![]() Chapter 01: The Knight of LightA Chapter by ShinClose to the year one thousand, in a medieval time full of hunger, sorrow and pain, nothing is to be taken for granted; there is a small resistance against the ruler of the world at the time, Goddess Soriana, whoever opposed this person is killed without empathy. Everyone is afraid and have no other choice but to do as the Goddess wishes. The Goddess is without mercy, she feels no empathy towards any being, she is in other words emotionless, and the only thing that amuses her is the human sacrifices held every month. In a province near the country of Vakidor, there is some woodland known as Ross woods, it’s a little foggy and cold, the whole forest is humid and the sky is pale. A man with short black spiky hair is rushing through the woods, he is equipped with light armor and is wielding twin long swords, gasping as he runs, evading all the trees and stones, looking back as if he is being pursued, he quickly spots a big tree and leans his back, hiding. Suddenly a few seconds later a few men with simple dark black cloaks rush by, their long white silver hair sticks out a little from the hoods, but alas their faces are covered. “…… They missed me… The Goddess’s High Ones, why were they following me? ……I should head to Vakidor, it’s the closest city, if I stay here they’ll find me.” The spiky haired man thinks to himself breathing heavily. The man walks towards the closest city, Vakidor, once he arrives he looks around, it’s a medieval city, mostly food stands and people trading animals and merchandise. “Those men following me were certainly not here, if they were they would’ve destroyed most of Vakidor. So they were looking for me after all… What do they want from me?” The spiky haired man thinks as he walks through the crowd looking around. Suddenly a young man in his teens approaches the spiky haired man a little agitated and says as he gasps. “You! You’re a knight of Ancelia aren’t you?” “How do you know?” The spiky haired man asks coldly with a slightly suspicious expression. “Your armor, I recognize it!” The young man says pointing at the spiky haired man’s armor. “Do you need something?” The spiky haired man asks. “Yes, my friend needs help, he entered the Darkness Temple up north from here and he hasn’t come out for a few days, I’m dreadfully worried!” The young man states dramatically. “…… Then why don’t you go to the local knights of Vakidor? I bet they’ll help you out.” The spiky haired man says walking away from the young man. “Please, I don’t have time for that; I have to check if he’s fine immediately!” The young man says desperately standing in front of the spiky haired man blocking his way. “Why didn’t you check if he’s fine yourself?” The spiky haired man asks indifferently. “You see, I’m just an apprentice; I can’t go inside the temple, only a knight and ranking above can enter.” The young man says getting on his knees. “Stop that; get up, what’s in it for me?” The spiky haired man asks lifting the young man from the ground by his shirt. “I’ll pay you!” The young man says desperately. “Hmmm……” The spiky haired man lowers his head, then replying. “Fine… Lead the way.” “I knew I could count on you!” The young man says contentedly. “What’s your name kid?” The spiky haired man asks walking towards the exit of the city. “My name is Chad and you?” He says looking up at the spiky haired man. “Ethan.” He answers coldly without looking at Chad. “Cool name!” Chad says with a smile. “Let’s go.” Ethan says. “Right.” Chad quickly says passing Ethan. They rush north towards the Darkness Temple, they pass through the woods where Ethan was chased not long ago, but the men that chased him are nowhere to be seen. Afterwards Ethan notices it’s suddenly getting darker gradually as he walks closer to the temple. “It’s just as the legends say.” Ethan murmurs as he walks. “What?” Chad asks looking at Ethan strangely. “It’s about noon and as we keep getting closer to the Darkness Temple it keeps getting darker.” Ethan replies gripping one of his swords tightly. “Yeah.” Chad says with a smile. “Tell me Chad, why is your master in the Darkness Temple in the first place?” Ethan asks curiously. “You see… he’s the chosen of darkness.” Chad responds slightly hesitant. “What?” Ethan asks shocked. “Yeah.” Chad nods. “Wait a minute, the chosen of darkness? Like in the legends?” Ethan asks in disbelief. “It’s not a legend, it’s for real!” Chad says persistently. “……” Ethan looks away pondering for a few seconds. “I want to be just like him.” Chad remarks proudly. Ethan looks at the young man with a puzzled expression. “Yeah, wait till you meet him!” Chad says very excited. As they get closer it gets even darker, it looks like nighttime, they reach what seems like the Darkness Temple, it is made out of black concrete bricks, and the ruins seem pretty old. “Finally, we’re here.” Chad says. “That gate, I recognize it, it can only be opened with Spirit Force.” Ethan comments. “I’m still learning to control it.” Chad states. “Alright, stay here.” Ethan orders walking towards the gate. “Okay.” Chad says observing closely what Ethan is about to do. Ethan touches it the gate; he lets out some light blue energy out of his hand, the light blue energy flows through the gate, opening it in the process. “Whoa!” Chad widens his eyes in surprise. Ethan steps inside once the gate is open, nothing can be seen inside, everything is pitch black, Ethan unsheathes one of his swords, a golden energy flows into the blade from Ethan’s hand, his sword abruptly shines with light illuminating the dark temple. He walks in and after a while ends up in a huge room, where fire can be lit in some torches that are on the walls, Ethan then thinks to himself. “Fire… I’m no Satsume, but at least I can light it up with my light elemental powers.” Ethan raises his right arm slightly with his hand open; he concentrates more of the golden energy and every torch lights up simultaneously. “Better.” Ethan says to himself. “Who’s there?” A man’s voice echoes through the room. Ethan spots a man with long black hair dressed in dark grayish robes on his knees and his forehead on the floor in front of a statue in form of a woman. The man seems to be carrying a broadsword completely covered in a black mantle; he is also carrying a big pouch that seems to be holding a big book inside and also has a necklace with a black stone that shines red inside. “You must be the chosen of darkness…” Ethan assumes as he walks towards the man. “Who’re you?” The man asks in a serious tone. “The knight of light, Ethan’s my name.” He replies. “The knight of light?!” The man says amazed. The long haired man stares coldly at Ethan and vice versa, the long haired man then looks at the statue once again and asks. “Did Ancelia send you?” “No, I was dragged here by your apprentice.” Ethan answers casually. “Humph…” The man closes his eyes. “What’s your name chosen of darkness?” Ethan asks. “Constantine… Jonathan Constantine.” He answers still with his eyes closed. “Jonathan Constantine huh, a Mero descendant right?” Ethan asks. “From Constantine the great, yes, but of a b*****d lineage, I am a Wyven.” Jonathan says. “Your servant is worried for you, and I didn’t come all the way here for nothing.” Ethan remarks bluntly. “The kid has a long way to go.” Jonathan comments. “Why are you here?” Ethan asks. “I was asking God a chance to forgive me for the things I’ve done and about to do.” Jonathan answers. “Great, another fanatic.” Ethan says rolling his eyes. “Hey d****e bag, why don’t you leave and tell Chad to stop whining.” Jonathan says angrily looking back and staring at Ethan. “Like I said, I didn’t come here for nothing.” Ethan insists. “Alright then, I think I’ve been here long enough anyways, I have to do my job.” Jonathan says. “Hurry it up; I don’t want to stay here much longer.” Ethan says. Jonathan stands up and starts walking towards Ethan; after he gets close to him he notices a peculiar dagger on Ethan’s waist, Jonathan widens his eyes swiftly taking the dagger and raising his hand putting out the lit torches with some sort of dark energy. “What the hell?” Ethan says taken by surprise. Ethan illuminates the room with his sword once again and notices that Jonathan has run outside, Ethan rushes to the exit of the temple, the gate is closing on him, Ethan runs faster, but the gate closes completely. “Damn it!” Ethan kicks the door angrily. Outside Jonathan is observing the dagger, Chad suddenly asks. “Jon, what happened to the knight of light?” “Chad, why did you bring him here?” Jonathan asks in a serious tone. “I was worried.” Chad replies. “Don’t, I don’t need trouble, and out of all people you bring the knight of light.” Jonathan says slightly annoyed. “Sorry, hey, what’s that dagger?” Chad asks curiously staring at the dagger. “Stop asking so many questions; let’s go before he gets out.” Jonathan says putting the dagger away. Both Jonathan and Chad leave, meanwhile Ethan is still stuck inside the temple, he tries to put his hand on the gate, but a burst of dark energy shocks his hand. “Looks like he blocked the gate with a more powerful Spirit Force, I’ll have to open it by forcing it open with my Spirit Force.” Ethan says to himself. Ethan stands back a little; all of a sudden he lets out a powerful Spirit Force that makes the whole temple shake, he then puts his hand on the gate once again, only this time it flows with golden energy opening quickly, he steps outside and notices that Jonathan and Chad fled. “He stole my dagger, I can’t believe I let my guard down like that around the guy just because he’s a Christian, note to self, not all Christians are pushovers, I’ll have to track down his Spirit Force.” Ethan says. Ethan closes his eyes and feels Jonathan’s Spirit Force from a distance. “Crap, why did he have to go to the direction where the Goddess’s High Ones went…? I’ll have to hurry and reach him before they do.” Ethan says rushing towards Jonathan and Chad, he crosses the woods and reaches far in, but Jonathan and Chad are a little bit ahead exiting the woods. “He’s still behind us, he’s fast, hmm?” Jonathan looks ahead and there are some ruins and rubble of what looks like it was a city. “This must be Britannica or what remains of it… Huh? This power? Cosmic Force?” Jonathan says observing the area. One of the hooded men that were pursuing Ethan appears from behind the debris of a house. “Constantine.” The hooded man says taking off his hood revealing beautiful white silver hair that is moving in unison with the wind, he has a blank expression, empty pitch black eyes. “Galen…” Jonathan says. “You still remember me.” Galen remarks. “You and the rest of your siblings.” Jonathan states. “Who is this Jon?” Chad asks. “One of the Goddess’s High Ones.” Jonathan replies. “What?! Then we should go! I’ve heard that everyone’s that’s faced them died! No exceptions!” Chad says melodramatically. “Yeah, but think about it, if we run, he’ll surely catch up to us in seconds.” Jonathan says. Ethan appears behind them. “Damn! Too late.” Ethan says. “The knight of light!” Chad says shocked. “Constantine, give me back my dagger.” Ethan says coldly. “The dagger, hand it to me chosen of darkness.” Galen says. “No way, I know why Soriana wants it so badly.” Jonathan backs away slightly. “Hand it over now.” Galen insists. “Hm, you won’t be able to catch me or kill me Galen, so why don’t you try and take it away from me?” Jonathan asks mockingly. “You leave me no choice.” Galen says. Jonathan smirks hiding his right hand behind him with his fist closed, Galen in almost an instant appears in front of Jonathan with his left arm raised up about to hit Jonathan, but as soon as he gets very close Jonathan brings his hand in front opening his fist, every fingertip has circles made of dark power. Galen widens his eyes, a pentagram appears instantly under everyone, flies start flying around the area as a very humongous demonic arm comes forth from the pentagram and grabs Galen dragging him to hell and the pentagram disappearing. “Ahhh! That was" the arm of Beelzebub!” Chad says astonished. Jonathan collapses on the ground; Ethan walks towards him and takes the dagger. “What happened to him?” Ethan asks Chad. “He summoned the arm of Beelzebub!” Chad answers. “Beelzebub? And he collapsed from just summoning the arm and only for a few seconds?” Ethan asks. “If he had summoned Beelzebub himself he would die just from trying.” Chad explains. “I’m not surprised that demons exist, I fully know that because of all the exorcists and demons possessing humans, but to actually summon and see one? I thought that was impossible.” Ethan remarks. “Not for Jon, he has all the knowledge of the king Salomon.” Chad says proudly. Half an hour passes by; Jonathan wakes up realizing quickly he doesn’t have the dagger on him. “Looking for this.” Ethan shows the dagger. “Do you know what that is?” Jonathan asks. “Not really.” Ethan answers quickly. “How did you get a hold of it?” Jonathan asks curiously. “I found it, what is it exactly?” Ethan asks. “Those guys were after you right?” Jonathan asks suspiciously staring at Ethan. “Yeah, how do you know?” Ethan asks suspiciously staring back at Jonathan. “They’re after the dagger.” Jonathan replies. “Why?” Ethan asks. “The dagger, it has the power to kill the Goddess.” Jonathan responds calmly. “What?” Ethan asks shocked unable to believe what he just heard. “Just as you heard and they won’t stop until they kill you and take the dagger.” Jonathan says still with a calm expression. “You know this because you’re the chosen of darkness am I wrong?” Ethan asks. “No, it’s true what you say.” Jonathan answers. “What exactly is behind the prophecy of the chosen of darkness?” Ethan questions. “That the chosen of darkness would find the one that will kill Soriana.” Jonathan responds. “…… How did you obtain those powers?” Ethan asks narrowing his eyes. “I was cursed by the Goddess herself, just as you, which is why both of us posses Cosmic Force instead of Spirit Force like normal humans do.” Jonathan replies. “How do you know about that?” Ethan asks slightly upset. “Light and dark are not elements, but a type of power that is given by the Goddess.” Jonathan replies. “She cast power on me because I’m the leader of the Ancelian army, or was… but why would she feel the need to bestow us with power?” Ethan asks. “In order to control us.” Jonathan answers. “But why just us?” Ethan keeps asking. “You’re hopeless, obviously you because the Ancelian army is under her control, and you’re the leader of the army, or was just as you said.” Jonathan says. “And you?” Ethan asks pointing at Jonathan. “Because I’m…… The Cancer King’s son.” Jonathan answers with hesitation. Ethan widens his eyes and asks. “I see… so you were planning to take the dagger to kill the Goddess and free your father?” Jonathan reaches into his hood and takes out a smoking pipe, then taking a puff. “Yeah.” Jonathan simply responds. “Hmm…” Ethan looks away and begins to ponder. “But even I don’t know how to use it.” Jonathan remarks. “Then what are we going to do?” Ethan asks. “To look for the smith, the one that forged the dagger.” Jonathan says calmly. “Where is the smith?” Ethan asks. “I don’t know, but I know it was forged in Xordania.” Jonathan answers taking another puff. “Xordania… that’s close to Ancelia.” Ethan comments. “But that’s about a week from here.” Chad states. “Anyways, what’ll happen to Galen?” Ethan asks. “He’ll be out of hell in a few hours.” Jonathan replies as he keeps smoking. “What!? But how?” Ethan asks surprised. “Low and mid class demons are no match for him and he also has matter powers, he’ll find the way to come out.” Jonathan explains. “Not even Beelzebub is match for him?” Ethan asks. “Beelzebub is stronger than him by a lot, you wouldn’t even imagine, but it doesn’t mean Galen can’t escape from his grasp.” Jonathan responds. “Shouldn’t we go to Xordania?” Chad asks. “Yeah.” Jonathan says as he begins to walk away, Chad runs behind him. “Then let’s go.” Ethan says following Jonathan and Chad. Meanwhile, somewhere around the world a vortex appears in midair, Galen comes out of the vortex landing on the ground with smoke coming from his clothes. “I hate sulfur.” Galen remarks with no emotion in his tone of voice. Galen closes his eyes and telepathically communicates with the other members. “The chosen of darkness and the knight of light have the dagger; they’re close to the outskirts of the Vakidor forest.” Galen says. One of those High Ones takes off the hood; it’s a woman with white long silver hair like Galen. “If you know their location, why didn’t you pursue them?” The woman asks. “I did, but the chosen of darkness sent me to hell, the parallel dimension of this dimension.” Galen answers. “We’re too far away from them, we’re in Quadimor.” The woman comments. “Eryn, tell the others to spread and search, they won’t be hard to find, their Cosmic Force wavelength is quite unique.” Galen says. “What is mother doing? Why isn’t she doing anything even knowing the threat the dagger could inflict her?” Eryn asks emotionlessly. “You know her, she is carefree.” Galen remarks. “She still sent us to look for the dagger.” Eryn says. “Even though she is carefree she still knows what’s good and bad for her well-being.” Galen states. “Hm… I’ll tell the others to search, you do the same brother.” Eryn says. © 2013 ShinFeatured Review
4 Reviews Added on August 26, 2010 Last Updated on January 5, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing
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