Chapter 39: Asraelian Nights

Chapter 39: Asraelian Nights

A Chapter by Shin

                        As Seshiro and Hisana trains in Gen-Exis, Zero and Luna keeps looking for Zelcius in other cities, but ends up in Asrael. They are traveling dressed in robes much like Asraelians.

            “I hate the sun! What the hell are we searching for in this God forsaken place anyways? There possibly can’t be a Gen-Exis base here…” Luna rants.

            “You might be surprised, there are a few bases scattered in this region, I’m not exactly looking for a base, but I’m just following his scent.” Zero says.

            “Ugh… I’m so damn thirsty!” Luna keeps on ranting.

            “You should’ve brought you lackeys princess.” Zero says with a slight grin.

            “Cut that out will ya, it’s getting boring.” Luna says rolling her eyes.

            “Still irritates you to no end no matter how boring it gets.” Zero states.

            “There’s no talking with you is there?” Luna asks annoyed.

            “No, so less talking and more walking.” Zero says walking ahead.

            “I hate you…” Luna says irritated.

            “Thanks for the complement.” Zero says.

            “……” Luna sighs.

                        They keep walking through the wasteland until Luna starts arguing again. “When is this desert going to end?”

            “This isn’t the desert, that’s the desert.” Zero points out to mountains of sand.

            “Wha! Nooo!” Luna shouts.

            “Heh… Let’s get moving shall we.” Zero says.

            “Oh no… I should’ve stayed at home…” Luna says sighing.

            “You just read my mind.” Zero comments.

            “Well no! I’m helping you and that’s that!” Luna says determined.

                        They start walking through the desert for hours, Luna walks very slowly. A few camel caravans can be seen passing by.

            “Hurry up, even the camel caravans are faster than you are, literally.” Zero remarks.

            “How… can you… walk… with that… leather jacket… on? Aren’t you… dying… under this… sun? It’s… hotter than hot!” Luna says almost unable to talk.

            “Shh… Listen.” Zero says as he stops.

            “What?” Luna asks.

            “Someone’s coming.” Zero replies.

            “Who? How close?” Luna asks.

                        Suddenly some group of men riding camels wielding strange curved swords stop and surround Zero and Luna. They are all dressed in brown and red robes, covering half their faces, they also wear turbans, but the bandit in front of the others has some brown belt straps around his chest and waist.

            “Bandits.” Zero says. “I’m assuming the leader is the one in front.”

            Ha! Glad you noticed, this is going to make things a lot easier.” The bandit leader says with a thick Asraelian accent.

            “Nice necklace you got there!” The bandit on the right says noticing Zero’s amulet.

            “Ohhh, look at that pure gold bracelet she has on her right arm!” The bandit on the left says staring at Luna’s bracelet.

            “It would be in your best interest to hand over those if you want plan on staying alive that is.” The bandit leader comments.

            “Tch…” Zero grinds his teeth.

            “What makes you think that we’re just gonna stand around with our arms crossed waiting for you to mug us?” Luna asks annoyed.

            “We got ourselves a loud-mouthed one.” The bandit behind the leader states.

            “Just give us the amulet and bracelet right now!” The bandit leader says in a high tone.

            “Huh?” Zero looks to another direction noticing something.

            “What?” Luna asks.

            “We better get down right now!” Zero says.

                        Suddenly under the sands a long giant snake silhouette appears circling the party and the bandits, a giant snake pops out hissing, the bandits hastily tap the horses and start running. One of the thieves falls from his horse with a big bag, his turban falling off his head, revealing his whole head, the others abandon him, the snake is about to eat the bandit until Luna transforms her bracelet into a scythe and chops it’s head off with one swing. The snakes head drops on the ground, the young bandit left behind is very scared, the bandit has dark brown curly hair and browns eyes with a slightly trimmed beard; he is very skinny as well. The young bandit is still holding the big bag and he suddenly says by surprise. “What the hell was that big snake?”

                        He as well as all the people in this place has an Asraelian accent when speaking in Xordanian.

            “An offspring of an Echidna, though it was a baby one.” Zero replies.

            “No wonder it was so weak.” Luna remarks.

            “It’s weird, normally, Echidnas and her offspring’s dwell in forests when summoned.” Zero says puzzled.

            “Do you think Zelcius summoned it?” Luna asks.

            “I bet.” Zero nods.

            “Uhhh… Who are you people?” The young bandit asks.

            “It doesn’t matter, anyways, why are you going around mugging people?” Luna asks furiously.

            “Well… you see, I joined recently by force, if I didn’t they would’ve killed my family that lives in the city…” The young bandit explains.

            “Hmm…” Zero stares at him not buying his story.

            “Those b******s!” Luna shouts heatedly.

            “They left all this behind… Though I think I might keep it, hehe.” The young bandit says grabbing his big bag and resting it on his back.

            “What’s that?” Luna questions.

            “Treasure we got from a cave!” The young bandit replies, he then looks at Zero’s eyes and asks. “Why do your eyes look like gold coins?”

            “Funny way of putting it, but I’m-” Zero is cut off by Luna. “He was born special, that’s all.”

            “And why do you have pointy ears and a weird hair color like him?” Arbit asks surprised.

            “Uhh, I’m special too, just like him.” Luna replies.

            “Oh I get it; it must be some strange foreigner thing.” Arbit comments.

            “Yeah… That’s it.” Luna says.

            “What’s your name kiddo?” Zero asks.

            “Arbit.” He answers.

            “Humph.” Luna observes Arbit.

            “Crap! I think the bandits will go to Morrah and kill my family!” Arbit says desperately.

            “Morrah? You mean the city?” Luna asks.

            “Yes! Let’s hurry!” Arbit says rushing ahead.

            “Right.” Luna rushes behind.

                        As they rush ahead, Zero is a little behind and notice something sparkling gold, covered a little in sand.

            “Hmm…” Zero picks it up and it’s a gold coin with what seems like a diamond embedded in the middle. “Must’ve fallen when the bandits fled, I’ll keep it just in case.”

                        They rush towards the city, on their way Zero closes his eyes for an instant and sniffs; he smells people and water a few miles away.

            “There’s a town straight ahead, not more than three miles away.” Zero says.

            “A town! Three miles? Damn!” Luna says sighing and kicking a little bit of sand.

            “That’s Morrah! Let me tell you, after a hard day looting, pillaging and fighting giant snake demons, there’s no greater city than Morrah.” Arbit states.

            “Finally, I can get refreshments!” Luna says with hope in her face.

            “Wanna drink a good cold glass of water?” Zero asks almost offering her what he just said.

            “Yeah!” Luna replies waiting for Zero to hand over some water.

            “Then hurry up!” Zero says annoyed.

            “Screw you!” Luna says irritated.

            “How about I do that for you?” Zero jests.

                        Luna blushes and says pussed off. “You pervert!”

            “O… kay…” Arbit says with an awkward expression.

                        After a few minutes, Arbit curiously touches Zero’s sword behind his back, Zero immediately turns around and grabs him by his shirt lifting him up, Arbit gulps as his feet are above the ground.

            “Never touch the sword.” Zero says seriously, staring at Arbit’s eyes no more than a few inches away.

            “Not a problem.” Arbit says scared.

                        Zero lets go of him, they run for a while until they finally reach the town Arbit mentioned, its more than a town, it’s a pretty big city full of people and fountains of water. The biggest attraction is the big oasis in the middle of the entrance to the city, a very tall wall surrounds the city, the concrete really has no color except for the yellow brownish color of the desert.

            “Whoa! I can’t believe there’s a city this big here!” Luna says amazed.

            “You got much to learn princess.” Zero comments.

                        As they pass through the huge crowd a smith is trying to sell Zero a sword. “Here it is! The finest sword of all Morrah!”

                        The party ignores him and keeps walking until in another stand another man tries to sell food. “Why don’t you stop here? We have the finest food in the world!”

                        The party keeps walking until they pass what seems like a brothel full of beautiful Asraelian women dressed in a bedlah style, it has a fitted top bra with a fringe of beads, a fitted hip belt with coins, and a skirt. The bra and belt is richly decorated with beads, sequins, braid and embroidery. The hip belt is a broad piece of fabric worn low on the hips with a straight edge; they stare at Zero and a woman with a red colored bedlah says. “Hey! Why don’t you stop here, we’ll help you with anything you want!”

            “We can help massage those big muscles!” Another woman with a blue colored bedlah says very flirty.

            “Maybe one of us can help you relax.” A third woman with a green bedlah comments staring at Zero and nibbling her lip.

            “Perhaps all of us.” A fourth woman with a purple bedlah says.

                        Zero smirks and Luna stares angrily at the women, they keep walking.

            “I wonder how much the water around here is.” Luna says looking around.

            “Can’t be too expensive.” Zero says.

            “Don’t worry about that now! Let’s get to where my family lives!” Arbit says.

                        The party and Arbit walk towards the corner of the city, where a set of tattered stairs is, Arbit rushes up the stairs and goes into a very small house. A woman in her late thirties dressed in light brown robes, she has light brown curly hair, she rapidly slaps Arbit as he enters.

            “Oww!” Arbit covers his face.

            “It’s your fault they took Najla!” The woman yells.

            “Calm down auntie! It wasn’t my fault; they’re the ones that took her!” Arbit says.

            “Of course it’s your fault, if you didn’t try to steal their horses in first place none of this would happen!” The woman shouts.

            “……”Arbit lowers his head.

            “Wait a minute. That means that you tried to steal their horses, so that’s why they took you in and threatened your family?” Luna asks.

            “Yes… They needed my thieving skills to steal a special treasure, the one from the cave I told you.” Arbit explains.

            “They said that if you didn’t bring their treasure they’re going to kill her, then kill me and lastly you.” The woman says angrily.

            “Luna, why’d you have to get us in this mess?” Zero asks.

            “That lying brat tricked us.” Luna says annoyed.

            “I never lied; I just didn’t tell you everything.” Arbit remarks.

            “He’s got a point.” Zero says.

            “They took my little cousin Najla, I have to save her!” Arbit says desperately.

            “I want to help.” Luna says.

            “D****t Luna, why couldn’t you keep your mouth shut? We don’t help for charity!” Zero says annoyed.

            “Don’t be so heartless, it’s not our fault, but I still think we should do something, maybe we might find Zelcius there.” Luna comments.

            “Don’t give me that, Zelcius is somewhere in this city, I can smell him.” Zero says.

            “Come on, don’t be like that!” Luna begs.

            “Why the hell do I have to put up with her? I don’t deserve this…” Zero says to himself out loud.

            “Thank you!” Luna hugs Zero unconsciously and backs away after noticing, she blushes and says. “Uhh, sorry.”

            “It’s alright.” Zero says.

            “Let’s go to their hideout then.” Arbit says.

            “Yeah!” Luna nods.

            “Tch.” Zero shakes his head.

                        They leave to the town square, Arbit talks to one of the camel caravan owners and suddenly the owner unsheathes his sword and points it at Arbit. “I’ll kill you where you stand horse thief!”

            “Calm down, I just want to rent your camels.” Arbit says backing away slightly.

            “I will not fall for your tricks again!” The camel owner says pointing his sword closer to Arbit.

            “I’ll rent three camels.” Luna says.

            “Oh, young lady, you’ve made a fine choice in camels, that would be three hundred SAR for three camels.” The camel owner says enthusiastically.

            “Arbit, give him the money.” Luna orders.

            “Right…” Arbit hands down the money and gets the three camels; they are then on their way through the desert.

            “I see trouble everywhere in that city.” Zero remarks.

            “Yes, everyone looks for fights, a lot of mugging, which the punishment for stealing is chopping off the hand of the thief, not to mention it is very hot.” Arbit comments.

            “That’s awful.” Luna says appalled.

            “Yes, it’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home.” Arbit shrugs his shoulders.

            “……” Zero shakes his head.

                        They keep crossing the desert with the camels; night falls on them, after hours of travel Arbit point out to a small mountain of sand. “There, that’s the hideout.”

            “I don’t see a way in.” Luna says observing the area.

                        They reach the small mountain, there are two stone pillars, the party hops off the camels, Arbit gets close to the right pillar.

            “This is the entrance.” Arbit whispers.

                        Arbit presses down a strange symbol on the pillar, suddenly the sands in front of the mountain spread to reveal an entrance to the hideout.

            “Pretty clever.” Zero states.

                        As they enter the hideout the bandits placed Najla in a cage hanging by a rope, the room has many torches and is full of bandits.

            “We have killed all who has opposed us!” The bandit leader shouts.

            Yeah!” The bandits yell.

            “And we will not fail in retrieving was is rightfully ours and disposing of the horse thief!” The bandit leader shouts.

            Yeah!” The bandits yell again.

            “Do not fail!” The bandit leader says.

                        The party keeps wandering inside the enormous cave.

            “This place is a little too quiet.” Luna whispers.

            “They must be waiting for us in the main room.” Arbit whispers.

            “And that is where?” Zero asks in a low tone.

            “Not more than a minute away.” Arbit whispers.

                        As the party heads towards the main room the bandits still speak.

            “How about we kill the girl first, wait for the horse thief, and kill him too after getting our gold?” A bandit suggests.

            “I’m surprised that you can think such marvelous plans, men, kill the girl!” The bandit leader orders.

                        As the bandits get close to the cage unsheathing their swords, many arrows of Mana Force come flying as if nowhere and kill some of the bandits near the cage.

            “Let her go!” Arbit shouts.

            “Just in time, and I see you made some friends, give us the treasure first.” The bandit leader says.

                        Arbit throws the big bag towards the bandit leader, Arbit then walks towards the cage, but some bandits unsheathe they’re swords and stops his progress.

            “Not yet, tell your friends to hand over their goods.” The bandit leader says.

            “You’d better quit with the looting, because it isn’t going work with us.” Zero states.

            “Hand it over, or the girl gets it!” A bandit says.

                        One of the bandits put his sword on the girl’s throat, Zero just stands there staring at the bandit leader, Arbit abruptly hits the bandit holding the sword on the girl, then grabbing his sword and cutting the rope locking the cage, Zero and Luna swiftly dispatch the bandits without using any weapons.

            “The tides turn.” Zero says.

            “You took out my men in seconds, but how about this.” The bandit leader steps on what seems like a brick that is actually a button; it triggers a trap, which consists on the floor all around to drop down except for the small piece where the bandit leader is standing. They all fall down in a pit full of water; they hastily get out into one of the few platforms.

            “Now what?” Luna asks.

            “It’s too high to jump or climb up.” Zero says looking upward.

            “Don’t worry, I know a way out, I studied this place as soon as I joined they’re group.” Arbit says.

            “Great!” Luna says with a sigh of relief.

            “Hehe.” Arbit grabs ahold of the big bag full of treasure.

            “What are you doing? Leave that there, we don’t need it!” Luna says annoyed.

            “I do!” Arbit says.

            “Ughhh.” Luna rolls her eyes.

            “You came for me!” Nejla hugs Arbit.

            “Yes, are you alright? Did they hurt you?” Arbit asks.

            “No.” Nejla shakes her head.

            “Good, now let’s leave this place as soon as possible.” Arbit says.

            “Yeah!” Nejla nods, she then pulls Arbit close to her mouth and asks with a whisper. “Arbit, why do those people look so strange?”

            “They’re foreigners; they always look and dress funny.” Arbit answers.

                        Arbit pulls down an unlit torch of many that surround them and a big stone moves out of place to reveal an entryway. They walk until they find a large set of stairs leading up, they start walking up the stairs, after a while they reach the top, where Arbit opens another wall using another unlit torch, and they arrive in another part of the cave.

            “We’re in the storage room.” Arbit says.

            Alright, let’s get out of here.” Zero says.

            “What about Dharr?” Arbit asks.

            “You mean the bandit leader?” Luna asks.

            “Yes, he will try to attack our family again!” Arbit says worried.

            “I don’t kill humans.” Zero states.

            “What does he mean by humans?” Arbit asks warily.

            “Nothing, anyways, well, we’ll see what happens; lead us the way out for now.” Luna says.

            “……” Arbit stares at them suspiciously.

                        Arbit and the party arrive at the main room again where Dharr is waiting.

            “I won’t let you escape that easily, hand over the treasure!” Dharr says.

            “Just let us through!” Luna shouts annoyed.

            “I see, then I’ll have to throw you again with my trap!” Dharr steps on the brick again.

            “Not a chance!” Zero throws his sword towards the machinery, the sword lands in between the gears; the machine seems to be the one making the floor fall. “Don’t you get tired of the same tricks?”

            “Damn you!” Dharr yells furiously.

                        The party rushes towards the entrance, Dharr unable to do anything against this only rages by himself, Zero then raises his right hand making his sword fly out to him then catching it thus making the trap trigger by itself and making Dharr fall down the trap floor.

            “How did you learn to do that?” Luna asks astonished.

            “I learned it quickly when my father did it.” Zero responds.

            “Oh okay.” Luna nods.

            “Let’s go.” Arbit says.

                        The party leaves the cave, they then get back on their camels and return to the city, they arrive at dusk, and they give back the camels back to the owner. Afterwards they go back to Arbit’s house.

            “Thanks, if you ever need me, you know where I am.” Arbit says with a smile.

            “Yeah.” Zero nods.

            “By the way, I can’t believe you still have that damned bag full of treasure.” Luna says shaking her head.

            “Well, I need the money and so does my family.” Arbit says.

            “Luna, let’s get moving, we have to find Zelcius.” Zero says.

            “Yeah. Take care Arbit, and take care of your family too.” Luna says.

            “Yes, sure.” Arbit nods.

                        Zero and Luna leave the place and walk towards the city entrance next to the big oasis in the middle, the plaza, where many shops and people trading surround them.

            “What now?” Luna asks.

                        Zero looks away for a moment, Luna notices and asks. “Something wrong?”

            “I can smell something I can’t believe is possible.” Zero says with a shocked expression.

            “What exactly is it?” Luna asks.

            “I think someone is following us.” Zero answers.

                        All of a sudden a partially hooded shadow snatches Zero’s chain and runs quickly.

            “Huh? She took my amulet!” Zero says.

            “Let’s get her!” Luna says.

            “Damn! The people in this city never rests or what?!” Zero asks annoyed.

                        Zero and Luna sprint hastily after the bandit, evading and dodging all the people in the way, running very swiftly. Luna jumps on of the many food shops and jumps to a rope swinging towards one of the other shops.

            “D****t!” Luna says.

                        Zero jumps to a high window and keeps zigzagging, jumping from window to window, the bandit speedily jumps on a barrel and jumps higher reaching a wall and jumping to the other side. Luna notices this and takes another route in between one of the buildings, the bandit runs through the long alleyway in between the buildings until she stops as Luna appears in front of her, the bandit runs to the opposite direction she just came from, but Zero jumps in front of her thus leaving her cornered.

            “Okay girl, hand over my amulet and I won’t hurt you.” Zero says extending his hand towards her with his palm open.

            “Oh really handsome.” The female bandit says with a smirk, the rest of her face covered.

            “F*****g w***e!” Luna says annoyed.

            “Just hand it over lady.” Zero insists. Zero then thinks to himself. “This smell, it’s the one that’s been following us… is she a…”

            “By your face, it finally looks like you know.” The bandit says.

                        The female bandit’s eyes glow gold in the darkness of the hood, to Zero’s surprise they are slit just as his. The bandit takes off the small hood from her head; her long dark purple hair falls to her back revealing her face, Zero looks at her with a shocked expression.

            “You’re a-! Zero is cut off by the bandit. “A Kaizer.”

            “What the hell!?” Luna asks in disbelief.

            “It took this to get your attention.” The female Kaizer says.

                        The bandit throws the amulet at Zero, he catches it and asks. “Who are you?”

            “Krystal, at your service gorgeous.” She replies.

                        Krystal walks in a erotic fashion towards Zero then grabbing his arm and getting close to him, then kissing him on the cheek, Luna’s eyes turn furious.

            “You s**t! Get your mitts off him right now!” Luna shouts.

            “Huh?” Zero backs away.

            “Who’re you? His w***e?” Krystal asks looking back at Luna.

            “You’re the w***e around here! Warming yourself up to Zero like a cat in heat!” Luna shouts angrily.

            “You’re just jealous!’ Krystal says with a smirk.

            “Settle down a minute you two, we have to discuss this somewhere else, no fighting please.” Zero says.

            “Fine!” Luna says furiously, crossing her arms and staring sharply at Krystal.

            “Hehe.” Krystal grins.

                        They all go into a bar in the city, there are a lot of bizarre people all looking very dreadfully, as if they are about to start trouble any minute. The girls sit down in a table, Zero goes to the bartender, he has short black hair and brown eyes, he is tanned and has a well-kept beard and is dressed in some baggy light brown robes.

            “Three cold ones, make it quick, the ladies are waiting.” Zero says.

            “Damn, looks like you get more a*s than a toilet seat!” The bartender says astounded.

            “Tch… If you only knew how hot sexy babes like those could actually turn out to be crazy maniacs.” Zero says with a sigh.

            “I wouldn’t know myself, never been around chicks like those in my life.” The bartender says,

                        Unexpectedly a wasted man comes from behind Zero and says. “Women, can’t live with them, can’t live without-” The man falls down on the floor with his beer.

            “Okay…” The bartender shakes his head.

            “Well, lucky you don’t have any maniacs with you.” Zero states.

            “Lucky me? I would be happy to have two hot maniacs like those! At least you get some.” The bartender remarks.

            “Humph…” Zero scoffs. “Whatever, just give me my drinks.”

            “Right on boss.” The bartender says.

            “Thanks.” Zero leaves some money. “Keep the change.”

            “Thanks, anytime.” The bartender smiles.

                        Zero walks with the drinks towards the table and sits down.

            “The legendary lightning phoenix, I finally found you after all this time!” Krystal comments.

            “I heard that name before.” Luna says.

            “That’s what I’m called around the world.” Zero says handing them their drinks.

            “I can understand the lightning part, but what about the phoenix?” Luna asks.

            “Haven’t you checked behind my jacket?” Zero asks.

            “Oh, the phoenix symbol.” Luna says.

            “That sums it up, anyways, how are you, a Kaizer, even alive?” Zero asks.

            “I’m not really in the mood to tell stories, tell me about you!” Krystal says excited.

            “No time, tell me, are there more Kaizers alive besides us?” Zero asks.

            “Not that I know of…” Krystal replies.

            “What the hell are you doing here anyways?” Luna asks.

            “Searching for little Zero!” Krystal says staring at Zero very flirty.

            “……” Luna sharply stares at Krystal.

            “Why?” Zero asks.

            “Isn’t it obvious? You and I are the last! We should be together!” Krystal says.

            “What do you mean together?” Luna asks annoyed.

            “Too bad, I can’t explain these kinds of adult things to kids.” Krystal comments and smiles.

            “For your information, I’m much, much older than you might think I am!” Luna says angrily.

            “Settle down everyone.” Zero says.

            “Why are you here Zero?” Krystal asks.

            “I’m searching for a man named Zelcius.” Zero answers.

                        Krystals face turns sour from hearing his name.

            “What’s wrong?” Luna asks.

            “Zelcius… The one responsible… Is he here?” Krystal asks.

            “Looks like it, but how do you know about that?” Zero asks.

            “I’m not feeling in the mood for stories, but have you seen any particular demon with griffin wings and a long tail rolled on his waist?” Krystal asks.

            “Is that by any chance a Focalor?” Zero asks.

            “Yes…” Krystal nods.

            “Impossible, that demon is too strong, a duke of hell, how can Zelcius control it?” Zero asks with a shocked expression.

            “I don’t know.” Krystal shrugs her shoulders.

            “You have a score to settle with that demon?” Zero asks.

            “Yeah.” Krystal nods.

            “I really didn’t know he had such a powerful demon at his side.” Zero says.

                        Unexpectedly a horn can be heard from the distance, all of the people from the bar leave at once; even the people from the city seem in a hurry.

            “What the crap is going on?” Luna asks looking at everyone leave in a hurry.

            “Let’s go check it out.” Zero says.

                        The party stands up and leaves the bar to see what is happening; a lot of people seem to be at one spot in front of the enormous palace, there is a balcony on top of the giant doors in front of the palace. There a Sultan appears, he has a long beard and a beer belly dressed in white and golden robes, a man dressed in robes as well and a high cape stands next to the Sultan, it is none other than Zelcius.

            “What!” Zero widens his eyes.

            “Why is he next to the Sultan?” Luna asks.

            “I don’t see the Focalor anywhere!” Krystal says looking around.

            “It’s Sultan Merca Ali Vaba!” A random man from the crowd says.

            “My citizens, you have all been wonderful help against the fiends, but I, Sultan Merca Ali Vaba have no choice with all the demons appearing constantly and endangering our city and people but to request the aid of Gen-Exis Corporation!” The sultan says.

                        All the people seem down to the Sultan’s announcement.

            “That b*****d convinced the Sultan into giving in to Gen-Exis!” Luna says heatedly.

            “He’s using the demons as a bargaining chip, so that’s what he’s been up to, traveling city to city with the same trick and goal.” Zero says.

            “Hmm… We have to help, or this is going to end like Edenheim, I hope not…” Luna says.

            “I don’t really care about the people here, just that b*****d Zelcius.” Zero says glaring at Zelcius.

            “Don’t be so cold!” Luna says.

            “For once, I agree with that long eared woman.” Krystal states.

            “This long eared woman has a name, and that’s Luna you w***e.” Luna says angrily.

            “What’s so wrong in being a w***e!?” Krystal asks with a foxy smile.

                        Zero sighs and says. “Alright, the best time to get in is at night, we can sneak in, take out the guards if any, and kill Zelcius.”

            “Sounds like a plan!” Krystal says.

            “Alright.” Luna nods.

            “Let’s go to the inn in the meantime.” Zero says.

            “Ohhh, so fast, we already going to sleep together? We just met; we didn’t even have a date yet!” Krystal says jokingly.

            “Get that perverted stuff out of your freaking head already!” Luna shouts.

            “You girls are going to be the end of me, I swear.” Zero says.

                        The party goes into the inn and waits until nightfall.

            “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m using my hood, don’t want anyone to recognize me, you should really do the same, I have some extra hoods as well just in case mine got all dirty, here, put them on.” Krystal says taking out some hoods from a small bag and handing them over.

            “Wait a minute.” Luna says.

            “What now?” Krystal asks annoyed.

            “Shut up! Anyways, we can’t just barge in just like that; we don’t know what might be there.” Luna says.

            “True, that’s why I was planning a detour.” Zero says.

            “Detour?” Luna asks confused.

            “Heh, remember Arbit?” Zero asks.

            “Ohhh yeah, we haven’t seen him like in what? A few hours? Of course I remember the horse thief.” Luna says sarcastically.

            “You’ve lost me.” Krystal says.

            “Let’s just go.” Zero says.

                        The party goes to Arbit’s place and knocks the door, Arbit opens the door. “Huh? What are you guys doing here again?”

            “Didn’t you say that if we needed anything you would help us?” Zero asks.

            “Ughh, I didn’t mean it… literally, I wish there was something I could do to help, but I-I-Uhh…” Arbit tries to make up an excuse.

            “Oh, but there is.” Zero punches him in the face instantly knocking him out. Zero and Luna puts on the hoods like Krystal, Zero picks up Arbit, they jump out of the window of Arbit’s house to another building, and they keep jumping from wall to wall between buildings very quietly. They get on the roof tops and jump from building to building until they reach the farthest building in the city which is the closes to the palace high walls. Zero pulls out a small canteen of water and throws it on Arbit thus waking him up; he sputters, and then spits a little water, the party chuckles.

            “Huh? What happened?” Arbit asks disoriented.

            “You happily came with us after Zero asked you.” Krystal says with a smirk.

            “Huh? Wait a minute, the last thing I remember was this huge fist coming straight into my- Huh? Who’s your new friend?” Arbit asks checking out Krystal.

            “No time, we need you to lead us into the palace.” Zero says.

            “The palace? Are you crazy! We’ll be beheaded if they catch us!” Arbit says.

            “Don’t worry about that, just get us in and that’s that.” Zero says.

            “Okay… Follow me.” Arbit leads the party to what seems like a drainage coming out of the castle.

            “We have to get in through here?” Krystal asks looking at the drainage disgusted.

            “Yes.” Arbit nods.

            “Then let’s get in.” Zero says.

            “Can I go home now?” Arbit asks very lowly.

            “Yeah, you can leave.” Zero says.

            “I repaid my debt to you; I no longer have any obligation to help you.” Arbit says.

            “I’m fine with that.” Zero says.

            “Great, now I take my leave.” Arbit turns around and hits himself stupidly against a wall; the party sighs, and gets inside the drainage.

            “I hate this place!” Luna rants.

            “For the last time Luna, quit whining!” Zero says annoyed.

            “Let her, she’s just a little girl!” Krystal says.

            “Shut your trap!” Luna says angrily.

                        Zero sighs, they move on until they reach a small hole where they jump up and notice they are in a bathroom.

            “At least the drainage was from the bathtub.” Luna comments.

            “Pretty ancient if you ask me.” Krystal says observing the bathroom.

            “Let’s move on then.” Zero says.

                        They get out of the bathroom and into the hallway; there are no guards in sight.

            “Where’s the palace guards?” Krystal asks.

            “They might be changing positions in hallways, probably guarding one side of the hallway, then the next and vice versa.” Luna says.

            “Now, where might Zelcius be?” Zero asks himself.

            “Might be in the throne room.” Krystal shrugs her shoulders.

            “I agree.” Luna nods.

            “The throne room it is.” Zero says.

            “But where is it exactly?” Krystal asks.

            “Normally it’s somewhere above the lobby or the most centered stairs.” Luna remarks.

            “How do you know for certain?” Krystal asks warily.

            “She’s the Elven princess of Edenheim city.” Zero says.

            “A princess huh, she looks more like a stripper with those clothes.” Krystal says looking at Luna from tip to toe.

            “You’re not exactly dressed like a nun either.” Luna says crossing her arms.

            “…That’s a pretty good point there; I believe you have won that argument.” Krystal says with a smile.

            “Hehehe.” Luna chuckles.

                        The party heads to the lobby where they see a flight of stairs heading upward, but is guarded by a few soldiers dressed in gray robes and with curved sword on their waist.

            “So there they are.” Krystal whispers.

            “Not too many of them.” Luna whispers.

            “Only six of them, that means each of us takes two, ready? Go!” Zero rapidly punches one in the face and hits the other with his elbow also on his face. Luna jumps between two of the guards and does a roundhouse kick at one of them, and then punches the other in the face. Krystal sneaks up behind one of the guards and touches his shoulder, he turns around and she swiftly kicks his nuts. She then walks very sensually at the other guard; the guard is very nervous and unsheathes his sword.

            “Put that away, I’m just a woman.” Krystal says.

                        She gets close to him and punches him in the face in the same fashion as Luna.

            “Done.” Krystal says.

                        The party heads up the stairs hastily, they encounter a huge door, and Zero kicks it open. Zelcius is in front of the Sultan and the royal vizier.

            “Sultan Ali Gaga, we must make haste.” Zelcius says.

            “Ali Vaba.” The royal vizier corrects Zelcius.

            “Whatever.” Zelcius says.

            “But you’re our sorcerer! Is there really no other way?” The sultan asks.

            “No, we must get their aid, I’m afraid my power is limited.” Zelcius replies.

            “Hmph… Then I really do have no other choice, very well.” The sultan says.

            “We’ll leave as soon as possible, and right now would be wise if you want to save your people.” Zelcius says.

            “Not so fast Zelcius!” Zero shouts.

            “What is the meaning of this?” The royal vizier asks.

            “Who are these people? How did they get in?” The sultan asks.

            “Why, if it isn’t Zero, I see you’ve made some friends, huh?” Zelcius says mockingly.

                        Zelcius notices Krystal and widens his eyes, thinking to himself. “Another Kaizer? But how?”

            “This is where you die!” Zero charges at Zelcius.

            “Royal vizier, escort the Sultan Ali Gaga to the roof, a chopper will be here shortly, I’ll be there in a second.” Zelcius says.

            “Ali Vaba, okay, let’s go sire.” The royal vizier says taking the Sultan up the roof, while Zero still charging at Zelcius swings his sword diagonally, which Zelcius evades then grabbing Zero by his arm and spinning him in the air throwing him on the floor.

            “Pathetic, not worth my time. I’ll leave you a little play mate in the meantime.” Zelcius says.

                        A pentagram appears in between Zelcius and Zero, suddenly a giant half woman, half snake under her waist, which also looks like a fish tale, appears. She also has two small grayish angel wings, she also has claws and sharp fangs, she is shirtless, but is a little covered by a few accessories.

            “An Echidna!” Krystal says shocked.

            “Oh crap!” Luna steps back.

            “If you’ll excuse me, I have more pressing matters to attend to.” Zelcius flees swiftly leaving the party in a predicament.

            “Not good.” Zero says.

                        The Echidna looks ferociously at the party, then something round pops up from her neck, she spits out two eggs, and they crack. Huge snakes come out from them growing larger almost instantly and swiftly attacking the party, though what they really destroy is most of the throne room, one of both snakes get out of the throne room balconies heading towards the city.

            “We have to do something about those two; they’re going to kill the people!” Luna yells.

            “I can take on one of them, but you won’t be able to.” Krystal says.

            “Why the hell not?” Luna asks pissed off.

            “They’re susceptible to lightning based attacks, at least these, you don’t have lightning elemental powers.” Krystal says.

            “Hmm…” Zero begins to think. “Krystal is right… but something must be done about the offspring’s.”

            “Then I’ll take on the Echidna while you and Zero dispatch the snakes.” Luna says.

            “You sure? She’s stronger than those snakes.” Zero says.

            “Don’t underestimate me.” Luna says.

            “Heh, alright, your call princess.” Zero grins.

                        Zero and Krystal jump out of the balcony and stop the snakes from going to the city. As Zero and Krystal fight the snakes, Luna faces the Echidna.

            “Let’s dance.” Luna says readying herself.

                        The Echidna attacks Luna with her claws; Luna evades the attacks, then transforming her bracelet into a scythe.

            “Maybe this’ll quiet you down!” Luna strikes the Echidna, but the Echidna moves so fast Luna isn’t able to land a single blow, the Echidna counters, but Luna dodges everything, the Echidna breaks most of the floor with her strong punches. Meanwhile Krystal and Zero are still fighting the giant snakes.

            “We should finish these quickly and help Luna; I don’t think she’s up for the task of slaying an Echidna.” Krystal states.

            “Heh, you might be surprised, she’s stronger than she might have let us see so far.” Zero remarks.

            “Why do you have so much faith in her? Do you like her?” Krystal asks pissed off.

            “She’s been really helpful despite how annoying she can get, and what does liking have to do with anything?” Zero asks.

            “Well I’m not going to lose to her!” Krystal charges at one of the snakes unsheathing two twin Kodachi, the snake swings its tail to hit Krystal, but she evades and cuts part of its tail, it regenerates.

            “I forgot these regenerated.” Krystal says.

            “Regeneration is a common trait in demons, all you have to do is cut away they’re regeneration ability.” Zero says.

            “Oh yeah.” Krystal says quickly attacks once again, but this time after she evades the snake’s attacks once again, she thrust both her Kodachi’s in its head and lets out a powerful burst of electricity leaving it stunned for a few seconds, she swiftly slices its head off and then slicing the rest of the body in a few pieces.

            “Not bad, last one is mine!” Zero instantly disappears and appears on top of the snake thrusting his sword in its head and letting out the huge burst of electricity just like Krystal, then cleaving it in half after slicing its head off. Zero and Krystal then head towards Luna, Luna is still having a hard time with the Echidna.

            “That’s it! I’ve had enough of you! Iratne, o dini rayu edo.” Luna says.

                        A gold energy starts flowing into Luna out of the blue, her hair and eyes starts shining in a gold color. She punches the Echidna on its stomach, then kicking it in the same place, then punching her again, and kicking her sending her flying against a wall, then falling on the floor, Luna jumps and stomps the Echidna. Luna shifts from her scythe to a claymore sword and throwing the Echidna in the air with the sword, then cutting it multiple times. Luna then throws it on the ground thus breaking the floor and shifting from her claymore sword to a lance dropping down and thrusting it in the floor. She then keeps thrusting multiple times and throws it again in the air shifting once again from her lance to a trident then striking the Echidna in the air many more times. As the Echidna falls down, Luna shifts from her trident to a giant hammer then striking down the Echidna in midair. She uses the giant hammer once again, but this time to hit the ground and make the Echidna jump up to midair from the shockwave, then shifting from her giant hammer to her bow and shooting Mana Force arrows keeping it in midair, then shifting from her bow to a handgun, shooting smaller but deadlier Mana Force bullets. Luna shifts again from her handgun to a bigger laser rifle, which shoots a Mana Force laser at the Echidna that lasts a few seconds, then lastly shifting from the laser rifle to a big rocket launcher kind of weapon concentrating great amount of Mana Force and blasting the Echidna in midair, leaving no trace of it whatsoever. Luna’s hair stops glowing the golden color, she gasps, then a clapping sound can be heard, Luna looks up to the throne room only to see Krystal clapping her hands and Zero with his arms crossed smirking.

            “I never thought you had it in you, princess.” Krystal says with a surprised expression.

            “I couldn’t have done a better job myself.” Zero says.

                        Luna blushes and says. “Hehe, thanks…”

            “Let’s hurry; I heard the chopper arrive just a few seconds ago.” Zero says.

                        The party heads up to the roof, but the chopper is already in the air, Zelcius, the royal vizier and the Sultan are all on their way towards Gen-Exis.

            “Crap!” Zero says.

            “He’s getting away! Let’s take it down!” Krystal says.

            “No, wait, the Sultan is there…” Luna says.

            “Damn…” Zero glares at Zelcius from below.

                        Zelcius looks from high above inside the chopper, he slightly raises his hand and clenches his fist, and suddenly the palace starts crumbling down.

            “The palace is going to fall!” Luna yells.

            “We have to think something quick!” Krystal says.

                        Zero looks to all sides, but doesn’t find any way out; all of a sudden a familiar voice is heard from behind them.

            “You guys alright?” Arbit asks.

            “What the f**k do you think!?” Krystal asks sarcastically.

            “I guess not.” Arbit says.

            “Is that?” Luna notices a carpet under Arbit.

            “Yes, a flying carpet! I found it along the treasure bag.” Arbit says.

            “Get us out of here!” Zero says.
            “Well, since I have already repaid the favor I owed you, this time I demand a reward.” Arbit says.

                        Zero gets close to Arbit’s ear and whispers. “How about one of the girls?”

            “Well you see, I really need something that lasts me more than an hour, you know, some money…” Arbit says.

            “You’re a strange one.” Zero remarks.

            “If you pay me after this I’ll give you a ride out of here.” Arbit says.

            “Ughh… Fine! Just get us out of here!” Zero says.

            “Okay, hop on!” Arbit says.

                        The party gets on the flying carpet, Arbit commands it to fly, but the floor collapses and they all fall inside the crumbling palace.

            “Huh? I’m still alive!” Arbit says excited.

                        The ceiling crumbles more on the party.

            “For the moment…” Arbit says.

                        As a big piece of ceiling is about to fall on the party, the flying carpet starts flying out of there dodging all the collapsing stones from the ceiling until they finally reach the outside flying through a large window, the palace completely collapses a few seconds after they make their escape, they land on the ground.

            “That was close.” Arbit sighs with relief.

            “You made it in a nick of time!” Luna says.

            “Now, I don’t want to sound greedy or anything, but my pay.” Arbit says.

            “I thought you were pulling my leg, but I guess not.” Zero says.

            “No, when it comes to money, I’m as serious as it gets.” Arbit comments.

            “But we don’t have anything to give you.” Luna says.

            “There must be something!” Arbit says.

            “Hmm… Oh yeah, here.” Zero takes out the gold coin with the diamond embedded in the middle and throws it at Arbit.

            “Whoa! This must be worth a fortune!” Arbit says thrilled.

            “Probably.” Zero says.

            “I guess we weren’t able to do anything to stop this place in falling into Gen-Exis hands.” Luna says.

            “We’re not superheroes, we can’t save everything.” Krystal states.

            “I know…” Luna says.

            “Let’s cut the crap, we should get going, we gotta find Zelcius.” Zero says.

            “Damn right.” Krystal nods.

            “Let’s get moving then…” Luna says.

            “I guess this is good-bye, so take care and never come back to Morrah.” Arbit says.

            “Don’t worry, we won’t.” Zero says.

            “Hahaha.” Arbit laughs.

            “Bye!” Luna waves at Arbit.

                        The party leaves Morrah and on to find Zelcius once again.

© 2013 Shin

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this was an awesome chap, well written, didn't think there were was another kaizer alive, i find the arguments betwen the party hilarious lolz Zero is a lucky b*****d having two women pursuing him, two hot women lolz keep up the good work man

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin