Chapter 40: Past Sorrows

Chapter 40: Past Sorrows

A Chapter by Shin

                        Yumi, Kirisu, Kazumi, Faye and Salen are still a little ways off from reaching the south continent which Lucien supposedly is. They are all on the ship waiting to dock, but there is a problem, a sea storm rages on the sea, the party is inside the cabins while the captain tried his best to keep the ship safe.

            “Will we be alright?” Kazumi asks worried.

            “I think so.” Faye nods.

            “I wonder where Yumi is.” Kirisu says.

            “She’s in her quarters with Salen.” Faye says.

            “The cat huh.” Kirisu says.

            “She’s been so distant to me lately.” Kazumi says sad.

            “Not just you, us in general.” Kirisu says sitting next to Kazumi and placing his arm around her shoulders, bringing her head to his chest.

            “But it looks like she at least has a new friend, so she isn’t all alone.” Faye remarks.

            “I guess that’s a relief, but I wish she’d be more open with us.” Kazumi says.

            “The Lloyd thing must’ve really shocked her, I mean, I still can’t believe it either, but I have a feeling he didn’t tell us everything…” Kirisu states.

            “You’re right, I know Lloyd since he was a little boy; he never did anything like that.” Kazumi says.

            “I hope he just has a good reason for this.” Kirisu says.

                        Meanwhile Yumi lies on her bed; Salen lies on Yumi’s stomach waving his tale.

            “……” Yumi looks up to the ceiling, just lost in thought.

            “Something on your mind?” Salen asks.

            “Nothing important.” Yumi replies.

            “Not that I care really, but sometimes it’s better to get things out of your head.” Salen comments.

            “I guess you’re right; I haven’t talked about it, not even with my best friends.” Yumi says.

            “I might not be a friend, but I can listen.” Salen remarks.

            “Well, it’s just that… he…” Yumi cuts herself off.

            “He? Then I’m assuming a man did something to you of the sorts, maybe a love interest?” Salen asks.

            “Hmm, it was a friend, childhood one, I was never really good around him in childhood…” Yumi says.

            “Tell me about him.” Salen says.

            “Alright, I’ll tell you who he is and how we came to be, it was when we were about eight years old, I was in class, the teacher brought up in front a shy little boy with very long black hair, looked more like a girl than a boy really, hehe, everybody laughed at him due to this fact, but since the first time I laid my eyes on him, I knew there was something strange, I don’t know.” Yumi starts narrating her past.

                        The class room was full of kids, the boys wearing their standard blue uniform, and the girls wearing the standard sailor suits, white shirts and blue skirts. The young female teacher from Xordania had curly dirty blonde hair, she wore a long sleeved white shirt and a long black shirt, the teacher asked the little boy. “Why don’t you tell everyone from the class your name?”

            “Shinsuke Mura…” He said shyly.

            “Nice name, but how about we call you Shin for short.” The teacher suggested.

            “Okay Ms. Stevens.” Shin timidly said.

            “You may sit down in front of Miss Schneider, the blonde girl over there in the corner, behind Nagasaki, the girl with the cat ear ornament on her head.” Ms. Stevens said pointing out towards the girls.

                        Shin walked towards his assigned seat, all the children stared at him like if he was from another planet, when he looked at Kazumi she was smiling very warmly at him, but when he looked at Yumi she was glaring at him very angrily, he sat down nervously, as he did, the girl in front, Kazumi turned back and said. “Don’t worry; you’ll be fine, hehehe.”

                        Shin looked at her and lost a little of his shyness.

            “I guess…” Shin shrugged his shoulders.

            “Hehehe.” Kazumi giggled.

                        Little Shin didn’t look back afraid Yumi might say something horrible, class finished after a while, Shin walked outside the classroom, as he did, Kazumi got close to him and asked. “Don’t you have any friends?”

            “No…” Shin shook his head.

            “I’ll be your friend then! Hehehe.” Kazumi smiled at him warmly once again.

                        Shin blushed and nodded. Kazumi grabbed his hand started walking with him, but suddenly Yumi appeared behind them and asked furiously. “Do you think you can take my friend away?!”

            “Huh?” Shin looked back.

                        Yumi grabbed him by the shirt and punched him in the face, Shin fell on the floor, Yumi then started kicking him, but Kazumi got in her way.

            “Leave him alone Yumi!” Kazumi shouted.

            “Don’t you see he’s trying to break our friendship?!” Yumi yelled.

            “No he’s not!” Kazumi shouted.

            “Get out of my way!”             Yumi pushed Kazumi to the side and kept kicking Shin; Ms. Stevens walked out of the room and stopped Yumi. “Why are you hitting him missy?”

            “Because!” Yumi yelled angrily.

            “Because what?” Ms. Stevens asked.

            “Because!!” Yumi yelled even louder.

            “You’re going to the principal’s office right now!” Ms. Stevens said.

            “I don’t care!” Yumi shouted.

                        Ms. Stevens took Yumi to the principal’s office just like she said, Kazumi went to help Shin, and she took him to the nurse’s office.

            “Are you alright?” Kazumi asked.

            “Yeah…” Shin nodded.

            “I’m sorry, she’s always been like that, she has anger issues, and she gets angry by the smallest insignificant things.” Kazumi tried to excuse Yumi.

            “Is she crazy?” Shin questioned.

            “No… She’s just special.” Kazumi replied.

            “What happened to her?” Shin asked.

            “She’s been suspended for a week.” Kazumi answered.

            “I’m sorry.” Shin lowered his head.

            “It’s not your fault silly, hehe.” Kazumi giggled.

            “Yeah, hehe.” Shin smiled.

            “Yeah, that’s it, smile.” Kazumi said.

                        The same day, after school, Shin was walking out of the building, Kazumi hastily ran after him.

            “Shin!” Kazumi called from afar.

                        Shin turned around; he smiled as he saw Kazumi. “Kazumi!”

            “Hey, I wanted to invite you over to my house so we can play.” Kazumi said.

            “I have to ask my mom first.” Shin said.

            “Kay, let’s go ask her, she’s going to pick you up right?” Kazumi asked.

            “Yeah, she’ll be here any minute.” Shin nodded.

                        After a few minutes the cars of parents began to show up, the kids were getting on the cars, after a few more minutes a nineteen ninety four Toyota Corolla stopped, a very young woman about eighteen years old got out of the car waving at Shin.

            “There she is! Mommy!” Shin waved at her.

            “That’s your mom?” Kazumi asked very shocked.

            “Yeah!” Shin ran at her and hugged her, Kazumi followed and asked. “Are you really Shin’s mom?”

            “Why yes, I am, my name is Lilly by the way.” She replied.

            “I’m Kazumi.” Kazumi smiled.

            “Are your parents going to pick you up?” Lilly asked.

            “I normally walk to my house.” Kazumi responded.

            “Oh, then in that case, I’ll give you a lift.” Lilly said.

            “Thanks!” Kazumi said excited.

                        They got in the car, and on their way Lilly turned on the radio, Zombie of the band the Cranberries was playing at the moment, they then had a small conversation.

            “Mommy.” Shin said looking up to Lilly.

            “Yes?” Lilly asked without taking off her eyes off the road.
            “Can I go to Kazumi’s house to play?” Shin asked.

            “Now, now, don’t be hasty; I have to ask Kazumi’s parents first.” Lilly said.

            “Okay…” Shin nodded.

            “Miss Lilly.” Kazumi called.

            “Yes?” Lilly asked.

            “How come you’re so young?” Kazumi  asked curiously.

            “Hmm… well, let’s not talk about this shall we, it’s private, do you understand?” Lilly asked.

            “Yeah.” Kazumi nodded.

            “Where do you live exactly?” Lilly asked.

            “I live next to the Aoi Kaze restaurant.” Kazumi responded.

            “I know where it is.” Lilly said.

                        Lilly kept driving until she reached the restaurant.

            “Let’s go into the restaurant, my mom is there.” Kazumi said.

                        They all got off the car and walked inside the restaurant; Kazumi’s mother was the waitress and saw Kazumi accompanied by Lilly.

            “Kazumi dear, who are these people?” Mrs. Lira asked grabbing Kazumi’s hand.

            “This is my friend Shin and his mother, Lilly, they brought me here.” Kazumi answered.

            “Is that so? You look rather young to have a son that age Miss Lilly.” Mrs. Lira remarked.

            “I get that a lot.” Lilly said.

            “Thank you for dropping my daughter home.” Mrs. Lira bowed.

            “It’s alright, my son here actually wanted to stay a little while here and play with your daughter, you see, besides your daughter he doesn’t have friends at all.” Lilly explained.

            “Why of course he can stay.” Mrs. Lira said and smiled at Shin.

                        Shin and Kazumi ran outside and went inside the house next to the restaurant, they ran upstairs to the second floor; Mrs. Lira noticed Lilly was uneasy looking around the restaurant.

            “Something wrong?” Mrs. Lira asked.

            “No, actually, I work at burger prince, the drive through mostly.” Lilly said.

            “Must be tough.” Mrs. Lira said.

            “It’s not tough, but I wonder why people insist of yelling on the drive through, I mean, I have a little head set for the love of God.” Lilly sighed.

            “Hahaha.” Mrs. Lira giggled.

            “Yeah, I’m like I’m welcome to burger prince may I take your order? And then someone that sounds like a bear comes out yelling like crazy, and I’m like sir, but the person just keeps yelling mad crazy.” Lilly said.

            “Haha, and what do you do?” Mrs. Lira asked.

            “I’m like, excuse me chubaca, uhh… I’m bleeding from the ears here, let’s calm down, we’re dealing with food here, not missiles governor, now drive around!” Lilly replied.

            “Hahaha, you’re so funny Lilly.” Mrs. Lira said as she wiped the tears off her eyes.

            “My older brother is the one that got me the job too, I thought it would be cool you know, because he’s my brother, but let me tell you, he’s a dick, he actually thinks he’s the burger prince you know what I’m saying?” Lilly said.

            “Hahaha, oh my God, are you planning on killing me with those jokes?” Mrs. Lira asked.

            “I wish they were jokes, hehe, although I admit I got all that from a Dane Cook stand-up.” Lilly smiled.

            “Tell me about your brother a little.” Mrs. Lira said.

            “My brother? God… he’s arrogant, cocky, perverted, smart a*s, outspoken, laidback and impulsive, but despite that Shin loves him so much.” Lilly said.

            “What’s your brother’s name?” Mrs. Lira asked.

            “Lloyd.” Lilly answered.

            “Nice name.” Mrs. Lira smiled.

            “Yeah, he’s really something.” Lilly shook her head.

            “Why don’t you and Lloyd come to eat later on? We’re having a nice dinner today.” Mrs. Lira said.

            “Sure, why not, I’ll be back in a while.” Lilly nodded.

            “Alright, then see you in a while.” Mrs. Lira said.

                        Lilly left, meanwhile, Shin was in Kazumi’s room watching TV and playing monopoly at the same time.

            “Now I got all these houses and you only have three.” Kazumi said.

            “Yeah, but I like to watch TV better.” Shin stated.

            “Hmm…” Kazumi looked at the television.

            “George Lopez’s stand-up is on, I’m not gonna miss that for anything!” Shin said thrilled.

            “Haha, okay.” Kazumi giggled.

                        Mrs. Lira abruptly opened Kazumi’s door and said. “Kazumi, Yumi’s here.”

            “Okay.” Kazumi said.

            “Yumi?” Shin asked worried.

            “She comes here every day, don’t worry, she won’t do anything to you here, I won’t let her.” Kazumi said.

            “Okay…” Shin turned his attention back to the television.

                        Yumi suddenly entered Kazumi’s room glaring at Shin and sat down on Kazumi’s bed.

            “Come on Yumi, let’s play!” Kazumi said.

            “No thank you.” Yumi crossed her arms.

            “Don’t be like that.” Kazumi said mad.

            “……” Yumi looked away.

                        There was a deep silence in the room, after a few hours Lilly accompanied by a tall handsome man with shoulder long black hair and black eyes arrived.

            “Lloyd, please don’t say the inappropriate things you always say.” Lilly said before going in.

            “It’s my mouth.” Lloyd said with a smirk.

            “But it’s their house.” Lilly said.

            “Damn, any cute chicks?” Lloyd asked.

            “If you like eight year olds then help yourself.” Lilly grinned.

            “I’ll pass.” Lloyd sighed.

                        They went inside the house; Mr. Trace greeted them with Mrs. Lira.

            “You must be the burger prince, hehe.” Mrs. Lira commented.

                        Lloyd looked at Lilly with his eyebrow raised and asked. “Is there something I don’t know?”

            “Yeah, I told her you thought you were the burger prince since you like to order people around very strictly, especially your own little sister.” Lilly said.

            “Hey! I’m the manager you know! There’s no special treatment for anyone.” Lloyd said proudly.

            “Haha, taking your work seriously, that’s good.” Mr. Trace said.

            “This is Lloyd, Lloyd; this is Mrs. Lira and Mr. Trace.” Lilly said.

            “What’s up?” Lloyd asked casually.

            “Let’s go eat; we don’t want the food to get cold.” Mr. Trace said.

            “Hmm… I hope there are no burgers; I’m tired of them already.” Lloyd stated.

            “Don’t worry, we have something else.” Mrs. Lira smiled.

                        They all went to the dining room and sat down on the table, there was rice, soup, roasted duck and vegetables.

            “Looks tasty.” Lloyd said very excited.

            “Kazumi! Come here with your friends, dinner is ready.” Mr. Trace yelled.

                        Kazumi, Shin and Yumi came to the dining room and sat down on the chairs.

            “Uncle Lloyd!” Shin said surprised.

            “Hey there little guy, missed me?” Lloyd asked with a smirk.

            “Yeah!” Shin nodded.

            “Hey, what are those small bruises you got on your face?” Lloyd asked.

            “Umm…” Shin didn’t know what to say.

            “I beat him at school.” Yumi said boldly.

                        Everyone widened their eyes as to Yumi’s bold statement.

            “Why would you hit my boy?” Lilly asked.

            “Because he’s taking Kazumi away from me!” Yumi said angrily.

            “He is not! You just hit him because you wanted to!” Kazumi said mad.

            “So what, he looks like a girl!” Yumi said annoyed.

            “I think I know what’s going on, what’s your name?” Lloyd asked.

            “Yumi.” She replied.

            “You know what, I think you hit him because you like him.” Lloyd said with a grin.

                        Yumi blushed and shouted. “What!? No! Never!”

                        Shin blushed as well and said. “Uncle Lloyd!”

            “Tell you what, if you hit him again, you’re just proving my point that you do like him.” Lloyd said.

            “Fine! I won’t hit him then!” Yumi said annoyed.

                        Lilly smiled at Lloyd and he winked at her.

            “So I guess you’ve noticed the originality with names our parents gave us, I mean, both our names start with ‘L’.” Lloyd remarked.

            “Mines as well, hehe.” Mrs. Lira said.

            “Any girlfriends Lloyd?” Mr. Trace asked.

            “He has plenty around, believe me, every week he has a new one.” Lilly stated.

            “Haha.” Mr. Trace laughs.

            “What about you Lilly?” Mrs. Lira asked.

            “I don’t need any more men in my life; Lloyd has been enough trouble as it is.” Lilly replied.

            “Yes well, but you will have to someday marry someone and have children.” Mr. Trace said.

            “She’s never been the boyfriend having kinda girl.” Lloyd stated.

            “It’s easier when you’re alone, boyfriends only bring trouble, and I already have a kid anyways.” Lilly explained.

            “Tell me Lilly, how do you support yourself and your boy being only eighteen years old?” Mrs. Lira questioned.

            “My parents pay the rent of my apartment until I get a little more independent; I always wanted to be independent, so my parents helped me out.” Lilly answered.

            “You go to church Lloyd?” Mr. Trace asked.

            “Yeah, I grew up catholic, you know how it is, every Sunday my dad made us get to go to mass and we had to get up at what? Quarter five in the morning.” Lloyd smirked. “You know, because we wanted good seats, hehehe.”

            “Hahaha, I swear I saw that in a stand-up comedy once.” Mr. Trace said.

            “After we arrived at church we had to like shake everyone hands around us, that was annoying.” Lloyd added.

            “And you know what Lloyd used to do? He used to look around for the people’s hands he wasn’t gonna shake. This was church and Lloyd was like ‘No, f**k that guy’.” Lilly said.

            “Haha!” Shin laughed.

            “Hahahaha, you’re both so funny, but I remember now, those are some Dane Cook jokes.” Mrs. Lira said.

                        Four years passed, Shin, Kazumi and Yumi were twelve years old, and in school they were taking class together once again, they got out of the school.

            “Shin!” Kazumi called.

            “Hey, what’s up?” Shin asked.

            “Not much.” Kazumi replied.

                        Yumi appeared out of nowhere accompanied by two other boys.

            “Hey loser, you still hanging with Kazumi after I told you not to?” Yumi asked.

            “Leave him alone Yumi, it’s been four years and you still hate Shin.” Kazumi said mad.

            “Shut up! He’s been interfering for four years.” Yumi said.

            “And in those four years you’ve been bullying him with your two friends, you know you haven’t been able to beat him since he was nine.” Kazumi stated.

            “So he took some karate lessons or something, so what? Numbers always win in the end! Get him boys.” Yumi ordered.

                        Both the kids charged at Shin, Shin swiftly evaded and kicked both of them, leaving them on the floor.

            “Come one Yumi, stop this already.” Shin said.

            “I’ve had it with you!” Yumi charged at Shin, but she suddenly heard a man shouting. “Yumi! This is the last time I tell you to stop with the violence!”

            “Dad?” Yumi looked around for her father.

                        Mr. Schneider was around the corner talking with a teacher when he saw Yumi.

            “Remember what I said about if you do this again?” Mr. Schneider asked.

            “No dad! I don’t wanna go there!” Yumi shouted.

            “Ja du bist!” Mr. Schneider said in Vakidoren.

            “Nein!” Yumi shouted in Vakidoren.

                        Mr. Schneider took her by her hand and left.

            “What happened?” Shin asked.

            “Her dad told her that if she kept on doing these kinds of things he would send her to a military school.” Kazumi explained.

            “She has to learn to stop somehow.” Shin remarked.

            “I guess you’re right, but she’s still my friend.” Kazumi said sad.

            “It’s time to go.” Shin said.

            “Yeah.” Kazumi nodded.

                        Kazumi and Shin left the school walking, after a while walking they decided to stop at burger prince. They ordered at the counter and Lloyd appeared. “Hey buddy.”

            “Uncle Lloyd!” Shin said.

            “Hi Lloyd.” Kazumi waved her hand.

            “You came to have lunch?” Lloyd asked.

            “Yeah.” Shin nodded.

            “Good, I came to eat here too, the dollar menu and such.” Lloyd said.

            “I thought you were tired of burgers.” Kazumi commented.

            “Hey, the economy is bad, and the food here is cheap, what choice have I got?” Lloyd asked.

            “Ah well… So you’re not working today?” Kazumi asked.

            “Nope, I’m off.” Lloyd replied.

            “What about mom?” Shin asked.

            “She’s in the drive through with her headset.” Lloyd answered.

                        They all ordered and sat down.

            “So what’s new?” Lloyd asked.

            “Yumi was sent to military school by her dad for being a bully in school.” Shin explained.

            “Oh, your girlfriend.” Lloyd said as he took a bite off his burger.

                        Shin blushed. “She is not!”

            “Haha.” Kazumi giggled.

            “Hey, hey, don’t be like that dude; you gotta get some girlfriends from time to time.” Lloyd said as he took a nugget and dipped it in barbecue sauce and ate it, then took a sip from his soda.

            “A girlfriend…” Shin said to himself.

            “Yeah, girls are great, especially when you lift their skirts, hehe.” Lloyd whispered to Shin.

            “Hey! I’m a girl, don’t talk like that!” Kazumi said.

            “I’m sorry Kazumi; it’s just a small man chat.” Lloyd said with a smile.

            “Hmm…” Kazumi sighed.

            “Say, Kaz, do you like Shin?” Lloyd asked.

            “Huh?” Kazumi blushed. “No, he’s my friend!”

            “Yeah, me and Kazumi are just friends.” Shin said.

            “Kazumi and I.” Lloyd corrected. “Sorry Kaz, I was just making sure.”

            “It’s okay.” Kazumi said.

            “As I was saying, you gotta be more like me if you wanna get things done.” Lloyd stated.

            “Yeah, I wanna be like you!” Shin said.

            “That’s the spirit!” Lloyd smiled.

            “Can I call myself Lloyd too?” Shin asked.

            “Uhh, I didn’t mean it like that.” Lloyd said.

                        Kazumi looked at her watch and said. “Shin, we have to get to school, we’re late.”

            “Yeah, go on, you don’t wanna be late, be careful on the road will ya.” Lloyd said.

            “Yeah!” Shin nodded.

                        Kazumi and Lloyd finished eating while Lloyd went outside to get some fresh air; Lilly suddenly came out through the back door with a bag of trash.

            “Whoa, need help with that sis?” Lloyd asked.

            “Sure.” Lilly nodded.

                        Lloyd threw out the bag in the trash can.

            “Thanks.” Lilly smiled.

            “You know that Shin and Kazumi are here?” Lloyd asked.

            “No, I didn’t, I work in the back you know, you were the one that placed me there.” Lilly answered.

            “Yeah.” Lloyd chuckled.

                        Lilly spotted Shin and Kazumi about to cross the street.

            “Look, there they are!” Lilly pointed at them.

            “Haha, yeah, those kids, they’re great.” Lloyd looked towards them.
            “I know.” Lilly smiled.

                        Lloyd was smiling until he noticed at the far right a big truck coming very fast.

            “Oh my God! Lilly look!” Lloyd shouted.

                        Lilly yelled from afar. “Huh? Shin! Kazumi! Watch out!”

            “There’s no time!” Lloyd ran as fast as he could, Kazumi and Shin didn’t even notice the truck. As soon as the truck was closer they both look at the truck unable to move in shock, as the truck was about to hit them Lloyd pushed them out of the way and was hit very hard.

            “Lloyd noooo!” Lilly yelled and rushed at Lloyd who was lying on the road badly injured, after a few minutes the ambulance arrived and took Lloyd to the hospital, Kazumi, Shin, Lilly, Mr. Trace and Mrs. Lira were outside waiting for the doctor to appear. Lilly was very worried, there was a deep silence until the doctor appeared and said. “Miss Lilly, I’m sorry to say that your brother’s organs were mostly crushed and he might live only for a few more hours… maybe even less.”

                        Lilly burst in tears, bowing her head crying.

            “Can I see him?” Lilly asked.

            “Please, he’s calling out your name.” The doctor said.

            “Come on Shin.” Lilly took Shin by the hand and went into Lloyd’s room; he was very injured and pale.

            “Lilly…” Lloyd said.

                        Lilly grabbed his hand and asked. “Yes?”

            “Hehehe, is Kazumi and Shin safe?” Lloyd asked.

            “Yes…” Lilly replied.

            “I’m glad…” Lloyd smiled.

                        A moment of silence fell in the room.

            “Lilly, my bank account, I made the arrangements with my lawyer a few years back that if something happened to me, you and Shin would keep the money and everything I have in my apartment.” Lloyd said.

            “Lloyd…” Lilly said as she squeezed his hand.

            “It’s alright Lilly… Be strong, I’ll be in a better place.” Lloyd said.

            “Let me call mom and dad, they don’t know yet.” Lilly said.

            “Don’t bother; I don’t have much time left…” Lloyd shook his head.

            “I don’t want you to go…” Lilly said.

            “I’m sorry…” Lloyd said.

            “I love you with all my heart bro.” Lilly said.

            “Hehehe, I love you too Lilly, but you should say that to a boyfriend rather than me.” Lloyd grinned.

            “Haha…” Lilly slightly smiled.

            “Shin, come here.” Lloyd said.

                        Shin stood next to Lloyd.

            “Remember our conversation about girls?” Lloyd asked.

            “Yeah?” Shin said.

            “Yumi likes you, but she doesn’t admit it… The only way she knows how to express her feeling towards you is hitting you, trying to get your attention no matter what, for you to acknowledge her.” Lloyd explained.

            “What are you saying?” Shin asked.

            “Haha, you’ll understand when you’re older, but don’t let that girl slip your hands, she’s going to be a great gal.” Lloyd said.

            “Okay… I won’t…” Shin said.

            “Remember that you asked me if you could use my name too?” Lloyd asked.

            “Yeah?” Shin said.

            “Use it, now you’re going to be the new and improved Lloyd. With that name, you’ll always remember me.” Lloyd said.

            “Huh?” Shin started crying.

            “Don’t cry Shin, I’ll always be with you and Lilly in here.” Lloyd touched Shin’s heart.

            “I love both you… and remember what I said, hehehe.” Lloyd closed his eyes and exhaled, the machine suddenly started beeping loudly. Lilly yelled his name and started crying and hugging Lloyd’s dead body. Suddenly, the nurses and doctors went in and tried to save him, Lilly and Shin were taken outside the room. After a few minutes the doctor came out of the room and said. “I’m sorry Miss, but we lost him…”

                        Lilly kept crying and crying nonstop, Mr. Trace and Mrs. Lira took Lilly and Shin back to their apartment. Lilly was still crying, Mr. Trace and Mrs. Lira stayed a while comforting Lilly.

            “Are you okay Shin?” Kazumi asked.

            “Not Shin…” He said.

            “Huh?” Kazumi looked at him confused.

            “Call me Lloyd… He gave me his name.” He said.

            “I’m sorry Lloyd…” Kazumi said.

                        After this, two years had passed by in a blink of an eye, Yumi had grown much since then and entered school once again, it was the first day of school, and she was looking for Kazumi until she found her in the cafeteria sitting next to a tall handsome boy with long black hair styled in bangs.

            “I wonder who that is. Her boyfriend? Looks like she hit the jackpot in this school.” Yumi thought, she walked towards Kazumi and said. “Yo Kazumi.”

                        Kazumi looked up and stood up swiftly then hugged Yumi. “Yumi!”

            “Hehe, so, who’s your boyfriend?” Yumi asked.

            “Huh? This isn’t my boyfriend, it’s Lloyd.” Kazumi replied.

            “Lloyd?” Yumi asked confused.

                        Lloyd stood up with a cocky smirk and said. “Hey Yumi, been long, you’ve got so freaking hot since the last time I saw you.”

            “Huh?” Yumi looked at Lloyd from top to bottom and vice versa, she widened her eyes in shock and asked in disbelief. “Shin?”

            “Not anymore.” Lloyd grinned.

            “I can tell! You’ve got so…” Yumi cut herself off.

            “Hot, go on, say it.” Lloyd smirked.

            “Arrogant.” Yumi looked at Lloyd with narrow eyes.

            “Hahaha.” Lloyd laughed.

            “I heard about your uncle Lloyd…” Yumi said.

            “…… Yeah…” Lloyd lowered his head.

            “Sorry, anyways, since you’re now Lloyd officially, why don’t we hang around sometime?” Yumi asked.

                        Lloyd widened his eyes in surprise. “Sure, I’ll hold you up to that.”

            “But damn… You don’t look like the girlie loser you were before.” Yumi stated still shocked.

            “Hey!” Lloyd said.

            “Hahaha.” Yumi laughed.

            “You’ve sure changed a lot.” Lloyd commented.

            “You too.” Yumi said.

            “Hahaha.” Lloyd chuckled.

                        They all went their respective ways after this, it was then midday, and Lloyd was walking towards the kendo club.

            “Damn, it should be great if I become the kendo club captain… All the girls, oh yeah.” Lloyd said.

                        As he walked he bumped into Seshiro who was also new in the school.

            “I’m sorry.” Seshiro said.

            “Hey watch it dumbass!” Lloyd said annoyed.

            “I don’t want any problems.” Seshiro said calmly.

            “If you don’t then watch where you step.” Lloyd said still annoyed.

            “Hey! Don’t talk to me like that!” Seshiro said.

            “I talk however I want punk!” Lloyd said.

            “Tch, you’re the punk around here!” Seshiro stated.

            “Now it’s on!” Lloyd said as he snapped his knuckles.

            “If you want to fight, then how about we do this in a more civilized matter.” Seshiro said.

            “The kendo club?” Lloyd asked.

            “Exactly.” Seshiro nodded.

                        Both Lloyd and Seshiro walked towards the basketball court where the kendo club was, Lloyd took a boken and Seshiro did as well.

            “Hey! You can’t take those!” A kendo student said.

            “Shut it.” Lloyd said as he readied himself.

            “You’re going to regret this.” Seshiro said readying himself as well.

                        They both charged at each other, attacking, evading and countering their attacks and they both stepped back amazed at each other.

            “Huh?” Seshiro stared at Lloyd amazed.

            “You can fight too?” Lloyd asked surprised.

            “Unbelievable, I thought I was the only fighter around here.” Seshiro said.

            “Me too…” Lloyd said.

                        They once again charged at each other having the same results and backing off.

            “What kind of style do you use?” Seshiro asked.

            “I have a few, but right now I’m using the kamikaze style.” Lloyd replied.

            “Never heard of it.” Seshiro charged in, Lloyd made a back flip and rushed in, they both clashed bokens at the same time.

            “We’re clearly tied, we should stop.” Seshiro remarked.

            “You’re right.” Lloyd nodded.

                        They both let go of their bokens, all of a sudden a lot of kendo students ran towards Seshiro and Lloyd.

            “You guys gotta join! You guys might become captains with those skills!” One of the kendo students said very thrilled.

            “I’m not interested.” Seshiro said.

            “I’ll join.” Lloyd smirked.

            “Sweet! What’s your names?” Another kendo student asked.

            “Lloyd.” He grinned.

            “Seshiro.” He nodded.

                        After this strange encounter, Lloyd and Seshiro began to hang out around school; Yumi appeared out of the blue and said. “I saw your match from the second floor, not bad.”

            “Not bad? What? You can do better?” Lloyd asked sarcastically.

            “You might be surprised.” Yumi winked.

            “Haha.” Seshiro laughed.

            “You joined a club yet?” Yumi asked.

            “Yeah. The kendo club.” Lloyd responded.

            “I already joined the track team.” Seshiro said.

            “You?” Lloyd asked.

            “Not exactly a club, but the student council, I’m gonna work my way up.” Yumi replied.

            “So soon?” Lloyd asked.

            “Yep.” Yumi nodded.

            “What about Kazumi?” Lloyd asked.

            “I dunno.” Yumi shrugged her shoulders.

                        Back to the present.

            “But the point of this story is that after all the time we’ve spent together, he-” Yumi cuts herself off by the ships wild moves interrupting her sentence.

            “What the?” Salen ask.

            “I don’t know.” Yumi says holding herself from the wall.

            “And what did this Lloyd did to you exactly?” Salen asks.

            “Well, after all out journeys together with everyone he betrayed us; he left with some strangers, and that was after he said he was really a demon…” Yumi explains.

            “So he’s a demon huh… Who would’ve guessed? He seemed pretty normal in your past, weird.” Salen comments.
            “……” Yumi looks away.

                        The ship keeps moving even more violently due to the raging waters of the ocean.

            “We should go check what’s going on; I’ll finish the story some other day.” Yumi says.

            “Yeah.” Salen nods.

                        Yumi and Salen go outside, it’s raining like crazy, and the captain was still having trouble keeping the ship in the right direction.

            “You should stay in your room for your own safety.” Rick says struggling with the wheel.

            “Are we going to be okay?” Yumi asks.

            “Yes, but I’ll have to change the route and head for the nearest dock until the storm ceases.” Rick answers.

            “Which dock is that?” Yumi asks.

            “Rich Port, the island of enchantment like it’s called by some.” Rick responds.

            “After the storm we’ll head to where I want to go right?” Yumi asks.

            “Rest assured.” Rick nods.

                        Yumi and Salen go back in, they go to sleep. Meanwhile Jony Chronic speaks with Rupert.

            “The preparations are ready.” Rupert says.

            “We have various elements at our disposal to form the beast.” Jony Chronic says.

            “Yes, but we’re missing some.” Rupert says.

            “You can start now and add them after we find them right?” Jony Chronic asks.

            “Yes, I’ll begin now.” Rupert says.

            “Master Rupert, why did you not start when you got the box?” Jaye asks.

            “You see, it took me this long to actually unlock the seal on this box.” Rupert opens the box and takes out a necklace of beads.

            “Beads?” Jaye asks.

            “Yes, each bead can hold one element, there are six in total, we need all six to make the beast powerful enough to fight against Krade while you, the Last Union finish him off.” Rupert explains.

            “So the beast and Krade can cancel each other out while we kill him?” Jaye asks.

            “Exactly.” Rupert nods.

            “We have fire, lightning, and ice at our disposal.” Jony Chronic says.

            “We’re missing wind, earth and water.” Rupert states.

            “Onassis has the water element, the Rosenberg family of Quadimor controls earth, now wind is the trickiest.” Jaye says.

            “Hmm… Let me take care of that, I’ll find a wind user somehow.” Rupert says.

            “What about if I revive someone with those three powers left?” Jony Chronic asks.

            “We can do that, but unfortunately we don’t have the ashes of none of those warriors.” Rupert explains.

            “For now, make the beast with the first three elements we have.” Jony Chronic orders.

                        Rupert holds the beads up with his hand. “Kraven, Jaye, Coral, step in front of me and use your powers.”

                        They all do as Rupert instructs, suddenly three beads glow, each absorbing one of the elements.

            “Where’s the beast?” Jony Chronic questions.

            “We need the other three to be able to summon it.” Rupert says.

            “Hmm.” Jony Chronic begins to think.

                        As this takes place, Yumi and Salen wake up, they notice the ship is immobile and it isn’t raining outside, it’s rather sunny actually. Yumi and Salen get out of the cabin and outside to the deck, they notice they are in a humongous island, there is a big city.

            “Whoa? Is this Rich Port?” Yumi asks.

                        Kirisu appears out of nowhere and says. “Yep.”

            “The island of enchantment… I sure wonder about that.” Salen comments.

            “Yeah, makes you wonder, but some people erroneously call it island of wonders.” Kirisu states.

            “Speaking about wonder, I sense uneasiness around you.” Salen says.

            “I’m fine.” Kirisu says.

                        Kazumi appears behind Kirisu and asks. “Should we go sightsee?”

            “You guys go, I’ll stay.” Kirisu says.

            “That won’t do, you should all get off, because this ship is going to be under maintenance for a few hours.” Rick says.

            “Oh… okay.” Kirisu says disappointed.

            “So why don’t you look around Saint John?” Rick asks.

            “Saint John?” Kazumi asks.

            “That’s the name of the capital in Xordanian, but in Rich Port Rican, it’s San Juan.” Kirisu remarks.

                        The party exits the ship and walks in the city.

            “Is there a mall around here somewhere?” Yumi asks.

            “Yeah, the Xordanian plaza.” Kirisu says.

            “Right, me and Salen will go there now, talk to you later.” Yumi says.

            “Let’s go Kirisu.” Kazumi smiles.

            “Nah, I’ll wait here until the ship maintenance finishes, then I’ll call you when it’s done, you go and have fun with Yumi.” Kirisu says as he sits down on a barrel.

            “……okay.” Kazumi says in a low tone.

                        Kazumi leaves, Kirisu waits for about five minutes to leave the dock and into the city, Kirisu goes into a park after buying some flowers in a flower shop, in the park he walks towards an area with hardly any people around, he then places the flowers on the ground in front of a small stone.

            “It’s been long Pochi, I’m sorry for not coming to see you sooner.” Kirisu says. “En verdad he estado bien ocupado, hasta tengo una novia ahora, y en verdad la amo mucho, sé que te hubiera caído muy bien.”

                        Little did Kirisu know that Kazumi and Faye are at a distance following Kirisu.

            “Huh? Why’d he place flowers there? Did someone die there?” Faye asks.

            “I dunno, he did tell me a long time ago he was from Rich Port.” Kazumi answers.

            “Look, he’s leaving, let’s follow him.” Faye says.

                        Kirisu walks out of the park and into the city, there he walks until he spots a restaurant and goes in. He sits down for a minute, and then noticing a lot of photographs on the wall next to the counter, he stands up and begins observing the pictures, one of the pictures catches his eye, and it is of two couples. One of the couple’s husbands look exactly like Kirisu; only he had a more of the time hair style.

            “Papi… Mami…” Kirisu says.

                        As the thinks to himself, the man in the picture accompanying what seems like Kirisu’s parents looks at Kirisu from a few feet away. “Huh? Is that-!?” The man approaches Kirisu and looks at him. “Coño eres tu!”

            “Huh?” Kirisu looks back.

            “My wife and I have been looking for you!”

            “You were my parent’s friend’s right?” Kirisu asks. “Este, Sebastián verdad?”

            “Si, dear, come out, you won’t believe who’s here!” Sebastian asks.

                        Sebastian’s wife comes out and looks at Kirisu.

            “Dios mio! Kirisu!” She says very surprised.

            “Tú te llamas Diana o me equivoco?” Kirisu asks.

            “Si, nosotros te buscamos!” Diana says.

            “You were looking for me?” Kirisu asks.

            “Yes, you disappeared after what happened to your parents, we’ve been looking for you since then with no luck.” Diana answers.

            “And now you appear before us!” Sebastian says.

            “Sit down; tell us, what happened with you and your parents that night exactly?” Diana questions.

                        They all sit down on a table.

            “Well… It was night, these men busted in and killed my parents taking all the jewelry and cash, they noticed I was hidden in the closet, after they pointed a gun at me I fell unconscious, when I woke up again, they were all dead.” Kirisu explains.

                        As Kirisu explains he has small flashbacks in his mind remembering this.

            “That’s terrible…” Sebastian says in a sad tone.

            “I don’t remember anything besides that.” Kirisu says.

            “What about after that? You disappeared.” Sebastian asks.

            “I ran outside very scared, I lived in the streets for weeks until I met a woman that adopted me.” Kirisu answers.

            “Que bueno…” Sebastian says.

            “Si.” Kirisu nods.

            “Kirisu, we’re really sorry we couldn’t find you, we looked very hard with the police, but we never found you.” Diana says. “Sabes que aquí la policía son bien inútiles, así es Puerto Rico.”

            “It’s alright, don’t worry.” Kirisu says.

            “I can’t believe it, you look just like your father.” Sebastian comments.

            “I could tell by the picture.” Kirisu says.

            “If you need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask us.” Diana says.

            “Don’t worry, I’m fine…” Kirisu looks at the time. “It’s late, I have to go, I’ll come visit from time to time.”

            “No te vas a quedar para comer un buen plato de arroz con habichuela y chuletas fritas?”

            “No, en verdad no puedo ahora, me gustaría mucho, pero gracias.” Kirisu says.

            “Pues está bien, cuidate mucho por ahí, sabes como son la gente aquí, especialmente en la área metro.” Sebastian says.

            “Dios te bendiga.” Diana says.

            “Gracias de nuevo, adiós.” Kirisu walks outside, he stops for a moment and says. “You can come out now; I knew you were following me.”

            “I’m sorry…” Kazumi says.

            “It’s okay, I should’ve brought you along, I’m so selfish.” Kirisu states.

            “It’s okay, I understand.” Kazumi shakes her head.

            “Those people were friends of my parents; I told them what happened the night my parents were killed.” Kirisu explains.

            “I’m sorry.” Kazumi says.

            “You should know too, that night after they were killed, I was hiding, and they found me, they were going to kill me, but I blanked out, when I woke up they were all dead, a massacre, I was covered in a pool of blood.” Kirisu explains.

            “Oh my God!” Kazumi covers her mouth with widened eyes.

            “I ran outside very scared, I found an abandoned dog, I named him Pochi, he was my only and best friend at the time, I wandered the streets with him suffering from hunger, sleeping under the cold rain.” Kirisu further explains.

            “And what happened?” Kazumi asks.

            “After two weeks or so, a gang appeared, I’m not sure what they wanted me for exactly, but they started to beat me up, Pochi came in my defense, but they killed him, as soon as they killed my poor Pochi I fell unconscious again, as soon as I woke up, the same thing happened… I was covered in a pool of blood; every one of the gang was dead.” Kirisu adds.

            “What could have happened? It happened twice whatever it was, maybe a guardian angel.” Kazumi comments.

            “……” Kirisu lowers his head.

                        Nothing is said for a few seconds.

            “We should head back to the ship.” Kazumi suggests.
            “Yeah, you’re right.” Kirisu nods.

            “Let’s go.” Kazumi says.

                        The party leaves back to the docks, Yumi and Salen are sitting down on some crates.

            “You’re finally here, the ships purring like a cat.” Rick states.

            “Oh really now?” Salen asks with a smile.

            “Huh? Did you say something?” Rick asks Yumi.

            “Don’t mind me.” Yumi shakes her head.

            “Alright, hop aboard, next stop, Nilamis.” Rick says.

                        The party gets on the ship; it sets sail to the west towards their original destination.

© 2013 Shin

My Review

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very good written chap, again love the languages and how you put spanish as well, yumi past with lloyd was awesome, now we know why he is like he is, and i agree wtih his uncle she likes shin since a early age lol poor uncle lloyd he was awesome, sad to see him go, hope to continue reading man

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin