![]() Chapter 50: Lament of a HunterA Chapter by ShinAs the party begins their departure towards the center of the world, Toshi Kaze Nami, in Gen-Exis Raven is walking through a hallway in a very high off limit area; she stops in front of a big door with a mechanism on the side. She looks into the machine and puts her hand, it reads it and opens, there she sees Harayoshi in front of Krade, this time, he’s clearly seen, sitting on a fancy chair, he has pitch black eyes and very long hair reaching his heels. “It seems we have a curious cat that has a big nose and he’s sticking it a little too far into my business, also, Kuzan has gone A.W.O.L. and I need him eliminated, he knows too much for his own good.” Krade says. Harayoshi looks back noticing Raven. “What do you want Raven?” Harayoshi asks. “The helicopter you requested is ready to depart.” Raven replies. “Going somewhere son?” Krade asks. “I have to investigate something that quirked my curiosity.” Harayoshi answers. “Then take Raven with you, I wouldn’t want you to… disappear.” Krade says. “Once you come back I have a mission for the Aiden unit.” “Yes father…” Harayoshi says walking away with Raven. “Wait a minute Raven, tell Lexon to call Zelcius and start the elder experiment project.” Krade orders. “Yes sir.” Raven says leaving. Harayoshi and Raven walk through the hallway and reach Lexon’s lab. “Lexon, Krade has ordered you to call Zelcius and start the elder experiment project.” Raven says. “Excellent, I’ll be calling elder Xixis first, now move along, I’m very busy.” Lexon says. Harayoshi and Raven go out to the helipad where a helicopter is waiting; Adriux is hiding in a corner behind them. “So he’s leaving…” Adriux thinks to himself. Harayoshi and Raven get on the helicopter. “Why are we going to that god forsaken place anyways?” Raven asks. “I’m going to meet some very interesting people.” Harayoshi replies. “Is it going to be dangerous?” Raven asks. “Not as dangerous as I can be Raven.” Harayoshi answers. “Please don’t overdo it; you don’t want your collar to activate.” Raven says. Harayoshi looks away as the helicopter takes off. Meanwhile Jony Chronic and Rupert Apollo are talking. “Why would those kids come all the way here?” Rupert asks. “You got me, I noticed Reik’s son messing with the door, he’s probably trying to avenge his kin.” Jony responds. “We should be ready; it’s never good to underestimate anyone.” Rupert remarks. “Then I want you to summon a demon, it’s been long since you used your Ignis Fatuus, ever since the Kambios.” Jony says. “I will summon a high ranking demon then, one that should be strong enough to control for a certain time.” Rupert says. “Yes, I’ll send it after Jaye’s group as reinforcement.” Jony comments. “Brilliant idea, a way to make sure everything goes as planned.” Rupert nods. Rupert then takes out an amulet; it begins to shine an unearthly white light. “You who houses sinks down to death and course leads to the shades. All who go to you cannot return and find again the paths of life, come forth, Lilith of the night!” Rupert chants. A portal appears just like Zelcius’s and the ground begins to shake as a black aura begins pouring out of the portal, a beautiful woman steps out of the portal, she has black slightly long hair and is wearing a hooded cloak resembling a royalty garb with a half-dress that reveals one leg bare, she also has gold accessories on her arms and legs. On her left arm she has a small snake twirling around. “I am Lilith of the night, what may I be use to you?” Lilith asks. “I want you to go after a subordinate named Jaye, you are to aid him in battle in needed be.” Jony explains. Lilith walks towards Jony in a very sexy way and touches his face, she closes her eyes and opens them after a few seconds, she then says in a sensual way. “I already know who it is and where he’s heading, I’ll be off.” She suddenly fades into the shadow of a corner. “I wonder if she gives other kinds of services.” Jony says to himself with a slight grin. “You’ll just have to ask her yourself.” Rupert says. As this happens, Jaye and Kraven are on their way towards Zero’s location, they are on a small dirigible. Kraven looks to the distance, Jaye observes him and asks. “You… are you thinking about how to kill your son? I know it’s hard because you are the real you, but you cannot resist Jony’s orders.” “……” Kraven keeps looking towards the distance ignoring Jaye. “Humph… the silent treatment.” Jaye says looking away as well. Kraven begins to remember very old memories deep inside him. Back in Varrock, many people talked and trained all day long, there Kraven came back along with Zelcius and Drake holding some wild boars on their shoulders. “Look! It’s the guys!” A Kaizer said. They entered the village leaving the dead wild boars on the ground. “That’s a nice catch.” The same Kazier said. “Thanks to Kraven, he found them and killed them even before we had the chance to get one.” Drake said as he laughed. “Humph… he’s lucky he got them before us, right Kraven?” Zelcius said mockingly then jokingly punching him on his shoulder. “Haha, no, no, I can’t take all the credit, at least you guys helped me bring them back, I wouldn’t have been able to without you guys.” Kraven said. “So modest.” Drake laughed. Cacilia walked in front of them and said staring at Kraven. “You’re rather early this time huh.” “How are the kids?” Kraven asked. “They’re fine, how about you? Any demons on the way?” Cacilia asked. “No, not really, there hasn’t been any activity at the demon tunnel lately.” Zelcius said. “Good, Kraven, time to spend some time training Jek, we women are busy keeping guard of the village.” Cacilia said. “Sorry guys, I have to take him with me.” “Sure, no problem.” Drake said. “He’s all yours.” Zelcius said with a grin. Cacilia took Kraven while Drake and Zelcius were still in front of the gate. “So, what do we do now?” Drake asked. “How about we do a little hunting of our own, we can’t let Kraven win again.” Zelcius said as he chuckled. “It’s alright, he’s the most talented of Kaizer’s, well, more like the Axel family always had the most potential, I’m not going to compete with that kind of gift.” Drake said. “I know, I know, you think he might be the legendary neo Kaizer in the future?” Zelcius asked. “Probably, he’s showing a lot of signs.” Drake said. “Sometimes I envy him, he has a beautiful woman, he was born in the most talented family and is also the next person in line to be the village leader.” Zelcius remarked. “Hey, it’s not good to envy him, he’s our best friend, has always been for over ten years.” Drake said slightly mad. “There you go, defending him again, I really respect and admire him, but what really bothers me is that we never get as much praise as him.” Zelcius said. “What did I just say Zelcius?” Drake asked. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it in a bad way, I’m just saying we deserve some credit as well, it’s like we live in his shadow.” Zelcius said. “I won’t talk about this any longer, just get some rest.” Drake said. “Haha, sure, you too, hope you sleep well, tomorrow we’ll all go hunting again, this time, we’ll beat Kraven for sure!” Zelcius said cheerfully. “You said it!” Drake said leaving. Zelcius left to his house, he began to think on his way there. “Are we truly Kraven’s shadows? He was the one that was titled the Thunder God when we last fought against the hordes of demons attacking our village… Why not me or Drake? No… I’m thinking too much, he’s my best friend, the demons are the enemy.” Zelcius thought to himself as he walked. The next day arrives; Zelcius wakes up very early in the morning, he noticed everyone was still sleeping. “Hah, it’s still too early, maybe about four or five in the morning.” Zelcius said to himself. “I got an idea, I’ll go hunt some boars first and win for the first time in a while.” Zelcius jumped out of the high gates that surrounded the village, he ran through the forest very hastily searching for boars, he kept running and running until he spotted a boar eating grass. “I found one.” Zelcius thought to himself. He began sneaking towards it, until unexpectedly a demon Minotaur tackled him; he flew and slammed his back against a boulder. “Ughh… d****t… A demon? Is the tunnel active now?” Zelcius asked himself. The Minotaur rushed at him very quickly, trying to tackle Zelcius once again. Zelcius exploded in electricity and stopped the tackle by holding the Minotaur’s head. “Now, you die.” Zelcius said. The Minotaur exploded into pieces; Zelcius then ran towards a shrine area where he noticed the demon tunnel reacting in front of him, it was expanding slightly. “The tunnel… it’s… activating again… Why?” Zelcius asked himself. “It is I who is responsible.” A male voice said. Zelcius turned around and saw a young Lexon wearing a lab coat holding a gadget in his hand. “A human? What are you doing here?” Zelcius asked. “Well I was just investigating what kind of life form exists in this place and as I was reconnoitering I found this amusing… discovery.” Lexon said. “You mean the demon tunnel?” Zelcius asked. “So that’s what it is… demons, fascinating, how my research would evolve using such beings in my experiments.” Lexon said to himself. “What are you talking about? There’s no way you can control a demon.” Zelcius said. “Why yes, I think it is possible, with the right concentration of energy they would obey ones will.” Lexon said. “Even if you could somehow control them, how can you summon them? They require too much sacrifice.” Zelcius asked. “As I said chap, the right concentration of energy, of pure electrifying energy in one place would be more than enough sacrifice…” Lexon answered. “Say, you have very unique eyes, what are you exactly?” “I’m a Kaizer, an ancient race of demon hunters with their strengths and no weaknesses.” Zelcius replies. “How marvelous, would you mind if I ran some tests on you? I’ll make it worth your time.” Lexon asks. “What I want you cannot give me.” Zelcius said. “Oh really now, you underestimate my intellect, tell me what is that you want.” Lexon said. “I want the power to become the neo Kaizer.” Zelcius responded. “Neo Kaizer you say, is that some kind of form or state you Kaizer’s can achieve?” Lexon asked. “Yes.” Zelcius replied. “Then after I run those tests on you, I will give you the way to become one.” Lexon said. “Are you sure you can do it? What proof do you have?” Zelcius asked. “Haha, come with me, I shall grant you an audience with my master, he will show the proof of the strength you can attain.” Lexon said. “Alright.” Zelcius nodded. Zelcius left with Lexon towards Gen-Exis; there Lexon presented Zelcius to Krade, he was sitting on a chair drinking some expensive looking drink. “Krade, this is Zelcius, he claims he’s of a demon hunting race called Kaizer’s.” Lexon said. “A Kaizer, I know about you people, what is it that you want from me Zelcius?” Krade asked. “Power, but I wish to see proof that you can grant me power, Lexon told me you can show me.” Zelcius said. “Power you say, but what will you give in return for that power?” Krade asked. “I shall aid you in anything when I attain my powers.” Zelcius replied. “Very well, then you shall see proof that you can attain more power than you can grasp.” Krade said. Krade stood up from his chair and let loose his Spirit Force, the whole base shaking, the walls slightly cracking, his aura flowed out of him wildly, Zelcius immediately fell on the floor on his knees, he began bleeding from his skin, Zelcius tried to move, but to no avail. “Ugghhh… such… power… not even… Kraven… has idea of… this inhuman… power…” Zelcius said almost fainting. “Had enough?” Krade asked. “…Yes… Ughh…” Zelcius replied. “It’s not enough being the second best.” He thought. Krade stopped unleashing his Spirit Force, Zelcius fell on the floor. “My head hurts.” Lexon said holding his head. “Are you willing to betray your fellow comrades for power?” Krade asked. “… Kraven… Drake… Yes…” Zelcius answered. “Good, help him up Lexon and take him to the lab, look for the way to make him stronger.” Krade commanded. “Ja, mein führer.” Lexon said as he helped up Zelcius. As Lexon ran some tests on Zelcius, Kraven and Drake were looking for Zelcius. “Where could he be?” Drake asked. “I don’t know… I’m worried about him; he would never leave like that, all of a sudden.” Kraven said very worried. “I know, he would’ve said something before he did, I mean, we’ve known him for a long time, he’s always told us everything about him, do you think he’s plotting something?” Drake asked. Kraven’s eyes widened in anger and grabbed Drake by his shirt and slammed him against a house. “Don’t you ever say that again about Zelcius, he’s not a traitor, he’s always been our friend no matter what, I believe in him.” Kraven said angrily. “Sorry Kraven, I was stupid to think something like that.” Drake said. Kraven let Drake go and said. “I’m sorry Drake, I didn’t mean to get mad at you, I just overreacted.” “It’s alright, I understand your feelings, let’s just keep looking, maybe he got attacked by a demon or something.” Drake said. “Yes, let’s find him quickly.” Kraven nodded. Days passed by, in the laboratory Lexon had created a gauntlet with a strange orb; Zelcius equipped it on his arm. “Will this make me a neo Kaizer?” Zelcius asked. “No, it’ll make you something far superior, you will have the power to summon demons and command them at will.” Lexon said. “What? Really? What’s this gauntlet called?” Zelcius asked shocked. “The Eye of Tiamat, I was able to extract some of that demons power that day we met, I saved it for research purposes, but I used it on this orb.” Lexon explained. “Can I use it now?” Zelcius asked. “No, it needs energy first, a high supply.” Lexon said. “Put your arm in here.” Lexon’s staff brought a strange machine, Zelcius placed his arm inside, Lexon activated the machine, a lot of Spirit Force accumulated inside the orb in matter of seconds, the machine then stopped. Zelcius backed away and tried to summon a demon, a lot of electricity surged from the orb, it then got wild, all the scientific staff backed away along with Lexon, a huge energy flowed out of the orb and into Zelcius, he began to yell in agony, the energy kept entering Zelcius with no control, Zelcius’s eyes began to change, they turned black, his body began to surge Demon Force, the energy then stopped. “What? What has happened to me?” Zelcius asked. “You’re no longer a Kaizer; you are now something else… Not a demon, but neither a Kaizer, something in between.” Lexon said. “Hahaha, so to become more powerful than a Kaizer I had to stop being one, it makes sense.” Zelcius laughed uncontrollably. “I can feel the power surging through my body, and I can even have demons under my control!” “Not quite yet, it seems the energy I used in the orb was not enough to summon, but it was enough to make you much stronger.” Lexon explained. “Then what can I do to fix the problem?” Zelcius asked. “You’ll need a very high concentration of energy in that orb, like sacrificing thousands of humans, kind of like a philosopher stone, and I can’t guarantee the effectiveness using human sacrifices, you’ll need much more power that a human can offer.” Lexon replied. “Ha, I have an idea, the Kaizer’s; they have very high amounts of Spirit Force, especially the lightning elemental power they can produce.” Zelcius said. “Lightning? You can produce electricity?” Lexon asked amused. “Allow me to demonstrate.” Zelcius said. He raised his arm; a huge black lightning bolt hit the wall thus breaking it into pieces. “Splendid!” Lexon said. “Black electricity? It must be my new power.” Zelcius thought to himself. “Go back to your village and absorb all of that power into the Eye of Tiamat, I guarantee you’ll be able to summon almost any kind of demon.” Lexon said. “I will, finally… I am even more powerful than Kraven, I am no longer his shadow, I always wanted his strength, his fame, and his power, but now I don’t need it, I have become what I always hated, what I swore to destroy, a demon, how ironic, hahaha.” Zelcius laughed. “Go to Krade, and tell him your plan before doing anything.” Lexon said. Zelcius did as Lexon recommended, he appeared before Krade. “You must now be more powerful.” Krade said. “Yes, but I am not yet complete, now I need the power to summon the demons, I could probably summon a few, but it’s not enough yet, I’m going back to Varrock and absorb the Kaizer’s energies to this orb, then I will be able to summon any demon I wish.” Zelcius explained. “Hmm… Good, once you attain this power, come back to me, I have some use for that power.” Krade said. “Alright.” Zelcius said as he turned around and began to leave. “One last thing, before you go there I want you to meet the oracle, Zaphyr, tell her to read you your future, she’s right here in the base.” Krade said. “Alright.” Zelcius said again. He left and looked for the oracle, he then found her. “You must be Zaphyr, I have come to-” Zelcius is cut off by her. “I know why you have come to me Kaizer; your future is filled with many successes, especially the new power you will attain.” Zaphyr says walking around Zelcius caressing him. “Your future and mine are one; you are the man destined to be with me.” “Humph… I don’t care about that; I just want to know the outcome.” Zelcius said. “I have already told you Zelcius, you will come out victorious.” Zaphyr said. “Good, I’ll take my leave now.” Zelcius said leaving. “I’ll be waiting for your return.” Zaphyr said. Zelcius headed back to Varrock; there he began to summon a demon. “Come forth Baphomet!” Zelcius shouts. The orb begins to glow; a lot of electricity begins to come out as well as Zelcius’s Demon Force. A portal opens out of nowhere, a demon came from out of the portal, he was a winged humanoid goat with a pair of breasts and a torch on its head between its horns, he was floating in midair with its legs crossed. “Ugh… I almost couldn’t summon him… I need more energy.” Zelcius thought. “I want you to attack the Kaizer village that is nearby.” All of a sudden, a group of Kaizer’s appeared in front of Zelcius and the Baphomet. “Zelcius! Be careful!” One of the Kaizer’s yelled. The Baphomet quickly attacked, the Kaizer’s quickly killed it. “Are you alright? We’ve been looking for you for days! Kraven and Drake are worried sick!” One of the Kaizer’s said. “We’re glad you’re well.” Another Kaizer said. “Huh? What happened to your eyes? And what is that gauntlet?” Yet another Kaizer asked. “You mean this? This is your death!” Zelcius yells. The orb begun to shine and a small vortex appeared and pulled the group of Kaizer’s inside. The vortex quickly disappeared, Zelcius smiled upon the orb shining even more brightly. “Now I can summon a whole group of demons!” Zelcius said excited. Zelcius raised his arm up and shouted. “I summon Buer and his fifty legions!” The portal opened once again and a centaur holding a bow and a quiver of arrows appeared along with over fifty demonic souls wandering about. Zelcius and his small demon army heads for the Kaizer village, once he reached the village he yelled. “Never again will I be dishonored; never again will I be reminded of living with the forsaken!” All the Kaizer’s ran to the entrance, they saw all the demons accompanied by Zelcius. Kraven and Drake rushed towards the entrance and saw Zelcius. “Zelcius!” Drake yelled. “What’s the meaning of this?” Kraven asked in disbelief. “I am no longer the Zelcius you used to know, I am a demon now and this is my power!” “Have you gone mad?” Drake shouts angrily. “My friend, what have you done?” Kraven asked. “You can already see for yourself.” Zelcius said. “It’s still not too late to come back us Zelcius, we’re best friends remember? You’re like the brother I never had!” Kraven said desperately. Zelcius lowered his head and thought for a second, he then looked into Kraven’s sad eyes. “I……I… I won’t fall for any tricks Kraven!” Zelcius yelled. “If you had asked me for mercy I would have let you lived, but now it’s my obligation to obliterate all of you!” “No…” Kraven closed his eyes, then unsheathing his sword, Lightning Edge. “I’m sorry Zelcius, but my obligation is to defend the village at all costs… Even from you my friend.” “Hahaha, so predictable of the Thunder God Kraven.” Zelcius said mockingly. “I will show you why I am called the Thunder God.” Kraven said. Kraven begun to concentrate his Spirit Force, electricity could be seen coming out of his body and sword, thunder could be heard from the distance as the skies got clouded. “Attack!” Zelcius yelled. Buer and his legions began to assault the village, all the Kaizer’s unsheathed their weapons and countered while Kraven and Zelcius stared at each other. Drake stepped in, but Kraven placed his hand on his shoulder stopping him. “I’ll take care of this Drake, you go help the others.” Kraven said. “Screw the others! I want to help you!” Drake said insistently. “Do as I say Drake.” Kraven said in a serious tone. “Damn… alright Kraven, I’ll let things here up to you.” Drake said. Drake left to help the others while Kraven and Zelcius stared at each other. “So you think you can slay me? How arrogant can you be Kraven? Hahaha.” Zelcius asked mockingly. “I will no longer delay this fight, prepare yourself Zelcius.” Kraven said. Kraven disappeared and appeared behind Zelcius with his sword unsheathed making a vertical slash, Zelcius grinned and sidestepped, then fired a powerful black lightning bolt against Kraven, but Kraven blocked it with his sword. Zelcius quickly charged in throwing a series of punches, Kraven evaded and countered, but Zelcius blocked with his hands, which were surrounded by electricity, they kept countering and blocking, Kraven then turned around and blocked one of the legions attacks, then countered quickly slashing the spirits in half. All of a sudden more then twenty legions surrounded Kraven about to attack him, but Kraven raised his sword and a huge powerful lightning bolt came crashing down from the sky onto his sword and spread killing all the spirits around, even more thunder could be heard from the distance. Lightning came crashing again on Kraven’s sword, he then unleashed in a in a group of legions that attacked the village, killing many instantly, Drake on the other hand fought against the Buer, the Buer fired many arrows at Drake, but Drake jumped on him and cut down part of its armor, the Buer hit Drake with his tail throwing him to the side, Cacilia out of the blue cut its remaining armor and, then cutting sliced it’s frontal legs, then pierced its stomach and ran her sword through making all its intestines come out instantly killing it. “Cacilia!” Drake said. “More legions are appearing, we have to do something quick!” Cacilia said. Little Jek ran out of the house and saw his mother, he ran towards her. “Mom! I wanna help!” Jek said. “No! Get back inside!” Cacilia demanded. “I’m going to help no matter what!” Jek insisted. “Hide! I have no time to defend you.” Cacilia said. Jek spotted his father and ran towards him. “Jek!” Cacilia shouted. Zelcius saw Jek running towards them and smiles sinisterly. “I’ll take away what’s most precious to you Kraven!” Zelcius yelled unleashing a powerful dark lightning bolt at Jek. Kraven in less than a second appeared between Zelcius’s attack and Jek, taking the hit head on, he fell on the ground in one knee, he then looked at Zelcius with furious eyes and said. “Zelcius, its one thing that you were my best friend and betrayed me, I would have forgiven you, but I will not forgive you for trying to kill one of my sons.” “Damn it!” Zelcius said angry. “This will end now!” Zelcius created a humongous vortex above him, which began pulling in everything; some Kaizer’s and demons were being pulled, as this happened Zelcius summoned even more legions. Jek was being pulled, but Kraven quickly caught his hand. “Hold on son!” Kraven said barely holding his hand. “Father!” Jek yelled. Kraven then with all his might and threw Jek very far away towards the village, more and more Kaizer’s and demons were being pulled in. “Drake! Help him!” Cacilia said desperately. “Yes! You’re the only one that can!” A Kaizer said. “I can’t! It’ll pull me in!” Drake said. “It’s an order!” The Kaizer leader said. “I can’t!” Drake yelled. “If you don’t obey me you’ll be exiled!” The Kaizer leader said. “I said I can’t! It’s impossible! The vortex is too strong!” Drake shouted. Zelcius was furious; Kraven barely able to hang on said. “The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away, to change myself like you did I’d rather die. There will never be a reason why I will surrender to you; I will make the greatest sacrifice. You will never take them alive! Kraven unleashed all his Spirit Force and cast himself towards the vortex in order to close it, there was an enormous explosion. The explosion extended even more, only an eco carrying the last thing Kraven said. “I haven’t lost yet, I swear that my blood will be the one to destroy you.” A great explosion swallowed everything covering many miles throwing Zelcius very far away from the village, but unfortunately his plan worked, the vortex turned into energy and it transferred inside his gauntlet and himself making him stronger like never before. Zelcius got up from the ground very weak and thought to himself. “It seems Kraven had so much energy that when he jumped in it was like sacrificing many Kaizers because of his high level Spirit Force.” Zelcius grinned and said. “Hahaha, you did it too late Kraven, you gave your life, and for nothing, the only thing you accomplished was giving your friends a little more time to live. Zelcius left Varrock, headed towards Gen-Exis while in the village everyone celebrated. “Zelcius is dead!” A Kaizer said. The village leader walked towards Drake and said. “Thanks to Kraven’s sacrifice half of us are still alive… but you, you could’ve saved him… I’m sorry Drake, but you’re partly responsible of Kraven’s death, you are to be exiled and never return here, forget that you’re a Kaizer.” Drake lowered his head and said. “Nothing I say will change what happened here, but rest assured, you will not see me again.” Drake left the village, after many hours Zelcius reaches Gen-Exis, Lexon received him. “You did it; I can feel all that energy, magnificent.” Lexon said. “Krade will be pleased, but in your condition you’ll have to rest for a long time, and you’ll have to wait until the Eye of Tiamat assimilates all that energy, that’ll take many years, about eight if my calculations are correct.” “I see…” Zelcius said. Zaphyr walked towards Zelcius, Lexon left, she then asked. “Do you want to know your future?” “Yes.” Zelcius replied. Zaphyr touched his gauntlet and began to see a blurry vision of Zelcius fighting desperately somewhere full of demons and a shadowy figure that was wielding a sword; this man had golden slit eyes and resembled Kraven. “The blood of the friend you betrayed, that blood will destroy you in the future.” “What?” Zelcius asked in disbelief. “I cannot see him clearly, but he resembles Kraven.” Zaphyr said. “That means… his sons… I’ll have to find a way to dispose of them both without fighting them.” Zelcius said with eyes of hatred. Back in the present Kraven shakes his head and keeps looking towards the distance, Jaye then asks. “Are we close to his direction?” “He’s not far away now, not more than ten minutes away.” Kraven responds. “Good.” Jaye says. Meanwhile Zero, Luna, and Krystal are still in Britannica, they walk out of the city, Luna then asks. “Where to now?” “To follow that damned demon, Gael.” Krystal answers. “Do you even know where he is now?” Zero asks. “No… I lost his trail.” Krystal replies. “We might as well avoid the south-east; Gen-Exis’s main base is there.” Zero comments. “I think we should lay low for a while and rest, we haven’t been able to do that in a while, we’ve been up and down for some time now.” Luna remarks. “We’ve been resting a few days since the fight against Gael.” Krystal says. “You have a point Krystal, but you’re not the only one looking for someone, there’s Zero as well.” Luna says. “Yeah, but right now, it’s best to plan things out before we get into trouble, we have to use our heads, we should stay here in Britannica, I also lost Zelcius’s track.” Zero says. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Luna says. “Humph… Alright then…” Krystal says slightly pissed off. They begin heading back into the city which is about fifteen minutes away by foot, after just a few minutes’ out of the blue Kraven lands in front of the party, Zero widens his eyes to see his father once again. “Father!” Luna looks up and sees the dirigible in the sky; Krystal keeps staring at Kraven as well. “There are more survivors besides us?” Krystal asks. “Just me and you that are not demon tainted Kaizer’s, but him I don’t know, he smells alive, but he doesn’t at the same time, like stuck between the living and the dead.” Zero explains quickly. “This is the end my son.” Kraven says. “I’ve heard once of him, the Thunder God Kraven.” Krystal remarks. “Huh? Do you mean the Thunder God Kraven? The one that sacrificed his life to save half of the Kaizer’s in a battle against demons?” Luna asks. “How do you know that?” Krystal asks. “We Elves know the story as well; we were secretly linked to the Kaizer’s.” Luna answers. “Are you ready?” Kraven asks Zero. “Yeah.” Zero replies. “Luna, Krystal, don’t interfere, this is my fight, not yours.” Luna and Krystal back away letting Kraven and Zero begin their battle. Jaye observes the battle from the dirigible. “Good, the girls aren’t interfering; if they did I would have been forced to fight as well. A fight between the Thunder God and the Lightning Phoenix, both father and son, it’s something to witness firsthand.” Jaye thinks to himself. Zero’s sword begins to tremble, reacting to Kraven’s presence, both of them unsheathes their swords, they stare at each other seriously. “We’re too close to the city, let’s move somewhere else.” Zero says. “Where to?” Kraven asks. Zero points out to an old abandoned tower near the river in the distance. “Fine, I’ll wait for you there.” Kraven says. A lightning bolt strikes Kraven and he disappears along with it. “Why aren’t you fighting him here?” Luna asks. “I don’t want any people from the city coming here because they butt in and if they do they can be taken as hostages just to make me hold back, I want a fight with no distractions.” Zero explains. “He left fast.” Luna says. “No, he’s near, there’s no such thing as teleporting from one place to a very far place in an instant by normal means, lightning can just help you shorten the distance just as well as wind.” Zero replies. “Let’s get going, the dirigible left towards the tower as well.” Krystal. “Why the tower exactly?” Luna asks. “More questions you stupid princess?” Krystal asks. “You b***h! Shut up! I’m sick of you!” Luna shouts. “You shut up!” “No! You!” “Quit it, I chose the tower because it can prove advantageous due to its high wide structure, plus the weather is in Kaizer’s favor today.” Zero says as he walks along. “Weather?” Luna asks puzzled. She then looks up and sees gray clouds accumulating little by little. “Huh? That means Zero’s father will also have advantage.” Luna thinks to herself then noticing Zero and Krystal very far ahead. “Wait for me d****t!” Luna runs after them, after some time walking they reach the tower. “I wonder if there’s a way in, the door looks closed.” Luna says. Krystal inspects the door and taps it slightly with her index finger, it opens slightly. “I guess not.” Luna says. The party walks in and sees a round staircase leading upward, it’s all old and the bricks are dark brownish, the floor is all dusty as well as the very few chairs and tables. There are doors leading to rooms, but are apparently vacant, the party looks all around. “Looking for me?” Kraven’s voice says. When the party looks down they see him standing right in front of them. “Father, that guy you were with can’t hear us in here, tell me, why are you doing this exactly? How are you alive? What happened?” Zero asks. “Very well son, I will tell you, I died back then sacrificing myself to save at least half of our people, but some of the remnants of my ashes left by the vortex were picked up by the Kaizer’s and they placed it in a jar in front of my statue. Jony Chronic, the man that revived me used those ashes along with Phoenix ashes and revived me with his holy flames, even though I posses great power, he does as well, though I am gaining free will little by little, I know he’s already noticing, he will do something about it unless you kill me now, I cannot disobey him due to his influence in me, I have been ordered to kill you and bring you back to him so he can revive you and use you just as he’s using me. So I’m begging you now to kill me before he accomplishes his evil goals.” Kraven explains. “Father, I wanted to tell you so many things, many things have happened, I’m now known as the Lightning Phoenix around the world and my new name is Zero, Drake gave it to me before he trained me.” Zero says. “Haha, Drake, my old friend, I haven’t felt his presence in a while, I know he was killed, but by whom?” Kraven asks. “I’m not really sure.” Zero answers. “It’s a shame; I will give him all my gratitude in the other life, what happened with Jek?” Kraven asks. “I don’t know… he killed all the remaining Kaizer’s controlled by Zelcius, but I haven’t known anything of him since.” Zero responds. “Zelcius… where is he?” “I don’t know either, but I’m looking for him.” Zero replies. “And these ladies? Your girlfriends?” Kraven asks with a slight grin. “Girlfriend?” Luna makes a confused expression. “Yes! I’m his girlfriend!” Krystal grabs Zero’s right arm and squeezes it. “Another survivor, seems like you two are the last, well, it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, we’re both jerks for love, heh.” Kraven chuckles and then thinks to himself. “Cacilia…” “These aren’t my girlfriend’s father, just friends.” Zero explains. “Make your mind, though I see it’s a tough choice, whether your choice, make your old man proud.” Kraven remarks. “……tch.” Zero shakes his head no, as he smirks. “Now come at me will all you have, show me what Drake taught you!” Kraven shouts as he readies himself. Zero charges at Kraven at a high speed quickly making a vertical slash, Kraven then blocking and back flipping, in less than a seconds he jumps at Zero and kicks him in the face. Zero stands back slighty and makes a roundhouse kick, Kraven ducks and tackles Zero ramming him against the wall making it crack slightly. Zero then hits Kraven’s backside with his left elbow and hits him on the stomach with his right knee sending him flying through the air, Kraven recovers, but before he lands Zero unleashes a very big and powerful lightning bolt towards the floor below Kraven. Kraven back flips in midair trying to avoid the lightning bolt, but Zero appears above him, grabbing and holding his arms and both fall down on the attack, but Kraven suffers most of the damage. “Haha.” Kraven chuckles. “Not bad.” Zero stands back, Kraven quickly makes a horizontal slash at Zero almost cutting him in half, but Zero falls down on the ground as he evades, Kraven makes a stab on the floor, Zero jumps back up evading once again, but standing on both his arms quickly kicking Kraven’s face with his feet throwing him backward. Zero stands up, Kraven then jumps above Zero and wall runs diagonally, then jumping from one side of the staircase to another heading to the top of the tower. “I guess he wants to fight you in a less cramped space.” Krystal comments. “Yeah, let’s go.” Zero says as he runs up the stairs. Zero begins jumping farther up the stairs cutting a lot of time, the girls keeps running. “Damn, he must really be desperate to fight his dad.” Luna remarks. “He’s letting us behind! Let’s catch up!” Krystal says. They begin jumping in the same fashion as Zero, but unexpectedly the wall above them breaks into pieces, Luna pushes Krystal out of the way, but part of the wall hit’s Luna which she falls, but Krystal grabs Luna’s hand and pulls her up. “Looks like I got here on time.” Lilith’s voice says. “Traveling across half the world in less than an hour is not easy.” “Who are you?” Luna asks. “That’s Lilith, queen of the Succubi.” Krystal says. “A Kaizer, how interesting.” Lilith says mockingly. “We should hurry up and beat this w***e and go to Zero.” Luna says pissed off. “Yes, call me all you wish child, you will not escape alive.” Lilith says with a sexy expression. “Now I’m pissed!” Luna shouts. Luna quickly jumps towards Lilith, rapidly converting her bracelet into a giant ax and striking vertically, Lilith evades with ease, Luna’s attack crushes more of the tower walls breaking even part of the staircase. “Careful! You might destroy the tower!” Krystal yells. “Haha, yeah, sorry.” Luna says. Lilith walks towards the girls, Luna bends down while Krystal quickly jumps above her unsheathing both her kodachi’s, Lilith lets the snake on her left hand slide towards Krystal. Krystal cuts it and makes a thrusting attack with both her swords, Lilith easily evades, but Luna welcomes Lilith with a Mana arrow which throws her down to the first floor. Lilith stands up and looks upward towards the girls, she then spreads bat-like wings and flies towards them while her nails grow into very long claws, Luna and Krystal begin jumping upward and evading Lilith’s claws which emitted Demon Force, Lilith’s attacks destroy parts of the staircase as the girls dodge, they keep evading and jumping from side to side, Krystal nods at Luna, then making a step with her hands, Luna jumps on it and Krystal expels Luna very high up in the air. As Luna is in midair she charges yet another arrow, but this time concentrating high amounts of Mana Force making a huge uncontrollable arrow, it begins to turn into a golden color, she then makes the golden bow turn back into her bracelet and grabs the arrow with her bare hands and shouts. “Radiant Spear Cannon!” Luna throws it downward towards Lilith with all her might, Lilith smiles and all of a sudden her tail touches the attack with the tip and sends it back up at an even higher speed. Luna widens her eyes; Krystal unexpectedly kicks the attack out of the tower with her left leg covered in electricity. Lilith keeps flying upward and attacks Krystal, Krystal evades and kicks her back downward and stabs her using both kodachi’s in the throat. Krystal takes them out and jumps to the broken staircase, Lilith grabs the ledge of the staircase a few levels down and pulls herself up, her throat begins to heal. “Hurt me more.” Lilith says in a sensual way. “Come up here and I will you masochist b***h.” Krystal says. “With pleasure.” Lilith says as she walks up. Meanwhile Zero and Kraven are on the roof of the tower exchanging blows one after the other, both very fast, but without using their lightning element. “You’ve gotten much better than our first encounter.” Kraven remarks. “Thanks to you.” Zero says as he evades Kraven’s diagonal slash. The sky fills with dark gray clouds, thunder can be heard, and lightning can be seen while the wind blows fiercely as they fight. The tower trembles from within. “Looks like your friends are busy as well, with the queen of the Succubi I presume.” Kraven comments. “Yeah, I can smell her too.” Zero says. “Do you want to help them?” Kraven asks. “They can both handle it even if it is a high rank demon.” Zero replies. “Good, they’re both strong women then, an even tougher choice.” Kraven remarks. Zero charges towards Kraven, Kraven slides his hand through the blade making it shine with electricity turning the blade into a literal lightning bolt. “Lightning Blade.” Kraven says. Zero keeps charging ahead, Kraven raises his sword about to strike Zero, Zero jumps up in midair raising his arm, a lightning bolt hits it engulfing his left arm, then, as he descends he shouts. “Descending Lightning!” Kraven slashes upward, but his sword clashes with Zero’s left fist, both pressure on while many lightning bolts from the sky hit the middle between the attacks making them even bigger and stronger. They keep pushing on until Zero throws his sword next to Kraven, thrusting the floor, lightning bolts hit the blade making part of the ceiling crumble. Zero overpowers Kraven because Kraven’s left foot falls through the ground, Zero’s attack destroys half the ceiling, Kraven jumps to the safe part of the roof with his right arm burnt, but still holding his sword. Krystal and Luna jump up to the roof as well, Lilith coming out afterwards flying, she then flies back down to the safe part of the roof punching it down with Demon Force making it break as well sending out a shockwave, Luna and Krystal jump down the high tower, Lilith flies after them while Kraven and Zero jump on the opposite side of the tower. Luna and Krystal place their legs on the tower walls as they fall, sliding down progressively, Lilith keeps flying down, Luna quickly turns her bracelet into the golden bow and begins firing many Mana arrows, Lilith evades all of the hits, Lilith charges Demon Force into her right hand and fires down what seems like a red beam, Krystal quickly unleashes a big thunderbolt that crashes with Lilith’s attack. Krystal then jumps upward towards Lilith and grabs her head, then slamming it towards the wall and running downward, then pulling her back up and breaking part of the tower walls making them fall with them. Lilith falls on one of the falling walls, Luna jumps there as well hastily taking the chance Lilith is stunned and grabs her from behind making a suplex, slamming Lilith’s head once again into the falling wall thus breaking it. Luna then sees Krystal above her and jumps out of the way as Krystal with both her sword covered in electricity slices the piece of concrete in half thrusting Lilith’s chest, sliding it downward. Meanwhile Zero and Kraven and exchanging blows as they fall, Zero grabbing Kraven by his jacket and throwing him against the wall, Kraven lands with his feet on the wall and jumps back towards Zero placing his hand on Zero’s chest as electricity surges and explodes sending Zero very far down the tower, then making his sword turn into the lightning blade again and slicing the tower horizontally making almost half the tower fall on Zero’s direction. Zero lands on the ground and evades swiftly, then noticing Krystal and Luna still fighting Lilith in midair, Lilith’s wound is healing, Lilith slashes Luna and Krystal on their chests at the same time, then grabbing both their heads and slamming them into the ground. Krystal and Luna stand up very weak, Luna’s hair and eyes turn gold while Krystal’s body is surging wildly with electricity, they continue their fight as Kraven lands in front of Zero. “Good, you didn’t get squashes like a bug.” Kraven says with a smile. “Something like that wouldn’t stop me anyways.” Zero says as he grins. “So smug, better not let it get to your head.” Kraven grins as well. Both clash swords once again, the ground under them breaks upon impact; Kraven pushes Zero back and says. “Watch closely Van; behold my ultimate technique, burn in deep into your eyes.” Electricity surges around Kraven’s body as lightning strikes him multiple times repeatedly, his Spirit Force rises, the ground cracks, electricity comes out from the ground and surrounds the whole area. “Indignation!” Kraven shouts. Over one hundred lightning bolts begins striking the ground all around making a prison, Zero looks up towards the sky and notice a huge black cloud in the center, a lot of thunder can be heard when suddenly the black cloud spreads to the sides and a huge ball made out of electricity begins to descend as more lightning bolts strike it, making it even bigger and more powerful. “Whoa…” Zero says in disbelief. “If I don’t do something now, that will surely kill me…” Zero thinks. As the lightning covered ball descends, Zero readies himself with no way of escaping or countering in mind. He charges towards Kraven in an attempt to stop the attack, Kraven is surrounded by striking lightning bolts which block Zero’s view, Zero lets out his Spirit Force, he raises his sword upward turning his sword into a literal lightning bolt just like Kraven’s lightning blade. “This is my last chance to do something! I hope it works!” Zero thinks to himself. Luna and Krystal are evading Lilith’s attacks one after another with difficulty, Luna transforms her bracelet into a shield, she blocks Lilith’s attacks, while Krystal is attacking Lilith. Lilith bursts with Demon Force, enough to push back the girls, Lilith begins to fire a string of energy blasts all over the place, Luna and Krystal evading, but unexpectedly a huge energy blast comes from above Krystal, Luna throws her shield, Krystal catches it and blocks, but Lilith stabs Krystal’s ribs, Luna swiftly turns the shield on Krystal’s hand into a cage imprisoning just Lilith. Krystal backs away, Luna stands next to her. “You’re caged, like you should be.” Luna remarks. “Thanks…” Krystal says. “Don’t worry.” Luna smirks. “You think your Mana Force can hold me? Ha! That energy is too sparse to imprison me.” Lilith says letting out her Demon Force once again and breaking the Mana cage. Luna hastily jumps over Lilith and grabs the shield then concentrating Mana into it, the Mana spreads throughout the area making many shields. “You think you can protect yourselves making these many shields?” Lilith asks sarcastically. “Foolish child.” Krystal swiftly appears behind Lilith and stabs both her kodachi’s in either foot of Lilith into the ground, she then jumps back. Lilith laughs, but Luna says holding her gold bow. “Time to disappear… Radiant Death!” Luna fires her huge Mana arrow to one of the surrounding shield; it bounces off many other shields and so forth many times, hitting Lilith repeatedly as it bounces off the shields. It keeps hitting her multiply times while Krystal raises her arms and says. “High Voltage!” A lightning bolt of massive proportions comes down from the sky and strikes Lilith in an instant as Luna’s Mana arrow keeps striking her, Lilith widens her eyes and begins turning to ash as both attacks annihilate her completely, Lilith turns completely into ash while the attacks cease. Both Krystal and Luna fall down on the ground very injured and without energy. Zero stands in a baseball player position gripping his sword tightly while Kraven’s lightning covered ball descends faster than before, it falls towards Zero direction, Zero abruptly bats it, but the attacks is too strong to send flying. Zero concentrates more Spirit Force and lightning on his sword and muscles, Kraven stops feeding his energy to the attack and observes his son. “You won’t be able to repel it that easily I’m afraid.” Kraven comments. Zero grins, he successfully bats the lightning ball away. Zero clears his throat and says. “You were saying.” The lightning ball stops in midair, Zero then throws his sword towards the lightning ball, making it slow down, Zero leaps towards his old man and hits him with his knee under his chin, then holding him and jumping towards the attack. Zero’s sword falls down, Zero catches it quickly as he punches Kraven repeatedly, Zero then thrusts his sword into Kraven and kicks him upward, but Kraven pulls Zero by his jacket and both fall right into the attack. Zero suffers a great amount of damage and fall very hard on the ground while Kraven receives the attacks full force because the sword amplified the attacks power inside Kraven’s body. Kraven lands on the ground next to Zero, Zero stands up and observes Kraven, Kraven stands up as well and says taking out the sword from his chest. “I’m proud of you; you've become a great warrior.” “Father… I-” Zero is cut off. “You don’t have to say anything my son; we did all the talking during this battle.” Kraven remarks as he throws the sword towards Zero. Zero catches it, Kraven begins to walk away, as Zero is facing his back, Kraven waves without looking and fades away. “Damn it.” Zero says grinding his teeth. Jaye keeps observing from the dirigible and says. “A total failure, I can’t believe it, I’ll have to report this to Jony.” He then thinks. “Wait, I can just kill him right now and take him back…” Zero looks towards the dirigible and points his sword towards it, Krystal and Luna walk and stand next to Zero also looking upward. “I can’t believe they still have fight in them… Things won’t go smoothly if I go in without back up.” Jaye thinks to himself. The dirigible leaves full speed leaving the exhausted and weak party behind.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on October 30, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing