![]() Chapter 48: OtherworldA Chapter by ShinKirisu opens his eyes and sees Kazumi and Faye right next to him; she’s looking towards Yumi, Salen and Jones. Salen is on Yumi’s right shoulder, Jones is talking with Yumi about something, but Kirisu can’t hear it well. “Kazumi… how did we survive? Did Yumi save us?” Kirisu asks. “Kirisu!” Kazumi says with relief. “Yumi! Kirisu woke up!” The party walks towards Kazumi, Kirisu and Faye. “Are you feeling okay?” Faye asks. “Yeah…” Kirisu says standing up. “Looks like shorty is tougher than he looks.” Salen remarks. “I’ll show you the part that’s tougher!” Kirisu says unzipping his pants. “Please, you’re just going to prove me right.” Salen says looking away. Kirisu stares at Salen angrily, he then looks at Yumi and asks. “How did Kazumi and I survive?” Kazumi and Yumi stare at each other. “It looks like you saved her yourself, Salen told me a strange energy surged from you and you somehow saved her and yourself.” Yumi explains. “Yeah! You grew a pair of beautiful angel wings and saved her! But when you came back up, I noticed it wasn’t you, it was someone else, the other you smiled at me, and then you fainted!” Faye says. “Humph… Strange… I’ll have to look more into this… I’ve had blackouts before, but there was never anyone to tell me what happened to me exactly.” Kirisu says, he then looks at Yumi and asks. “Yumi, how did you beat that guy? He had so much spirit force?” “Well… from what Salen told me, he said that my hair turned black, I noticed my light powers black as well, though they had golden borders, I didn’t really care, I just wanted to kill Lucien…I was able to just slice half his arm off, but I couldn’t get many answers out of him because a woman saved him.” Yumi explains. “A woman?” Kirisu asks. “Yeah, she destroyed part of the mountain with just one punch.” Yumi explains. “Damn, she’s strong then, this Lucien guy didn’t seem like the back-up type, but appearances, am I right?” Kirisu asks rhetorically. “That’s all I got.” Yumi says. “Had enough already?” Kirisu asks taking out his pack of cigarettes, he then puts it in his mouth. Yumi takes it away and puts it in hers, snapping her fingers and lightning it instantly. “What the?” Kirisu says shocked. “Yumi! You never smoke!” Kazumi says. “First time for everything, and besides, I could’ve died back there and I’ve never smoked one before, so I might as well try it once or twice.” Yumi says taking a few puffs. “What are you guys exactly? What happened here?” Jones asks. “Don’t worry about anything here, just forget all about it, just lead us back to the ski resort.” Yumi says blowing some smoke on Jones. Jones begins to cough, then taking out the oxygen tank and breathing in. “Okay, okay, just don’t do that again!” Jones says irritated. “And answering your question Kirisu, no, I’m not satisfied, he hasn’t told me everything yet, I can feel his spirit force, he’s heading north-west, so let’s hurry up.” Yumi says picking up her bag. Salen jumps in, the party begins climbing down until they reach the ski resort. “This is it Jones, here’s a tip.” Yumi hands her some money. “Oh thanks, come by if you ever want to see the temple of light again!” Jones says cheerfully. “Sure thing.” Yumi says leaving with the party. After a while they walk down and take the path towards the small ship docks, they arrive after a while. “We’re here, it’s small indeed.” Faye says floating around. “We’d best hurry if we want to reach him, he must’ve took a boat, let’s ask.” Salen says with his head out the bag. “Salen is right, we should ask.” Kazumi nods. The party walks towards the docks and surprisingly sees the beard guy. “I knew you’d be coming here, so I took the liberty to dock in this place, where to now?” He asks. “North-west.” Yumi rapidly answers. “North-west? That’s Varrock, no one ever goes there, the rumors say it’s infested with monsters!” Rick says a little alarmed. “Rumors, who needs them? Just take us there.” Yumi says coldly. “Sure thing miss.” The beard guys says. “Hop on board.” “Yay!” Faye says excited floating around Kazumi. The ship sets sail and heads north-west, on their way Yumi walks out to the deck, Kirisu is there looking at the horizon. He then takes out his cigarette pack, quickly taking out a cigarette and lighting it up. “It’s been a while since I had one of these…” Yumi walks towards Kirisu and asks. “Mind giving me one?” “Huh? You smoke now? First you take one away from me and now you’re asking for one.” Kirisu hands her a cigarette and lighter. “Now I do.” Yumi lights up the cigarette and takes a puff. “I didn’t expect that all of a sudden.” Kirisu says taking his lighter back. “Me neither.” Yumi says taking another puff. “I don’t mean to pry or anything, but how are dealing with all this Lloyd situation?” Kirisu asks. “Do you mind if we don’t talk about it… ever?” Yumi asks coldly. “I do mind, he was my best friend.” Kirisu remarks. Yumi looks away taking another puff. “I still can’t believe he’s really a demon… he always helped us killing them up until now… He just doesn’t look like the kind of guy that would leave his friends just like that… He was a great friend, like a brother…it’s been some time since we’ve seen him, and we hanged out pretty often, I feel like I’ve known him for a long time, but it’s been a little over a year. I still don’t understand this situation with him… I’ve been holding all this up for a while; I needed to get it off my chest.” Kirisu says. “Are you done? I’ve known him since childhood and I didn’t know he was a demon, how do you think that makes me feel? Growing up with him, hanging out with him, falling hopelessly in love with him? Hating him?” Yumi asks angrily. “I know it’s not easy… but we’ll probably never see him again anyways…” Kirisu answers. “I hope so… I just want to forget he ever existed.” Yumi says sighing. “We have more important things to do now, like finding Lucien, but I wanna know exactly why we’re after him? I’m just here accompanying Kazumi, and she’s here because she’s your best friend.” Kirisu says. “I have to know why exactly does he want me? What this power I have comes from, why I have it, I told you, I didn’t get him to spit out enough info.” Yumi replies. “So it’s more of a journey on finding yourself, but it’s dangerous… I suggest we stop and return to Lemuria before it’s too late.” Kirisu suggests. “There’s no turning back anymore for me, if you want, you and Kazumi could go, I’ll stay with Salen and end my quest.” Yumi replies. “We can’t just let you go alone…” Kirisu says. “I don’t need your help…” Yumi says coldly. “You think you’re that powerful?” Kirisu asks. “Maybe if you saw how Lucien ended without an arm and running away, you would know.” Yumi stares coldly at Kirisu, he materializes a dark spear in midair without Yumi noticing and sends it at her, once it’s about to hit, it shatters in pieces. “Kirisu, there’s no way your spears can even scratch me, I’m sure you felt my Spirit Force… and I bet you noticed how it leaks and protects me involuntarily.” “I know, but you see, I also have a strange power like you, and like yours, it’s very strong, so don’t underestimate me or anyone.” Kirisu says taking a puff once again and looking to the horizon. The skies are bright orange, shining over the sea and the ship beautifully; night is falling slowly, but surely. Night falls completely, Kazumi walks through the hallway, Salen passes by and says. “Not getting any sleep I suppose.” “Not really, with all this happening… It’s a little hard.” Kazumi comments. “What exactly is all this happening?” Salen asks. “A friend of ours… like my little brother left us… Yumi… her getting like this all of a sudden… Kirisu with his mysterious angel"like powers and me having some dormant power.” “Things aren’t as complicated as they seem to be.” Salen remarks. “What do you mean? Do you know something that I don’t?” Kazumi asks warily. “Maybe.” Salen says walking away. “Huh? Hey! Wait!” Kazumi says, but Salen keeps walking. “Darn it.” Faye comes out to the hallways and sees Kazumi lost in thought. “What’s up? Something the matter?” Faye asks worried. “It’s alright, it’s nothing important, what are you doing here? I thought you were sleeping.” Kazumi says. “Well yeah I-ugggh!” Faye yells in pain. “Faye! Are you alright!? Tell me what’s wrong with you?” Kazumi asks worried. “I don’t know…uggghhh…” Faye yells holding her head with both hands. Kirisu comes out of his quarters and sees both of them; he runs towards them and asks. “What’s wrong Faye?” “She suddenly had a headache! I don’t know why!” Kazumi says nervously. “Ugghh…” Faye faints. “S**t! Let’s take her to your room.” Kirisu says picking up Faye. They take her to the room and place a pillow on a table, then laying her there. “What the hell?” Kirisu asks himself. “I don’t know… but we’re going to have to ask her tomorrow…” Kazumi says sadden. “Yeah.” Kirisu says staring at the unconscious Faye. The night goes by, everyone goes to sleep, the sun rises, it’s now next morning, Yumi comes out of the shower in a towel, she passes by Salen. “Not very lady"like to be walking in front of a man in a towel.” Salen remarks. “You’re just a cat, no harm done.” Yumi says, taking off her towel. Salen stares at her back since he’s behind her; he then looks at her thorn tattoo. “Your tattoo goes with your personality.” Salen states. Yumi puts on her hot pants and short dark gray pants after, then her bra and a dark gray blouse which has some belts. She then takes a big cloth piece that reaches her heels and ties it around her waist. “I guess so; I got it done just to defy my dad.” Yumi says putting on some long cloths over her arms tying them. “Bad girl.” Salen jests. Yumi walks over to Salen, she picks him up and places him on her shoulder, she then walks out to the hallway, then knocking on Kazumi’s door. Kazumi answers the door all ready along with Faye. “We’re ready.” “Good, and what was all that yelling you did yesterday?” Yumi asks. “Faye got some serious headaches and she fainted.” Kazumi replies. “What happened exactly?” Yumi asks Faye. “Well, I’m not sure… I had these visions, they were all blurry, then I got this headache like Kazumi said and fainted.” Faye explains. “Strange… well anyways, let’s go out to see how long till we arrive at Varrock.” Yumi says walking out to the deck. “We’re almost there, you see it?” Rick asks pointing north-west. The party looks, they see the land from the distance, it has a lot of mountains and flora around it. On the corner of the land there is snow; on the other side it seems slightly more tropical. “Snow again?” Faye asks disappointed. “Suck it up.” Yumi says coldly. “Meanie!” Faye says. After a while the ship arrives at Varrock, the party gets off the ship. “Since there’s no dock here or anything that I know of, I’ll wait for you kids here, I got enough supplies for a week, so you better be here before that time, or not I’ll leave to resupply on the closest port and come back, it can take days or even another week, so you better take my advice.” Rick says. “We’ll be here before that happens, just stay on your guard, you never know if the rumors are true after all.” Yumi says with a smirk. “Don’t try to scare an old man like me, it’s no healthy.” The beard man says. “See ya later.” Yumi says walking away. The party follows, after a while walking on the edge of the shore around Varrock Yumi sees a worn out path into the woods. “Tell me you’re not considering going in there.” Kazumi says staring at Yumi. Yumi looks back at her and replies. “In fact, I am, I can feel his spirit force in there somewhere.” “Don’t you remember what happened last time we went inside some woods? We got separated and almost became dinner for a demon.” Kirisu says. “Don’t worry, just go with it.” Yumi says walking ahead. Kazumi sighs and follows along with everyone, they walk in the woods, but this time there is a lot of sunlight shining through the trees. “It’s actually not that creepy.” Faye remarks. “Yeah, I don’t see any monsters anywhere.” Kirisu says looking around with his hands inside his pockets. “Look, there’s a few paths.” Yumi says pointing at the worn out paths before them. “Which path should we take?” Kazumi asks. “Why don’t we ask the little p***y? He seems knowledgeable with woodland areas.” Kirisu remarks smiling. Salen pops his head out of the bag and says. “Well, looks like our genius finally came up with an idea for once, not the best one either.” “So, can you?” Yumi asks. “Maybe, but I would advise you follow your senses to find his direction, just concentrate on his energy wavelength.” Salen responds. “Let me try.” Yumi says closing her eyes. She concentrates for a few seconds; she then opens her eyes and says. “He’s on the left path.” Yumi says walking ahead. “There she goes again, walking ahead.” Kirisu sighs. “Damn it!, I hate the boondocks, not the series though, no pun intended.” “Hehe, I bet you did mean it.” Kazumi says smiling at Kirisu. “Maybe just a little.” Kirisu smiles back at her. “Hehehe.” Kazumi giggles. “Let’s hurry up, before Yumi leaves us behind.” Faye says anxiously. They keep following Yumi until they reach big wooden gates. “Uhh… maybe George of the jungle or Tarzan lives in there.” Kazumi remarks. “Nah, maybe Gilligan.” Kirisu says with a smirk. “O…k…” Faye says puzzled. “What are we going to do? The doors are closed.” Kazumi says. “Kick them open of course.” Yumi says. She concentrates Spirit Force on her right foot, she then literally kicks them open, inside there is a huge worn out temple very similar to the temple of light. “Another temple… great.” Kirisu says. “What is it with this guy and temples anyway?” “Ruin fetish anyone?” Kazumi asks. “Haha, maybe.” Kirisu smiles. “Less talking and more walking.” Yumi says walking ahead yet again. They all walk towards the temple, there the doors are open. “Looks like he went in first.” Faye says. “Ugghh…!” Faye yells. “Faye! Again?” Kazumi asks worried. “Hey, keep it together.” Yumi says walking towards Faye. “There must be something reacting to her in this place.” Salen remarks. “What? What do you mean?” Kazumi asks. “I just noticed that when every time we get closer to this place she gets those headaches.” Salen says. “This… Is the… Twilight temple…” Faye says holding her head with both hands. “The Twilight temple?” Kirisu asks losing himself in thought. “I’ve never heard of such a place.” Yumi comments looking through the opened doors. “I have, but I don’t know anything about it.” Salen states. Faye giggles all of a sudden, the party stares at her warily. “What’s so funny Faye?” Kazumi asks. “Heh, I don’t know, I feel alright all of a sudden, I just laughed involuntarily.” Faye answers. Salen stares at Faye suspiciously. “We’ll soon find out what’s happening, let’s go inside.” Salen says staring at Yumi. “Hey! Who made you leader?” Kirisu asks annoyed. “Oh I’m sorry, I forgot you were calling the shots shorty.” Salen says sarcastically. “I hate you.” Kirisu says staring at Salen with narrow eyes. “Likewise.” Salen says looking away. “Flea bag.” Kirisu says annoyed. “You’re as short as a flea retard.” Salen says. “And I’m not going to sink to your level anymore, so don’t expect me to keep talking with you.” “I hate cats.” Kirisu says. “You hate what?” Kazumi asks cautiously. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that Kazumi! I meant as in just him.” Kirisu replies nervously. “Humph!” Kazumi crosses her arms and looks away. “Come on! Don’t be like that!” Kirisu grabs Kazumi’s hand. “Quit dicking around, let’s go in.” Yumi says walking inside. Yumi and party walks in the temple of Twilight, there is fluorescent light all over the place, but it is still dark. “It’s pretty in here.” Kazumi says as she walks looking around. “Yeah, it is isn’t it?” Faye says. They keep walking inside, when unexpectedly a bright fluorescent orange light engulfs the hallway. “What the? Kazumi! Where are you?” Kirisu yells loudly. “I’m right here!” Kazumi’s voice says. “I can’t see a thing!” Kirisu says. “Me neither, let’s wait until the light ceases, are you with us Faye?” Kazumi asks. “Yeah, what about Yumi and Salen?” Faye asks. “Yumi! Are you here?” Kazumi asks. No response from Yumi is heard. “It looks like she’s not here, let’s just wait, we’ll look for her afterwards.” Kirisu says. Yumi is then seen lying on a street, she wakes up in what seems like Lemuria city, but it’s all foggy, she looks around, it’s snowing slightly, she notices Salen is right next to her. “Salen.” Yumi says shaking Salen which wakes him up. “Hmm? Where are we?” Salen asks opening his eyes. “If I’m not mistaken, this is Lemuria… but it’s all misty and it’s snowing for what you can see.” Yumi says looking around and standing up. “Interesting…” Salen says also standing up. “What is?” Yumi asks. “Can’t you feel this ominous presence?” Salen asks. “Not really, what do you mean?” Yumi asks. “We’re not alone, this energy wavelength I’m feeling, it’s not of our world.” Salen replies. “Are you implying we’re somewhere else?” Yumi asks suspiciously. “We are… don’t you feel light weighted?” Salen asks. “Huh?” Yumi jumps slightly and floats for various seconds before falling. “You see? It’s not advantageous in a battle, especially while in midair, you’ll become more vulnerable, so make sure you don’t jump.” Salen explains. “You know a lot of things Salen, I’d say a little too knowledgeable to be a cat, you remind me of a friend, a demon hunter named Zero, he used to explain everything to us, always knowing a lot.” Yumi remarks. “Heh, I’ve been around, a demon hunter you say, a Kaizer?” Salen asks. “Yeah, I’m not surprised you know about them too.” Yumi comments. “You’re so mature and knowledgeable, not a cocky pervert like some people I knew… I wish you were a human, I’d probably date you.” “Careful what you wish for.” Salen says walking away. “What does that mean?” Yumi asks following him. “Nothing.” Salen answers. Yumi scoffs as she walks. “I wonder where everyone is…” Yumi comments. “We all came in here together; we’ll encounter them somewhere along the way.” Salen states. “I can’t feel anyone’s Spirit Force.” Yumi remarks. “It must be this place, interfering with our senses.” Salen says. “You’re maybe right.” Yumi says. They keep walking, they then pass by Yumi’s house after a while, Yumi stops. “This is my house.” Yumi points at it. “It’s not really your house in this world.” Salen comments. “No, but I’d like to check it out.” Yumi says walking to her house. She knocks on the door, but no one answers. “Looks like nobodies home.” Yumi says opening the door. She walks in; there is a staircase on the left and the living room on the right, with the TV far against the eastern wall and couches in front of it. All the way straight is the kitchen, but only the table can be seen from Yumi’s distance. She walks up the staircase, Salen behind her, once up on the second floor there’s a hallway with rooms to the sides, she enters the last door on the hallway. “It’s my room.” Yumi says walking in. There’s a queen"sized bed on the right corner, a window on the opposite corner with other room furniture around the room placed very neatly. “This brings back some memories, been a while since I’ve come in.” Yumi remarks. “What are we doing here anyways?” Salen asks. “I just wanted to take a look.” Yumi answers. “You nostalgia, you lose.” Salen says. “I already lost.” Yumi says with a smile. She walks up to the window and looks outside, there she sees Lloyd staring at her from the street and with a cocky smirk on his face. Yumi widens her eyes in shock; she quickly begins to run down the stairs, Salen running behind her. “What’s wrong? Hey! Wait a minute!” Salen shouts running after her. Yumi busts the door open and doesn’t see Lloyd anywhere anymore. “Why’d you come running down so fast for? You saw something through the window?” Salen asks with a confused expression. “Yeah… Lloyd.” Yumi replies. “Lloyd? In this world? Are you sure?” Salen asks. “Completely, it can only be him… that b*****d.” Yumi says angrily. Yumi walks to the street and starts looking around, she then spots Lloyd running away from a distance disappearing into the fog. “There he is!” Yumi says running towards him. “Huh? Where? I don’t see anybody.” Salen says running after her. “It looks like he’s heading towards the school.” Yumi says as she runs. Meanwhile Kirisu, Faye and Kazumi are somewhere else in Lemuria city. “We’re definitely not in the real Lemuria.” Kirisu states. “Yeah, but still, it looks just like it…” Kazumi says. “I don’t like this place… it’s scary… so lifeless.” Faye says nervously. “Hey, don’t worry, we’re here, nothing’s going to happen to you.” Kirisu says smiling warmly. “Okay…” Faye sits on Kazumi’s shoulder. “We have to look for Yumi and Salen.” Kazumi comments. “I can’t feel Yumi’s Spirit Force.” Kirisu says looking around the area. “We should start looking now.” Faye suggests. They begin walking around, after a while they reach Aoi Kaze restaurant. “Look!” Kirisu says pointing at the restaurant. “Ohh, should we check inside? I mean, maybe we’ll find something.” Kazumi says. “Not a bad idea.” Kirisu says walking inside the restaurant along with the rest. “It’s deserted, like everywhere in this place.” Faye says. “Yeah.” Kazumi says looking outside, she sees Christopher smiling at her and beckoning her with his hand. Kazumi looks towards Kirisu and says. “Look! It’s Chris!” “I don’t see anybody.” Kirisu says. Kazumi looks back and doesn’t see him. “I saw him just a second ago… let’s go outside.” Kazumi says walking outside. She looks around and sees him walking away though the fog. “There he is!” Kazumi says walking towards his direction. “I don’t see anyone Kazumi.” Kirisu says doubtfully. “I didn’t see anyone either.” Faye says. “I swear I saw him, I’m not crazy.” Kazumi says still walking. “Humph…” Kirisu ponders as he walks. “Isn’t that direction towards Nakahiro?” “It looks like it, let’s just follow him.” Kazumi says. They keep walking behind Christopher; in the meantime Yumi and Salen are still running. “How much longer till we get there? I swear it’s been hours.” Salen says. “Yeah, it’s strange… it’s like we’re running in circles…” Yumi says. They both stop running. “I’m tired, we should get some rest, at least I know where he’s headed.” Yumi remarks sitting down on the sidewalk. “Yeah, a nap sounds really great.” Salen says lying down on Yumi’s lap. “Pretty obvious coming from a cat.” Yumi says smiling. “Yeah.” They fall asleep for a little while; they then wake up in the school, Yumi wakes up Salen, both stand up. “How did we get here?” Salen asks puzzled. “It gives me the chills just thinking about it.” Yumi says looking around. All of a sudden Kirisu, Kazumi and Faye appear from behind them. “Yumi?” Kazumi asks. “Huh? Kazumi?” Yumi turns around and sees the party. “See, I told you we’d encounter them along the way.” Salen says. “You guys alright?” Yumi asks. “Yeah.” Kazumi replies. “Don’t you guys get this strange feeling we’ve been losing time? I mean, it’s like a few days have already passed by.” Kirisu asks. “Well yeah…” Yumi answers. “I thought so…” Kirisu says. “What brings you to the school?” Salen asks. “I was following Christopher, but we were going in circles or something, we ended up taking a break, and we fell asleep.” Kazumi responds. “I was following… Lloyd, we also fell asleep and appeared here.” Yumi explains. “Lloyd?” Kirisu and Kazumi ask at the same time. “Yeah.” Yumi says. “Then we’ll just have to check the school, both of them might be here.” Faye says. “Let’s get going then.” Salen says walking ahead. The party walks towards the school’s entrance, once they’re about to reach the entrance the skies begin to turn black, only small parts of the sky can be seen fluorescent bright orange, it’s clearly twilight. “It got a little dark all of a sudden.” Faye says looking up at the sky. “Let’s hurry up.” Yumi says opening the glass door of the entrance. The party walks in, everything looks like the outside, all twilight; screeches can be heard from the outside of the school from the distance. “What was that?” Faye asks very scared. “I don’t know, but we should hurry and look for the guys.” Kirisu says. “Let’s move out.” Yumi begins walking. The party begins to move out, walking through the hallways, a voice is suddenly heard. “Yuuuumi.” Yumi and the party looks at one of the doors that is slightly open, they see a pale white face staring at them, Kazumi and Faye yell. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” The pale face hides in the room, Yumi rushes there and opens the door, the pale being is no longer there, only a regular classroom. “No one’s here.” Yumi says. “Let’s keep looking.” “Oh God…” Kazumi says scared. They keep walking through the hallway, until they reach the doors that go out to the schoolyard, there Lucien is standing, his missing arm is made out of a silhouette of light. He’s standing in front of a giant mirror laughing. “Lucien!” Yumi yells. “Haha, now I understand… it all makes sense now, this power; it’s not of this world.” Lucien says, he then turns around facing Yumi. “What are you talking about?” Yumi asks. “Our power, it’s not what people think it is…” Lucien says with a smile across his face. “Then what is it? Tell me!” Yumi demands. “You really want to know?” Lucien asks. “Yes.” Yumi replies. “Our energy is not Spirit Force… it’s too dense, even denser than a demons… ours is called Cosmic Force, a gift from the one who fell from the skies, we are descendants of the Knight of Light, who used his gift against her.” Lucien says. “Huh? I don’t get it… Cosmic Force…” Yumi says. Lucien disappears all of a sudden, the party runs where he was a minute ago and sees their reflections in the mirror, Yumi’s reflection is of herself with black hair and completely black eyes smirking at her, Kirisu’s reflection is of himself with angel wings and long brown hair, he’s smiling warmly. Kazumi’s reflection is herself with spikier hair and slit eyes with a very savage expression on her face, while Faye is human size with the same appearance, but only staring at her with a very evil expression. Faye widens her eyes and many memories begin to come back to her, she gasps and her smile widens, quickly staring at the party. “Heh…” Faye smirks sinisterly. “Huh?” The party looks at her confused. Faye begins to transform the same way she looks in the mirror. “What the? Who the hell are you?” Kirisu asks unsheathing his sword. “I am Queen Faye Gloriana, the queen of all pixies.” Faye replies smiling. “What’s gotten into you Faye?” Kazumi asks. “Haha, don’t speak to me as if you know me you scum.” Faye says raising her right arm upward; fluorescent green energy begins flowing into it. Before she unleashes her attack a giant Behemoth of gray fur and silver stripes resembling a tiger jumps in front of the party, it is nearly identical to the behemoth of light, it opens its mouth and unleashes a huge orange fluorescent beam of light towards the party and queen Faye. The party jumps out of the way, but queen Faye stops the attack with one hand and diverts it to the side, she then teleports instantly on the Behemoth and materializes an energy broadsword as big as a sky scrapper and lets it drop on the Behemoth. “No living creature can escape my Soul Sword.” Faye says. The Behemoth is trapped on the ground unable to move properly, Faye then appears in front of its face, she touches his nose, the sword that is thrust inside it bursts through every orifice of the beast and makes him explode into pieces. “What the hell?” Kirisu asks shocked. “Your turn.” Faye says walking towards them, as she does the school walls begin to crack; the same fluorescent green energy begins to flow from her body. “… Damn, that’s a massive amount of Mystic Force…” Salen says. “Don’t worry, I can take her.” Yumi says. “No, I’ll do it.” Salen says hopping out of the bag. “What? How? You’re just a friggin cat!” Kirisu says out loud. “Faye…” Kazumi says in a low voice. “Never judge a book by its cover Kirisu.” Salen says seriously. “What? You said my name?” Kirisu asks shocked. “Maybe you prefer I call you something else.” Salen says. “No, my name is good.” Kirisu says. “You’re all great people; you better die of old age.” Salen says while dark purple energy flows from his small body. “Don’t talk like if you’re gonna die! We won’t let that happen!” Yumi says. Salen’s energy begins to make a silhouette of a man, it shines brightly, when the dark purple light fades there is a man standing in front of the party dresses in a black armor, he has short black hair with what seems as cat ears, he turns around and stares at the party seriously. “Salen…” Yumi stares at him shocked. “Told you, careful what you wish for.” Salen says. “You… Why didn’t you tell me? You even saw me-” Yumi is cut off. “No need to get angry, I’m not like other guys.” Salen says. “You’re just like me! Why did you lie?” Kazumi asks. “I didn’t want to explain everything, it’s too much.” Salen says. “There she comes.” Faye raises her hand towards Salen, she begins accumulating a lot of energy on her hand, he quickly jumps towards her and places his hand in front of hers, her energy explodes, but neither of them are hurt. “You stopped my Prism Blast.” Faye says. “Who are you?” “No one of interest.” Salen replies. “Hmm.” Faye narrows her eyes. She disappears instantly and appears behind Salen; he turns around and catches her fist. She then raises her remaining hand and makes many beams of fluorescent green light fall on him. Salen throws her upward and makes a black flip, her own beams of energy pierce her body, she falls down on the ground very hard. “Whoa! You actually did it!” Kirisu says excited. “Not really, she’s alive.” Salen says. The already dark sky turns pitch black, the gravity getting very heavy, enough for the party to barely move. “I can’t see a thing.” Kazumi says. “It’s freaking heavy!” Kirisu says. All of a sudden a ball of light shines in the middle of the sky, lighting the area where the party is. Salen backs away and stands in front of the party. “How the hell can you move with this gravity?” Kirisu asks. “It’s a little something called training under very harsh enviorements.” Salen answers. “Very funny.” Kirisu says. “What is that light?” Kazumi asks looking up. Lucien descends down from the light ball and lands on the ground; Faye stands up and sees Lucien. “Who are you?” Faye asks. “That doesn’t concern you.” Lucien replies. “You don’t know you’re dealing with human.” Faye says. “I don’t care.” Lucien says. “You’ll pay for your insolence!” Faye yells charging towards Lucien. Lucien materializes a light based shield in front of him; Faye easily shatters it and grabs him by his throat. He pierces her with his light made hand through the stomach, she doesn’t even flinch, but she does let him go. Her stomach regenerates slightly quickly, both of them burst in their forces, all the surroundings instantly disintegrating. “Not bad for a human.” Faye says. “Heh, yes… perhaps we can… join forces and destroy these low lives.” Lucien suggests. “Why would I do that?” Faye asks. “There must be a goal you want to achieve am I wrong?” Lucien asks. “Yes, revive my glorious kingdom of tyranny.” Faye answers. “I can be of assistance; we can help each other to fulfill our goals.” Lucien says. “Humph… Alright… then we shall further our goals with your idea, but know this, once we’ve accomplished this, I will be your enemy once again.” Faye says. “Haha, I was thinking the same.” Lucien says. Both their forces lower down, they then start walking at the party in unison. “Oh crap…” Kirisu says. “They joined forces?” Kazumi asks surprised. “Now we’re really in trouble.” Yumi says. “You guys should escape this place, I’ll hold them back.” Salen says. Salen looks at the party, he then extends his hand towards Kirisu, and Kirisu shakes his hand. “I never really hated you Kirisu, I was just messing around.” Salen says. “Just so you know, I really didn’t hate you either.” Kirisu says smiling. Salen then turns to Kazumi and says. “We’re of the same race, you have dormant powers, you can be even more powerful than I with your spells plus your awakened form, you just need a little push to awaken your feral state.” “Push?” Kazumi asks. Salen rapidly gets close and bites her neck. “Aaahhh!” Kazumi yells. “Hey! Don’t make me take back what I just said!” Kirisu shouts. “There, I’ve bitten you, now you will awake, from here on out, you’ll be having some changes, accept them.” Salen says. Salen then turns to Yumi and stares at her. “What?” Yumi asks coldly. Salen gets close and kisses her in the mouth, she backs away after this. “What the hell?” Yumi asks stunned. “Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. That’s the quote I give you.” Salen says, he then looks at Kazumi. “And this quote is for you, ignorance is lack of knowledge. Foolishness is lack of judgment. We are all ignorant; the truly foolish are those who believe themselves to be above ignorance.” “O…k…” Kazumi says. “Now leave, they’re about to attack, get out, I mean it, live now and fight another day, get ready for what’s to come and don’t worry about me.” Salen says facing Lucien and Faye, his Mystic Force rising at extreme levels. “……Let’s go then.” Yumi says running away from the school along with the party. “You think it was right leaving him behind?” Kazumi asks. “I don’t know.” Yumi answers. Yumi looks back at the school and notices their three energies rising, explosions and many energy attacks can be seen from afar, the sky clears as they keep running, turning back the foggy and snowy city. “Again, it turned like this like from the start.” Kazumi says. A few spirits appear in front of the party, they all stop, one of the spirits has what seems like a mouth in his chest. “Oh no!” Kazumi says. The party readies themselves, the bigger spirit then says. “Wait… tu debes come with mina, watashi shelter tu of los mortals.” “What the hell did he just say?” Kirisu asks confused. A voice in the parties mind begins to speak. “Sorry, I speak like that all the time; I’ll just keep talking to you normally in your minds.” “What are you?” Yumi asks. “We are the lesser spirits of this dimension…” The big spirit replies. “What should we do?” Kirisu asks. “We don’t have many options… can you get us out of here, of this dimension?” Yumi asks. “Yes…” The big spirit answers. “Alright, lead the way.” Yumi says. © 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on October 18, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing