Chapter 41: Peeping on Private Ryan

Chapter 41: Peeping on Private Ryan

A Chapter by Shin

                        The Gen-Exis training is still at hand; Seshiro and Hisana wake up in the morning as usual and line up in front of sergeant Stone.

            “Alright girls, today we’re going to start with the Victory Tower Course, it consists of navigating through extreme heights, including traversing rope ladders and bridges, at the end you’ll have to rappel down a fifty foot wall, no big deal, now move out!” Sergeant Stone explains.

                        Everyone does as sergeant Stone instructs, all the recruits swiftly starts navigating all the obstacles, Hisana and Seshiro are mostly the ones in front, finishing first. Redhizer observes them from a distance. “The girl is here too, they’re actually pretty good for newbies.”

                        After a while sergeant Stone lines them up again. “Perfect, now for the first aid training, you’ll be evaluating and properly treating casualties, ranging from the simple dressing of a wound to application of a tourniquet. You’ll also be trained in evaluating and treating heat casualties such as dehydration, we have special medical staff here today to inspect you since you’re also going to be trained in properly setting up and removing an I.V.”

                        The day finishes after all this training, all the recruits go to sleep, and the next morning they wake up again and line in front of sergeant Stone. “Now we move on to the fun parts of training, you’ll be using training for the bayonet use using pugil sticks, then we’ll move on to the bayonet assault course and of course, the person carrying methods.

                        All the recruits begin their training as instructed; Redhizer is once again observing Seshiro and Hisana as they train. After the training the recruits are sent to the gas chamber. “Put on your gas masks, you’re going to be exposed to CS gas.”

                        They are sealed in, the gas pours out and covers the room, after a few minutes the exit opens and the drill sergeant stands in front. “Take your masks off; I want you to experience briefly the effects of the gas.”

                        As everyone exits the drill sergeant begins asking questions at each recruit to force them to open their eyes and mouth. “What’s your name soldier?”

            “Seshiro Yamazaki Sir!” He answers.

            “Your rank?” Sergeant Stone asks.

            “Private Sir!” Seshiro replies and leaves.

            “Good, now you soldier, what’s your name?” Sergeant Stone asks.

            “Hisana Payne Sir!” She responds.

            “What’s the Gen-Exis motto?” Sergeant Stone asks.

            “Acta non verba Sir!” Hisana answers.

            “And that means?” Sergeant Stone asks.

            “Action not word Sir!” Hisana replies.

            “Move on.” Sergeant Stone says.

                        After this all the recruits are holding M16A2 assault rifles in front of sergeant Stone. “We won’t be firing yet, we’re going to explain the BRM fundamentals.”

            “What’s that Hisana?” Seshiro asks.

            “Basic rifle marksmanship, we’ll be instructed in marksmanship techniques without firing the rifle. We’ll have to do some maintenance too as well as field stripping.” Hisana explains.

            “Field stripping? We don’t have to take off our clothes right?” Seshiro asks with a surprised expression.

            “No silly, we have to quickly disassemble the rifle, clean it, and reassemble it correctly.” Hisana smiles lightly.

            “Oh okay.” Seshiro smiles.

                        The training starts; afterwards they have to do the field stripping just as Hisana said, Seshiro is no good at this, he is the worst, but Hisana does better than everyone.

            “Nice one private Payne.” Sergeant Stone compliments her.

            “Thank you sir!” Hisana says.

            “Alright people, we’re going to start phase two.” Sergeant Stone says.

            “Phase two?” Seshiro asks.

            “The white phase or gunfire phase like most call it. It’s where soldiers begin to actually fire weapons. With the service rifle, we’ll fire at various targets, which are progressively further-and-further downrange, resulting in more-and-more difficult shooting.” Hisana explains.

            “Sounds a little hard.” Seshiro comments.

            “Yeah and additionally, there are pop-up targets at long range. We’ll also be familiarized with other weapons like various grenades such as the M67 fragmentation grenade and grenade launchers such as the M203 grenade launcher. We’ll also probably practice using a fixed bayonet attached to a dummy rifle.” Hisana explains.

            “You sound like an army otaku or something.” Seshiro remarks amazed.

            “Hehe, something like that.” Hisana gives him a light smirk.

                        They begin the course, Seshiro doesn’t do badly this time, but Hisana is still the lead in the weapons department. Redhizer appears next to sergeant Stone.

            “General!” Sergeant Stone salutes.

            “At ease sergeant.” Redhizer says.

            “What brings you here General?” Sergeant Stone asks.

            “I’ve been observing the trainees and it seems like Private Payne and Yamazaki are very talented.” Redhizer answers.

            “Yes sir, Private Payne is exceptional in training; I might even dare to say she might make it to colonel one day if she keeps this up.” Sergeant Stone states.

            “Why don’t you move them up to the confidence course?” Redhizer asks.

            “Sir! Listen up girls; we’re going to start your training with anti-tank and anti-armor weaponry and other heavy weapons.” Sergeant Stone says.

                        They swiftly begin their training, after a few hours practicing they start the confidence course.

            “In this course we’ll be expecting you to negotiate in a certain amount of time, begin!” Sergeant Stone says.

                        Everyone does as instructed, Redhizer keeps observing both Seshiro and Hisana, after a while they finishes, night begins falling.

            “Private Yamazaki, you should go take a haircut, your hair is growing quite fast.” Redhizer remarks.

            “Sir!” Seshiro goes left towards the barber, Chuck who is finishing one of the recruits.

            “You came for a second trim?” Chuck asks.

            “Yes sir.” Seshiro nods.

            “Take a seat.” Chuck says preparing his barber veil.

                        Seshiro sits down, a few moments later Redhizer appears and sits next to Seshiro and says to Chuck. “I’ve come for a trim myself.”

            “I’ll be right with you sir.” Chuck says.

                        Seshiro stares at Redhizer from the mirror in front.

            “Something on your mind Yamazaki?” Redhizer questions.

            “No sir! I’m sorry sir.” Seshiro says looking away from Redhizer.

            “You’re from Lemuria correct?” Redhizer asks.

            “Yes I am sir.” Seshiro replies.

            “At ease soldier, we can talk normally here.” Redhizer says.

            “Alright…” Seshiro nods.

            “I have a friend that left to Lemuria some time ago, you might know him.” Redhizer comments.

            “What’s his name?” Seshiro asks.

            “Kirisu Nit-Mazu.” Redhizer responds.

                        Seshiro widens his eyes to what Redhizer had just said.

            “By the look of your face, it looks like you do.” Redhizer remarks.

            “Actually, I do know him…” Seshiro replies and then thinks. “A friend? Kirisu is friends with the General of Gen-Exis?”

            “How is he?” Redhizer asks.

            “He went missing a while ago… but…” Seshiro hesitates.

            “Yes?” Redhizer waits for Seshir’s answer.

            “But we managed to find him, though I don’t know where he is exactly.” Seshiro says.

                        Redhizer looks away and thinks. “I knew it! He’s alive! My brother is alive! I’ll have to look for him.”

            “Is something wrong General?” Seshiro asks curiously.

            “No… thanks, I was a little worried about him.” Redhizer responds.

            “Uhh… o…k… don’t mention it.” Seshiro says.

            “I forgot I had something to do, if you’ll excuse me, Chuck, I’ll see you tomorrow morning for my haircut.” Redhizer rushes to his office and sits down for a moment. “Since that day, I knew you were not easy to kill.”

                        Redhizer begins remembering a mission a year before Kirisu arriving at Lemuria. Redhizer, Naty and Kirisu were running, escaping from what seemed like a base.

            “I’ll hold them off and meet you in fifteen minutes.” Kirisu said.

            “I’ll stay too!” Redhizer said.

            “No, you go, you know me, I won’t die, I refuse to die.” Kirisu said.

            “You better keep your word.” Redhizer said.

            “I will.” Kirisu nodded.

                        Redhizer and Naty kept running; an hour passed and Kirisu didn’t arrive.

            “Damn it Kirisu!” Redhizer shouted as he hit the wall next to him.

            “We can’t stay here much longer, they’ll find us if we do, we have to head to the base!” Naty said.

            “Damn!” Redhizer said angrily.

                        Redhizer and Naty reached the base.

            “Sir! The enemy base just exploded, we don’t know the reason.” A soldier said.

            “Kirisu, he’s alive, I know it.” Redhizer said.

                        Two weeks passed and suddenly in the communication room the red lights started flashing.

            “What’s wrong?” Redhizer asked.

            “Our systems are being hacked sir!” The soldiers said.

                        Unexpectedly, the screen popped up, Kirisu was drenched in blood all over, he sat in a chair all tied up, Kirisu looked up to the screen, he was missing and eye, when he opened his mouth, his tongue was also cut off.

            “General! This is a live broadcast!” The soldier said.

            “This is what happens when you mess with us! Let this be an example.” An Asraelian with his face covered said.

                        Kirisu was then beat up more by various Asraelian enemy soldiers.

            “Your little General here is going to die if you don’t meet with our demands.” The Asraelian soldier said furiously.

                        Redhizer suddenly bursts in laughter and said. “He's an impostor, he’s no high ranking general, he’s just a lowly foot soldier, do as you please with him.”

                        All the enemy soldiers made confused faces as to Redhizer’s laughter. Redhizer walked out of the room calmly, after he reached another room he went crazy and started breaking everything on his path, he suddenly stopped as he saw a turned on television and the torture was also being broadcasted. Sylvia was crying in a private room to this broadcast.

            “This wasn’t the way I imagined this would end… This wasn’t the life I wanted for you.” Sylvia said as she kept weeping like no tomorrow.

                        Kirisu was still tied up, the enemy soldier approached Kirisu and held a gun at Kirisu’s head and as he shot the bullet, Kirisu remembered in a flash his parents and his dog Pochi, as the bullet got closer, all of a sudden his pupils turned into crosses, a black almost paper thin shadow came out of him and blocked the bullet. His missing eye regenerated as well as his tongue, then the thin barrier sliced through them, he went berserk and killed everyone, swiftly a lot of static appeared on the television blurring everyone’s vision. Kirisu rapidly rushed to the warehouse where his mecha vehicle was stored, the legs were scrapped.

            “I guess they didn’t have the equipment to take it apart quickly… I’m glad that’s the only thing they got out of me in the interrogation.” Kirisu thought to himself.

                        Kirisu got in and turned it on, he began moving the vehicle with its mechanical arms, after forcibly escaping out of the base, he opened a hatch on the left side of the mecha and launched a missile that blew out the whole base. Afterwards he landed in a forest; he got out of the mecha and rested against a tree for a few minutes, Kirisu then tried to make that power come back since it vanished after he killed the soldiers in the interrogation room. Kirisu raised his hand and after a few seconds he shaped little black balls, the size of marbles, he then shaped them it into little diamonds, then triangles and finally little spears. A few days passed, back at the base the soldiers picked up something on the radar.

            “General Sir! We’re picking some heat source headed this way.” A soldier said.

            “We’ve got visual of the heat source; it seems to be a XML-Kaz commander type 2.” The soldier next to the first said.

                        After a few minutes Kirisu’s mecha stopped at the air force land site, Kirisu got off, Sylvia was the first to greet him; she ran towards him and hugged him.

            “My son!” Sylvia said with tears of joy.

            “I’m back mom.” Kirisu said as he tightened his hug.

            “I’ve made up my mind Kirisu.” Sylvia said.

            “Huh?” Kirisu backed off and looked at her confused.

            “I want you to leave this place after this is over, I want you to explore around the world and meet new people.” Sylvia said.

            “Mom… That’s impossible, I’m a General.” Kirisu said.

            “I’ll find a way to demote you to Colonel, then you’ll be free…” Sylvia stated.

            “……” Kirisu looked down.

                        Redhizer comes back to the present after remembering all this.

            “I’ll have to secretly deploy a search to find Kirisu.” Redhizer thinks to himself.

                        Meanwhile sergeant Stone is still training everyone, he suddenly whistles and everyone lines up. “Now we’re moving on to phase three.”

            “How many phases do we have to do?” Seshiro asks.

            “Don’t worry, this is the last phase, the blue phase or the warrior phase like it’s called by some. It’s the culmination and the most challenging of all the training phases. During this phase, there is a PT final. At some locations, soldiers that fail are not allowed to go into the field with the rest of the platoon. The final PT test consists of the standard army annual PT examination. A minimum of one hundred fifty points is required to pass Gen-Exis Army Basic Training.” Hisana explains.

            “So what happens to those that pass?” Seshiro asks.

            “Those that pass will move on to "Bivouac", camping and FTX, field training exercises, such as nighttime combat operations and MOUT training. There is no access to the dining facility during these exercises, so meals are given in the form of either MREs, meal ready to eat or ‘hot alphas’ like they’re called.” Hisana explains further.

            “I guess sergeant Stone will be busy with us.” Seshiro comments.

            “The drill sergeants will normally make much of this an adversarial process, working against the recruits in many of the night operations, trying to foil plans, etc.” Hisana says.

            “We’ll start with the field training exercises.” Sergeant Stone says.

                        All the recruits begin this, after a few days in the field training, exercises finish and are going through their last week. Very late at night all the male recruits start planning in a group, except for Seshiro who is still lying on his bed.

            “Okay guys, all we have to do is go the girl’s cabins and catch them as they’re showering.” Reisen explains.

            “Yeah, we’ll get to see some hot a*s bodies.” Vath says with a perverted smirk.

            “I just wanna see Private Ryan!” Walker says eagerly.

            “She’s the hottest, damn, she’s so dam hot.” McAvoy says.

                        Everyone agrees with a nod.

            “Yamazaki, get up, we can’t let you here alone, you might snitch on us.” Walker says.

            “I won’t snitch, just leave me alone.” Seshiro says.

            “Nope, you coming with us like it or not.” Mill says determined.

                        They obligate Seshiro to stand up; they all go outside noticing the girls are taking a bath.

            “Jackpot!” Jacks smiles.

                        They all get closer and notice the girl’s barracks are surrounded by booby traps.

            “Those b*****s!” Reisen says annoyed.

            “I can’t believe they set all this up!” McAvoy says angrily.

            “Only one way through gentlemen, we’ll have to use all the training we received to practice, we didn’t train for nothing.” Mill says.

                        They start disarming all the traps; they get closer and closer until they reach the barracks.

            “Yamazaki, take one for the team, head inside and open the door for us.” Mill orders.

            “Why me?” Seshiro asks.

            “We all disarmed the traps, you didn’t do anything.” Jacks answers.

            “Yeah, just do this and you’ll see heaven itself.” Walker says.

                        Seshiro rolls his eyes and enters the window, he then walks towards the door, but unexpectedly Hisana asks. “What are you doing Seshiro? And why are you here? You’re supposed to be sleeping right now.”

            “Hisana, thank God, these guys practically dragged me here.” Seshiro says with a sigh of relief.

            “What for?” Hisana asks.

            “They all want to peep on the girls, especially Private Ryan.” Seshiro replies.

            “They’re taking a bath.” Hisana states.

            “That’s the point.” Seshiro says.

            “They’ll be out any minute now.” Hisana says.

            “I assume you finished first taking a bath right?” Seshiro asks.

            “Yes, why do you ask?” Hisana looks at Seshiro suspiciously.

            “Nothing at all, anyways-” Seshiro hears the girls talking coming towards the room. “Oh crap!”

            “Hide!” Hisana whispers.

            “Where?” Seshiro asks.

            “Come here!” Hisana lifts her sheet and Seshiro gets in the bed with her, its dark, all the girls are putting on some clothes and go to bed. Seshiro is a little nervous being in the same bed as Hisana staring at her b***s, he thinks to himself. “Oh God… This is awkward… She smells nice though…”

                        As Seshiro is trapped in the girl’s barracks, all the recruits are pissed off.

            “Yamazaki failed the mission.” Reisen says angrily.

            “And it was so simple too…” Vath says annoyed.

            “Who’s that over there?” Walker asks.

            “Is that?” Mill looks.

                        They all see sergeant Stone staring in the girl’s barracks as well.

            “What? You think I’m going miss this too?” Sergeant Stone asks sarcastically.

            “We failed…” Mill lowers his head.

            “Another day soldiers, another day.” Sergeant Stone says.

                        They all leave, after a while Seshiro does the same, the next day arrives, everyone lines up in front of sergeant Stone.

            “This is the recovery week, all of us have to service and repair any items we are not taking on to AIT, the advance individual training, including weapons, bedding, issued equipment like helmets, canteens, gas masks, etc. as well as ensuring the platoon barracks is in good order to receive the next platoon of trainees. This week also includes a final fitting of the recruit's dress uniform as well as practice for the graduation ceremony which takes place at the end of the week.” Hisana explains.

            “Sounds like a busy week to me.” Seshiro remarks.

            “I guess.” Hisana shrugs her shoulders.

            “This is it, the final week, but you’re not getting away from me so easily, I’m giving any of you the chance to challenge me in a fight, if you have any grudge or plainly want to test your skills, now’s the moment.” Sergeant Stone says.

                        Seshiro looks at Hisana, but she shakes her head, indicating she isn’t going to fight.

            “Well?” Sergeant Stone looks at everyone.

                        No one dares to say anything, but all of a sudden Seshiro speaks up. “I’ll do it sir.”

            “Oh, Yamazaki, you surprise me again, show me what you got.” Sergeant Stone says.

            “Yes sir!” Seshiro walks towards him.

                        Sergeant Stone gets in battle stance as well as Seshiro, sergeant Stone charges at Seshiro, Seshiro evades, but then sergeant Stone grabs Seshiro by his shirt and slams him on the ground.

            “Whoa, I never thought this guy would be this tough.” Seshiro says with a surprised look.

            “Come at me Yamazaki, don’t keep me waiting.” Sergeant Stone beckons with his hand.

                        Sergeant Stone charges once again, Seshiro evades, sergeant Stone attacks Seshiro with a few punches and kicks, Seshiro then counters by punching him on the stomach. Sergeant Stone backs up slightly and charges again, Seshiro dodges his attacks and once again hits him in the stomach; they both back off and stop fighting.

            “That’s a hella of a punch you got there Private.” Sergeant Stone remarks.

            “Thanks sir, do you mind me asking you who you trained with?” Seshiro asks.

            “Master J.S.” Sergeant Stone replies.

            “What? Really?” Seshiro asks shocked.

            “Looks like you know him as well.” Sergeant Stone says.

            “Yeah.” Seshiro nods.

            “I remember he used to bother me with my last name, like, hey Stone, let’s get stoned.” Sergeant Stone comments.

            “Hahaha.” Seshiro chuckles.

            “Good fight Yamazaki.” Sergeant Stone says.

            “Yeah, you too.” Seshiro nods.

                        A week passes after the graduation; Hisana and Seshiro are inside the Gen-Exis facility, walking around the hallways.

            “Hmm… We could check the archives to see if we can find Keisuro.” Hisana says.

            “Good idea, but where are the archives?” Seshiro asks.

            “Last I heard, it was around the third floor of this building.” Hisana answers.

            “Let’s head up then.” Seshiro says.

                        They head to the third floor; they enter what seems like a giant library full of books and whatnot. They begin their search, looking document after document for hours, but they find nothing.

            “We’ve been here a while and we still haven’t found anything at all!” Seshiro says.

            “Be patient, maybe we’ll-” Hisana cuts herself off as she looks to a separate room where the computer she saw in her visions is.

            “Look Seshiro!” Hisana points out to the computer isolated in a room.

            “Is that-?” Seshiro is cut off by Hisana. “It is, but is what we’re looking for in that computer?”

                        A female librarian passes by, Hisana stops her and asks. “Excuse me, but what is that room over there for?”

            “That’s where all the high ranking officials access all the information of the facility and its personnel.” The librarian responds.

            “I see.” Hisana says.

            “That room is actually off limits and even if someone went in, they wouldn’t be able to access the computer.” The librarian explains.

            “Why is that?” Seshiro asks.

            “It’s password protected, the password is changed every day and given to all the high ranking officials.” The librarian adds.

            “So I assume a computer technician changes the password.” Hisana says.

            “Yes, but no one really ever sees him because he changes the passwords very early in the morning.” The librarian states.

            “Nice security.” Seshiro comments.

            “Yes, I actually like to talk about it from time to time with some soldiers, it’s just so mysterious.” The librarian remarks.

            “Haha, yeah.” Hisana says.

                        The librarian leaves.

            “Now we know what we have to do.” Seshiro says.

            “Not going to be easy.” Hisana states.

            “Why?” Seshiro asks puzzled.

            “Check it out.” Hisana looks up at a few cameras.

            “Crap.” Seshiro mutters.

            “We would have to make that computer technician to give us the password without him getting a look at us, but we would be recognized by the cameras immediately.” Hisana whispers.

            “I think I got an idea, but I would have to enter the room alone, because if they spot two people they’re going to look for us.” Seshiro whispers.

            “Alright.” Hisana nods.

                        That night Seshiro goes into the building without anyone noticing, he makes his body look buff and tall with ice, dressed in black clothing, he waits for the computer technician which appeared at three the morning, Seshiro swiftly stops him from behind saying in a rough voice. “Give me the password of the computer and I won’t kill you right now!”

            “Okay, okay, please, just don’t hurt me!” The computer technician says very afraid.

            “Just do as I say.” Seshiro says still with the rough voice.

                        The computer technician jots down the password on a piece of paper; Seshiro knocks him out cold and drags him to the computer room where he accesses the computer. He searches for Keisuro in the database, nothing is found.

            “Huh? He’s not here? Wait, let me keep looking. Wait a minute; Redhizer said that Kirisu is a friend, maybe I’ll find him here in the records.” Seshiro says as he types in the keyboard.

                        Seshiro searches for Kirisu Nit-Mazu and finds a match.

            “What? I knew there was something off with him… Colonel Kirisu Nit-Mazu, mecca squad member… demoted from General to Colonel… birthplace, Rich Port… bilingual… Xordanian, Vakidorian, Spanish and Lemurian.” Seshiro reads from the computer monitor.

                        After reading all about Kirisu, he keeps searching for Keisuro, after a while he comes across an encrypted file, he tries the password, but it doesn’t open.

            “Huh? It didn’t work…” Seshiro thinks.

                        Seshiro then wakes up the computer technician and asks “Give me the password of this encrypted file or I swear I’ll kill you.”

            “Those are very top secret files! I’ll be executed for giving you the password!” The computer technician says nervously.

            “You want to die right now?” Seshiro grabs him by the throat, it’s still dark, and the computer technician isn’t able to see Seshiro’s face.

            “Alright, alright!” The computer technician says afraid.

                        The computer technician writes the password down, Seshiro knocks him out cold again, and he then accesses the file.

            “Hmm? The Aiden Unit?” Seshiro thinks to himself.

                        Seshiro opens the file and sees Keisuro on the list of members, except for one out of the eleven, Harayoshi’s data is inaccessible.

            “Found you! Huh?” Seshiro widens his eyes in shock to the person who is on the list as well. “It can’t be… There has to be a mistake… Hisana Payne, real name Sumayah Hassan of Asraelian descent, Altergun specialist.”

© 2013 Shin

My Review

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Wait Hisana is a member of the aiden Unit? O_O plot twist, huge plot twist, will explain her knowledge of Gen-Exis, awesome chap man, i like the military training, very acurate,loved the description very cool too, hope to read more man!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin