![]() Chapter 53: The Lost ChapterA Chapter by Shin “Who the hell are you?” Mayumi asks. “Uhh… I’m-” The Elf is cut off. “Judai, the crimson eye.” Zieg says. “Who?” Lloyd asks. “Eldrick sent me.” Judai says. “Lloyd?” Kirisu’s voice says. The party looks to their
left and see the rest of the party walking towards them, Yumi sees Lloyd
injured and makes a worried expression, then rapidly changing it, Lloyd widens
his eyes as he sees them, he then looks at Yumi, she’s staring back at him with
a look of hatred in her eyes and facial expression overall. “Yumi…” Lloyd whispers. The party notices
Shiro’s dead body on the ground and everyone except for Mayumi and Judai
injured. “Lloyd… You didn’t kill Yusuke… did
you?” Kirisu asks. “No… He was my father… And hers as
well.” Lloyd says looking at Mayumi. “You have a sister?” Kyoshi asks. “Yeah.” Lloyd answers still sad. “Wait, you’re half Satsume?” Shizuru
asks. “It seems so.” Lloyd responds. “Did that other guy kill Yusuke?”
Kazumi asks. “They killed each other, sort of.”
Jiro says. “Why are you injured like that?”
Amarth asks landing behind the party. “We fought Shin’s twin brother, Harayoshi.”
Zieg says. “What? Twin brother?” Kirisu says in
disbelief. “That explains the two identical
spirit wavelengths.” Yumi says. “Yumi…” Lloyd says staring at her. Yumi looks away coldly. “And who’s that Elf?” Kazumi asks
pointing at Judai. “My name is Judai, I’m called the
crimson eye.” Judai replies. “How come you’re called crimson
eye?” Kirisu asks. “Cause I can see how you all really
are in the purest way.” “What do you mean by that?” Kyoshi
asks. “I see you naked even with clothes
on.” Judai says calmly. “What?” The party says all covering
their important parts, except Zieg and Jiro. “Why aren’t you guys covering up?”
Shizuru asks. “We just don’t care I guess.” Jiro
answers. “Some of you got some blackness in
you, well, most of you.” Judai says pointing at Lloyd, Yumi, Kirisu and
Shizuru. “The others are purer to some extents, some purer than others.” “Why are you here anyways? Why did
Venart send you?” Mayumi asks. “He said Shiro might use some help,
but I guess I was too late.” Judai says. “The one responsible for everything
that’s happening is Krade Wyven.” Jiro remarks. “I think you should explain to
everyone what you mean.” Judai said. “Lloyd’s twin brother, Harayoshi
said that was his father and that he’s Gen-Exis’s owner, the one pulling the
strings, plus he also had to do with this guy, Adriux that provoked Shiro’s
death and also Lloyd’s biological mother, who knows how many other things.”
Jiro explains. “Why so interested in Krade Wyven?
Do you by chance know him?” Kirisu asks. “I do… I’ve known him for hundreds
of years, around three hundred.” Judai responds. “Hundreds of years? Are we talking
about the same Krade?” Shizuru asks. “Of course, he’s the last of the
Wyven race.” Judai answers. “Wyven?” Kyoshi asks. “Yeah, the ancient race that is now
in the brink of extinction, they were peaceful, they had an amazing trait
unique to Wyvens, and that’s their naturally born ability of limitless power,
though they weren’t the strongest race due to their short life span, but they
had no limit whatsoever, their bodies could hold any power surge imaginable.”
Judai explains. “Now, Krade is an exception to this life span rule, and I’ll
tell you why and how he obtained it.” “We’re listening.” Mayumi says. “It happened a long time ago in a
lost kingdom called Ettyr.” Judai begins to recite the story of what had
happened with Krade, as he begins remembering a large grayish castle in
medieval times. The castle was right in front of the whole city, it was a
rather big city, full of people, Judai is seen in the throne room talking with
the king who looked rather young, like in his early thirties. “King Garth, you must prepare the
army, the kingdom of Illios already declared war, you cannot stay like this!” Judai
said concerned. “Counselor Judai, I appreciate your
help, you were sent by Alfhiem to help me, but I’m afraid our forces are no
match for them.” King Garth said. “Your mind is clouded; you’re not
thinking straight, I can see what’s in your mind.” Judai said. “Precisely because you can read my
mind you already know what you must do.” King Garth said calmly. Judai sighed and said
worried. “Yeah, but I don’t want you to stay behind.” “As you already know I will not back
down; I will fight till the end.” King Garth said determined. Judai
kept silent for a moment, suddenly a boy about eight years old accompanied by a
girl around the same age entered the throne room. “Master Krade, you shouldn’t barge
in like this, it’s rude, especially for a prince.” Judai said. “Yeah, but me and Taryn are scared,
we heard the guards saying we’re all going to die soon.” Krade said scared. “Don’t worry my child, none of you
will die, Judai, summon Edelyn.” King Garth ordered. “But King Garth, she is so young.” Judai
said. “Yes, I know, but you as well as I
know her strength better than anyone.” King Garth remarked. “She is indeed strong for an
eighteen year old, but to put her in charge of master Krade’s protection,
that’s just a lot of responsibility.” Judai stated. King Garth smirked and
said. “I know you’ll guide them well.” “Yes…” Judai said hesitantly.
“Knights, summon Edelyn at once.” After a while she arrived swiftly to the
throne room. “Edelyn, I will give you a very
important task.” King Garth said. “Anything my lord.” Edelyn said. “I want you to protect my son,
Krade, counselor Judai will assist you, if you have any doubts then refer to
Judai for help.” King Garth explained. “My lord, a war approaches, am I not
needed in the front lines?” Edelyn asked. “Edelyn, you’ve been given a much
higher task than fighting in the front lines.” Judai remarked. “But my lord, I want to help.” Edelyn
said keeping her head low. “The king has given you a very
important task, in protecting the prince and future king of Ettyr.” Judai said
in a high tone. “Yes my lord.” Edelyn nodded. “You are dismissed.” Judai said. Edelyn left the throne
room a little mad, but as the preparations of the Ettyr kingdom were at hand,
the neighboring kingdom of Illios were about to send their army at Ettyr, a man
with dark brown hair tied up was seen sitting in a throne room and a knight
kneeled before him. “Master Adellon, our men are ready.”
The knight said. “Yes, good, let me speak with the
Cancer King before ordering our army to attack.” Adellon said as he stud up
from the chair and walked behind it, there was a chamber behind the throne
chair, he opened the chamber gate, and as he opened the gate a man could be
seen with many chains binding him. The man had what seemed like a crown with
many jewels, the man had short black hair and pitch black eyes, Adellon got
near and asked. “Sire, the army is waiting for the order.” The
Cancer King looked up and widened his eyes as well as his mouth and said
sinisterly. “Proceed.” “Ok, that will be all, my lord.” Adellon
said as he quickly left the chamber and gave the order, the army of Illios
began to proceed to Ettyr kingdom. Judai made preparations for the army, after
a few hours they saw the Illian army getting closer and closer. Judai hurried
to the throne room. “King Garth, please, reconsider.” Judai
implored. “No, I said I’m staying, I still
have my honor, I will not cower in front of the enemy.” King Garth said
determined. “My lord, this is without logic, you
and your people are not like humans, you are special.” Judai said. “Precisely because we’re not humans
we will not back down, normally, a human would cower in the face of death, only
a handful of humans would lay their lives down when in danger, but we are
different, and I will not just sit here, I will also fight alongside my army,
you just go and take care of my son, if we win this war then you may come back.”
King Garth said. “Alright, good luck, I’ll take your
son to safety.” Judai nodded. “Don’t forget Edelyn, you will need
her.” King Garth said. “Right, in case this is our final
conversation I just want to say how grateful I am to you, but as you know, my
mission was always to ensure the survival of your race, I will accomplish it
with your son if by any chance you were to die.” Judai stated. “Yes, this is why I’m letting you in
charge of protecting my son along with my best knight.” King Garth said. “Farewell my lord.” Judai said
leaving. As Judai left the throne
room, the Illian army had already forced their way into the castle, young Krade
left his room and looked for little Tanyr, he kept running through all the
people that were running through the halls, there were also many enemy soldiers
killing everyone. Krade was able to find young Tanyr in one of the rooms. “Tanyr!” Krade shouted. “Krade!” Tanyr said surprised. “Let’s go, we have to go to father.”
Krade said as he grabbed her hand. “Yes, let’s go.” Tanyr said. As they ran through the
hallways full of people and soldiers they saw Edelyn easily dispatching the
enemies, she then noticed young Krade and Tanyr and said. “Master Krade, young
Tanyr, over here, stay behind me, don’t move.” Edelyn with her long
sword unsheathed she kept killing soldiers one after another. “There are too many, I guess I’ll
have to use it.” Edelyn said. Edelyn’s eyes suddenly
took a spiral form and gazed at a few of the soldiers eyes, they suddenly
turned around and began to fight against their own comrades. “Huh? What did you do to them?” Krade
asked shocked. “I’ll tell you later, let’s go,
hurry!” Edelyn said. They began to run, but
as they ran Tanyr noticed a soldier with a bow and arrow pointing straight at
Krade, but as Krade noticed it was already too late, Tanyr had jumped in front
of the arrow, Edelyn quickly rushed towards the soldier and decapitated him.
Krade cried as he said. “Why Tanyr? Why didn’t you just push me to the side or
something?” Tanyr coughed blood and
replied. “I didn’t have much time, I had to do something fast… if not you would
be dead now…” “No…” Krade said in denial. Tanyr smiled and said. “Don’t
worry Krade, I’ll always be with you…” She touched Krade’s heart. “In here…” “In here?” Krade asked. “Yes.” Tanyr drew her last breath. “Tanyr! Nooooooo!” Krade yelled. “Master Krade, I’m sorry, but we
have to go.” Edelyn said, but noticed that Krade was in shock, he was
completely speechless. “Master Krade?” All of a sudden Judai
appeared and grabbed Krade as he said. “Edelyn, we must go.” “But-” Edelyn is cut off. “We’ll later deal with master
Krade’s shock of losing his best friend.” Judai said. “How did you know?” Edelyn asked
surprised. “Hurry, I’ll tell you once we’re
safe somewhere.” Judai answered. They swiftly escaped the
castle and ran into the forest nearby, Judai dropped Krade gently on the ground. “Now what?” Edelyn questioned. “Now we wait to see what happens.” Judai
responded. “How did you know about master
Krade?” Edelyn asked. “I can read people’s minds, but of
course, only what they’re thinking, not what they’ve done unless they were
thinking about it.” Judai explained. “I see, do all Elves posses this
ability?” Edelyn asked curiously. “No, just me, I’m rather special.” Judai
answered. “Oh, ok.” Edelyn looked away. “Hahaha.” Judai laughed. “What?” Edelyn asked. “Yes, I guess you’re special as
well.” Judai said with a smile. “Why would you say that?” Edelyn
asked suspiciously. “Well, you’re also special because
you can use that power of yours, you were just thinking about it.” Judai said. “Yeah.” Edelyn said staring at Judai
strangely. “Master Krade, I know that it is
tragic to see your best friend die before you, but sadly this is the way of
war.” Judai said. “No, she is not dead, she’s in here.”
Krade said as he touched his heart. “Don’t take it too literally young
master.” Judai commented. Krade walked a little
away from Judai and Edelyn. “What did you mean when you said
that to him?” Edelyn asked. “His mind has become quite unstable,
he actually managed to create Tanyr in his subconscious, he thinks she’s alive
within him, which is true but not at the same time.” Judai explained. “It must be the shock, but how did
he managed to do such a thing in so little time?” Edelyn asked warily. “Well, it’s not necessarily too
soon, you see, for such trauma’s there is no thing as time, instability can
happen at the moment of the trauma or later, depends on the person.” Judai
replied. “I see… Hey, what’s the bag for?” Edelyn
asked. “The bag? Oh, I brought it because
we needed to eat something right, so I brought some food. So, you better start
the fire and stop thinking that I’m not your boss, it makes me feel bad.” Judai
said with a smile. “Sorry, those powers of yours seem
to be a little too convenient.” Edelyn said slightly annoyed. “Hahaha, I haven’t told you that I
can also see the purity of a person.” Judai said. “Purity?” Edelyn said cautiously. “Basically I see you naked right now
even though you have clothes and armor on.” Judai answered sincerely. “What!!!?” Edelyn quickly covered
her private places with her arms and hands. “You pervert! Why didn’t you say
anything in the first place?” “You didn’t ask, that’s why in Alfhiem
I’m called Judai the Crimson Eye, it rhymed too.” Judai said joyfully. “Hmph… I’m gonna go prepare the
food, you better just look at my face from now on since I can’t keep covering
up forever.” Edelyn said annoyed. “Hahaha.” Judai laughed. As Edelyn prepared the
food Krade was near the river thinking to himself as he played with a small
rock. “Father, everyone, I hope you’re ok.” Judai appeared behind
him and said. “We can hope, but I’m going to be bold with you, I doubt very
much they’ll make it alive, the enemy’s forces were too great.” “……” Krade kept playing with the
small stone. “Well, let’s quit talking about
these subjects, let’s go eat, Edelyn made dinner.” Judai said. “Alright.” Krade nodded. They walked through the
woods; a bonfire is seen. “Smells good.” Judai said as he tasted
the food. “Taste good too, I’m surprised, even though you’re a knight you’re
good at cooking as well.” “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
Edelyn questioned. “Hahaha, nothing, don’t worry.” Judai
said. “Thanks.” Edelyn said with a smile. “Don’t mention it.” Judai said. Judai looked at Krade
and said. “You should eat, who knows when we’ll eat just as good again.” “Yeah.” Krade said. The next morning they woke
up, they quickly packed up and headed towards the Ettyr kingdom only to widen
their eyes to see it in shambles, there were many dead knights and there was
rubble everywhere. “No.” Krade said as he fell on his
knees. “I was already expecting this.” Judai
stated. “Maybe, if I fought as well there
might have been a better chance.” Edelyn said in a sad tone of voice. “If you fought as well you would’ve
been dead along with everyone here, including master Krade’s family, the Wyven
royal family.” Judai commented. Edelyn remained quiet,
Krade then asked. “Who exactly did this?” “It was the Cancer King, he’s the
king of the neighboring kingdom, he in fact is a member of your family, he has
the same bloodline, and his people are just humans that chose him as a king a
very long time ago.” Judai explained. “I want to avenge my family.” Krade
said. “You must not; you’re the future
king of this kingdom.” Judai said. “What kingdom do you speak of?
There’s nothing left!” Evelyn remarked. “True, but it can be reconstructed.”
Judai said determined. “They will destroy it again and
again, no matter how many times you reconstruct it.” Edelyn said. “Krade, even if you decide to avenge
your family, the Cancer King’s power is too great, it’s impossible for you
right now.” Judai said. “What if I train?” Krade asked. “You must train a lot, the good
thing is that your family has no limit to how much power they can obtain, you
can keep getting more and more powerful until you die, but sadly the Cancer
Lord exceeds the power of any Wyven that has ever existed, much stronger than
your father, I believe you’re a million years too early.” Judai explained. “Miss Edelyn, can you train me? I
saw how you fought all those guards, please!” Krade asked almost begging.. “But master Krade, you don’t need to
be strong, I am your strength, you do not need to stain your hands with blood.”
Edelyn said as she bended down in front of Krade. “Still, I want to become strong, I
don’t want to be a useless king, I want to be a king that can stand up for
himself, like my father.” Krade said. “You speak very maturely for an
eight year old master Krade.” Judai remarked. Krade
kept silent waiting for Edelyn’s answer. “But I suppose you’re right, Edelyn,
would you mind helping master Krade in training?” Judai asked. “……Ok.” Edelyn nodded. “Please Miss Edelyn, don’t go easy
on me just because I’m a prince.” Krade said with a steel resolution. “Actually, I was thinking it was
because you’re an eight year old.” Edelyn said shaking her head no. “Hmph.” Judai observed the two. They took refuge in the
woods as to not be spotted by any enemy, Edelyn took one of the many long
swords that were lying on the ground in the now kingdom in ruins and gave it to
young Krade. “I wanted to ask you, what was that
technique that you used against the knights?” Krade asked curiously. “That’s an eye technique, it’s
called Bewilder, my father taught me it, it basically makes me able to control
my enemy and do my bidding with them, but I can only control a few people, from
one to three people, and only for a set period of time. Of course, it doesn’t
work on everyone; there are certain people I can’t control.” Edelyn explained. “Why is that?” Krade asked. “Some people have stronger minds
than others.” Edelyn replied. “Okay.” Krade said. “Shall we begin?” Edelyn asked. “Yeah.” Krade said seriously. Edelyn began training
young Krade, as time passed Krade got stronger and stronger, he became an
outstanding swordsman with great skills. Eight years passed, Krade was a
sixteen year old young man, able to completely defend himself, he kept training
with Edelyn, Edelyn was now a twenty six year old woman. “Krade, you never cease to amaze me,
you’ve become quite the warrior.” Judai said with amazement. “Thanks Judai, but I would’ve never
done it without master Edelyn’s help.” Krade said slightly embarrassed. “Master Krade, as I said many times,
I have nothing else to teach you, you’re just sixteen years old and you’re even
stronger than I ever hoped to become.” Edelyn said. “That’s thanks to his bloodline
obviously.” Judai commented. “Still, I wonder if I’m ready to
take on the Cancer King.” Krade pondered. “You must not, you’re strong, but he
may still surpass your power.” Judai said. “But look how strong I’ve become.” Krade
said. “You forget that you are no one man
army.” Judai said in a serious tone. “He’s right master Krade, the Cancer
King has an army.” Edelyn agreed. “But, if I were to fight that army I
would become stronger, as I keep fighting my power grows very quickly.” Krade
said. “But your fatigue catches up, don’t
forget that.” Judai reminded him. “Maybe, if I got much stronger,
there has to be a method.” Krade said as he wondered. “Judai…” Edelyn said as if she had
an idea. “No.” Judai said angrily. “What’s wrong? Am I missing
something?” Krade asked suspiciously. “It’s nothing, forget about it.” Judai
said avoiding the subject. “Aww come on.” Krade insisted. “The legendary Soul Eater.” Edelyn commented. “The Soul Eater?” Krade asked
puzzled. “Edelyn no.” Judai said in a high
tone. “He will someday find out anyways,
why not tell him now?” Edelyn asked. “Fine.” Judai said annoyed. “It’s a sword that can give you a
lot of power.” Edelyn said. “Really?” Krade asked. “Yeah, and you being a Wyven can
resist the power surge.” Edelyn responded. “You’re missing the most important
part of it.” Judai stated. “What’s that?” Krade asked. “The sword indeed does give you
power, but in exchange for your soul, hence the name Soul Eater, it will
consume your soul once you destroy your enemy, that’s not all, it will also rob
you of your emotions, all of them.” Judai explained. “It has more drawbacks than what I
thought.” Edelyn said. “Oh, and the simple fact that it is
sealed away in Illios kingdom.” Judai added. “Damn.” Krade kicked a rock. “Then why doesn’t the Cancer King
use it?” Edelyn asked. “Even the Cancer King must be afraid
of it, that’s why he made sure it was sealed in his kingdom just in case
someone took it and used it against him, I also heard it was related with his
late son, so I’m guessing it has some sentimental value.” Judai further
explained. “I would never give up my emotions
and soul just to destroy the Cancer King.” Krade said. “The Cancer King is sealed as well.”
Judai remarked. “Sealed?” Krade asked curiously. “Yes, I’m not very sure why, but it
seems he gives orders to Adellon, who is in charge of everything, if we were
able to dethrone him and destroy the Cancer King then Krade might be king once
and for all, it is his destiny.” Judai said. “What about if we infiltrate their
fortress?” Edelyn questioned. “Easier said than done.” Judai said. “I thought you were against me
avenging my father and people?” Krade asked. “I still am, I’m just trying to come
up with a better solution, trying to evade fighting the Cancer King.” Judai
said. “Why would you do that?” Krade
asked. “I can read your mind you know,
you’re going to try it anyways, so I might as well help you, I don’t want you
to get killed.” Judai said seriously. “Hehe, yeah.” Krade smiled. “Ok, here’s the plan.” Judai began
to explain them the plan, they were going to execute the plan in a few days,
that same night Judai went to sleep, Edelyn was sharpening her sword with a
stone, Krade was doing the same. “Do you think Judai’s plan will
work?” Krade asked. “If master Judai says it then I
believe in him, he’s so wise.” Edelyn remarked. “Do you like him?” Krade asked
hesitantly. “What? Of course not, what are you
talking about?” Edelyn asked warily. “Nothing at all…” Krade responded. “Looks like he’s in a deep sleep.” Edelyn
commented. “Yeah.” Krade nodded. A moment of silence fell
on them, when suddenly Krade kissed Edelyn on the mouth; Edelyn pushed him back
a little and asked shocked. “Master Krade, what are you doing?” “Edelyn, I love you.” Krade said
boldly. “Huh? What are you saying so
suddenly?” Edelyn asked still surprised. “I know it’s out of the blue, but I
was thinking this afternoon a lot, and I wanted to confess my feelings for you,
I don’t know if I’m going to die trying to avenge my father.” Krade explained. Edelyn was speechless. “I’m sorry; I’m so selfish, not even
thinking if you really wanted to hear this from me.” Krade said as he lowered
his head. “No master Krade, don’t feel that
way… I understand, but our age gap is just too great, I’m ten years older than
you, it’s wrong…” Edelyn said. “It’s wrong to whom?” Krade asked. “…To society I guess…” Edelyn
answered. “What do you think about it?” Krade asked. “Well… if it’s true love I guess it’s
ok.” Edelyn responded. “Do you like me Edelyn?” Krade
asked. Edelyn blushed as she
made a shocked expression, she didn’t answer his question. “Can I interpret your silence as a
yes?” Krade asked. “I’ve liked you since some time ago…
actually; I… fell in love with you.” Edelyn confessed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Krade
asked. “… It’s just wrong, a future king,
and a knight together… I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have said anything at all.” Edelyn
said as she got up and ran through the woods, Krade went right after her and
stopped her. “Edelyn!” Krade shouted. “Stop chasing me…” Edelyn said. “Edelyn… I love you with all of my
heart…” Krade said boldly. “But-” Edelyn was interrupted by
Krade’s kiss, Edelyn and Krade hugged each other. “Do you really love me?” Edelyn
asked. “Yes…” Krade replied as he stared
deep into her eyes. They kissed again and
lied on the ground; Krade took his shirt off and kept kissing her. “Be gentle ok, it’s my first time.” Edelyn
said. “It’s my first time too…” Krade
said. The night went on, it
was suddenly morning, Judai woke up and noticed that Krade and Edelyn were
nowhere to be seen. “I’m going to take a wild guess…
things got hot and heavy somewhere in these woods at night, hahaha. I guess
I’ll wait a while until they come back.” Judai said to himself. After a while Krade and
Edelyn arrived, Judai smirked and winked at Krade. “Why are you smirking?” Edelyn
asked. “Hahaha, did you forget that I can
read your minds.” Judai said still smirking. “Busted…” Krade said. “That was-” Edelyn was cut off. “Hey, calm down, no need to make a
scene here, I completely understand, don’t worry, I’m not going to judge you.” Judai
commented. “Good.” Edelyn said annoyed. “Though I never would’ve thought you
were into younger fellas.” Judai remarked with a comical expression. “Shut up!” Edelyn yelled annoyed. “Hahaha.” Judai laughed
uncontrollably. “Anyways, we’d best prepare for the
infiltration.” Krade suggested. “Yes, we’ll head towards Illios
kingdom in a few days.” Judai said. “Right!” Krade and Edelyn said at
the same time. After a few days they
did just what Judai had told them, they headed towards Illios kingdom, there
they disguised themselves as enemy knights. They passed through the town and
stopped at the castle gate where there were a few knights guarding. Edelyn’s
eyes turn into spirals and said. “You will let us pass.” “We will let you pass…” The knights
said in trance. The knights opened the
gates and let them in; Adellon who was watching over the city from the top
balcony noticed this and quickly sent all the knights of the castle to cease
them at once. All the knights assembled and appeared in front of the party. “Looks like this is as far as we go
with our disguises.” Krade said. “Far enough.” Judai said. “Yeah, time to take these off.” Edelyn
said as she looked at the party. The party quickly took
off the enemies’ armor and got in battle stance. “Wait a minute, you can fight too
Judai?” Krade asked confused. “Then why am I holding this bow?” Judai
asked sarcastically. “Good point.” Krade said. “Don’t get distracted, attack!” Edelyn
said. Judai began firing
arrows made of different elements, lightning, fire and ice, while Edelyn and Krade
swiftly dispatched the knights with they’re swords. As they kept killing they
ran up the stairs to the top floor, the hallways and rooms were spacious enough
to fight. “Damn, they’re almost here, just who
the hell are they?” Adellon asked angrily. “Sir, our sources confirm that it is
Krade Wyven, the sole survivor of Ettyr kingdom.” The knight said. “I can’t believe he has the guts to
barge in here.” Adellon said calmly. Adellon took his
chainsaw-like-sword that rested on the throne chair’s right side and headed
towards the party. He quickly appeared in front of the party and said. “How
dare you come in this castle?” “I should be the one asking why you
killed everyone in Ettyr!” Krade shouted furiously. “I do not need to answer that, kill
them!” Adellon ordered. A lot of knights charged
at the party, but they were able to defeat them quite easily. “It seems you’re stronger than I
thought.” Adellon said with a grin. Adellon quickly raised
his chainsaw sword and attacked the party; they were all able to evade all of
Adellon’s attacks, Krade was able to counter speedily, Adellon had no advantage
against the party. “Adellon, give it up; you’re no
match for us.” Judai said. “Not yet, it’s not over yet,
knights, attack them.” Adellon commanded. The knights once again
charged towards the party while Adellon ran towards the chamber behind the
throne chair. “We can’t let him escape! He’s going
to release the Cancer King!” Judai said desperately. Adellon got there hastily
opening the door and walked in front of the Cancer King. The Cancer King opened
his eyes and asked. “Something wrong Adellon?” “Yes sire, Krade Wyven, the sole
survivor of the Ettyr kingdom is here, he’s too strong, and he has company…” Adellon
said. The Cancer King asked sinisterly.
“What’s on your mind?” “Ughh, I’m going to free you my
lord.” Adellon replied, he then looked at some knighst and said. “Free him from
his shackles and chains.” As soon as the Cancer
King was free he killed all the knights that freed him with his bare hands. “You know what my freedom means
don’t you my dear Adellon?” The Cancer King asked. “Yes my lord.” Adellon said lowering
his head. The Cancer King lets out
a fierce Spirit Force, the whole castle trembled, the area was distorting, the
castle began to crack and break, his Spirit Force almost destroyed the whole
castle. The castle was now partly ruined; the party was able to survive this as
well as Adellon. “What the hell?” Krade asked. “Who’s that?” Edelyn asked. “It’s the Cancer King; if we don’t
stop him he’ll kill us all.” Judai said worried. “Hahaha, so you’re the ones ruining
my castle.” The Cancer King said as his smile as well as eyes widened. “More like you did that yourself.” Judai
said. “It’s all the same to me, Adellon,
no need for hesitation now; you may fight at your full potential.” The Cancer
King said still with a smile. “Right.” Adellon nodded. Adellon was suddenly
surrounded by a blue aura and let out a strong Spirit Force, the Cancer King
just stood there watching as Adellon charged at the party. Krade was going to
step in, but Judai stopped him and said. “Krade, be careful, he’s not as weak
as when we fought him in the hallway, he was just testing us.” “Yeah.” Krade said. The party charged at
Adellon, Adellon evaded all their attacks, Judai then headed towards the Cancer
King and attacked him leaving Adellon up to Edelyn and Krade. The Cancer King said.
“Firewall.” A firewall appeared in
front of him as to take cover from Judai, but Judai then pointed at him with
his bow and said. “Ice Strike.” Judai threw an ice
enchanted arrow and froze the flames, then broke them with a roundhouse kick;
Edelyn saw this and went on to aid Judai leaving Krade to deal with Adellon. “It seems it’s just you and me.” Adellon
said staring intently at Krade. “No way I’m going to get stuck with
you.” Krade said. “Hehe.” Adellon smiled. The Cancer King raised
his right arm and said. “Earth Shatter.” Many stalagmites came out of the
ground towards Judai, but Judai jumped up and evaded, the Cancer King then
tilted his sword back and said. “Dancing Gales.” The Cancer King threw many
big wind blades with his broadsword towards Judai. Judai evaded as well while
throwing he pointed again at the Cancer King with his bow and said. “Razing
Flare.” He fired many fire
enchanted arrows; the wind blades were making the flames of the arrows even
stronger, the Cancer King then pointed his sword at Judai and said. “Hammer’s
Fury.” He unleashed many
lightning bolts with the tip of his broadsword thus cutting the flames down. “Damn, you posses all the elements
like the rumors say after all, how did you manage to get them all?” Judai asked
amazed. “That’s my little secret.” The Cancer
King said. “Heh, ok.” Judai said with a smile. “How did you ever manage to evade
all my attacks?” The Cancer King asked curiously. “I can read your mind.” Judai
answered. “I see, I wonder if you can keep up
with me.” The Cancer King said. “Why don’t we try?” Judai asked. Krade kept dodging
Adellon’s attacks as he hurried to aid the rest, but as he ran Judai attacked
the Cancer King once again, the Cancer King blinded Judai with exploding a
fireball on his face and slashed Judai’s chest, Judai fell down on the ground
seriously wounded. As the Cancer King was about to deal the finishing blow
Edelyn appeared from behind and attacked, but the Cancer King had disappeared
from her view and appeared behind her then running his broadsword through her
back thus wounding her mortally, then bursting his sword in lightning and
letting her body slide off from his sword down the cliff. Krade had seen this
and shouted. “Edelyn!” Unable to save her, Edelyn fell down the high ground
where the Cancer King and Judai were. Krade hurried faster and was able to
catch her, as he looked at her she said. “Krade…” “Edelyn, don’t talk, please, you’re
going to make it, just don’t talk.” Krade said worried and desperately. “Don’t lie to yourself Krade, we
both know this is the end of me…” Edelyn said with a slight grin. Krade
began crying and said. “Don’t say that…” “Krade, kiss me, I want to feel your
warmth before I die…” Edelyn said. Krade kissed her
passionately. “Krade, as Tanyr once said, I’ll live
in your heart, I’ll always be with you…” As Edelyn said this she died, Krade
was furious and sad at the same time, he was in shock, he didn’t know what to
do now. Judai got up, ran to where Krade was, and said. “Krade, I’m sorry
again, you’ve lost so much, but right now is not the time to quit, if you stop
now he’ll kill me, you, everything else in this world will be in the mercy of
the Cancer King.” “I know… I won’t stop fighting; I’ll
kill the cancer king.” Krade said determined. “Right.” Judai nodded. Adellon suddenly appeared
and started attacking Judai. “Krade, go kill the Cancer King,
you’re our last hope; I’ll take care of Adellon.” Judai said. “Okay.” Krade headed towards the
Cancer King while Judai and Adellon fought. “You take care of me? You must be
joking.” Adellon said. “Don’t you just love jokes?” Judai
asked. “Tch.” Adellon stared at Judai. They kept on fighting,
Judai and Adellon seemed tied even though Judai was badly hurt by the Cancer
King, Adellon turned on his chainsaw sword and tried to cut off some of Judai’s
limbs, but Judai barely evaded then pointed his bow and said. “Waltz of the
Bolts.” Judai
fired many arrows enchanted with lightning towards Adellon, but he quickly
blocked with his chainsaw. “Do you seriously think those stupid
arrows are going to kill me?” Adellon asked mockingly. “I think so.” Judai said. “Huh?” Adellon looked up as if he
noticed something. Suddenly a huge arrow
fell down from the sky covered completely in lightning and struck Adellon
fiercely thus killing him instantly. “There goes the last of my energy,
the rest I leave up to you Krade, I’ll be here reading both the Cancer King and
your mind to see how the fight progresses…” Judai said to himself as he fell on
the rubble. Krade reached the Cancer
King and said. “You took everything from me, no wonder your own people had you
sealed.” “Look at these chains, you see? My
people did not chain me because they fear me. They could have just let me rot
in a cell after overthrowing me. No, these chains are because I fear myself.” The
Cancer King explained. Krade’s
face changed to that of surprise. “Yes.” The Cancer King said with a
grin. “Why did you kill my father, why did
you kill my people and my loved ones?” Krade asked heatedly. “Your family posed a future threat
to me; they would eventually try to kill me as you are doing now.” The Cancer
King replied calmly. “My father would never do such a
thing.” Krade said. “Maybe not, but I didn’t want to
take any risks.” The Cancer King said. “You monster!” Krade yelled. “I did miss that name.” The Cancer
King remarked. Krade charged at the
Cancer King, but the Cancer King easily evaded and said. “I’ll be right back;
I’m going to get myself a little toy for you to play with.” The Cancer King
disappeared from Krade’s view and appeared in front of Judai, he then took
Adellon’s chainsaw sword and said to Judai. “You’re pretty good for an Elf,
even though you were wounded by me you were still able to kill Adellon, I’ll be
taking this, I want to play with your dear king for a while, I’ll be back for
you after I finish with him.” Judai
stared at him and remained silent, the Cancer King disappeared and appeared in
front of Krade again, but wielding Adellon’s sword. “You’re fast, but I’m not too shabby
myself.” Krade commented. Krade took off his chest
armor and threw it on the ground; the armor was so heavy that it cracked the
ground. “I didn’t think that small piece of
armor could be that heavy, you’ve surprised me even if a little.” The Cancer
King said with a slight expression of amazement. “Don’t be surprised by this, just
check out what’s coming next.” Krade said cockily. “I can’t wait.” The Cancer King widened
his eyes and smirked sinisterly. They both began to clash
sword, both of them at a high speed, the Cancer King was unleashing many
elemental powers as he fought, Krade was in disadvantage because he had no
element at all, but still fought head on. Krade kept throwing diagonal slashes,
but the Cancer King kept evading and countering it with elemental attacks, the
Cancer King had much advantage in the battle, after a while fighting, the
Cancer King was able to slash Krade a few times on the chest and left him
cornered in one of the ruined walls of the castle. The Cancer King covered his
broadsword with water preparing for an attack that would wipe off Krade’s
existence in an instant. “This is it boy, if this is any
consolation to you; you have put a smile on my face.” The Cancer King said with
a wide smile. All of a sudden
something happened, Krade was somewhere in his mind, when a more adult Tanyr appeared
and spoke out. “So, you’re just going to give up?” “He’s too strong, I won’t be able to
kill him as I intended.” Krade responded. “The crown, get his crown.” Tanyr
said. “Huh?” Krade suddenly woke up, the
Cancer King unleashes his attack with a few diagonal slashes, but Krade swiftly
got out of the Cancer King’s attack and grabbed his crown without the Cancer
King noticing. “What?” The Cancer King’s power
began to fade, he fell on his knees. “Kill me… I no longer deserve to live.” Krade placed the crown on
his head noticing it would give him more power, but he was soon sucked in his
subconscious once again and sees that Tanyr is bound with chains in the same
fashion as the Cancer King. Tanyr began to talk very strangely, Krade noticed
something was wrong and quickly reacted taking off the crown and thrusting it
on the Cancer Kings head thus killing him, but something begins to happen as
Krade walked away. The Cancer King’s body blended with the crown and took the
form of the adult Tanyr and released a vast amount of Spirit Force, Krade could
not believe his eyes. “Tanyr?” Krade said in disbelief. “…… Hahahaha!!!” Tanyr laughed
sinisterly. Tanyr speedily charged
towards Krade and attacked, Krade blocked, but it was for naught, Tanyr had
sliced his sword like paper with her broadsword, she then slashed Krade’s body
many times in matter of seconds, then made a roundhouse kick that threw him
very far away towards a building that seemed like a temple. There Krade all
wounded and weak looked up to an altar to see a sword, he suddenly heard many
voices whispering to him, but he could not understand anything. “What… is it that sword? Could it be
the Soul Eater by chance? What are the odds of me landing here of all places…
Heh, must be my lucky day…” Krade though as he began to crawl on the ground
very slowly towards the sword; the whispers could be heard more and more as he
got closer to the sword. After he got there, he thought to himself. “Wait a
minute… if I even touch the sword I’ll have a lot of power, but my soul would
be taken away as well as all my emotions… Why am I thinking about it? I have no
choice, if I don’t take it now Tanyr will kill Judai, me and everyone else in
this planet, I can’t have that…” Krade barely got up and
grabbed the swords handle with both hands, a huge Spirit Force surrounded
Krade, all his wounds were instantly healing, his muscles all over his body
were widening, as Krade pulled the sword from the altar he let out a terrifying
shriek. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” He then wielded the Soul
Eater on his right hand looking directly in front of him, his face was
expressionless, he disappeared and appeared instantly in front of Tanyr. He then
patiently walked towards her, and she of course noticed Krade’s change and
without warning of any kind, she attacked fiercely at Krade, but Krade was able
to keep up with her. Tanyr was using many elemental attacks, but Krade was
still keeping up, they clashed swords at very high speeds. Tanyr had a little
more advantage in the battle, but Krade was then able to find a blind spot and
thrust the Soul Eater into her stomach and ran his sword all the way up to her
chest. Tanyr widened her eyes to this and yelled very loudly letting all her
power out of her mouth and surrounding Krade, there was a massive explosion,
but Krade was able to survive it somehow. “Huh? I’m still alive?” Krade said
to himself, he then looked around. “Judai… Where is he? I think he died from
the explosion, still… The Soul Eater is supposed to have already sucked my
soul, but it hasn’t…” Krade thought for a moment and said. “Wait… After I
defeated Tanyr I felt her power run through me before the explosion, which
means she transferred her power to me before she died completely… Am I immortal
now?” He then said. “It doesn’t matter, what matters is that I did it, I saved
everyone, even at the cost of my loved ones and my emotions at that. There’s
only but one thing to do, fulfill my destiny and become king, I will be the
only one to rule the world, I can give it the peace my people wanted for
everyone, even if I have to do it by force… yes… the end justifies the means… © 2010 Shin |
2 Reviews Added on December 12, 2010 Last Updated on December 12, 2010 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing