![]() Chapter 49: Beauty of AnnihilationA Chapter by ShinAs Kazumi, Kirisu and Yumi follow the lesser spirits, Salen is fighting Lucien and Faye at the same time, Salen is breathing heavily, he begins to think to himself. “I bet they must be far from here right about now… I’ll use my feral state when I see an opening.” “You bought them meaningless time; you’re only postponing their deaths.” Lucien says. “Don’t worry about that, but how about you spare me a weapon, it’s two against one, a weapon shouldn’t be any problem to any of you.” Salen says. “Humph… Are those your final words?” Lucien asks. “Maybe.” Salen replies. “As you wish.” Lucien raises his arm. Light elemental energy accumulates in front of Salen and materializes a rather wide machete with the tip squared, he catches it and get’s ready. Faye in an instant teleports in front of Salen, he back flips and jumps up unleashing a huge beam made out of his energy, Faye moves to the side and leaps towards him, he spreads his legs, her head ends up between his legs, he quickly back flips in the air and slams against the wall behind him very hard. Once he falls down Lucien appears in front of him making a downward slash with his lance, Salen side steps and makes a roundhouse kick, kicking him very hard throwing him to the other of the wall. Salen jumps to the wall and expels himself up to the school’s roof, Faye appears before him while Lucien wall runs up the wall landing behind Salen thrusting his lance on the floor making a huge explosion of light, Salen is repelled by the attack, Faye slaps him very hard with energy covering her hand, he falls down the building, but catches the ledge and jumps right up quickly slashing through Lucien’s arm made out of light. Lucien smirks grabbing Salen by his armor and throwing him towards Faye, Faye raises her arm in instant and accumulates a huge amount of Mana Force quickly punching the floor, making the whole school collapse and kicking the whole school’s roof floor towards Salen. Salen widens his eyes, but he is hit directly, sending him flying very far away from them, landing and sliding through the track field, when he looks up both Lucien and Faye are walking towards him. “I haven’t found an opening yet.” Salen thinks. Lucien jumps in midair and throws his lance right in front of Salen, where it blows up sending Salen high up in the air, Faye appears above him and kicks him downward, he lands very hard on the ground. Lucien and Faye lands right next to each other, Salen stands up and runs towards them, both unleash devastating beams of energy, but Salen dodges and jumps towards them, kicking both of them various times in midair and thrusting his machete in Faye’s chest. Lucien recovers, Salen still in midair removes the machete from Faye’s chest and both do a vertical slash covering their weapons in energy, once the weapons crash both of them are sent flying to opposite directions. Salen recovers rapidly, then grabbing Faye’s arm and throwing her towards Lucien’s direction, he then jumps towards them, Salen kicks Faye very hard under the chin and using her body to repel himself towards Lucien, still in midair his hair begins to spike up slightly, his fangs and claws getting longer while his eyes turn slit. A massive amount of Mystic Force comes out from him, damaging the ground under him as he flies towards Lucien. Lucien looks towards Salen, snapping his finger, many lances made of light appear around Salen swiftly striking at once, but Salen spins holding sword and destroying all the lances, then reaching Lucien and disappearing from his sight. Salen appears from behind and is about to slice him in half, Lucien suddenly disappears from Salen’s sight and appears above him striking down with his lance, but Salen blocks and jumps back, Faye appears next to Lucien again. Lucien begins walking towards Salen, but Faye places her hand on his shoulder and nods at him, she jumps towards Salen, he bends down and kicks her up, jumping behind her, then disappearing and appearing above her quickly striking her down, then appearing on her sides slashing again and finally under her piercing her chest yet again with his machete. Salen lands on the ground, Lucien makes a thrusting attack, Salen is about to block, but his sword disintegrates and Lucien pierces his heart. Salen gasps in pain and says. “You… tricked me…” “You fought well for a cat, a little too well, especially when your appearance changed, but it was clearly not enough to kill us, I was just using a little over fifty percent of my power, and I bet Faye was the same since no matter how many times you pierced her, you could not kill her.” “Uggghh…” Salen coughs blood. Faye appears behind Salen, her wounds regenerating very fast, she pierces Salen’s chest completely through his armor and says. “With this final blow, you die completely.” Salen slowly closes his eyes and draws his last breathe, he falls slowly on the ground. “It’s time to leave now.” Faye says. “You’re right.” Lucien nods. Both walk away, leaving Salen’s corpse behind. As the party walks behind the lesser spirits, Yumi stops and says. “Oh no… Salen’s Mystic Force has…” She sheds a tear. “I noticed, it vanished completely…” Kazumi says with a sad voice. “I can’t believe he died… He wasn’t such a bad cat after all.” “He saved our lives… we should be thankful.” Kazumi says. “…… No time for mourning his death I’m afraid.” The big spirit says. “Huh?” Yumi looks at the spirit. “I don’t know how you got here from the Void, but you must turn back.” “The Void?” Kirisu asks. “Yes, the Void, it’s what we call your world, since it’s been lost for around twelve thousand years.” The big spirit explains. “So the most important thing is for you to leave as soon as you can, though you haven’t noticed, but it’s been a few days since you’ve been in the Otherworld.” “What? Impossible!” Kirisu says bothered. “Since you don’t have the grasp of how time here runs, then that’s why it goes on so quickly for you people.” The big spirit says. “What is this Otherworld anyways? Why does it change all the time?” Yumi asks. “The Otherworld has three cycles, the light, twilight and dark cycles. The light cycle is foggy and snowy, pale with us spirits residing in it freely, the gravity is very light. The twilight cycle is dark, but with fluorescent lights, the gravity is normal and dark monsters lurk, the dark cycle is pitch black, the gravity is very heavy and the great spirits wander it.” The big spirit explains. “My friend Kazumi and I saw some people we know in this place.” Yumi says, “Oh, that’s just a memory shard materialized, but it normally happens when you remember them with certain feelings, be it friendship, nostalgia, hate or even love, they cannot harm you in any way, so don’t worry.” The big spirit replies. “Our friend… she suddenly turned on us and tried to kill us, once she saw herself in the mirror she became another person, why?” Kazumi asks. “Your friend, did she have amnesia or something?” The big spirit asks. “Well yeah, when we were getting here she was having these headaches.” Kazumi answers. “Hmm… It must have been the mirror of reminiscence, it must’ve showed her who she really was, and if she was evil, it was because she already was, what was her name?” The big spirit asks. “She said her name is Queen Faye Gloriana.” Kirisu says. “What? It can’t be!” The big spirit says. “What? Is there something important about her?” Kazumi asks very curiously. “Yes… I will explain once we reach our destination, it’s only a few seconds from here.” The big spirit says. “Where was it that you were taking us?” Kirisu asks. “To the only place where humans can be safe, the city of spirits here in the Otherworld, Nocturna.” They keep walking until a light shines, all of a sudden the light fades, they notice they’re all on top of a field of white glowing flowers; the party looks up at the light pink sky turning slowly dark with mermaids with wings flying around and hiding behind the clouds and coming out periodically. A clear azure ocean is right next to the town which the fish can be seen from any distance and deepness miles down the ocean. People start to come out of their homes, colorful buildings that glow in the night with all different psychedelic colors, despite it being nighttime it’s very lively. Normal people as well as people with weird features in their bodies like animal heads or body parts pass by, and a lot of spirits with varying features as well, big bugs can also be seen. “So beautiful!” Kazumi says looking around. “Unreal…” Kirisu says looking around as well. “Hi.” A spirit says at the party waving its hand and passing by. “Have a good day.” A little humanoid fox says smiling. “Why the hell is everyone so freaking friendly?” Yumi asks the big spirit. “Well everyone is good here, no problems, ever, everyone is respectful, everyone helps everyone without expecting anything, if someone falls down, someone, even if you don’t know him will give you a hand up.” The spirit answers. “In here, you won’t notice the cycles, but time will flow very fast for you and you won’t even notice.” “What about Faye?” Kazumi asks. “Spirits like us used to have only one source of communication with the Void, and that’s the Fairies and Elves.” The big spirit says, he then continues. “A very long time ago, about twelve thousand years ago, the queen Pixie, the tyrant ruler of the Pixies led a rebellion against the Fairies; she had plans to take on the humans after enslaving the Fairies. The Fairies sought aid of the Elves, specifically of Faris Venart, the magus at the time, she made a sealing egg which would only hatch if it came into contact with high Mystic Force, the failsafe was that whoever was trapped inside would suffer amnesia.” “That’s where we found her, in Venart’s place.” Kazumi says. “Well, the Fairies trapped her with our help, she was too strong, the queen of Fairies, Titania was almost an equal match, so she summoned one of the supreme spirits in order to defeat her and her army, she then sealed the queen of Pixies and handed her over to Faris Venart, since then, Fairies have lived happier.” “Why didn’t Titania kill Faye instead of sealing her?” Yumi asks. “Titania had a great heart, she thought that some day, even Faye would change for the greater good… but it looks like she was wrong.” The big spirit says. “Then why did Venart allow us to take Faye if she’s so important?” Kirisu asks. “I’m guessing he didn’t know, he did mention something about nose candy, so I assume he was high most of the time from the way he spoke.” Yumi says. “Haha, yeah, what a stoner.” Kirisu smiles. “Faye was our friend; she was so cheerful, but now…” Kazumi says with a sad voice. “I’m sorry if I’m bold miss, but the Pixie queen is not the friendly type, at least the real her.” The big spirit says. “Hey, I was wondering, do you spirits and err, people have individual names?” Kirisu asks curiously. “Yeah, my name’s George Ma Gog, but call me George.” He says. “Haha, George, a funny name.” Kirisu jests. “Anyways, how do we get out of here?” Yumi asks. “In the past, one of you or a friend of the outside world would have to make a pact with one of the supreme spirits of Nocturna.” George responds. “Why exactly that?” Yumi asks. “There has to be a link between your world and ours, it’s the only way you’ll get out of here.” George answers. “Is there any alternate way?” Kirisu asks. “Yes well… you won’t want to do that; it’ll take you about twelve years in here, approximately a little over six months in your world.” “Twelve years! Come on, is there no other way? Can’t we just come back where we came from?” Kirisu asks. “Humph…I didn’t see a way out from wherever it is you came from, however, there is a third option, it’s forcing yourself out with sheer force, but you’ll need a very high amount to do that, and I sense you don’t have enough.” George says. “Are you crazy? Yumi, Kazumi, let’s do it, watch this!” Kirisu says. The party begins to accumulate their forces; all of Nocturna begins to shake horribly, the parties auras coming forth, George simply smiles as he observes them, though all the people stop and stare at the party. The party keeps on, but nothing happens, they stop. “What the?” Kirisu is shocked. “I told you, it’s not enough, the blonde girl’s Cosmic Force would be enough by far, but she’s not even using half.” “Yumi! Why didn’t you use your whole power?” “I tried! But it didn’t come out… Let me try again.” Yumi’s hair begins to turn black; she then begins to unleash her Cosmic Force, the whole place shakes even more than before, the area begins to distort, almost turning into a portal, but Yumi stops and falls on one knee, panting heavily. “Ughh… I can’t keep on…” Yumi says still breathing heavily. “Looks like you still can’t use your full powers; the short hair boy can also break through if he uses his Divine Force.” George says. “What the hell is Divine Force?” Kirisu asks warily. “Huh? You mean to tell me you don’t know? Seriously?” George asks. “Why do you think I’m asking?” Kirisu asks. “… Do you at least know you have angel energy?” George asks. “Well… I was told I had sprouted angel wings yesterday, and I also know I have strange powers, but I didn’t really know it was angel energy.” Kirisu answers. “Well my boy, you somehow have this angel power, I don’t know how, but you should make good use of it.” George advices. “You must’ve seen yourself in the mirror of reminiscence; it must’ve been an angel I assume.” “Yeah, but I never liked to use this power…” Kirisu says in a low tone. “What?” George asks. “Nothing, anyways, I just don’t know how to control my angel form…” Kirisu says. “That my friend, is something you will have to learn on your own.” George says. “I guess.” Kirisu says. “I would advise you nice people to try and make a pact with the supreme spirits since we have lost the way to the Void.” George says. “Then where can we find one?” Kazumi asks. “In the mountains there’s a few spirits.” George says pointing at the mountains. The party looks at the brown chocolate color mountains with stairs going up to the clouds, all the mountains are snowcapped. “Why are there stairs to the clouds?” Kirisu asks. “Oh, that’s just a way to interact with the mermaids, let’s go.” George replies and floats towards the mountains. The party follows him up, they surprisingly make it quick, they see many penguins and polar bears playing domino. “Now I’ve seen everything.” Yumi says. “Hey! What’s up?” George asks a polar bear. “Not much, just chillin’.” The polar bear responds smiling warmly. “He looks like he’s drunk.” Kazumi remarks. “They are, polar bears can’t hold their liquor, looks like the penguins are winning again.” George explains. “Why do they drink liquor?” Kazumi asks. “To stay warm.” George replies. “We got here pretty quick.” Yumi comments. “Yeah, you’ve been here a month already.” George says. “What?” Kirisu asks in disbelief. “Time flows fast for you, not for us.” George remarks. “Damn…” Kirisu says kicking a purple ball with spikes down the mountain. Suddenly a mountain shatters instantly, the party looks towards the direction and see a man with long black hair dressed in black with boots holding a guitar. “Who the hell is that? And what just happened?” Kirisu asks. “That’s the heavy metal god, Maxwell, one of the supreme spirits of Nocturna.” “Huh? Heavy metal god? Seriously? Haha.” Kirisu laughs uncontrollably. “So, can we make a pact with him?” Yumi asks. “I don’t know, just ask him.” George says. The party begins walking towards Maxwell, he plays a note and another mountain shatters to pieces. “Excuse me, Mister Maxwell; we need to talk to you.” Yumi says. Maxwell again shatters another mountain with a note of his guitar, he then looks back, his face is young. “Who’s asking?” Maxwell asks. “My name is Yumi, these are my friends, Kazumi and Kirisu, we need a way to get out of this world, we were hoping you would make a pact with us.” Yumi says. “Hmm…” Maxwell ponders as he begins to walk around the party. “I can’t make a pact with any of you.” “What? Why?” Kazumi asks. “Because I don’t make pacts with people that have your types of forces, Cosmic, Divine and Mystic Forces don’t mix with my powers too well.” Maxwell explains. “Then what are we going to do?” Kirisu asks. “You can ask a friend in the Void.” George suggests. “How?” Yumi asks. “Place your hand on my shoulder and concentrate on a friend’s wavelength, then speak.” Maxwell says. Yumi walks up to him and places her hand on his shoulder, she then begins to concentrate. “Who should I talk with? Zero? No… He wouldn’t care… Kyoshi? Okay, let me try.” Yumi thinks as she concentrates. “Kyoshi, can you hear me?” No response of Kyoshi can be heard. “He can’t hear me.” Yumi states. “Then try another.” Maxwell says. “Should I try Seshiro or Hisana maybe? I’ll go with Hisana, she seems more reliable.” Yumi thinks, she then concentrates once again. “Hisana… can you hear me?” Meanwhile Hisana is in the barracks lying on her bed, she hears Yumi’s voice. “Huh? Yumi? Where are you? Why are you talking inside my mind?” “You see… we’re trapped inside this dimension of some sort, and we need for you to make a pact with a spirit inside this place so we can get out, can you help?” Yumi asks calmly. “Uhh… I’m not sure I get it, but alright, I accept.” Hisana replies. Back in Nocturna. “Can you make a pact with her?” Yumi asks Maxwell. “Yes, she seems to have a great amount of Spirit Force.” Maxwell answers. “Are you ready Hisana?” Yumi asks. “Yeah.” Hisana replies. Maxwell nods, Yumi steps back, Maxwell turns completely into metal, then melting into the ground, meanwhile, in the barracks, Hisana is looking around, making sure no one is there. The silver liquid begins accumulating and materializes into Maxwell. “You must be that spirit… Maxwell.” Hisana says. “Yeah, and you must be Hisana, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ready to make the pact?” Maxwell asks. “Before that, can you tell me what happens if we do? What would be the functions of this pact?” Hisana asks. “First of all, you would have a direct link to the Otherworld; you can summon me anytime you need me, be it battle or play basketball, haha.” Maxwell replies. “Alright, but before making this, any consequences or catches?” Hisana asks. “Hmm… you can’t summon me if you’re low on Spirit Force and each time you summon me it’ll drain Spirit Force from you gradually, so you can’t keep me here in the human world for long periods of time.” Maxwell explains. “Alright, let’s make the pact.” Hisana says. Maxwell get’s close to Hisana and pierces her heart with his hand; she widens her eyes and yells, Maxwell quickly turns to metal liquid and enters her heart, her wound instantly regenerate, Hisana gasps. “Ugghh…” Maxwell appears before her once again. “That went well.” Maxwell comments. “Ugghh… you could’ve warned me…” Hisana says pressing her chest. “Nah, I like to the people’s reactions.” Maxwell says. Suddenly voices of women can be heard coming towards the barracks. “Quick! Hide!” Hisana says. “Why? They can’t see me.” Maxwell says with a smirk. “Huh? Really?” Hisana asks. “Yeah.” Maxwell replies with a smile. “Go get my friends out of that dimension.” Hisana says calmly. “No problem boss.” Maxwell says quickly turning to metal liquid. He appears in Nocturna. “I’m back.” “What took you so long? We’ve been waiting for days!” Kirisu says annoyed. “Ohh, I forgot that a few minutes in the human world were a few days here.” Maxwell says. “Well, you gonna get us out of here or what? Did you make the pact with Hisana?” Yumi asks coldly. “Yeah, a nice girl she is.” Maxwell says. “You should get going, it was nice meeting you.” George says. “Yeah, you too.” Kazumi says cheerfully. A polar bear walks next to George and hands him a beer. “Why thank you.” George says. “Now, time to get your asses’ outta here!” Maxwell says taking out his guitar and playing a note. The party shatters into pieces, they then assemble outside of the twilight temple. “Huh? We’re finally out of that crazy place.” Kirisu says. “Yeah, time to head back to the ship.” Yumi says walking ahead. The party walks towards the ship, the Ricksees them walking towards him. “About time, you’ve been out for almost two days.” Ricks ays. “Yeah, we know.” Yumi says. The party get’s on the ship, Rick then asks. “Where to?” “Anywhere for now.” Yumi answers. “I have to get some supplies for the ship, so I’m going to make a little stop in Luginum port right next to the Grand Bridge.” The bread guy says. Once the ship sets sail, hours pass, the party is in the same room, sitting down on the chairs. “Cosmic Force…” Yumi says to herself. “Divine Force…” Kirisu thinks. “Feral state… Accept the changes….” Kazumi mumbles. “We’ve all learned a lot of things about ourselves in so little time.” Kirisu remarks. “Yeah, but I wonder if it’s for the better or worse.” Kazumi says. “Expect the worst, hope for the best.” Kirisu says. “You’re right on that Kirisu.” Yumi says. “Where are we headed now Yumi?” Kazumi asks. “We only have more questions, I still have Lucien in my death list and now more than ever, now that he killed Salen…” Yumi says, her expression turning furious. “I now have a purpose in this journey… I want to pursue Faye; I want to make her come back to us… the way she was before…” Kazumi says with a sad face. “What about you Kirisu?” “I’ve been advised a few times to embrace this cursed power I have… now I discover it’s a power of an angel dwelling inside me… I will learn how to harness it, to embrace it, not as a curse, but as a gift.” Kirisu says. “I’ll be off to sleep now, I’m so sleepy, haven’t got a decent rest lately, goodnight.” Yumi says leaving the room. A few minutes pass, Kazumi begins to see blurry and get dizzy. “Hey, Kazumi… are you alright?” Kirisu asks holding her tight. “I think so… I’m seeing blurry and I’m getting all dizzy.” Kazumi replies. Kirisu lays her on the bed, he then notices her eyes turning slit, her fingernails and fangs growing slightly. “What the?” Kirisu says observing her. Kazumi falls completely asleep, the next day Kazumi wakes up and sits on the bed, noticing Kirisu is not in the room. “It must be morning.” Kazumi thinks to herself. She stands up and walks inside the bathroom, there she sighs and looks in the mirror noticing her new features. “What? What happened to me? Is this what Salen was talking about?” Kazumi thinks to herself in disbelief. Kirisu knocks the door. “Are you alright Kazumi?” Kirisu asks. “Uhh… yeah… I’ll be out in a minute.” Kazumi replies. She then opens the door and looks at Kirisu, he stares back at her. “I’m a mess…” Kazumi comments. “No, you’re not… it must be those changes Salen was talking about, you look fine, you just have to adapt.” Kirisu remarks. “Thanks.” Kazumi hugs Kirisu, she then thinks to herself. “I’m starting to feel weird… am I getting…? Oh my God! I am!” Kazumi backs off quickly and lowers her head down. “What’s wrong Kazumi?” Kirisu asks worried grabbing her hand. “Uhh… nothing… can you leave me alone for a while… I have to think some things.” Kazumi asks. “Sure, sure, no problem, I’ll be on the deck if you need anything.” Kirisu says, then walking out the door and closing it. He then walks out to the deck and sees Yumi with her hand raised towards some barrels, he walks up to her and asks. “What are you doing?” Yumi remains silent; he notices the barrels shaking, like if something was moving them. “Is that you or the ship’s movement?” Kirisu asks. One of the barrels float in front of Kirisu. “What do you think?” Yumi asks sarcastically in a cold way. “Nice trick, but I can do that too.” Kirisu says raising his hand and making one of the barrels float. “I have some power over gravity, it’s great when you’re watching T.V. and the remote is too far away.” “I’m not using gravity; this is the power of my mind, I’m training it to use it in battle, but I bet you can’t do this.” Yumi says. The barrel in front of Kirisu disappears in an instant. “Whoa.” Kirisu says amazed. “I wish I knew that one, I could hide my porn better.” The barrel appears once again, it falls down on the floor. “What else can you lift?” Kirisu asks. Yumi raises her hand slightly; Kirisu’s body levitates by itself. “Whoa, hey, don’t use me as an example!” Kirisu says. He slowly floats down; she then, with her hand still raised up points it at the sea. “You must be out of your mind if you think you can raise water.” Kirisu says. “We’ll see.” Yumi says. Yumi begins to concentrate; she closes her eyes, some water from the sea begins to rise up little by little, it keeps rising until it surpasses the height of the ship. The water takes on Yumi’s form; she opens her eyes and sees this. “You surprise me.” Kirisu says staring at this very shocked. “Ughhh… This is as much as I can do… I can’t hold it for much longer…” Yumi says, the water then falling down back to where it was. Yumi then holds her head. “You overused your power didn’t you?” Kirisu asks. “Yeah… before I couldn’t even raise one of those barrels.” Yumi replies. “You’re adapting very quickly, I have some training to do of my own, I have to control this power of mine as best as I can.” Kirisu remarks. Yumi stares at Kirisu’s hair for a moment and says. “The small bangs of your hair are a little longer.” “Huh?” Kirisu touches his hair. “Hey, it’s true; it must’ve been those two months in that dimension, I’ll have to trim my hair a little.” “You should leave it like that, it suits you better.” Yumi comments and begins walking away. “Uh, thanks?” Kirisu says. Yumi walks into her room, she sits down on the bed and stares at her bag, she begins remembering Salen. “Salen… Why did you have to die?” Yumi’s eyes get watery. She grabs her bag and hugs it. “I swear that Lucien will pay dearly for your death and everything he has done to me.” Yumi lies on her bed still hugging the bag and falls asleep after shedding a tear. The next day arrives; Shizuru wakes up and notices she’s in an inn, Kyoshi is looking outside. “Kyo, what happened? How did we get here?” Shizuru asks. Kyoshi looks at her and quickly runs to her bed. “Are you alright? Amarth told me what happened in your fight, you’ve been asleep like for a week.” Kyoshi says worried. “I’m fine, where’s Amarth?” Shizuru asks. “Oh, left yesterday to check if there’s any nook and cranny in the Grand Bridge so we can pass without being noticed, he supposed to meet up with me today at the bridge, and now that you’re awake you can come as well.” Kyoshi explains. Shizuru stands up from the bed; she’s only wearing a black bra and a thong. “Where are my clothes?” Shizuru asks. “In the closet.” Kyoshi replies. “Hmm… now that we’re alone… I got some ideas.” Shizuru says staring at Kyoshi with a naughty look. “What? Again? Come on! No! Don’t you get sick of having so much sex? Every time we do it, you never stop; we end up having sex over and over and over again the same freaking night!” Kyoshi says crossing his arms. “Kyo… it’s time.” Shizuru says. “I said no!” Kyoshi says annoyed. Shizuru jumps on him and rips his shirt off, a few hours pass by, Shizuru is putting on her clothes while Kyoshi is in a fetus position in a corner in the wall with a dramatic expression. “What? It wasn’t so bad was it? Stop being a little b***h, man up for crying out loud, it’s not like I used a strap on or anything, I didn’t even touch your a*s.” Shizuru says finishing zipping up her shirt. “Why did you have to bite me all those times then?” Kyoshi asks. Shizuru rolls her eyes and answers. “Because I was freaking horny, that’s why, just get your clothes on.” A while passes; Kyoshi and Shizuru arrive at the Grand Bridge. “I wonder where Amarth is.” Shizuru says looking around. “He was supposed to be around here somewhere, I know he can’t come in here in the city, people would freak out, so he must be somewhere hiding or something.” Kyoshi says. “I got an idea, let’s go to that lighthouse, there’s no one there for what I can see, I’ll use my Spirit Force like last time to call him.” Kyoshi says. They walk towards the lighthouse and Kyoshi raises his Spirit Force, in a few minutes they hear Amarth’s voice somewhere. “Psst… I’m down here.” Amarth whispers. Kyoshi and Shizuru look down the rock area to the ocean; they see Amarth’s head popped out. “What are you doing down there?” Shizuru asks. “Hiding of course, miss obvious, I can’t just come here flying, all hell will break lose in this city.” “Did you find a way?” Kyoshi asks. “Yeah, in the harbor, you can take a ship to Silver Edge dock; from there we’ll be safe to go to the Phoenix temple.” Amarth replies. “Great, good job Amarth.” Kyoshi nods. “I’ll meet you at Silver Edge dock; dragons there aren’t as rare as here in Ligunum.” Amarth says swimming away under the sea. “You heard the man, err, dragon.” Kyoshi says. Kyoshi and Shizuru arrive at the Luginum dock, there they see many ships, they look around. “Let’s ask if there’s any ship going to Silver Edge dock now.” Kyoshi says. Kyoshi walks towards some people in front of a big ship. “Excuse me, anyone know if there’s a ship headed towards Silver Edge dock?” Kyoshi asks. “No, beat it.” A sailor says without facing Kyoshi. “Uhh, I really need to get there.” Kyoshi says. “I said-” The sailor cuts himself as he turns around noticing Kyoshi is a Satsume. “Oh, sorry… sorry, I didn’t know you were a Satsume! Uhh… There is a guy that will go there if you pay him good enough, he just arrived a while ago, you’re lucky, go to the corner of this dock, I mean the farthest corner, he always docks there.” “Oh, okay, thanks.” Kyoshi says. Kyoshi and Shizuru begin walking towards the end of the dock; there a woman stands in front of Kyoshi. “Hey handsome, are you lost?” The woman asks. “Uhh…” Kyoshi is speechless staring at her. Shizuru stands between the both of them. “I’m Shizuru, his girlfriend, nice to meet you.” Shizuru extends her hand smiling. The woman shakes her hand, Shizuru still smiling at her; Shizuru begins to heat her own hand at very high temperatures, the woman widens her eyes and begins to scream trying to get out of Shizuru’s grip. Shizuru let’s go of her hand, the woman runs away crying. “That’s what you get for flirting in my face.” Shizuru says angrily. “I don’t know what to think about this situation.” Kyoshi says with a blank stare. “Easy, cheat on me and you die along with the b***h.” Shizuru says smiling at Kyoshi. “Scary.” Kyoshi says scratching his right cheek. They keep on walking towards the end of the docks, there they see the beard guy’s ship, Kyoshi begins to call out. “Hello! Anybody here? We need a ride to Silver Edge dock!” Yumi, Kirisu and Kazumi hurry out to the deck and notices Shizuru and Kyoshi. “Kyoshi?” Yumi says in disbelief. “Huh? Yumi?” Kyoshi says in disbelief as well. “Oh for f**k’s sake, you humans again.” Shizuru says as she sighs. “Nice to see you too Shizuru.” Yumi says. “What are you doing here?” Kazumi asks. “Well, we need a way to get to Silver Edge dock.” Kyoshi says observing Kazumi. “What happened to you anyways? You look… different.” “Long story.” Kazumi smiles. “Your hair is a tiny bit longer Kirisu, I wonder how that happened.” Kyoshi says. “Yeah, long story as well.” Kirisu nods. “So what are you guys doing here?” Kyoshi asks. “Long story like they said.” Yumi answers. “Where’s Amarth?” Kazumi asks. “He’s going to wait for us at Silver Edge dock.” Kyoshi replies. “I see, you’ll have to pay the captain to get the ride, we really don’t know where to go now, so we might as well help you out now.” Yumi says, The Rickarrives with some food and gets on the ship. “Who’re you kids?” The Rickasks. “We came to see if you can take us to Silver Edge dock, we’ll pay of course.” Kyoshi responds. “Sure, I’ll go almost anywhere for the right cash.” The Ricksays. “It won’t take us too long, only a few hours.” The ship embarks to Silver Edge dock, hours pass, Yumi and everyone explained everything to Kyoshi and Shizuru in those few hours. They then dock at the port, there they see many Satsume. The party jumps off, Yumi looks back and says. “Be sure to wait a while, we’ll be back.” “You’re the boss, I hope you got enough cash for my services, you should just contract me or something since I’ve taken you to so many places.” The Ricklaughs. All the Satsume stare at the party, but they keep walking, making their way out of the docks. “Those people looked like they were going to jump us.” Kirisu remarks. “Yeah, it looked like it.” Kazumi nods. “Naturally, the majority of us despise you humans.” Shizuru says rudely. “Why?” Kazumi asks. “Why do you think? The most inferior race trying to dominate the rest, plus humans are the most evil and destructive of all, they think they’re so high and mighty, so prideful of being so weak in all aspects.” Shizuru says boldly. “Even though I know all you said is the truth and we probably deserve that reputation, but I assure you that not all humans are like that, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” Kirisu says. “Yes, I know many wonderful people.” Kazumi says. “Some.” Yumi says. “Yeah, like Yumi, Seshiro, Kirisu, Hisana and Lloy-” Kyoshi is about to finish. Yumi stares at Kyoshi with narrow cold eyes. “Uhh, sorry about that last one, I forgot he ain’t even human.” Kyoshi says nervously. “Where’s Amarth anyways?” Kirisu asks. “I’m right here.” Amarth’s voice says. Amarth lands in front of the party. “I was starting to miss you big guy.” Kazumi says with a smile. “Haha, you make me sound like an amusement park.” Amarth says. “Hahaha.” Kazumi laughs. “So Kyoshi, once we reach the Phoenix temple, what should we do?” Kazumi asks. “We have to use a key that Venart gave me on the temple doors, they won’t open, they’ll just absorb some magic and then we just have to get out of here.” Kyoshi explains. “Oh, I remember than almost scientific explanation Venart gave you, I hardly understood it, but I do remember you have to go somewhere else to finish the key.” Yumi says. “Yeah, the wind temple, but we’ll deal with that afterwards.” Kyoshi says. “I’m guessing this won’t be a walk in the park am I right?” Kirisu asks. “I’m pretty sure it won’t.” Kyoshi says. “Let’s just hurry up.” Shizuru says annoyed. The party keeps walking through the road until they reach what seems like a graveyard, a big temple is directly in front, made of dark silver bricks. “Why is there a cemetery in front of a temple?” Kazumi asks. “From what I know, this burial ground is for all the priests and high priests that once lived in the Phoenix temple.” Kyoshi answers. “I get it, makes sense.” Kazumi says. They keep getting closer and closer to the temple until they finally reach it, Kyoshi takes out the key and lifts it towards the doors, the blue magic sealing the door begins to flow into the key. It then stops, Kyoshi hides the key. “Okay, we’re done, pretty easy I think.” Kyoshi says. “I wonder why nobody noticed us here, it’s kinda of suspicious.” Kazumi says. “Don’t say it, you’ll jinx it.” Kirisu says. All of a sudden, the door behind Kyoshi begins to open by itself, the party backs off jumping back and facing the open doors. From there Jony walks out of the temple smoking a blunt. “You’re the high priest.” Shizuru says. “That’s right, Jony Chronic is my name, now tell me son of Reik, what are you doing here? Trying to avenge your little daddy?” Jony asks mockingly. “You son of a b***h!” Kyoshi yells charging towards him. As Kyoshi unsheathes his sword he jumps and does a vertical slash powered with fire, Jony stops the blade with his bare hands, then bursting in wild bright slightly golden flame throwing Kyoshi back. Jony throws back his sword and smirks. “You’re not as tough as Reik, but I do sense some potential in you, you can join me just like your father did.” Jony says making a signal with his hand. Kyoshi’s father, Reik comes out from the temple; he looks like an older version of Kyoshi with a van dyke beard, he is dressed with light armor and has a long sword on his waist. “Dad? Is that really you?” Kyoshi asks. “Of course it’s him, well, a dead revived under my control version.” Jony says. “How could you?” Kyoshi asks angrily. Jony smiles, then taking out a small handbag, he reaches his hand inside, then taking it out and blowing what seems like crimson colored ashes towards the cemetery. He then raises his hand towards the cemetery and the whole graveyard bursts with his holy flames. “What the heck are you doing?” Shizuru asks. “Oh, you’ll see, but I take my leave, I’ll leave you and Reik to catch up.” Jony says walking inside the Phoenix temple and sealing the door once again. “No! That was my chance!” Kyoshi says running towards the door, but Reik stands in his way. “Dad…” Kyoshi says. “Don’t let him fool you Kyoshi, just fight him, he’s not the same Reik we used to know.” Amarth says. “Alright dad, I guess this is you and me now.” Kyoshi says with a sad voice. Unexpectedly zombies begin coming from out of their graves. “Damn… this is turning into a certain zombie game.” Amarth says. “No time for jokes, let’s keep these guys busy while Kyoshi does his thing.” Yumi says. “Right!” The party says. As the party runs to the graveyard to fend off the zombies, Kyoshi and Reik brandish their swords. “Unfortunately son, I have to do this, I have no say in the matter.” Reik says. “It’s alright; I’ll free you and don’t worry about me holding back.” Kyoshi says. “Thank you.” Reik says. Both clash swords bursting in flames, Reik quickly parries and kicks Kyoshi on the stomach making him fall on the ground, Kyoshi jumps back up by jumping with his legs quickly making an upward diagonal slash. Reik blocks, but the force of the attack pushes him back, both clash swords once again engulfing themselves in flames, once their swords clash it explodes sending both flying, Kyoshi recovers in midair and lands safely while Reik slams his back against the temple walls. Reik stands up and charges towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi throws his sword at Reik as he runs towards him, Reik evades it, but Kyoshi surprises him with an upward kick under his chin, Reik falls down on the ground once again, Kyoshi jumps up in the air and covering his fist with fire falls down on the ground, Reik rolling to the side rapidly evading the attack. Kyoshi’s fire covered fist makes a six feet deep crater making the area explode, Reik catches him off guard and makes a roundhouse kick that send him flying, Kyoshi lands close to his sword and grabs it, then blocking Reik’s vertical slash. Kyoshi swiftly parries and grabs Reik by his armor and throws him towards the temple wall, Reik recovers in midair, and lands with his feet on the wall, then jumping back at Kyoshi and tackling him making him break a tree with his back. Reik jumps very high in the air towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi concentrates flames in his left hand and yells. “Tri-Flare!” Kyoshi throws three small fireballs circling forming a weave towards Reik, he’s able to dodge in midair with some difficulty, Kyoshi takes the opportunity and hits Reik very hard with elbow that sends him flying, he lands very hard on the ground. Reik stands up and coughs blood, he smiles and looks up at Kyoshi. “And here I thought you weren’t cut out to be a dragon knight, I should’ve known you’re a way better fighter than your old man.” Reik says. “I still like electric guitars though.” Kyoshi says smiling. “I bet.” Reik says. “Let’s end this Kyo, free me.” “Yeah…” Kyoshi says with a sad voice. Reik charges at Kyoshi and attack him viciously with his sword covered in flames, Kyoshi blocks and evades every slash easily, Reik makes a diagonal slash, Kyoshi blocks it half way with his sword, then punching Reik under his right arm using his left hand making the piece of armor break into pieces along with Reik’s bones, he grunts. Kyoshi rapidly slashes his chest breaking all the armor, then piercing his heart in less than no more than two seconds. “Ughh…” Reik gasps as he falls. Kyoshi catches Reik and holds him tightly before he falls, Kyoshi’s eyes get watery; Reik begins to fade slowly, turning to ash gradually. “Dad, do you still want me to become a dragon knight?” Kyoshi asks. “I just wanted what was best for you, but you’re a grown man, you decide what you want to do, I just pray that whatever decision you make will bring you happiness.” Reik says drawing his last breathe and turning completely to ash. “I’m sorry… dad.” Kyoshi says cleaning his watery eyes. Kyoshi then looks at the party about to be attacked by the zombies nearing at them and rushes to air them. Jony observes from a balcony at the zombies. “Strange, why didn’t they revive completely? They look like zombies from a movie instead of looking like my Last Union members… Does it have to do with the pitch black stone under the whole graveyard and part of the vicinity?” Jony thinks to himself. Kyoshi reaches the party, everyone with their weapons ready. “About time, thank God they’re slow.” Yumi says. “Sorry about the delay.” Kyoshi says. “Get ready, they’re surrounding us.” Amarth says. Yumi begins slashing them with her whip-sword, cutting their heads quickly, Kazumi begins to concentrate Mystic Force, but nothing happens. “Huh? I can’t use my powers.” Kazumi says. “Me neither.” Kirisu says. “Could it be the same as last time?” Yumi asks. “You mean the mortality stone?” Kazumi asks. “I’m lost, can you explain?” Kyoshi asks with a confused expression. Amarth hits a few zombies near them with his tail. “A while ago, we fought against a demon and we couldn’t use our powers because of a pitch black stone.” Yumi explains. “Just great.” Shizuru says sarcastically. “Amarth, can you breathe fire?” Kirisu asks. “What poor knowledge you have about dragons, of course I can, my fire is not any kind of power, it’s just my fire lungs, all natural biology.” Amarth replies. Amarth breathes fire at the zombies, the zombies keep coming, it seems there’s no end to them. “F**k, I just remembered, that mortality stone takes away any physical enhancements, so right now, we’re just regular humans, no super strength or speed or anything… I remember I had to fight normally against that demon.” Yumi says. “My caster gun doesn’t work either; I can only use regular ammo… We’ll need more than just conventional weapons.” Kirisu remarks. “Or we can run.” Amarth says. “Not a bad idea.” Kirisu says. “I think we should start right about… now!” Amarth says. The party begins to run away swiftly, but the zombies are too many, the party keeps on slashing their way, they also punch and do some acrobatic moves, the zombies are still trying to take a bite, even more getting closer and closer. “Damn it!” Shizuru shouts. A helicopter suddenly flies above them heading inside the wood are. “That’s-” Kirisu cuts himself off. “Guys, keep them busy for a minute!” Kirisu jumps by the zombies and runs like crazy; there he spots the helicopter already on land. Kirisu widens his eyes and runs towards it while the party is still fighting, Naty and Redhizer come out. “Brother! I knew you were alive!” Naty says with relief. “Humph, a tenacious as a cockroach.” Redhizer says with a grin. “What are you doing here?” Kirisu asks alarmed. “We came to escort you back.” Redhizer says. “No, I can’t go! My friends need me here; they’re back there fighting for their lives!” Kirisu says. “Still insisting that you have friends.” Redhizer says. “I promise I’ll go back on my own free will, but let me do this first.” “…… Alright… I’ll be waiting for you.” Redhizer says. “Here!” Naty throws a whole bunch of fire weapons and explosives. “Help yourself, you’ll need these, we saw all those things attacking you.” “Thanks, now go! Before they see you!” Kirisu says. “We aren’t going anywhere; we’re going to help you guys.” Redhizer says putting on the Jin mask. “Let’s do this dude!” “Hehe.” Kirisu chuckles. “You think that after coming all the way from the other side of the world we wouldn’t help?” Naty asks. “I get it sis, let’s go!” Kirisu says. They all pick the equipment on the ground and run towards the party’s direction. Kirisu, Redhizer and Naty appear, the party notices them. “What the hell? So you were the guys that were on the helicopter?” Yumi asks. “I know you! You’re that Gen-Exis official!” Shizuru says pointing at Naty. “Hey yeah, it really is her!” Kyoshi nods. “Uhh, no, I was undercover, because I’m from a Gen-Exis resistance!” Naty explains. “Then why are you two dressed as Gen-Exis high ranking soldiers?” Kazumi asks. “We’re still undercover dudes.” Jin says. “Isn’t it easier to escape on the helicopter?” Kazumi asks. “We would have to kill these first.” Kirisu says. All the zombies are surrounding the whole party, over eighty zombies. “Better think quickly.” Amarth suggests. “And those guns?” Shizuru asks. “Defense, here!” Jin says throwing Shizuru a forty five handgun with some magazines. Kirisu throws Kazumi some magazines and gives Yumi a rifle with a box of ammo. “You know how to handle that?” Kirisu asks. “I took some snipping classes in military school for a year.” Yumi replies quickly. “Good, then you better hide and start shooting.” Kirisu suggests. Yumi quickly runs and climbs a tree, while Naty throws a shotgun at Kyoshi with a box of shells. “Thanks.” Kyoshi says. He then reaches his big bag and takes out an electric guitar and ties it with belts on his back. “And that?” Naty asks. “My shotgun guitar!” Kyoshi answers, quickly shooting a zombie next to him with the shotgun. “A guitar that’s a shotgun?” Naty asks. “Pretty much.” Kyoshi responds. “Sounds amusing, I’ll look forward to see you in action with it.” Naty smiles. She then runs and climbs the same tree where Yumi is. “You’re a sniper too?” Yumi asks calmly. “Yep.” Naty readies her rifle. “Time to do some snipping magic.” Yumi and Naty begin firing all the zombies close to the party, while Jin shoots the zombies with a Luger P08 pistol and slicing a few zombies with a Lemurian blade. Kirisu shoots the zombies and also cuts a few with his sword; Shizuru does the same, but mostly using her daggers. Kazumi kicks and fires and evading making a lot of flips, while Kyoshi keeps firing the shotgun, he then takes out the shotgun guitar and shoots away like crazy. As the party defends themselves they keep moving farther away from the Phoenix temple, Amarth burns most of them when they group up. “We’re almost out of this place guys.” Jin says. “The zombies are decreasing in numbers by a whole lot.” Kazumi comments. “We have the advantage.” Naty states. “Tell me about it.” Yumi says with a smile. Yumi and Naty finish off the rest by snipping them. “You’re pretty good.” Naty remarks. “Back at ya.” Yumi says. Both of them walk towards the party. “Saved by the bell, err, I mean snipers, all the same anyways.” Amarth says. “Thanks for the help Jin, Naty.” Kirisu says. “It’s all good dude!” Jin smiles. “Brother, can you escort us to the helicopter? It’s not far away.” Naty asks. “Sure, guys, wait for me at the ship, I’ll be there in a few.” “I kinda wanted a ride in the helicopter, haha, just kidding.” Amarth jests. “Haha.” Jin laughs. The party hands over the weapons to Naty and Jin and head back to the ship, Kirisu, Jin and Naty arrive where the helicopter is. “Thanks again, I promise I’ll go back soon.” “If you don’t come back, we’ll drag you back, but I can’t believe that after we came all this way just to fight some zombies.” Redhizer says with a serious tone. “Yeah… take care.” Kirisu says. “Stay alive big bro.” Naty says giving Kirisu a hug. Kirisu stands back, the helicopter get’s airborne, Redhizer takes off his mask and stares at Kirisu seriously. The helicopter leaves, Kirisu lowers his head and says. “I won’t go back anytime soon.”© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on October 25, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing