![]() Chapter 46: BloodA Chapter by ShinAt the Icicle village inn, Tesshu lies next to Shou, Shiemi and Mikae on a couch in the lobby, still tired from the previous battle, but they are alright with most of their wounds patched up. “I can’t believe it; he’s stronger than I thought.” Tesshu comments. “Tesshu, I wanted to ask you, what exactly are those gates of yours?” Shou asks. “You know the fairy tale about werewolves and s**t?” Tesshu asks. “Yeah?” Shou waits for Tesshu’s reply. “I’m one, you can say mo’ like I was infected by one of those when I was little, my pops sealed it four times in me because the curse was too strong, so you can say it’s a seal of layers, so I learned to release all the layers, but the only way to successfully release it is in order from the first to the fourth layer.” Tesshu explains. “I see, so it isn’t like all that moon bullshit?” Shou questions. “Hmm, not that I know of.” Tesshu answers. Shiemi and Mikae get up and stand in front of Teshu and Shou. “You guys ready to keep going? We’ve been resting here for some time.” Shiemi says. “Heh, yeah, we have to get that son of a b***h.” Shou says. “You noticed, it looks like he’s looking for other vampires and bites them, like taking their powers or whatever.” Mikae says. “I noticed he has Demon Force, so I felt it going in Gen-Exis’s headquarters direction.” Shiemi says. “Gen-Exis huh.” Tesshu says. “For what Mikae and I have investigated in Gen-Exis, the scientific branch works in many shady experiments, so I can imagine there must be some kind of experimental vampire or something close to it, I mean, it’s the only thing I can think of why Darko is headed that direction.” Shiemi remarks. “Or maybe a real vampire within Gen-Exis.” Mikae comments. “Vampires, werewolves, clichés everywhere no matter how you look at it, What the hell is going on? None of this makes sense d****t.” Shou rants. “Let’s get going.” Tesshu says. They all stand up and head out of the inn, meanwhile, Kyoshi, Amarth and Shizuru are stranded somewhere in the same continent as Lemuria, heading towards Evergray. “We have to cross the grand bridge south of Lemuria just to get to the south continent Rodika.” Kyoshi states. “The bridge itself is guarded, not just anyone can pass.” Amarth states. “Many sentries of Gen-Exis soldiers are guarding it, how do we plan to get across without getting caught?” Shizuru questions. “We’ll make a plan once we get there.” Kyoshi replies. “Not a bad idea, better to take a look on how it’s guarded before devising a plan.” Amarth says. The party keeps walking; a few days pass, in Edenheim Yusuke is seen holding up a zweihänder, he looks from its hilt to the edge and says. “It’s complete.” “Careful with that, if you’re planning to re-seal his power, you better do it quickly.” Venart says. “I know…” Yusuke nods. “Try not to strain yourself too much; you know how weak you are these days.” Venart says. “Hm, I know, I’m leaving Venart.” Yusuke says. “Yeah, you take care now, when you come back I’ll be sure to seal the sword, he will never see that power again.” Venart says. “Thanks.” Yusuke leaves, meanwhile, Shizuru, Amarth and Kyoshi are still traveling, but nightfall is already at hand. “We’ll have to put up some tents.” Shizuru says. “You mean my tent.” Kyoshi corrects. “Same thing.” Shizuru says. “I wish you would stop fighting for once, Kyoshi is the one with the money here, Shizuru is just the gold digger, end of story.” Amarth comments. “Shut it Amarth.” Shizuru says annoyed. Kyoshi sighs, then puts up the tents, night finally falls, Kyoshi lightens up a bonfire in front of the tent using his powers. “We’re very near the great bridge; we’ll reach it tomorrow if we wake up early in the morning.” Amarth remarks. “Humph…” Shizuru warms her hands in front of the fire. “Kyo, your fire feels so warm, I like it…” “Well, it’s supposed to feel warm Shizuru.” Kyoshi remarks. “I mean the energy your flames emit.” Shizuru says. “Oh, thanks.” Kyoshi blushes slightly. “I was meaning to ask you little Kyo, but how do you know this Jaye fella? How did you end up fighting amongst one another?” Amarth asks. “Yeah, enlighten us honey.” Shizuru says. “Long story…” Kyoshi lowers his head. “Make it short.” Shizuru winks at Kyoshi. “We have nothing else to do, you might as well tell us.” Amarth says. “Uhhh okay… it was before Gen-Exis attacked our country; Jaye, Scott and I were battling.” Kyoshi says. “Ohh… sparring huh.” Amarth says. “No, with these.” Kyoshi takes out his electric guitar. “A guitar battle?” Shizuru raises her eyebrow. “Yeah… we were battling standing in front of a cathedral playing like crazy.” Kyoshi responds. In Evergray, a few years ago, Kyoshi, Jaye and his friend, Scott who was another Satsume with long dark silver blue and green eyes, but he had his hair in a ponytail. All three kept playing amazingly with their guitars, a lot of people were cheering, until a man that looked just like an older version of Kyoshi appeared and yelled. “Kyoshi! “Dad!” Kyoshi looked at his father. “Mister Reik!” Scott said shocked. “Oh crap!” Jaye lowered his guitar. “Kyoshi! How many times have I told you to stop wasting your time with these boys!” Reik said. “Come on dad! We’re just having some fun!” Kyoshi said. “You come home this instant young man!” Reik said angrily. Kyoshi sighs. “Alright, alright… See ya guys later.” “Yeah, take care man.” Jaye nods. “Don’t let your old man get the best of you.” Scott said. “I know, I know.” Kyoshi walked home along with his father. “Kyoshi, I’ve told you one thousand times to stop it with the guitars.” Reik said. “But dad, I want to be a rock star when I grow up” Kyoshi said. “Son, you seriously want to just waste your time on those silly things? I mean, you were born of a superior lineage than the rest of the Satsumes, your powers are superior to many, you were destined to be a dragon knight, like I am, flying with honor through the skies.” Reik said in a low tone. “But I want another life! Something I like, not that you want for me!” Kyoshi said. “Kyoshi, you may not understand it now, but someday you will thank me for this.” Reik placed his hand on Kyoshi’s shoulder. “Yeah, yeah, you always say the same thing.” Kyoshi said. “What would your mother say if she were still alive?” Reik asked. “She would want the best for me.” Kyoshi answered. “Exactly, that why-” Reik was cut off by Kyoshi. “She would also like for me to pick my own destiny.” Reik sighs “…We’ll talk about this later.” After a while, night fell, Scott and Jaye were waiting in front of Kyoshi’s house, Kyoshi snuck out from his window from the second floor holding his guitar. “I’m ready guys!” Kyoshi smiled. “Cool.” Jaye smirked. “Time to melt faces!” Scott said eagerly. “Yeah! Let’s hold our goblets of rock high up!” Kyoshi said excited. All of them raised their guitar picks up in the air and laughed. “We are so lame, hahaha.” Jaye remarked. “Tell me about it.” Scott smiled. They all went to a local bar. “This is where the gig is, we’ll be playing here tonight.” Scott said. “You did tell them we’re only here to play guitar solos right?” Jaye asked. “Yeah, it’s not like we have a whole band, we’re missing the drummer, the bass player and a person in vocals.” Scott answered. “Guys, we really need to get some people, I mean, just playing guitar solos isn’t enough you know what I mean?” Kyoshi said. “Yeah.” Jaye nodded. “Hey, hey, a gig is a gig, we’ll start out with the guitar solos, maybe someone will hook us up later on.” Scott said. “Yeah, okay.” Kyoshi smiled. “So optimistic as always.” Jaye sighed. As they made their way in, the city alarm went off, everyone began running outside like crazy, many Satsume soldiers began forming. “Huh? The alarm?” Jaye asked himself. “We have to hide! Hurry!” Scott shouted. The party hid in Kyoshi’s house, Kyoshi looked for Reik, but he was not there. “He’s not here…” Kyoshi said. “He must be helping out on whatever’s happening in the city.” Jaye said. “Well yeah, he is a dragon knight…” Scott commented. “……” Kyoshi sighed. “Hey, don’t worry about it dude, he’ll be fine…” Jaye said. “I know.” Kyoshi nodded. After this they all sat down in the living room, hours passed, until they heard people screaming outside of Kyoshi’s house, they all went outside and saw people running. “What the-?” Scott cut himself off. “Look!” Jaye pointed. More than thirty Gen-Exis soldiers armed with guns chased the people. “Oh no!” Scott said. “Damn it! How are Satsumes going to fight if they’re using so many guns?” Jaye said furiously. “We have to do something!” Kyoshi said. Kyoshi, Jaye and Scott stood in front of the Gen-Exis soldiers, Kyoshi hurriedly made a stance, raised his left hand up and his right back, some of the soldiers shoot at them, Kyoshi quickly dodged the bullets and attacked them. He punched and kicked as he made many other stances, Jaye did the same; Scott was on another end fighting as well. More soldiers appeared, Kyoshi was still fighting, Jaye and Scott backed up a little. “Kyoshi! Stop fighting!” Scott shouted. “There are too many! They’ll kill us!” Jaye said. “We have to fight! We can’t let them take over this country! They’re just inferior humans! We can take them!” Kyoshi yelled. “Kyo! They have guns! You won’t survive!” Scott said. “Damn humans!” Kyoshi said angrily. “Kyo!” Jaye shouted. All the soldiers shot Kyoshi on his arms and legs and even his chest. “Kyo!” Jaye yelled. “No!” Scott shouted. “Ugghh… run…” Kyoshi said. Jaye and Scott ran like crazy, as they did some scientist came from behind the soldiers and picked up Kyoshi. They took him to a tent that was mounted in the middle of the city, completely surrounded by soldiers; there Lexon was sitting down reading some reports. “You brought another specimen I see, humph… let me check this one, it seems he has a higher Spirit Force than the rest… I wonder why that might be?” Lexon said. One of the scientists took out a small machine and calculated Kyoshi’s strength. “It looks like this is one of those high-class Satsume’s we’ve heard about.” The scientist said. “Ohh, interesting, prepare the specimens for the project.” Lexon ordered. “You heard elder Lexon, we’re going to start the super Satsume soldier project.” The scientist said. Many scientists grabbed Kyoshi as well as many other Satsume’s and placed them on a table. “If I can somehow enhance their physical capabilities and lower down their perception and emotions to an inferior level, we can use them against their own people easily…” Lexon walked close to Kyoshi, Kyoshi looked at him almost about to faint, the last thing Kyoshi saw was the light bulb in the ceiling before fainting. A few days passed, Kyoshi was lying down the same bed, strapped in belts, he woke up and looked around, Lexon noticed this and walked up to Kyoshi. “How are you feeling?” Lexon asked. “Where are the others you damned human scum?” Kyoshi questioned furiously. “Ohh, no need for vulgar words my specimen, remember that rats do not speak.” Lexon said. “Where are they?” Kyoshi yelled. “Alright then, I shall tell you, they are all dead, some of them lived for a while and showed incredible powers, but they did not resist much.” Lexon replied. “What are you talking about?” Kyoshi asked. “You see, you are our last specimen, and for now you’ve been quite a success, it must be due to your superior physical state to the others of your race.” Lexon explained. “What did you do to me?” Kyoshi asked. “I simply helped you in gaining a more… let’s say, superior power than what you had before, but it seems I miscalculated in lowering your understanding, you’re somewhat of a success, and yet you’re not, it doesn’t seem we’ll be able to use you since you’re so stubborn.” Lexon further explains. “Then kill me!” Kyoshi said. “Ah ah ah, no, no, no, I can’t do that, you’re a precious sample which I’ll use to perfect my experiment of the SSSP, though my Spirit Shots have been my major success, but not all soldiers are fit to use it.” Lexon said. “You talk too much human.” Kyoshi said irritated. “Your race seems to recent us humans, I don’t judge you for it, we are quite… evil in many and all ways possible as you already know.” Lexon smiled. “……” Kyoshi flares at Lexon. “Finished talking I see, well, I’ll be back in a little while, I need to search for more of your people to begin perfecting my latest project, I take my leave, now if you would excuse me.” Lexon left the big white tent, after a few minutes Kyoshi heard the soldiers outside grunt in pain. “Huh?” Kyoshi looked at the tents entrance. Suddenly Jaye and Scott entered the tent in a hurry. “Guys!” Kyoshi widened his eyes. “Kyo!” Jaye said. “Are you alright dude?” Scott asked. Jaye and Scott began untying Kyoshi. “I told you guys to run.” Kyoshi said. “We can never leave our best friend behind.” Scott said. “Heh, besides, who’s gonna help us play in our auditions?” Jaye asked. “Dude, that’s like totally over!” Kyoshi said. “Don’t worry about that for now, let’s hurry up!” Scott said. They finished untying Kyoshi; they quickly ran out of the tent as fast as they could; Lexon arrived rapidly after, holding a cup of coffee. “Uhhh…” Lexon stared shocked to see that Kyoshi was no longer there. Some soldiers arrived behind Lexon. “Get them! Do not let them escape or I’ll have your heads! That specimen is mine!” Lexon slammed the cup of coffee on the table, all the soldiers began to pursue the party, as Kyoshi and the rest kept running they encountered many soldiers on their way, Scott and Jaye quickly began fighting. “Hey! Save me some!” Kyoshi said. The other soldiers caught up; there were more than one hundred soldiers there. “Wait Kyo! We should run!” Scott said. “There are too many of them!” Jaye said. “Then let’s all do a very big fire attack or something!” Kyoshi said. “Not a bad idea.” Jaye grinned. Kyoshi, Jaye and Scott all stood back to back forming a triangle; they all raised their hands up in the air bursting in flames, the flames spread all over killing many Gen-Exis soldiers, but they all began to fire. As they fired their guns the bullets exploded on their own before reaching any of them, they all burst even more in their flames spreading it even more. “We can’t hold this forever!” Jaye shouted. “I know!” Kyoshi said. “We’re using too much Spirit Force on this fire!” Scott said. “We need to kill as many as possible if we’re going to escape!” Jaye stated. “We still need energy left to run at least don’t you think?” Scott asked. “Scott’s right, we should stop this now before we run out of Spirit Force!” Kyoshi said. The flames began to extinguish, revealing many corpses on the ground, the party ran yet again, but more soldiers kept pursuing them. “These guys don’t give up!” Jaye sighed. “Let’s just keep running!” Scott said. “Wait! Our guitars!” Kyoshi said. “What of them?” Scott questioned. “I know what you’re thinking! Our guitars are made specially to resist high amount of Spirit Force and fire.” Jaye said. “Plus they serve as an amplifier to our Spirit Force! We waist less and do more!” Kyoshi said. “Oh hey, that is a good idea, with little energy left, we can take them out easily, why didn’t we think about that earlier?” Scott asked himself. The party stopped and turned around, they grabbed their guitars from their back and began playing, fire engulfed the guitars, and many Spirit Force waves could be seen from the strings as they played. All the soldiers stopped once again and began to shoot, again, the bullets were futile, as the party played their guitars the flames became even fiercer burning down everything along its path. “We should make a run for it now; we’re not too far the city entrance!” Scott said. “Right!” Jaye nodded. “Let’s go then!” Kyoshi said. They put down their flames and ran yet again, this time they reached the city entrance, about to escape to freedom, until they were ambushed by almost the same amount of soldiers as before, rapidly they shot Scott and Jaye in their legs, Kyoshi was able to evade by jumping high up in the air, once he landed he began to fight all the soldiers. “Damn it!” Jaye said angrily. “Kyo! Watch out!” Scott shouted. Kyoshi fought and fought, evading most of their attacks, until he was overpowered by the soldiers, they all held him tight as well as Jaye and Scott. “Let them go! I’m the one you want!” Kyoshi yelled. “We were ordered to bring you back alive, not them.” The soldier said. The same soldier had a sword on his waist, but had a gun in his hand; he walked up to Scott and pointed at his head. “Any last words for your friend before he dies?” The soldier asked. “Don’t do it! I swear I won’t fight you, I’ll obey, just don’t kill him, please!” Kyoshi begged. “We already have you under control, you won’t do a thing.” The soldier said. “Please don’t…” Jaye said. “Shut up! You’re next!” The soldier yelled. “Kyo…” Scott smiled warmly. “Jaye, I want you two to live if I don’t.” “Don’t say that!” Kyoshi said. “Don’t give up like that dude;
you’re the optimistic one here!” Jaye said. “No, don’t say such things…” Kyoshi said. “Goodbye… my brothers.” Scott smiled warmly once again; the soldier then pulled the trigger, instantly killing Scott. “No!” Jaye and Kyoshi shouted. Kyoshi’s eyes widened in shock, he bursts in Spirit Force and flames, he swiftly pierced the soldier’s chest with his arm, he smiled psychotically insane, then he grabbed his sword with his other hand and decapitated the same soldier. Kyoshi looked back at the other soldiers still smiling, all the soldiers began to yell firing, but Kyoshi in a matter of seconds killed more than ten soldiers, then killed the others, he sliced their limbs and heads everywhere, Kyoshi was completely covered in blood, no soldier was a match for him, some Satsume people were running through and headed towards Kyoshi and his killing spree. “Someone finally stands up to them!” A Satsume man said happily. “Yes!” A Satsume woman said. Kyoshi after killing the last Gen-Exis soldier, he attacked these Satsume people as well with clouded judgment, Jaye noticed this and stood in front of Kyoshi’s way with his hands wide. “Kyoshi stop!” Jaye yelled. Kyoshi ran his blade through Jaye’s chest; Jaye widened his eyes in shock. “Uhhh… Kyo… how… could… you?” Jaye asked in disbelief. Kyoshi came back to his senses, Jaye fell on the ground, Kyoshi caught him. “No… what happened? How did I?” Kyoshi wasn’t sure what he wanted to say or ask. “Uhhh…” Jaye coughed blood, then he closed his eyes and drew his last breath. “Jaye! No!” Kyoshi yelled. Back to the present, everyone is silent. “Afterwards I fled Evergray, running away as far as I could, until I collapsed near Lemuria, Seshiro saved my life, he completely changed the way I thought about humans… I quickly left right after, to search for myself, that’s where I promised myself I wouldn’t fight anymore… I didn’t want the same thing to happen ever again… after a few years I went to Lemuria again, where Seshiro welcomed me.” Kyoshi finishes telling his story. “……” Shizuru lowers her head. “I didn’t know you had such a hard time, Reik searched for you, for years, but never found you, he was certain you were alive somewhere, so he sent me to look for you after he entered the Phoenix temple, and I found you.” Amarth said. Kyoshi let out a tear drop from his eye, Shizuru notices this and grabs Kyoshi’s hand. “I think we should sleep, it’s late, and we want a head start tomorrow.” Amarth suggests. “Yeah.” Kyoshi nods. “Let’s go inside the tent Kyo.” Shizuru stands up. “Okay.” Kyoshi goes in before her, Shizuru before going in signals Amarth to go away, Amarth smiles and leaves, Shizuru then goes in the tent and crawls on top of Kyoshi. “What are you doing?” Kyoshi asks. “Kyoshi, it’s time…” Shizuru smirks flirting with him. “Uhh…?” Kyoshi raises an eyebrow. “Come over here you big cry baby.” Shizuru holds Kyoshi’s head in between her breast, he then looks up at her, staring at her eyes, they then get close and start making out. Shizuru begins taking Kyoshi’s shirt off, Kyoshi unzips her vest and begins unbuttoning her bra, the night passes by, it is now daytime, Kyoshi crawls out from the tent with big bags under his eyes. “Whoa, whoa! Did she even let you get a good night’s rest?” Amarth asks surprised. “Not really…” Kyoshi replies. “Damn, that woman must have the stamina of one hundred muscular black men… and that’s saying a lot, not to sound racist of course.” Amarth grins. “Yeah… I need some more rest.” Kyoshi says. Shizuru comes out from the tent completely refreshed yawning and stretching her arms. “It looks like someone here had a good night.” Amarth remarks. “Yeah… I needed that.” Shizuru says. “Oh really? Why?” Amarth questions. “Hmm… not that you should know, but I’m a sex addict.” Shizuru responds. Kyoshi and Amarth look at each other and burst laughing like crazy. “Hahaha!” “That explains a lot of things! Hahaha.” Amarth laughs. “Hey, don’t make fun of me! That’s a real disease! It’s my cross to bear!” Shizuru says annoyed. “Pffftt, hahahahahaha!” Kyoshi laughs uncontrollably. “Shut the hell up!” Shizuru yells. “Haha, okay, okay… I’ll cut it out… Kyoshi… cut it out… hahahahahaha!” Amarth says, but can’t stop laughing. “Hahaha!” Kyoshi keeps on laughing. “Let’s just go okay?” Shizuru says annoyed. They all pack up and once again head out towards the great bridge, after a few hours of walking they get caught up in small chat; Amarth keeps staring at Shizuru and smirking. “You’re still thinking about that?” Shizuru asks annoyed. “Hahaha! Yeah, it’s funny, I mean, a cross to bear? Seriously!? Hahaha.” Amarth laughs. “If you don’t shut up I swear I’ll kill you.” Shizuru says angrily. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop, I’ll stop.” Amarth chuckles. “Huh? Wait! Do you feel that?” Kyoshi stops. “Yeah… there are strong Spirit Forces
near!” Amarth says. The party remains silent for a few minutes, until suddenly the party is surrounded by flames, Ruby and Aster, from the Last Union jumps right in front of the party. “Look at what we found.” Aster says. “I’ve been dying to kill this big breasted cow with my own hands.” Ruby remarks. “These guys again? Where’s Jaye? What are you doing here?” Kyoshi asks. “Hold yer horses’ cowboy, one question at a time.” Aster says. “……” Ruby glares at Shizuru. “First of all, we’re not here to take you on, ya see, me and my comrades separated from each other to look for someone from yer team ya see.” Aster explains. “What? Who?” Kyoshi questions. “Zero I think it was.” Aster replies. “Why?” Kyoshi asks. “None of your business there lad, and about the other question, Jaye ain’t here, he’s somewhere else.” Aster says. “Is he in the Phoenix temple?” Kyoshi asks. Aster and Ruby widen their eyes. “Hey, hey, who’s your sources? Hook me up!” Aster jests. “That answer our questions.” Amarth smiles. “You guys know too much, time to die.” Ruby charges at Shizuru taking out her brass knuckles and putting them on, then throwing many punches at Shizuru, Shizuru easily evades, Kyoshi is about to step in until Aster detaches his Sansetsukon and attacks Kyoshi. “Nope, you’re dealing with me now, better let the missus’s there handle the cat fights.” Aster smiles. “You’re the one that defeated Lloyd.” Kyoshi says. “Oh, you talkin’ about the pretty boy? Yeah, I kicked his a*s pretty bad, speaking of which, where is he now?” Aster asks. “……” Kyoshi narrows his eyes. “The silent treatment huh, alright, me and you have a beef now.” Aster says. “Amarth, stay back, if anything goes bad, you know what to do.” Kyoshi says. “Don’t worry, I was going to chill here anyways, hehe.” Amarth chuckles. “Good.” Kyoshi says. “What? You getting serious now all of a sudden.” Aster smiles again. “Yeah, that surprises me; I thought you promised yourself not to fight anymore.” Amarth comments. “Yeah, I know, that’s why I’m counting on you if I get battle high.” Kyoshi says. “Battle high? Care to enlighten me?” Aster says. “How about I show you, it’s easier right?” Kyoshi asks. “Heh, sure, no problem.” Aster readies himself. Ruby and Shizuru keeps fighting, Shizuru blocking and evading, then countering with her daggers, but Ruby is too fast and punches her various times sending Shizuru flying. Shizuru recovers in midair, but as soon as she lands Ruby kicks her very hard on the stomach. Aster speedily attacks Kyoshi with his Sansetsukon, Kyoshi evading without drawing his sword, Aster grins and hits Kyoshi many times with his Sansetsukon, then hitting Kyoshi’s chest with his elbow throwing him against a tree nearby. “All that talk for what? You haven’t even drawn your sword yet.” Aster says mockingly. Kyoshi looks up at Aster and says. “I’ve been holding back for your own safety, but you don’t really need it do you?” “Of course not, give me everything you got!” Aster shouts. Kyoshi stands up and unsheathes his sword, he charges at Aster, attacking him many times swinging his sword, Aster easily blocks and counters cutting Kyoshi’s left shoulder and then punching him in his face, but Kyoshi stops his fist on time, then twisting it and kicking Aster’s rib very hard. Aster backs up and unleashes his Spirit Force, Kyoshi does the same, but Aster’s is unusually stronger by a lot. “You don’t have as much Spirit Force as I thought you would, sure, it’s higher than a normal Satsume, but not enough to kill me.” Aster says. “I know, but I wish I knew how a human like you could attain such Spirit Force.” Kyoshi says. “Long story, no time.” Aster says. “I expected as much.” Kyoshi says. Aster disappears in an instant, quickly appearing in front of Kyoshi and cutting him even more time with his Sansetsukon, on the ribs, the side of his arms and his legs. “Uhh… damn…” Kyoshi swiftly burst in flames and swings his sword rapidly, but Aster keeps blocking and countering, Kyoshi then jumps over him and kicks him on his back, Aster looks back slowly and laughs. “Is that it?” “Not quite!” Kyoshi charges once again swinging his sword, blocking and countering, but Aster still has the advantage in speed and Spirit Force. Meanwhile Shizuru and Ruby are still at it, Shizuru engulfing her daggers in flames, but Ruby does the same, both exchange blows, Ruby is stronger in every way possible, dominating Shizuru as the battle passes, Shizuru then is able to cut her slightly on her shoulder, Shizuru then backs off and evades Ruby’s attack once more. “You’ve managed to cut me twice…” Ruby cleans off the blood. “Yeah, though I’ll admit you have some pretty slick skills there flat chest.” Shizuru says. “Ugghhh! You s**t!” Ruby says annoyed. “Only with Kyo.” Shizuru smiles. “You have no chance of winning against me.” Ruby says. “I know that, you’re much stronger than I am, but still, I know I can kill you.” Shizuru says. “How’s that?” Ruby asks. “You’ll see.” Shizuru licks Ruby’s blood from her dagger. “You’re sick you know that?” Ruby says grossed out. “The pact has been sealed.” Shizuru smiles. “Pact? Now you’re just talking crazy, I’m going to end this now!” Ruby says annoyed. Shizuru smirks and attacks Ruby; Ruby hastily punches Shizuru directly in her face, then takes away one of Shizuru’s daggers and pierces her chest, Shizuru still smirking. “Why are you still laughing? I thrust your own dagger in your damn chest!” Ruby says. Ruby suddenly widens her eyes, then pressing down her chest with her right hand; she falls down on her knees in pain. “You! What did you… do to me?” Ruby questions. “Heh, you see, simply, we’re connected by blood, you and I, once I licked your blood we synchronized, if you hurt me, you’re the one that suffers the consequences.” Shizuru says. “And if you hurt me?” Ruby asks. “You’ll also suffer the consequences.” Shizuru replies. “That doesn’t make sense?” Ruby says. “Oh it does, you see, since I’m the one that made this little ‘spell’ on you, I make the rules on how it works.” Shizuru says. “So you’re saying I have no hope in killing you? If I kill you I die, if I kill myself, I die anyways? That is ridiculous! It’s not even fair.” Ruby says annoyed. “It’s actually just funny.” Shizuru chuckles. “Uhh…” Ruby glares a Shizuru. “You’ll die here and now, like it or not.” Shizuru says. As this happens, Kyoshi is getting himself beat up by Aster, Kyoshi’s flames aren’t enough to defeat Aster, Amarth lies down in a corner watching both fights. “Kyoshi is trying to hold back his battle high and is not fighting normally; he shouldn’t have much problems with that Aster guy… Kyoshi is trying too hard to restrain his battle high so his fighting performance has dropped, maybe if he learned to embrace his power and instead of trying to hold it back try to overcome his poor sense of perspective, maybe he’ll be even thrice as stronger than he is now. Shizuru seems to have the powers of a blood mage, but I’m not sure… How on earth would she get those kinds of powers? From whom?” Amarth thinks to himself. Kyoshi keeps trying to hit Aster, but Aster easily blocks and counters every single time, Aster then charges and kicks Kyoshi so hard that it sends him flying at a nearby tree, Kyoshi recovers and lands safely, still looking down, Aster gets near. “This is getting boring, I’ll finish you off right now.” Aster says. Kyoshi looks up at Aster with widen eyes, smiling insanely, Aster swiftly attacks Kyoshi, but Kyoshi speedily punches his genitals, Aster widen his eyes in pain, he raises his hand, fills it with Spirit Force and punches Kyoshi so hard in the face that even the tree behind Kyoshi disintegrates, Kyoshi still looking up without changing the same smile punches him back and sends him flying. Kyosh runs after Aster while he is still stunned in midair and jumps over him kicking him hard on the ground, then stomping his head, Aster is able to avoid that last stomp and getting up, then bursting in Spirit Force once again, Kyoshi does the same, but this time it’s much more than what Aster has. “What? How did you get this strong? It’s impossible! Is this that battle high thing you were talking about?” Aster asks in disbelief. Kyoshi picks up his sword from the ground and stares wickedly at Aster. “Are you insane? What the hell is wrong with you? I’ll kill you!” Aster charges directly towards Kyoshi, Kyoshi doesn’t move, Aster disappears from Kyoshi’s view, then appearing from behind and swiftly disappearing again and appearing above Kyoshi pointing his Sansetsukon directly at Kyoshi’s head. When Aster’s Sansetsukon is about to pierce Kyoshi’s head, Kyoshi disappears as well and appears behind Aster, thrusting his sword deep into Aster’s chest and driving it down to his stomach, Aster yells in pain, Kyoshi then takes his sword out by cutting his rib to the side, then slicing down Aster’s arm, all of Aster’s blood falls on Kyoshi. “Kyoshi! That’s enough!” Amarth yells. Aster turns to ash suddenly and flies away with the breeze, Kyoshi looks back at Amarth with the same insane expression, Kyoshi rapidly charges at Amarth, but Amarth swings his tail at an amazing speed and knocks out Kyoshi. “Too early to be facing me little Kyo.” Amarth keeps observing Shizuru’s battle; Ruby notices what happened to Aster. “That useless b*****d…” Ruby shakes her head. Shizuru walks towards Ruby, Ruby bites her thumb, blood flows from it and she observes Shizuru. “You’re only hurting yourself, it’s useless, it won’t work against me…” Shizuru says. “Worth the try…” Ruby stands up and gets ready, she charges in and punches Shizuru many times, Shizuru calmly stabs Ruby’s thigh, Ruby falls down on one knee. “So it’s really true, I won’t be able to kill you… Well, there is always a way.” Ruby stands up barely and attacks Shizuru; Shizuru evades calmly, Ruby then hugs Shizuru. “Huh?” Shizuru tilts her head confused. “We’re both going to die!” Ruby says. “Try it…” Shizuru says. “I will…” Ruby gathers her Spirit Force; she bursts in flames and says. “Bye, bye beautiful!” Ruby explodes with flames, Amarth covers Kyoshi and withstands the explosion, Shizuru lies on the ground, ashes fly away with the breeze just like Aster, Shizuru stands up. “Nice technique, where’d you learn to-” Amarth cuts himself off. Shizuru all of a sudden yells in pain very hard, tightening her upper body with her arms, she falls on the ground rolling in agony and screaming loudly, she then faints because of the pain. “What just happened?” Amarth asks himself.© 2013 ShinReviews
2 Reviews Added on September 9, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing