![]() Chapter 47: Demons EverywhereA Chapter by ShinIn the middle of a wasteland, Seshiro’s master Satoshi appears, he has a red long sleeve shirt with two small belts tied on his right arm, he is wearing black colored pants. He walks like if he’s hypnotized by something. “Haha… Hahaha… I really was the one that would rule this planet… An Ancelian such as I… there is no mistake…” Satoshi raises his arms and smiles. “Nothing will stop me…” He keeps walking through the wasteland still smiling; meanwhile, Zero, Krystal and Luna are inside the inn sitting on their beds. “So, Krystal, when are you planning to tell us about this Focalor demon and your past?” Luna asks. “……” Krystal looks away. “Not just that, I wanna know how you survived.” Zero says. “By the time I didn’t even know I was a Kaizer, it just all came back to me after a few years…” Krystal says. “Come on, we want to know more about you.” Zero says. “Yeah, spit it.” Luna says. “Alright, alright, if you’re not ready to tell us yet, then it’s okay.” Zero says lying on the bed. “I promise I’ll tell you soon… but not yet, I’m not ready.” Krystal says. “Sure thing.” Zero closes his eyes. “I think we should get going, it’s past ten.” Luna suggests. Zero stands up, Krystal and Luna does the same and walks out of the inn, they wander the city, Krystal stops all of a sudden and says. “Do you smell that Zero?” “Yeah…” Zero replies. “What? What now?” Luna asks desperately. “A Baal demon.” Krystal says. “A Baal demon? What the heck is that?” “A Baal, also known as Bael, it’s a demon that eats the youth of children.” Krystal explains. “Huh? Demons everywhere we go, I hate this.” Luna says pissed off. Suddenly a scream of a woman can be heard from a distance. “Over there!” Zero says running quickly. The party follows in a rush, a woman can be seen crying on her knees. “What happened?” Luna asks the woman. “My boy! A monster just ate him!” The woman yells. “That’s horrible! Can’t we do something Zero?” Luna asks. “Sorry… The only thing we can do is find and kill it before it preys on another kid.” Zero replies. “That’ll be tricky…” Krystal remarks. “Huh? Why?” Luna asks. “Those demons can shape shift either into a cat, toad, bull or human.” Krystal responds. “What really bothers me is the fact that one is loose here, how is a demon like that here? It must be Zelcius.” Zero says to himself. “Let’s just hurry up and kill that thing! It must be close by, I mean, it just ate an innocent boy!” Luna says disturbed. “Easier said than done like I said, it can be anything right about now.” Krystal says. “Then what should we do about it?” Luna asks worried. “Humph… Krystal, you go that way trying to track him down using your nose, I’ll go this way with Luna.” Zero says pointing to the left. “What? Why can’t I go with you instead?” Krystal asks annoyed. “Because she can’t track it down like you can, you’re a Kaizer remember?” Zero asks sarcastically. “I know, I know… okay, whatever…” Krystal says irritated and leaving towards the direction Zero told her. Zero and Luna rushed around the area, Zero sniffing all the way. “Nothing?” Luna asks. “We’re close, keep your eyes peeled, and remember, he can be in the form of a cat, toad, bull or man.” Zero says. “Though the bull and toad would be too obvious in the city, look out for cats or suspicious men.” “Specifically a man? Not a woman?” Luna asks. “Yeah, but then again, he can turn invisible too.” Zero replies. “The how the hell do you know he took any of those forms?” Luna asks annoyed. “Because when those types of demons are invisible, they’re much easier to find because their scents are all over the place, when they’re in their forms then their scent is masked.” Zero explains. “Ohhh ok.” Luna says looking around. Meanwhile Krystal is still searching, but to no avail, she hears a boy’s yell all of a sudden, she rushes towards that direction and finds a boy lying on the ground, when suddenly a huge cat head can be seen turning visible widening its mouth about to devour the boy. Krystal quickly jumps and grabs the boy getting him out of the way as the Baal demon bites, it rapidly fades away afterwards. “Ahhh!” The boy yells very scared. “Are you okay?” Krystal asks. “Yeah…” The boy answers. “What’s your name?” Krystal asks. “Peter.” He replies sobbing. Zero and Luna appear. “He must’ve turned invisible, I smelled him over here, but now he’s taken a form again.” Zero says looking around the area. “You saved the boy?” Luna asks. “He’s here isn’t he?” Krystal asks sarcastically. “Damn it… there has to be a way to lure him out… Wait a minute… A bait…” Zero looks at the boy. Luna notices what Zero is thinking and stand between him and the boy. “No!” Luna says angrily. “Luna, we need to kill that demon before it devours anymore kids.” Zero says. “No!” Luna says again even angrier. “Look, it’s not easy finding him while he’s in any of those forms, and while he’s invisible we can’t see or even touch him, he can immaterialize himself while he’s invisible, the only way to hurt it is while he’s biting, injecting his tongue in his victim.” Zero explains. “I’ll do it!” Peter says standing up from the ground and wiping his tears away. “Don’t listen to him little boy, he’s a savage mean man!” Luna says. “But I really wanna help.” Peter says pulling on Luna’s shirt. “That’s a good boy.” Zero says patting the boy’s head. “What I want you to do is walk away from us, don’t worry; we’ll be behind you where you can’t see us, all you have to do is walk away, get it?” Zero asks. “Yeah!” Peter begins walking away while the party quietly followed. After a while Peter stops in an open area, he looks around noticing no one. “I hate this idea! I’m absolutely against it! You heartless b*****d!” Luna says at Zero angrily. Zero remains watching Peter intently, clenching his fists, Krystal notices that even Zero doesn’t like the idea. “Aren’t you listening you damned Kaizer?! I should beat the hell out of you for doing this!” Luna keeps shouting. “Shut up!” Zero yells at her furiously. “Whoa!” Krystal says surprised. Luna is shocked to Zero’s yell and shouts back at him. “Don’t you yell at me again! You hear me!” “Listen… Luna, I already told you, we have to do this, it’s the only way to kill it, while he’s feeding.” Zero says then sniffing; he widens his eyes and looks towards Peter. The cat head appears again all of a sudden behind him, Zero quickly leaps at a high speed, the demon bites swiftly, but Zero is able to put his left arm in the way, the demon bites Zero’s arm instead of Peter. “Oh crap!” Luna gasps. “Woohoo! Way to go!” Krystal yells from afar. Zero smirks hastily unsheathing his broadsword, the demon tries to back away, but Zero grabs his tongue tightly and thrusts his sword through its throat, therefore killing it. “There, you’re safe now kid.” Zero says grinning. “Thanks mister! You’re so cool!” Peter says. Zero sniffs again and widens his eyes, noticing a whole bunch of demon spirits with bat wings surrounding them, about to kill Zero and Peter. When abruptly Krystal is behind Zero and Peter with both her kodachi’s unsheathed, she looks back over her right shoulder and all the spirit demons turn to ash. “What the?” Luna says staring at this. “Heh, thanks…” Zero says. “These spirit demons…” Krystal says without finishing her sentence. All of a sudden a voice says. “Huh? You’re that little girl…” The party looks up to a house and Zaphyr accompanied by a demon with human appearance and griffin wings, he has shoulder length dark gray hair and brown-red eyes, he is dressed with a black cloak with its hood down. “Hah, we meet again princess.” Zaphyr says looking down towards Luna. “You!” Krystal says angrily staring at the demon ferociously. “You damned Focalor!” “I have a name you know, Gael.” Gael says calmly. “Well, I have to go, do waste your time too much Gael, you will not be successful in your mission this time.” Zaphyr says. “You just read my future?” Gael asks. “Yes, you will be forced to retreat because that girl is not as weak as you think, so, for your poor future slash in the ribs by that girl, you better leave in four minutes.” Zaphyr says, fading away. “Thanks for the tip.” Gael says looking back at the party. “Where were we? Ah yes, you destroyed my fun with that Baal demon, he was my little pet.” “Zero, Luna, protect Peter, don’t interfere, I’ll handle him.” Krystal says seriously. “But-” Luna is cut off. “Let her be… It’s her fight, not ours.” Zero says. “Will she be alright?” Luna asks. “Heh, you worried?” Zero asks jokingly. “Of course not! Why would I? Geez.” Luna says annoyed. Gael jumps down and stands in front of Krystal, he has no weapon whatsoever. “We only have four minutes to play; you better make it worth it.” Gael says snapping his fists. Krystal without losing time jumps at Gael quickly covering both her kodachi’s in electricity, Gael does not move, unexpectedly a fierce wind pressure blows her back, she lands on the ground. “Crap, wind powers… I forgot that… he can also control water, but luckily he doesn’t have many options there.” Krystal thinks to herself. Gael begins walking towards her calmly surrounding his right arm with wind, Krystal throws her kodachi towards Gael, he easily evades it, it thrusts the ground behind him. “You disappoint me girl.” Gael says. Krystal raises her right hand; a lightning bolt hits the kodachi she just threw, the electricity runs through the ground and electrifies Gael, he is stunned for a few seconds, she takes the opportunity to run towards him, she jumps on him, his head between her legs, she leans back swiftly and slams his head on the pavement. She then grabs the electrified kodachi and stabs Gael in his heart; she jumps high in midair and lands with her knee on Gael’s neck, snapping it instantly. Krystal backs away, a few seconds pass by, Gael stands up, he fixes his neck and takes out the kodachi from his chest, then throwing it to the side. “Not bad…” Gael says staring at Krystal. “I can’t believe you’re still alive…” Krystal says readying herself with her kodachi. “Like a high ranking duke of hell would die that easily.” Gael remarks. “”Hmm… I have about two minutes left…” Krystal leaps towards her kodachi and grabs it, then charging at Gael, he charges at her as well, she evades his punch, quickly kicking him on the stomach. Gael accumulates wind pressure on his left hand and punches her face very hard; sending her flying against a house, in midair she makes a flip and lands on the wall with her feet and expels herself from it tat high speed towards Gael once again. Gael blocks her thrusts making a water shield; he grabs her by both her arms and slams her against a pole. Luna is about to help her, but Zero stops her again. “Don’t but in, even if you helped, she won’t appreciate it…” Zero says with a serious expression clenching his fist angrily. “Hmm…” Luna stares at the fight worried. “Is she gonna be alright?” Peter asks. “Yeah, don’t worry.” Zero responds. Krystal stands up pressing on her right ribcage with her left hand. “I guess now is about time, next time we meet, you better get ready to die.” Gael says bursting in wind and disappearing. Krystal falls down on her knees, Luna and Zero runs towards her. “Your ribs… we have to heal you at once.” Luna says observing Krystal. “You held yourself pretty good, considering he’s a high ranking demon, a duke of hell at that.” Zero comments. “Let’s go back to the inn.” Luna says helping Krystal up. “Kid, go back to your mom, she must be worried.” Zero says. “Okay! Thanks for saving me!” Peter says running away afterwards. Zero grins, they all head to the inn where Krystal lies on the bed. “Now, care to tell us about Gael a little more in detail?” Zero asks. Krystal inhales and exhales deeply. “In the downfall of Varrock.” Krystal stops for a moment after saying this and then continues. Varrock was in flames because of the demons attack and Jek’s slaughter, some of the houses blew out of the intense flames, Krystal was next to her house when suddenly the house blows up in flames that sent her flying to the river next to her house. The current took her to the sea on piece of wood of the ceiling of her house, after floating around the sea for a day a cargo ship passed by, one of the crewmen noticed Krystal floating on the sea. “Guys! Come look! It’s a little girl drifting on the sea!” The crewman said. All the other crewmen looked as well. “We have to save her! Come on! Help me!” One of the crewmen said tying a rope on his waist and jumping to the ocean. He swam towards little Krystal and grabbed her swimming back to the ship. The captain of the ship walks towards them and asks. “What’s going on here? What are you doing?” “Cap-captain Greg! We’re saving a little girl that’s floating on the ocean!” A crewman replied. “What!? Hurry! Get her up right now!” Greg asked shocked. “We’re on it cap’n!” The crewman said. All the crewmen helped pull up the crewman along with Krystal, they placed her on the floor, Greg checked her pulse quickly. “Hmm… She’s alive… Move her to the cabin at once Larry.” Greg ordered the same crewman that saved her. “Aye captain!” Larry said picking her up and taking her to the cabin. That same day during the afternoon Krystal wakes up and widened her eyes, wondering where she was. “Huh? Where am I?” She stood up and left the room in a rush running through the main deck, Larry spotted her and said. “Hey! Where you going? You should be on bed resting.” “How did I get here?” Krystal asks desperate and fearfully. “Hey, don’t worry, we found you stranded on the sea this morning, floating on a piece of wood.” Larry answered. “……” Krystal lowered her head. Greg suddenly appeared and asked. “What’s your name child?” “Krystal Jaide.” Krystal replied turning around facing Greg looking up to him. Greg widens his eyes once he notices what Larry didn’t, her golden slit eyes shining brightly with the reflection of the sun, he gasped and asked making a smile. “Would you like something to eat?” Krystal nodded cheerfully and followed Greg, he gave her some grilled fish and rice, she ate everything very quickly. “So tell me Krystal, why were you on the ocean?” Krystal lowered her head and said nothing, Greg quickly changed the subject. “It doesn’t matter; the important thing is that you’re alive, right?” Greg said with a cheerful expression. “Yeah…” Krystal replied. “Do you have anywhere to go? Any Family?” Krystal once again lowered her head and said. “I don’t remember.” “It’s alright kid; we’ll take good care of you.” Greg smiled warmly. After a while Greg reunited all the crew members while Krystal was sleeping in the cabin and said. “We have a new guest here men, and I’m guessing she’s staying for a long while, so you better man up and behave in front of her, she’s a little lady and I don’t want any of you guys teaching her any shameful jokes or anything.” “Come on cap’n, we wouldn’t do such a thing.” A crewman said. “Another thing, she has strange golden slit eyes, eyes never before seen by none of us, don’t ask her about them or anything related to her past, it might make her feel uncomfortable, leave the asking and everything related to her to me.” “Looks like you got yourself an adoptive little girl Greg.” Larry remarked. “Heh, well, it’s not like I want to be her father or anything, I just want to take care of her like the daughter I never had.” Greg explained. The next day the crewmen were having a hard time locating fishes, all complaining to Greg. “Captain, we told you that on this part of the sea there were no fishes and if there are they’re very hard to find.” One of the crewmen said. “But if we move now to another spot it’ll take us longer to fish and we won’t reach the deadline of delivering the fishes the day after tomorrow.” Greg explained. “Let’s all calm down, there has to be a way, we just have to figure it out.” Larry said. Krystal suddenly walked towards them eavesdropping and said. “The fish are over there.” Krystal points south-west. “Huh? What?” Larry asks confused. “Krystal, there’s no fish over there, you’re talking about the Nilamis area, its cold over there.” One of the crewmen said. “Let’s sail ship towards that direction.” Greg said. “What? You gotta be joking!” The crewman said. “Are you serious?” Larry asked. “Yes, now let’s trust her and go there.” Greg ordered. “Aye captain!” Larry said. The ship set sail towards the south-west and threw a net to the ocean. “Are you sure about this Krystal?” Larry asked. “Yeah, I can smell them…” Krystal replied. “Smell?” Larry asked puzzled. “Enough with the questions Larry, concentrate on fishing, now raise the net.” When they raised the net there were hundreds of big fishes, they pulled it on the ship. “Oh my God!” Larry gasped in disbelief. “Hahaha.” Greg smiled at Krystal and patted her head. “Smart girl.” “How did she know?” The crewman asked. “Krystal, from now on, you’re going to help us with the ship and fishes.” Greg said. “Alright.” Krystal smiled. That same day Krystal began cleaning the ship; Greg noticed she was very fast and full of energy. “Whoa, she did the job twice as faster than when we’re cleaning; she even cleaned the ship better than us… amazing.” Greg thought to himself. “She’s an odd girl indeed, with those golden slit eyes… she must be a legendary Kaizer, I thought they were a myth made up by fishermen, but they were right.” As Krystal cleaned she cut herself with a knife that she was cleaning, Greg hastily ran to her air and applied some bandages. “There, there, you’re alright now.” Greg said. “Thank you.” Krystal said. They docked the ship on Sparrow town, where they delivered the fish, the crewmen all got off as well as Greg and Krystal. They had finished their work. “You’re all free for the rest of the day.” Greg told the crewmen. All the crewmen jumped in joy and left Greg and Krystal alone. “So Krystal, do you wanna go fishing?” Greg asked. “Yeah, but I don’t know how.” Krystal said. “Haha, it’s alright, I’ll teach you, I know this great spot on this island.” Greg said. Krystal and Greg left to a rocky area where they sat down, Greg teaching her the mechanics of a fishing rod; he then began fishing along with her. “Fishing here is a little different than fishing on the ship with a net, here you have to wait for the right moment and just for one fish at a time, it’s very relaxing.” Greg commented. “……” Krystal just stared at the water. “What’s wrong, something on your mind?” Greg asked. “My family and friends… they’re all gone.” Krystal said all of a sudden. “…… I’m sorry to hear that… but it’s alright, you’re safe with us, like I said before, we’ll take good care of you.” Greg said. “Will you be my new daddy?” Krystal asked staring at Greg. “Haha, of course, just you wait, I’ll show you everything there is to know about the sea and ships, trust me, you’ll love it.” Greg said joyfully. “Yay!” Krystal smiled. Krystal then dropped the fishing rod and walked somewhere. “Where are you going?” Greg asked. “To get this.” Krystal said picking up a very sharp long stick. “Watch this!” Krystal walked inside the shallow water, then raising her stick and waiting for a few seconds, she then threw it high up and when it landed it pierced two fishes at the same time. Greg couldn’t believe his eyes. “What?” “Hehehe.” Krystal showed him the fishes. “It’s faster than using the fishing rod.” “Well that may be so, but using the fishing rod is more of an art… but what you did is still amazing.” Greg said. “Hehehe.” Krystal giggled. “Hey daddy, it looks like a storm is coming.” “You think so?” Greg asked doubtfully. “Yeah, I can smell the wind and rain, so we should leave soon.” Krystal suggested. “Wow, okay, we’ll leave in a while.” Greg said and then thought. “It’s like if she had the sixth sense of an animal.” “Look!” Krystal showed Greg where she cut herself. “Huh? Impossible… You’re… healed completely!” Greg said in disbelief. “Hehe.” Krystal smiled. “This girl doesn’t cease to surprise me, she’s gonna give me a heart attack if she keeps this up.” Greg thought. After that day months began to pass quickly, Greg teaching her everything he knew, how to sail a ship and how to fish in the deep blue sea. She helped everyday by smelling where the best fish were, about a year and a half passed after all this. One day they went to deliver some merchandise somewhere hidden, it was a village of demon hunters. That day Greg wasn’t acting like himself, something was worrying him, Larry asked. “Captain, you seem worried about something, is something wrong?” “……” Greg sighed. “When we were assigned to bring some cargo to this place it looked like you thought twice to accept to come here, you almost didn’t want to, it’s almost like if you were obligated to come here even though you’re the major captain of the ship. It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve come to this village of demon hunters, you’re a good friend of theirs so you don’t need to worry.” Larry said. “Haha, you’re right, don’t mind an old man like me worried about stupid things, hehe, let’s get to work.” Greg said. “Krystal, I want you to stay in the ship, it’s dangerous.” “I don’t wanna!” Krystal shouted. “Please, stop being so problematic, just stay here and watch the ship.” Krystal looked away annoyed, she then ran to the crates and hit inside one of them disobeying Greg. When they got in the village they began to transport the cargo inside, everything was going smooth, everyone was chatting, it was indeed true that the village leader was Greg’s friend. When suddenly one of the crates fell and everyone looks towards that direction, Krystal suddenly came out of the crate, Greg runs towards her worried and asked. “Are you alright?” “Yeah…” Krystal answered. “Krystal! I told you to stay on the ship because this place is dangerous!!” Greg shouted angrily. The hunter’s leader suddenly said. “Don’t worry Greg; you don’t have to be that hard with the girl.” He walks towards Krystal and while he taps her head, her hair covered her eyes, he then said. “Little one, we are demon slayers, and we will never hurt a little girl like you, there’s no safer place than this, you’re safe…” Krystal looks up to him; he notices her golden slit eyes and yelled. “What?!” Everyone looks all of a sudden towards their direction. “Those eyes, it can’t be possible… a… a… Kaizer!” The hunter leader said in a loud voice. Krystal made a confused face and asked. “Kaizer?” “We need to talk Greg, in private.” The leader nods at the hunters. “Watch the girl.” “Sir.” The hunters said. “Greg, can you explain to me what were you doing with a Kaizer in your ship? You’re not stupid, you have been sailing the ocean all your life, you have seen it all, just as soon as you saw her eyes you must have known what she was.” The leader said. “Yes Dante… I knew what she was.” Greg said in a low voice. “But I don’t care; I still love her like a daughter no matter what.” “Then why didn’t you tell me, you knew she would be an extremely valuable asset to the guild.” Dante asked. “As soon as I saw her yes, I knew the future that awaited her. I just didn’t want her to be raised in the world of war, blood and death. Look at her; she’s such a sweet kid. I thought that maybe with my help she could escape her destiny. She is like a daughter to me, isn’t that what a father must do… protect his children?” Greg asked. “Bahh, I can’t believe I’m going to say this…. Fine, I’m not going to make her join us… but she has to decide herself. She’s a Kaizer after all, it’s in her blood to kill demons and neither you nor I can decide for her.” Dante said. “You’re right, thank you my friend.” Greg said. In the other side of the village the hunters were explaining to Krystal what are a Kaizers and the legends of them. “They are faster and stronger than any demon!” One of the hunters said. “All of their senses far surpass any animal!” Another hunter said. “And they are lightning elemental wielders!” Yet another of the hunters said with enthusiasm. “Kazier’s have the obligation and duty to slay demons; they’ve done this since ancient times!” The first hunter said. Soon after that the Greg and Dante came back to where Krystal and the hunters were. “You knew this all this time?” Krystal asks. “Yes my child, I have always known.” Greg said. “And why’d you never tell me? I had the right to know what I was. I always felt that I was different somehow and now I find out that there were more like me.” Krystal said. “I’m sorry Krystal; I only did it to protect you.” Greg said. “So what is your choice? Your bond as a family or the duty of your blood?” Dante asked. “Ahh, what kind of question is that!? I…I…” Krystal suddenly changed her face from a confused and afraid look to a serious and secure expression. “Of course, I choose my family, they come first before anything, even that so called destiny. Dad, even If you totally messed up, you, Larry and the ship crew are all my family. “So you forgive me?” Greg asked. “Of course you silly, I love the ocean and hope to sail in the seas forever with you and the rest of the crew.” Krystal said as she smiled and hugged Greg. “I’m glad.” Greg said with relief. “Are you sure?” Dante asked Krystal. “Yes, I can’t even hurt a bug; I could never be that legendary hunter you’re looking for.” Krystal said. “Well a promise is a promise, Greg, you have raised this child very well, I hope that your lives can be full of peace… You may leave, but remember we are here if you change your mind.” Dante said winking at Krystal. “Thanks Dante.” Greg said as he shaked Dante’s hand. Dante nodded, after they finished transporting the goods Greg and the crewmen began heading back to the cargo ship. Before they got the chance to go in they were attacked by some demons with wings that resembled spirits, there were many and were killing the entire crew. Larry was quickly killed, the demons bit him to death. “Larry!!!” Krystal in anger fought a little instinctively, she jumped towards some of the demons and ripped their wings off rapidly snapping their necks. As she kept fighting the Focalor appeared, He raised his hand, and along with it the sea also raised making the ship tilt and fall to the side, leaving no escape route. “Looks like Zelcius don’t want to take his chances with these human hunters…” Dante saw this demon from afar and said. “A Focalor… crap!” Gael noticed Krystal fighting and thought. “A Kaizer? Weren’t they extict? Haha, a living breathing Kaizer…” He then said. “Hey, girl.” “Huh?” Krystal looks behind her, when suddenly the Focalor’s hand with black colored nails is about to pierce her, she widens her eyes. Greg jumped in, his heart was pierced by Gael’s hand. “Nooooo!” Krystal yelled in agony. All the hunters surrounded them all releasing their Spirit Forces charging an attack all at once. “Damn it… I better take my leave.” Gael said. Gael burst in wind and disappeared while Krystal was crying on top of Greg’s corpse, a shadow appeared next to her, it was none other than Dante, he got close and extended his hand as he said. “If you want to have the power to avenge the death of your loved ones, come with me.” Back to the present. “He trained me and here I am, still looking for that demon.” Krystal says.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on October 16, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing