![]() Chapter 03: OriginA Chapter by ShinIn a grayish castle, guarded by many knights, inside is a big room completely white, ceilings, walls and even the floor, light blue furniture and curtains, in the middle is a huge white bed with many light blue pillows and sheets. A little girl that has golden hair, which shines fluorescently wearing a light blue dress, she is lying there in deep sleep hugging one of her pillows; in the room are a handful of maids standing in every corner of the room. A big door, which is the entrance of the room opens, a man with short black hair and pitch black eyes with what seems like a silver crown on his head enters the room, all the maids bow down. “Cancer King… The Goddess is sleeping.” One of the maids says. The Cancer King smirks and walks towards the little girl, halfway there she wakes up and glares at the Cancer King with a blank stare, she has dark blue shiny eyes which then turn completely black, the little girl beckons at one of the maids to come towards her, the little girl grabs the maid by the throat and squeezes tightly. “What do you need?” The maid asks the Cancer King in a deep voice as she’s being controlled by the little girl. “Seems you have not yet learned how to speak in our tongue.” The Cancer King comments. “Have my nine stars returned? Eight stars to be more exact, Galen was killed.” The maid says. “Oh, too bad, I wonder if they’ll really be as useful as you think, and no, they didn’t return.” The Cancer King says sarcastically. “If they do not come back soon, I will make amends personally.” The maid says. “I thought you already were, sending your shadows like that.” The Cancer King states. “It is just a helping hand.” The maid says. “Why don’t you do it yourself?” The Cancer King questions. “……I am resting.” The maid answers with coldness. “Haven’t you rested enough?” The Cancer King asks. “Haven’t you spoken enough? Get out of my sight and let me sleep or I will kill you; I’ve been looking for an excuse to play with your blood.” The maid says, Soriana’s eyes turning silver along with her hair. “Hmm, I shall return if anything happens.” The Cancer King leaves the room, meanwhile the party is still in the city of Xordania, they are all standing in front of a huge water fountain in the city plaza, Jonathan suddenly begins walking away from the party. “Where the heck are you going?” Onassis asks. “I have to relax before going to that god forsaken place.” Jonathan replies without looking back at them. “Relax? My a*s you will! What the hell do you mean with that?” Onassis asks annoyed. Jonathan looks to the side almost looking back at Onassis over his shoulder, then he starts walking away without saying a word, Chad follows behind him. “I swear, first he needs me and now he leaves, I thought this was all important.” Onassis says angrily. “Let him be, he’ll back, besides, we have to get ready before heading over there, we don’t want to freeze to death, so might as well buy some things before heading out.” Ethan suggests. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Onassis sighs. Jonathan keeps walking through the city and Chad behind him. “Jon, when am I going to stop being your slave?” Chad asks. “You’re not my slave Chad, you’re just a very good friend and apprentice.” Jonathan responds. “You never show me anything.” Chad whines. “Be patient, everything will fall down on your lap when you least know it.” Jonathan remarks. “Being patient is not one of my virtues Jon, where are you going anyways?” Chad asks. “To relax.” Jonathan replies. “You’re going to that bar again aren’t you?” Chad asks with a raised eyebrow. “What bar?” Jonathan asks. “Don’t think I didn’t see you last time you were here, you got up in the middle of the night and went there, you didn’t come back until morning.” Chad says. “I don’t really enjoy being spied on Chad.” Jonathan says. Jonathan takes out his pipe and lights it smoking it as he walks. “Why do I look up to you?” Chad mumbles to himself. “Hm…” Jonathan stops in front of a bar, Chad crashes against his back. “You should go to the others and get my gear ready.” “I thought I wasn’t a slave.” Chad says. “You’re not, now go ahead.” Jonathan begins walking in the bar as Chad from behind looks shaking his head. “Jon… Jon! Damn it.” Chad shouts. Jonathan walks in; passing by many people on the way, as he walks, a woman with long black hair and green eyes dressed with a rather tight dress appears, she walks towards him and begins whispering to his ear, asking in a sarcastic tone. “Hey Jon, are you still messing with the occult? You still deporting demons back to hell? How’s your old man doing?” “You’re not as funny as you think.” Jonathan comments. “Hehe.” The woman smiles. “Any new info?” Jonathan gives her some gold. “Uhh… let me think… I might know a little something if you come with me upstairs.” The woman smiles sensually. “Okay.” Jonathan walks upstairs with her; she opens a room and lies on the bed. “The info?” “I don’t really have anything, nothing new really.” The woman giggles. “Why do you insist on wasting my time like this Ellie?” Jonathan asks. “Haha, you’re so cute, care to share the bed?” Ellie asks beckoning him with her index finger. “I don’t have time for this.” Jonathan says turning around. “Oh come on!” Ellie crawls from the bed towards Jonathan, she turns him around and begins unbuttoning his shirt. “For old times’ sake? You haven’t touched me in a while.” “Uhh… okay.” He sighs with a smile. As Jonathan keeps unbuttoning his shirt, Ethan and Onassis are buying some fur coats from a shop. “I’m a little tired; we should go get some rest before heading out.” Ethan says. Chad appears out of the blue. “Yeah, plus Jon won’t be joining us until tomorrow.” Chad says. “Why not?” Onassis asks annoyed. “He’s out ‘relaxing’ so he won’t be joining us until morning or hell, even later.” Chad replies. “What an a*****e.” Onassis says pissed off. “Let’s head to the inn.” Ethan says calmly. Afterwards the party heads towards the inn, the day passes by quickly, it is now morning, Jonathan is sitting on the edge of the bed, Ellie is under the covers staring at Jonathan’s left shoulder where he has a pentagram tattoo. “Where are you headed?” Ellie asks. “I have to meet up with Chad and some other people.” Jonathan answers. “Little Chad, he’s still your slave?” Ellie asks. “He’s not my slave; he’s just a good friend and apprentice.” Jonathan says. “Sure, take care of him now, he’s still too young, can’t believe he looks up to a shady a*****e like you.” Ellie smirks. “Heh, and you still look for this shady a*****e whenever I come visit Xordania.” Jonathan chuckles. “Yeah.” Ellie nods. “I’m out.” Jonathan stands up and puts his shirt on, buttoning it, he then puts his cloak over him, Ellie still covering herself with the sheets she get’s near and kisses him in the mouth, her back visible, revealing bat wings and a demonic tail. “Hope to see you again.” Ellie says. “Don’t wait; you might not see me again.” Jonathan says. “I’ll keep that in mind and thanks for not deporting me.” Ellie smiles. “You’ve earned it.” Jonathan winks at her and walks out of the room, then walks down the stairs and heads out of the bar, there Chad and the rest of the party are waiting outside. “You waited long?” “You were with that chick again weren’t you?” Chad asks. “Yeah, anyways, you got everything?” Jonathan questions. “Of course scumbag, you were out there ‘relaxing’ while you sent Chad to get you your stuff, you make me sick, don’t treat him like a slave!” Onassis shouts. “He’s not my slave.” Jonathan sighs. “See? I look like one, everyone says it.” Chad crosses his arms. “I’ve already told you that you aren’t, so I’m not going to discuss this anymore.” Jonathan says. “Let’s just go.” Ethan says. “Alright.” Onassis nods. The party leaves the city of Xordania, after heading south east, many hours pass until they reach a snowy region. “Now we need to put these coats on.” Onassis says taking out the coats from a big bag. “Do we have enough food supply?” Chad asks. “Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Onassis nods. “Where did this Venart live exactly?” Ethan questions. “South of here, we have to stay close to the shore; there we’ll find a cabin.” Onassis explains. “Doesn’t sound hard, right Jon?” Chad asks. “Yeah, yeah.” Jonathan nods. The party walks south just as Onassis said, on their way they see many trees, snow begins to fall, they all keep walking for hours until they reach what seems like a small path with dirt. The party follows the path and reaches the cabin, it’s a big cabin with a chimney at the top, they all walk towards it and knock on the door. “Venart! Are you home?” Onassis asks. “No response.” Chad says. “Venart!” Onassis yells. The door unlocks and opens on its own. “Huh? What just happened?” Ethan asks. “I don’t know.” Onassis shrugs her shoulders. Jonathan walks by everyone and heads in. “Jon! What are you doing?” Chad asks. “It’s an invitation.” Jonathan says. “Hmm?” Ethan raises his eyebrow. The party walks in behind Jonathan, the cabin is really plain looking, there is a fireplace and some couches with a table in the middle of the room. There is also a staircase that leads to the second floor of the cabin. “We should make ourselves at home.” Jonathan sits on the couch placing both his feet on the table and lights up his opium pipe. “Are you sure this is alright Jon?” Chad asks. “Relax Chad.” Jonathan says. Chad sits next to Jonathan while Ethan and Onassis sit on the other couch, after a few minute a person with long dark purple hair and long ears walks into the living room, it’s a an Elven woman. “Venart, you finally show your face.” Onassis says. “What!?” Chad jumps up nervously. “Huh?” Jonathan lets out some smoke. “I thought Venart was a guy.” Ethan comments. “I thought that too!” Chad says still surprised. “Same here.” Jonathan takes a puff. “No silly!” Onassis says. “You never told us!” Chad says. “You never asked.” Onassis says. “She has a point.” Jonathan states. “My full name is Faris Venart; you may call me Faris to avoid the obvious confusion.” She says. “So you’re the one that forged this dagger.” Ethan takes out the dagger; Venart closes her eyes in thought. “Onassis told us everything.” Jonathan comments. “You don’t know everything there is to know.” Faris says. “What?” Chad asks. “You said it’s possible to kill her with the dagger.” Ethan says. “Well, yes, it is a possibility.” Faris remarks. “How did you come to that theory?” Onassis asks. “Because of the substance, after researching it and working with it, I found the matter could pierce through anything, no matter if it’s a diamond, steel of even a small leaf, even Metalium, the strongest of all metals in this planet. Of course, only Elves know and use this metal, that’s why you don’t know of it, and for what I’ve come to know of this Goddess, she cannot be pierced by any weapon of any kind.” Faris explains. “What is the Goddess exactly?” Jonathan asks. “She fell from the skies.” Faris replies. “She fell from the skies? What does that even mean?” Chad asks. “Yes, it means she comes from the stars we see at night, but even I don’t know beyond that, anyways, and now she is bringing calamity to the world, her presence alone is enough to affect every living organism in this planet.” Faris further explains. “So we’re dealing with a who-knows-what it is?” Chad questions. “The term is alien, something unfamiliar to all of us.” Faris says. “What do you mean with her presence?” Onassis asks. “Exactly that, she has an energy that is not of this world, humans have Spirit Force while demons have Demon Force, she has what’s called-” Faris is interrupted by Jonathan. “Cosmic Force.” “Yes, I assume you know this because you also have Cosmic Force and that other man with you dressed in armor.” Faris remarks. “Yes, Soriana and her High Ones, the nine stars all have that energy; my father confirmed this to me.” Jonathan states. “Who is your father?” Faris asks. “The Cancer King.” Jonathan replies. “That explains much.” Faris comments. “What exactly is Cosmic Force?” Chad asks. “It’s an energy that is even denser than Spirit or Demon Forces, it has a unique wave reading, it is more powerful than both. Anyways, the Goddess herself is really a mystery; she has power over matter and anti-matter.” Faris explains. “You once told me that the Goddess and the substance I found might be related, care to explain?” Onassis asks. “Yes, it seems the substance is made by the same substance as the Goddess.” Faris answers. “What makes you think that?” Ethan asks. “Simple really, the only thing able to cut her is herself.” Faris responds. “Ohh I get it, pretty clever.” Chad says. “But you forged the dagger; she could not be forged into a human unless she already had that form, which wouldn’t make sense because that substance was already in its purest form.” Onassis says. “I don’t have all the answers, I’m afraid that is all I know, but that dagger will not work in its current condition.” Faris states. “Why not?” Onassis asks. “You see, before I gave it to you, I sealed its power, something like that cannot be allowed to roam the world with such power, Cosmic Force leaked from it, making it easier to find by anyone with the ability to read and feel energies.” Faris explains. “Then unseal it, we need it.” Ethan says. “You plan to use it against the Goddess?” Faris asks. “Yeah.” Jonathan nods. “I can’t just simply unseal it.” Faris says. “Huh? Why?” Chad asks. “I sealed its power somewhere, the dagger itself is made from the substance, but it lacks power.” Faris says. “So wait, if you can seal its power, doesn’t it mean that you can seal the Goddesses power as well?” Onassis asks. “No, I can’t, it was enough trouble with the dagger, which doesn’t have as much power as the Goddess, it’s simply impossible.” Faris replies. “Where did you seal its power?” Jonathan questions. “In the temple of light, far south from this continent, it’s in the Luginum continent.” Faris answers. “Why’d you have to seal it there?” Chad asks. “No one would know, it’s far to reach, plus the Nature Force is stronger in that area, it serves as amplification of the seal’s power.” Faris explains. “So you’re going to have to come with us to undo the seal.” Ethan comments. “It seems so.” Faris says, then widening her eyes for a moment. “What’s wrong?” Onassis asks worried. “They’re coming this way.” Faris says a little startled. “Who?” Chad asks puzzled. “The Goddess’s High Ones, two of them.” Jonathan answers. “Two of them?” Onassis asks very worried. “Crap.” Ethan says. “I have a plan.” Faris says. “Oh really?” Jonathan asks sarcastically. “Yes, really.” Faris nods. As the party follows Faris somewhere, Eryn and Skye are about to reach the cabin. “They’re close.” Eryn says. “Yes, they killed Galen, but they won’t be able to kill us.” Skye states. “We’re stronger and we’re two.” Eryn comments. “We shouldn’t underestimate them just in case, the chosen of the Goddess is powerful enough, remember his power?” Skye asks. “Yes, but even if he’s strong, there’s two of us.” Eryn says. “But he’s accompanied by some people; they might be strong as well.” Skye remarks. “Let’s keep out guard up.” Eryn says. As they arrive at the cabin they separate, both standing on either side raising their hands, their hands engulf in a strange silver energy; the cabin literally becomes blurry and disappears into nothingness leaving only a small crater. “Is the dagger on the ground?” Skye asks. “No, it means they weren’t inside the cabin or that they hid it somewhere.” Eryn replies. “Then we have to-” Skye stops talking, noticing a strange blue barrier around him. “Skye… you’ve been sealed, looks like an Elven seal.” Eryn says. “Good guess.” Faris says appearing from a distance. “Who are you?” Eryn questions. “I am Faris Venart, the infamous Elf Magus of Edenia.” She responds. “Never heard of you.” Eryn says. “Ignorance is bliss.” Faris states. “That isn’t an ordinary seal, am I wrong?” Eryn questions. “No, it’s not, it’s a seal made out of Nature Force, not Mana like we would normally make them.” Faris explains. “It’s a very strong energy, to be able to seal Skye that way, but it won’t happen with me.” Eryn says. “But I’ll give you a little advice… Skye will be out of that seal soon, so I suggest you try your best against me, before he breaks the seal.” “You don’t have to tell us twice.” Jonahan says. Unexpectedly a flash of light can be seen from the sky, Eryn looks up, but as she does, many big materialized light arrows fall around Eryn, forming a strange pentagram symbol under her. They all turn dark as well as the surrounding area, a big ferry materializes under Eryn, many low class demons surround her, all with a horn on their forehead, claws and sharp teeth, completely black skinned wielding clubs. The demons all attack at once, Eryn easily killing them, evading and ripping their head and limbs off and throwing them to the sides, she is very fast and evasive, making them burst in pieces by one of her punches, after killing more than thirty demons, a dark figure dressed in a foul dark reddish-brown cowl walks towards her slowly, he has a skeleton face with a rough, unkempt beard, his eyes shine in a bluish-gray color, wielding a scythe, the scythe’s pole has the form of a boat pole. The dark figure holding his scythe with his right hand extends his left hand at Eryn saying. “An obolus.” “……” Eryn charges at the dark figure punching him directly in his chest piercing it, but the dark figure raises his scythe and slices her in half, Eryn somehow regenerates and backs off a little. “Who are you?” Eryn asks. “I am Charon, give me an obol and you may ride the ferry.” The demon says. “I am not going to ride anything.” Eryn says. “So be it.” Charon raises his scythe once again; Eryn evades easily and counters with another punch, only this time, her fist shines in the same silver energy as before, punching him again on his chest, making him blurry and his chest disappears. Charon’s body remains fall on the floor of the ferry; he regenerates quickly and stands up, rapidly attacking Eryn many times with his scythe, Eryn blocks and dodges, raising her left arm and materializing a spear, swiftly blocking and countering Charon, she then bursts in Cosmic Force and explodes with the ferry. After a few moments, everything turns back to normal, the ferry is no more, but Eryn is left standing engulfed in Cosmic Force, Ethan jumps at her holding just one of his long swords, Eryn evades and counters with her spear, but Ethan evades as well. Ethan then jumps back and once he lands on the ground he bursts in an immense Cosmic Force, both his swords shine in light energy and extend making very long swords of light and slashing Eryn with both swords at the same time killing her instantly, she fades away. Jonathan walks out from the woods. “I thought Charon would kill her for sure, but I didn’t have enough energy to keep him summoned.” Jonathan comments. “I already killed her anyways.” Ethan says sheathing his sword. “Don’t lower your guard yet, there’s one more left.” Faris says. They all look towards the sealed Skye, he gives them a blank look, all of a sudden, his Cosmic Force just explodes in a colossal amount breaking the barrier instantly. “Oh man, now he’s super powerful, what happened?” Chad asks. “When Eryn died, he suddenly became this powerful, could it be possible that each time one of them dies, their strengths pass on to the survivors?” Faris thinks to herself. “What is it Faris?” Onassis asks. “I hope I’m wrong, but it looks like he inherited her powers when we killed Eryn.” Faris says. “Oh no.” Onassis says. “What?” Faris asks. “Before we killed Eryn, we killed Galen, so I guess Skye has all their powers now.” Onassis says. “Then we’ll really have to try for this one.” Faris says readying herself. A lot of silver energy surrounds Skye, spinning around him very fast, Chad starts to feel dizzy. “What’s wrong with me? I’m not feeling good…” Chad says while his eyes start to linger off. “Chad, hide in the woods, you’re just a little Force high.” Jonathan says. “I feel like… I’m going to faint any second now.” Chad says supporting himself against a tree. “Just go.” Jonathan says. “Alright…” Chad leaves into the woods. They all look at Skye, which is still letting out a lot of Cosmic Force; all of a sudden he disappears from the party’s view, swiftly appearing behind Ethan with a big materialized claymore and swings down. Ethan blocks instinctively, but is pushed back with easy by Skye, Skye teleports and appears behind Ethan once again, he swings his claymore again, only this time, Jonathan appears beside Ethan and pushes him out of the way. Skye punches Jonathan on his face, sending him flying, Skye then dematerializes his claymore and makes a bow, he fires an energy arrow towards Faris and Onassis that blows the area into pieces, leaving a big crater where the girls were. Faris and Onassis appear on either side of Skye coming in with a water and ice attack, but Skye teleports out of their way, making their attacks clash, forming many ice spikes, Skye keeps teleporting out of the way of the spikes and materializes a giant shield that blocks the attack. “He’s very strong…” Ethan says. “We don’t have the time to play with him, how about you distract him and then we’ll run.” Jonathan says. “He can teleport, he’ll surely catch up to us in no time.” Ethan comments. “By that time, I’ll have a plan to kill him quickly.” Jonathan states. “Are you sure?” Ethan questions. “Yes.” Jonathan nods. “In that case, why don’t you distract him, you can probably fog his view with those dark powers you have.” Ethan winks at Jonathan. Jonathan sighs. Ethan materializes many longswords and throws them at Skye, Skye materializes the same number of shield and blocks all the longswords, Ethan then disappears from Skye’s view, Skye remains still for a second, Ethan appears next to him making a horizontal slash, but Skye catches his sword with his bare hands. “Your speed is impressive, but I’m still faster than you are hero of Soriana.” Skye says. “I know.” Ethan grins, many longsword appear around them, they all pierce Skye at once, Jonathan has a very small dark ball on the palm of his hand. “Out of the Dark!” Jonathan throws it towards Ethan and Skye. The ball widens and engulfs everything in darkness; Ethan is able to escape the attack. “Let’s go!” Jonathan shouts. “Aren’t we going to finish him?” Onassis asks. “This is just a distraction, we can’t kill him right now, none of us are in shape to do so, we’ve already wasted too much energy.” Jonathan explains. “Let’s move!” Ethan says running ahead. The party runs through the forest as fast as they can, Faris begins to chant while running as Mana Force surrounds her. “Road of the unknowing, help us move to a place where danger cannot keep up.” “What is she doing?” Onassis asks. “Chanting of course.” Jonathan says. “Your powers of observation are incredible.” Onassis says sarcastically. “Thanks.” Jonathan smiles. “I was being sarcastic.” Onassis says irritated. “Really? I thought you were just being nice.” Jonathan winks. “Ughhh…” Onassis sighs. “Oh man, how long will your attack hold him?” Chad asks. “As long as people let me concentrate on it, and right now, you’re not helping, the farther we go, the less I can concentrate on it.” Jonathan replies. “Ohh… sorry.” Chad keeps on running. Faris finishes her chant; the party is surrounded by Mana Force. “What the crap?” Chad asks surprised. The party suddenly disappears; they see how their surrounding begins to spin at incredible speed and the spinning stops in a city. “What was that? Where are we?” Chad asks. “It seems Faris teleported us to Xordania.” Ethan answers. “She doesn’t look so good.” Onassis says looking at Faris. Faris is panting lying against a wall. “I’ll be... fine… just... give me… a minute…” “Take your time, but hurry up, my darkness attack is no longer on him, but he will remain blind for a few days, enough to give us time to greaten our distance.” Jonathan says. “If you can teleport us like that, can’t you do that to take us all to the light temple?” Chad asks. “If a trip this short, from my house to Xordania has left me this weak, that I feel that I’m about to lose consciousness in any second, what makes you think that I can teleport us all to a place that is so far away that I doubt you have even traveled half the distance in your entire life?” Faris asks. “What she means by that Chad, is that if she even tries to do something like that, it will surely kill her.” Jonathan explains. “I got it the first time okay.” Chad says. “So, are they going to keep following us?” “Don’t ask the obvious.” Onassis replies. “As long as we have the dagger, they will keep chasing us.” “Don’t they get tired or get hungry? Geez.” Chad asks. “They don’t feel, they don’t eat, they don’t sleep and they will never stop until we are all dead and they obtain the dagger.” Jonathan says in an ominous tone. “Wow, sounds really scary.” Chad says. “Of course, which makes me certain that the dagger does possess the power to kill the Goddess.” Faris says. “All we have to do now is head to the temple of light huh.” Onassis says. “Yes.” Faris nods. © 2013 ShinReviews
2 Reviews Added on September 2, 2010 Last Updated on January 5, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing
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