![]() Chapter 38: Heil RedhizerA Chapter by ShinAfter the strange events in Kyoshi’s party, Seshiro and Hisana arrive at Vakidor to enlist in the Gen-Exis corporation army. It’s a huge city, with not even a piece of paper thrown on the ground anywhere, the trees are neatly cut, traffic runs smooth, everything is in complete order, almost perfect. “Okay, now we have to go to one of the buildings in the city to enlist.” Hisana says. “Is there any close by?” Seshiro asks. “Yeah, so let’s hurry up.” Hisana nods. “But what about our swords?” Seshiro asks. “I can take mine and put it in my personal locker, but I guess you can’t, too big.” Hisana comments. “Yeah…” Seshiro says. “Are you trying to compensate for something?” Hisana asks. “Why does every time someone has a big sword someone asks if they’re compensating for something?” Seshiro asks. “Well, they are using big a*s swords, one would just imagine, like maybe something subconsciously if they don’t consciously know.” Hisana replies. “Well no, I’m not compensating for anything; it’s that it’s pretty convenient since its wide enough to block, and heavy enough to put more pressure on the other opponent.” Seshiro explains. “Sorry for asking.” Hisana says. “It’s alright, hmm… where should I hide it…” Seshiro looks around. “I think I’ve seen a big statue that has a similar sword like you.” Hisana says. “Cool, but what does that have to do with me hiding my sword?” Seshiro questions. “We can switch it, put yours instead of his, no one will notice, it’s not a big attraction or anything, plus your sword looks very heave, I doubt anyone will try to move it anyways.” Hisana remarks. “Good idea.” Seshiro nods. They head towards the giant statue and do just as Hisana said, they then walk for almost half an hour, they arrive at a tall building, they enter and get some papers to sign. “Uhh, Hisana, this is all in Vakidoren, I don’t know the language.” “Oh, I’ll help you with those in a minute.” Hisana says. Hisana helps Seshiro fill in the papers and hands them over. “What now?” Seshiro asks. “I think we have to wait until they call us.” Hisana answers. “Humph…” Seshiro nods. “I got an idea; in the meantime, we’ll just go grab a bite to eat.” Hisana says. “Where to?” Seshiro asks. “To the Britannia Cuisine restaurant, it’s not far from here.” Hisana answers. “Sounds good, let’s go.” Seshiro smiles. Hisana and Seshiro head to the restaurant, once arriving Seshiro notices it’s a five star restaurant, very fancy looking. “Hisana, do you think we have enough cash to go in?” Seshiro asks. “Yeah, don’t worry about the money, its great food.” Hisana answers calmly. “Looks like you’ve been here a lot.” Seshiro assumes. “Not really, only a few times.” Hisana replies. “Alright.” Seshiro nods slowly. They both head in and sit on a table, a waiter with short blonde hair and blue eyes walks to their table, Hisana and Seshiro pick up the menus. “Was kann ich für dich tun?” The waiter respectfully asks in Vakidoren. “Ugghhh…” Seshiro tries to order. “Don’t worry Seshiro, he knows Xordanian too, just give tell him your order in Xordanian.” Hisana says with a slight smile. The waiter nods at Seshiro with a smile. “Oh okay, give me a sec.” Seshiro says looking into his menu. “I just want a small cottage pie and an apple juice.” Hisana orders. “Hmm… Just a calzone and a root beer please.” Seshiro orders. The waiter leaves and comes back after a while with their orders and places them on the table. “Do you need anything else?” The waiter asks with a Vakidoren accent. “Nein, es ist in Ordnung.” Hisana replies in Vakidoren. The waiter smiles and leaves. “Do we have to wait long?” Seshiro questions. “What? About the enlisting? Well not much, in the main base they process things faster for what I heard.” Hisana responds and takes a bite from her cottage pie. “Alright… So anyways, where are you from? I never asked you before.” Seshiro asks curiously. “Well I’m from Asraelian ancestry, though my skin is fair next to many from Asrael and I have light blue eyes, not common between Asraelians, I don’t have an accent though as you already noticed. What about you?” Hisana asks. “To tell you the truth I don’t know, I was found by my master when I was a baby, so I’m not sure.” Seshiro briefly explains. “Your master huh…” Hisana nods and takes a sip from her apple juice. “…… yeah, but I think we should leave, I mean, it’s been over forty minutes.” Seshiro says eating his last bite of calzone. “Yeah, we should go.” Hisana nods. Hisana and Seshiro pay the bill and head to the base again; the employee calls out to them as they enter. “Um, excuse me, but you may pass now, they’ll receive your enlistment application in a short while, so just head in there.” The employee says. “Great.” Seshiro smiles. “Dankeschön.” Hisana says. “Bitte.” The employee says. Hisana and Seshiro walk outside and heads towards the base, after a little while they arrive at the base, which is insanely big. “Whoa!” Seshiro says looking up to the big buildings. “Surprised huh.” Hisana says. “I never thought it would be this big, I mean, look at it, anyone would say the base is as big as Lemuria city!” Seshiro says still amazed. “Probably bigger, this is where they have all the supplies and the whole army, which consists of thousands of soldiers; obviously it would be bigger than a whole city.” Hisana states. “So this is where the orders come from huh.” Seshiro says still staring in awe. “Yeah, coming here to take them out would be suicide.” Hisana states. “Tell me about it.” Seshiro says nodding. “So, you ready?” Hisana asks. “Yeah, let’s get going.” Seshiro replies. “Before we go, do you know they’re going to cut your hair right?” Hisana asks. “What!” Seshiro asks shocked. “Don’t you watch movies?” Hisana
asks with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t tell me that after coming all this way you’re going to back off because they’re going to cut all your hair?” Hisana questions. “No…” Seshiro says with hesitation. “It’ll grow after you’re done here anyways.” Hisana comments. “Yeah…” Seshiro nods still hesitantly. “Let’s go to the office then.” Hisana says walking ahead. “Okay…” Seshiro says with a sigh. Seshiro and Hisana walk in one of the buildings, they see a few soldiers and people dressed in business suits. “The reception battalion comes after they confirm our enlistment with the ASVAB results.” Hisana says. “That’s where we receive our military uniforms and stuff right?” Seshiro asks. “Haha, not just that, your haircut, the physical examination also called MEPS, the instructions, and the initial physical assessment test.” Hisana answers. “You know hella of a lot of this.” Seshiro comments. “Yeah… at least I know we’re not going to the fitness training company.” Hisana remarks. “And that is?” Seshiro asks. “For short, fat camp.” Hisana answers. “Oh, the big guys and girls go there right?” Seshiro asks. “That’s if they fail the initial physical assessment test and it’s also for recruits that get injured.” Hisana responds. “Oh… alright then.” Seshiro says. Hisana and Seshiro approach the counter where a female employee dressed as a secretary, with pale white skin, dirty blonde hair and green eyes greets. “Hallo, wie kann ich helfen, ihr zwei?” “Ja, wir sind hier, um zu überprüfen, ob unsere Dienstzeit Anwendung kam, um so bald wie möglich beginnen.” Hisana replies in Vakidoren. “Beide Ihren Namen bitte.” The employee says. “Hisana Payne.” Hisana says. “Tell her your name Seshiro.” “Seshiro Yamazaki.” Seshiro says. “Gebt mir einen Moment bitte.” The employee says. “She said to give her a moment.” Hisana says to Seshiro. “No need to translate, I can speak Xordanian.” The employee says. The woman checks her computer, after a minute or so she responds. “Yes, they arrived just a few minutes ago; you said you’re ready to start as soon as possible right?” “Yes.” Hisana nods. “Right then, we still have a free drill instructor that’s going to start tomorrow with the recruits, so we’ll use this day to for the reception battalion, follow me.” The employee says walking out of her reception desk and into the hall on the right. Both follow the woman, they arrive at one room where a few soldiers are taking haircuts. “Chuck, give the boy a haircut, then guide him and her where they have to go next.” The employee says. A man in his late forties with a beer belly, white skinned, brown eyes, bald and dressed with a tank top and blue jeans turns around. “Right, you move on to work babe.” Chuck says with a grin. “Cut it out for the love of God.” The employee giggles. “Haha.” Chuck laughs. The woman leaves. “Over here, sit down; kiss your hair good bye.” Chuck says. “F**k…” Seshiro says in a whisper. “Not the first f**k, I assure you that, hahaha.” Chuck says. “Yeah, I got a good ear.” Seshiro sits down; he sees all of his hair being cut off by scissors, after a lot of hair is cut, Chuck cuts the rest of his hair with the hair cutting machine. “Presto! You’re bald!” Chuck says with a smirk. Seshiro looks at the mirror, sighs and says. “No turning back now I guess.” “What about you sweetheart? You gonna cut a little or just gonna use a boring pin in your hair?” Chuck asks hoping she picks to cut her hair. “I’ll just wear a boring pin.” Hisana replies. “Sigh, alright, here you go.” Chuck says handing her a black hairpin. Hisana pins her hair up. “Time to see the doc. Just make a left after you get out of here, then left again and you’ll see his office.” Chuck says. They walk out and head towards the doctor’s office; they go in and see him doing an examination on a recruit. The doctor has dark brown hair and black eyes with an average built. “You’re fine, just head back to your barracks before I slap you silly.” The doctor says jokingly. “Thanks doc.” The recruit says. “Sure, now go on ahead, I’m gonna be a little busy.” The doctor says shaking his head. The recruit leaves. “Welche Sprache sprechen Sie? Xordanisch? Vakidorisch? Rischportisch?” The doctor asks. “Xordanian is fine.” Hisana replies. “I’m Doctor Richard Dyx, but you can call me double dick like everyone else, nice to meet you, you here for the examination?” Doctor Dyx asks. “Uhh… Yeah.” Hisana nods. “Okay, I hope you’re not afraid of shots.” Doctor Dyx comments. “Not really.” Seshiro says. “I meant bullets, but okay, hey, who wants candy?” Doctor Dyx asks. “Me!” Hisana says with a smile. “Oh yeah, you’re first!” Doctor Dyx says. “Huh?” Hisana looks at him confused. After a while they get out. “A blood test, a urine test and inoculations too… and even stripping in front of him… I mean, what does my balls have to do anything with the Army?” Seshiro says with a sigh. “They’re all necessary… and checking your testicles means he wants to see if they’re both there because they want to make sure your body produces enough testosterone.” Hisana says. “Ohhh okay… Yeah weird… Now on to the next one.” Seshiro says unenthusiastically. “The last one, it’s the initial physical assessment test.” Hisana says. “Yeah, that.” Seshiro says. They go into an open area with a few soldiers; one of them is making some of the recruits to do push"ups and other calisthenics. Hisana and Seshiro walk up to the instructor. “Wir sind hier für den ersten physikalischen Einstufungstest.” Hisana says. “Sprechen kein Xordanisch?” The instructor asks in a bad Vakidoren accent. “Ja.” Hisana nods. “Good, because I’m not too good with Vakidoren. Hold on a minute, where’s your uniforms and duffel bags if you’re really newbies?” The instructor questions. “We didn’t get those…” Seshiro says. “Go grab some over there on the table, and get changed.” The instructor says. They both do as the instructor said and come back in the uniforms. “Much better, now, you gotta learn some things like how to march, stand and upkeep your barracks.” The instructor says. The instructor quickly shows them how to do all these things. “Not bad, now for the test, both of you, on the ground, I want seventeen sit-ups in a minute.” The instructor says. Both Hisana and Seshiro do as he instructed. “Good, now thirteen pushups in one minute.” The instructor says. Again, they both do as he said. “Excellent, follow me outside, the last test.” The instructor says walking ahead. They follow him outside; he sets his timer to eight and a half minutes. “Okay, Yamazaki, I want you to run one mile in eight and a half minutes.” The instructor says. “Alright.” Seshiro nods and runs, he makes it back in about seven minutes. “Whoa, not bad for a newbie.” The instructor says. The instructor sets the timer for ten and a half minutes. “Your turn, I want you back before ten and a half minutes, one mile.” The instructor says. “Why two more minutes for her?” Seshiro asks. “It’s the rules; girls have smaller muscles, so they should take a tad bit longer.” The instructor replies. “Oh, right.” Seshiro nods. Hisana starts to run and makes it back in six minutes. “Damn girl, you must’ve been working out or something.” The instructor says very surprised. “Kind of.” Hisana says. “You said you’re going to start tomorrow right?” The instructor asks. “Yeah.” Seshiro responds. “Only one person gonna start tomorrow, and I’m telling you, he’s freaking harder that stone. He trains soldiers Xordanian style, unlike the rest, that train Vakidoren style. I personally prefer good old Xordanian training; I’m from the rocky side south of Xordania.” The instructor says. “That bad huh. So I’m assuming he’s Xordanian just like you.” Seshiro remarks. “Yeah, anyways, come back tomorrow and I’ll take you to the camp.” The instructor says. “Alright.” Hisana nods. Hisana and Seshiro wait for the next day in the morning, they come back to the base and meet the instructor once again, the instructor escorts them and more recruits to a camp. “Good luck privates.” The instructor says. The instructor walks inside the barracks and comes out with a tall muscular man; he has short blonde hair and green eyes. “This here is your drill sergeant; I’ll be heading off then.” The instructor leaves and the drill sergeant says. “Front and center!” Everyone does as he instructed. “My name is Sergeant Evan Stone, and I’m as hard as my name! Now it’s your turn to introduce yourselves! Ladies first!” Sergeant Stone says. “Stacy Mell Sir!” A young woman with red hair and green eyes says, she has a few noticeable freckles on her face. “Ariel Razo Sir!” A young woman with black hair and dark brown eyes says. “Irma Wave Sir!” A young woman with dirty blonde hair and black eyes says. “Tiffany Pam Sir!” A young woman with red hair and light blue eyes says. “Felicia Ryan Sir!” A young woman with black hair and green eyes says, she has a voluptuous body. “Fran Gump Sir!” A young woman with light brown hair and light brown eyes says, she has a very slim body. “Barbara Martin Sir!” A young woman with blonde hair and dark brown eyes says. “Hisana Payne Sir!” Hisana says. “Now for the rest of the girls! Speak up!” Sergeant Stone says. “Lewis Kuba Sir!” A young man with black hair and eyes says, he has a rather bulky body and his skin is tanned. “Ralph McAvoy Sir!” A young man with brown hair and blue eyes says. “Douglas Walker Sir!” A young man with blonde hair and brown eyes says. “Jason Mill Sir!” A young man with dark brown hair and green eyes says. “Matthew Vath Sir!” A young bald man with dark blue eyes says, he has very toned body. “Russel Reisen Sir!” A young man with red hair and brown eyes says. “David Jacks Sir!” A young man with black hair and black eyes says, he has an average built. “Seshiro Yamazaki Sir!” Seshiro says. “Ummm…” A young man with light brown hair and black eyes stutters. “What’s wrong with you? Say your name or I swear I smack the name off your mouth soldier!” Sergeant Stone shouts in the young man’s face. “I… don’t wanna say…” The young man insists nervously. “Are you talking back to me you sorry a*s sack of s**t!?” Sergeant Stone yells even louder. “No sir Stone…” The young man says with his head low. “It’s not sir Stone, it’s Sergeant Stone to you a*****e! I told you I’m as hard as my name and I’m very proud of it! Now say your name now d****t!” Sergeant Stone shouts angrily. “Uhhggg.” The young man looks at the sergeant very scared. “Calvin… Stonebreaker… Sir…” “Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!” All Soldiers laugh uncontrollably. Sergeant Stone looks shocked to this soldier’s name because the name he is so proud off ends degraded by this soldier’s last name and says. “I… didn’t expect that… good name there soldier, but it won’t help you much in training! So you better listen up girls, you’re going to train very hard from today on! We’re going to start with the bag drill! Throw all your duffel bags into a pile right now!” Everyone throws their duffel bags as he instructed. “Now, start looking for you bags right now! You got two minutes!” Sergeant Stone orders. Everyone starts to look desperately for their duffel bags, Seshiro grabs one of the bags when all of a sudden a big husky guy that looks identical to Meji from Nakahiro High School says. “F**k off idiot!” “Damn, you look just like a guy I know back when I was in school!” Seshiro says surprised. “F**k you!” Kuba says. Hisana then looks at Luis Kuba and has a vision of a woods area, then sees Seshiro speaking with Redhizer and then a computer in a room in some sort of building. “You alright?” Seshiro asks. “I just had a small vision.” Hisana answers. “Ohh, what was it?” Seshiro asks. “Woods, you speaking with the General and a computer in a building.” Hisana responds. “Strange…” Seshiro says. Seshiro keeps looking, Hisana hands him his bag, she finds hers and a few more find it quickly, but the rest exceeds the time limit. “Stop! I see some of you found your bags, but the rest of you failed, why do you ask? Because you gotta work as a team to look for them quickly! Now, start all over again!” Sergeant Stone commands. After everyone finds they’re bags helping each other, sergeant Stone briefs them rapidly on marching, facing, standing at attention and some terms. “I won’t be assigning you the rubber ducks, so everyone get your A4s at the table. Since you’re all the fourth platoon, you’ll be staying in the fourth barracks, the rest of the platoons got here before you, so now you know. Alright girls, let’s keep on the training.” Sergeant Stone says. They are at it training the whole day, a week passes by swiftly, and they’re all get are awakened up at five a.m. in the morning as usual. “Front and center ladies! Today we’ll start with hand-to-hand combat!” Sergeant Stone says. They all learn the basics and start training in combat, after hours of intense training the sergeant calls the four platoons. “We’ll be choosing two members of each platoon to compete, one male and one female.” Sergeant Stone says. The rest of the platoon’s recruits are chosen, now only the fourth remains. “In this platoon, we’re going to pick the most fit, which are Payne and Yamazaki, let’s begin with the competition.” Sergeant Stone says. The second platoon wins over the first, the fourth wins over the third, and now all that remains is the second versus the third. “Yamazaki against Candelaria.” Sergeant Stone says as the other sergeants of the other platoons watch. Seshiro and the other private ready themselves, Candelaria rushes at Seshiro, Seshiro easily sidesteps and punches him in the stomach, knocking him down instantly. “Not bad Yamazaki, seems to me you been doing your homework in battle.” Sergeant Stone says slightly surprised. The Kuba stares at Seshiro and whispers to one of his friends. “What a loser, I can f**k him up in the blink of an eye.” “Sir!” Seshiro says standing straightly. “At ease, now, Payne against Hilton.” Sergeant Stone says. Hisana and Hilton ready themselves, Hisana charges, Hilton throws a punch, but Hisana gets under her and knocks her to the ground, and then punching her on the face, then getting up. “We got ourselves a feisty one here. Okay ladies; time to teach you how to read maps, land navigation and how to use a compass.” Sergeant Stone says. After sergeant Stone teaches these things to the platoons he takes them to some woods north of Vakidor, he divides everyone in groups. “You gotta navigate thought a series of points through the woods and back using your compasses as guide, I’m going to give you an hour, teamwork in your groups is completely essential to finish as quickly as possible, I don’t want any arguing or fighting against each other, got it?” Sergeant Stone says. “Sir!” All the soldiers say. Everyone heads inside the woods searching for the points spread across the woods. “These are the woods I saw in my vision…” Hisana says in a low tone. “I wonder if something’s going to happen?” Seshiro says. “I don’t know, but be careful.” Hisana says. “You too…” Seshiro says. “Yeah.” Hisana nods. “What’s this training called again?” Seshiro asks. “The compass course, we have to work together as he said to find these points and come back before the time limit using the compass.” Hisana says. “Oh great…” Seshiro says. “We’re still in the red phase, which is the first, so next week is the final phase, the fourth week we start the white phase, so we’ll be here plenty of time before we can execute out plans.” Hisana states. “I guess I gotta look at the bright side, more training.” Seshiro says. “Yeah.” Hisana nods. As they speak, Kuba stares at them walking with his two other friends. “I hate that guy!” Kuba says angrily. “But Kuba, why do you hate him so much?” Reisen asks. “Yeah, it’s not like he did something to you.” Vath comments. “I just plain don’t like him; I’m gonna f**k him up today!” Kuba says clenching his fists. “You’re gonna get in major problems already?” Reisen asks. “I’ll just blame him, so no worries.” Kuba replies. “Whatever.” Vath shrugs his shoulders. “Hey, don’t you guys think that Ryan is smoking hot!” Reisen remarks. “Definitely! We should check her out while she’s changing when we get some time at night.” Vath says. “Today?” Reisen asks. “Nah, when the timing is right and we’re assigned to be the fire guards by the CQ.” Vath answers. “Nice planning!” Reisen nods in awe. “Yeah.” Vath smiles. “Yo Kuba, you still thinking about beating up Yamazaki?” Reisen asks. “Hell yeah!” Kuba replies. “Okay, but don’t get us involved!” Vath says. “I don’t need you; I’ll f**k him up myself!” Kuba says. Seshiro and Hisana keep on talking lowly. “So when can we take that special exam Kirisu mentioned?” Seshiro asks. “The first one isn’t really an exam like he said, he just abbreviated it, he was actually talking about the advance individual training, which you yourself pick, then you’ll take the other special exam he was talking about.” Hisana explains. “Oh okay…” Seshiro says. “You’ll choose to be an expert in the chosen field you want, and then you can take the exam.” Hisana adds. “Alright then, let’s hope we can finish this quickly.” Seshiro says. After a little while looking for the points in the woods, the groups decide to divide into two. “I guess it’s you and me.” Hisana says. “Yeah.” Seshiro nods. “Yo, Yamazaki!” Kuba calls. “Yeah?” Seshiro asks looking back at Kuba. “The rules say we can’t team up in two with the opposite sex.” Jacks states. “I didn’t know that, thanks.” Seshiro says. “Why don’t you team up with Kuba, he’s the last male left besides you.” Jacks says. “Right…” Seshiro says hesitantly. “Finally, things are looking up for me.” Kuba says with a grin. They split just as planned, as they reach a little deep in the woods, without anyone of them saying a word, Kuba puts his foot in Seshiro’s way making Seshiro trip and fall on the ground. “What the hell man!?” Seshiro asks annoyed. “You gotta get it big time now!” Kuba says. “Please, don’t tell me you wanna give me a c**k meat sandwich; I don’t play for your team big guy.” Seshiro says sarcastically. “You sunnavabitch!” Kuba shouts as he charges at Seshiro, Seshiro easily evades and kicks Kuba on the chest making a roundhouse kick. Kuba stands up very angry picking up a piece of log attacking Seshiro. “What’s your beef with me huh!?” Seshiro asks confused. “I don’t have to say s**t to you!” Kuba shouts. “……” Seshiro shakes his head. Kuba swings the log at Seshiro, Seshiro catches the log with his left hand and stares at Kuba very seriously and says. “If you don’t stop now, I’m going to hurt you.” “Shut up!” Kuba shouts. Seshiro kicks him on the stomach, making Kuba let go of the log and falling on the ground. “This is your last warning, trust me, you don’t know what you’re getting into.” Seshiro says. “You think you’re hotshot don’t ya, I hate that about you!” Kuba yells. “You don’t even know me.” Seshiro says. Kuba makes Seshiro trip and fall on the ground by kicking his legs, Kuba then hastily crawls towards Seshiro and punches him in the face multiple times. Seshiro squeezes his nuts making Kuba stop punching him, Seshiro then head-butts Kuba on the head. They both stand up, he charges once again, Seshiro evades all of the attacks and counters Kuba with a series of multiple punches, then finishing him off with an uppercut thus defeating Kuba and leaving him on the ground. “Uhggg!” Kuba holds his jaw in pain. “I told you you’d get hurt, but you just didn’t listen.” Seshiro says. “I’ll… get you for this!” Kuba threatens. Jacks and Mill arrive at the scene. “What the hell happened?” Jacks asks. “Don’t tell me you guys fought each other.” Mill says. “He started it!” Kuba says. “Is that true Yamazaki?” Jacks asks. “Of course not.” Seshiro replies. “I’m sorry, but since I’m in charge of this group, I have to tell sergeant Stone about this.” Mill says. “Do what you have to do.” Seshiro says. “Let’s go.” Jacks says. The course ends, Seshiro and Kuba are brought to Sergeant Stone’s office. “I warned you guys not to fight amongst each other, I’m going to call down the General, I’m going to recommend him to impose non-judicial punishment because I’m not gonna tolerate this and neither will Gen-Exis.” Sergeant Stone says. “But I-” Kuba is cut off by sergeant Stone. “I don’t want to hear your excuses, leave those for the General, so wait outside my office; I’m going to call him down.” Seshiro and Kuba wait in front of the office, sergeant Stone walks into a huge building full of soldiers, and right in front is Redhizer giving a speech to his soldiers. “Remember soldiers, our future can only be guaranteed by the will and power of all of you, defend it with all your might, for the future of Gen-Exis is your future as well!” “Heil Redhizer!” After a few minutes, Redhizer finishes his speech; Sergeant Stone goes to talk to him. “General Sir.” Sergeant Stone says. “At ease sergeant, tell me what’s wrong.” Redhizer says. “We have a situation with two Privates, they engaged in a fight during the compass course in the woods, I want to recommend Article fifteen Sir.” Sergeant Stone says. “Before we jump into anything sergeant, I’ll have a word with them.” Redhizer says. “Sir!” Sergeant Stone says. “Lead the way sergeant.” Redhizer says. Sergeant Stone brings Redhizer to the building where his office is; as Redhizer gets close and sees Seshiro he widens his eyes unable to believe it’s him. “I brought down General Redhizer, we will not tolerate any insubordination towards him.” Sergeant Stone says. “What do you have to say for yourselves Privates?” Redhizer asks. “He started it! That… Yamazaki, he was messing around with me and stuff, and I got mad and he pushed and stuff and we got into a fight, he started it!” Kuba says visibly trying to invent a story. Redhizer stares at Kuba, then looks at Seshiro and asks. “What about you Private?” “I was just defending myself sir.” Seshiro says respectfully. “Hmm… Sergeant, I want you to hold over Private Kuba.” Redhizer orders. “What! But he’s the a*****e here!” Kuba shouts. “Yes Sir!” Sergeant Stone takes Kuba out of the building. “Huh?” Seshiro looks puzzled as to what just happened. “I know liars and traitors when I see them, and that is one of them.” Redhizer says. “So you knew?” Seshiro asks. “I know everything there is to know about my soldiers.” Redhizer replies. “What…?” Seshiro asks very surprised and worried at the same time. “You’re dismissed Private.” Redhizer says. “Yes Sir.” Seshiro leaves the building and heads towards the barracks; he lies down on his bed and thinks to himself. “The General, just like Hisana’s vision, the woods too… What about that computer… Redhizer… Have I seen him before? There’s something in him that makes me feel so uneasy…” As Seshiro thinks to himself, Redhizer in his office looking at Seshiro’s file, his picture more specifically, he then thinks to himself. “Seshiro… Since the first time I saw him I’ve felt very uneasy around him… What’s wrong with me? Wait a minute… Kirisu, maybe he knows something… I’ll have to ask him as soon as possible, but without raising suspicion…” © 2013 ShinReviews
1 Review Added on July 19, 2010 Last Updated on July 15, 2013 AuthorShinHartford, CTAboutI love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..Writing