Chapter 44: Meantime Crisis

Chapter 44: Meantime Crisis

A Chapter by Shin

                        James Crow’s ship docks at the port, the party gets off.

            “This is good bye huh.” Luna says.

            “I guess so, just do me a favor, and stay out of trouble.” James Crow says.

            “Yeah, see ya.” Krystal waves.

            “……” Zero nods.

            “See ye around.” James Crow says.

                        The party walks towards the high-tech city, Britannica, they all look around.

            “It’s been only a while since we started traveling together, but it feels like we’ve been through a lot in so little time.” Krystal comments.

            “Why are you being all gloomy for?” Luna asks.

            “Insensitive b***h, always ruining the moments between me and Zero!” Krystal says annoyed.

            “I knew you just wanted to work your way up to him!” Luna says furiously.

            “What? You jealous?” Krystal asks raising an eyebrow.

            “Who would want a guy like that?” Luna asks sarcastically.

            “Here we go again…” Zero sighs and begins walking away from them.

            “Hey! Wait for me!” Krystal runs after Zero.

            “Rrrr…!” Luna clenches her fists.

                        They follow Zero through the city, meanwhile in Edenheim; Yusuke walks inside Venarts home, Venart is working in what seems like a sword.

            “Is it not finished?” Yusuke asks.

            “Nope.” Venart shakes his head.

            “Even though I helped you in making it all this time?” Yusuke asks.

            “This is a special sword, so it’s not as easy.” Venart explains.

            “I guess… I can’t believe Shinsuke obtained his other half power…” Yusuke says.

            “That would be thanks to my kids.” Venart says.

            “After you told them not to give it to him…” Yusuke sighs.

            “There’s no stopping those boys.” Venart states.

            “You know what happened to Shinsuke the last time he had his full demonic power, we can’t let that happen again.” Yusuke says.

            “Still, he went berserk because he was still a little boy, I wonder now.” Venart remarks.

            “Regardless, for what I felt, seems he’s far stronger than the first time he was getting out of control.” Yusuke says.

            “Yeah, that’s why I sealed the demons inside both my sons as well, but they know how to remove the seal temporarily themselves.” Venart says.

            “But Shinsuke is different, his power seems to exceed of Zieg and Jiro, I don’t know why.” Yusuke says.

            “Speaking about power, did you feel that Spirit Force south east of here?” Venart asks.

            “Yes, Yumi’s, her power seems to be increasing by the second.” Yusuke responds.

            “But she’s not a problem compared to Lloyd’s.” Venart states.

            “That’s why I want to seal it for good, who knows what hell he might bring when his demon breaks loose.” Yusuke says, he then frowns in pain.

            “I still say it wasn’t a good idea that you and Irene were together, to think her illness would trigger what’s bothering you now.” Venart comments.

            “Don’t worry about it for now.” Yusuke says.

                        As Yusuke and Venart work on this mysterious sword, Kyoshi, Shizuru and Amarth are still walking the continent.

            “I’m tired of walking, how come we don’t ride Amarth to Evergray?” Shizuru asks.

            “Explain Amarth.” Kyoshi says.

            “Evergray is guarded so heavily that there are dragon knights all around Evergray and especially its capital, so we have to go by foot.” Amarth explains.

            “And what makes you think it won’t be guarded on ground?” Shizuru asks.

            “On ground we can expect Gen-Exis soldiers, but they’re not hard to handle because they’re humans, the dragon knights who we all here know are Satsume, they would be way harder to handle.” Amarth further explains.

            “Uhhh… I guess you’re right, but it’ll take some time before we reach Everygray…” Shizuru says.

            “It’s alright; we’ll just savor the journey there.” Kyoshi says cheerfully.

            “You seem awfully calm after your father was killed and all.” Shizuru says.

            “……I guess I’m kinda delaying going there, I had an argue with my dad, he wanted me to take on the family tradition, me being of the higher Satsume family, a dragon knight, but I just wanted to be a guitarist, he never understood me.” Kyoshi says.

            “Is that the only reason why you’re avoiding the place?” Amarth questions.

            “No, I’m avoiding some stuff for a very long time…” Kyoshi replies.

                        Kyoshi’s party are walking at a very slow pace compared to the rest of the party, Zin Diekaz continues his investigation in Gen-Exis, going in the main computer of the library where Seshiro had searched for the Aiden unit’s information.

            “There has to be something here, but I doubt it’ll be in my account.” Zin searches around in the computer using his account, he finds a very old picture of himself placing his arm over a soldiers shoulder, the soldier has short spiky hair, in front of them is Redhizer when he was a child, and there is a big mecca behind them. Zin gasps at the sight of this picture. “Jack, little brother… you don’t know how much I miss you.”

                        Zin begins to remember a very old memory. When Jack was three years old, his father had died in a car accident and his mother committed suicide, Zin, his older brother took him in, as he grew up he felt as a burden to his brother even though to Zin it was the complete opposite. So one day Jack approached his very depressed brother, Zin, who was sitting on a chair with half his body bent down and both his hands covering his face, Jack said. “Bro, I want to help you making money!”

                        Zin looked at the boy surprised and asked. “But how? You’re only a ten year old boy; no one will accept you working anywhere.”

            “I’ll find a job, don’t worry!” Jack said determined.

                        Zin glared warily and nodded slightly. Jack went out to the street a few days later and saw some shady men in a corner exchanging some money and small little bags with what seemed like white powder inside. Jack approached these men and asked. “Umm… excuse me, but can I work for you? I need money, please.”

            “Huh? You serious kid?” The dealer dressed in the black hoody asked.

            “Heh, we are in need of some dealers, and a kid is less suspicious than older people.” The second dealer said, he was a black man dressed with a white hoody.

            “You’re right, let’s give the brat a chance, if he doesn’t do well, we’ll just kick his a*s and send him home.” The dealer says.

            “Yeah, okay kid, you got the job, all you have to do is sell this when people ask for crack, you dig?” The second dealer asks.

            “Yeah!” Jack nods.

                        So at the age of ten Jack became a drug dealer behind his brothers back. Zin was one day in his house after work making food and lost in thought. “Jack hasn’t come home yet… sometimes he’s here, sometimes he’s not… he always has extra money, he helps with the bills, but he’s doing poorly in school, his homeroom teacher even called me to tell me he’s even cutting class… Where does he get that money? He’s clearly not working fulltime anywhere and he won’t tell me what he does… Humph… I guess it’s alright to let him be for now.”

                        Jack arrived home after a while, he placed his coat in the hanger next to the door.

            “Hey bro! What’s cooking? Hmm… smells gooood! Save me some.” Jack said.

            “Haha, I’m frying some fish and making rice, it’s not much.” Zin said with a smile.

            “It’s alright! I’ll go get some more stuff at the store if you want.” Jack said about to grab his coat.

            “No, no, save your money, we don’t need it now.” Zin said.

            “Hahaha, okay.” Jack nodded.

            “The food is done.” Zin turned off the stove.

            “Yay!” Jack sat down in the table in a hurry.

                        Zin served the food and sat on the table; Jack started eating speedily, Zin smiled and asked. “So Jack, I notice you go out at random hours, you care to tell your big brother where you going?”

            “- Not at all, I just go visit all the friends I got, we play a lot of games.” Jack said.

            “Ohh, that explains some things, but where do you get the money?” Zin questioned.

            “I’m a delivery boy, I deliver packages when I’m called.” Jack replied.

            “That explain a lot as well, but for who do you work for?” Zin asked.

            “For some guys, they just tell me where to take the package and they give me money.” Jack answered.

            “Oh, I see…” Zin nodded lightly.

                        Zin was somehow relieved to hear this, though he himself didn’t believe everything, a year had passed. Jack was on the street still selling as always.

            “Hey, a few dimes of these cost, you can’t expect me to sell them to you if you don’t have the money.” Jack said.

            “Come on kid, I really need some smack, don’t you know how much I need it? It’s so freaking good.” The junkie said, he had a hippie look, with long brown unkempt hair and beard said.

            “Get out of my sight if you’re not going to buy.” Jack said seriously.

            “Yeah, okay, okay, but you just lost a client!” The junkie left.

                        Jack looked at his merchandise; he then looked around and opened one of the small bags.

            “I know the boss told me not to get high on my own supply, but how can something like this feel so good? I’m scared, but I want to try to see how it feels.” Jack sniffed it, he suddenly felt light headed and somehow, he felt good. Four years later a state of emergency was declared by the governor of Vakidor. Jack was at the bus stop beside a man in his mid-thirties; he had short black hair and was dressed with a light brownish coat.

            “A war is going to start and they’re recruiting people of this city?” Jack asked.

            “That’s exactly right young man, I’m joining the military, but the war will be right here in Vakidor.” The man replied.

            “What?” Jack asked surprised.

            “Just like you hear it.” The man said.

            “Oh no! I have to tell bro!” Jack hurried home, as soon as he entered he saw Jack standing in front of the door about to leave. “Bro! There’s going to be a war here in Vakidor!”

            “I know Jack; I’m joining Gen-Exis.” Zin said.

            “What? But now that you have a better job you don’t need to join the war, you’re an architect for crying out loud.” Jack said.

            “I know, but there are other reasons why I’m joining.” Zin explained.

            “And those are?” Jack asked.

            “I just want to defend this country, being an architect isn’t going to change anything, but a soldier on the other hand is a different story.” Zin answered.

            “Then it’s decided, I’m joining as well!” Jack said determined.

            “Huh? But you’re only fifteen!” Zin said startled.

            “Since it’s a state of emergency, I’ll be accepted!” Jack said.

                        Zin looked down for a second and said. “Alright, we’ll defend this country together.”

            “Yeah!” Jack nodded.

                        So Jack followed in his brothers footsteps and enlisted to become a Gen-Exis soldier. Once he was inside, his brother Zin appeared in front of Jack with an underage girl next to him dressed as a soldier as well.

            “Jack, this here is-” Zin was cut off by the girl. “Sylvia Lazay.”

            “Huh? She’s a soldier too? How old are you?” Jack asked.

            “Thirteen…” Sylvia replied.

            “Talk about young.” Jack said very surprised.

            “You’re only two years older than I am Zin told me.” Sylvia said.

                        Jack looked at Zin with one eyebrow raised and said. “I guess you already told her all about me huh.”

            “Yes I did.” Zin nodded.

            “Hahaha, anyways, let me introduce myself properly, the names Jack Diekaz, pleasure to meet you!” Jack said.

                        Jack and Sylvia shook hands while laughing. A few weeks later the war began, Zin, Sylvia and Jack were foot soldiers at the time, they helped each other in battle, making sure all three came out alive in one piece, surprisingly, Jack was somehow still addicted, but this time he used cocaine and injected himself with heroin, he received mailed packages from his drug dealers and sold some drugs to a few soldiers. Three years later, Jack as well as Sylvia and Zin were promoted to sergeant, and during this ceremony the elder of the science branch, Lexon appeared with a group of scientists and with a little boy with red hair standing next to them.

            “It seems you’re the only three that were promoted to sergeant so quickly, for that you have my congratulations.” Lexon said courteously.

                        Xak appeared next to Lexon and asked. “What are you doing here Lexon?”

            “If it isn’t the newly appointed elder, Xak was your codename?” Lexon asked.

            “Yeah, and just because I’m new doesn’t mean I have no authority.” Xak said.

            “My apologies if you felt offended child.” Lexon said.

            “Hmm, what do you want?” Xak asked.

            “I’m here under Krade’s orders; he wants me to assign any high-ranking soldier the delicate task of taking care of this boy.” Lexon answered.

            “Who’s the kid?” Xak questioned.

            “This is none other than the successful perfect soldier we were able to make after all the hard work and failures we, the science branch endured. The project name was the GXL project, we’ve been working in it for years, his codename is Redhizer.” Lexon explained.

            “And his name?” Xak asked.

            “He does not have one, so you may feel free to name him what you want.” Lexon smiled.
            “Redhizer is enough.” Xak stated.

            “Excellent my friend, but as to the people I want him to be raised with are these three new sergeants.” Lexon said.

            “Why them?” Xak asked.

            “It isn’t a work of fate, such thing does not exist, I want them appointed with the task because these are the three most successful and capable soldiers that survived the late war.” Lexon explained.

            “Alright then, Zin, Sylvia, Jack, I want you to take care of this boy, his name is Redhizer, be sure to remember that.” Xak said.

            “One other thing, this boy will grow at a very fast rate, so expect him to look older in no time, but he will not die so soon, he has an enhanced lifespan.” Lexon added.

            “Alright, anything else?” Xak asked.

            “Why yes, one last thing, be sure to give him as much battle experience as you can, for he will need it in the near future.” Lexon responded.

            “Alright.” Xak nodded.

                        Lexon and his team left, Xak looked at the three new sergeants.

            “Who’s going to take full time care of this kid?” Xak asked.

            “I am sir!” Jack said quickly.

                        Zin and Sylvia looked at Jack very shocked.

            “Very well sergeant, he’s all yours.” Xak rapidly left as well.

            “Are you sure Jack?” Zin asked.

            “Yeah, completely.” Jack nodded.

            “Raising a boy isn’t exactly easy.” Sylvia remarked.

            “He looks quiet, so I guess he won’t make much fuss, right hizer?” Jack asked.

            “Yes…” Redhizer nodded, his eyes looked completely empty and his face expressionless.

            “I’m gonna have to teach you your manners, first, these two people right next to me are you mom and dad okay?” Jack said.

                        Sylvia and Zin blushed at the same time.

            “Jack!” Sylvia shouted.

            “It’s the truth; don’t even think I don’t know what’s going on between you two.” Jack smirked.

            “Jack, that’s-” Zin is cut off by Jack. “It’s alright bro, though I didn’t think you liked them that young, you pedophile, hahahaha.”

            “Jack, cut it out.” Zin said in a serious tone.

            “Haha, yeah, sorry, sorry, anyways, me and little hizer here are out for a stroll, see ya.” Jack took the little boy where all the soldiers were eating, the cafeteria; everyone looked to where Jack was. “Hey guys! This is here is little Redhizer, hizer for short.”

                        All of the shoulder gathered around Jack.

            “Whoa! I didn’t know you had a kid sarge!” A soldier said shocked.

            “Not really.” Jack shook his head.

            “Hahaha,” A second soldier laughed.

            “No wonder he doesn’t look like you!” A third soldier remarked.

                        The first soldier bent down and patted Redhizer’s head.

            “Sarge Jacky here is popular with everyone, he’s like the best giving speeches, he’ll take good care of you.” Another soldier said.

            “Settle down guys, give the kid a break.” Jack laughed.

                        Afterwards, some months passed, Redhizer seemed a little older, just by a little; Jack came in Zin’s office as usual.

            “What’s up bro?” Jack asked.

            “Jack, I’ve noticed you haven’t been too focused on taking care of Redhizer.” Zin answered.

            “Oh sorry about that, it’s just that I’ve been very busy, I know I said I’d take care of him, but like I just told you, I’ve been very busy.” Jack said.

            “Busy getting high?” Zin asked.

                        Jack widened his eyes and said nothing, silence fell in the room.

            “How long have you’ve known?” Jack questioned.

            “A while.” Zin responded.

            “I’ve been meaning to tell you, but-” Jack was cut off by Zin. “But what? You’re ashamed of being a junkie aren’t you? That’s why you haven’t told me or even look me straight in the eyes.”

            “Yeah, I’ve tried letting it go, but easier said than done…” Jack said ashamed of himself.

            “You should’ve told me before, I could’ve helped you.” Zin said.

            “I’m sorry.” Jack kept his head low.

            “I can still help you.” Zin said.

            “I know… but how do I start?” Jack asked.

            “By admitting it, you’re an addict and you need treatment.” Zin replied.

            “Okay, I’ll start it right away.” Jack nodded.

            “Good, because I don’t want to see my little brother die, ever, you know I love you right?” Zin asked.

            “I know, I love you too bro.” Jack nodded.

                        Zin and Jack hugged each other.

            “In other matters, looks like Redhizer has grown much attached to me since you don’t care for him much.” Zin said.

            “Hey! I love the little guy; he’s like a little brother to me.” Jack said.

            “Hehe, I didn’t mean it that way.” Zin smirked.

            “So yeah, I gotta go, my troops need me.” Jack said.

            “Haha, I’m proud of you, you’re well known among all soldiers for having a friendly attitude and the speeches you give before every battle. You can’t babysit them like that; sometimes you have to be rough.” Zin said.

            “I know, but come on, give them a break, they need it from time to time right?” Jack asked.

            “You give them too many breaks.” Zin sighed.

            “Haha.” Jack chuckled.

            “Oh, and one more thing before you go, you’ve been assigned to the high mobility mecca squad.” Zin said.

            “Really? They finally accepted my request?” Jack asked.

            “Yup.” Zin nodded.

            “Awesome!” Jack almost jumped in excitement.

            “You’ll be in mecca training for almost a year.” Zin said.

            “No prob.” Jack said.

                        After these events, eleven months passed by in a breeze, Jack as well as the whole mecca squad were assigned they’re very own mecca’s, but yet another war occurred by this time. Before heading into the war, Jack stood in front of the whole army; there were thousands upon thousands of soldiers. Redhizer, Sylvia, Zin and even Kirisu and Naty were present, standing from the sides attentively looking at Jack.

            “Soldiers, I know it’s not easy, just thinking about your loved ones at home makes you wanna go back, but if you go back they’ll be in even greater risk, with no one to protect them, and that is why you’re here today. I promise we’ll win this war no matter what, and we’ll be home eating and laughing with our loved ones before you know it, so let’s go out there and show them our passion of winning and coming back alive!” Jack shouted.

                        All the soldiers hailed at the same time, as this happened everyone began to run outside and get on big transport planes to take them to the battlefield. The mecca squad as well as the whole army was dispatched to war. As soon as Jack and the squad got out to the battle field, explosions began to trigger, it was the enemy, all the army charged head on.

            “Just great, just when I finally have my own mecca d****t.” Jack said annoyed.

            “At least you’ll get to use it for real sarge.” A soldier said.

            “Good point there; let’s see what these babies can really do!” Jack said excited.

            “We’re right behind you sarge.” Another soldier said.

            “Me too.” Kirisu said.

            “I as well.” Redhizer said.

            “Good, follow my lead!” Jack smiled.

                        Jack was excellent in his mecca, much better than the others from his squad, he was really talented even though he didn’t have that much actual battle experience. The enemy began throwing missiles at the meccas, the mecca squad mostly evaded them, very few were damaged. Jack was able to neutralize some heavy fire from the enemy. Kirisu and Redhizer covered some soldiers from enemy fire. The rest of the mecca squad covered Jack while he neutralized more heavy fire. After a few hours in the battlefield, the Gen-Exis army had the advantage, neutralizing most heavy artillery and cutting the enemy supplies short.

            “Take a break guys, you’ve more than earned it.” Jack said.

            “Jack, we’re going to win this war right?” Redhizer asked.

            “You bet your a*s we will.” Jack replied.

            “What’s the plan when we get back?” Kirisu asked.

            “We’ll have the biggest party ever known to human kind! We’ll have booze and girls, basically the whole shebang.” Jack answered.

                        Jack looked at Redhizer and Kirisu, they were both serious and looked at the ground.

            “Hey, why are you all looking so gloomy for?” Jack asked.

            “What if we die?” Kirisu asked.

            :Hey! Don’t you dare say that again! You’re not going to die, none of you, I refuse to let you guys die, no matter what happens, I believe in you, and you believe in me, trust me, we’ll get out of this unscathed.” Jack said determined.

            “Alright, I believe in you Jack.” Redhizer said.

            “I guess I do too.” Kirisu said.

            “No guessing, you do just as I do in you.” Jack said.

                        A soldier came out of the blue running like no tomorrow and said with fatigue. “Sarge!”

            “What? What happened?” Jack asked.

            “We’re being ambushed sir!” The soldier said desperately.

            “Huh?” Jack widened his eyes.

            “We have to hurry and counter attack, they’re ambushing specifically the mecca squad, they’re coming from all directions!” The soldier said.

            “Hurry, everyone to their meccas right now!” Jack shouted.

                        Everyone did as Jack instructed, but it was too late, they were ambushed with a lot of tanks pointing at their meccas, the tanks swiftly shot at the same time eliminating most of the team, with only Jack, Kirisu, Redhizer and four more soldiers.

            “D****t!” Jack yelled angrily.

                        Jack, Redhizer and Kirisu hastily destroyed a few tanks, the other tanks fired once again, only this time destroying two more meccas and damaging Redhizer’s.

            “Hizer!” Jack shouted.

                        More tanks arrived, there were more than forty, readying themselves to fire once again at the same time in plans to wipe them out in this next attack.

            “Kirisu, get Hizer out of here, you two, protect Kirisu and Hizer, I’m going to wipe them out all at once.” Jack ordered.

            “Jack, what are you saying?” Redhizer asked.

            “……” Jack closed his eyes for a moment and opened them.

            “……” Kirisu lowered his head.

                        Jack stood in front of the tanks blocking the rest of the squad.

            “I give my life, not for honor… but for you guys.” Jack said.

            No! Don’t do it!” Redhizer yelled.

            “Tell Naty to continue perfecting her strength, Hizer, I want you to succeed my dream of commanding the military branch, Kirisu, there’s a red envelope in between my mattresses and a package under my bed; send it to the direction it says.”

            “What about father?” Kirisu asked.

            “Oh, you mean Zin, heh, tell him... that his bro is quitting for good.” Jack grinned.

                        Kirisu hastily lifted Redhizer’s mecca and began to run, the other two soldiers stood on both of Jack’s sides.

            “Torres? Morales? I told you to protect them!” Jack said.

            “We know, but they’re good enough to protect themselves sir.” Morales said.

            “Sarge, it won’t be enough with just your mecca alone.” Torres soldier said.

            “I guess you’re right; we’ll self-destruct together at the same time.” Jack said.

            “We can’t let them get to Redhizer and the rest of the army.” Morales stated.

            “Nope, and that’s why these babies are equipped with a nuke just in case.” Jack said.

            “I always admired you sarge.” Torres commented.

            “What’s with you? Getting second thoughts?” Jack questioned.

            “No, I just wanted to say it’s an honor to die with you Sir.” Torres said.

            “Haha, well, let’s go out with a bang and all hail Redhizer!” Jack shouted.

            “Hail Redhizer!” The soldiers shouted.

                        The tanks shot almost at the same time, Jack and the soldiers jumped at the middle of all the tanks.

            “Now!” Jack yelled.

                        Jack as well as the soldiers pressed the nuke button, a huge explosion was seen from afar, no trace was left behind, Redhizer was devastated, also to tears that his best friend had died, Kirisu swallowed his tears. Back to the present, Zin is still looking at the picture.

            “All that happened so fast, it’s unbelievable.” Zin thinks to himself.

                        As Zin keeps on searching, meanwhile in the phoenix temple, Jony Chronic is sitting down thinking.

            “What’s on your mind?” Jaye asks.

            “I’ve already lost two of the Last Union, I wonder what’s happening.” Jony Chronic answers.

            “……” Jaye looks down.

            “I’m not sure myself, but I don’t think it’s common, the rest of them are under your command.” Rupert states.

            “You’re right, where are they anyways?” Jony Chronic asks.

            “They’re all here except for Kraven.” Jaye says.

            “Kraven, he’s one of the strongest, I’ll have to be on my toes with him, he’s been acting strange, like on his own will.” Jony Chronic remarks.

                        Kraven suddenly appears and asks. “Did you need me master?”

            “Where were you?” Jony Chronic questions.

            “Looking outside.” Kraven responds.

            “I heard you fought your own son, how about another reunion? You kill him, and I’ll bring him back to life, you’ll both be together again and I’ll have replaced one of two missing Last Union warriors.” Jony Chronic says.

            “……” Kraven looks downward.

            “Rupert, be sure to track his son down, we’ll be sending his daddy to take care of him, the infamous Lightning Phoenix will be under my command as well soon enough.” Jony Chronic smiles.

            “Yes sir.” Rupert nods.

                        Meanwhile, back at Zero’s party, they enter the inn and buy a room.

            “I’m going to take a shower if you girls don’t mind.” Zero says.

            “Sure.” Krystal nods.

            “Go right ahead.” Luna says.

                        Zero goes in to take a bath, Luna and Krystal stare at each other without saying a word, Krystal then says. “Why are you always arguing? Aren’t you a princess? Don’t they show you any manners in the castle?”

            “Why? Don’t I have the right to get angry and argue all I want? What about you, why are you so horny around Zero?” Luna asks annoyed.

            “When you grow up around a lot of men in a ship, you’ll learn to catch a few things; they were always talking about women and fish, haha.” Krystal replies.

            “Ohh… okay then…” Luna says staring at Krystal with an awkward look.

                        Silence again falls in the room, Zero gets out of the shower only wearing a towel, Luna covers her eyes, but Krystal doesn’t.

            “Oh wow! Look at those abs, you have an eight pack! And that wide chest! Those big manly muscular arms! Oh God!” Krystal says very excited.

            “Put something on you damn flasher!” Luna shouts.

            “You don’t have to pretend here, we all know you absolutely looove Zero as I do.” Krystal comments.

            “Hm?” Zero raises his eyebrow.

            “You know what, I’m outta here!” Luna stands up from her bed.

            “Where you going princess?” Zero asks.

            “To take a bath! And don’t you dare peep on me or I swear I’ll kill you!” Luna yells furiously.

            “He doesn’t need you; he has me all for himself!” Krystal smirks with a perverted expression.

            “B***h.” Luna goes inside the bathroom and slams the door.

            “What’s up with her all of a sudden?” Zero asks.

            “Leave her alone, she must be on her period.” Krystal remarks.

            “But I thought Elven women didn’t have PMS.” Zero says.

            “They don’t?” Krystal asks surprised.

            “Not that I know of.” Zero shakes his head.

            “Lucky them.” Krystal sighs.

                        Zero lies down on his bed; Krystal gets close and jumps on top of him.

            “Whoa! Hey! Get off!” Zero says.

            “Don’t tell me you didn’t do that on purpose?” Krystal says.

            “Do what?” Zero asks.

            “Laying on the bed with just your towel on, you’re totally asking for it!” Krystal says in a teasing voice. “Mmm… I just can’t wait to see what you’re packing… it’s going to be such a meal…”

            “It wasn’t my intention! Now get off!” Zero says louder.

            “Okay, okay, geez.” Krystal gets off him and sits on the bed next to his. “You like her more don’t you?”

            “What are you talking about now?” Zero asks.

            “That Elf woman, you like her huh? Am I not enough?” Krystal asks.

            “Oh come on; give me a break for once!” Zero sighs.

            “I know we’ve been traveling for a short while, but I really fell for you, I love you Zero, I want you to be the man of my life… I have a dream that after I finish this journey, I’ll buy a ship and explore the whole world alongside you, I’m a drifter by heart.” Krystal says.

            “I’m sorry Krystal, but right now, I’m fighter, not a lover.” Zero states.

            “……” Krystal lowers her head.

            “Anyways, we don’t have much money left; we’ll have to do it the old fashioned way.” Zero suddenly says.

            “Old fashioned way? I have to go take a bath before doing anything.” Krystal grins.

            “After you take a bath, we’ll go out for a picnic.” Zero says.

                        After a while, the party heads outside and walks to the outskirts of the city, where a river flows and trees flourish in a wide green landscape.

            “Time to catch some fishes.” Zero says.

            “Wait a minute, Luna and I will do everything!” Krystal says.

            “Huh? Why me too?” Luna questions.

            “Because, I feel like helping, you should too.” Krystal says.

            “Okay, whatever.” Luna sighs.

            “Why don’t you come here in while Zero, go around and check the area.” Krystal says.

            “Alright then, I will.” Zero wanders around the meadow next to the river.

            “I already caught a few fish!” Luna says.

            “Then bring them, you know how to cut them?” Krystal asks.

            “Not really…” Luna shakes her head.

            “You have to slice the middle part, then you take out all the nasty stuff inside.” Krystal explains as she demonstrates.

            “Wow, where did you learn to do that?” Luna asks amazed.

            “My dad.” Krystal answers.

            “Ohh ok.” Luna says.

            “Time to cook it, I’ll show you.” Krystal says.

            “Okay, thanks…” Luna smiles.

                        Zero comes back and sees the fishes are already cooked.

            “I’m surprised you didn’t kill each other with the knives.” Zero says shocked.

            “Shut up and eat.” Luna says annoyed.

            “Yeah, we did all the work; Luna was great and made it with enthusiasm.” Krystal says.

            “Hey, don’t tell him that!” Luna shouts.

            “Heh.” Zero grins.

            “After this, we’ll go look for that demon.” Krystal says.

            “Yeah.” Zero nods.

© 2013 Shin

My Review

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awesome chapter, well written, it was a sad flashback, poor jack and the his companions died to protect their friends, admirable indeed man, i can Zero has feelings for Luna, scene made it obvious thoguh he doesn't show it, that's cool lol, keep it up man

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 21, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin