![]() Chapter 43: Dark LightA Chapter by ShinThe ship where Yumi, Kazumi, Faye, Kirisu and Salen is still at sea, but they are close enough to see Nilamis from afar, the party is at the deck looking at the distance. “Damn it’s cold!” Kirisu sneezes. “Yeah…” Kazumi says warming herself in Kirisu’s arms. “And we’re using these coats too.” Kirisu comments. “That’s why I’m in Kazumi’s backpack.” Faye says with only her head out of the backpack. “You should put on a coat Yumi, you’ll get ill if you don’t.” Kazumi states. “She’s right, if you want to keep looking for that man you’ll have to make sure there are no inconveniences.” Salen says. “I know.” Yumi nods. “You should all head inside until we reach Nilamis, it’s getting colder by the minute.” Rick suggests. Yumi goes on ahead, Kirisu and even Faye rush in, Kazumi looks at the distance for a second before going in, Salen carefully observes her and she notices. “You’ve been looking at me ever since we met, is there something you want to ask or tell me little kitty?” Kazumi asks. “Your true powers are not awake… and that bothers me.” Salen says. “Huh? What do you mean?” Kazumi asks. “Nothing, forget I said anything; you must be a very late bloomer.” Salen says turning his view elsewhere. “Do you know about my race by any chance? I’ve never met someone else with cat ears and a tail like me before.” Kazumi says. “Your race is a race hidden in the world, with a very small population, a clan sort to say… I wonder how a cat like you would end up living amongst humans.” Salen says. “How do you know about my race, are you by any chance like me?” Kazumi asks. “No, I’m different, just a cat who can talk, nothing else.” Salen replies. “You sure?” Kazumi asks. “Maybe, maybe not.” Salen answers. “There you go again, with your riddles.” Kazumi smiles. “I’m out.” Salen heads inside. “What did he mean with all that? He sure is a strange cat; I wonder why he hangs around Yumi so much.” Kazumi once again looks at the distance. “I don’t have a good feeling about this place…” Kazumi heads inside as well, after a few hours Rick calls out to the party, the party rapidly run to the main deck. Yumi wears a white eiderdown jacket over a black shirt with slim blue jeans and black boots, Kirisu wears a brown leather jacket with black jeans and black boots, Kazumi wears a red thick sweater with light blue jeans and short black boots. “What’s up old man?” Kirisu asks. “We’re here, we’ve reached Nilamis.” Rick responds. The party looks towards the very tall snowy mountains with no end; dark gray clouds cover the view of the peaks. “Whoa! What a view.” Kirisu says. “You’ve never seen this place before?” Kazumi asks. “Not really.” Kirisu answers. “I can feel his Spirit Force from above.” Yumi looks up to the mountain with a cold expression. “All the way up there?” Kazumi asks. “Yeah.” Yumi nods. “I don’t mean to argue or anything, but we don’t have any equipment to climb those mountains.” Kirisu remarks. “Hey, hey, don’t worry about that, about half way up there is a small resort kind of thing, they have the equipment to go up there.” Rick says. “Oh, thanks, I didn’t know that, but how do we get half way up there to the resort?” Kirisu questions. “If you look closely there is a sign over there in the corner that signals a road all the way up to the resort.” Rick points it out. Kirisu looks and places the palm of his hand on his face. “What an idiot.” “So what are you going to do sir?” Kazumi asks. “I’ll take my leave now; I kept my end of the deal.” Rick replies. “How will we get out of Nilamis then?” Kazumi asks. “Easy, on the other side of this mountain, at the fork of the road that leads you to the resort is a small ship dock.” Rick answers. “Alright then, let’s get a move on.” Kirisu says. “Yeah.” Kazumi nods. The party hops off the ship, Rick leaves, the party then begins to walk up the path until they reach the fork. “There’s a sign, it reads ‘to the left: Nilamis Resort, to the right: Nilamis Dock’.” Kirisu says. “We don’t have to be geniuses to figure this one out.” Yumi walks to the left up the resort, the rest follow; as they climb they notice the path makes a spiral upward around the mountain. “This is great…” “We should hurry, the weather is getting worse.” Salen says. “Looks like a snow storm, very convenient.” Kirisu sighs. “Looks like we’re out of luck.” Kazumi sighs as well. “Don’t jinx it!” Faye says annoyed. “Sorry.” Kazumi says. “Hurry it up.” Yumi says coldly. They walk all the way up the spiral, then noticing the path keeps going inside a cave with light bulbs in the ceiling. “Look, I think we just reached it, you don’t see light bulbs in caves.” Kazumi states. “True.” Kirisu nods. They walk through the cave, as they walk they notice the cave has a red long bridge crossing to another mountain towards the resort. “This actually looks awesome, I never would’ve thought about it.” Kirisu says. “Yeah, clever, hehe.” Kazumi smiles. “I’m starting to like this place.” Faye remarks. “You guys talk too much.” Salen states. “Shut it p***y.” Kirisu says. “……”Salen shakes his head. They cross the bridge and find themselves in a warm classy resort, it’s not small at all, it’s the complete opposite, and there are quite a lot of people for this remote location. “Un-f*****g-believable.” Kirisu says shocked. “Now this was unexpected…” Kazumi says amazed. “Yay!” Faye hops out of the backpack. “Hmm… not bad at all.” Yumi says observing the place. “Smells nice, food I bet!” Faye sniffs. “Yeah, now that you mention it, I’m pretty hungry.” Kirisu comments. “Yumi, can we stop for a minute and grab a bite to eat?” Kazumi asks. Yumi looks back coldly with vicious eyes slightly smirking; the party freaks out for a minute. “Or maybe not…” Kazumi backs away slightly. “Yumi.” Salen says loudly. Yumi snaps out of it and asks. “Oh… sorry, what were you just saying Kazumi?” “They wanted to go eat something before going up the mountain, I agree, we’re all in need of energy.” Salen states. “Yeah, okay, let’s eat something.” Yumi says. “Uh, yeah, how about we go to that buffet?” Kirisu asks. “Buffet!” Faye flies around Kazumi very enthusiastically. “……alright.” Kazumi says staring at Yumi worried. Yumi and Salen go on ahead, Kirisu asks Kazumi. “Something on your mind?” “I’m worried about Yumi.” Kazumi responds. “Anyone would, with that look she gave us, damn, she didn’t seem like herself.” Kirisu remarks. “I feel her getting distant from us, especially with me.” Kazumi says lowering her head. “Don’t worry, it’s that Lloyd thing going on through her head, she’ll get over it soon.” Kirisu says hugging Kazumi. “I don’t even think its Lloyd anymore.” Kazumi comments. “We’ll let her be for now, let’s just go eat.” Kirisu says. “Yeah, you’re right, let’s eat.” Kazumi says. Meanwhile in Gen-Exis headquarters, Zin Diekaz walks in one of the halls holding a document that reads “Classified” he goes into his room and opens the document, he begins reading it, he then thinks to himself. “Hmm… I wonder if this is true, a full out simultaneous attack on the world’s remaining governments, we should have enough in our army, but why is this exactly? After taking over all the countries left, Gen-Exis will execute the ‘Complete Termination Plan’… does Gen-Exis plan on destroying everything? No… I have to investigate what this plan is.” As Zin contemplates this, Redhizer is in his office lost in thought. “Where could Kirisu be exactly? I’ll find him no matter what.” Redhizer stands up from his chair, puts on a military coat and heads out to search for Kirisu. As this happens, the party has already finished eating and is ready to go up the mountain; the party goes to a man that sells the gear, the mas has long brown hair with blue eyes. “Excuse me, but we need some gear to climb up the mountain.” Kirisu says. “Huh? Well, we can sell you the gear, but I’m afraid to tell you the tourist guide hasn’t arrived, so you’ll have to wait for her if you want to climb up there.” The store clerk says. “When does she arrive?” Kazumi asks. The store clerk looks at his watch and replies. “Any minute now.” A few minutes pass by, a woman with short light red hair and brown eyes dressed with a big furry white coat, she walks towards the party. “There she is, everyone calls her Jones.” The store clerk says. “Weird name for a girl.” Kirisu remarks. “It’s because of that movie, the one with the adventurer that goes into crazy ancient places with booby traps and stuff.” The store clerk explains. “I like those movies.” Kazumi states. “Are these tourists?” Jones asks. “Yeah, they already bought the gear, your turn to guide them now.” The store clerk answers. “Sure thing sweetheart, people here call me Jones, nice to meet ya.” Jones says. “Likewise.” Kazumi smiles. “Alright then, follow me.” Jones says. The party heads outside, Jones looks up and starts gearing up, the party does the same. “Before going up, you have to follow my rules, because if you don’t, something bad can happen, another thing, you girl, the blonde one, you’re not planning on taking a cat up there are you?” “Yeah, in fact I am, is there a problem?” Yumi asks coldly. “Your cat might fall off your bag and die a horrible death you know, and if by chance it didn’t happen, he won’t be able to resist such a temperature with his small body and freeze to death.” Jones explains. “I know.” Yumi says. “You’ve been warned.” Jones says. “……” Yumi looks away. “Let’s get started then.” Jones After all the preparations they begin climbing up, a few hours pass, Kazumi starts to make a small conversation. “Yumi, what are you going to do once you meet Lucien again?” Kazumi asks. “I’ll ask him a few questions and then beat the crap outta him.” Yumi replies. “But I heard he was very strong, able to beat Lloyd in seconds which is not an easy feat.” Kirisu remarks. “……” Yumi ignores Kirisu. “Kirisu!” Kazumi shouts. “Ohh yeah, Lloyd, sorry.” Kirisu says covering his mouth. “Let’s hurry; we’re not too far away from the summit.” Yumi states. “Yeah.” Kazumi nods. “You should concentrate.” Jones says. As Kazumi is about to reply she slips and is about to fall down until Kirisu hurriedly catches her by her gear belts. “That was close.” Kirisu sighs in relief. “You see what I’m saying?” Jones says angrily. “Hehe, yeah, sorry.” Kazumi giggles. “It’s alright.” Kirisu helps her up a little. The party keeps going up until they reach a more even area, Jones just sits down very exhausted taking out a small oxygen tank and inhaling like there’s no tomorrow. “Whoa, easy on the sucking, haha.” Kirisu chuckles. “Okay …this should be as far as we go today …we should just relax …eat something and sleep.” Jones says between pants. “It’s still daylight, we can keep going up.” Yumi says. “Huh? Aren’t you exhausted after all those hours climbing?” Jones asks stunned. “Not a bit.” Yumi replies. Jones huffs. “What about you two?” “Not really.” Kazumi and Kirisu respond. “I’m lazy d****t! You guys are just full of stamina!” Jones says. “Are we staying or what?” Yumi questions. “Okay, okay, let’s get goin’ then.” Jones stands up. The party and Jones begin climbing the other half of the mountain, they keep climbing and climbing for hours, as they do the blizzard starts getting even stronger. After hours climbing they finally reach the peak, the blizzard is so strong that almost everything is covered in pure white snow. Jones huffs. “Huh? I’ve never seen a blizzard this strong up here!” ‘I can’t feel his Spirit Force anymore, it’s like it vanished as soon as we got up here, but it was very, very close by.” Yumi says trying to look around. “We better keep our guard up.” Kirisu says. “Miss Jones, what exactly is the tourist attraction here?” Kazumi asks. “Umm, well, the temple of light of course, we can’t really go in, but it’s quite a view, though we can’t see it right now because of the blizzard, so we should just camp here for now until the blizzard ceases.” Jones explains. Yumi begins walking through the blizzard towards the almost invisible light temple. “Wait a minute! I told you to camp out here! It’s too dangerous!” Jones shouts. “Yumi wait!” Kazumi runs over to Yumi, so does Kirisu, Jones is still shouting from afar for naught. Salen pokes his head out of Yumi’s bag and asks. “Can you guys feel it?” “I can’t feel a thing.” Yumi replies. “Me neither.” Kirisu shakes his head. “I can feel it, something is coming our way, but I can’t feel its Spirit Force, just his presence.” Kazumi states. “We better ready ourselves.” Kirisu says. Yumi takes her whip-sword out of her bag; Kirisu does the same with his weapons as well as Kazumi. Abruptly a small piece of ice as small as a marble strikes Kirisu’s head from above. “Oww!” Kirisu looks up and says. “A hailstorm! Watch out!” “Don’t panic! Just let your Spirit Force flow around your body, those pieces of ice will vaporize before they hit you.” Yumi says. “You’ve really learned how to use your Spirit Force huh.” Kazumi says surprised. “Yeah, seems so.” Kirisu nods. “It’s been coming naturally from some time ago.” Yumi comments. “Show off.” Kirisu says. “……” Yum ignores Kirisu again. “Look!” Kazumi points ahead. A big shadowy figure stands on the light temple; the silhouette is that of a giant four legged beast, it suddenly jumps very high in the air towards the party and lands right in front of them. It’s a rather graceful creature in appearance, with pure white fur that almost shined, silver claws, large angel like wings, golden breastplates and gauntlets, a giant sword at the side of its right arm, with silver colored eyes and a very long tail. “What the hell is that!?” Kirisu asks shocked. “Should we run or fight?” Kazumi asks. “Heh, fight of course!” Yumi smirks. A familiar masculine voice can be heard from the distance behind the beast. “Do not trouble yourself with the behemoth of light.” Yumi widens her eyes and runs past the behemoth quickly evading its attacks; Kazumi swiftly calls its attention with a bullet of lightning. “You’re ours.” Kazumi says. “I’m yours too Kazumi.” Kirisu smiles. “Hehe, yeah.” Kazumi giggles. The behemoth looks back to where Kazumi and Kirisu are, Faye hastily jumps out of the bag floating next to Kazumi. The behemoth speedily jumps on them, but they are able to sidestep, he then waves his tail almost smacking Kazumi, but she is able to avoid and jump on it. Kirisu quickly calls its attention while Kazumi rushes to its head, Kazumi reaches its head rapidly and pointing both her guns she charges with fire elemental powers and shoots, but with no luck, the behemoth rapidly shakes her off his head and stands up on its hind legs. “It’s even more hard headed than I thought.” Kazumi remarks. “Maybe it needs a taste of another element.” Kirisu comments. “You think he’s even weak to any specific element?” Kazumi asks. “He looks like he’s a light based beast, maybe darkness?” Kirisu asks. “I don’t have a darkness spell, sorry, I don’t even really think there’s anyone with that kind of element.” Kazumi says. “Yumi has light, there has to be someone with darkness, oh well, we’ll just have to kill it the old fashioned way.” Kirisu shrugs his shoulders. The behemoth doesn’t wait for them; he just opens its mouth very wide and charges insane amounts of energy inside its mouth in a matter of seconds, swiftly letting out a light based laser which cleaves part of the summit in two. Luckily, both Kirisu and Kazumi evade a split second before the behemoth’s attack connects, Faye rapidly says. “Kazumi might not have a dark spell, but I have something similar.” “Why the hell didn’t you say sooner?” Kirisu asks annoyed. “You didn’t ask.” Faye smiles. “Point taken.” Kirisu smirks. “There’s a problem though.” Faye says. “What?” Kazumi asks. “I need some time to concentrate it, it’s a pretty strong spell, Kazumi can learn it after she sees and helps me perform it, but I need some time to invoke it.” Faye explains. “Right, I’ll do that.” Kirisu nods. Kazumi and Faye run to the edge of the summit while Kirisu sheathes his sword and says while closing his eyes. “Ultimate force, Anti-Life Barrier release!” Kirisu is surrounds himself with many dark barriers around him, the whole ground around him turns pitch black, hundreds of dark spears form all around him pointing at the behemoth. Kirisu stares at the behemoth sharply; the hailstorm getting heavier as many angel-like feathers from the behemoth float in the air. “I should be able to stop that thing with this before Faye invokes that spell.” Kirisu thinks. All the spears rush at the behemoth at impossible speeds, the behemoth is not as slow as one would think, but it swiftly evades jumping in zigzags and quickly unsheathing its giant sword. “Now that looks painful, better not let him strike at me with that thing.” Kirisu thinks. As Kirisu stands his ground, Kazumi and Faye are still concentrating for the spell; meanwhile Yumi runs and doesn’t see anyone around, only hears the same voice. “Show yourself!” Yumi shouts. “You seem sure of yourself, much more than the first time we met.” The voice says. Salen pokes his head from Yumi’s bag once again. “This guy sure talks a lot.” Salen remarks. Lucien comes forth from the hailstorm and stands behind Yumi. “Even knowing that last time you could not defeat my power and you still seek me, I did not expect this from the light.” Lucien says amused. “It’s time you answer me some questions.” Yumi says. “And if I refuse?” Lucien asks. “Then I’ll force them out of you.” Yumi replies coldly. “Such cold and yet determined words; I can also tell you’ve gotten a little bit stronger; you can even withstand the vast Spirit Force that I leak unconsciously.” Lucien says. “Why the crap did you kidnap me that time?” Yumi questions. “Hmm…” Salen stares at Lucien with narrow eyes. Lucien begins walking around her in circles as he explains. “Why you ask? I sensed there was someone out there like me, then I found you in my search, then I kidnapped you to see if I needed you in my, let’s say self-discovery, but after you entered that trance state, I knew that I could also attain such transformation. That the light evolved even further than what I had imagined, but I have not attained not even the spark of that power you had at that time.” “What happened to me then?” Yumi asks. “I am still searching for the answer myself, but for now, I’ll just take you with me to find the answer out, this time for sure.” Lucien says. “I’d like to see you try.” Yumi grins wickedly. “Erase, reform.” Lucien says as he extends his right arm to the side and materializing his lance. “Come at me with all your might.” “…… Erase, reform.” Yumi says also extending her right arm to the side as she holds her whip-sword. “Huh?” Lucien widens his eyes. Yumi makes her whip-sword disintegrate, then materializes her whip-sword on her hand once again and stares at it in amazement as well as Salen. “What? How did you learn that?” Lucien asks shocked. “I saw how you did it before, I noticed you basically control matter to certain extent, I’m not sure if it has to do with light powers exactly, but at least I know I can do it as well.” “Yumi, you don’t have to explain anything to this guy.” Salen says. “You’re a smart one, though that won’t save you or your kitty in this fight.” Lucien quickly spins his lance around him very fast and readies himself, swiftly raising his arm up then snapping his finger. “Heaven’s Judgment!” All of a sudden a huge amount of Spirit Force and light accumulates very high up in the sky and forms what seems like a giant broadsword of light which comes falling down at an incredible speed towards Yumi. She rapidly makes many back flips the moment the sword made of light falls, when it does all the area around turns into a medium sized crater. “Already wasting up your best techniques?” Yumi asks. “You think that’s my best?” Lucien scoffs. “……” Yumi takes off her bag and throws it a little far from her. “Hey! Watch out, I’m right inside this bag.” Salen yells. “Sorry, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” Yumi says. “I don’t hurt that easily.” Salen states. “Just stay put, I’ll take care of this guy.” Yumi says. “I wasn’t going to move from here anyways.” Salen remarks. “Good, I’ll be back.” Yumi extends her whip-sword and jumps in midair, speedily landing nearly in front of him and unleashing a string of attacks, he’s able to block a few of the slashes, but some other slashes are cutting different parts of his body, he backs off and thinks to himself. “That sword, looks like a snake, not bad at all.” Lucien hastily makes a few light lances attack her as he thrust his lance into the ground, then goes in and begins throwing punches and kicks covered in light, Yumi is at a disadvantage because of all the light lances striking at her and Lucien punching and kicking at the same time. She quickly evades the light lances by jumping over Lucien and penetrates his left shoulder with her whip-sword splashing some blood on Yumi’s face and hair, his light lances fade away and he backs off pressing his left shoulder with his right hand. “Uhh…” “Last time I felt your Spirit Force, it was insanely strong, but now you suck.” Yumi comments. “I was insanely strong for you because you were insanely weak at the time, but your strength has really elevated at high levels.” Lucien says. “So this is all you got?” Yumi asks. “I didn’t want to use my full Spirit Force against you because I didn’t want to kill you, but you leave me no choice.” Lucien says. “Hmm?” Yumi readies herself. “This guy had more to offer huh.” Salen thinks. Lucien’s Spirit Force begins accumulating around him; light powers can also be seen accumulating at the same time and mixing, the air become very dense, the ground begins to shake and crack. Yumi is feeling heavy all of a sudden, some parts of her body rip leaving some small cuts, she can hardly breathe, as more and more Spirit Force accumulates, Yumi falls on one knee. “Hehe, now, how about we resume the battle, this should be enough even though I can still power myself up with some more Spirit Force.” Lucien says. “Ugghhhhh… You had… this much…?” Yumi asks in disbelief. “I’m at around twenty five percent right now, you fought me at ten just a moment ago, ten was enough the first time we met, but I guess you were unaffected now, so twenty five should do.” Lucien replies. Yumi and Salen widen their eyes to this. “Why don’t you pick up your sword, it’s only about five feet away from you.” Lucien says mockingly. Yumi tries reaching her sword, but Lucien’s Spirit Force is too strong and she isn’t able to move a muscle. Despite this she keeps struggling only to fall on the ground, he just walks towards her, he then stomps her hand and twists it slightly. “Uggh.” “I guess I don’t have to kill you after all, I’ll just take you with me, too bad though, your boyfriend never appeared to help you, I guess he left you to rot this time.” Lucien says scornfully. Yumi widens her eyes to his comment, black colored highlights begin to appear on Yumi’s hair as a very strong Spirit Force burst from her body, her light elemental powers take over and turn from the gold color it shined to a pitch black colored with golden borders. “Huh?” Lucien tilts his head. Yumi swiftly punches his foot away from her hand and telepathically brings her whip-sword to her hand, she stands up looking down to the ground, she slowly looks at Lucien and imagines Lloyd in his place smiling at her, in her mind she hears his voice laughing, she grins wickedly as her hair turns almost completely black, her eyes widen even more in excitement. “Haha…” Yumi laughs uncontrollably. “This is the power she unleashed that day.” Lucien says surprised. “What the-? What’s happening to her? I’ve never seen anything like this in all my nine lives.” Salen thinks to himself. Her hair turns completely black, Yumi hastily rushes towards Lucien and punches him in the face so hard that it makes him fly at least ten feet away, he regains his balance. “You’re clearly stronger than twenty five percent of my power, so I’ll use fifty.” Lucien’s Spirit Force burst wildly from his body, as this battle takes place, Jones is feeling very weak due to everyone’s Spirit Forces, she is lying around under a small rock. “Just what the hell is going on? I can’t see a thing in this hailstorm, all I can hear is loud noises and the ground shake like crazy… I don’t feel good… I think I’m gonna… fall… unconscious.” Jones can’t resist all this strain on her body and falls unconscious; Kirisu and Kazumi still have their hands tied with the behemoth of light. The behemoth charges at Kirisu head on, Kirisu is able to thrust a few dark spears on the beast, but it does not flinch and keeps charging on. Kirisu materializes more thick dark barriers to slow him down, but he keeps ramming against the barriers like its paper, when it finally reaches Kirisu it keeps breaking Kirisu’s protective barriers. Kirisu just keeps materializing more and more, while he materializes a giant dark spear very high up in the air, the size is astounding, the dark spear is as big as a sky scraper, it falls down on the behemoth piercing its rib. The behemoth still does not weaken; it lifts its giant sword high up in the air ready to smite Kirisu in two. “Ohhh s**t!” Kirisu backs away a few steps. As the behemoth comes slashing downward brutally it shatters all of Kirisu’s barriers instantly, Kirisu is cut in half, but what was really sliced in two is a dummy made from the dark substance in form of Kirisu. Kirisu appears above the behemoth falling down loading his gun with a magic bullet, then concentrating Spirit Force before firing, when he fires it is a bullet engulfed with ice elemental energy, the bullet goes straight through its head and a huge stalagmite comes out through its eye consequently leaving it with only one eye left. “Crap, I thought that would kill it for sure.” Kirisu says. As Kirisu lands near it, the behemoth violently turns around at Kirisu, placing its long tail over its shoulder swiftly charging an energy ball made of light and firing a laser from it at Kirisu, Kirisu barely dodges it because of the fastness of the laser, it keeps firing many times, its able to scratch Kirisu a few times on his ribs and arms, fatigue is already catching up with Kirisu. “Damn… I used too much of my power, I can’t do much; better keep him busy until they finish that damned spell.” Kirisu thinks. The behemoth then stands his ground for a moment, opening its mouth wide open, charging the same powerful laser as before, ready to unleash it in unison with his tail. It fires with all its might, Kirisu is too tired to dodge this one, so he just raises his gun and fires a regular bullet with no more hope, as he fires a huge cage made of dark fire falls on the behemoth successfully stopping its attack a split second before reaching Kirisu. “Huh?” Kirisu looks towards Faye and Kazumi as they are controlling the spell. “Yay, the Prison of Despair spell is complete.” Faye says. “Finally, took em’ long enough.” Kirisu sighs in relief. The behemoth has nowhere to escape wildly making circles in the cage looking for an exit of this spell; it begins charging its tail as before pointing it at Faye and Kazumi, but before his attack can be executed hundreds of long thin swords made of the power of dark fire strikes at the cage at the same time piercing it all over its body leaving only a blood bath, but before it draws its last breathe it fires the laser from its tail at Faye, Kazumi gets in the way and is perforated by the laser on the right side of her chest making her fall down the cliff unconscious. “Kazumi!” Kirisu runs towards the edge and jumps without thinking, after a few seconds he catches her in midair, Kirisu makes many dark spears way under them and tries to stick them to the mountain wall, but it is so hard due to the rocky material and coldness, they all shatter in pieces. Kirisu then tries making a floor barrier, but it breaks every time Kirisu tries to land on it because of the speed while they fall down. “S**t! If I make a thick floor I’ll just end up breaking the bones of my legs…” Kirisu holds Kazumi close to him while they fall to a certain death, knowing they are going to die, Kirisu begins flashing past moments with Kazumi, the first time they met at the restaurant and when he threw those men out of the window of the restaurant between other moments, Kirisu then thinks to himself. “Things have been pretty good since we met…” Kirisu then remembers the unforgettable prom night, everything they shared together, the good and the bad, he keeps thinking to himself. “How good could have been if we could have continued being together… No! I deny accepting this is our fate!” As Kirisu closes his eyes angry of all these doubts of what could have been, large pure white wings unexpectedly rip out from Kirisu’s back, he opens his eyes only to show that his eyes turn cross shaped, he swiftly flail his wings downward and ascends at an incredible speed back up to the summit. Faye is speechless to this sight, Kirisu places Kazumi carefully on the ground, then placing his right hand on her wound and healing it almost instantly, Kirisu looks at Faye and smiles warmly, then fainting and falling on the ground next to Kazumi. “They’re both knocked out, wait, Yumi’s in trouble!” Faye hastily floats to the area where Yumi and Lucien are fighting only to stop. “Ugghh, I can’t go any further, their Spirit Force is too strong… I can’t resist it…” As Faye goes back to Kazumi and Kirisu, Yumi and Lucien fight viciously, Yumi is enjoying herself a lot, grinning and laughing throughout the battle, despite Yumi’s power up, they are pretty much tied in battle, each giving and receiving blows from one another. “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.” Lucien says. “Hahaha, who wouldn’t? Come on! That’s all you got?” Yumi asks mockingly. “You seriously want to die that badly?” Lucien questions. “I’m still standing aren’t I?” Yumi asks sarcastically. “What a conceited little brat.” Lucien states. “Hehe.” Yumi swiftly disappears from his view and appears right above him with her whip-sword facing down, he quickly sidesteps letting her land and piercing half her sword on the ground. Lucien speedily rushes in with his lance, Yumi bends down and hits him very hard on his stomach with her elbow, then doing an uppercut and punching his stomach with her other hand. She then jumps and kicks him under his jaw with her knee, he makes a back flip and with a roundhouse kick he kicks her on the face, then kicking her again with his other leg, only this time on her chest, quickly grabbing her by her foot and making her fall down. Yumi rapidly kicks him on the nuts, then grabbing his foot and making him fall on the ground, she gets on him and begins punching him on the face, Lucien recovers and punches her back making her fall on the ground. She hurriedly stands up and pulls her sword from the ground, he materializes his lance once again, they exchange more blows, Yumi throws her whip-sword high up in the air as she jumps in the air making a back flip, her sword accumulates a lot of light, extending it making a very long sword made of dark light. She grabs it in midair and comes down on Lucien. Yumi is so fast he isn’t able to dodge on time, almost his whole left arm is sliced off him, half of his arm falls on the ground, he looks at himself in shock. “Haha!” Yumi laughs uncontrollably. “That had to hurt…” Salen says. Yumi widens her eyes in even more excitement and charges at him, as Yumi is about to strike she feels a sudden burst of Spirit Force from nowhere, Yumi leans her head back a fist covered in an unmentioned amount of Spirit Force comes passing by. She is surprised it is not Lucien, but a woman, her fist hits a mountain wall, the wall completely shatters into dust particles as the Spirit Force released in that fist is unleashed, the attack covers a mile of distance, Salen is shocked. “Astrid…” Lucien looks surprised. “Take your arm and leave.” Astrid says. Lucien hastily grabs his arm, his eyes shine bright blue in energy and a gathering of hundreds of lances made of light fall on Yumi, she keeps cutting and cutting, but Lucien jumps very high up on the temple of light and says. “Today you shattered my pride, I will never forget this moment, I will kill you once I restore my arm, be certain of that.” Lucien swiftly disappears from Yumi’s sight, his Spirit Force vanishes completely. “This isn’t over.” Astrid says and leaves as well. “If he couldn’t kill me with both arms, what makes him think he’ll kill me with one, haha.” Yumi says, her hair reverts back to her blonde color, and she then walks towards her bag where Salen is. “I didn’t know Lucien had a woman with him, her energy was as strange as mine…” Yumi thinks to herself. “That was hell of a fight; you’re way stronger that I thought.” Salen remarks. “Thanks.” Yumi says. “That woman, she was mighty strong.” Salen comments. “Yeah… but where are the others?” Yumi asks. “I felt them during your fight, they were able to kill the behemoth of light, the short guy suddenly burst in a weird kind of force, I’ve never felt it before, he’s a strong one too, but he and Kazumi fainted a while ago. Faye tried coming over here, but that guy and your Spirit Force was too strong for her to resist with that little body of hers.” Salen explains. “But how could you resist it Salen? You also have a small body, I mean; I don’t think a regular cat can resist more than a fairy.” Yumi says. “Hehe.” Salen chuckles. “You’re not going to tell me what you’re hiding huh.” Yumi says. “Maybe, yet again, maybe not.” Salen says. “Okay then.” Yumi says. “You better hurry to your friends.” Salen suggests. “I know.” Yumi grabs her bag and then heads back to where Kazumi, Faye and Kirisu are, she finds them unconscious except for Faye. “Where’s Jones?” Yumi asks. “I don’t know.” Faye answers. “What happened here?” Yumi questions. “Well… it’s a long story.” Faye replies.© 2013 Shin |
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing