out of here and head to Megalis, but we
should rest around here first.” Shizuru suggested. “Great idea.” Minerva said rapidly
lying on the ground. Shizuru shook her head
and lied against a tree, both of them fell asleep. The next morning the same
guys from before appeared. “Look it what we got here boss, two
little sleeping princesses.” One of the guys said. The man that spoke woke
up Shizuru, she noticed they had surrounded both her and Minerva. “Uhh… Minerva…” Shizuru shook
Minerva, but she didn’t wake up. “Hahaha, this is the end of the line
sweetheart.” The leader said. Shizuru took Minerva’s
daggers and got ready to fight. All the guys charged at the same time, Shizuru
evaded and blocked easily all of their attacks, then swiftly cutting them with
the daggers. Shizuru then kicked one of the guys in the face and jumped upward,
then landed on one of the other guys making him fall on the ground hard. The
remaining men attacked at once, Shizuru kicked one of them against the tree she
was sleeping against and threw the dagger at him, the dagger hit the tree
between his legs. As the others charged at her she snapped her finger and a
blew up the area in front of her, all the guys fell on the ground, they all got
up scared and ran away. Shizuru noticed that Minerva was still sleeping
soundly, she sighed and said. “All that and she’s still knocked out…” After a while Minerva
woke up, she yawned and stretched her arms, she then got up scratching behind
her head. “You finally awake?” Shizuru asked. “Yeah, did you sleep well?” Minerva
asked. “Like a rock, you?” Shizuru
answered. “On a rock.” Minerva said with a
smirk. “So you ready?” “I’ve been ready.” Shizuru answered. “Great! Let’s get the show on the
road!” Minerva said full of energy. They left the woodland
and headed towards Megalis, after a few days of travel they arrived. “Now, time to look for this loser
and collect the bounty.” Minerva said. “Wait a minute; you can’t collect
the bounty if you already have one on your head.” Shizuru stated. “Oh yeah, I totally forgot… Hmm…”
Minerva began to think. “Oh! I know! I’ll get this guy and give him in anyways,
but to clean my name I won’t charge for the bounty.” “Not a bad idea, but we’ll plan that
later, after we get this Mitchell guy.” Shizuru said. “Where do we start to look for this
guy?” Minerva asked. “We’ll just ask around like last
time.” Shizuru said. All of a sudden, an
unknown man passed by and stopped as he heard Minerva and Shizuru talk. “Excuse me, but did you just
mentioned Mitchell? The one that has the bounty?” The man asked. “Yeah, we just said that.” Shizuru
nodded. “Why do you wanna meet with him?”
The man asked. “Ohh… Uhh, I’m his ex-girlfriend and
I have a settle to score with him.” Minerva rapidly explained. “Oh, in that case he’s always
hanging out in Club Rocks.” “Thanks for the info.” “No problem.” The man walked away. Shizuru and Minerva
looked at each other. “What are the odds of that?” Minerva
asked shocked. “Of a guy suddenly appearing and
conveniently telling us where Mitchell is or you coming up with a short kind of
believable story?” Shizuru asked. “The first.” Minerva said. “Low to none.” Shizuru responded. “Let’s get moving then.” Minerva
said. They looked for the
club, after a while searching and asking for directions they finally found it. “Alright, now that we’re here, we
should go in and find him.” Minerva said as she began to walk towards the club. Shizuru stopped her and
pointed at a sign next to the club that read. “Only heterosexual couples may
enter.” “What kind of club is this?” Minerva
asked. “Strange club, I guess singles can’t
go in.” Shizuru said. “Not just any couple, it has to be a
man and a woman… why does it empathize the word ‘heterosexual’ huh?” Minerva
asked. “Since this is Megalis, I’m not
surprised if there’s a whole bunch of homos and Lesbos.” Shizuru remarked. “Hmm… I got an idea.” Minerva said. “Oh no you don’t.” Shizuru said as
she sighed. “Oh yes I do!” Minerva said pointing
a store across the street of the club. The store was of men’s
clothing, Minerva and Shizuru went to the store. After a few minutes, they came
back out and Minerva was dressed like a man. “Since I have the flat chest, I
would pass better as a guy right?” Minerva asked. “Uhh… I guess… a very, very
androgynous guy.” Shizuru replied. “No matter, time to test it out,
take my hand.” Minerva said, then holding hands with Shizuru as they walked to
the club entrance. There were two guards, a
short one and a tall one, the guards in front stopped them and asked. “Hey!
You’re a girl aren’t ya?” “Of course not! Don’t you see my
girlfriend next to me?” Minerva asked forcing her voice to sound manly. “That doesn’t prove anything, you
might be dressed like a guy, but I can recognize a girl when I see one!” The short
guard said. “Hey! Don’t insult my boyfriend!
He’s manlier than you are! It’s not his fault he was born androgynous!” Shizuru
said angrily. “Alright, then kiss.” The tall guard
said. “Why?” Shizuru asked. “Why? Why not? Aren’t you a couple?”
The short guard asked. “Of course there’s no problem!”
Minerva said. Shizuru got close and
kissed Minerva’s mouth slightly. “There you have it!” Minerva said
annoyed. “Alright then, you may pass.” The
tall guard said. Shizuru and Minerva
walked through, after they went inside the guards started to comment on what
just happened. “You know they were both girls
right?” The tall guard asked. “Yeah, still pretty hot, heh, works
every time.” They crashed their knuckles. “D****t, we should’ve asked for
more, like a very passionate tongue twisting kiss.” The tall guard said. Inside, Shizuru and
Minerva were walking, there were many people inside dancing, the music was very
high, and red lights were all around the club. “I already dislike the place.”
Minerva commented. “It’s alright; all we have to do is
find Mitchell and get out.” Shizuru said. Minerva scoffed. “What?” Shizuru asked. “There’s a five hundred thousand
buck reward on me, I’m tempted to turn myself in.” Minerva remarked. “Why would come up with that now?”
Shizuru questioned. “Nothing, just a thought all of a
sudden.” Minerva replied. “Anyways, we should ask around for Mitchell, I’m
going to the bathroom and take these clothes off.” “Right on.” Shizuru said. They both went their
separate ways, Minerva went to the bathroom and took the men’s clothes off, she
then went to the bar area and sat on a stool. There a man sitting next to her
began to chat. “Hey beautiful, wanna talk?” The man
asked. “Talk is cheap, I’m pretty
expensive.” Minerva said smugly. “Why don’t you ditch whoever came
with you here like I did and come with me upstairs?” The man asked. “Oh please, you’re not even my
type.” Minerva said rolling her eyes. “Hard to get huh, I like that in a
girl.” The man said. He then got a little
close to her. “Hey! Back off!” Minerva said
annoyed. “Come on, don’t be like that.” The
man said. Minerva looked around
and saw a man dressed in a business suit and said. “You see that guy other
there with the simple hairdo? That’s my boyfriend.” “Huh? You mean Axon the Politian of
Gen-Exis? Yeah right.” The man scoffed. “Wanna bet?” She then went to Axon’s table and
sat on him; she kissed him on his mouth and whispered to his ear. “Pretend you
know me.” “Huh? Okay…” Axon replied. The man from the stool
widened his eyes and left. “Sorry, this guy in the stool was
stalking me.” Minerva said. “Do you know who I am?” Axon asked. “Yeah, Axon right?” Minerva asked. “Yes, now if you would please get
off me, you’re interrupting my meeting with Lexon and Mitchell.” “Lexon and Mitchell?” Minerva looked
at Lexon and then turned her view to Mitchell; she widened her eyes and said.
“Uh… sorry, thanks for helping me.” Minerva got off Axon and
stood near the table to overhear their conversation. “As I was saying, Mitchell can make
a good profit in this city.” Axon said. “How about I start with the club?”
Mitchell asked. “No, not now, it’s best if we go to
Xordania and make a deal with the police about your little adventures.” Axon
said. “What? You mean tonight?” Mitchell asked. “No, before five P.M. sharp, because
Lexon and I have a private plane to catch in Xordania.” Axon answered. “Thanks again for helping me Axon,
oh, and I hope you don’t mind lending me your Jaguar when you leave.” Mitchell
said. “Haha, of course not.” Axon laughed. Minerva rushed to find Shizuru. “Shizuru! I found Mitchell!” Minerva
said. “Really? Where?” Shizuru asked. “Right over there.” Minerva pointed
at the table. “Then let’s get him!” Shizuru said. “Wait!” Minerva said. “What?” Shizuru asked. “You see those guys with Mitchell?
That’s Axon and Lexon, I don’t know about Lexon, but that Axon guy is
Gen-Exis’s politician lapdog.” Minerva answered. “So that means, we can’t get him?”
Shizuru asked. “It looks like it’ll be harder than
I thought.” Minerva responded. “I never expected that Mitchell guy
to have some connections with Gen-Exis.” Shizuru said. “I don’t think they’re the fighting
type, so we can probably just beat that Axon and Lexon guy to a pulp and take
Mitchell.” Minerva stated. “You know what they say; guys in business suits are
successful sophisticated nerds.” “…….” Shizuru raised her eyebrow. “That was a joke, you can laugh.”
Minerva said. “Anyways, I think we should wait to make our move, like wait for
them to leave the club and ambush them when they get out of the city.” “How about we take them now? I mean,
you and I are pretty strong.” Shizuru asked. “Humph… Alright, make your move.”
Minerva replied. Shizuru
snapped her fingers and exploded the bar. The people began to run out of the
club screaming. The water sprinklers began gushing down at the fire all over
the club, Axon and Mitchell ran towards the stairs fleeing, with Lexon behind.
Shizuru and Minerva ran after them, they ran up the flight of stairs until they
reached the roof where Axon, Lexon and Mitchell were, Lexon tilted his head and
said. “Oh, the young lady from a minute ago, so I’m assuming your friend here
provoked the explosion.” Axon asked surprised as
he stared at Minerva. “What do you want?” “Just him.” Minerva said pointing at
Mitchell. “Bounty hunters?” Mitchell asked. “Exactly.” Shizuru said. “Hahahaha, well you can’t have him,
he’s my little cousin, and I’m going to clean his name for him.” Axon said. “Not before we take him in.” Minerva
said. “And if none of you wanna get hurt,
then hand him over.” Shizuru said bursting in flames. “Lexon, if you would please take
care of this.” Axon said. “Why must I do your dirty work?”
Lexon asked. “You owe me, remember the times I
used my political influence to get you the specimens you wanted.” Axon reminded
Lexon. “Oh yes, how could I forget?” Lexon
said as he walked towards Minerva and Shizuru. “Careful, we’re not ordinary girls.”
Minerva said as she drew her daggers. “I’m not an ordinary man either.”
Lexon said. Shizuru accumulated a
great amount of flames in her body and said. “Soul Fire!” She charged at Lexon,
Lexon evaded all her attacks, Shizuru threw a downward punch, which Lexon
evaded yet again, her punch made the a section of the roofs floor explode in
flames. The flames covered the whole area, Minerva jumped in, and attacked
Lexon with her daggers, Lexon dodged and opened his vest to reveal a belt with about
ten rounds of magic bullets. He took out a caster magnum and loaded it swiftly
then took a shot to the flames turning them into ice; Shizuru and Minerva were
surprised to see this and backed away. “Magic versus science? Please.
Science and magic are one and the same.” Lexon said as he reloaded his magnum. “This guy is stronger than we
thought.” Shizuru remarked. “No s**t.” Minerva said. Lexon
fired a round at them; the round exploded in midair, all of a sudden a blue
light shined and two black colored behemoths came forth roaring. Minerva and
Shizuru widened their eyes. “Definitely not a normal guy.”
Minerva said. The behemoths charged
head on, Shizuru dodged and jumped over the monster while Minerva concentrated
Spirit Force and waited for the behemoth to get close. Once the behemoth got
close Minerva jumped towards its mouth to eat Minerva, she threw both her
daggers inside the monsters mouth covered in Spirit Force, once inside the
Spirit Force went out of control and exploded, thus killing the behemoth
instantly. Shizuru landed on the other one and punched its head in still
covered in flames, blowing its head off instantly, Lexon nods amazed and
clapped, he then said. “I see you’re skilled fighters, I’m astounded by your
strategies, but I must warn you, strategies like those will never work on a
strategist such as I.” Shizuru and Minerva
charged towards Lexon, he waited for them to get closer, once closer he blocked
Shizuru’s flame covered punch with his hand then making the flames disappear
and placed his caster magnum at Minerva’s head. “Would you say this is a
stalemate?” “How did you put out my flames?”
Shizuru asked shocked. “Simple, the rings on my fingers
null all basic elements.” Lexon explained. Shizuru and Minerva
backed away, they then heard police sirens down below the building, many police
cars and news vans surrounded the building. “Now what?” Shiuzuru asked. “Now I take care of him my own way.”
Minerva said. “How’s that?” Shizuru asked. “You’ll see, stay here.” Minerva
said. Minerva charged towards
Lexon once again, only this time attacking relentlessly, Lexon evaded all her
attacks, but Minerva was attacking randomly, Lexon was having a hard time
evading. He then pointed his gun at Minerva’s head, she slightly cut Lexon’s
wrist and backed off. “How sad, all that trouble and you
were just able to scratch me.” Lexon said. “Not as pointless as you think.”
Minerva said licking Lexon’s blood from her dagger. “Hmm?” Lexon observed Minerva. “The contract has been sealed.”
Minerva said swiftly charging towards Lexon once again. Lexon
raised his magnum and shot her on the stomach, Minerva staggered, but rapidly
resumed on charging, Lexon frowns and held his stomach in pain. “Ugghh.” “Hehe.” Minerva smiled and attacked
him, she cut him various times on his body and kicked him, he fell on the
ground. “Lexon!” Axon said worried. Shizuru widened her eyes
surprised to see Minerva’s power. “Your friend is a good as dead.”
Minerva said. “Not… yet…” Lexon stood up; he
cleaned the blood that dripped from his mouth. “What an amazing power, you
would make a great specimen for my experiments.” “As tenacious as a roach.” Minerva
remarked. “I shot you in the stomach and I
suffered the consequence, you cut me up, but I still suffered, that means we
share a link between our bodies… blood synchronization, probably.” Lexon said. “Hey, you’re pretty smart.” Minerva
said. “I am the leader of the Gen-Exis
science branch.” Lexon said. “Not for long.” Minerva said. “Hahaha… you’re a humorous girl,
don’t bet your life on that power.” Lexon said as he swiftly fired a shot that
made a huge flash, it blinded Minerva temporarily. Lexon jumped back and
opened his vest; he took out a kit and opened it, it released a freezing smoke,
it had some small capsules with different kinds of liquids and a syringe. He
then began to mix some of the liquids in another capsule. “Red and white cells, some
o-positive blood, an anti-serum, and last but not least, my custom made spirit
gene.” Lexon said as he took off his belt and strapped it on tightly on his
left arm; he filled the syringe with the mixed capsule and injected himself.
“This should temporarily counter the effect.” Minerva rubbed her eyes
and saw again, Lexon was standing right in front of her; he raised his gun and
shot her left arm. Minerva noticed Lexon was not harmed; she looked at herself
and saw her left arm bleed. “What the? How did you?” Minerva
asked. “Haha, I simply made some
enhancements on my blood, it’s not a complete vaccine, but it will last a
while, enough time until I kill you.” “Oh no!” Shizuru said worried. Minerva stared at Lexon
with a shocked expression and said. “You’re definitely a monster…” “The power to control and
synchronize with the opponent’s blood… A human cannot obtain such power
naturally, so let me throw in my hypothesis. You must have been genetically
enhanced with a demon or you made a pact with one, I say this because humans,
Satsumes, Kaizers nor Elves have these abilities, not even the Ferals or any
mystical race at that.” Lexon said. “……” Minerva simply kept staring at
Lexon. “I would wager on a pact with one,
because you show no physical or spiritual anomaly in your being.” Lexon said. “I see you weren’t assigned as the
Gen-Exis’s science branch leader for your charms.” Minerva said. “I see I hit right on the mark, now,
would you tell me what kind of demon did you make a pact with? How did you make
contact with it? Why did it give you, a human its power?” Lexon asked. “None of your business…” Minerva
said. “I was planning in keeping you
alive, but I see you give me no choice in the matter.” Lexon said. “I won’t let you hurt her!” Shizuru
shouted as she charged towards Lexon. Lexon loaded his magnum
once again, as Shizuru attacked Lexon, he fired his magic bullet, once it
reached Shizuru it let out a burst of Spirit Force that knocked her out and
sent her flying to the next building. “Foolish girl, she took a direct hit
from the bullet, I can’t even feel her Spirit Force, she must be dead.” Lexon
said. “Shizuru!” Minerva yelled, she then
turned her view at Lexon and charged at him furiously. Lexon smirked, he turned
his back and closed his eyes, Minerva readied her daggers when suddenly she
fell on the ground, she widened her eyes, and frowned in pain, she looked at
her gunshot wound and stared at Lexon. “That’s right; it was a poison
round, not a magic round.” Lexon said as he put away his caster magnum and
buttoned his vest. Minerva began to see
blurry, she saw as Lexon, Axon and Mitchell left her to die; she began to
remember a faint memory. It was dark and a huge shadow spoke to a slightly
younger Minerva. “I will lend you my powers, I can see that demon lust for
revenge on your eyes, humans are so similar to demons it almost scares me.” Minerva slightly smiled
and whispered. “I was able to take my revenge… and now… I no longer need this
power… Shizuru… my power… is yours…” Minerva closed her eyes
and died. After a few minutes, Shizuru woke up dazed, she looked around trying
to spot Minerva and Lexon, she stood up, and jumped to the other building,
there she spotted Minerva lying on the floor dead. “Oh my God… tell me she’s alive…
tell me she’s alive!” Shizuru said as she ran towards her crying. She raised
Minerva’s head and closed her eyes; she kept crying uncontrollably, she then
let out a very loud yell in pain. “Ahhhhhhh!” Shizuru hugged her and
kept crying on Minerva’s body. “Minerva… You were my best friend,
my only friend… My sister… I loved you so much…” Shizuru said as she cried. Shizuru then remembered
Lexon and thought to herself. “Lexon… you f*****g human… I swear you’ll pay for
this one day…” Minerva’s body shined in
a blue aura, it then turned red. The red aura that emanated from her body rose upward
and surrounded Shizuru. “What’s this? Is it her blood
powers?” The red aura disappeared,
Shizuru then heard some footsteps below, she picked up Minerva and jumped to
the other buildings until she was able to escape the city. Shizuru made a rock
tomb for Minerva and remained silent for a while, she took Minerva’s daggers
and left westward. Back to the present,
Kazumi is crying like crazy, Shizuru has watery eyes; the rest of the party has
a sad expression, but say nothing at all. “And then I ran into those a******s
in that bar and later met Kyoshi.” Shizuru finishes her story. “So now we know how you got your
blood powers.” Kyoshi says. “And now we know that Lloyd is half
Satsume.” Kazumi comments. “Yeah, looks like I am.” Lloyd says. “How does it feel to be superior?”
Shizuru asks with a smirk. “Not much different really.” Lloyd
replies. “Anyways, you should all rest; no
one here is up to do anything for now.” Amarth says. The party nods. © 2011 Shin |
1 Review Added on December 17, 2010 Last Updated on January 24, 2011 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing