Chapter 37: Wish Master

Chapter 37: Wish Master

A Chapter by Shin

                        As each of the divided parties have their new experiences, Kyoshi’s party is about to discover some interesting facts. They are still on their way towards Evergray riding on Amarth’s back just patiently waiting.

            “It sure is taking a lot to get there.” Kyoshi comments.

            “Of course, I’m not the freaking Amarth Airlines for the love of God.” Amarth says rolling his eyes.

            “More likely than you think.” Shizuru says as she removes her hair off her face because of the strong wind.

            “Hmm… good point.” Amarth says with a sigh.

            “So where exactly are we?” Shizuru asks.

            “And now I’m a GPS.” Amarth sighs again.

            “You’ve been quite bitchy, something wrong Amarth?” Shizuru asks annoyed.

            “Nah, don’t mind me, just a little tired, that’s all.” Amarth answers.

            “Then why don’t we take a break?” Kyoshi asks.

            “No, it’s okay.” Amarth resplies.

                        As they talk to practically kill boredom, under them, in the land is a Gen-Exis base.

            “There seems to be an unknown airborne object on our radar, it’s a little under the flight height designated.” A soldier says looking at a big monitor.

            “We were ordered to open fire at anything that was unidentified, so we’ll have follow orders, so prepare the stingers.” Another soldier says.

            “On it.” The soldier says.

                        All of a sudden outside the base, some hatches open and some automatic stingers pop out and lock on Amarth, they open fire. The first stinger missile is about to hit Amarth.

            “What the hell? Hang On!” Amarth says hastily evading this missile, another stinger missile is shot, as it is about to hit Amarth, Amarth makes some aerial maneuvers evading the two missiles and making them crash with each other. Amarth hurriedly descends and lands on ground, a road to be exact, Kyoshi and Shizuru hop off.

            “What the heck was that?” Kyoshi asks almost speechless.

            “The Gen-Exis base in this region, I was flying at a certain height which made them spot me.” Amarth

            “Then why didn’t you fly so that they can’t detect you?” Shizuru asks.

            “In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t have any screens with height coordinates, longitude, latitude and altitude degrees; I don’t know the exact height and I’m tired okay.” Amarth says irritated.

            “You should buy yourself one.” Shizuru says with a smile.

            “Flash news to you, I’m a huge f*****g dragon, not a regular customer at the mall.” Amarth says with a sarcastic expression. “Sorry, I’m a little stressed out.”

            “Where are we now?” Kyoshi asks.

            “By the looks of it, looks like Radingel outskirts.” Amarth replies.

            “Any city nearby?” Shizuru asks.

            “Yeah, Vanis town, about a half an hour away.” Amarth answers.

            “Let’s get moving then.” Shizuru says walking ahead.

                        The party walks for a while, they see the city from afar, and they then arrive.

            “Strange, wonder why everybody seems so happy.” Shizuru says watching the people walk around with joyful expression.

            “Maybe there was a huge lottery failure where everybody won.” Kyoshi comments.

            “Ohh, lottery! Hope I can get some cash.” Shizuru says excited.

            “Umm… Amarth, should you be hanging around with us? I mean, you are a dragon as you said, plus you’re huge.” Kyoshi asks.

            “Well, I guess not, so what should we do?” Amarth asks.

            “Maybe you can wait around here somewhere, we’re just going to scout the city and come back.” Kyoshi says.

            “If you don’t mind me asking, why are you scouting the city?” Amarth questions.

            “Since we can’t fly around here because of those Gen-Exis guys, we have to check if there’s a way through without them noticing.” Shizuru responds.

            “Can’t we just walk around the city?” Amarth asks.

            “That’ll take too much time, we’ll be back quick, so stay put.” Shizuru says walking ahead again.

            “F**k my life…” Amarth shakes his head.

            “Too bad you don’t look human.” Kyoshi remarks.

            “Oh well…” Amarth shrugs his shoulders.

                        Shizuru and Kyoshi walk inside the city, there are lot of people that seem down, some are a little ill. No one really seems to have good health; Shizuru and Kyoshi see some Gen-Exis soldiers leaving the city, a helicopter with the Gen-Exis logo lands in the city entrance, a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes dressed as a Gen-Exis official hops off the helicopter along with a few men wearing Hazmat suits with the Gen-Exis logo on their left arms, the blonde woman rapidly stops the soldiers trying to leave the city.

            “Where do you think you’re going soldiers?” The blonde woman asks.

            “Huh? What was I doing?” The soldier asks himself.

            “Yeah, why are we leaving the base?” Another soldier asks the other soldier.

            “Don’t play games with me! Answer me right now!” The blonde woman commands angrily.

            “I’m sorry ma’am; we didn’t know what we were thinking!” The soldier answers.

            “It will never happen again!” The other soldier says nervously.

                        The men in the Hazmat suits start checking out the people of the city, the blonde woman suddenly spots Kyoshi and Shizuru.

            “Soldiers, apprehend them immediately!” The blonde woman orders pointing at Kyoshi and Shizuru.

                        The two soldiers as well as another six soldiers swiftly surround Kyoshi and Shizuru, one of the soldiers grabs Shizuru’s arm.

            “Get you dirty hands off me you human scum!” Shizuru shouts furiously, rapidly punching him in the neck; she then kicks another soldier on his stomach making him fall. Another soldier charges at her, she hit his elbow joint with a chop, then hitting his face and enclosing her arm around his neck quickly turning him around simultaneously grabbing his knife and stabbing his shoulder and kicking his legs making him fall, and then kicking him again on the ground. Another soldier takes out his gun and points it at her, but she speedily raises her hand, then grabbing his knife as well and stabbing him in his stomach and throwing him on two other soldiers. Another soldier charges at her, she sidesteps and makes a quick uppercut, then grabbing his gun and doing a round house kick thus throwing him on the ground and pointing the gun at the last soldier. The last soldier standing steps back and takes out his gun, but before he and Shizuru do anything the blonde woman steps in.

            “That’s enough soldier, put your weapon down!” The blonde woman orders.

                        The soldier does as the blonde woman said; Shizuru throws the gun at the ground.

            “You have no damn right to apprehend us!” Shizuru yells annoyed.

            “You sure have a lot of girl balls.” The blonde woman says firmly.

            “Tch.” Shizuru shakes her head.

            “What? How? You didn’t? I never knew you could fight like that!” Kyoshi says amazed.

            “You forget that even the low class Satsumes like me are trained for combat since childhood as well, not just for you little rich kids.” Shizuru says still annoyed.

            “Yeah, but…” Kyoshi says cutting himself off.

            “So who’re you?” Shizuru asks.

            “Brigadier general Natalie Di Curtis.” She replies proudly.

            “Oh crap, we’ve run in into a high ranking officer!” Kyoshi says fretfully.

            “You should be frightened; you resisted an arrest, injured my men and talked back at me.” Naty states.

            “I don’t give a s**t what you, a human has to say.” Shizuru says.

            “Why were you arresting us?” Kyoshi questions.

            “You’re Satsume, no Satsume is allowed out of Evergray, you’re clearly escapees so we have to deport you back.” Naty responds.

            “I don’t think so.” Shizuru says.

            “What is a high ranking official doing here?” Kyoshi asks.

            “Hmm… Well, we’re having a little situation.” Naty answers.

            “What situation?” Kyoshi asks.

            “Have you noticed the people in the city?” Naty asks.

            “Yeah, they’re all sick.” Shizuru says.

            “Exactly, and we don’t know why this is happening, we’re trying to help these people, they probably have a virus of some sort, but there’s another problem, our soldiers are disappearing.” Naty explains.

            “No idea why this is happening?” Kyoshi asks.

            “There is a silly rumor.” Naty says.

            “That is?” Kyoshi asks.

            “That someone appeared a month ago dressed a little weird and said that any wish would come true if they really wanted, of course, everyone laughed at first I heard, but suddenly the townspeople supposedly started to get they’re wishes.” Naty explains.

            “Cool! If that’s true I wish to be a millionaire!” Shizuru says really expecting for her wish to come true.

            “Like that’ll ever happen.” Kyoshi says in disbelief.

            “I think I will some-” Shizuru cuts herself from what she was saying because she spots a big bag near a garbage can, she hastily walks to it and opens it, she makes a very shocked expression for what she just found, it’s a bag full of money.

            “Huh, what did you find?” Kyoshi asks.

                        Shizuru looks back and tries to speak, but can’t.

            “Whoa! Look at all that money! Huh? What’s wrong?” Kyoshi asks noticing Shizuru with a worried face.

            “……”Shizuru looks at Kyoshi shocked.

            “What? You just found a bag with millions of dollars?” Naty asks with suspicion.

            “Looks like it.” Kyoshi nods with a surprised look.

            “I’m starting to believe in this rumor now that I see it with my own eyes.” Naty remarks.

            “…….” Shizuru touches her own mouth.

            “Shizuru, say something.” Kyoshi says hoping to hear her voice.

            “……”Shizuru moves her mouth, but not a sound comes out.

            “I think she just lost her voice.” Naty says after observing Shizuru.

            “Wha!? Why?” Kyoshi asks worried.

            “The rumor also says that there’s an equivalent exchange for the wishes.” Naty explains.

            “So Shizuru is now a millionaire, but lost her voice in exchange?” Kyoshi asks.

            “Exactly.” Naty nods.

                        Shizuru shrugs her shoulders, not caring for her lost voice since she’s now a millionaire. Meanwhile, somewhere in the town, people are seen arguing with others almost to the point of fighting each other.

            “You got what you wanted thanks to that crazy man and you still want more?” A woman in her mid-thirties asks.

            “What’s wrong with having more?” A young man asks.

            “You wanna fight for stupid s**t like this?” Another man asks.

            “There’s nothing wrong in having more if it was your wish, but you’re trying to steal other people’s things!” Another woman says annoyed.

            “And all the monsters and crazy creatures that are appearing near the cave, that couldn’t have been us.” The first woman says.

            “I bet it was the kids, fantasizing with those kinds of dangerous things.” A man says.

            “I still haven’t gotten anything yet, but I know what I want, I wish for you all to disappear!” Yet another woman says.

            “Hey! Careful what you wish for!” Another man says angrily.

            “All of you are driving me nuts with the wish things! I don’t believe in those things, that’s why I never wished anything.” A woman comments.

            “If you wanna play like that, I wish you all to disappear as well!” A man says annoyed.

                        As the townspeople debate, some soldiers come up to Naty.

            “The townspeople are fighting amongst each other!” The soldier says.

            “What?” Naty asks.

            “It’s true, they’re arguing about the wishes and stuff.” Another soldier confirms.

            “Damn, I better hurry up, you stay here and make sure the Satsume’s don’t leave your sight, be cautious, I’ll be back in a while after I’ve cleared this disorder.” Naty says.

            “Huh? You can’t just hold us here!” Kyoshi says.

            “You’re illegally out of Evergray, I have to deport you back.” Naty says.

            “Damn…” Kyoshi sighs.

                        Naty leaves towards the townspeople quickly.

            “……” Shizuru keeps looking into her money bag.

            “I saw how you took out the soldier’s singlehandedly, but I’ll be watching you from a distance!” The soldier says looking at Shizuru.

            “……” Shizuru taps the ground with her foot, a ring of fire surrounds Kyoshi as well as her, blocking the soldiers vision. Shizuru swiftly takes Kyoshi by the hand and the bag full of money with the other and jumps out of the fire quickly running past the soldiers. The soldiers chase them, Kyoshi raises his hand and lets out a huge fireball that hits the ground blocking the soldiers for a few minutes, and Kyoshi and Shizuru keep running till they arrive at a park.

            “I can’t believe it, I feel like an illegal immigrant.” Kyoshi remarks.

            “……”Shizuru hugs her bag full of money.

            “Did you even hear me?” Kyoshi asks.

                        Shizuru gets close to him and hugs him as well.

            “Whoa, you must be so happy that you’re a millionaire that you love me more, haha.” Kyoshi says.

                        Shizuru looks at Kyoshi and kisses him in his mouth, Kyoshi blushes slightly, she then grabs his hand once again and walks to a nearby pond, then sitting down still holding hands.

            “I never seen this romantic side of you Shizuru, I thought you were all action and no talk when it comes to being ‘romantic’.” Kyoshi remarks.

                        Shizuru hugs his right arm, Kyoshi then thinks to himself. “I’m starting to have a strange feeling in my stomach, my heart is pounding like crazy, I never really felt this with Shizuru. I thought she was just a girlfriend for the moment kinda thing since she never gave me a sign of affection besides using me for my money and a booty call, but maybe I do love her after all.”

                        All of a sudden some kids arrive near Kyoshi and Shizuru.

            “What are you two doing?” The girl asks.

            “Maybe they’re here to battle in the dungeon.” The boy says.

            “Really?” The girl asks.

            “Why would they be here if it’s not to challenge the dungeon?” The boy asks.

            “I think you’re right.” The girl says.

            “Let’s ask them.” The boy says.

            “Yeah!” The girl nods.

                        The kids run towards Kyoshi and Shizuru.

            “Hey mister, you here to challenge the dungeon right?” The boy asks.

            “Huh? Dungeon?” Kyoshi looks at the kids unsure what they’re talking about.

            “You know, the dungeon, the one in the cave here in the park.” The boy says.

            “I didn’t know there was a cave here.” Kyoshi says.

            “So you’re not here to fight against the wish master?” The girl asks.

            “Is that the person responsible for all the wish granting?” Kyoshi asks.

            “Yeah! He’s cool! He lets us win against him!” The girl says happily.

            “So if I go to him and beat him I can restore Shizuru’s voice again!” Kyoshi says, his eyes shining.

            “Shizuru? Voice?” The boy and girl say at the same time and looking at each other confused.

            “Where exactly is this cave?” Kyoshi asks.

            “It’s right here, under the pond.” The girl replies pointing at the pond.

            “How do you get in?” Kyoshi asks.

            “Easy! All you have to do is say Bibidi Babidi Boo!” The boy says.

                        Abruptly the pond divides in two, revealing a cave at the bottom.

            “Not really an original spell, but okay. I better signal Amarth.” Kyoshi says as his hand engulfs in flames, when suddenly he throws a fireball very far away over the city, it lands near Amarth.

            “Whoa! This is Kyoshi’s fireball, hmph… better get moving.” Amarth flies quickly at Kyoshi’s direction; he arrives and lands in the park.

            “Awesome!” The kids say in unison.

            “Did you call?” Amarth asks.

            “Yeah, Shizuru became a millionaire, but she lost her voice, the townspeople are going nuts, everything because some guy is giving them wishes and right here in that pond, in that cave is the guy.” Kyoshi rapidly explains.

            “Nice briefing, let’s get moving.” Amarth winks at Kyoshi.

            “Be careful, there’s a lot of monsters down there!” The boy says.

            “Right!” Kyoshi nods.

                        Kyoshi and Shizuru get on Amarth and go inside the cave; Amarth flies at full speed, but is intercepted by a Cyclops, which Kyoshi slays swiftly with his sword covered in flames.

            “That was easy.” Kyoshi comments.

            “Hmm, considering that I’m flying, yeah.” Amarth says.

            “I guess the kids wished for these monsters, but they’re really not strong since the kids didn’t specify their strength.” Kyoshi assumes.

            “I guess…” Amarth shrugs his shoulders.

                        Amarth keeps flying until they encounter many more Cyclops which Kyoshi and Shizuru handles easily. Once they reach the deepest part of the cave they get off of Amarth, they see a man with a top hat dressed very formally with a tailcoat, like a gentlemen, he's just sitting in a regular wooden chair holding and looking at a glass of water, as the party approaches he says. “Isn't life funny? Not in a ‘haha’ kinda way, but in a tragic screwed up way? I can grant peoples wishes including my own, but people are never satisfied with anything and crave more and make their own undoing. I can make many great things, but in the end my only possession in this room is this single glass of water because something so simple is all we need to live without complicating ourselves.”

            “Who are you?” Kyoshi asks.

            “You can call me Mister Panic.” He says.

            “Give Shizuru her voice back!” Kyoshi shouts.

            :Hmm… Alright then.” Mr. Panic snaps his fingers.

            “Huh? I can talk again!” Shizuru says with a smile.

            “Your voice, freedom and life are far more valuable than all the riches in the world.” Mr. Panic remarks.

            “I don’t think we share any of the same thoughts.” Shizuru states.

            “Why’d you try to kill us and the people of the city?” Kyoshi asks.

            “My intent was never to kill you. At the end, all I wanted was to make people’s lives a little easier and less dark, I thought people in this time period might be more rational than in mine, but I just realized everyone is the same no matter in what time period you live in. It gave me the same feeling as before, the same as my time and that’s why I came to meditate on my actions. I got as far as being depressed for thinking I can help people only to realize granting people’s wishes complicates everything even more.” Mr. Panic explains.

                        Mister Panic looks at the glass of water, the party readies themselves to battle; he raises his palm about mid-way, with his hand open indicating to stop.

            “No need, I won't be fighting anyone, not really my style.” Mr. Panic says.

                        The party stops.

            “So what are we gonna do? Are you aware of the situation?” Kyoshi asks.

            “People harming their own lives? People wishing those who harm them or give them crap or pretty much you don’t like would go away? I gave them the power to make their wishes come true, not the power to choose what to do with it.” Mr. Panic answers.

            “Even though I don’t care about these people in the slightest, it’s your fault this happened.” Shizuru comments.

            “I take responsibility for giving them the power, but I don't blame myself for what they do with it, I was merely hoping people in this time period were not as stupid, but I guess it’s a delusional man’s dream.” Mr. Panic says.

            “What you did was wrong!” Kyoshi says.

            “What is so bad being optimistic? What's so bad about wanting to help your fellow neighbor for little in exchange? In there lies the problem, I helped those people in hopes thing would go for the better, but what do I get? People telling me to piss off and that the things I do are wrong.” Mr. Panic says.

            “If you can grant any wish including you own, why didn’t stop the people from thinking like this?” Shizuru asks.

            “Sadly that is beyond my limit, I can’t change or mess with free will and I can’t revive or kill anyone or even make them powerful past they’re limit or mine, I’m not a God.” Mr. Panic replies.

            “He’s right guys, it’s not him, it’s the people, I’ve noticed this as well in human kind.” Amarth states.

            “If you really feel this way, can’t you do something to help before it’s too late?” Kyoshi asks.

            “I can and I will, a wish is something that should remain a fairytale, just as humans deserve this fate as well.” Mr. Panic says.

            “But they’re not, just like bad guys.” Amarth says.

            “Yes, so here I go.” Mr. Panic snaps his fingers once again. “There, everything has been undone.”

            “Thank you, I understand your feelings, and I hope one day people start thinking as you think now, you’re the best role model a human or any other race can have.” Kyoshi says.

            “Instead of just granting them wishes, it’s always best to try and guide them in the right path.” Amarth says.

            “Now I know that not all people are like this, especially coming from a Satsume, you people gave me hope, so I know that someday I’ll find a way to make things right.” Mr. Panic says.

            “Well said.” Amarth says.

            “I leave things in your hands for now, bye.” Mr. Panic vanishes along with his wooden chair, suddenly the party glows in light and are transported across the city exit.

            “Huh?” Amarth looks around.

            “Looks like everything is finally over.” Kyoshi says with a sigh of relief.

            “Wait a minute! My bag full of cash, it disappeared! Noooo!” Shizuru yells.

            “At least you got your voice back.” Amarth comments.

            “If I knew I would get my voice back by making my money disappear I would’ve never let you tell that guy to restore my voice!” Shizuru says angrily.

            “Hahaha.” Kyoshi laughs.

            “At least you can say you were a millionaire once. Hehe.” Amarth chuckles.

            “Like anyone would believe me! I hate you guys!” Shizuru says annoyed and starts walking ahead, leaving them behind.

            “He transported us here, like if he knew we needed to cross the city without me being noticed.” Amarth says.

            “I bet he can read minds as well.” Kyoshi comments.

            “Probably.” Amarth nods.

            “Let’s move on before Shizuru leaves us behind.” Kyoshi says.

            “Yeah, but man she’s as feisty as ever.” Amarth states.

            “I kinda liked her more when she didn’t talk.” Kyoshi remarks.

© 2013 Shin

My Review

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lol this chap was funny, the wish master was a great role model, if only there were more people like that...shizuru's reactions were funny and her battle skills are awesome, the romance betwen her and kyoshi is advancing slowly which is awesome, keep up the good work

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on July 15, 2013

Elemental Ascension



Hartford, CT

I love to write and draw, not much other than that. Elemental Ascension creation date: September 10th, 2004 Contest Awards: A New Fantasy Era Contest: 1st - Elemental Ascension - Jul 19, 201.. more..

Chapter 03: Origin Chapter 03: Origin

A Chapter by Shin