Chapter 02: Onassis I

Chapter 02: Onassis I

A Chapter by Shin

                  The party takes a ship and are about to reach Xordania, after a while they dock at Xordania, the skies looking as pale as a week ago. Xordania is a very big city, with many brick-made buildings, a few people walking around, some poor and others aristocrats, but despite this, many people are lying on the streets sick and weak from unknown reasons.

            “Her influence has reached the whole world.” Jonathan comments.

            “Influence?” Ethan asks as they keep walking through the streets.

            “Soriana, her power is too great; all that Cosmic Force she leaks unconsciously affects everyone worldwide.” Jonathan replies.

            “Yeah, this isn’t the only city; you can say all cities are suffering the same, some less than others, the ones far away like Vakidor for example.” Chad remarks, he trips with a man. “Sorry, sorry.” The man looks back and then keeps walking forward.

            “I think it’s only obvious, we’re very close to Illios, in fact we’re just north of it, Ancelia is west of Illios, so the most affected would be Xordania, Ettyr and Ancelia.” Jonathan explains as he walks without looking at Ethan or Chad.

            “Hmm, I think we should hurry and be as under cover as possible.” Ethan says walking in the same fashion as Jonathan.

            “Oh that’s right, you’re very famous here Ethan, especially because you’re the legendary knight of Ancelia, or should I say the runaway knight of Ancelia?” Jonathan says with a grin looking at Ethan.

            “…… I already told you that.” Ethan says slightly upset.

            “Yeah, but I like how runaway sounds, the Goddess’s favorite puppet.” Jonathan comments still with a grin.

            “Don’t call me that.” Ethan says staring fiercely at Jonathan.

                        A very loud scream can be heard from a few blocks away.

            “What was that?” Chad asks a little startled.

            “I don’t know, but I don’t really have time to check it out.” Jonathan says calmly.

            “Come on Jon, someone might be in trouble!” Chad says.

            “I said no.” Jonathan says determinately.

            “Where was the dagger forged exactly?” Ethan asks.

            “I heard it was forged for Onassis.” Jonathan replies.

            “Onassis?” Ethan asks.

                        Jonathan notices a blurry shadow creeping towards the direction of the scream.

            “Let’s go.” Jonathan says rushing towards the shadows direction.

            “Huh?” Ethan scratches his head confused and says. “Make up your mind.”

                        The party rushes towards the direction of the scream, many people are in front of an old building, more screams can be heard from inside, it sounds like a boy.

            “What’s happening here?” Chad asks.

            “A boy in there was supposedly possessed by a demon, we don’t actually know for certain, it’s what the owners have said, we called a priest from the Xordanian church, but we don’t know what’s happening.” The woman explains trying to get a glimpse of what is happening inside the house.

                        Jonathan notices the shadow entering the house and narrows his eyes.

            “Step aside; I’m an exorcist, you guys, stay here.” Jonathan says as he enters the house; he walks up the stairs and finds a few people gathered in front of a room.

            “Huh? Who are you? How did you get it?” The man asks distressed.

            “The door was opened.” Jonathan says calmly.

            “Leave at once! You have no business here.” The man says angrily.

            “I do, I’m an exorcist.” Jonathan comments.

                        Suddenly the priest comes out of the room, and notices Jonathan.

            “You’re-!” The priest says with widened eyes.

            “Yeah.” Jonathan says before the priest finished the sentence.

            “Jonathan Constantine!” The priest says shocked.

            The Jonathan Constantine? The infamous exorcist! The chosen of darkness?” The man asks amazed and in disbelief.

            “The same.” Jonathan nods.

            “Please! I need your help! For some reason, I can’t seem to be able to exorcise the demon!” The priest says desperately.

            “Let me through.” Jonathan says walking into the room, he sees a boy around the age of fourteen, bound to the bed with many straps. Jonathan notices the window in the room, but a curtain covers it, Jonathan walks slowly towards the boy, the boy begins to speak, but it is indistinct.

            “You’re a demon alright, but something isn’t right.” Jonathan says observing the boy.

                        Jonathan notices the shadow once again and sees as many other shadows are present next to the boy.

            “So this is your doing, affecting everyone with your shadows, even the demons.” Jonathan says to himself.

            “What are you talking about?” The priest asks.

            “The Goddess.” Jonathan says without looking back at the priest.

            “I’m at a loss.” The priest says shaking his head.

            “Don’t worry, it’s nothing, just bring me a big mirror, a four by four will be enough.” Jonathan says.

            “A mirror?” The priest asks puzzled.

            “Hurry.” Jonathan says in a high voice.

                        As the priest and the boy’s father look for the mirror Jonathan pulls the curtain and sunlight fills the space in front of the boy’s bed, he then leans back on the wall, taking out his pipe and lighting it up, taking a deep puff. The priest and the boy’s father come in the room with the mirror, Jonathan keeps on smoking.

            “Smoking at a time like this?” The priest asks.

            “Gotta love opium.” Jonathan comments.

            “We already got the mirror, what should we do?” The man asks.

            “Give it to me.” Jonathan says taking the mirror and before stepping into the sunlight from the window he says. “Close your eyes… don’t open them no matter what.”

                        Jonathan steps into the light and reflects the light from the sun using the mirror towards the bed where all the shadows are.

            “Without opening your eyes I want you to hold this mirror steady.” Jonathan says to the priest and the man, both hold the mirror without opening their eyes, the priest holds tightly his cross.

                        Jonathan get’s on top of the boy, as he does all the shadows screech and begin trying to push him off the bed, but he resists. Jonathan rips the boy’s shirt open, and then taking out a necklace that has a cross shaped symbol, the demon then talks indistinctively again.

            “In the name of God, I expel you from this child’s pure body in his name, you that has power over nothing!” Jonathan prays with his eyes closed.

                        Jonathan gets close to the boys ear and says. “I banish you from this world.”

                        The demon inside the boy then speaks. “Who are you to deport me? You have no power!”

            “My name is Jonathan Constantine, d********g.” Jonathan whispers to the demon.

                        The boy widens his eyes, rapidly the demon fades away from the boy, leaving the boy unconscious, all the shadows quickly flee through the window, breaking it in the process, Ethan and Chad back away from the shards of glass falling down from the house.

            “What the hell is happening in there?” Ethan asks looking at the broken glass on the ground.

            “It’s Jon, he just exorcised a demon from that boy.” Chad says.

                        Jonathan gets off the boy and grabs his pipe once again taking yet another puff.

            “I’ve never seen such strange way to exorcise a demon before.” The priest remarks.

            “Are you even an exorcist?” The man asks in disbelief.

            “Yeah, but not a graduated one if that’s what you meant.” Jonathan jests.

            “But what was wrong with my exorcism? Not enough power of faith?” The priest asks.

            “No, you weren’t the problem old man, there was someone interrupting the exorcism.” Jonathan says.

            “Who?” The priest asks.

                        Jonathan smirks and asks. “Humph… Don’t worry about that, now, can you do me a favor?”

            “Yes, just ask anything.” The priest says.

            “I’m looking for a person.” Jonathan says taking yet another puff off his pipe.

            “Who might that person be?” The priest asks.

            “Onassis.” Jonathan answers.

            “Onassis… yes, I know who it is, there’s only one person I know by that name, but why do you want to meet her?” The priest asks curiously.

            “I have some business with her.” Jonathan replies.

                        Jonathan and the priest walks down and meets with Ethan and Chad, they walk for about half an hour until they reach a rather rundown house near the outskirts.

            “It’s here, she lives here.” The priest points towards the shabby house.

            “Thanks old man, you’re alright in my book.” Jonathan says patting the priest on his back.

            “May Lord Jesus be with you always.” The priest says.

            “Amen father.” Jonathan says.

                        The priest leaves, the party heads to the house, Chad knocks the door.

            “Hello! Miss Onassis! Are you home?” Chad asks in a high tone of voice.

                        The party hears a lot of noise from within the house, a woman from the other side of the door asks. “Who the hell is it? What do you want with me?”

            “We came to speak to you.” Ethan says.

            “About what?” The woman asks.

            “About the dagger.” Jonathan abruptly responds.

            “…What dagger?” The woman asks after a few seconds of silence.

            “Soriana’s dagger.” Jonathan replies.

                        The door opens; a young girl about twenty years old with long black hair, dark black eyes and pale skin dressed in a jumpsuit covered in what seems like grease comes from behind the door and looks at everyone.

            “Are you Onassis?” Chad asks.

            “You bet your a*s.” She says.

            “May we come in?” Ethan asks coldly.

            “Hell no, why do you want to know about the dagger?” Onassis asks suspiciously staring at the party.

            “Because I have it.” Ethan says showing her the dagger, Onassis widens her eyes.

            “Don’t just show that around! We’ll be killed! Come in! Hurry!” Onassis says pulling them in rapidly.

                        The party goes in the house; it’s very messy, with many ancient artifacts and old machines lying around the house.

            “Are you some kind of mechanic Onassis?” Chad asks.

            “Yeah, something like that, more like an inventor and collector of old junk, though I do want to be a famous mechanic.” Onassis replies.

            “Tell us what you know about the dagger.” Ethan says.

            “There isn’t really much to say.” Onassis says walking to a big room that seems to be the living room with even more junk.

            “What do you mean?” Chad asks following her.

                        Jonathan takes out his pipe once again and begins smoking walking behind them in the back row.

            “No smoking in the house!” Onassis shouts at Jonathan.

            “Why?” Jonathan asks calmly.

            “There is a lot of flammable stuff in here, you might blow something up!” Onassis explains.

            “What do you mean there’s not much to say?” Chad asks.

                        Onassis sits down on a couch covered in grease and dirt and explains. “Well, it all started when I found a very strange metal, it had all the properties of metal, but it wasn’t, it was more like a mix between minerals, crystals and metal kind of substance, but it was neither.”

            “Where did you find it?” Ethan asks.

            “North of Finurey and Asrael, the place that’s been recently called Armageddon.” Onassis answers taking a screwdriver and tinkering with a small object.

            “Why do they call that place Armageddon anyway?” Chad asks curiously.

            “Because many wars have been fought there, anyways, as I was saying, I found it there, in a crater to be more exact.” Onassis says.

            “A crater in that place?” Jonathan asks warily.

            “Yeah, it wasn’t much, just enough to make that dagger.” Onassis says shrugging her shoulders.

            “And what exactly does it have to do with the Goddess?” Ethan asks.

            “Supposedly that crater fell about a few years ago, by that time the whole world was in confusion religiously speaking. The Christians and those who believed in an almighty Goddess that would grace us with her beauty and power, curiously enough after that a woman appeared, she was able to do and undo many things with some sort of magic or some thingamajig, everyone one of that religion believed it was her, the prophecy’s Goddess, but their Goddess turned out to be a wicked one.” Onassis explains.

            “So you’re saying that the Goddess and that substance might be related somehow?” Jonathan asks.

            “Yeah, after I took that substance, I met an Elf, strangely enough.” Onassis remarks.

                        The party widen their eyes.

            “An Elf?” Chad asks in a disbelieving tone.

            “You’re joking right?” Ethan asks.

            “She doesn’t look like she’s joking.” Jonathan comments.

            “The substance had attracted that Elf, I asked for the substance to be made an object in exchange for that Elf to study that thing, hence the dagger, the Elf being a smith forged it, but after some time, some mysterious people began looking for me, more precisely, the dagger.” Onassis explains.

            “Mysterious people?” Ethan says waiting for Onassis’s reply.

            “Yes, I soon learned they were the Goddesses’ High Ones, I was so afraid I left Xordania and threw the dagger as far as I could, I didn’t care what happened to it or where I threw it, I just did.” Onassis says.

            “Where?” Ethan asks.

            “Somewhere near the road of Ancelia.” Onassis answers.

            “That’s where I found it when I left Ancelia.” Ethan states, he then observes the dagger.

            “I heard about the dagger, but I was looking for it in the wrong places.” Jonathan says.

            “But is it true that the dagger has the power to kill the Goddess?” Chad asks.

            “I was told that by the Elf, but I didn’t really think much of it at the time.” Onassis responds.

            “Then we should go ask that Elf personally.” Ethan says putting the dagger away.

            “Yeah, that seems like the best idea, where is this Elf you speak of?” Jonathan asks.

            “Hmm… in a far away cabin in the Laska region.” Onassis replies as she throws the object she was tinkering with to the side.

            “That place is covered with snow.” Ethan says.

            “I know.” Onassis says.

            “But we don’t know the exact location of that place, I mean, we can get lost and with a temperature like that, I don’t think we’d last much.” Chad comments.

            “I guess I have no choice but to help you.” Onassis says standing up from the couch.

            “We would appreciate it.” Jonathan says.

                        The party prepares to head out of the house, when abruptly the ground shakes.

            “An earthquake?” Onassis asks supporting herself on the wall.

            “Not quite.” Jonathan says narrowing his eyes.

            “What do you mean Jon?” Chad asks worried.

            “Cosmic Force.” Ethan says.

                        Many shadowlike creatures appear around the house; the party goes outside, when suddenly Galen appears in front of them.

            “One of the Goddesses High Ones!” Onassis says shocked.

            “Hand over the dagger.” Galen says emotionlessly.

            “The shadows led him to us, must’ve been because of the exorcism I did.” Jonathan says.

            “Shadows?” Ethan says looking around.

            “The dagger.” Galen says extending his right arm towards them with the palm of his hand open.

            “What are we going to do? He’s going to kill us all!” Chad asks scared.

            “I can’t summon Beelzebub’s arm for a while.” Jonathan says.

            “So we’ll have to kill him.” Ethan says as he draws both of his longswords readying himself.

            “Are you nuts!? You’re going to die!” Chad says.

            “Jonathan is in no condition to fight, you aren’t a fighter, so I guess I’m all alone in this.” Ethan says.

            “Not quite.” Onassis steps next to Ethan.

            “Hmm?” Ethan looks at her.

                        Onassis points her finger at Galen like a gun and says. “Bang!”

                        What seems like a bullet made out of water comes out from her fingertip towards Galen exploding in powerful water point blank in Galen’s face.

            “A water user?” Ethan says amazed.

            “Yeah, it’s not completely uncommon from Xordanian’s.” Onassis states.

                        Galen cleans the water from his face and begins walking towards the party.

            “The dagger, hand it over.” Galen insists.

            “This guy is incorrigible.” Onassis says annoyed.

                        Ethan quickly charges at Galen, attacking very swiftly with his twin swords, but Galen evades every single attack, then grabbing Ethan by his throat, Onassis rushes in and jumps over Galen, Galen looks back for an instant, but Onassis is pointing her finger at his head, firing yet another water bullet, but this time piercing through his head, making him let go of Ethan and falling on the ground.

            “Uhh… For some reason I doubt he’s that easy to kill …” Ethan says staring at Galen’s body lying on the ground.

            “I know, but why would he fall on the ground just by me shooting him in the head?” Onassis asks.

            “Maybe he’s out cold or something.” Ethan says.

                        Galen opens his eyes and stands up again.

            “Hand over the dagger.” Galen says.

            “I guess not.” Ethan says coldly.

                        Onassis quickly charges at Galen, Galen easily evades her swift attacks, she punches and kicks him, but to no avail, Galen grabs her arm and throws her to the side, Onassis swiftly recovers in midair and lands safely.

            “A normal human won’t be able to kill him Onassis.” Jonathan says.

            “The only one who’s normal around here is you, Jon.” Onassis remarks.

            “Hm, but you have to admit you can’t do much with no water source.” Jonathan says.

            “Heh, don’t underestimate me.” Onassis says.

                        She looks towards her house, staring at a thick pipe that runs directly through the ground; she raises her right hand, water accumulates in the tip of each of her fingers. She then unleashes five water bullets at once, all combining in midair forming a big bullet that pierces the pipe and breaking it thus big gushes of water begin flowing at a great pressure from the pipe.

            “Now I have the advantage.” Onassis says as water rains down on them from the pipe.

            “Awesome!” Chad says excitedly.

                        Onassis moves her hands controlling the water, wherever she moves her hands the water follows, she begins assaulting Galen with her water, he dodges and evades everything, he is very fast so her water is not able to reach him. Onassis then does some movements with her arms, making the water rise up in the air and concentrate in many big water orbs which fires concentrated water pressure that looked almost like a laser, he keeps evading. Ethan rapidly gets in and begins attacking him with both his swords, Galen being very fast evades both the water pressure and Ethan, Jonathan then decides to raise his hand and concentrate dark energy in his palm. Hands made out of dark energy comes from the ground under Galen and grabs his legs holding him steady, Ethan pierces him through his chest, and Onassis’s water pressure pierce the rest of his body including his head killing him instantly. As he dies, he fades away, meanwhile the other hooded men are walking through the woods, they stop walking.

            “Galen is dead.” Eryn says.

                        One of the hooded men takes off his hood, also revealing long silver white hair, but his is a little wavier.

            “What do you think Skye?” Eryn asks.

            “Whoever killed him wasn’t your average human.” Skye says staring into the distance.

            “Now that he is dead, his power is divided among us, making us stronger than him.” Eryn states.

            “Not just that, his matter based power is ours to use now, plus his great speed.” Skye says.

            “Nothing to worry about, now only eight of us remains.” Eryn says as she begins to walk.

                        Back at the party members in Xordania.

            “I thought they were stronger than that.” Onassis says.

            “Galen got careless; but you still don’t know how cruel and powerful the others are.” Jonathan remarks.

            “We only won because it was all of us, if we were to fight him one on one we wouldn’t have stand a chance.” Ethan says.

            “Not really, I know that if you put your all into the battle you just might kill another, and of course I if I were full power.” Jonathan comments.

            “What about me?” Onassis asks.

            “Maybe, if you improve your skills more.” Jonathan answers.

            “I thought we were dead for a sec.” Chad says sighing in relief.

            “We should get going, we can’t waste time, the others might have noticed already.” Ethan says.

© 2013 Shin

My Review

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The only thing I can think of to enhance your stories would be to describe surroundings a bit more, but honestly with your style of writing, it's really unnecessary. With so much of your story being told through dialogue, what people say actually paints most of the backdrop for the reader.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Fight scenes, character build up, creation of worlds, pretty much everything in this is awesome. Grammar and a few typos are all that distract from an otherwise great story here.

Posted 14 Years Ago

another great chapter,battle scene was well put and written,onassis is awesome,best characther here to me

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 26, 2010
Last Updated on January 5, 2013



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

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