![]() Chapter 52: Duel of FateA Chapter by Shin The party in the ship is
even closer to the small piece of land, the beard guy wakes up. “What happened? Why did I faint?”
The beard guy asks. “You just got a little Spirit high,
nothing big unless you were closer.” Kirisu says. “I felt another Spirit Force appear,
pretty big.” Shizuru comments. “I can now confirm there were two
Lloyd’s somehow, or someone that has an identical wavelength than his.” Yumi
says. “But one of them left, so that means
Lloyd or someone with his same wavelength is in that place.” Kazumi remarks. “It has to be Lloyd; he’s
accompanied with those other two demons.” Kirisu says. “We‘ll have time to confirm this
since we still have to go there.” Kyoshi says. Shizuru subtly hits
Kyoshi’s ribs with her elbow and clears her throat. “Uhh, if that’s okay with Yumi of course.”
Kyoshi says nervously. The party stares at
Yumi, Yumi stares at all of them coldly, her smile widens and says. “It’s
perfect.” In
the wind temple the party patches up their wounds, luckily they were able to
regenerate the deep dangerous wounds, but are now exhausted because of this.
Mayumi keeps observing Lloyd from where she is. “So let me get this straight, al of
you are demons reincarnated?” Mayumi says. “Pretty much.” Zieg says. “And Shin here is apparently
Harayoshi’s twin.” Mayumi says. “You can call me Lloyd, not Shin
like these guys do.” Lloyd says. “Whatever Shin.” Mayumi says. “Uhh, so you know who Harayoshi is,
how do you know him?” Lloyd asks. “Both of us trained in the Hilter
Academy, that includes Raven, that stupid b***h that was with Harayoshi.”
Mayumi replies. “Hitler?” Lloyd asks shocked. “Not the Vakidoran dictator, Hilter,
that’s an academy for rising ones battle performance and learning the best
strategy, I’ve heard of it.” Jiro says. “That’s how I know him and Raven.”
Mayumi says. “Hmm…” Lloyd presses in his left eye
socket. “You’ll need an eye patch or
something.” Mayumi says. “Yeah, tell me if you see a store somewhere
around here.” Lloyd says sarcastically. “Very funny.” Mayumi says. “Huh?” Zieg looks around. “What’s wrong?” Mayumi asks. “We’re not alone.” Zieg answers. They all look towards
the tower and Adriux accompanied by a black man wearing a long trench coat
walks out of of the corner of the tower. “So you’re the reason why Harayoshi
came here, keeping a secret like having a twin is not something Krade would
like.” Adriux says. “I can’t believe Mysterica had twins.” Lloyd widens his eyes as
he sees Adriux. “Mysterica…” Lloyd whispers slowly. Lloyd begins flashing
back to his young age and seeing this man in front of him and a woman with
black knee length long air which has Lloyd by his hand. Yusuke arrives behind
Adriux, Adriux ten stabs the woman’s heart and she falls down a cliff, Yusuke
then chops his right arms lower half, Adriux flees. Back to the present, Adriux
and the black man walks towards them, but in a flash Yusuke appears in front of
the party holding the sealing sword with his right hand. “Looks like I got here a little too
late.” Yusuke says. “Dad?” Mayumi says. Yusuke looks back
noticing Adriux. “You!” Yusuke widens his eyes in hatred. “Yes, me.” Adriux says. “I’ve looked for you for a long
time…” Yusuke says. “Haha, now you finally found me.”
Adriux says. Lloyd stares at Yusuke
and shouts furiously. “You son of a b***h! Your name isn’t Yusuke! It’s Shiro!
And you’re my father! Why did you hide it from me!?” “……How did you find out?” Shiro
asks. “I remembered.” Lloyd says pissed
off. “Huh?” Zieg and Jiro both look at
each other and then stare and Lloyd and Mayumi. “You guys have the same
father?” Zieg and Jiro say in unison. “Why don’t you tell the boy what
happened, it’s the least you could do before we kill you.” Adriux says smugly. “Yeah, share with the rest of the
class, I’m confused.” Zieg says. “Shut up Zieg.” Jiro says smacking
behind his head. “Cut it out!” Shiro shouts. “Not willing to say anything? Then
I’ll have the pleasure to tell your son.” Adriux says staring at Shiro
fiercely. Adriux begins retelling
a story, it begins in Gen-Exis about nineteen years ago, Lexon could be seen in
front of some very big glass containers with some scientists, inside the glass
containers were a few clones of Krade Wyven. Adriux was standing in a corner
observing this project. “Lexon sir, it seems these specimens
are too unstable, they won’t live pasr today.” A scientist said. “Bugger… There must be something
we’re missing, I’ve made sure his genes and DNA were perfect… What could it be?
Until now we’ve only made forty four and we’re still not getting the desired
results.” Lexon said. “But it’s already hard messing with
their genes and DNA; the Wyvens have a more complicated body structure than
humans.” Another scientist remarked. “It could be something that has to
do with the gender since I’ve noticed that these clones lack the sperm count to
reproduce themselves.” Lexon commented. “Should we try switching his DNA and
genes to that of a female?” A scientist asked. “What? Don’t be ridiculous, that’s
not an easy feat, changing the gender is pure fantasy, we have no knowledge to
achieve this, you know how long it would take me to research and modify the DNA
and genes?” Lexon asked a little on edge. “You’re the prodigal genius, that’s
why you were recruited and given special position as an elder since you were
still in your early teens, if anyone could do it, you can.” The scientist
responded. “Humph…” Lexon began to think to
himself. After a minute Lexon
left the lab, months passed by and there were many failed attempts to make a
female Krade, there were a few female Krade’s in the glass containers; they had
numbers, the lasts ones being eighty-six, eighty-seven and eighty-eight. “These are the last ones we’re going
to test on, were losing a great amount of money of thie project.” Lexon said. Adriux walked towards
the glass containers and observed the test subjects. “Go back to your position Adriux;
you’re supposed to be guarding the lab, not sightseeing it.” Lexon said. “It’s just that… they are so
beautiful…” Adriux remarked. “Since the first time we made the
first one it looks you’ve fallen for this thing.” Lexon said. “It’s not a thing…” Adriux said. “Whatever, just get back to your
position or clear the way so we can work.” Lexon said. One of the test subjects
began to move slightly. “Lexon, we got some movement of test
subject eighty-eight, though the others’s test subjects’ vital signs are
decreasing.” A scientist said. “Then forget the others, concentrate
on number eighty-eight.” Lexon said. The other subjects died
that day, but test subject eighty-eight lived enough to put her under emergency
care by doctors and nurses in the same lab. She was named Mysterica and was
being taught how to speak, read, and write by teachers while Lexon and his lab
team ran some tests on her. One day Adriux entered her room, she was sitting on
a chair holding a notebook with a mechanical pencil. “Hi, I came by before, but you
didn’t really know how to talk, I’m Adriux, you’re Mysterica right?” Adriux
asked. “Yes.” Mysterica answered. “You don’t talk much do you?” Adriux
asked. “No.” Mysterica responded. “You wanna talk?” Adriux asked. “No.” Mysterica replied. “If you need to talk to someone, I’m
here.” Adriux offered. Lexon entered the room
and noticed Adriux. “Get out of here Adriux; I never
gave you permission to enter.” Lexon said. “Alright.” Adriux said. Adriux left, Lexon then
stared at Mysterica. “Astoundashing development, I could
not have done a better job than this, a unique case like yours, less than five
percent of probability of succeeding.” Lexon said. “What do you want professor?”
Mysterica asked. “Krade wants to see you child, there
is a business suit on that drawer next to you, put it on and come with me.”
Lexon said. Lexon left the room and
waited outside for Mysterica to change; she came out and walked towards Krade’s
chamber along with Lexon. Krade observed Mysterica and walked around her
examining her, he then asked Lexon. “She has no power, why?” “We’re still working on that, though
being a full blooded Wyven, she has great potential to become very strong, she
even has your same Spirit Force wavelenght.” Lexon explained. “Mysterica, do you know who I am?”
Krade asked. “The scientists tell me you’re my
twin brother.” Mysterica replied. “That is incorrect, the scientists
in my lab are just playing games, you’re really a perfectly modified clone of
Krade, you’re him in every essence of the word difference being only in gender
and power.” Lexon explained. “Why did you make me?” Mysterica
asked. “I was the last Wyven on Terra you
see, and I have lost the capacity to reproduce naturally, the only way to
produce myself is with modern science, cloning if you will, so I instructed
Lexon to make you.” Krade answered. “Were your feeling lonely?”
Mysterica asked. “I also lost my emotions a long time
ago, so I cannot feel anything, but I wanted you to exist for the sole purpose
of reproducing and liberating the Wyven race from extinction.” Krade replied. Mysterica lowers her
head; she thinks for a few seconds and asks. “Is that all you made me for? Am I
some farm animal for breeding purposes?” “No, more like a shining ray of hope
for the future of the Wyven race.” Krade responds. “…… I want to do what I want…” “You owe me your life Mysterica; you
cannot simply choose whatever you want to do without my say so, I’m afraid
you’ll have to do what I command.” Krade says. “Now, I could talk to you
forever, but I have pressing matters to attend to, Lexon, take her to her
room.” “Yes sir.” Lexon said as he grabbed
Mysterica’s arm and took her away. Krade walked towards a
mirror and looked at his mirage. “I don’t know myself anymore; the
man that I am is a man that I don’t know.” Krade said. Mysterica entered her
room, Lexon left and Adriux entered without him noticing. “So you met…Krade.” Adriux said. “Yeah…” Mysterica said. “You know, you’ve been assigned a
partner.” Adriux said. “Partner?” Mysterica asked. “Mating partner.” Adriux responded. “Huh? What? No! I don’t want to mate
with anyone!” Mysterica said upset. “The mating partner is me.” Adriux
said. “I don’t care! I don’t want to!”
Mysterica said. “I’m not a bad guy, just get to know
me, I’ll love you, respect you and treat you like you deserve, like a queen, I
promise.” Adriux said. “None you even think for a second
what I want? If you really respect me, you would help me get out of here.”
Mysterica said. “…It would be my head if I helped
you… but you’re right…” Adriux lowered his head. “Does that mean you’re going to help
me escape?” Mysterica asked. “…I never said that, but… if you’re
really planning to escape and I help you, would you take me with you?” Adriux
asked. “Yeah, I would appreciate it, but
I’m betting Krade would hunt us down.” Mysterica said. “I don’t care, I’ll help you, but we
can’t right now, Lexon is running tests on you ever couple of hours, let’s wait
until the tests decrease, that can take some months.” Adriux said. “Okay, thank you.” Mysterica said
joyfully. Months passed by, it was
nightfall, Adriux and Mysterica ran through the hallways in the Gen-Exis rapidly
exiting to the outside, they kept running as fast as they could, Adriux slashed
the gates open. Both ran through, the alarm went off, many soldiers spotted and
followed them, Mysterica fell on the ground, Adriux helped her up. “Hurry!” Adriux said. “We won’t make it.” Mysterica said. The soldiers were
closing in, Adriux stood between them and Mysterica. “Mysterica, go, I’ll catch up in a
while, if I don’t in about an hour then go on, I’ll find you someday.” Adriux
said. Mysterica ran away, Adriux
fought the soldiers, Lexon then appeared, Adriux readied himself, Lexon walked
towards him, Adriux covered his Satsume Dao sword in flames, Lexon raised his
right hand, the red ring on his index finger shined bright red. Adriux charged
at him and unleashed a diagonal slash, Lexon caught Adriux’s sword with his
right hand, the flames did not affect Lexon at all, it seems he absorbed the
flames whole. “What?” Adriux said shocked. “You cannot win; now tell me, why
did you help Mysterica escape?” Lexon asked. “She wanted to live a life outside
Gen-Exis’s grasp, it was the least I could do for her……” Adriux answered. “And do you by chance know the
dangers far more worse outside Gen-Exis? People trying to take advantage of
her? She does not have a social security number, a birth certificate, money or
a job, or even somewhere or someone to go to. Did you once even think about the
consequences?” Lexon asked. Adriux’s widened. “Don’t you see what you have done?
Now, you’re going to mend it before Krade notices anything, gather a group of
soldiers and look for her.” Lexon said. “Yes…” Adriux nodded. Days passed by,
Mysterica wandered out to Britannica, there she found a ship that headed to
Silver Edge Dock, she sneaked in, even more days passed by until the ship
reached its destination. Mysterica sneaked out of the ship, many Satsume stared
at her suspiciously, Mysterica paid no mind, and kept walking, after a while some
humans appeared and blocked her path. “Hey, I’ve never seen a beauty like
you around, mind telling us where you headed? It looks to me like you got some
good cash on you dressed like that.” One of the humans said. “Yeah, nice tux.” Another human
added. “I don’t want any problems, what do
you want?” Mysterica asked. “Nice of you to ask sweetheart.” The
human said. “We want you to spare some cash, money, dinero.” “I don’t have any…” Mysterica said. “That’s what they all say.” Another
human said. “I’m telling you the truth.”
Mysterica said. “That’s too bad, then how about you
give me and the boys some entertainment instead?” The human suggested. “What kind of entertainment?”
Mysterica asked. “Heh, you’ll see.” The human snapped
his fingers, the other humans grabbed and bound Mysterica’s arms and legs. “Hey! Let me go! What are you going
to do?” Mysterica panicked. “Now we’re gonna have some real
fun!” The human said. As the human, which was
presumably the leader, ripped Mysterica’s shirt a male voice was heard. “Why
don’t you guys keep your hands to yourself and circle jerk somewhere else with
your boyfriends.” The humans turned around
to see none other than a teen Shiro standing behind them. “A Satsume? Haha, I know you guys
are strong, but you can’t possibly win against all of us.” The human leader
said. Shiro scratched his head
and scoffed. “You’re the kind of people why
Satsume’s hate humans.” Shiro said. “Shut your damn trap!” The human
leader shouted as he and his gang ran towards Shiro, all of them taking out
simple switchblades and attacking. Shiro closed his eyes as
he grinned, the humans began their assault, but Shiro easily evaded and put his
foot in front of one of the humans making him trip and fall on his face. The
other jumped on him, but Shiro sidestepped, the human fell hard on a small
boulder, two other humans came charging in, Shiro evaded their attacks and
stroked their wrist pressure points making them drop their switchblades and
then striking them on their chest knocking them out cold. Only the leader was
left standing, the human ran towards Mysterica to use as a hostage, but Shiro
disappeared and appeared between him and Mysterica. “Ahh! Please! Spare me!” The human
begged. “Like I said before, take your
boyfriends elsewhere.” Shiro said. The human ran away
leaving his friends behind, Shiro then looked at Mysterica and asked. “I’m not
even gonna ask if you’re fine or not, I mean, they tried to rape you.” “Thanks…” Mysterica said. “I’m Shiro, what’s your name?” He
asked. “Mysterica.” She replied. “Nice name, sounds mysterious to me,
you off to somewhere? I don’t think you should be here, don’t you know
Satsume’s aren’t fond of humans?” Shiro asked. “I knew… but I had nowhere else to
go.” Mysterica answered. “Nowhere to go? No family, friends,
anyone?” Shiro asked. “No.” Mysterica responded. “Tell me you at least got money, I
mean; you’re dressed in a business suit.” Shiro said. “I have absolutely nothing.”
Mysterica said. “You’re weird, how old are you? I’m
assuming early twenties.” Shiro asked. “Right around the ball park.”
Mysterica said. “Heh, what’s the plan?” Shiro asked. “I don’t know…” Mysterica replied. “Tell you what, I’m going to Silver
city, I have to look for some materials, why don’t you tag along? If you ignore
the people there, there won’t be that much of a problem, plus I’m well known.”
Shiro offered. “I guess I have no choice.”
Mysterica said. Mysterica and Shiro
walked for hours until they reached the city, some parts of the city were made
of pure silver; the city’s name was accurate. As the harbor, many Satsume’s
stared at Mysterica, some Gen-Exis soldiers could be seen fully armed walking
the streets, Mysterica walked close to Shiro. Shiro then walked into a store
and bought some strange small metals, he placed them in a bag and left. “Where do we go now?” Mysterica
asked. “My house, it’s close by.” Shiro
said. “You’re awfully trusty; you shouldn’t trust a person so easily,
especially after meeting one.” “I think I can trust you, there’s
something about your eyes, I can’t explain it.” Mysterica said. “Still, you should be a little more
cautious.” Shiro said. “Yeah.” Mysterica nodded. They walked to the
outskirts of the city, to a more forest area, there were very few wooden
houses, they kept walking until they reached a cabin in a farther area. “Is this your house?” Mysterica
asked curiously. “Yeah, I know, I live way in the
boondocks, but that’s how I like it, close to the forest.” Shiro answered. “How come?” Mysterica asked. “I learned to love nature a while
back.” Shiro responded. “Hmm, alright.” Mysterica said as
she observed the cabin. Both enter the house; it
was very clean, there was a fireplace with a chimney, some conformable dark
brown couches, a mahogany colored small table, some lamps here and there, a
very modest house indeed. “Nice house.” Mysterica commented. “Yeah, thanks, it’s been a while
since I’ve been here.” Shiro said. “You were somewhere else?” Mysterica
asked. “Yeah.” Shiro replied. “I wanted to ask you something.”
Mysterica said. “Shoot.” Shiro said as he placed his
bag on the couch. “Why did you save me back there?”
Mysterica asked. “I guess old habits die hard, trust
me; you’re not the first girl I save from some f**s, there’s something between
me and finding girls in problems.” Shiro said with a slight smile, he sat down
on the couch. “Feel free, sit down.” Mysterica sat down on
the couch. “Anyways, where did you come from?”
Shiro asked curiously. “Very far away… It’s a long story.”
Mysterica answered. “We have all the time of the world
if you wanna talk sometime.” Shiro said. “You remind me of someone I met a
few months ago.” Mysterica remarked. “I thought you didn’t have any
friends.” Shiro said staring at Mysterica suspiciously. “I’m assuming he died…” Mysterica
lowered her head. “Sorry to hear that, let’s talk
about something else.” Shiro suggested. “Sure.” Mysterica nodded. They talked for hours, a
few weeks passed by, Mysterica was living along Shiro all this time, she mostly
didn’t do much around the house, just talk or watch Shiro make weapons behind
the house. Shiro and Mysterica grew close very fast; she came to trust him
completely, they noticed Gen-Exis soldiers increasing over the last few weeks,
they seemed to be searching for Mysterica. One day Shiro walked out of his
house looking for Mysterica, he found her next to the house sitting down
staring at the bright blue sky. “What are you doing here?” Shiro
asked. “Just thinking about how great life
is, how great the gift of freedom is.” Mysterica answered. Shiro smiles and said.
“Yeah, that is so true.” “But even though I enjoy freedom, I
feel lonely.” Mysterica remarked. “Hey, don’t be, I’m here, we’re
friends aren’t we?” Shiro said. “I know, but somehow I feel it won’t
last.” Mysterica said. Shiro kneeled down and
turned her face to his. “Trust me, everything will be just
fine.” Shiro said as he closed in and kissed her. Mysterica kisses him
back, about a year passed by and Mysterica was pregnant, she had a big belly
and was in the kitchen peeling some apples. Shiro walked in with a smile. “Why are you so happy?” Mysterica
asked. “My daughter will have a little
brother.” Shiro replied. “Yeah, why didn’t you bring her with
you?” Mysterica asked. “I didn’t want to drag her around
all day long with me, so I left her with Eldrick, though his son Zieg takes
more care of her.” Shiro responded. “That’s nice; I hope to meet her
soon.” Mysterica said joyfully. “Haha, don’t worry about it, you’ll
soon meet her, though you might regret it, she’s a little aggressive for her
age, she seems to be growing quick despite being an Elf, it must be because of
her Satsume heritage.” Shiro remarked. “It’s alright.” Mysterica said with
a warm smile. Mysterica suddenly
frowned, Shiro stared at her strangely, Mysterica then grabbed her stomach and
began moaning in pain. “Mysterica, is it time?” Shiro asked
alarmed. “I think so…uhhg.” Mysterica
answered in pain. “We have to get you to the
hospital!” Shiro said desperately. Shiro
helped her to the hospital, it wasn’t far, Shiro took her inside, all the
nurses and doctors stared at the couple. “Someone help me!” Shiro yelled. Everyone kept staring at
them; a Satsume doctor then walked over towards Shiro and said. “I’m sorry my
friend, but this hospital is only for Satsume’s, we don’t attend humans.” “Who cares about that? She’s going
to have a Satsume baby like all of us, if not for her, do it for the baby!”
Shiro shouted angrily. “I’m sorry, but it’s against the
policy, you must leave before the knights’ escort you out by force.” The doctor
said. “……Some hospital this is.” Shiro
said as he left with Mysterica. They walked far away
from the city because many Satsume’s were staring at them, once out of their
sight Shiro and Mysterica stopped, it was already nighttime. Mysterica lied on
the ground and began to try and conceive her child, Shiro helped her, he placed
some rags under her, Mysterica began pushing while Shiro readied himself to
receive his son. Mysterica kept pushing for minutes as she yelled in pain.
Shiro took out a small knife, it was getting cold, it began to rain slightly. “Push Mysterica, push!” Shiro
demanded. “I’m trying!” Mysterica said. Mysterica kept pushing
until Shiro said. “I see it! He’s coming out!” Shiro helped Mysterica receive
the baby until he was finally able to get him out, he then said shocked. “Huh?
There’s another!” Mysterica pushed even
harder for a while until Shiro received the other baby as well. “We have two babies… twins.” Shiro
said with a smile. The baby on his arm
suddenly stopped crying; Shiro observed the baby and got desperate. “The baby!
It stopped breathing!” “Save him please! My baby!”
Mysterica shouted desperately. Shiro places the baby on
the ground and tried to help him, he slightly hit the baby with his fingers on
his heart; he then blew some air inside the baby’s mouth and tapped him again
slightly with his fingers, but to no avail. Shiro then stopped and shed a tear;
he looked back at Mysterica with a pale expression. “No!” Mysterica yelled as she
grabbed the baby and cried on him. Shiro held the other
baby on his arms while Mysterica cried for a while, she kissed the baby’s
forehead many times and hugged him tightly, after a while she calmed down,
Shiro then said. “I’m sorry, but sometimes fate works in mysterious ways, maybe
he wasn’t meant to be…” “…My baby… I never got to see him
grow up or know him, but I still love him with my life and soul…” Mysterica
said as she cried. “I know how you feel… but there’s
nothing we can do… we must live on for him and our remaining son…” Shiro said. “I know…” Mysterica stood up and
grabbed the baby from Shiro’s arms. “I’m sorry… we couldn’t save your
brother…” Mysterica said to the baby. Shiro began to dig a
hole with his Satsume Jian sword; he then wrapped the deceased baby with some
cloths and buried him. Shiro then thrust his sword in the ground and said. “I
love you my son… I thrust my sword here on your grave symbolizing all the
strength you would’ve had if you lived, you would have been so strong
physically and mentally enough to change so many people, but now that strength
you carry will be used in the other side, don’t worry about your brother, he
will live his life and yours to the fullest, I’ll make sure of that.” “We should leave…” Mysterica said. She then walked over to
the grave and placed her hand on it, she then left alongside Shiro. Eight years
passed by in a flash, the baby they had was already a grown boy, he had long
black hair, he was running around the woods until he heard Mysterica’s voice
from a distance. “Shinsuke! Food’s ready!” Shinsuke ran through the
woods until he reached Shiro’s house, he ran inside the house and found his
mother in the kitchen, he asked her. “Where’s dad?” “He’s working.” Mysterica said with
a smile. “When will he be back?” Shinsuke
asked. “In a while.” Mysterica said as she
patted his head. “Alright.” Shinsuke said. “Why don’t you just sit down and eat
your dish of fried fish with mashed potato and soy beans.” Mysterica said. Shinsuke sat down and
began eating, Mysterica went outside to get some fresh air, after a while she
saw some Gen-Exis soldiers heading towards them, Mysterica ran inside quickly
and took Shinsuke’s hand and ran through the back door. “What’s wrong mom?” Shinsuke asked. “Shh, we’ll talk later sweetie, just
follow me and do as I say.” Mysterica said as she ran. They ran through the
woods, the Gen-Exis soldiers busted inside the house and began searching,
Adriux entered last, he looked around until a soldier said. “Sir, it looks like
they’ve escaped, is this even the right house?” “It is, I can feel Mysterica’s
presence, she ran inside the woods, it looks like our soldiers did their job
and found her even though it took them nine long years, I would have never
guessed she was in Evergray all this time, now we can be together my love…
finally.” Adriux said. Krade appeared behind
Adriux and asked. “Is she not here?” “No, she went into the woods sir.”
Adriux answered. “Let’s follow them.” Krade said. Krade, Adriux and his
soldiers ran inside the woods, Mysterica and Shinsuke ran as fast as they could
until they encountered a precipice and weren’t able to run anymore. Krade, Adriux
and his soldiers were very close to their location. Meanwhile Shiro arrived
home and noticed the front door busted open, he rushed inside and noticed no
one was there, he felt the soldiers Spirit Forces and grabbed his sword hanging
on the wall and ran inside the woods as well. As Shiro ran, Krade, Adriux and
his soldiers reached Mysterica, Adriux widened his eyes once he saw Shinsuke. “Adriux? Krade?” Mysterica said
shocked. “Yes, I see you’ve accomplished what
I wanted; even at the end you obeyed me.” Krade said. “……” Mysterica stared at him. “Adriux, have your men take her and
the boy.” Krade ordered. “Yes sir.” Adriux said. Krade left with some soldiers
as Adriux and a few soldiers were left. “Mysterica… is that really your…
son?” Adriux asked. “…Yes…” Mysterica replied
hesitantly. Adriux shed a tear and
lowered his head. “……”Mysterica sared at him and his
soldiers with fear. Adriux raised his head
once again and stared at Shinsuke, he then shifted his look towards Mysterica,
he walked towards her and said. “I can’t believe you betrayed me with another
man…” “I never betrayed you… we were never
a couple… I was worried about you, what happened?” Mysterica asked. “It doesn’t matter anymore Mysterica,
I was assigned to be your companion, but you decided to ditch me, if that’s not
betraying what is?” Adriux asked while his voice rose more by the second. “Adriux I-” Mysterica was cut off. “I don’t want to hear any excuses…”
Adriux said angrily. Adriux turned around;
Mysterica tightened the grip of her hand, which was holding Shinsuke, Adriux
was no more than four feet away from her, Shiro then reached them, Adriux
widened his eyes in anger and turned around swiftly as he drew his sword and
pierced her heart. Mysterica widened her eyes and fell off the high cliff as
her hand slipped away from Shinsuke’s hand slowly, Shinsuke had a shocked look
on his face, he didn’t even turn around to see his dead mother fall, he just
stood there staring at his still warm hand. Shiro yelled as he saw this unable
to save her and killed all the Gen-Exis soldiers rapidly, then sliced Adriux’s
lower half right arm. Adriux fled from the woods, Shiro looked down the cliff
and frowned, he then hugged Shinsuke as he cried. “Mysterica… No…” He then
looked at Shinsuke in his shocked state and asked. “Shinsuke, are you alright? Shinsuke?” Shinsuke was not
responsive and didn’t even look at Shiro, he was somehow lost, Shiro quickly
lifted him up to his shoulder and ran as fast as he could, he kept running and
running, days past, they reached Radingel city, there Shiro and Shinsuke were
sleeping in an alleyway. Shinsuke was still shocked, he didn’t speak at all and
was spaced out, Shiro looked at him and said. “Wait here son; I’ll go get
something to eat.” Shiro left the alleyway,
but all of a sudden he heard a yell from a girl, he ran to another alleyway
near where his son is and found two men walking towards a young high school
girl. “We just want some money.” The man
said. “Get away or my brother is gonna
kick your asses!” The girl said. “We didn’t see no brother, so you’re
toast.” The other man said. “Why is there so many scum like you
around? Everywhere I go there’s a girl that needs rescuing.” Shiro said. The two men turned
around. “Mind your own business douchebag.”
The man said. “I am minding it.” Shiro said. “What’s a girlie guy like you gonna
do?” The other man asked mockingly. “There’s only one of you and two of
us.” The man said. “Then come and get me.” Shiro said. The two men attacked at
once, Shiro hit the men’s pressure points on their arms leaving them immobile,
he then hit tleg pressure points, both fell on the ground. “Time to go girl.” Shiro said. The girl and Shiro left
the alleyway, Shiro then asked. “What’s your name?” “Lilly.” She responded. “Well, Lilly, next time, don’t get
too far away from your brother, if you do have one.” Shiro said. “Thanks for saving me, and yes, I do
have a brother, he just stayed back at the inn hitting on some girls.” Lilly
said. “How old are you? What are you doing
here? Do you live here?” Shiro asked curiously. “I’m seventeen, my brother is a few
years older, but I’m on vacation here with him.” Lilly replied. “Are you
alright? You seem kinda out of it, I mean, it’s not every day a Satsume talks
to a human, especially in a human city.” “I guess you’re right, I’m here with
my son, but right now he’s not himself, his mother just passed away and he’s
still shocked.” Shiro said. “That’s horrible.” Lilly said. Shiro then lost himself
in thought and asked. “Could I ask you a favor?” “Huh? Depends…” Lilly answered. “You see, I have to do something and
I can’t be the responsible father and take care of my son right now, I promise
I’ll explain later what’s happening, but can you take care of my son for a
while?” Shiro asked. “Depends in how much a while is, and
how old is he anyways?” Lilly asked. “He’s eight years old, and when I
mean a while it’s a few days.” Shiro responded. “Well, I do owe you one… Okay, I’ll
do you that favor.” Lilly said. Back to the present,
Shiro is finishing the story that Adriux began. “Days became years and you forgot
everything about what happened.” Shiro says. “……” Lloyd looks away. “Ever since that day I dedicated my
life trying to find Adriux and train you without you knowing I’m your father.”
Shiro says. “Now I know what Mysterica was, she never told me her secret.” “You took her away from me…” Adriux
says angrily. “I never took her away, we met by
chance and things happened.” Shiro remarks. “Enough! I’m tired of listening to
you! Jamal, kill that son of a b***h!” Adriux says furiously. Jamal walks forth as he
takes off his trench coat and throws it on the ground, he’s very muscular and
raises his arms up in a boxing form. Shiro thrusts the sealing sword in the
ground, Jamal begins to walk towards Shiro, once he gets close he throws a few
jabs with his right arm and then throws a left punch covered in Spirit Force.
Shiro evades easily without even countering, Jamal’s left punch destroys part
of the tower wall, he looks at Shiro and blows the dust from s fist and then
charges at Shiro unleashing many punches, Shiro evades easily yet again, only
this time striking Jamal’s right arm pressure points immobilizing his arm.
Jamal laughs and hits his pressure point once again enabling his arm; Shiro is
not surprised to see this and says. “You’re pretty good, but I’m sorry to say
that you’re no match for me, I can see your every move.” Jamal smirks and charges
at Shiro once again, then raising his fist rapidly and throwing a downward
punch which Shiro evades, the punch hits the ground making it shatter to
pieces. Shiro swiftly closes in, Jamal throws a left jab, Shiro evades and punches
Jamal’s throat making him back off, Jamal has trouble breathing after this. “Back away now or I’ll kill you
where you stand.” Jamal attacks Shiro, but
Shiro dodged slipping under his jab and strikes Jamal’s heart pressure point
with one two fingers, Jamal gasps and closes his eyes as he falls on the
ground. “He used the Death Touch.” Mayumi
comments. “Yeah, and Shiro didn’t even
accumulate too much Spirit Force in his fingers.” Jiro says. “Your turn Adriux and this time
you’re going to die for sure.” Shiro says. “Haha, come and try.” Adriux says. Shiro walks towards
Adriux slowly as he studies him, Shiro observes Adriux’s prosthetic mechanical
arm and asks. “Human technology has advanced I see.” “More than you might know.” Adriux
says staring fiercely at Shiro. Adriux unsheathes his
Dao as he spreads his legs, his left in front and his right back tilted down,
he pulls his right arm back and his left forward with an open palm. Shiro
unsheathes his as well, he simply holds it downward diagonally, both stare at
each other for a few seconds. Adriux runs towards Shiro and attacks, Shiro
blocks with his sword and slashes his stomach slightly, Adriux swiftly does an
upward slash that slashes Shiro’s chest slightly, both step back. “Not bad for a smith.” Adriux
remarks. “Not bad either, for a Gen-Exis
soldiers, though I’m not just a smith.” Shiro states. “Oh I know you’re a master swordsman
and martial artist, I already had you investigated a long time ago.” Adriux
says. “I feel important all of a sudden.”
Shiro says. “This time, let’s go all out to see
who the better fighter is.” Adriux says. Shiro and Adriux charge
at each other clashing their swords, then blocking and evading their attacks,
Shiro has all the advantage quickly pushing Adriux back and then unleashing a
downward slash as he says. “Meteor Wave.” Adriux looks up and
notices hundreds of sparkles in the sky, when suddenly the sparks come close
revealing many giant fireballs crashing down; Adriux begins to evade, blocking
and slicing in half the giant fireballs. Shiro goes charges in attacking Adriux
as he evades the fireballs; Adriux is having problems evading both the
fireballs and Shiro’s attacks. Adriux’s mechanical arm begins to shine in
Spirit Force, then saying. “Might Blast.” Shiro widens his eyes
and blocks with his sword and leaps towards Adriux, a huge explosion blows out
of Adriux’s mechanical arm, after the smoke disperses Shiro and Adriux are
unharmed. “Are you trying to commit suicide?
If I hadn’t stabbed your arm and unleashed my Spirit Force that explosion
could’ve killed us both.” Shiro says angrily. “That’s the point.” Adriux says. “If that’s the way you want to play,
then go ahead and kill yourself.” Shiro says. “No, I want to take you with me all
the way to hell.” Adriux says cunningly. “We’ll see.” Shiro says. Adriux jumps towards
Shiro engulfing his Dao in flames and throwing it upward as he yells. “Raging
Bind!” The Dao breaks into
pieces in midair, all the pieces turn into many flame swords and strike Shiro
from all directions binding him where he stands. “Don’t worry; I won’t let you die so
easily.” Adriux says mockingly. “I won’t let myself die so easily
either, not before I kill the b*****d that killed Mysterica.” Shiro says
angrily as he shouts. “Dream Blaze!” All the flame swords
trapping Shiro break as he disappears and appears behind Adriux with his eyes
closed dripping blood. Adriux’s mechanical arms falls off as he falls on his
knees. “What did you do?” Adriux asks
perplexed. Shiro turns around and
explains. “I momentarily returned to my peak power, which was around when I was
around late twenties, I’m only half of what I used to be in power, the only way
I could do it is sacrificing certain functions of my body in exchange for those
bursting moments when I was young, right now, I only sacrificed my eyes.” “Half power? You gotta be kidding
me!” Lloyd says in disbelief. “Why are you only half as powerful
now?” Adriux asks. “Because I have cancer, it’s been
eating away at me for years.” Shiro replies. “Cancer? I never knew that.” Mayumi
says. “So he’s dying, he doesn’t look it.”
Zieg says. “I have about a year or so to live.”
Shiro says. “It can’t be… No! I won’t let you
die old man! I have to settle things with you first!” Lloyd shouts. “I can’t make any promises, and I
don’t want any of you interfering with this fight, it’s my battle and I intend
to finish it.” Shiro says. “I wasn’t even thinking of butting
in, I could care less what you do or not.” Mayumi says. “And us three not in condition to
fight anyways.” Jiro says. “I don’t even know how you’re going
to fight blind.” Lloyd says. “Looks like you forgot the training
I gave you, even you can fight blindly.” “Ohhh yeah, I forgot.” Lloyd says. Shiro shakes his head. “Just don’t die.” Lloyd says. Shiro nods and faces
Adriux once again, Adriux jumps towards Shiro, Shiro drops his sword on the
ground and stands in a sideway position as both his hands stretch forward with
the palms open, his left arm father forward than his right. Adriux lands in
front of him throwing a punch, Shiro evades easily and punches Adriux under his
chin and then turns around and hits behind his neck. Adriux trips and falls, he
then yells. “How the hell can you fight while you’re blind? There’s no way you
can win!” Adriux charges towards
Shiro furiously making a roundhouse kick, Shiro blocks it with his left arm and
kicks Adriux’s supporting foot making him trip again and fall on the ground. “Being blind is even deadlier than
seeing, right now I can hear and feel your every move even better than before.”
Shiro says. “That’s impossible!” Adriux yells
spotting Shiro’s sword and grabbing it rapidly, then jumping in midair and
shouting. “Havoc Roar!” Fire comes out of the
sword downward hitting the ground and penetrating it, many fire pillars come
out from the ground surrounding Shiro. All the pillars then twirl around and
close into Shiro at the same time to crush him, but Shiro jumps up in the air
where Adriux is waiting, Shiro evades Adriux’s midair attack. Adriux then makes
a diagonal slash at Shiro in midair, Shiro then feels a pain on his rib and
staggers leaving Adriux to stab him directly in his chest and exploding in
flames. “Dad!” Lloyd yells. “He’s done.” Zieg comments. “Zieg!” Lloyd says angrily. “Let him be Lloyd, don’t’ forget he
has Asperger syndrome, he doesn’t understand other people’s feelings, it’s not
his fault.” Jiro says. Both Adriux and Shiro
fall on the ground very hard, Adriux stands up and walks towards Shiro, he
raises the sword to land the finishing blow, but Shiro disappears from his view
and appears behind Adriux like before. “Dream Blaze.” Shiro says. “Uhhgg… What?” Adriux says in
disbelief. Adriux falls on the
ground with a big hole in his chest, he dies quickly after this, Shiro also
falls down on the ground, the party runs towards him. “Dad! No! Don’t die!” Lloyd shouts. “What did you sacrifice Shiro? Is it
bad?” Jiro asks. “Heh… my… heart…” Shiro answeres
stuttering. “Your heart! Couldn’t you sacrifice
something else?” Lloyd asks. “No… Anything else would have killed
me too slowly… and would’ve affected my performance in these last seconds…
before killing… Adriux…” “Wait, you’re telling me a dead
liver would’ve affected your performance in battle instead of your heart?”
Lloyd asks sarcastically. “You just don’t understand… I wanted
to die after avenging Mysterica… your mother…” Shiro says with a slight smile. “No! You can’t leave us! You can’t!”
Lloyd yells as he presses his forehead against Shiro’s crying all over him. “It’s alright… I came here to seal
your power… with the sealing sword… I thought it would’ve consumed you… but I
see you have great control over it… there’s no need… keep the sword… it might
come in handy…” Shiro says. “No! You keep it! You’re getting out
of this!” Lloyd shouts. “Let me talk… I haven’t finished… My
heart will stop beating in less than a minute… That there is your big sister…
Mayumi… I never let you meet because I was hiding you from Krade… She can be
hard to deal with at times, but she’s a good person deep down inside… Always
remember… Stay truth to your beliefs no matter and always cherish to the max
the things that bring you happiness…” Shiro says. “Why are you standing there like
nothing is happening! Isn’t he your dad too?” Lloyd yells desperately. “No use shouting and crying, it
won’t change a single thing, it won’t make him better or even save his life.”
Mayumi remarks. “She’s right Shinsuke…” Shiro says.
“Just calm down and accept my death….” Shiro added. “……” Lloyd wipes off the tears from
his eyes. Shiro smiles and draws
his last breath, Lloyd hugs Shiro for the last time, a blue fluorescent light
appears behind the party, it then fades away revealing an Elf with long black
hair tied in a ponytail, he has a strap holding a long sword and a quiver full
of arrows alongside a bow. “Oh hey, what’s going on here- Oh
s**t.” The Elven man says surprised. © 2010 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on December 7, 2010 Last Updated on December 12, 2010 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing